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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
Vermont Northeast
Kingdom Genealogy

St. Johnsbury, Vt Genealogy
St. Johnsbury, VT
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Source: Gazetteer of Caledonia and Essex Counties, VT.;
1887-1888, Compiled and Published by Hamilton Child;
May 1887, Part Two, Pages 115-165
ABBREVIATIONS; ab, above; agt, agent; ave or av, avenue; b or bds, boards; bel, below; bet, between; bldg, building; com, commission; do, ditto; E, east; ex, express; F v, Fairbanks Village; h, house; ins, insurance; n, near; N, north; opp, opposite; prop, proprietor; P v, Paddock's Village; r, rear; RR, railroad; S, south; sq, square; st, street; S, Sommerville; W, west; E. & T. Fairbanks & Co., E. & T. F. & Co.
(Postoffice address is St. Johnsbury, unless otherwise designated in parenthesis.)
Abbott Perky C, printer Caledonian office, Eastern ave.
Adams Alfred, (Summerville) temperer Ely Hoe and Fork Co., h Portland.
Adams Charles S., teller of the Passumpsic Savings Bank, h 54 Summer.
Adams Cornelia E., widow of Ezra, h 54 Summer.
ADAMS JONATHAN, (St. Johnsbury E.) r 53, farmer 161.
Adams Joseph L., emp. A. L. Bragg, h 22 Mt. Pleasant.
Adams Orange S., (Summerville) carpenter and builder, h Portland.
Adams, Philander B. , r 43, machinist, dairyman  and wool grower, farmer 90.
Ahern James T., (St. Johnsbury Furniture Co.) h Water St., Summerville.
Aiken Charles A., prop. Home Art Co., 69 Eastern ave., h Railroad.
Albee Henry R., machinist and night watchman, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Western ave.
Albin Thomas, tinsmith for H. J. Goodrich & Co., h 97 Eastern ave.
Alden Russell, traveling salesman, h  101 Railroad.
Aldrich Arial, (St. Johnsbury Center) r 25 cor 26, farm laborer.
ALDRICH CLINTON T., r 55 cor 40 breeder of grade Jersey and Devon cattle, 8 cows, 500 sugar trees, farmer 160.
Aldrich Emma Mrs., resident,  h 19 Railroad
Aldrich George M., retired, aged 78, h Main.
Allbee Simeon, (St. Johnsbury Center) resident, aged 70, h and lot.
Allen Abbie A., widow of David S., resident, h 2 Belvidere.
ALLEN EDWARD, (St. Johnsbury Center) r 6, (E. & E. P. Allen.)
Allen Edward P., (St. Johnsbury Center) r 6, (E. & E. P. Allen.)
Allen Eugene, laborer, emp. of Joseph Cloutin, bds do.
ALLEN E. & E. P., (St. Johnsbury Center; r 6, (Edward and Edward P.) 700 sugar trees, 100 apple trees, 18 high grade Jersey cows, 20 sheep, 5 horses, and farmers 330.
ALLEN HERBERT W., teller Merchants Nat. Bank, h 2 Belvidere.
Allison Fred A., r 43, stone cutter, emp. Carrick Bros.
Allison Freeman, r 43, dealer in hay, and farmer 9.
Allison George F., r 43, student St.Johnsbury academy,
Alvord George R.. emp, of E, & T. F. & Co., bds 49 Summer.
Alvord John M., shipping clerk for E. & T. F. & Co., h 49 Summer.
Amidon O. Clement, sealer of scales, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 58 Summer.
Anderson Carl H., laborer, h Danville road.
Anderson John, (Summerville) meat peddler for Sylvester & Gray, h Portland.
Angier M. W., resident, bds 32 Pearl.
Annis Austin A , machinist, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h New Water.
Annis J. Harvey, lever filer for E. & T. F. & Co., h Valley.
Annis Leroy D., machinist, emp. E & T. F. & Co., bds 5 Water.
Applebee Eila J., (St. Johnsbury Center) r 12, (Mrs. J. H.) pres. W. C.T. U.
Applebee Jeremy H., (St. Johnsbury Center) r 12, farmer 121.
Armstrong Katie Mrs., washer and ironer, h Railroad.
Arnold Lyndon, painter, emp. E. & T. F. & Co.
Asslin Charles. (Summerville) painter, emp. Henault & Gingras) h Elm.
Asslin George, (Summerville) job teamster, h Elm.
Asslin Joseph, (Summsrville) forger for Ely Hoe and Fork Co., h Elm.
Atwood Lyman B., clothing, hats, caps and gents' furnishing goods, 41 Main, h do.
Auger Isaiah, (Summerville) retired wheelwright, aged 72 years, h  Portland.
Avenue   House,  B. G. Howe, prop., good  livery  connected, Railroad cor Eastern ave.
Ayer Edward T , (St. Johnsbury Center) works in paper-mill.
Ayer George  H., (Summerville) polisher, emp. Ely  Hoe and Fork Co., 13 years, bds Passumpsic.
Ayer George W, (St. Johnsbury Center) r 26, farmer with his father, John.
Ayer Henry M., retired furniture manuf., h Jones.
Ayer Hiram. (St. Juhnsbuiy Center) resident with Josiah Ward.
AYER HORACE W., r 5, 650 sugar trees, 200 apple trees, prop, of cider-mill, making from  200 to 400 barrels yearly, breeder of high grade Devon cattle, and farmer 350.
Ayer John, (St. Johnsbury Center) r 26, 800 sugar trees, farmer 180.
Ayer John B, (St. Johnsbury Center) r 25 cor 26,  650 sugar trees, breeder of horses, and farmer 130.
Ayer Leroy C, (St. Johnsbury Center) r 10, laborer.
Ayer Loren, (St. Johnsbury Center) r 25, prop, steam saw-mill, 1,000 sugar trees, 10 head cattle, 4 horses and 27 sheep, farmer 150.
Ayer  Nellie E   Miss, (Summerville) teacher, daughter of   W. G. Ayer. Passumpsic.
Ayer VVillard G., (Summerville) gardener, one acre, h Passurnpsic.
Babbitt Ancil C, (Babbitt & Worcester) h 29 Pearl cor Cross.
Babbitt & Worcester, (Ancil C. B. and Albert W.) dry goods, small wares, and groceries, Burk block, Railroad.
Babcock Albert W., locomotive engineer B. & L. R. R., h 19 Railroad.
Babcock Ettie P. Miss, (St. Johnsbury East) r 52, school teacher.
BABCOCK GEORGE A., (St. Johnsbury East) r 52, justice of the peace, miller for F. W. Estabrooks.
Babcock George A., Jr., (St. Johnsbury East) r 52, carpenter and joiner, owns h and 10 acres.
Babcock Harvey C, retired merchant, resides with J. A. Paddock, 5 Cherry.
Babcock Sarah A. Miss, (St. Johnsbury East) r 52, (Babcock & Prouty) dressmaker and milliner.
Babcock & Prouty, r 52, (St. Johnsbury East) (Sarah A. B. and Ellen G. P.) dressmakers and  milliners, dealers in dry goods.
BACHELDER ALBERT, (Summerville) (Bachelder & Moulton) h Ely.
BACHELDER & MOULTON, (Albert J. B.   and William  H. M.) house, sign and carriage painters, grainers and paper hangers, opp. passenger depot.
Bacon Charles E , machinist for Wm. Wilder & Son, h Railroad.
Bacon Delos  M., (St. Johnsbury Center) r 35 cor 23,  tanner  and  currier, prop, of tannery, farmer 40.
Bacon Jerome G, (St. Johnsbury Center) r 35 n 23, carpenter and joiner.
Bacon Lucy M., (St. Johnsbury Center) r 35 cor 23, widow of John, 2d, owns farm with Delos M.
Badger David M., packer of scales, emp E. & T. F. & Co., h P. v.
Badger Deming, machinist, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 6 Belvidere.
Badger Levi B., carpenter and painter, h Union.
Badger Wilbur F., (St. Johnsbury Center) r 21 n 20, foreman of gas works at St. Johnsbury, owns farm 50.
Bagley Curtis H., (Prior & Bagley) h 11 Railroad, owns 2 3/4 acres.
*BAILEY ALDEN L., wholesale and retail dealer in pianoes and organs, and all kinds of musical goods, 14 Eastern ave. cor Railroad, h South Park.    [Card on page opp. Index.]
Bailey George D., (Summerville) stone-cutter, emp. R. W. Liard, h Caledonia.
Bailey William H., (Bailey & Williams) h 4 South Park.
BAILEY & WILLIAMS, (William H. B. and George M.W.) dealers in fresh and salt meats, poultry, lard, eggs, fish, oysters and vegetables, 51 Main.
Baker Andrew O., mechanic, emp. E. &T. F. & Co., h Western ave.
Baker Chester O., painter, h 49 Spring.
Baker Edward, plumber, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h River Summerville.
Balch Fred A., machinist, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 5 Western ave.
Raich John W., (Hall & Balch) 97 Main.
Balch Romanzo, machinist, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., bds with N. H. Stiles, Railroad.
Baldwin Oscar C, laborer, h Main.
Baldwin Josiah R., blacksmith, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 25 Cliff.
Bales Joseph, freight handler at depot, h Summer.
Banahan Michael, foreman at Acme Iron Works, h Railroad.        >
Bangs George W., pattern maker, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 22 Mt. Pleasant.
Barrett Ephraim E., carpenter, emp. B. F. Rollins, h Elm.
Barrett Jason H., (Summerville) sawyer, and farmer 5 acres, h Portland.
Barrett Moses E., (Summcrvillc) overseer of the poor the last eleven years, and lister last three years, h Portland.
BARRETT WILLIAM E., freight agent, Pass. R. R., h Pearl.
Barrey B. Frank, laborer, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Water.
Barry Henry, punter and glazier, h 40 Railroad.
Barry Mary A. Mrs., prop. St. Johnsbury laundry, 40 Railroad, h do.
Bartlett Harry A., book-keeper, emp. Carrick Bros., h 28 Pearl.
Bartlett Jarvis, restaurant and billiard hall, Ave. House, h 28 Pearl, 1/4 acre.
Batchelder George B., (Summerville) job teamster and sewing machine agent, h Concord ave.
Batchelder James E., painter, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 23 Cliff, cor Webster.
BATCHELDER JUDKINS R., retired ornamental painter, prop, of Batchelder's block, h Prospect ave.
Batchelder Mary J., widow of D. W. B., 5 Cliff.
BATES  HENRY C, (Bates & May) lawyer, h Webster.
BATES & MAY, (Henry C. B. and Elisha M.) lawyers, rooms 3 and 4, over F. C. Fletcher's store. Main.
Bean George, stone-mason, h Clark's ave.
Bean Joseph, granite polisher, emp. St. Johnsbury Granite Co., h Maple.
Bean William G., clerk for supt. of Vt. division of the B. & L. R. R., office over passenger depot, bds St. Johnsbury House.
Beaudelle Fred, blacksmith, emp. D. Thompson, h Concord ave.
BEAUREGARD JOSEPH, (St. Johnsbury Center) r 22 cor 13, blacksmith, and farmer 75.
Beck Gregory, blacksmith, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h School, F. v.
Beck Joseph, blacksmith, emp. E. & T. F, & Co., h 3 School, F. v,
Bedard Joseph, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Maple.
Bedell Jacob, resident, 101 Railroad.
Belanger Batiste, laborer, h 23 Maple.
Belanger Thomas, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 115 Main.
Relfast Henry, baker for G. H. Gross & Co., bds Jacob's Ladder.
Belfast John, h Jacob's Ladder.
Belknap Amos, manuf. of knife blades, h off Railroad.
Belknap Ann Miss, r 47. dressmaker, owns h and lot.
Belknap John, manuf; of knife-blades, water wheels, guns and tools, S. Railroad, h 8 Railroad.
Belknap Simeon E., dry goods clerk, E. & T. F. & Co., bds 97 Main.
Bemas Sarah C, widow of Arthur A,, washing and boarding, h 32 Railroad.
Benedict William, laborer, h prospect.
Bennett Alfred C, butcher, emp. of Bailey & Williams, bds Pearl.
Bennett Calvin L., (St. johnsbury Center) manuf. ot soft soap, h Main.
Bennett Clarence A., marble cutter for O. P., bds do.
Bennett Delevan A., marble worker, emp. O. P. Bennett, h Railroad.
BENNETT EZRA B., molder, emp. E. & T. F. & Co.. h 38 Spring cor Webster.
Bennett Ira B., (St. Johnsbury Center) butcher, emp. John F. Moore, h Main.
Bennett  Luther, (St. Johnsbury Center) basket maker, h and lot, aged 80.
Bennett Osmon P., manuf. of and dealer in monuments, opp. depot, h 100 Railroad.
Bennett Sumner A., (Summerville) granite cutter, emp. R. W. Laird, h Portland.
Benoit Jerry, barber, Eastern ave., h do.
Benton S. M., widow, h Clark's ave.
Bergeron Edmond J., emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Railroad.
Bernier John, barber, 9 Eastern ave., h Summerville.
BERRY CLARENCE M., clerk for W. J. Sanborn, bds 3 Cherry.
Berry Cortis J., (St. Johnsbury Center) r 13, 12 cows, farmer, leases of L. D. Stiles 300.
Berry  Henry M., house painter and paper hanger, h  cor Eastern ave and Railroad.
Berry John, (Summerville) laborer, h Elm.
Berry John W., carpenter, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 3 High.
Berry Mary A., (Mrs. H. M.) laundry, Eastern ave. cor Railroad.
Berthaume John, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 30 Maple.
Bibeau------, granite cutter, emp. L. W. Laird, h Maple.
Billideaux Antoine, laborer, h River.
Bingham Charles C., dealer in drugs and medicines, 37 Main, h 8 Church.
Bisson Joseph, gardener for Gov. Fairbanks, h Willow Place.
Black Kelsey B., cabinet-maker, bds Water.
Blake Amos, machinist in scale works.
Blake Arvilla, widow of Mark F., h 96 Railroad.
Blanchard Azro B., (Summerville) pattern-maker, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Portland.
Blanchard Edna M. Miss, music teacher on piano and organ, residence 25 Portland, Summerville.
Blay Frank, stone mason, emp. John Guyer, h Elm.
Blay Siral, laborer, h Maple.
Blewitt James, emp. B. & L. R. R., h School, P. v.
Blewitt John H., machinist for O. V. Hooker & Son, bds with James.
Blodgett Elijah D., town treas. and clerk, village treas. and director in Lombard Company, h South Park Place.
Blodgett Ernest A., clerk and student, bds 96 Main.
Blodgett George L, (Summerville) laborer, h Portland.
BLODGETT HARRY, attorney at law, Avenue House block, h Johnson's block.
Blodgett Herbert W., assistant town clerk, bds with E. D.
Blodgett Milo C, (Summerville) carpenter and farmer 10, h Portland.
BLODGETT PEARL D., (P. D. Blodgett & Co.) general insurance agent, 113 Eastern ave., h 98 Main.
BLODGETT P. D. & CO., (Pearl D. and Pearl F. Blodgett) fire, life and accident insurance, 113 Eastern ave , Y. M. C. A., building.
BLODGETT PEARL F.. (P. D. Blodgett & Co.) h 98 Main.
BLOSSOM EDWARD H., supt. of transportation Vt. division of the B. & L. R. R., office Passumpsic passenger depot, h Summer.
Boardman George H., (N. Danville) r 27, laborer.
Boisclair Louis, carpenter, emp. in Barre, Vt., h Elm.
BOISSONNAULT JOHN A. Rev., pastor Notre Dame des Victoires church, h 12 Prospect.
Bomp Rose, widow of Walter S., dressmaker, h 13 Church.
Bonett Andrew J,, (Summerville) section hand B. & L. R. R., h Portland.
Bonett Charles, machinist for W. Wilder & Son, bds Concord ave., P. v.
Bonett Charles M., cabinet-maker, emp. I. G. Jones, h Pleasant.
BONETT GEORGE W., dealer in groceries, provisions, vegetables, fruit and confectionery, 69 Railroad, h 12 Pleasant.
Bonett Maria D., (Summerville)  widow of Rueben D., tailoress, h Concord ave.
Bonett Simeon, laborer on E. & T. Fairbanks' farm, h do.
Bonett Stanton E., cabinet-maker, emp. Jones & Shields, h School, P. v.
BONNETT JAMES K., marker of lumber and board sawyer, h 33 Eastern ave. cor Pearl, soldier in Co. C, 8th Vt. Vols. 4 years and 6 months, and twice prisoner of war.
Boomhover Levi E., marble cutter, h Clark ave.
Booth Charles, cabinet-maker, supt. for Jones & Shields, h 34 1/2 Railroad.
Borland John T., gardener, 25 Church cor Cliff.
BOSTON CLOTHING STORE,  A. C.  Harvey, prop, dealer in clothing, hats and caps, furnishing goods, trunks, bags and umbrellas, 71 Railroad.
Bouchre Alfred, resident, 85 Railroad.
Douchrc Alfred Mrs., millinery and ladies' fancy goods, 85 Railroad, h do.
Bouchre Telesphore, laborer, h Railroad.
Bowen Amos T., (St. Johnsbury E.) laborer.
BOWKER CALVIN J., (St. Johnsbury Center] r 10 n 23, farmer 93 and 60 on r 11.
Bowker Eliza, widow of Mitchell, resident, 24 Summer.
Bowker Frank D., carriage painter, emp. Miller & Ryan, r 33 Cliff.
Bowman Henry A., painter, scale works, h F. v.
BOWMAN NATHAN P., (St. Johnsbury Brick Co.) (Moore & Co.) h 107 Main.
BOWMAN THOMAS H., (St. Johnsbury Brick Co.) h Water, P. v.
BOYCE JAMES M., freight agent B. & L. R. R., h 2 Railroad.
BOYNTON CHARLES F., dealer in drugs, medicines, chemicals, paints, oils, varnish, glass and fancy goods, 47 Railroad, h 59 Summer.
BOYNTON WILLIAM S., treas. Pass. Sav. Bank, county treasurer, h 114 Main.
Brackett Solomon H., teacher of natural science, St. Johnsbury academy, b 17 Main.
Bradley Benjamin F., r 28, laborer and farmer 4.
Bradley Ellon D., (St. Johnsbury Center) r 12, 700 sugar trees, farmer 200.
Bradley George H., r 27, carpenter and builder, and farmer 9.
Bradley George W., (St. Johnsbury Center) farmer 44.
Bradley Jacynthia, P., (St. Johnsbury Center) r 12, widow of Darius.
Bradley Luther, (St. Johnsbury Center) r 25, breeder of Morgan horses and farmer 75.
Bradshaw Giles, (Lyndon) r 2, shoemaker at Lyndon, and farmer 27.
Bradshaw James, (Lyndon) r 1, farmer, leases of his father, Giles, 40.
Bragg Alfred L., carpenter, contractor and builder, h 3 Emerson.
BRAINERD GEORGE, retired merchant, h 14 Summer.
Brainerd Ira, retired merchant and banker, resides with his son, George, 14 Summer.
Braley John B., prop, of large farming and stock growing interests in Minnesota, h Pearl.
Bray Michael, laborer, h Clark's ave.
Bray William J., contractor and builder, and dealer in all kinds of building materials, h 92 Railroad.
Brewer Franklin I., (St. Johnsbury Center) r 24 1/2, sealer at scale factory.
Brewer Truman, (St. Johnsbury Center) r 12 n 22, filer at scale works, farmer 100.
Brewer William P., (St. Johnsbury Center) r 12 n 22, retired fanner.
Bridgman Osgood D., deliverer for U. S. & C. Ex. Co., bds 110 Railroad.
Brigham Cortes T., traveling salesman, h 14 Mt. Pleasant cor Summer.
Brock Albert, dealer in wood and hay, h Willow  Place.
Brockway Horace E., (St. Johnsbury Center) farmer 22.
Brook Henry, (St. Johnsbury Center) r 10, blacksmith  at scale works, owns farm  14. 
Brooks Charles E., (St. Johnsbury Center) blacksmith, mover of buildings, and carpenter, h Main.
Brooks Ezra C, merchant tailor, h ? Spring.
Brooks Fred J., (St. Johnsbury Center) blacksmith.
BROOKS LUTHER, mechanic, emp. of E. & T.  F. & Co., h 4 Autumn.
BROOKS SAMUEL T., M   D., physician and surgeon, 81 Main, h do.
Brown Albert, molder scale works, h Main rear Episcopal church.
Brown Alonzo, (St. Johnsbury Center) wheelwright and farmer 6.
Brown David, molder scale works, h Main.
Brown Edward F., retired merchant, h Summer.
Brown Francis, (St. Johnsbury East) r 51, laborer.
Brown Frank N.. (Brown & Humphrey) h 19 Spring.
Brown Frank N., h 17 Spring.
Brown Fred A.. (Harvey & Brown) bds 8 Church.
Brown Fremont E., carpenter, h Railroad.
Brown George A.. (Summerville) fireman B. & L. R. R., h Portland.
Brown Hannah, (St. Johnsbury Center) r 13, widow of Jesse.
Brown James, stone-cutter, emp. Carrick Bros., h 15 Hastings.
Brown Thomas, stone cutter, emp. Carrick Bros., h   15  Hastings.
Brown John H,. molder, emp. Acme Iron Works, h Water.
Brown Julia A. Miss, book-keeper for A. L. Bailey, h South Park.
Brown   Mary Mrs., washer and ironer, h 15   Hastings.
Brown Michael, laborer, h  Water.
Brown M. F.. widow of Moses F., h 18 Central.
Brown Oscar, (St. Johnsbury Center) r 13, 9 cows, fanner 70.
Brown Patrick, core maker,   emp. of E. & T. F. & Co., bds 2 School, F. v.
Brown Roancy H. Mrs., prop, of boarding-house,  Railroad.
Brown Sadie M. Mrs., compositor Republican office, h 65 Railroad.
BROWN WILLIAM J., livery and boarding stable, Railroad opp. depot, h Railroad.
Brown William J., 2d, clerk for P. A. Roach, bds do.
Brown & Humphrey, (Frank W. B. and Edward G. H.) dealers in groceries, hardware, china, crockery, paints and  oils, mechanics' tools, agricultural implements, house-furnishing goods, etc., 49 Main.
Browne Henry S., physician  and surgeon,  office   Bank block, Main, h north end of Main.
Browning Thomas H., (Summerville) track hand B. & L. R. R., h Portland.
Brunei Alea, laborer, h Clark's ave.
Brunelle Joseph, (Summerville) carpenter and joiner, h Elm.
Brunette Joseph, custom shoemaker, 54 Main, h Eastern ave.
Brunette Nellie Mrs., dressmaker, h Eastern ave.
Bryant Almon N., prop, of livery and boarding stable, 101 Railroad, h do.
Bryant Frank D., agent Mass. Benefit Association, h 16 Main.
Buck  Jerome   C, clerk   and   salesman   for   H. C.  Moore, bds   St. Johnsbury House.
Buckminster I. Clyde, clerk for George D. Randall, bds Avenue House.
BULLARD GATES B.  Dr., physician and surgeon, office and h 50 Eastern ave.
Bundy Fred G., book-keeper, emp. of H. E. Fletcher & Co., h 5 Cherry.
Burbank Dennis V., patternmaker, emp. of E. & T. F. & Co., h Webster.
Burbank George A,, (Summerville) blacksmith, emp. Ely Hoe and Fork Co., bds State.
Burbank Herman, (Summerville) carpenter, bds with T. Cable,
Burnham William E., compositor Republican office, bds 56 Main.
BURDICK BROS., (Oscar F. and Judson J.) boot and shoe manufs. and dealers in Bay State fertilizers, 38 Railroad.
Burdick George O., (Summerville) emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Portland.
Burdick  Judson J., (Burdick  Bros.) teacher of violin, leader of orchestra, breeder of Jersey cattle, owns farm in Hardwick 87, h Railroad.
BURDICK. OSCAR F., (Burdick  Bros.) soldier in  Co. D, 5th Vt. Vols., h Caledonia St., Summerville.
Burgin Thomas II., confectioner, 31 Eastern ave., h 34 Pearl.
Burke Frank, (St. Johnsbury E.) r 51, laborer.
Burke Jane, widow of O. Burke, h 41 Pearl.
Burke Oliver, (Summerville) dealer in wood, and job teamster, Elm, h do.
Burke Oliver R., (Summerville) farm laborer, bds Elm.
Burke William A., barber, 76 Railroad, h 96 Railroad.
Burnham Buckminster D., grocer, 54 Main, h 56 do.
Burnham Charles H., molder for E. & T. F. & Co., h 7 School, F. v.
Burnham George  C, assistant  foreman  in  foundry, emp. of E. & T. F. & Co., h 58 Main.
Burnham Isabel B.7 widow of David D.,  nurse, resides 10 Summer.
Burnham Justus, r 31, 400 sugar trees, farmer 40.
Burroughs Allen S., engineer B. & L. R. R., h 92 Railroad.
Burt Alanson, stationary engineer, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 12. Railroad.
Burt Byron S., conductor Victory branch B. & L. R. R., h 98 Railroad.
Burt Charles R., son of Alanson, bds  12 Railroad.
Bushy Henry, emp. of E. & T. F. & Co , h Maple.
Buskett Joseph, (Summerville) blacksmith, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Elm.
Butler Beauman, (St. Johnsbury Center) farmer 8, h Water cor Main.
BUTLER CHARLES B., (St. Johnsbury Center) station agent Pass. R. R., bds Water.
Byron Henry E., emp. at foundry for E. & T. F. & Co., h 11 Cliff.
Cable Thomas, (Summerville) farm laborer, soldier in Co. A, 10th Vt. Vols. three years, h off Concord ave.
Cady Eleanor F., widow of Leonard F., resident, h 1 S. Park.
CALDBECK   MATTHEW J., (Summerville)  contractor and builder, and manuf.   of  doors, sash, blinds, mouldings  and house finishings, Concord ave., h Harrison ave.
Caldbeck Michael M., (Summerville) carpenter, emp. M. J. Caldbeck, h Elm.
Calden Fred W., watchmaker and jeweler, emp.   T. C. Spencer,   bds Avenue House.
Calderwood Charles A., dealer in furniture, coffins, caskets, upholsterer and undertaker, 95 Railroad, h  110 do.
CALDERWOOD HARVEY S.,  M  D., physician and surgeon, office and residence 57 Pearl.
Calderwood John A, mechanic, h Caledonia.
CALEDONIA MILLS, A  H. McLeod, prop., manuf., wholesale and retail dealer in flour and feed, north end of Railroad st.
Cameron Frank W., (Summerville) foreman Ely Hoe and Fork Co., bds William Harvey's.
Cameron Warren E., (Summerville) r 48, farmer 15.
Canning Robert, laborer, bds Valley.
Canty John, granite cutter, emp. Carrick Bros., bds Cherry.
Carleton Moali W., molder, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 5 High.
Carlton Comfort, (St. Johnsbury E.)r53, widow of Willard, resident, farm 15.
CARPENTER CHARLES L., carpenter and builder, h 28 Spring.
CARPENTER CHARLES P., postmaster, h 18 Spring.
CARPENTER DANIEL, 2d selectman, foreman in E. & T. F. & Co.'s lumber yard, sec'y and treas. of St. Johnsbury Cemetery Association, h 15 Church.
Carpenter Fred K, molder, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Winter cor Cliff.
Carpenter  Helen F. Mrs., dealer in ladies'  fancy work and stamped linen goods, 77 Eastern ave., h  1 Cherry.
Carpenter Hiram B., ornamental painter, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Railroad, P. v.
Carpenter Homer B., machinist for D. Thompson, bds with Hiram B.
CARPENTER HORACE, retired contractor and builder, h 11 Summer.
Carpenter Jason M., teamster, h School, F. v.
Carpenter William M., painter in scale works, bds with Hiram B.
Carpenter Van B., emp. in lumber yard for E. &T. F. & Co., bds Western ave.
Carpenter Van B., laborer, emp. E. & T..F. & Co., bds 2 School, F. v.
Carr Charles B., machinist, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Concord ave.
Carr E, William, hostler at Lucas's livery stable, bds. 105 Main.
Carr Ellen F. Mrs., dressmaker; h 10 Railroad.
Carr Ethan E., conductor B. & L. R. R., h Pearl.
Carr Frank N., (Russell & Carr) h Avenue House block.
Carr Fred W., job box-maker for E. & T. F. & Co., h Portland.
Carr George W., packer for E. & T. F. & Co., h 6 School, F. v.
Carr Harry H , dry goods clerk for E. & T. F. & Co., bds 12 Pearl.
Carr Jerry K., conductor B. & L. R. R., h 32 Railroad.
Carr Margaret A., widow of Martin W , h Concord ave.
Carr Michael, soldier in the civil war, and pensioner, bds 23 Maple.
Carr William H., (Summerville) sealer, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Lafayette.
Carrick Alonzo  B., shoe and hamessmaker,  with C.  H. Frizzell, h Ward's block, Railroad.
Carrick Bros., (French F., Henry T. and Edgar L.) manufs. of and dealers in all kinds of granite work, opp. passenger depot.
Carrick Edgar L., (Carrick Bros.) bds Railroad.
Carrick French F., (Summerville) (Carrick Bros.) h Portland.
Carrick Henry J., (Summerville) (Carrick Bros.) h Portland.
Carrick Orange G., stone-cutter, emp Sr. Johnsbury Granite Works, h Bank block, Railroad.
Carrick Wallace, (Summerville) granite cutter, emp. Carrick Bros., bds Caledonia.
Carrick Willis, (Summerville) granite cutter, emp. Carrick Bros., bds Caledonia.
Carson Hebert J., teamster, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., bds with Mrs. Lizzie E. Cole, r 43.
CARTER FRED  A.,  dry and fancy goods and small wares, 47  Main, h 45 do.
Carter George C, watchman for E. & T. F. & Co., bds 2 School, F. v.
Carter Peter, laborer and painter, h  off  Caledonia.
Cassette Joseph F., (Summerville) blacksmith, emp. E. T. & F. & Co., h Elm.
Cassidy Patrick, laborer, h off Easton ave.
Castoney John, gardener, emp. of Franklin Fairbanks, h 28 Maple.
Caswell Albert E., emp. scale works E. & T. F. & Co., h Harrison ave.
Caswell Alonzo, (Summerville)   engineer steamer  "Lady of the  Lake," on Memphremagog, h Harrison ave.
Caswell John M., job teamster, h Railroad.
Cavuette Frank, painter, bds River, Summerville.
Caya Fred, (Summerville) stone mason, h Sand Place.
Celley Daniel P., blacksmith, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., bds 2 School, F. v.
Chadwick Helen M., widow of Albert G., h 88 Main.
Chaffee Willard P., emp. E. & T. F. & Co.'s scale shops, h Lafayette.
Chalmers Ella, widow of Rev. John R, h Main.
Chamberlin Ellery J., brakeman B. & L. R. R., h 2 Emerson.
Chamberlin Marian P., teacher, h 2 Emerson.
Chamberlin Orrin C, planer, crap. E. & T. F. & Co., h 23 Summer.
Chamberlin William G., machinist, emp. D. Thompson, bds 2 Emerson.
Chambers Harry B., molder Acme Iron Works, bds 110 Railroad.
Champagne Israel, r 46, laborer.
Chandler John N., (Summerville) dealer in carriages, harnesses, farm produce,. etc., and carpenter, h Concord ave.
Chnndlpr Rolln VT . foreman St. Johnsbnry Republican office, h South   Park.
Chapman William A., (St. Johnsbury E.) r 51, retired merchant, farm 30, Capt. Co. H, 15th Vt. Vols.
Chase Dennis A.. (St. Johnsbury E.) r 15, (Chase & Hovey) farmer.
Chase Mary E. Mrs., manager St. Johnsbury academy boarding-house, h 15 Main.
Chase Osborne A., shoe cutter, emp. of Gibbs & Allen, Grafton. Mass., h 15 Main.                                 1
Chase & Hovey, (Dennis A. C. and Franklin A. H.) 50 grade Durham cattle, 50 sheep, farmers 450.
Cheney Kmily H. Miss, (Summerville) resident, h Portland.
Cheney George F., dentist, bds Main.
Cheney Henry M., machinist, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 19 Cliff.
Cheney Hiram H., car repairer, emp, B. & L. R. R., h School, P. v,
Cheney Luther P., (St. Johnsbury E.) r 17, sexton, 600 sugar trees, farmer 172.
Chesley George, (St. Johnsbury Center) farmer for Hiram Pierce.
Chickcring Frank W., painter, h Hastings.
Chickering Marilla Miss, laundress, h Hastings.
Chienner Euzebe, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Clark's ave.
Chouinard Theodore, (Summerville) gilder, h Elm.
Church James, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., bds.
Clapp Edward E., stone-cutter Carrick Bros., bds Railroad, h in Woodbury, Vt.
Clark Benjamin B., painter, h 5 Clark's ave.
Clark Charles C, emp. Franklin Fairbanks, h 3 Spring,
Clark Charles E., molder, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 1 Water.
CLARK FRANCIS O., books, periodicals, stationery and confectionery, 81 Eastern ave., h Y. M. C. A. building.
Clark Fred D., deliverer for G. H. Cross & Co., bds Eastern ave.
Clark Frederick E., clerk for N. M. Scott & Son, h Eastern ave. cor Pearl.
Clark Frederick H., ornamental painter, bds 1 Water.
Clark Heze S., carpenter and joiner, h rear of Episcopal church.
CLARK JOHN, machinist and jobber, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 45 Summer.
Clark John A., conductor B, & L. R. R., h Railroad cor Portland.
CLARK JOHN C, cashier First National Bank, h 20 Spring.
Clark Louisa H.. (St. Johnsbury Center) widow of Joseph, owns h and lot, and in Kirby 6 acres.
Clark Sanford E., molder, emp. Jones & Shields, bds Water.
Clark Susie, compositor Republican office, bds 5 Clark's ave.
Clement Ephraim, (Lyndon) r 9, farmer, leases of Flint 130.
Clement Frank  H., (St. Johnsbury Center) off r 36 n 37, farmer about 100.
Clement George W., (Lyndon) r 9, farmer, leases of St. Johnsbury Savings Bank 130.
Clement Peter, r 4, breeder of grade Durham cattle, 350 sugar trees and farmer 100, 500 sugar trees and pasture land in Lyndon 25 acres.
CLEMONS GEORGE E., foreman for L. D. Hazen, h 32 Cliff.
CLIFFORD D. A., artist in photography, life size portraits, landscapes, instantaneous pictures, and dealer in photographic supplies, Main cor Eastern ave., h do.
Clifford John, (Summerville) stone cutter, emp. Carrick Bros., h Caledonia.
CLIFFORD MURRY E, molder, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 10 Summer.
Clifford Thomas J., carpenter, 69 Railroad.
Clifford Thomas J. L., carpenter and builder, h Ward's block, Railroad.
Cloutier Joseph, lumber jobber, prop, livery and sale stable, 80 Railroad, h do.
Coaklcy Francis G-, blacksmith for E, & T. F. & Co., h 6 Maple cor Pearl.
Coakley William P., brakeman, emp. Pass. R. R., bds 6 Maple cor Pearl,
Cobb Charles, (St. Johnsbury Center) r 10, farmer 125.
Cobb Robert, barber under St. Johnsbury House, h Main opp. Central.
Cogswell Orlando S., brakesman B. & L. R. R., h Ward's block.
Cole Lizzie E. Mrs., r 43, prop, of boarding house.
Cole Sylvanus, r 43, teamster, emp. E & T. F & Co.
Colley David M., filer at scale works, h n fair ground.
Collins Charles J., traveling agent, and machinist for the Feed Water Heater Co., h Pearl.
Collins J. Drenan, machinist, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h New Water.
Colt P., (St. Johnsbury Center) section hand, h Main.
Conant Charles G., sealer, scale works.
CONANT HARRISON J., dealer in shelf hardware, stoves, ranges, furnaces, agricultural tools and wire fencing, plumbing goods, copper, tin, sheet iron, and hollow ware, mill supplies, 97 Eastern ave., h 75 Main.
Conley Charles W., (Summerville) mechanic, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Portland.
Conly John E., blacksmith, emp. R. W. Laird, h Jones.
Conly William H., (Conly & Parrodix) h School.
Conly & Parrodix, (William H. C. and Joseph P.) manufs. files and rasps, Eastern ave.
Council Mauiice, baggageman, Pass, and B. & L. R. R., bds 71 Main.
Converse William L., machinist, emp. D. Thompson, h Pleasant.
Cook Amos B , machinist, emp. the Ely Hoe and Fork Co., h Lincoln.
Cook George W., (St. Johnsbury Center) r 12, (Cook & Willey) served in Co. D, 1st Vt. Cav. three years.
Cook James H., (St. Johnsbury E.) r 51, laborer.
Cook Walter G., r 43, emp. in scale shops of E. & T. F. & Co. and farmer 50.
DANA JOHN, (St. Johnsbury Center) r 35, (Goss & Dana) 7 cows, farmer 40, 25 on r 8, and in Sheffield 90, served in Co. A, 11th Vt. Vols.
Danforth John C, (St. Johnsbury Center) baker for Cross & Co.
Danforth Phineas, carpenter, h 41 Spring.
Daniels Fred S., meat peddler for William, h 73 Railroad.
Daniels Nancy E., widow of Aichibald, h 73 Railroad.
DANIELS WILLIAM, dealer in meats, groceries, provisions, canned goods, fruits and vegetables, Railroad, h Pearl.
Daniels William E . emp. B & L. R. R., h Pearl.
Dansero Eli, job teamster, h Sand Place.
Davenport William S., machinist, h 19 Spring.
Darling Willie L., blacksmith, h Avenue House block.
Davie Campbell, molder, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 3 Water.
Davis Aurora L., widow of Alanson W., h 57 Summer.
Davis Charles R., stone-cutter for R. W. Laird.
Davis Frank  P., emp. Horace Fairbanks, owns farm in Barnet, h rear Bank block, Main.
Davis Heman B., foreman and printer Caledonian office, h Green.
Davis John C, sealer at scale works, lives at Passumpsic.
Davison F. E , pastor of Free Baptist church, h Prospect ave.
Dean Asa M. F.. carpenter, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Pleasant.
Dean Benjamin F., groceries, provisions, fruit and vegetables, Railroad, h do, P. v.
Dean Chester F., (Summerville) manuf. pruning implements, h Portland.
Dean George E., baker for G. H. Cross & Co,  bds Charles.
Dean Harry C, (Summerville) hoe polisher, emp. Ely Hoe and Fork Co., bds Portland.
Dean Herbert E., carpenter, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., bds Pleasant.
Dean William P., sealer, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., bds South Railroad.
DeCamp George, laborer, emp. Horace H. Wheeler,
Dee------Mrs., nurse, h Prospect.
DEMERS BROS..  (Louis and George) bakers, and dealers in West India goods, groceries, provisions, crockery and glassware, Railroad.
DEMERS GEORGE. (Demers Bros.) h Clark's ave.
Demets Julien, ([. Penard & Demers) h Railroad.
DEMERS LOUIS, (Demers Bros.) h Railroad.
Demers Louis, carpenter, E. & T. F. & Co., h Clark's ave.
Denning Jerry, gardener, h 15 Hastings.
Denning Jerry, Jr., file cutter, bds 15 Hastings.
Denning Timothy J., stone-cutter for Carrick Bros., h Pearl cor Maple.
Denning William, blacksmith, E. & T. F. & Co., h Pearl cor Maple.
Derreau Frank, carpenter, h Maple.
Desilets Joseph, invalid, h Railroad.
Dickinson  David C., (St.   Jobnsbury Center) teacher of vocal music.
Dickinson  Lucius C  Rev., (St.   Johnsbury Center) superannuated   M.  E. clergyman,  served 3 years as chaplain of 9th Vt. Vols., owns  15 acres, h Church.
Dodge George W.; forman of repair gang B. & L. R. R., h Avenue block.
Dodge James O., (St. Johnsbury E.) r 17, laborer.
Dolloff John F. . r 44,  molder, emp   E. & T.  F. & Co.,  17 years.
DONAGHY  RICHARD, manager village water-works, pump house, etc., h N. Railroad.
Donaghy Robert, r 47, job teamster, h and 2 acres.
Donahue Thomas, r 49, stone mason.
Donsett Joseph, boarding house, Maple.
Doran, Joseph, machinist, for D. Thompson, h Pleasant cor Emerson.
Dorr Ernest L., painter, h Avenue block.
Dow Irvin J., teacher, carpenter and joiner, h 105 Eastern ave.
Dow James A., machinist, scale works, bds 15 Main.
Downing Frederick P., dealer in carriages and sleighs, h Pleasant.
Doying Martha Mrs., laundress, h 5 Baehelder's block, Prospect.
Doying   Sarah, widow of Francis, laundress, h 7 Bachelder's block, Prospect.
Drew Alexander N , (Sumrnerville) carpenter, emp. M. J. Calbeck, Portland.
Drew B. Franklin, (St. Johnsbury E.) r 52, farmer 18.
Drew Edward, butcher, h Hastings.
Drew Fred VV., cabinetmaker, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 4 Western ave.
Drew George  S., (St. Johnsbury E.) r 52, laborer with John.
Drew John, (St. Johnsbury E.) r  52, farmer 60.
Drew Timothy C, (St. Johnsbury Center) r 31 cor 7, laborer and farmer 12.
Drolet Frank, mason, h Railroad.
Drouin Fred, file grinder, emp. Conly & Parrodix, h Railroad.
DROUIN JOSEPH, wholesale   and  retail  dealer  in   boots, shoes, rubbers, sole leather and shoe findings, Drouin's block, 67 Railroad, h do.
Drouin Joseph F., emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Elm.
Drouin Louis, carpenter, emp. M. Calbeck, h Elm.
Drown G. Herbert, (Summerville) car inspector, emp.  B.  &   L. R. R., bds Concord ave.
Drown John J., carriage maker, emp. Miller & Ryan, h  Railroad.
Dubois Calixte, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., bds Prospect.
Dubois Georgiana Mrs., dressmaker, bds Prospect.
Dubois Matthew, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Maple.
Duclos Joseph, (Summerville)  molder, emp E, & T. F. & Co., h Caledonia.
Duclos Joseph E., (Summerville) molder, h Railroad.
Dudley Henry, sewing machine, clock and watch cleaner and repairer, soldier Co. E, 15th Vt. Vols., 38 Railroad, h Johnson's block.
Dumas John, molder, emp. of E. & T. F. & Co., h Maple.
Dumas  Mitchell, (Summerville) blacksmith, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Elm.
DUNNETT   ALEXANDER,   (Dunnett  &   Hosford)  lawyer and State's attorney, h Main n S. Church,
DUNNETT & HOSFORD; (Alexander D. and Charles H. H., of Monroe, N. H.) lawyers, room No. 2, Fletcher's block, Main.
Dupont Denery P., (Summerville) hammersman   Ely  Hoe   and  Fork Co., h  Portland.
Durkee Horace, resident, h Winter.
Dutile Archie J., carriagemaker for Miller & Ryan, h Railroad.
Eastman Richard H.. pattern maker scale works, bds 15 Main.
Eddy Maurice H., music teacher, h Church.
Elkins David S., (Summerville) resident, h Caledonia.
ELLIOTT FRED N., carpenter, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Glenview.
ELLIOTT URIAH, manager of the street lights, h Glenview.
ELLIOTT WILLIAM L, bricklayer, h Main.
Ellis Ella Mrs., washer and ironer, h Water.
Ellis Jabez W., general mechanic, h Hastings.
Ely George B., (Summerville) supt. Ely Hoe and Fork Co., bds Lafayette.
Ely Henry G., sec'y and treas. Ely Hoe and Fork Co., h Summer.
Ely Hoe and Fork Co., (Summerville) Franklin Fairbanks, pres.; Henry G. Ely, sec'y and treas.; manuf. hoes and forks.
EMERSON BELLE MAY Miss, music  teacher, h Pleasant.
Emerson Charles E., molder, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 28, Cliff.
Emerson Frank, (Summerville) stone cutter, emp. R, W. Laird, bds State.
Emerson J. Frank, r 42, breeder of grade Jersey cattle, 10 cows, 400 sugar trees, 26 sheep, farmer  125.
Emerson Harley J., student at academy.
EMERSON JOHN, retired farmer, has been trustee of the village seven years, and overseer of the poor seventeen years, aged 75, h Pleasant.
Emerson Reuben, r 40, farmer, resides with his son, Smith S.
Emerson Smith S., r 40, 500 sugar  trees, farmer 100.
Emery William, laborer, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 7 Water, F. v.
Emond Fred, molder at Acme Iron Works, h Clark's ave.
ESTABROOK FRED W., r 51, prop, custom mill, wholesale and retail dealer in grain, flour and feed.
ESTABROOK HENRY F., clerk, emp. of Warren, h 86 Railroad.
ESTABROOK WARREN, dealer in dry goods and groceries, wholesale dealer in flour, meal, shorts, corn, grass seed and groceries, 86 Railroad, h do.
Esty Elwin J., dealer in boots, shoes and rubbers, 45 Main, h 53 do.
Evans Elmer E., engineer B. & L. R. R., h Railroad.
Evans John B , (Summerville) molder, h Portland.
Ewing Eliza H., manager of Academy Club House, Main.
FAIRBANKS E. & T. & CO., Horace Fairbanks, pres.; William P. Fairbanks, sec'y and treas.; general merchants, manufs. of Fairbanks's scales, established in 1831, props, of steam saw-mill, and own 2,000  acres of timber land  in   Walden   and   Stannard, and   2,000   farming   land in  St. Johnsbury, office Mechanic Square, F. v.
FAIRBANKS EDWARD T., pastor of South Cong, church, h 6 Park.
FAIRBANKS FRANKLIN, vice pres. E. & T. F. & Co., and pres. of Ely Hoe and Fork Co., res. Underclyffe.
FAIRBANKS HENRY Rev., (E. & T. Fairbanks & Co.) trustee of Dartmouth college, h Western ave.
FAIRBANKS HORACE Hon., pres. E. & T. Fairbanks &: Co., vice-pres. of First National Bank of St. Johnsbury, and ex-governor of Vermont, h Western ave.
Fairbanks William P., sec'y and treas. of E. & T. Fairbanks & Co., residence at Brantview.
Farnette Jonn, laborer, emp. of Joseph Cloutier, bds do.                            *
Farnham John L., r 47, machinist, emp. E. & T. F. & Co.
FARNHAM LUCIUS C, (St. Johnsbury  Center) r  12, retired merchant, farmer 50, served one year in Co. D, 7th Wis. Vols.
Farr Charles W., mechanic, emp   E. & T. F. & Co., h 18 Central.
Farr Edward A., r 47, scale maker, emp. E. & T. F. & Co.
Farr George W., r 47, job teamster and farmer 7.
Farr Jonathan, (St. Johnsbury E.) soap manuf. and farmer.
FELCH CARLETON, (Summerville) machinist, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Portland cor Elm.
Felch Chester, millwright, bds Valley.
Felch L. Mrs., nurse, h Bank block, Railroad.
Felch Naomi. (St.  Johnsbury Center) widow of Joseph, h Main.
Fenno George N., machinist, scale works, h 28 Central.
Fenno Marcellus T., contractor in fine scales department for E. & T. F. & Co, h 6 Pearl.
Fereal Alphonse, emp. E. & T. F. & Co.
Finel Egbert O., machinist, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 4 Charles.
FIRST NATIONAL BANK, L. P. Poland, pres; Horace Fairbanks, vice-pres., J. C. Clark, cashier, Main.
Fisher Frederick S., rector of St. Andrew's Episcopal church, h 6 Winter cor Summer.
Fitzgerald Patrick, blacksmith for E. & T. F. & Co.,.h 11 Clark's ave.
Fitzpatrick Edward, blacksmith, emp. of E. & T. F. & Co., h Maple.
Flanegan James, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 29 Maple.
Flanegan John A., machinist, emp. of O. V. Hooker & Son, h 32 Maple.
Flanegan Michael, laborer, h 32 Maple.
FLETCHER FREDERICK, founder of Merchants' National Bank, retired banker, owns farm 600 in Shelburne, Chittenden Co., h Main.
FLETCHER H. E. & CO., (Henry E. Fletcher, of Mineappolis, Edward F. Giswold, Robert McKiernon, of Minneapolis) wholesale dealers in flour, grain, feed, and kerosene oil, Eastern ave.
FLETCHER TRUMAN C, dealer in dry goods, ladies' furnishing goods, carpets, crockery and glassware, established in 1867, Main, h do.
Flint Alvin W., (Flint Bros.) bds 103 Main.
Flint Bros., (Alvin W. and Charles G.) druggists and jewelers, 53 Main.
Flint Charles G., (Flint Bros.) h Spring.
Flint Edward B., (St. Johnsbury Center) farmer with Isaac B. 236.
Flint Isaac B., (St. Johnsbury Center) brakeman on Pass. R. R. and owns with Edward B. farm 236.
Flint Loammi B., painter, h 2 Main.
FLINT MARTHA B., (St. Johnsbury Center) widow of George, resident.
Flint Richard B., prop. Cottage Hotel, and livery and boarding stable, 82 and 84 Railroad.
Flint Willis D., plumber and tinsmith, bds Cottage Hotel.
Flynn James, gardener for C. M. Stone, h Jacob's Ladder.
Fogg Arthur D., sealer of scales, emp. of E. & T. F. & Co., h Emerson, P.v.
Fogg Arthur D. Mrs., artist, h Emerson, P. v.
Folsom Andrew, engineer B. & L. R. R., h 80 Eastern ave.
FOLSOM JAMES D., physician and surgeon, 7 Cherry, h do.
Folsom Frank E.; clerk for Ranney & Norton, h 5 South.
Folsom J, Irving, clerk, for C. C. Bingham, bds Cherry.
Forbes William, stone cutter, emp. Carnck Bros., h River.
Ford Edmund M, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., bds 6 School, F. v.
Ford Hobart B., blacksmith for E. & T. F. & Co., h 6 School, F. v.
Forrest  Joseph S., (Summerville) carpenter, emp.  E. & T.  F. & Co., h Elm.
Forrest Moses, (Summerville) laborer, h Elm.
Forsath Austin K., jeweler for VV. C. Warner, bds 53 Eastern ave.
Forsyth Ceylon S., packer scale works.
Foster Benjamin H., stone cutter for R. W. Laird, h 90 Railroad.
Foye Martin, blacksmith, south of R. R., h and 1 1/2 acres, F. v.
Frost Irving H., mechanic, scale works, E. & T. F. & Co., 89 Main.
Fraser John R., dealer in fish, h Danville road.
Frathier Israel, molder, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Maple.
Frechette David, sexton of the Catholic church, and librarian, h 14 Cherry
French Charles P., carriage trimmer, emp. Miller & Ryan, 20 Eastern ave.
French -----, widow F. F., h 30 Eastern ave.
French  Hattie E. Miss, (Summerville) dressmaker, h Portland cor Elm.
French Heman, carriage trimmer, emp. Miller & Ryan, h   20  Eastern ave.
French Henry, trustee and clerk of the village board of trustees, supt. of water works, and lister, office Y. M. C. A, building, h 1 Cherry cor Eastern ave.
French Nathan B., harnessmaker, emp. J. L. Couch, h 12 Summer.
French Wilbur E., molder for E. & T. F. & Co., bds 2 School, F. v.
FRIZZELL CHARLES H., harnessmaker, Avenue House block, Railroad, h Eastern ave.
Frost Emily S., widow of Selim, resident, h 16 Summer.
Frost George H., book-keeper, bds 16 Summer.
Eulford Dan, engineer B. & L. R. R., h 69 Railroad,
Fuller Edgar M., (St. Johnsbury Center) r 39, 600 sugar trees, 10 cows, and farmer 200.
Fuller Elmer W., molder, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 1 High.
Fuller William M., molder, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Danville road.
Gaffney Anna Miss, seamstress, emp. F. G. Stevens, bds River.
Gaffney James, farmer 7, h River.
Gaffney James H. Jr., barber, emp. of R. Cobb, Central cor Main; bds 37 Pearl.
Gaffney May Miss, seamstress, emp. F. G. Stevens, bds River.
Gage Jesse, printer, emp. Caledonian, h 27 Central.
Gage Josiah B., clerk and book-keeper, bds 32 Pearl.
Gale John N., (Summerville) carpenter and plumber, h 11 Portland.
Gallagher Tohn C, (Summerville) laborer, h Caledonia.
Gallagher Rachael, (Summerville) widow of Joseph, h Caledonia.
Garaves Louise Miss, r 47, dressmaker.
Gardner Henry, laborer, emp. on the village streets, h 88 Railroad.
Garfield Azro B., painter, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., bds Tremont.
Garfield Caleb G., laborer, h Tremont.
Garneau Noel, dealer in groceries, crockery, clothing, etc., Railroad, h St. Mary.
Gaskell Elmer H., sealer, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 25 Cliff.
GASKILL CHARLES A, (Summerville) silver plater and dealer in poultry and eggs, State, h do.
GASKILL CHARLES A. Mrs., (Summerville) prop, of boarding-house, h State.
Gaskill George F., (Summerville) machinist, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Caledonia.
Gaskill Herbert F., (Summerville) emp. E. & T. F. & Co., bds Caledonia.
Gaskill Jacob B , (Summerville) custom shoemaker, h Caledonia.
GASKLLL LEON F., nickel plater, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 44 Spring.
Gaskill Lowell Z., (Summerville) joiner, h Caledonia.
Gayner Thomas, teamster, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 6 Western ave.
Gauthier Frank, granite polisher, h.
Gauthier Joseph, dealer in harnesses, whips, robes, boots and shoes, clothing and jewelry, gloves, etc., 103 Eastern ave., h do.
Gentry Henry, gardener for Gov. Fairbanks, h Prospect.
George Eliza A. Miss, compositor Caledonian office, h Pearl.
Gerry George L , (Lyndon) r 10, emp. in Wilder's pulp mill, owns farm 40.
GERRY LUCIUS S., (Lyndon) r 10, retired farmer, Lieut. Co. B, 15th Vt. Vols.
Getchell Gorham C, (St. Johnsbury Center) laborer.
GIBBS CHARLES F., florist, grower and dealer in floivering and vegetable plants, seeds, bulbs, shrubs, etc., cut flowers and fine floral designs of all styles and kinds a specialty, h 2 Paddock, west end of Webster.
Gibbs Nathan F., (St. Johnsbury Center) r 35, jobber, h and lot.
Gibson Richard, r 49, gardener.
Gile Noah F., emp. St. Johnsbury Cemetery Association, h 4 Green.
GILMAN JOHN, mason, h School, P. v.
Gilmore Maria P., widow of John P., h 65 Railroad.
Gingras Isai Mrs., seamstress, h Railroad.
Gingras Louis, (Henault & Gingras) h Clark's ave.
Girard Robert, blacksmith, emp. of Miller & Ryan, h Railroad.
Given Marcel, (Summerville) r 56, milk dealer, 6 cows, farmer 108.
Glannin William, hostler for Hartshorn & Kirk, bds Danville block.
Glines Welthea M. Miss, teacher of German at St. Johnsbury academy.
Glynn James, painter, h Batcheider's block.
Glynn William, laborer, h 69 Railroad.
Glynn Bridget, widow of Patrick, bds with P. Roach.
Gognon Benjamin F., (St. Johnsbury Center) machinist at scale works, h Putnam.
Gognon Elmer E., sealer of scales, emp. E. & T. F. &  Cy., h Portland.
Gognon Thomas, carpenter, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Prospect.
GOODALL GEORGE E., (St. Johnsbury E.) r 57, real estate dealer, owns 3 houses and lots, farmer 20, 100 in Kirby, and 30 in Waterford, served in Co. K, 15th Vt. Vols.
Goodall George E. Mrs., resident, h Cross.
Goodall Walter A., sealer, scale works, h Western ave.
Goodell George W., clerk, emp. of Charles A. Calderwood, h 92 Railroad.
Goodrich Abner M., cutter for F. G. Stevens, h Cliff.
GOODRICH HENRY J., (H. J. Goodrich & Co.) h Harrison ave., Snmmerville.
GOODRICH H. J. & CO., (Henry J. G. and Arthur Moulton) dealers in stoves, furnaces, tin and hollow ware, etc., 93  Railroad.
Goodrich Jedd H., tinsmith for H. J. G. & Co., bds Havrison ave., Summerville.
Goodwin Frank F., mechanic, 23 Summer.
Goodwin Henry S ; sealer, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h off Mt. Pleasant.
Goodwin Morris M , (Summerville) (Thompson & Goodwin) h Portland.
Gorham Anna L. Miss, teacher of ornamental painting, studio 149 A, Tremont St., Boston.
Gorham Irvin, (St. Johnsbury Center) r 39, farmer 50, aged 70.
Gorham Isaac B., retired merchant, h 13 Church.
Gorman George E., blacksmith, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h .Portland.
Gorman Thomas, laborer, h Clark's ave.
GOSS EDWARD, policeman, h Pleasant.
Goss Francis M., machinist for D. Thompson, bds Pleasant.
Goss Hiram, (Goss & Dana) bds 3 Cherry.
Goss John A., life insurance agent, bds Cottage Hotel, residence Greensboro.
Goss Martha, r 39, widow uf Levi, resident.
Goss Ulysses G., (St. Johnsbury Center) r 39, breeder of fine horses, and farmer 115.
Goss Willard, r 28, 1,000 sugar trees, breeder of fine horses, farmer 140, and owns with his brother Hiram 100.
Goss Willard S., polisher, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., bds Railroad.
Goss & Dana, (Hiram Goss and John Dana) bakers and confectioners, 67 Main.
Gosselin Peter, teamster, h Eastern ave.
Gosselin Peter J , laborer, h Eastern ave.
Gould George G., r 43. farmer 14.
Gould Henry E., (Summerville) manager of St. Johnsbury poor house and farm, owns h and lot in Danville.
Gould Katie D. Miss, (Summerville and  Campbell, Mass.) teacher.
GOULD WALTER D., painter, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., bds 3 High.
Goyet Fred,  laborer, h 23 Maple.
Goyet Henry, job teamster, h 25 Maple.
Goyet William, quarryman, h Clark's ave.
GRAHAM C. WARREN, taxidermist and prop. Graham's Museum of Taxidermy and Curiosities, Music Hall block, Main, work-shop and residence 18 Main.
Graham Lewis, scale worker, emp. E. & T. F. & Co.,h 18 Main.
Graham William A., molder, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Western ave.
Granger Pliny M. Rev., (St. Johnsbury Center) pastor M. E. church, h Church.
Grant Emmett C, painter, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Pleasant.
Grant John J., (Summerville) blacksmith, emp. B. & L. R. R., h Caledonia.
Granville Joseph J., porter St. Johnsbury House, bds do.
Graves Frinda C , (St. Johnsbury Center) widow of Sylvanus, resident, h and lot.
Graves Helen L., (St. Johnsbury Center) teacher of vocal music.
Graves Sylvester D., painter, h Union.
Gray Charles F., wood worker, emp. of M. J. Calbeck, h 1 James, P. v.
GRAY ELERY H., (Lyndon) r 3, 500 sugar trees, 5 cows, farmer 127.
Gray George, carpenter scale works, h 41 Spring.
Gray Julius C.,  (Sylvester & Gray) h 41 Spring.
Green Charles K., grocery clerk for E. & T. F. & Co., h 11 Cliff.
Green William, sexton of St. Johnsbury cemetery, h Green.
Griffin fames J., emp. St. Johnsbury Furniture Co., bds River.
Griffin John, laborer, h Charles.
Griffin John, Jr., switchman Pass. R. R., bds Charles.
Griffin John R., stone cutter, bds 32 Railroad.
Griffin Michael, granite cutter for R. W. Laird, h 32 Railroad.
Griffin Molly A. Miss, (St. Johnsbury Furniture Co.) resides Water st., Summerville.
GRISWOLD EDWARD F., (H. E. Fletcher & Co.) bds St. Johnsbury House.
Griswold Flora D. Mrs., (St. Johnsbury E.) r 53, telegraph operator.
Grisvvold Henry, (St. Johnsbury E ) r 53, station agent B. & L. R. R., express agent and telegraph operator, prop, ot E. St. Johnsbury tannery, h and lot.
Grout Daniel F., bds 3 Cherry.
Grout George S., express messenger, h 34 Railroad.
Grover Nahum W. Rev., (St. Johnsbury Center) pastor of First Congregational church, h Water.
Grow George E., Boston variety store, watches, clocks, jewelry, musical instruments, valises, rubber stamps and stencils, 75 Eastern ave.
GROW TIMOTHY R., homeo. physician and surgeon, office and residence 103 Railroad.
Grow Lewis G., stone cutter St. Johnsbury Granite Works, bds Railroad.
Guillemete Paul, (Summervilie) section hand B. & L. R. R., h Elm.
Gustin Isaac B., machinist, h 27 Central.
Guy Tirza M. Miss, teacher of drawing in St. Johnsbury academy, studio Music Hall, bds cor Church and Summer.
Guyer John, teamster.
GUYER JULIA MISS, (Summerville) h off Caledonia.
Guyer Leon, (Summerville) stone mason, h off Caledonia.
Guyer Octave, (Summerville) stone mason, h off Caledonia.
Guyer William, quarryman, h Clark's ave.
Hacourse frank, molder, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Western ave.
Hadley Joseph A., millwright and traveling salesman, h 38 Summer.
Hale Addie D. Miss, assistant librarian at the Athenaeum, resides 15 Summer.
Hale Amos P., blacksmith for E. & T. F. & Co., h 3 School, F. v.
Hale Charles J., blacksmith, emp. of B. & L. R. R., bds R. R. restaurant.
Hale Fred, striker, emp. B. & L. R. R., bds R. R. restaurant.
Hale George H., student, ass't sec'y Y. M. C. A., bds 15 Summer, rooms Y. M. C. A. building.
Hale John O., traveling salesman for E. & T. F. & Co., h 15 Summer.
Hale Oren H., traveling auctioneer, h 80 Railroad.
Hale Otis G., gardener, aged 77, h 80 Railroad.
Hale Patrick, (Summerville) stone cutter, emp. R. W.  Laird, h Elm.
Hale Stephen D , (St. Johnsbury Center) r 12, resident.
Hall Albert T., manuf. of brooms, brushes and washboards, h 19 Railroad.
Hall C. Irving, (Snmmerville) hoe polisher, emp. Ely Hoe and  Fork Co., h Ely.
Hall Cornelia A., widow of Caleb C, h 4 Belvidere.
Hall Eleazer M., carpenter and joiner, h 12 Green.
Hall Elizabeth A , widow of Thomas L., h 22 Main.
HALL SAMUEL W., (Hall & Balch) h 24 Cliff.
Hall Emerson, pres. Passumpsic Savings Bank, h 20 Main.
Hall Walter L., (St. Johnsbury E.) r52, allo. physician and surgeon.
Hall William, (St. Johnsbury Center) retired farmer, dealer in horses, h Main,
HALL & BALCH, (Samuel W. H. and John W. B.) dealers in all kinds of furniture, coffins, and robes, 39 Bank block, Main.
Hallett Adeline, (St. Johnsbury Center) widow of Atherton, resident, aged 79, h and 3 acres.
Hallett Diantha T., (St. Johnsbury Center) r 36 n 37, widow of Reuben G.
Hallett Ephraim J., mason and engraver, h Mt. Pleasant.
Hallett Erastus  H., (St. Johnsbury Center) r 36 n 37, adjuster and sealer of scales, owns farm 6.
Hallett Eugene C, (St. Johnsbury Center) r 14 n 21, 10 cows, farmer 200.
Hallett Ezra I, (St. Johnsbury Center) r 14, farmer 150.
Hallett George F., (St. Johnsbury Center) r 22 opp.  12, farmer.
Hallett Russel, retired jobber and builder, aged 78 years, h 13 Mt. Pleasant.
Hancock Freedom, widow of Joseph, h Pleasant.
Hanson Peter, painter, emp.  E. & T. F. & Co., h Danville road.
Hardy Audubon L, A. M., prof, of mathematics and political economy, in St. Johnsbury academy, and pres. of the Teachers Association of Vt, h 7 Main.
Hardy Henry F., (St. Johnsbury E.) sawyer, h with Mrs. Mary J. Harvey.
Harlow Eben D., carpenter and job teamster, h Main.
Harlow Edward H., filer, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., bds 2 Autumn.
HARLOW LEVI C., filer, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 2 Autumn.
Harlow Newell J., molder, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 28 Central.
Harmon William G., agent Singer sewing machine, Eastern ave. cor Railroad.
Harriman Charles B., engineer for St. Johnsbury Granite Co., h 18 Railroad.
HARRIMAN DAVID E., custom brass founder, south end of Railroad, h Emerson.
Harriman Harvey S., prop. of R. R. restaurant and boarding and lodging house, Pass. R. R. depot.
Harriman Lyman P., molder, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 7 High.
HARRIMAN TURRELL E., (St. Johnsbury Center) molder, contractor for the manuf. of the ? Union ? scale at Fairbanks scale works, owns farm 17, h Water, served in Co. C, 8th Vt. Vols. 3 years and seven months.
Harriman Victor W., molder for E. & T. F. & Co., h P. v.
Harriman Wallace B., granite polisher, emp. St. Johnsbury Granite Co., bds 18 Railroad.
Harrington Clara E. Mrs., millinery goods, 19 Eastern ave., h Railroad.
HARRINGTON FERNANDO C. CAPT., (St. Johnsbury E.) r 51, (F. E. Russell & Co.) postmaster, sawyer, dealer in groceries, served in Co. D, gd Vt. Vols., owns store.
Harris Albert, (Summerville) farmer, and general dealer, h Harrison ave.
HARRIS EDWIN, (Summerville) 400 sugar trees, 8 cows, supplying milk to peddlers, farmer 73.
HARRIS ENOCH M., (Summerville) foreman for St. Johnsbury Granite Co., h Caledonia.
Harris Frank E., (Summerville) farmer with his father, Edwin.
Harris William H.. machinist, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 10 Belvidere, sargeant Co. H, 8th N. H. Vols
HARTSHORN L. BARNARD, (Hartshorn & Kirk) dealer in lumber, hay, horses and cattle, h 53 Summer.
HARTSHORN & KIRK, (L. Barnard H. and Charles E. K.) props. of St. Johnsbury House livery, sale and boarding stable, Center.
Harvey Alvah, (Harvey & Brown) h 26 Cliff.
HARVEY A. CLARK., prop. of Boston Clothing Store, dealer in clothing, gents? furnishing goods, hats, caps, f?urs, trunks, bags and rubber clothing, 75 Railroad, h 31 Pearl.
Harvey James, herdsman for E. & T. F. & Co., h 7 Western ave.
Harvey Mary J ., (St. Johnsbury E.) r I 7, widow of Rawson, resident, aged 64.
Harvey Orange, (Summrerville) mason and brick layer, h Portland.
Harvey Richard, laborer, h Railroad.
Harvey William W., carriage painter, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Portland.
Harvey Sr Brown, (Alvah H. and Fred A. B.) dealers in dry and fancy goods, carpets, crockery, glassware and wall-paper, Main.
Haskell James W.: retired merchant, h Pearl cor Cross.
Hastings Amasa, (Summerville) retired farmer, aged 75, h Caledonia.
HASTINGS CHARLES S., cashier St. J. & L. C. R. R., treas. of the Feed Water Heater Co., originator and breeder of improved rose-combed, white Leghorn fowls, 29 Main, h 46 Spring.
Hastings Henry C., manuf. and dealer in lumber, mills N. Concord, soldier in the war for the Union.
Hastings Hubbard, retired, formerly cashier Pass. R. R., h 46 Spring.
Hastings Lambert, resident, with Dr. S. T. Brooks, h 81 Main.
Hastings Moses,(Lyndon) r 2, 400 sugar trees, 200 apple trees, and farmer 120.
Haviland Ellen, widow of Moses G., laundry, h 32 Railroad.
Haviland Henry, laborer, h 132 Railroad.
Hawes John, retired, aged 89 years, h 12 Main.
HAWKINS ANSEL W., retired farmer, owns farms in Danville and Walden, h Main.
Hawkins Ezra F., r 30, 300 sugar trees, prop, of saw-mill, manuf. of all kinds of lumber, and farmer 190.
Hawkins H. B., (Summervlle) job teamster, h off Portland.
Hawkins Maria Mrs., (Lyndon) r 3, nurse.
Hawkins Truman C., (Lyndon) r 30, resides with his brother, Ezra F.
Hawkins Willard, r 41, 400 sugar trees, farmer 95.
Hawley Charles F., clerk, h 97 Eastern ave,
HAYES JOHN F., r 43, machinist, emp. E. &. T. F. & Co., 1,000 sugar trees, farmer 83.
Haynes Trustum C, photographer, 26 Eastern ave., h do.
Hazen George E., emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 103 Main.
HAZEN L. DOWNER, (Baldwin & Hazen, of Groton Pond) manuf. of spruce, hemlock and hard wood lumber of all kinds, steam mills at Miles pond, East Concord, Victory, and Richford, Vt., office n Pass, depot, h 111 Main.
Hazen Lucius K., book-keeper for his father, L. D., bds 114 Main.
Hazen Minnie B. Mrs., teacher of music, St. Johnsbury academy.
Hazen Perley F., clerk in scale department for E. & T. F. & Co., h Western ave.
Heald Lewis B., carpenter, h Caledonia.
HEALD MARY S. Mrs., (Summerville) h Caledonia.
Hearn John, (St. Johnsbury Center) r 10, section hand, owns 6 acres.
Hearn Thomas, (St. Johnsbury Center) r 10. farmer 6.
Heath William L., emp. of E. & T. F. &. Co., h 9 School, F. v.
Henault Alide, (Henault & Gingras) painter, h Railroad.
Henault Amable, emp. of Penard & Demars, h Railroad.
Henault Edmund, (Henault & Gingras) h St. Mary's.
Henault Prudent, jobber in the scale works for E. & T. F. & Co., h Railroad.
Henault & Gingras, (Edmund H. and Louis G.) sign, carriage, furniture and house  painters, decorators  and  paper hangers, dealers in paints, oils, putty and glass, Hastings block, Eastern ave. cor   Pearl.
Henderson Moses C. Rev., Free Baptist clergyman, h Railroad.
HENDERSON OLA H., ticket agent for the Passumpsic R. R. and B. & L. R. R., and ticket agent for the Grand Trunk, Canadian Pacific, Fitchburgh & Penn., and all principal R. R. lines, and ocean steamers, h Railroad.
Henty  John   E.,   (Summerville)   grinder   for Ely Hoe and Fork Co., h Concord ave.
Heon John, (Summerville) laborer, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Elm.
Heon Napoleon, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Maple.
Herbert Joseph, laborer.
Herrick Thomas T., (Summerville) soap manuf., h Portland.
Herrick W. H, machinist, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., and leader St. Johnsbury band, bds 15 Main.
Hewes Sarah C   Mrs., h 80 Main.
Hewitt Percis Miss, teacher of algebra, St. Johnsbury academy.
Heyer Charles A., machinist, emp. E. & T. F. & Co. h 5 Cliff.
Heyer James H., foreman sealer, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Emerson.
Hibbard H. Will, fireman B. & L. R. R., h Cross.
Hibbard Lydia A., resident, 4 Belvidere.
Hicks James S., baker for G   H   Cross & Co., h Portland.
Hicks John G. P., book-keeper scale works, h Western ave.
Hidden George, dry goods clerk for E. & T. F. & Co,, bds 36 Summer.
Higgins Annie, widow of James F.. h off Eastern ave.
Higgins Bessie, (Summerville) widow of John C, h Harrison ave.
Higgins Charles H., r 56, farmer with his father, William.
Higgins Mary Miss, h 82 Main.
Higgins Peter, laborer, h off Eastern ave.
HIGGINS WILLIAM, r 56, 1st selectman for 10 years,  breeder of pure blood Cotswold sheep, 40 head, 400 sugar trees, 15 cows, 10 head young stock, farmer 400.
Hill Charles B , (St. Johnsbury Center) r 35 opp. 23, section hand Pass. R. R.
Hill Felix A., stone cutter, h 28 Maple.
Hill Frank D., (Miner & Hill) h 4 Spring.
Hill Franklin, stone cutter, h Railroad.
Hill Henry, (Summerville) off r 18, farmer 175.
Hill Hiram C, fireman B. & L. R. R., h off Railroad.
Hill Hoyt F., grocery clerk for E. & T. F. & Co., h Union block, Main.
Hill John L , (St. Johnsbury Center) carpenter and millwright.
Hill Joseph, see Lamontague.
Hill Susan M. Mrs., dressmaker, h 3 Spring.
Hill Van B., (St. Johnsbury Center) r 35 opp. 23, tinsmith and peddler, h and lot.
Hill William E., (St. Johnsbury Center) r 35 opp.  23, farmer.
Himes Frank M., machinist, emp. Thompson & Goss, h School, P, v.
Holder Henry A , machinist, emp. of E. & T. F. & Co., h  1  Cliff.
Holder James H., machinist, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 9 Cliff.
Holder Mary L. Miss, (Summervilie) teacher, daughter of William R., h State.
Holder William R., (Summerville) sealer of weights, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h State.
HOLLIS NELSON P., (St. Johnsbury E.) r 52, mechanic, farmer 22.
Holmes Frank A., night clerk at St. Johnsbury House.
Holmes George, (Summerville) carpenter, joiner and sawyer, emp. E. L. Hovey.
Holmes Peter, blacksmith, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Danville road.
Holmes Saurien J., freigbtman, emp. E  & T. F. & Co., h School,
Home Art Co., (St. Johnsbury Center) branch store Eastern ave, St. Johnsbury, manuf. birthday and holiday art novelties, dealer in artists' materials, ornamented cards and stationery.
Hooker Alice Miss, milliner and clerk, emp. of Mrs, D. A. Morrison, h Railroad.
HOOKER FRANK B, (O. V. Hooker & Son) h Plateau off Railroad.
Hooker Lyman S., machinist, emp. of D. Thompson, h School, P. v.
HOOKER ORMAN V., (O. V.  Hooker & Sou) h Plateau off Railroad.
HOOKER 0. V. & SON, (Orman V. and Frank B ) manufs. of circular sawmills, board planes, bone-mills and general machinery, engine repairing and jobbing of all kinds, north end of Railroad.
Hopkins Warren C, traveling salesman for A, L, Bailey, h 11 Pearl.
Home Mary A., widow of William P., h 37 Pearl.
Horton Charles H., assistant cashier for E. & T. F. & Co., bds 14 Railroad.
HORTON WILLIAM  H., merchant tailor, in trade 40 years, Railroad, h 14 do.
Horton William T., book-keeper Pass. R. R.; h 14, Railroad.
HOSFORD CHARLES H., (Dunnett & Hosford) notary public.
Hoskins Albert, retired mechanic, bds at G. G. Wells'.
Hosmer Abel Z., job teamster, h 37 Eastern ave.
Hosmer John, (St. Johnsbury Center) r 9 n 23, farmer about 130.
Houghton Selim N., r 4, 600 sugar trees, 8 cows, 12 head young cattle, 35 sheep, farmer 200.
Houghton William C, r 4, retired farmer 200.
Houston Caleb, hostler, Avenue House.
Houston Charles B., emp. E. & T. F. & Co., bds 6 Autumn.
HOVEY EDWIN L., (Sumrnerville) prop, saw, planing and dressing-mills, real estate dealer, contractor and builder, farmer 75, and timber lands 75, h Lafayette.
Hovey Erastus G., r 51, farmer.
Hovey Franklin A., (St. Johnsbury E.) r 15, (Chase & Hovey) farmer.
HOVEY JACOB G., r 54, associate judge of Caledonia county, justice of the peace, 45 head thoroughbred Short-horn cattle, 40 sheep, 1,000 sugar trees, farmer 305.
Hovey Marcus J., r 51, farmer with his father.
Hovey Miranda W., (St. Johnsbury E ) r 51, widow of Asa, owns h and 7 acres.
Hovey Richard, blacksmith, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Western ave.
Howard A. F., widow of Theron, h 4 Charles.
Howard Amos, (Summerville) off r 50, farmer 150.
Howard Asa U., (Summerville) job teamster, h Elm.
Howard Erdix T., foreman of packing room for E. & T. F. & Co., h Pearl.
Howard Henry, carpenter, scale works, h 24 Spring.
Howard James T., (Surmnirville) pattern maker, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Lafayette.
Howard James W., (St. Johnsbury Center) r 7, laborer and farmer 4.
Howard Leonard D., inventor and patentee of Howard mitering saw and trysquare, inventor of car-coupler, and pattern maker, h 33 Summer.
Howard Martha W., widow of Lorenzo, owns residence, and house on Pearl St., h 20 Mt.  Pleasant cor Spring.
Howard Theron M., (Howard & Rowell) h Western ave.
Howard Thomas, laborer, h River.
Howard Walton D., clerk for T. C. Fletcher & Co., bds 30 Eastern ave.
Howard & Rowell, (Theron M. H. and Alfred D. R.) dealers in watches, jewelry, books and stationery, 27 Main cor Eastern ave.
Howe Albert, (Summerville) r 18, machinist, farmer 15.
Howe Austin, (Summerville) carpenter and joiner, traveling dealer in machinist's and wood-worker's tools, h Portland.
Howe Benjamin G., prop, of Avenue House, and dealer in lumber, Railroad cor Eastern ave., owns farm 135.
Howe Cora E. Miss, (St. Johnsbury Center) dressmaker, bds Water.
Howe Frank H., railroad man, h 2 Railroad.
Howe George E,, formerly master mechanic St. J. & L. C. R. R., h Railroad.
Howe George M., tinsmith, emp. of E. & T. F. & Co., h 94 Main.
Howe Rollin C. M., retired grocer, h 36 Summer.
Howland Warren, stone cutter for R W. Laird, h 32 Railroad.
Hoy Patrick, hammersman, Ely Hoe and Fork Co., h off Eastern ave.
Hoyt Malvina, widow of Charles H., confectioner and dyer, h Eastern ave.
Hoyt Simeon, (Summerville) retired mason, aged 81, h Portland.
Hubbard Harry W., fireman D. & L. R. R., h 6 Cross.
Hubbard Joseph, laborer, h 31 Maple.
Hudson Amasa, (Summerville) carpenter, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Concord ave.
Hudson Frank A., (Summerville) carpenter, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Portland.
HUMPHREY CALVIN J., r ?, breeder of high grade Jersey cows, dairy 6 cows, and farmer 125.
HUMPHREY CLARENCE A., (Summerville) engineer B. & L. R. R., h Elm cor Harrison ave.
Humphrey Edward G., (Brown & Humphrey) h Summer.
Humphrey Joseph H., teacher of vocal music, h 80 Main.
Hunter Dennis, filer, scale works h 16 Spring.
Hunter Frank, salesman for G. H Cross & Co., bds 3 Cherry.
Huntley Ansel, (St. Johnsbury Center) retired farmer, aged 94, the oldest man in town, born in Marlow, N. H., in 1792, h Water.
Huntley Moses, (St. Johnsbury Center) r ?, 20 grade Jersey cows, 1,200 sugar trees, hop grower, farmer 225.
Hurd Leon D., route agent U. S. and C. Express, Vt. and Can. division, h 8 Prospect ave.
Hurlbert George W., laborer, bds Hastings.
Hurlburt Addie E. Miss, photographic student, with D. A. Clifford, h Willow place.
Hurlburt Armenia Miss, dressmaker, h Willow place.
Hurlburt Charles A., stone cutter, for R. W. Laird, bds 10 Railroad.
Hurlburt Mary Mrs., boarding-house h 10 Railroad.
Hurlbutt Asa L., (St. Johnsbury E.) r 52, carpenter and caterer, served in Co. K, 15th Vt. Vols.
Hurlbutt Horace, (St. Johnsbury Center) r 34, resident, aged 76.
Hurlbutt Judson S, (St. Johnsbury Center) r 35 cor 23, tanner for D. M. Bacon.
Hurlbutt Orra. (St. Johsbury E.) r 52, res. with Asa L.
Huse Horace.E, (St. Johnsbury E.) r 16, 20 cattle, 20 sheep, 700 sugar trees, farmer 225.
HUSE. S.  KENDALL, (St. Johnsbury Center) farmer 90, and 64 on r 12.
Hutchins Daniel P., carpenter, h 90 Railroad.
HUTTON CHARLES M., conductor B. & L. R. R., h 80 Eastern ave.
HYNES MICHAEL, prop. Acme Iron Works, all kinds of brass and iron castings to order. Concord ave., bds Pleasant.
IDE ELMORR T., (E. T. & H. K. Ide) h 1 Mt. Pleasant.
IDE  E. T. & H. K., (Elmore T. and Horace K.) props, of Passumpsic mills at Passumpsic, wholesale and retail dealers in  flour, grain, feed, grass seed, salt, lime, cement, calcined plaster, bone meal and coal, 20 and 22 Eastern ave.
IDE HENRY C, (lde & Stafford) lawyer, senator  1882 and 1884, director of Passumpsic Savings Bank, and of the Ely Hoe and Fork Co., h Church.
IDE HORACE K., (E. T.   &  H.  K. Ide)   quarter-master general of Vt., junior vice-commander of the G. A. R. of Vermont, h 4 Main.
IDE & STAFFORD, (Henry C. I. and Wendell P. S.) lawyers, Bank block, Main.
INGALLS EDWARD B, clerk, emp. of H. E. Fletcher & Co, bds Pearl.
Ingram Walter, gardener for Henry Fairbanks, h 1 School, F. v.
Ivers Edward, job teamster, h Maple.
Ivers Joseph, job teamster, h Portland.
Jackson Horace, (Summerville) highway surveyor, h Concord ave.
Jackson John R , laborer, h Railroad.
Jacque Joseph, laborer, h Maple.
Jay Norman D., (St. Johnsbury Center) r 9, brick mason, farmer 32.
Jenkins Edson R., machinist, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Pleasant.
Jenkins William H., machinist, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 5 Water.
Jenness Laura A. Miss, teacher in the graded school, bds 40 Spring.
Jenness Lucy A., widow of John, h 40 Spring,
Jenness Mattie A., teacher in graded school, bds 40 Spring.
Jewell A. C, machinist B. & L. R. R. shop, h Railroad.
Jewett Albert B , supt.  St. Johnsbury & Lake Champlain   R.  R., office R, R,  station, bds St. Johnsbury House.
Jewett---------, widow of Samuel, h 99 Main.
Johnson Albert K., conductor B. & L. R. R., h Mill.
JOHNSON EDWARD, editor of St. Johnsbury Republican, h 8 Cherry.
Johnson George, job teamster, h Eastern ave.
Johnson John, (St.  Johnsbury  Center)  stone  mason,  emp. of the town  in building culverts, h Main.
JOHNSON NATHAN M., dealer in dry goods.   (Sold out to W. J. Sanborn.)
JOHNSON NATHAN M. Mrs., dealer in ladies' furnishing goods, fine dress goods, fancy work, also teaches embroidery, m Eastern ave., Y. M. C. A. building.
Johnson Perry, (Summerville) fork polisher for Ely Hoe and Fork Co., bds with Peter E. Johnson, Portland.
Johnson  Peter E., (Summerville) fork  polisher for Ely Floe and Fork Co.,  h Portland.
Johnson Robert, laborer, h Passumpsic.
Johnson Ruth, r 39 n 40, widow of Levi, aged 80 years.
Johnson Willard, lumber agent, 40 Main.
Johnson William B., r 39 n 40, 20 cows, farmer 160.
Jones Charles D., (St. Johnsbury Center) (Pierce & Jones,) sealer of scales,, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., bds with P. L. Pierce, Main.
Jones Charles H., machinist, emp. B. F. Rollins, h Jones.
JONES ISAAC G., (Jones & Shields) bds Jones, P. v.
Jones L. Horace, dealer in garden and flower seed, vegetables and plants, h Water.
Jones Lucian B., electrician with E. & T. F. & Co., h South Park.
Jones Viola M., widow of Bradley G., h 28 Cliff.
JONES & SHIELDS, (Ieaac G. J. and Robert B. S.) manufs. of chamber and office furniture and extension tables, foot of Pleasant, P. v.
Joslin Frank R., ice dealer in Brooklyn and New York, farmer in Concord, Essex Co., 70
Joslin Frederick, soldier in the Union army, blind, h 63 Pearl.
Joslin Hiram, boarding-house, farmer 57 in Concord, Essex Co., h 3 Cherry.
Joyce Augustus, (St. Johnsbury Center) laborer for Loren Ayer.
Joyce Eugene M., (St. Johnsbury Center) agent for Singer sewing machine,. h off Main.
Juneau Aime, laborer, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Concord ave.
Juneau Joseph, laborer, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Concord ave.
Kasson Amasa, (Summerviile) clock repairer, h Concord ave.
Kelley Edward A., clerk for William Daniels, h Railroad.
Kelley George I., (St. Johnsbury E.) r 51, dealer in groceries, boots and shoes.
Kelley George L., (St. Johnsbury Center) retired farmer 4, and job teamster, h Main.
Kelley Henry J., (St. Johnsbury Center) emp. scale works, h Water.
Kelley Wilbur F., (St. Johnsbury Center) general merchant, W. U. telegraph operator, Main.
Kenaston Frank, student.
Kendall David P., r 5, retired farmer, aged 76 years, resides with his daughter. Mrs. Horace W. Ayer.
Kendall, Larnard L., retired farmer, h 32 Pearl.
Kendall Louise Mrs., resides Main.
Kenerson Vertner, teacher of penmanship, St. J. academy.
Kennedy Alice I., (St. Johnsbury Center) seamstress, widow George E.
Kent Stillman  H., sealer of scales, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 11  Belvidere.
Kidder Nancy F., widow of Rev. Thomas, h 8 Prospect.
Kimball Roxana, (St. Johnsbury Center) widow of Moses, resident, aged 87.
King Charles, (St. Johnsbury Center) r 10, laborer, owns farm.
King George, farmer, emp. K. & T. F. & Co., h 6 Western ave.
King Joseph, (Summerville) section overseer, B. & L. R. R., h Elm.
King Peter, (Summerville) butcher, emp. Sylvester & Gray, h Elm.
Kinney Henry W., carpenter, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 23 Church.
Kinney James, engineer Pass. R. R., bds 3 Cherry.
Kinney  William  L., pattern  maker, emp. E. & T. F. &. Co., bds 7 Summer.
KIRK CHARLES E., (Hartshorn & Kirk) h 1 Pearl.
Kittredge Judson, (Summerville) stone cutter, h Caledonia.
Kittredge Orlando, farmer 10, and in Walden 50, h P. v.
Knapp Cordelia C, (St. Johnsbury E.) r 51, widow of Horace H., aged 59.
Knapp Tane B , r 44 cor 45, widow of Nathan F., owns farm 20.
KNAPP JOHN A., painter, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Water.
Knapp Lee, (St. Johnsbury E.)r 51, medical student.
Knapp Marshall H., (St. Johnsbury E ) r 51 cor 17, 30 head grade Durham cattle, 50 grade Shropshire sheep, farmer 300.
KNAPP ORPHA W., widow of Alden N., laundress, h Water.
KNAPP  PAUL, (St. Johnsbury E ) r 51, shoemaker.
Knapp Pliny H.. carpenter, emp. Jones & Shields, h School, P. v.
Knight Lavina W., widow of Levi M., dressmaker, h 33 Eastern ave.
KNIGHT THOMAS, (St. Johnsbury E.) r 52, poultry grower  100 hens, farmer 4.
Koepka Henry E., r 47, machinist, emp. E. & T. F. & Co.
KROGMAN  SAMUEL B. Jr., prop, of St. Johnsbury House.
Labranche Isaac, emp, E. & T. F. & Co., h 29 Clark's ave.
Lacasse Fred, barber, 47 Main, up stairs.
Lachance Modiste, track hand on Pass. R. R , h 23 Maple.
Lachance Peter, (St  Johnsbury Center) section foreman Pass. R. R., h Main.
Lacourse Francis, r 42, molder, h and lot.
Ladd A'onzo. (Summerville) r 57  apiarist 30 swarms, milk dealer, 18 cows, 600 sugar trees, and fanner 180.
Ladd George W., (Summerville) r 57, emp. of his father, A. Ladd.
Ladd John, r 56, blacksmith, carpenter, breeder of high grade Jersey cattle, 10 cows, farmer 185.
Ladd Lafayette J., r 56, farmer, leases on shares of Philando Herrington 60.
Ladd Luman A., (Summerville) r 57, farmer with his father, A. Ladd.
Ladd William W., r 48, carpenter, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., and farmer 20.
Ladrae Jennie Miss, seamstress and dressmaker, bds. Hastings.
Lafont Henry, laborer at B. & L. R. R. shop, h Maple.
LAIRD ROBERT W.,prop. St. Johnsbury Granite Co., and granite quarries in Brunswick, Ryegate, Greensboro and Woodbury, manuf. of and dealer in all kinds of granite, monumental and statuary work a specialty, office and shops opposite passenger depot, h 10 Railroad.
Laird Washington R., pastor Reformed Presbyterian church, h 11 Pearl.
Laliberte Gideon, molder, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h New Water.
Laliberte John, laborer, h Clark's ave.
Lamere Jerome, mechanic, scale works, h 55 Summer.
Lamine Joseph, molder, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Western ave.
Lamine Lewis E, brass molder, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h rear 58  Main.
Lamontague Joseph, (Summerville) forger Ely Hoe and Fork Co., h Elm,
Lamson Charles M , D. D., pastor of North Congregational church, parsonage 77 Main.
Lanctot Eugene J., clerk, emp  of J. Drouin, bds do.
Lanctot John, blacksmith, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Pearl.
Landry George, barber, emp. of F. B  Martel, bds Cherry.
Landry Joseph A., barber, emp. of Frank Martel, h Avenue block.
Landry Peter, r 46, machinist, and farmer 100.
Lane Hollis V., machinist, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 37 Spring.
Lane William H., stone cutter, bds Cherry.
Lankey James, (Summerville) blacksmith, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Caledonia.
LaPage Leon J., collector for Geo. Jones & Co., of Boston, h Bank block, Railroad.
Lapointe Samuel, laborer, h Maple.
Lapointe William, laborer, h Hastings.
Larame Dennis, machinist, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Forest.
Larry Joseph, emp. of the Pass. R   R., h Railroad.
Lauder David, laborer, h Railroad.
Lauder David, Jr., teamster, polisher for Carrick Bros., h Pearl.
Lauder James, laborer, h Prospect.
Lauder James Mrs, laundry work, h Prospect.
Lauder John, fireman, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., bds Railroad.
Laundry Frank, (Summerville) drug clerk for Dr. Paquet, h Elm.
Lavalley Albert, (Summerviile) granite polisher for Carrick Bros., h Caledonia,
Laverature Ludjer, laborer, h Railroad.
Lavigne Sinai, job teamster, h 30 Maple.
LAWRENCE ALBERT F., r 46, breeder of high grade Jersey cattle. 800. sugar trees, 12 cows, 45 sheep, farmer 290.
Lawrence Jonathan, r 46, retired farmer, resident with his son, Albert F., aged 78 years.
Lawrence Lemuel H., house, ornamental and landscape painter, bds Tremont.
LAWRENCE STEARNS D., stone mason and dealer in ice, h Tremont,. soldier in Co. F, 2nd Vt. Vols
Lawrence Victor V., (St. Johnsbury E.) r 51, lumber planer and wagon repairer.
Lawton James Dwight, ice dealer, manager for H. C. Hastings, h Hastings Place.
Learmouth James, teamster, emp. A. H. McLeod, h N. Railroad.
LEARNED JOHN W., (St. Johnsbury Center) r 24 1/2, formerly carpenter and carriage maker, farmer 23, aged 78.
Learned Sidney R , (St. Johnabury Center) sealer at scale works, h Water.
LEAVITT JOHN, (Summerville) dealer in ice, Portland, h do.
Lebourveau John, (St. Johnsbury Center) filer at scale works, h Water.
LeBouf Cyril, baker for G. H. Cross & Co., h Prospect.
Lee Charles, Summerville.
Lee John R , (St. Johnsbury E.) r 51, carpenter, served in  Co. E, 6th Mich. Regt.
Lee R. Henry, sealer of weights, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 52 Summer.
Lee William H., (Summerville) r 56, farm laborer.
Lefebvre Antoine, laborer, bds with his son, George D.
Lefebvre George D., laborer, h Clark's ave.
Lefeviere Felix, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h St. Mary.
Legendre Joseph, (Summerville) boxmaker, bds Caledonia.
Legendre   William, (Surmnerville)   blacksmith, emp. E. &  T. F. & Co., bds Caledonia.
Leighton Jeremiah W., laborer, h Railroad.
Leith Portus, farm laborer, h Pleasant.
Lemire Moses, (Summerville) carpenter, emp. C. H. Stevens & Co. at Granby, h Elm.
Leonard James W., (St. Johnsbury Center) sealer at scale  works, h Church.
Leonard Patrick, (Summerville) overseer of a section of the B. & L. R. R., h Portland.
Leonard Thomas F., (Summcrville) fireman B. & L. R. R., bds Portland.
Leslie Richard, stationary  engineer B. &  L. R. R. shop, h Ward's  block, Railroad.
Lester Stephen D., moldcr of brass, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Brown's block, Main.
Lewin Henry, coachman for the St. Johnsbury House, h 119 Railroad.
LEWIS WARREN C, insurance agent, land surveyor, farmer 4 1/2, and in W. Concord 25, h Concord ave. cor Harrison.
Lezotte Leon, molder, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Hastings.
Lezotte Joseph, molder scalp works, h off Tremont.
 LIBBEY FRANK, painter, frescoer and paper hanger, h Avenue block, soldier Battery B, 1st N. H. and Bittery D, 1st U. S. Artillery.
Liddell William, pattern maker E. & T. F. & Co., h Valley
Ling Edward, laborer, h Clark's ave.
Lintott William, stone cutter for Carrick Bros., bds Railroad.
Little William A., clerk at St. Johnsbury House, bds do.
LIVINGSTON ASA S., village trustee, street commissioner, manager of agricultural department containing farm 800, and pasture lands 1,200 for E. & T. F. & Co., h 7 Summer.
Locke Charles C, clerk for Harvey & Brown, bds Mt. Pleasant.
LOCKE CHARLES H.. (St. Johnsbury E.) r 51, 5 head cattle, farmer 41.
LOCKWOOD L. GEORGE, superintendent of repairs for the St. Johnsbury academy buildings, served on the engineer corps of the army of the Potomac, h 1 Valley.
Loffeau Henry, emp. of B. & L. R. R., h Maple.
Longmoore Samuel, stone cutter, emp. R. W. Laird, h 32 Railroad.
Lonto John, blacksmith at scale works, h Pearl.
Lothrop William S., clerk for N. M. Scott & Son, h Railroad.
Lougee Fred A., (St. Johnsbury Center) carpenter and joiner.
Lougee Herbert A.. (St. Johnsbury Center) clerk.
Lougee Mary E , (St. Johnsbury Center) widow of Jonathan S., resident, h and lot.
Lougee S. Jennie, (St. Johnsbury Center) dressmaker.
LUCAS ALONZO R.. (A. B. & L. H. Lucas) h 105 Main.
LUCAS A. R. & L. H., livery and back stable, farmers 20, 105 Main.
Lucas Howard C, sealer of scales, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Concord ave.
Lucas Lothrop H., (A. R & L. H. Lucas) h Hastings.
Luce John, machinist for D. Thompson, bds with W. Thomas.
Luce Zebina A., (St. Johnsbury E.) r 53, leases farm of Mrs. Comfort Carlton 15, served in Co. D, 5th Vt. Vols.
Lyford Eleanor E., (St. Johasbury Center) off r 11, widow of Harvey, resident.
Lyman Hattie  Mrs., (Suinrrierville) r 48, type  setter, emp. of L. W. Rowell.
Lynch Bridget G., widow of Patrick, h Clark's ave.
Lynch Bros., (John E. and Francis C.) dealers in fruit, confectionery, cigars, tobacco, props, dining hall, 7 Eastern ave.
Lynch Charles, (Summerville) forger Ely Hoe and Fork Co., bds with Daniel.
Lynch Cornelius R., furniture maker for W. S. Smith, bds Cottage Hotel.
Lynch Daniel, (Summerville) forger Ely Hoe and Fork Co., h Ely.
Lynch Edward, laborer, owns six tenements, h Clark's ave.
Lynch Francis C, (Lynch Bros ) h 7 Eastern ave.
Lynch John; trackman Pass. R.  R. , h Jacob's Ladder.
Lynch John E., (Lynch Bros.) h 7 Eastern ave.
Lynch ---------, (St. Johnsbury Center) laborer.
Lynn Samuel, emp. G. H. Cross & Co., h Hastings hill.
Lynn William, laborer, h Clark's ave.
Lyon Henry O , (St. Johnsbury E.)
Lyster Alfred D., r 39, laborer for W. B. Johnson.
Mackay David, r 44, machinist, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., farmer 15.
Madden Daniel, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Danville road.
Magoon Charles H., (Feed Water Heater Co.) inventor of Feed water heater, and electric signal engine bell, h 12 Pearl.
Maillette George, shoemaker, emp. of Joseph Drouin, h Railroad.
Mann Henry E , laborer, h Pearl cor Eastern ave. 
Mansfield Sophronia, r 28, widow of Artemis, owns h and 5 acres.
Matasa Adolph, laborer, h Hastings.
Marcotte Fred L , carriage painter, emp. of Miller & Ryan, h Elm.
Marcotte George, (Summerville) blacksmith, h Elm.
Marion George, (Summerville) fresco painter, h Sand Place.
Marion Rimie, laborer,  h Sand Place.
MARSHALL CALEB H , foreman polishing shop, and jobber for E. & T. F. & Co., h 35 Summer.
Marshall Charles H., mechanic, emp.  E. & T.  F. & Co., bds 6 Autumn.
Marshall John A., polisher, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 21 Cliff.
Marshall Louisa Mrs., seamstress, emp. F. G. Stevens, h Water, P. v.
Martel  Frank B , barber, Avenue House, h 65  Pearl.
Martin Alonzo E., painter for Ely Hoe and Fork Co., h 6 Belvidere.
Martin Jenette S., widow of Alonzo G., nurse, h 6 Belvidere.
Martin Samuel P., (Summerville) laborer, emp. E. L. Hovey, h Concord ave.
MASSEY ALFRED  D., mason and bricklayer, h South Park.
Mastin  Silas,   supt., emp,  E. & T.  F.  & Co., h 19 Church cor Spring.
Maxham Lewis, carpenter, emp. B. &  L. R. R., h Caledonia.
May Dennis E.. book-keeper for E. & T. F. & Co., h Pleasant.
MAY ELISHA, (Summerville) (Bates & May) lawyer, h Pleasant.
May Harry H., emp. of E. & T. F. & Co., chorister of South Cong, church, h Main.
Mayhew William, (Summerville) carpenter, h Portland cor Caledonia.
McCone John, carpenter and joiner, h 77 Eastern ave.
McCOMACK TERRENCE, blacksmith, emp. E, & T. F. & Co., h Eastern ave.
McCormick Anthony J., blacksmith and horseshoer, Eastern ave., h 53 Clark's ave.
McCormick George, blacksmith, ernp. of Carrick Bros., bds 19 Railroad.
McCormick John P., retired, h 29 Central cor Spring.
McCormick Michael, blacksmith, emp. E  & T. F. & Co., h School, F. v.
McCormick Patrick, stone mason, h 19 Railroad.
McCosco Oliver K., shop foreman for B. F. Rollins, h 15 Pleasant.
McCrea William, (Summerville) r 19, farmer 110.
McCrea George, laborer, h Hastings.
McCurdy Matthew, (St. Johnsbury E.) r 51. farmer 30.
McCUTCHEON JOHN W., blacksmith, for E. & T. F. & Co., h 13 School, F. v.
McDonald James C, (Suminerville) blacksmith, emp. E & T. F. & Co., h off Caledonia.
McDonald John, blacksmith, emp. E. & T. F. & Co.. h 34 Spring.
McDonald Randall, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Clark's ave.
McDonald William, machinist, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Forest.
Me Duff Peter, laborer, h Railroad.
McFarland Almont M., bridge builder, emp. of the Pass. R. R., bds 110 Railroad.
McFarland Daniel C, prop, of boarding-house, h 110 Railroad,
McFarland. Elias, traveling salesman for Brown & Bagley of Rutland, h 41 Pearl.
McFarland Franklin A., granite cutter, emp. of R. W. Laird, bds Eistern ave.
McFarland Leon B., carpenter, emp. of E. & T. F. & Co., h south end Railroad St.
McGaffey Amos, (St. Johnsbury E.) r 17, laborer, h and lot.
McGowan Anne, widow of John, h Eastern ave.
McGowan John, laborer, h 4 Western ave.
McGowan John, brakeman, emp. Pass. R. R., bds Eastern ave. Belle M.  Miss, dressmaker, bds 4  School, F. v.
McKINNON ROBERT, (H. E. Fletcher & Co.) h 11 Church. (Moved to Minneapolis.)
McLaughlin James, (St.  Johnsbury E.) r 52, tanner, h and lot.
McLaughlin William A., (St, Johnsbury Center) traveling agent for Singer Sewing Machine Co., h Water.
McLEOD ANGUS H., prop. Caledoina grist and flouring mills, wholesale and retail dealer in flour, feed and grain, north end of Railroad, h Railroad.
McLeod Donald, blacksmith, emp. of E. & T. F. & Co., h Prospect.
McNiece Hugh R., sealer of scales for E. & T. F. & Co., 33 Pearl.
Mead Fred, laborer, bds Maple.
Mead Joseph, laborer, h Maple.
MEDICAL HALL, Dr. Joseph A. Paquet, prop.; dealer in drugs, medicines, fancy and toilet articles, physicians' prescriptions carefully compounded, 45 Railroad.
Meecham Eli, job teamster, Pleasant.
MEECHAM IDA M. Miss, dressmaker, 2 Union block, h do.
Menut Louis, (St. Johnsbury Center) miller  for  Pierce & Jones, h Main.
Merchant Joseph, (St. Johnsbury E.) r 51, laborer.
MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK, William E. Peck, of Passumpsic, Vt? pres.;   Harley E. Folsom,  of  Lydonville,   Vt.,  vice-pres.;  William S. Streeter, cashier; Bank block, Railroad.
Merriam Everett B., wholesale dealer in flour, butter, eggs, and farm produce, 61 Main, bds Main.
Michand Etierne, emp. E. & T, F. & Co., h 30 Maple.
Miles Alonzo A., r 31, jobber on iron work for E. & T. F. & Co., 500 sugar trees, 8 cows, and farmer 75.
MILES CHARLES A., (Summerville) machinist, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Portland.
MILES DEMMING R, laundry, 55 Eastern ave., h do.
Miles Elbert W., (St. Johnsbury Center) r 10, melter for E. & T. F. & Co.,. h and lot and 15 acres.
MILES EMILY A. Mrs., (Summerville) dressmaker, h Portland.
MILES ERNEST L., r 31, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., on iron work,farmer 25. (Died in  1886.)
Miles Frank H., (St. Johnsbury Center) foreman of extra packing department at scale works, h Main cor Church.
Miles George   A., clerk, h 80 Railroad.
Miles Josiah M., (St. Johnsbury Center) farmer 20, h Main.
Miles Lillian, (St. Johnsbury Center) (Mrs. Leonard) resident, Church.
Miller Darwin M., carriage painter, emp. Miller & Ryan, h Pearl.
MILLER JOHN D., (Miller & Ryan) h Railroad.
Miller John W., stone mason, h Eastern ave.
Miller Norman, wheelwright for Miller & Ryan, h Pearl.
Miller Sidney W., carriage maker, emp. Miller & Ryan, h 1 Cross.
MILLER & RYAN, (John D. M. and John H. Ryan)manufs.of and dealers in carriages and sleighs. Railroad cor Portland.
Miner Frank H., engineer B. & L  R. R., h 7 Green.
Miner George F., (Miner & Hill) h 4 Spring.
Miner Loren F., scale maker, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h New Water.
Miner & Hill, (George F.   M. and  Frank  D. H.)  house, sign  and carriage painters, rear 49 Main.
Mitchell Abby F., teacher of history and English literature, St. Johnsbury academy.
Mitchell Ervin O , fireman B. & L. R. R., h 19 Railroad,
Mitchell James A., carpenter, emp. of Matt. J. Calbeck, bds Harrison ave.
Montgomery Charles C, clerk for N. M. Scott & Son, bds 27 Pearl.
MONTGOMERY MARSHALL, lawyer, and state's attorney, 51 Railroad, h Harrison ave., Summerville.
Mooney James C, clerk at the Avenue House, bds do.
MOORE DAVID J., r ?, foreman casting department for E. & T. F. & Co. past nine years, soldier 1st N. H. Heavy Artillery.
Moore Elizabeth, widow of William, boarding, h 33 Eastern ave.
Moore Fred G., clerk in scale department for E. & T. F. & Co., h 3 Spring,
Moore George P., (Moore & Co.) h Railroad opp. Willow Place.
Moore George W., coachman for W. P. Fairbanks.
MOORE HERBERT E., prop, of South End livery, boarding and sale stable. Main n South Church, bds 15 Main.
MOORE HUGH C, wholesale and retail dealer in carriages, sleighs, robes and  harnesses, also dealer in horses, Eastern ave,, bds St. Johnsbury House.     (Removed to Massachusetts.)
Moore James C, hardware and agricultural implements, 63 Railroad, h Caledonia, Summerville.
Moore John A., manager of Passumpsic clothing store, h 83 Main.
Moore John F., (St. Johnsbury Center) dealer in meat and vegetables, h Main.
Moore Nancy, widow of Samuel.
Moore Robert H.. polisher, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Water.
MOORE SAMUEL L.. prop, of livery, boarding and sale stable, Central, opp. St. Johnsbury House, h 85 Main.
Moore William, mechanic, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 38 Central cor Autumn.
Moore & Co., (G. P. M. and N. P. Bowman) fire, life and accident insurance, Hastings block. 28 Eastern ave.
Morency John, (Summerville) painter and paper-hanger, emp. E. & T. F. & Co, h Elm.
Morey Fred H , brakeman B. & L. R. R., h Avenue block.
Morrell Sophronia L, (St. Johnsbury E) widow of Calvin, resident.
Morrill Austin J., hostler for E. & T. F. & Co., h 13 School, F. v.
Morrill Charles E., emp. of E. & T. F. & Co., h 5 School, F. v.
Morrill Eddie E., (St. Johnsbury E.) barber, and section hand B. & L. R. R.
Morrill Ellen B., widow of Rev. Stephen S., resident, h 13 Belvidere.
Morrill George H.. (St. Johnsbury Center) r 10, works at scale factory, owns farm 45.
Morrill Lucy, widow of Hollis D., h School, P.v.
Morris George S., (Summerville) handler of hoes and forks, emp. Ely Hoe and Fork Co., h Concord ave.
Morris Leonard C, (Summerville) foreman for Matthew Calbeck, h Summerville.
Morris Lindorf, manuf. of Bonett swivel plow, Pleasant, P. v., h do.
Morris Walstein F., (Summerville) manuf. of chairs, wood turner and pattern maker, P. v., h Concord ave.
Morris Walstein L., r 37, molder, emp. E. & T. F. & Co.
Morrison Davenport A., retired painter, h Railroad.
Morrison David, manuf. of doors, sash and blinds, for E. & T. F. & Co., h 19 Summer cor Central.
Morrison D. A. Mrs., dealer in dry and fancy goods, ladies underwear, stationery, crockery and tinware, 80 Railroad, h do.
Morrison Joseph C, town liquor agent, retired carpenter and bridge builder, aged 71, 58 Main, h 21 Cliff.
Morron Elizabeth Mrs., h River.
Morse Amasa, blacksmith, emp. of O. V. Hooker & Son, h 9 Belvidere.
Morse C. Emma Miss, compositor Caledonian office, h 41 Pearl.
Morse Charles JK., Congregational clergyman, and agent for the People's Encyclopedia, h Passumpsic.
Mossie Henrv E., (St. Johnsbury E.) r 51, tinman.
Moulton Arthur, (H. J. Goodrich & Co.) h Harrison ave., Summerville.
Moulton Edward P., engineer, h Pearl.
MOULTON WILLIAM H., (Bachelder & Moulton) h 6 Cross.
Mudgett Joseph, life ins. agent, Newport, Vt, served in Co. K, 15th Vt. Vols., bds Cottage Hotel.
Mulrooaey Patrick, laborer, emp. B. & L. R. R., h Eastern ave.
Murphy Michael, r 43, laborer.
Murray Antoine, laborer, h Clark's ave.
Nadeau Jesse F., (St. Johnsbury Center) blacksmith at scale works.
Nadeau John, laborer, h Clark's ave.
Nadeau Joseph, (St. Johnsbury Center) section hand Pass. R. R., h Church.
Nadeau Joseph, laborer, h Clark's ave.
Nasmith Stephen, retired famer, aged 77 years, h Pleasant.
Nason J. M. Mrs., (Summerville) dressmaker, h Caledonia.
Nason Jonathan M., (Summerville) blacksmith, emp. Barre, Vt., h Caledonia.
Nelson Archibald D., assistant foreman scale departmant for E. & T. F. & Co., h 10 Pearl.
Nelson Catharine, widow of Michael, h Eastern ave.
NELSON JAMES R., physician and surgeon, graduate of College of Physicians and Surgeons of N. Y., 1869, 28 Main, h do.
Nelson John, stone cutter, Carrick Bros., h Clark's ave.
Nelson  Michael W., granite cutter, emp. R. W. Laird, h Eastern ave.
Nelson Patrick, stone cutter, h Clark's ave.
Nelson Patrick J., (Summerville) emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Portland.
Nelson  Samuel A., manuf, of spruce lumber and shingles, mills in Newark, h 30 Central cor Spring.
Nelson  Thomas A , granite cutter, emp. Carrick Bros., h Eastern ave.
Nehon William H., dealer in sheet music, music books, pianos   and organs, 53 Eastern ave., h Boynton  ave.
NETTLETON OAKAH E., dentist, Walker's block, Main, h Main n South Cong, church.
Newcomb Charles, night clerk Avenue House, bds do.
Newell Charles D , (St. Johnsbury Center) dentist, h Water
NEWELL HENRY C, physician and surgeon, 18 Church cor Spring, h do.
NEWELL HERBERT L, physician and surgeon, graduate of medical department, University of Vermont, office No. 1 Bank block, Main.
Newton Alonzo, millwright, h Pleasant cor School, P. v.
Newton Samuel E., carpenter and millwright, h School, P. v.
NICHOLS ABRO P., lawyer, h 5 Mt. Pleasant.
Nichols Charles A., (St. Johnsbury Center) r 12, farmer with Reuben.
Nichols Henry H , (St. Johnsbury Center) laborer, h Water.
Nichols Joseph H., retired farmer, resides with Crawford Ranney.
Nichols Lizzie, widow of Pembroke N., resident, h 15 Summer.
Nichols Reuben F., (St. Johnsbury Center) r 12, 10 cows, farmer 275.
Nolin Maltide, widow of Peter, h Main.
Nolin Mary and Virginia Misses, dressmakers, h Main.
Noonan Eliza,.widow of Patrick, h River.
Noonan John H., clerk, emp. P.  A. Roach, Main, bds do.
Norton Charles E , emp. E & T. F. & Co , h 5 School, F. v.
Norton Clinton A, (Ranney & Norton) h 32 Mt. Pleasant.
Nourse Tohn O., r 29, farmer 65.
NOYES A. BARBER, book-keeper, emp. scale department E. & T. F. & Co , h 10 Church.
Noyes Joseph A , policeman, chief of the fire department, owner of real estate, h 107 Eastern ave.
Noyes Mary A., widow of John, washer and ironer, h 86 Railroad.
Nute Silas H., (Summerville) ferrule maker Ely Hoe and Fork Co ; h Concord ave.
Nute William M., molder, emp, E. & T. F. & Co, h 1 High.
Nutting Wallace H., r 43, emp. in the scale works for E. & T. F. & Co., and farmer 6.
OAKLEY DANIEL W., scale packer, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., bds 92 Railroad.
Oakley John, works at scale works, bds 92 Railroad.
O'Herley Anna, widow of Daniel, 11 Clark's ave.
O'Keefe Dennis, emp. of Ely Hoe and Fork Co.. h 130 Main.
O'Keefe Edward J., (Summerville) fork maker, emp. Ely Hoe and Fork Co., bds Ely.
O'Keefe John, (Summerville) resident, h Ely.
O'Malley Patrick, emp. E  & T. F. & Co., h School, F. v.
OLCOTT CHARLES H, (St. Johnsbury E.).r 15, 8 head cattle, 1,200 sugar trees, farmer, leases of C. A. Severance, 30.
Olcott Frank W., (St. Johnsbury E.) r 15, farm laborer.
Qrcutt Henry, (Summerville) off r 50, farmer 100.
Orcutt John D . (Summerville) freight handler at depot, h Portland.
ORCUTT ORRIN W., manuf. of and dealer in lumber, h 13 Perkins.
Owen Ellen L., (Summerville) widow of William, h Concord ave.
Owen Frank C, r 56, teamster, farmer in Waterford. S. of Higgins, P. v.
Owen George A., brick maker, emp. St. Johnsbury Brick Co., h N. Railroad.
Owen William M., (Summerville) blacksmith, emp. St. Johnsbury Granite Co., h Concord ave.
Packard Alonzo, (Summerville) r 56, carpenter, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., 8 cows, farmer 150.
PACKARD LAMBERT, r 56, architect and builder, and supt. of the designing and building for E. & T. F. & Co , and farmer 225.
Paddock Harvlin, jobber, emp. E & T. F. & Co., h 14 South Park.
PADDOCK IRON WORKS, D. Thompson, prop., founders and machinists, dealers in pipe and steam fittings, Concord ave.
Paddock J. Albert, machinist, scale works, h 5 Cherry.
Paddock John C, retired iron manuf., h 10 Main.
Paddock John H., retired iron manuf., h 12 Church cor Summer.
PADDOCK MARY, widow of Horace, h 101 Main.
Paddock Orris Miss, music teacher, h 10 Main.
Page Charles L., general secretary of the Y. M. C. A., h 3 Mt. Pleasant.
Page Henry, off r 43, 400 sugar trees, 10 cows, farmer 79.
Page John, machinist, scale works, h South, F. v.
Page John W., r 45, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., soldier in Co. K, 3d Regt. Vt. Vols.
Page Luman H., carpenter, emp. Pass. R. R., h Caledonia.
Paige Morris H., sealer of weights, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Concord ave.
Paine Frank A., molder, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., bds 40 Central.
Paine J. Austin, molder. emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Western ave.
Paine Palmer E., molder, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 40 Central.
Palmer Alexander, (St. Johnsbury E.) r 51, tanner and currier, leases tannery of H. F. Griswold.
PALMER ASA A , veterinary surgeon, treats successfully all diseases of the horse, Avenue block, bds Cottage Hotel.
PAQUET JOSEPH A., prop, of Medical Hall, physician  and  surgeon, 45 Railroad, h 39 Pearl.
Paridis George, carpenter, h Water.
Paris Flora Mrs., laundress, h River.
Park Euphemia, widow of Leander Q, laundress, h 6 Maple cor Pearl.
Parker Eliphalet Y., (St. Johnsbury E.) r 51, carpenter, farmer 100.
Parker Fred P., carpenter, h Hastings.
Parker Howard F., machinist at scale works, bds Cottage Hotel.
Parkei Sarah A., (Summerville) r 57, widow of Quincy B., owns share in farm
Parkhurst Sherman W., conductor B, & L. R. R., h 24 Railroad.
Parrodix Joseph, (Conlcy & Parrodix) h Maple.
Parrodix Thiophle, laborer, h 23 Maple.
Passumpsic Clothing Store, J. A. Morse, manager, clothing and gents'  furnishing goods, new Masonic block, Main.
PASSUMPSIC SAVINGS BANK. THE, Emerson Hall, pres.; William S. Boynton, treas. Main.
Patterson Charles, r 40, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., and breeder of high grade Jersey cattle, and farmer 42.
Patterson D. Dean, book-keeper scale department for E. & T. F. & Co., h Main.
Patterson Fred W., grocery clerk for E. & T. F. & Co., bds 34 Summer.
Payne George A., deputy county clerk, bds Western ave.
Peabody Richard W., r 37 cor 49, breeder of grade Jersey cattle, and farmer 150.
Pearl William L., traveling agent for Iroquois Roller Flouring Mills, Ogdensburg, N. Y., h 58 Summer.
PECK. AZRO  M., r 40, 800 sugar trees, 8 cows, farmer  159, and pasture land about 70.
Peck Charles J., r 29, farmer 90.
Peck William, farm laborer, h 28 Maple.
Penney James A, blacksmith, emp. E. & T. F. & Co , h Danville road,
Penney John D., laborer, h River.
Penney Joseph J., laborer, emp. E. & T. F. & Co.
Penniman Leonard, farmer, h 18 Mt. Pleasant.
Perigo Henry, laborer, h River.
Perkey Albert, emp. of E. & T. F. & Co., h 115 Main.
Perkey Edward, barber, emp. F. B. Martel, h Clark's ave.
PERKINS JOSEPH L, M. D., D. D. S., dentist, 29 Main, h Prospect.
Perrigo Frank, prop. Fairbanks Co. boarding house, mechanic, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 2 School, F. v.
Peterson Carl J., carpenter, emp, E. & T. F. & Co., h 23 Cliff cor Webster.
Peterson Charles C, steam and gas fitter, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 37 Cliff.
Phillips Preston S , blacksmith for Carrick Bros., bds 92 Railroad.
Picord Thomas, (Summerville) carrage maker and blacksmith for Miller & Ryan, Cortland, h do.
PIERCE ABEL A., (St. Johnsbury Center) r 12 n 11, retired paper manuf., physician, 12 cows, stock grower, 600 sugar trees, farmer 165, Mount Pleasant, and on r 10  70.
PIERCE  BROTHERS,  (St.  Johnsbury Center) r  11, (F.  A.  and J.  W.) props, of Valley Falls Mills, manuf's. of straw board and lumber, owns 14 acres.
Pierce Charles O., (St. Johnsbury Center) r  35 n 23, farmer 30.
Pierce Eveline, (St. Johnsbury Center) widow of Varnum, aged 82, h and lot
PIERCE FREEMAN A., (St. Johnsbury Center) r 11 n 10, (Pierce Brothers.)
Pierce George H., (St.   Johnsbury Center) r 13, farmer with Hollis S. head cattle. 18 sheep, apiary 7 swarms, and farmer 200.
PIERCE HIRAM D., (St. Johnsbury Center) r 24, 1,100 sugar trees, 20
Pierre Hollis S., (St. Johnshnry Center) r 13, 700 sugar trees, farmer 133, and with Hiram D. 150.
Pierce Josiah W., (St. Johnsbury Center) r 12, (Pierce Brothers.)
PIERCE PRENTICE L., (St.  Johnsbury Center) (Pierce & Jones) farmer 40, h Main.
Pierce Sally, (St. Johnsbury Center) resident, n School.
PIERCE & JONES, (St. Johnsbury Center) props, feed mill, and dealers in flour, meal, bran, graham, oatmeal, and all kinds of feed and grain, Main.
Pike Avery D., tax collector, 1st constable, office with town clerk, h 1 Spring.
PINARD CLIFFORD C, prop, of blooded stock horse "Buffalo Bill," and grocer, 23 Maple, h do.
PINARD JOVITE, (J. Pinard & Demers) h Water.
PINARD J. & DEMERS, manufs. of furniture packing cases, and dealers in lumber, foot of Pleasant, P. v.
PINARD LEON, (Summerville) foreman in C. H. Stevens & Co's dressing-mill and box shop, h Concord ave.
Piper Samuel H., (St. Johnsbury Center) off r 11, farmer.
Plumley  C. N., mason tender, scale works.
Plumley Edwin H., laborer, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 71 Main.
Plummcr William H., brickmakcr, emp. St. Tohnsbury Brick Co., h Jones, P. v.
POCOCK STEPHEN M., blacksmith, for E. & T. F. & Co., h School, F. v.
POLAND LUKE P., Hon., representative from Waterville, 1886-7, ex chief judge of Vt., ex-U. S. senator, ex-representative in U. S Congress, pres. First Nat. Bank, lawyer, farmer, residence the Dr. William Page homestead in Waterville, Lamoille Co.
Poole Charles C, r 49, carpenter and joiner, and soldier Co, D, 6th Heavy Artillery, N. Y. Vols., and regimental commissary.
Pope Sophronia L. Miss, seamstress, and author of analysis of the Bible (not published), h School.
Pope William S., lever filer, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h School, F. v.
Potter Edward W., (Summerville) laborer, h Portland.
Potter Ellery P., (St. Johnsbury E.) r 53, farmer with his father, John C.
Potter John C, (St. Johnsbury E.) r 53, 25 head grade Jersey and Durham cattle, 20 sheep, farmer 187.
Potter Mary, (Mrs. E.  W.) owns h and lot, Portland.
Powell George F., painter, emp. Henry Fairbanks.
Powers Emory E., machinist, emp. of E. & T. F. & Co., bds 6 Autumn.
POWERS FRANCIS V., (Summerville) postmaster, and general merchant, Portland, h do.
Powers Henry C, (St. Johnsbury Center) flask maker at scale works, h Water.
Powers Jason W., (Summerville) brakeman B. & L. R. R., h Portland cor Caledonia.
Powers Lucinda, (St. Johnsbury E.) r 52, widow of Roswell, resident, aged 53
Powers Sylvia, (St. Johnsbury Center) widow of Thomas F., resident.
Powers  Warren, (Summerville) r 57, machinist,  emp. B. & L. R. R., farmer 52
Powers William C, carriage trimmer, emp. of Miller & Ryan, h 28 Railroad.
Powers W. C. Mrs., dressmaker, h 28 Railroad.
Prescolt Frank E., (St. Johnsbury Center) r 39, market gardener, farmer 50.
Prescott John W., (St. Johnsbury Center) r to, machinist, farmer 75.
Prescott Frentice P., (St. Johnsbury Center) r 10, machinist, farmer 50.
Preston William H., ex-sheriff of Caledonia county,   15 cows, and farmer 30, h and lot 113 Main.
Prevost Eddie, bds Union.
Prevost Jules, cabinet maker, emp. of Pinard & Detners, h Union.
PRIDE ABNER E, farmer, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 12 Summer.
Prince M, D. Mrs,, dealer in human hair goods, and ladies furnishing goods, 78 and 80 Eastern ave., h do.
Prior Albert C, (Prior & Bagley) general manger Butterfield Spring Bed Co., Swanton, Vt., 66 and 68 Railroad, h Bank block,  Railroad.
Prior & Bagley, (A. C. P. and C. H. B.) props. St. Johnsbury boot and shoe emporium, 66 and 68 Railroad.
Prouty Ellen G. Miss, (St. Johnsbury E.) r 52, (Bibcock & Prouty) dressmaker and milliner.
Provencal Peter, ready-made clothing, hats, caps, neck wear, gents' furnishing goods, trunks and valises, Cowdery block, Railroad, h 101 Railroad.
Provincial Alphouse, file cutter, emp. of Conly & Parrodix, bds Railroad.
PUTNEY CHARLES E., Ph. D., principal of St. Johnsbury academy and president of Y. M. C. A., h 2 Main.
Query John, teamster, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Maple.
Quimby Curtis, (Lyndon) blacksmith for Miller & Ryan, h at Lyndon.
Quimby Martin J., (St. Johnsbury Center) painter and paper hanger, h Putnam.
Ramsay William W., farmer and teamster, h Concord ave.
Randall Edson N., dealer in ladies' and gents' furnishing goods, dry and fancy goods and stationery, 79 Railroad, h 4 do.
RANDALL GEORGE D., dealer in drugs, medicines, paints, oils, wall paper, fancy and toilet goods, Yankee notions, etc., 83 Railroad, h 8 Pearl.
Randall Horace, carpenter and builder, h 4 Pleasant.
Randall Nathaniel B, (St. Jolinsbury Center) r 23 cor 10, retired blacksmith, aged 77 years.
Randall Sias S., prop. Randall block, 83 Railroad.
RANDALL THOMAS S., (St. Johnsbury Center) r 23 cor 10, book canvasser, market gardener, 8 cows, farmer 36.
RANDALL WTLLI/YM N., (Summerville) carriage, sign and ornamental painter, and breeder of full-blood Holstein cattle, h Portland.
Rankin Andrew E., county clerk and lawyer, h 10 Prospect.
RANNEY CHARLES H., (St. Johnsbury E.) r 51, passenger conductor of the Vt. division of B. & L. R. R., served in Co. K, 15th Vt. Vols.
Ranney Crawford, machinist, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Eastern ave.
Ranney Fremont  H , r 44 cor 45,  emp.  E. & T. F. & Co. scale works, and farmer, leases of Mrs. Jane B. Knapp 20.
Ranney George 2d, (Ranney & Norton) h 5 S. Park.
RANNEY GEORGE Dea., (St. Johnsbury Center) r 10, land surveyor, 12 grade Jersey cows, 500 sugar trees, farmer 160.
Ranney Joseph E., (St. Johnsbury Center) r 10, laborer.
Ranney Lyman  C, (St. Johnsbury Center) r 34 cor  32,  350 sugar  trees, farmer 31.
Ranney May J., compositor, emp. Republican office, resides 9 Cherry.
Ranney Robert H., blacksmith, emp. of Carrick Bros., bds Cherry.
Ranney Thomas, bricklayer, h Railroad.
Ranney & Norton, (George R. and Clinton A. N.)  wholesale and retail dealers in groceries and provisions, 59 Main.
Ransom Catherine Mrs., h 8 Green.
Ransom James W.. polisher, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Pearl.
Ransom Kate, compositor Republican office, bds Green.
Reeves William, laborer, h 5 Pearl.
Renfrew Nelson H., pattern maker, prop, of grocery and restaurant, h Union block. Main.
Renfrew William, manuf. of sash, doors and blinds for E. & T. F. & Co., h 19 Spring.
Reynolds Alfred, (Summerville) handler Ely Hoe and Fork Co., h Ely.
Reynolds Fred, (Summerville) handler for Ely Hoe and Fork Co., h Ely.
Reynolds Joseph, (Summerville) handler for Ely Hoe and Fork Co., h Ely.
Rhodes John J.. carpenter, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Portland.
Rice  Frank L., (Summerville) machinist, emp. B. &  L.  R. R., h  Portland cor Caledonia.
Rice &   Powers, (Summerville) (Mrs.  F.  L. Rice  and  Mrs. J. W. Powers) milliners, Portland cor Caledonia.
Richard John,   (St.  Johnsbury E.) blacksmith, general repairing and  horseshoing, Portland, h at St. Johnsbury East.
Richard Joseph, emp. of E. & T. F. & Co., h Maple.
Richard L. Odillon, gardener for W. P. Fairbanks, h Cherry.
Richard Richard L., blacksmith, emp. E.  & T.  F. & Co., h  River.
Richard Severe L., bds with L. 0. Richard, Cherry.
Richard Xavier F., (St. Johnsbury E.) r 51, blacksmith.
Richardson Christie, widow of Alfred, dressmaker, Eastern ave.
Richardson Fayette E., (Summerville) carpenter.
RICHARDSON FRANK, supt. of Vt. and Can. division U. S. and C. express, office depot, h South Park cor. South.
Richardson Zela A., painter and jobber for E. & T. F. & Co., 24 years, h 52 Summer.
Rickaby Thomas, packer of scales, emp E. & T. F. & Co., h New Water.
Rickaby Theophilus, (Summerville) polisher, emp. Ely Hoe and Fork Co., h Portland.
Ripley Ned, laborer, bds 2 School,  F. v.
Ritchie James, Jr., manager dry goods department for E. & T. F. & Co., h 7 South Park.
Ritchie John T., book-keeper, mercantile department, for E. & T. F. & Co., . h 21  Spring.
Rivers Paul, (Summerville) mason, h Elm.
Roach Michael, resident, h 4 Maple.
Roach Patrick A., dealer in groceries, provisions, crockery and glassware, 73 Main, h do.
Roach Thomas, engineer and machinist, bds 4 Maple.
Robb James, (Shaw & Robb) bds St. Johnsbury House.
ROBBINS EMMA J. Miss, dealer in millinery and ladies' fancy goods, 43 Main, bds Main.
Robbins Norman Mrs., milliner with her daughter Emma, bds Main.
Robbins William, (St. Johnsbury Center) butcher and meat dealer, h Water.
Roberts  Abel W., filer, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 36 Spring.
Roberts Anna Mabel, (St. Johnsbury Center) r 36 n 20, teacher.
Roberts Anthony, laborer, h Railroad.
ROBERTS EDGAR F., furniture and carriage painter, dealer in paints and oils, rear of Odd Fellows hall. Railroad, bds Railroad.
Roberts Frank R., cabinet maker.
Roberts George N., (St. Johnsbury Center) breeder of horses, 400 sugar trees, 75 sheep, and farmer 150.
Roberts Horatio N., (St. Johnburys Center) r 36 n 20, farmer 200.
Roberts Joel, (St. Johnsbury Center) 500 sugar trees, 40 sheep, farmer  140.
ROBERTS WARREN, (St. Johnsbury Center) r 6, 600 sugar trees, 10 head cattle, 12 sheep, and farmer 100.
Roberts William A., (St. Johnsbury Center) r 36 n 20, fanner with Horatio N.
Robie Lewis B., job teamster, h School, P. v.
Robie Sadie D. Miss, Clerk, emp. F. A. Carter, bds 45 Main.
Robie William H.  H., clerk for E. T. & H. K. Ide, h 49 Spring.
Robillard George, (Summerville) laborer, h Elm.
Robillard Homer, r 31, emp. E. & T. F. & Co.'s foundry, and farmer 40,
ROBINSON CHARLES A., agent U. S. and C. Express Co., office in passenger depot, h Pearl cor Cross.
Robinson F. W., molder scale works, h 35 Summer.
Robinson Herbert E., freight handler at depot, bds 30 Eastern ave.
Robinson I. James, machinist, scale works, 98 Railroad.
Robinson J. Henry, brass molder, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., bds 13 High.
Robinson James W., watchman scale works, h opp. Fair Ground.
Robinson Matthew, brass melter, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 13 High.
Robinson  Thomas H., packer of scales, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 7 Water.
Robinson William D.. aged 83 years, h School, P. v.
Rockingham James W , (Summerville) hoe polisher, emp. Ely Hoe and Fork Co., bds Portland.
Roderer Joseph, cigar maker, emp. of Joseph, Jr., h 59 Railroad.
Roderer Joseph, Jr., cigars and tobacco, and cigar manuf., 59 Railroad, h do,
Rogers Benjamin, carpenter, emp. B. F. Rollins, h School, P. v.
Rogers Charles B., laborer, bds School.
Rogers Emma L. Miss, nurse, bds at E. M. Hill's, 12 Green.
Rogers James E , (St. Johnsbury Center) r 20, 1,500 sugar trees, farmer, leases of S. Fletcher and O. Chesley, of Lyndon, 245.
ROLLINS BENJAMIN F., manuf. of threshing and sawing machines, Kemp manure spreaders, owns 8 houses, faming land 800, h Pleasant, P.v.
Rooney Bridget Miss, seamstress, emp. of W. H. Horton, h Pearl cor Maple.
Rooney Mary, widow of Felix, h Pearl cor Maple.
Rooney Patrick, blacksmith helper B. & L. R. R shop, h Eastern ave.
Rooney Thomas P., custom shoemaker, 103 Eastern ave., bds 101   do.
Rooney William J., stone cutter for R.  W.  Laird, h Pearl cor Maple.
Root Harley L., conductor B. & L. R. R., h 69 Railroad.
Ross Edward H., teacher at Meriden, son of Hon. J.
Ross Henrv, r 39, farmer 135, and in Waterford  100.      (Died  1886.)
ROSS JONATHAN   Hon., judge of Supreme court, h and  14  acres off Hastings St., and in Victory 400.
Ross Julia Miss, teacher of Latin and English, St. Johnsbury  academy.
Rouillaird Charles, carriage maker, emp. Miller & Ryan, h Railroad.
Rowell Alfred D.. (Howard & Rowell) h 29 Cliff.
ROWELL LEVI W., commercial, book and general job printer, h 4 Main.
Roy Samuel, r 40, farmer, leases of A. E. Rankin 70.
Russell Elsworth, r 47, farmer, leases of his father, Hiram, 225.
Russell F. E. & Co., (St. Johnsbury E.) r 51, (Francis E. R. and Fernando C. Harrington) dealers in groceries.
Russell Francis E.. (St. Johnsbury E.) r 51, (F. E. Russell & Co.)
Russell Hiram, r 47, 400 sugar trees, and farmer 225.
RUSSELL MARCUS J., street supt., and job teamster, h 19 Pearl.
RUSSELL ORAMEL F., (St. Johnsbury E.) r 51, 23 grade Jersey and Durham cattle, farmer 210.
Russell Robert, laborer, scale works, h N. Danville road.
RUSSELL & CARR, (William L. R. and Frank N. C.) props. Avenue House livery and boarding; stables, h Pearl.
RUSSELL WILLIAM L, (Russell & Carr) h Pearl.
Rust John R., civil engineer St. J. & L. C. R. R. office, h 28 Main.
Ryan John H., (Miller & Ryan) bds 11 Clark's ave.
SALINA JULIUS C, carpenter, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., and soldier three years in Co. B, 10th Regt. Vt. Vols.
Salmon Charles, laborer for Henry Fairbanks, h F. v.
Salmon Fred, painter, h rear Episcopal church.
Sanborn Almon E., carpenter and joiner, h Mt. Pleasant.
Sanborn Amos H., (St. Johnsbury Center) hotel cook, h Main.
Sanborn ---------, widow of C. C, h 1 S. Park.
SANBORN JAMES S., prop, of bakery, and dealer in confectionary, teas, coffees, spices, extracts and cigars, 67 Main, h 43 Spring. (Sold out to H. Goss, and works at scale works.)
Sanborn Warren W., r 1, 500 sugar trees, 40 sheep, farmer 150.
Sanborn Wilbur J , dealer in dry goods, ladies' furnishings, ladies' cloaks, carpets, wall paper, curtains, etc., 77 Railroad, h Clark's ave.
Sandford Edward T., pastor of the Baptist church, h 106 Railroad.
Sargent Carlos, (St. Johnsbury Center) polisher, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h off Main.
Sargent Carrie B., Miss, teacher, 1 Webster cor Spring.
SARGENT CYRUS, chief of police, brass polisher for E. & T. F. & Co., h 1 Webster cor Spring.
Sargent Edwin E., general agent of The Ætna Life Insurance Co., 51 Railroad, h 34 do.
Sargent Emerson E., laborer, bds 2 School, F. v.
Sargent Frank B., teamster for E. & T. F. & Co., h Main.
Sargent Genevieve Miss, teacher, h Main.
Sargent Irene, widow of Addison G., h Main, owns farm in Waterford.
Sargent John F., (St. Johnsbury E.) r 52, retired farmer.
Sargent Wesley, (St. Tohnsbury Center) r 26, 800 sugar trees, 20 head of cattle, 10 sheep, apiary of 6 colonies, and farmer 200.
Sargent Willis H., draughtsman for E. & T. F. & Co., bds 1 Webster cor Spring.
Savage Mary M., widow of Joseph, h 30 Mt. Pleasant.
Sawyer Burt G., engineer B. & L. R. R, h 63 Pearl.
Scanlon William, gardener and laborer, h 31 Maple.
Schneider Jacob, baker, confectionary and ice cream, Union block, Main, h do.
Scott Amos W., (N. M. Scott & Son) h 35 Pearl.
Scott Carleton E., (Summerville) teamster, emp. Moulton & Shaw, ice dealers, h Concord ave.
Scott Frank A.. (N. M. Scott & Son) h 35 Pearl.
Scott John N, (Summerville) resident with Carleton.
Scott N. M. & Son, (Amos W. and Frank A.) wholesale and retail dealers in family groceries, teas, coffees, canned goods, fruits, cigars, tobacco, etc., 21 and 23 Eastern ave.
Sears Joseph, blacksmith for E. & T. F. & Co., h 29 Clark's ave.
Severance Charles E., roadmsster Vt. division   B. &  L.  R. R., bds depot restaurant.
Severance Diana, (St. Johnsbury E ) r   15, widow of Quartus  M., resident. aged 75 years.
Severance Henry V., (St. Johnsbury E.) r  15,  20  head  of cattle, 50 sheep,. 1,400 sugar trees, carpenter, farmer 260.
Slicaultey John, packer for G. H. Cross & Co., bds Charles.
Shastenay Arthur J.. (St. Johnsbury E ) r 51, laborer.
Shastenay Joseph, (St. Johnsbury E ) r 51, laborer, served in Co. K, 15th Vt. Vols., re-enlisted in Co. C, 8th Vt. Vols.
Shattuck Beauman B., r 43, sealer of scales for E. & T. F. & Co.
Shattuck Emma, widow of Ferdinand, h 55 Pearl.
Shaw Albert H., (Summerville) (St. Johnsbury Ice Co.) h Concord ave.
Shaw Calvin N., drug clerk, emp. C. F. Buynton, bds 22 Railroad.
Shaw Elbridge G., (Shaw & Robb) bds 15 Main.
Shaw George S., retired insurance agent, h 12 Mt. Pleasant.
Shaw William H., carpenter, emp. E. & T. F. & Co , h Water.
Shaw & Robb, (E. G. S. and James R.) music dealers, Music Hall, Main.
Shedd Justus F., clerk, emp. William Wilder & Son, h   Railroad.
Sheldon Marcellus Collins, painter, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 40 Spring cor Webster.
Shepard Curtis H., lumber piler, bds 43 Spring.
Shepard Fred G., r 43, laborer at scale works.
Shepard William R., r 43, laborer at scale works.
SHEPHERD CHARLES F., photographer, 47 Main, bds Academy boarding-house.
Sherry Ida May Miss, (St. Johnsbury Center) teacher, bds Main.
SHERRY JOHN W., (St. Johnsbury Center) pension, claim and fire insurance agent, h and lot Main, and farm 172 on r 13, served three years as hospital steward of 2d Vt. Vols., born in Plymouth, Eng., Aug. 8, 1833.
SHIELDS ROBERT B , (Jones & Shields) h Jones, P. v.
Shorey Abel, (St. Johnsbury Center) retired farmer, aged 83.
Shorey George F., farmer with his mother, Mrs. Nancy M., h Caledonia.
Shorey Mary B. Miss, clerk, emp. of Harvey & Brown, h Caledonia St., Summerville.
SHOREY MOSES B., (St. Johnsbury Center) r 13 n 22, 7 cows, 600 sugar trees, and farmer 100.
Shorey Nancy M., (Summerville) widow of Ezra F., farm 20 acres, owns residence and three tenement houses, h Caledonia.
Shufelt Joseph, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 40 Spring.
Silsby David, manuf. of and dealer in spruce lumber and cedar shingles, mills in Newark, lumber yards n R. R. depot, bds St. Johnsbury House.
Silsby Elwin A., manager Western Union and supt. Vermont International Telegraph Co., 5 Central, bds St. Johnsbury House.
Simonds Spencer, (Summerville) carpenter, h Concord ave.
Simpson Albert W., postal clerk, route from Newport, Vt, to Springfield, Mass., h 17 Church cor Spring.
Simpson Charles, (Lyndon) r 2, laborer.
Simpson Charles E., hostler for Hartshorn & Kirk, h Batchelder block, Prospect.
Simpson Myron F., farmer, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 8 Western ave.
SMITH ABIJAH, carpenter and jobber, ernp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 33 Summer.
SMITH BROS , (John R. and George H ) surgeon dentists, Odd Fellows block, 93 Railroad.
Smith Charles N., blacksmith, and book canvasser, h Mill.
Smith Cyntha A. Mrs., h off Railroad.
Smith Eddie E., hack driver, bds with L. H. Lucas.
Smith Edward H.. emp. at scale works, h 2 Main.
Smith Fred E., canvasser, bds with John.
Smith George F., R. R. brakeman, bds Mill.
SMITH GEORGE  H, (Smith Bros.) dentist, h Mt. Pleasant.
Smith George N., carpenter at scale works, owns farm 9 west of F. v.
Smith Henry B , traveling salesman, pianos and organs for A. L. Bailey, h Mill.
Smith Ira G., (St. Johnsbury E.) r 52, 25 head grade Jersey cattle, farmer 220.
Smith Ira H., farm laborer, h John.
Smith Irving VV., (Smith & Walker) h 6 Autumn.
Smith John, r 44, carpenter E. & T. F. & Co., h and farm.
Smith John B., (Summerville) carpenter, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., b Ward's block.
SMITH JOHN H., (Summerville) (Smith Bros.) pastor Second Advent church, h   Portland,
Smith Lewis P., machinist, scale works, h Green.
Smith Marquis D. L. F., carpenter, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., and boardinghouse, h 6 Autumn.
Smith Mary S. Mrs., h 7 Green.
Smith Orville H , telegraph lineman, emp. scale works, h Valley.
SMITH WALTER P. Hon., lawyer, and judge of probate of Caledonia Co., h 20 Summer.
SMITH WARREN S., (Summerville) contractor and builder, manuf. of doors, sash, blinds, moldings, builders' finishings, bedsteads, and furniture of all kinds. North end of Railroad, h Caledonia.
Smith William A., (Summerville) compositor Republican office, bds Portland.
Smith William R. sealer of scales for E. & T. F. & Co., h 58 Summer.
Smith & Walker, (Irving W. S. and Arthur F. W.) druggists, 109 Eastern ave.
Snow Alonzo J., granite cutter, emp, Carrick Bros., h 7 Railroad.
Snow Marshall, r 37, farmer 10, aged 78 years.
Soper Lafayette, weighmaster, emp, E, & T. F. & Co., soldier in Co. A, 11th Vt. Vols. 3 years, h 2 Western ave.
Soule Rutus N., traveling salesman for Boston firm, h 6 Railroad.
Spalding Milo V., sealer of scales, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h New Water.
SPAR HAWK. SAMUEL H , homeo. physician and surgeon, office and residence Summer.
Spaulding Bezaleel B, (Summarville) r 18, 10 head cattle, 14 sheep, 800 sugar trees, farmer 135.
Spaulding Chauncy, (Summerville) r 50, retired farmer.
Spaulding Edward M., coachman for Gov. Fairbanks, h 8 Belvidere.
Spaulding Frank E., conductor B. & L. R. R., h.
Spaulding George B., baggagemaster and conductor B. & L. R. R., h Eastern ave.
SPAULDING  GEORGE R., night watchman, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h south end of Water.
SPAULDING HERBERT C, (Summerville) r 18, farmer with Reuben.
Spaulding John W., (St. Johnsbury E.) laborer.
Spaulcling Oliver T., emp. at scale works, Summer cor Central.
SPAULDING REUBEN, (Summerville) r 18, 15 head grade Devon, Durham and Jersey cattle. 15 sheep, 1,000 sugar trees, farmer 232.
SPENCER GEORGE W., manager of grocery and provision department for E. & T. F. & Co., h 34 Summer.
Spencer Ira L., night clerk Avenue House, bds do.
Spencer L, Gilbert, supt. of pattern department and draughtsman for E. & T. F. & Co., h 22  Summer.
SPENCER THADDEUS C, watches, jewelry and silverware, spectacles, cutlery, stationery, etc., 49 Railroad, bds Eastern  ave.
Spinney Ellsworth R., (St. Johnsbury Center) shoemaker, h n School.
Spooner Will F., molder, emp, E. & T. F. & Co., bds 2 School, F. v.
Sprague William W., dry goods clerk for E. & T. F. & Co., h Cliff.
Squires  Benjamin  E., (St. Johnsbury Center) farmer, served  in Co. D, 6th Vt. Vols., detailed as wagon master, h Water.
Stafford Andrew, (St. Johnsbury Center) r 36, annealer at scale works, owns 3 acres.
Stafford Frank, traveling salesman for Auburn Mfg. Co., Auburn, N. Y., h 57 Summer.
STAFFORD WENDELL P., (Ide & Stafford) lawyer and notary public, h 15 Main.
Stafford William, painter.
Stanford Dana A., sealer, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Western ave.
Stanley Charles A,, machinist, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 32 Spring.
Stanley Henry, (St. Johnsbury Center) r 35 cor 23, millwright, h and lot.
STANLEY HERBERT A., clerk for L. D. Hazen, bds 32 Spring.
Stanton William, machinist, h Cross.
Staples Helen S., widow of Guy B., washer and ironer, h 7 Bachelder's block, Prospect.
Stark Azro B., (St. Johnsbury Center) r 8, trainer and owner of fine Devon oxen, farmer 40.
STARK.  DAVID, (St. Johnsbury Center) r  25, 800 sugar trees, 400 fruit trees, breeder of Morgan horses, 25 head pure blood Devon cattle, 75 sheep, farmer 260.
Stark Fanny K. Miss, (St. Johnsbury Center) r 8, teacher, daughter of Azro B.
Stark John P. C, (St. Johnsbury Center) r 8, farmer 61.
Stark  Lucina  M.,  (St   Johnsbury Center) r 39, widow of Archibald, owns farm 7.
Stark Rosette, (St. Johnsbury E.) widow of Charles, resident, owns h and lot.
Steady Alvin, mechanic, scale works, bds 3 Cherry.
Steady Heman S., sealer of scales for E. & T. F. & Co., h Willow place
Stearns Catherine, r 4, widow of William, resides on her husband's estate of 160 acres.
Stearns George H., r 4, hostler and coachmxn for W. P. Fairbanks, bds 3 Cherry.
Stebbins Calvin G., (Summerville) manuf. of bone meal and fertilizers, h Lafayette.
Stenson M. Charles, clerk for P. A. Roach, bds do.
Stepbenson Robert, (Sumtnerville) machinist, emp. E. & T. F. & Co. h Caledonia.
STEVENS CHARLES H., (C. H. Stevens & Co.) dealer in lumber, h 51 Summer.
STEVENS C.  H. & CO., (Charles H. S., Albert B  Jewett and William P. Fairbanks) manufs. of and dealers in all kinds of lumber, mills in Granby, Vt.
Stevens Esther M., (Lyndon) school teacher, bds at her father's.
Stevens   Foster   G ,  merchant tailor, and vice-pres.   Y. M. C. A., Masonic block, Main, h Summer.
Stevens Fred E., (Summerville) fireman B. & L. R. R., h Caledonia.
STEVENS JAMES R., (St. Johnsbury Center) r 24, selectman, 900 sugar trees, 15 head of cattle, 60 sheep, farmer 190.
Stevens Marv Vi. Miss, prop, of livery and boarding stable, Main, h do.
STEVENS PEMBROKE S., (Lyndon) r 9, near town line, 500 sugar trees, farmer 132.
STEVENS SIMEON D.. (St. Johnsbury Center) r 24, farmer.40.
STEVENS WILLIAM  H.   H., r 44, teamster for E. & T. F. & Co.
St. Germaine Henry, laborer, h 31 Maple.
Stickney Elsia Mrs., resident, h 33  Eastern ave.
Stickney George  E, (St. Johnsbury E.) r 51, farmer  18, served in Co.  K, 15th Vt. Vols.
Stiles Arminda, (St. Johnsbury Center) widow Hollis, resident.
Stiles Edgir L., brass molder for E  & T. F. & Co., h 11 School, F. v.
Stiles E. Zilla, (St. Johnsbury Center) resident.
Stiles Lester D., (St. Johnsbury Center) general merchant, owns 275 acres on r 13, and 45 acres on r 35.
Stiles Nathaniel H., house and carriage painter, and prop, of boarding-house, Railroad, next door N. of Ave. House.
Stimson Alvin D., (St. Johnsbury Center) r 10, farmer.
St. JOHN JOSEPH, molder, emp. of D. E. Harriman, h Emerson.
St. JOHNSBURY ACADEMY, Charles E. Putney, Ph. D., principal, Main opp. Western ave.
St.   JOHNSBURY   BRICK    CO,   (M. P. ,V T  H   Bowman)  manufs. and dealers in common and pressed brick. Water st., P. v.
Sr.  JOHNSBURY  CALEDONIAN,   established  August 8,  1837, issued every Thursday, C. M. Stone, editor, 117 Eastern ave.
St. Johnsbury Furniture Co., (James T. Ahern and M. A.  Griffin) dealers in furniture, upholsterers and undertakers, 43 Railroad.
Sr. JOHNSBURY GRANITE CO.,   R.   W.   Laird, prop., manuf. of and dealer in all kinds of granite, shops opp. passenger depot.
ST. JOHNSBURY  HOUSE, S. B. Krogman, Jr., prop., William A. Little, clerk, good livery connected, 40 Main.
St. Johnsbury Ice Co., (A. H. Shaw, of Summerville, and J. C. Moulton, of Newport, Vt.) dealers in ice, off Portland.
St. Johnsbury poor  house  and farm   250  acres, Henry  E. Gould, manager, postoffice Summerville.
ST. JOHNSBURY REPUBLICAN, Edward Johnson, editor, C. T. Walter. business   manager,  established  March,   1885, issued  Thursdays, office Railroad cor Eastern ave.
Stone Abel P., (Summerville) farmer with L. M., h Water.
STONE  CHARLES   M., editor St. Johnsbury   Caledonian, job  printer, h Western ave.
Stone Edward J , (St. Johnsbury Center) butter and produce buyer for Boston market, bds Water.
Stone Ella M., (St. Johnsbury Center) teacher, bds Water.
Stone Ephraim H. Dea., (St Johnsbury Center") contractor, carpenter, building mover, bridge builder, owns farm 43, h Water.
Stone Loren M., (Summerville) r 48, cooper and farmer 37.
Stone Louis, carpenter, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 28 Maple.
Stone Sam, planer, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., bds 28 Maple.
Stowe William C, laborer, h Hastings.
Streeter Dan, nurse, h 6 Prospect.
STREETER WILLIAM S., cashier Merchants' National Bank, h 64 Summer.
Stroub Henry, mechanic, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h School, F. v.
Stuart John, flagman Pass. R. R., h Water, P. v.
Suitor David, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 17 Church.
SULLOWAY LORENZO, Jr., sheriff of Caledonia Co., office Cherry, h do.
Summerville John R., emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 35 Cliff.
Summerville Samuel J., machinist, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 2 Batchelder's block, Prospect.
Swanson John, blacksmith, scale works, h Winter.
Swanzey Henry P., bds with  H. R. White.
Switser Francis, general insurance agent, h Main rear Academy.
SWITSER  N. RILEY, upholsterer, and dealer in   upholstering goods and upholstered furniture, 82  Eastern ave., h 7  Green.
Sylvester Charles A, (Sylvester & Gray) h S. Park.
Sylvester Levi A., express messenger B. & L. R. R., h 3 South Park.
Sylvester  & Gray,   (Charles   A.   S. and   Julius   C.   G )   dealers  in   meats, provisions and groceries, Ward's block, Railroad.
Symonds Edna M. Mrs., dressmaker. Music Hall, Main.
Taft Asa P., (Summerville) r  56, retired merchant, farmer  20, served in  the war for the Union four years.
TAPLIN GUY  H., machinist, emp.  E. &  T. F. &  Co.,  h  2  Spring cor Autumn.
Tatso Isaac, carriage maker, emp. of Miller & Ryan, h Eastern ave.
Taylor Auburn H., (Simnmerville) emp. at scale works for E. & T. F, & Co., h State.
Taylor Charles G., laborer, h   19 Summer.
Taylor Emma L   Miss, boarding house, 24 Main.
Taylor Frank L., student with his  father, Thomas W., h   20   Mt. Pleasant cor Spring.
Taylor Frederick W., machinist, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 17 Webster.
Taylor Gsorge H., house, carriage and sign painter, emp. E. & T. F. &  Co., h Eastern ave.
Taylor James E., book-keeper, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 13 Clark's ave.
Taylor John S., granite cutter, emp. of R. W. Laird, h Pearl.
Taylor Thomas W., (St. Johnsbury E.) dealer in   watches, jewely and  silver ware.
Thayer Catharine Miss, resident, 16 Main.
Thayer Charles H., piper scale works, owns farm 18 west of  F. v.
Thayer Hannah M., widow of Lewis W., boarding-house, h 14 Main.
Thibodeau Olivier, trackman B. & L. R  R., h Railroad.
Thomas C. Wheeler, agent for Wheeler & Wilson sewing machines, h 65 Railroad.
Thomas William, stone mason and laborer, h Pleasant.
THOMPSON DANIEL, prop, of Paddock Iron Works, and general jobbing machinist, engine repairing and steam fitting, P. v.,h Lincoln, Summerville.
Thompson James H., blacksmith, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 17 Cliff.
Thompson John C, restaurant, Avenue House basement, h Eastern ave.
Thompson Samuel S., (Thompson & Goodwin) h Cross cor Pearl.
Thompson & Goodwin, (Samuel S. T. and  Morris  M. G.) manufs. of fork, hoe, rake, broom, and all turned  handles, over St. Johnsbury Granite Works.
Tierney Bridget Mrs., owns block of tenements, Clark's ave.
Tierney Thomas J., painter, scale works, h rear Bank block, Main.
Tift Emory E., (Cross, Tift & Co.) painter, bds Concord ave.
Tilden Edw. N., mechanic, scale works, h  10 Pearl.
Tinker Charles F. 0., dentist, with Dr. O. E. Nettleton, bds St. Johnsbury House.
Tisdale George H., painter, bds. 28 Pearl.
Todd Clarrissa, (St. Johnsbury Center) widow of David, aged 78, bds Church.
Todd John D., (Summerville) machinist, emp. E & T. F. & Co., h Caledonia.
Todd S. Olin, (St. Johnsbury Center) crayon artist and portrait painter, studio Main cor Church, bds Church.
TOUSANT JOHN B , molder for E. & T. F. & Co., h 71 Main.
Toinant Joseph, molder, scale works, h School.
Tousant Levi, laborer, h Maple.
Tousant Nelson, (Summerville) emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Caledonia.
Tower Owen, blacksmith, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Jacob's Ladder.
Trainor Patrick, molder, emp   E, & T. F. & Co., h 85 Main.
Trask Arthur E, pressman, emp. of F. G. Stevens, h P. v.
Trescott Joseph T., livery stable, 48 Spring, h do.
Trescott Sarah J. Mrs., h 48 Spring.
True Abbie J., (Summerville) widow of Winthrop, farm 16, h Portland.
True Adna D., clerk in freight office B. & L. R. R., h Avenue House block.
Trull David, resident, h 26 Spring cor Winter.
Tugman James, (St. Johnsbury Center) laborer, h and lot near School.
Tyler Edward B., laborer, scale works, bds 16 Main.
Tyler Hosea B., laborer, h Prospect.
Tyler William C., book-keeper, pay-roll department, for E. & T. F. & Co., h 21 Church.
Underwood Edwin, merchant tailor, Eastern ave., h Railroad.
Underwood Horace, (Summerville) r 50, (Underwood & Son) farmer.
Underwood John S., fireman B. & L. R. R., h Pearl.
Underwood John C, (Summerville) r 50, (Underwood & Son) farmer.
Underwood Sally, widow of Silas, washing and ironing, h 19   Railroad.
Underwood Timothy H., (Summerville) carpenter, emp. E. & T. F. & Co.; h Caledonia.
Underwood Mrs., widow of Russell, resident, 15 Summer.
Underwood & Son, (Summerville) r 50, (Horace and John C.) 12 head grade Jersey caltle, 300 sugar trees, farmers 90.
Utley Milo T., polisher, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 10 Summer.
VALLEY FALLS MILLS, (St. Johnsbury Center) r 11, Pierce Brothers, props., manufs of straw board and lumber.
VAUGHAN CATHARINE  E. G., (St. Johnsbury Center) widow of Roswell C, owns with H. Weeks h and lot, Water.
Vaughan Jeremiah, (St. Johnsbury Center) retired paper manuf., aged 78.
Wade William H., journeyman tailor, emp. F. G. Stevens, bds Spring.
Waitc Charks  D., ornamental painter, crap.  E.  & T. F. & Co., h Pleasant cor Emerson.
Waite C. Edward, ornamental painter, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., bds with his father, C. D.
Walcott Erwin H., assistant editor of the Caledonian, h 15 Main.
Walker Arthur F., (Smith & Walker) h 17 Summer.
Walker  Chauncey S.,  machine supt. for E. & T. F. & Co., 30 years, h 26 Summer.
Walker Edward A., cashier for E. & T, F. & Co., h 2 Summer.
Walker Ferdinand L., texidermist, emp. of C. W. Graham, h 31 Summer.
Walker Francis, supt. of molding department for E. & T. F. & Co. for the last 37 years, h 17 Summer.
Walker George B., prop, of Walker's block, h do.
WALKER HENRY )., fireman, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h New Water.
Walker John J, fresco and decorative painter, h 32 Railroad.
Walker Margaret, widow of John, h 32 Railroad.
Walker Robert M., foreman of St. Johnsbury Brick Co., soldier in the Union army, Co. D, 6th Vt. Vols., h Water.
Walker Samuel D., telegraph operator, h 32 Railroad.
Wallace James, lalorer, bds Valley.       ,
Wallace Robert C, blacksmith for E. & T. F. & Co, h Valley.
WALTER CHARLES  T, associate editor and business manager of St. Johnsbury Republican, bds St. Johnsbury House, res. in Lyndon.
Ward Frank, jobber, h Passumpsic.
WARD GEORGE W., veterinary surgeon, treats with success all diseases of the horse and lower animals, and special attention given to surgical operations, also prop, of stock horse " Harry Allen," and Ward's Liniment, for man and beast, Ward's Veterinary Liniment, and  Ward's Blood Purifier, office and h Concord ave.
Ward Jane Mrs., h 3 Batchelder's block, Prospect.
WARD JOSIAH, (St. Johnsbury Center) r 32, local preacher M. E. church,. 1,200 sugar trees, producing 3,000 lbs. annually, 30 head cattle, 25 sheep, and farmer 190.
Ward Nathaniel M., polisher, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Pleasant.
Ward Osborn, 1,700 sugar trees, farm in Wheelork 400, h 39 Railroad, owns 4 houses on Prospect.
Ward Thomas, prop. Ward block, Railroad.
Ward William H,, carpenter, h 17 Spring.
Warden Herbert J., machinist, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., son of John W, bds 42 Spring.
Warden John W., machinist, emp. E, & T. F. & Co, h 42 Spring.
Warner Frank R, tinsmith, b Belvidere.
Warner George A., job painter, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Tremont.
Warner James M, mowing machine repairer, bds Cottage Hotel.
WARNER RANSEL W., dentist 20 years in St. Johnsbury, h 7 Mt. Pleasant.
Warner Will C, watchmaker and jeweler, 53 Eastern ave., h do.
Washburn Arthur, conductor B  & L. R. R., bds Avenue House.
Washbum Cephas J., ernp. Avenue House, bds do.
Waterman Oscar M, (G. H  Cross & Co.) h 32 Spring.
Waters Elizabeth F, book-keeper for G. H, Cross & Co., bds Jacob's Ladder.
Waters Ellen Mrs., h Jacob's Ladder.
Watts Thomas, (Summerville) stone cutter, Carrick Bros., bds Railroad.
Weber Louisa, widow of Jacques, h 2 Jacob's alley.
Webster Darius D., (Summerville) carpenter and builder, h Portland.
Webster Joseph W., (St. Johnsbury E.) resident in village.
Weeks Benjamin E., (Summerville) clerk for G. W. Bonett, h Concord ave.
Weeks Charles F., (Summerville) general merchant, Portland, h Lafayette cor Lincoln.
Weeks Gordon C, (St. Johnsbury Center) r 38, farmer with Hiram.
Weeks Hiram, (St. Johnsbury Center) r 38, breeder of Jersey stock, reg., 16 cows, farmer, prop, of Riverside farm 115.
Weeks James S., clerk with his father, Charles F., Portland.
Weeks Norman C, r 48, brass molder, emp. E. & T. K & Co.
WEEKS PERLEY S., r 48, milk dealer, 10 cows, 400 sugar trees, farmer 80.
Weeks Samuel C, botanic physician, Railroad, h r 48.
Weeks Samuel H., farmer, owns in Wheelock 140 acres, h Union.
Welfoot John, sealer, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h S. Railroad.
Wells George G., retired carpenter, h 9 Summer.
Wells William A., polisher, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Lafayette cor Lincoln.
West Arza, retired harnessmaker, farmer 5 1/2, h Tremont.
West Charles H., car repairer, emp. B & L. R. R., h Pleasant.
West Charles H. 2d, house painter, bds Tremont.
West Frank G., clerk and traveling salesman for Wilder & Son, h Railroad.
Westover Araham G., (N. Danville) r 27, laborer.
Wetherbee William, carpenter, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Webster.
Wheaton Leonard G., engineer scale works, h 3 High.
Wheaton Levi G., (Passumpsic) r 46, 1,000 sugar trees, farmer 200,
Wheeler Alden H., blacksmith, formerly foreman at scale works, h 43 Spring,
Wheeler Ebenezer S., (St. Johnsbury Center) retired  miller, aged 69 years, owns h and lot, Main.
WHEELER GARDINER, retired farmer on the Wheeler homestead, aged 86, farm 200.
Wheeler Hiram A., gardener, h 9 Spring.
WHEELER HORACE H., breeder of high grade Jersey cattle, 1,300 sugar trees, 19 cows, farmer 200.
Wheeler James L., overseer of marking and figuring scale beams, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h Water.
Wheeler Lucia Miss, (St. Johnsbury Center) dressmaker, h Water.
Wheeler Martha, widow of Dennison, h Willow Place.
Wheeler Phebe S., (St. Johnsbury Center) widow of Dana, h and lot, Water.
Wheeler William A., (Summerville) carpenter  and machinist, emp. B. & L.. R. R., bds Portland.
Whitcher George A., dealer in dry goods and ladies' garments, 63 Main, h 2 Pearl.
Whitcher Sidney R., brakeman, h 32 Railroad.
Whitcomb Harvey D., (Passumpsic) r 46. farmer 35.
White Hanson R., off r 43, 300 sugar  trees, farmer 65.
White James D., r 49, milk dealer 6 cows, farmer 65, soldier Co. K, 15th Vt. Vols.
White William J., traveling salesman, dealing in  Miller & Ryan's  carriages and sleighs, h Lafayette.
WHITNEY ALVIN, millwright, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 3 High.
Whitney Artemas C, (St. Johnsbury Center) r 9, farmer 163.
Whitney Inda M., (St. Johnsbury Center) r 9, teacher.
Wilcomb Daniel P., junk dealer, h Main.
WILCOX EDWIN  H., (M. H. Wilcox & Son) h passenger depot.
WILCOX M. H., (M. H. Wilcox & Son) scale maker, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., farmer 40, h passenger depot.
WILCOX M. H. & SON, (Edwin H.) railroad restaurant and boardinghouse, passenger depot, h do.
WILDER ARTHUR, (William Wilder & Son) prop, machine shop, h 100 Main.
Wilder Joanna, widow of William, resident, h Railroad.
WILDER WILLIAM & SON, (Arthur Wilder) wholesale and retail dealers in iron and steel, shelf hardware, coal, oil, paints, manufs. of Wilder's patent bevel sawing table, jobbing machinists, broom and brush manufs., 17 Railroad
Willard Andrew J., lawyer, h 50 Spring.
Willard Herbert J., student at Dartmouth college, son of A. J.
Willett Anthony, r 31, 700 sugar trees, farmer 187.
Willey Danford, (St. Johnsbury Center) owns farm 17, h Water.
Willey Frank N., (St. Johnsbury Center) carpenter and joiner, h Water.
Willey Tracy B., (St. Johnsbury Center) r 12, (Cook & Willey) carpenter and joiner.
Williams Frank G, (St. Johnsbury E.) r ?, farmer with his father, George S.
WILLIAMS GEORGE   M., (Bailey & Williams) h 54 Spring.
WILLIAMS GEORGE S., (St. Johnsbury E.) r 14, 12 head grade Jersey cattle, 500 sugar trees, 200 apple trees, iron molder. farmer 210.
Williams Mary L. C, (St. Johnsbury  Center)   widow  of Alfred G.  M.D., resident.
Williams Wellington, (Lyndon) r 9  farmer, leases of Hoyt & Whitney.
WILLIAMSON ALEXANDER, general blacksmith, horse shoeing a specialty, N. Railroad, h Pleasant, P. v.
Williamson James A., carpenter, bds Pleasant, P. v.
Wilson David H., carpenter, emp. E. & T. F. & Co.. h Passumpsic cor Tremont.
WILSON EDWARD A., sealer of scales, emp. E & T. F. & Co., h Passumpsic.
Wilson John, emp. B. & L. R. R., h 10 Railroad.
Wilson Rosa, coatmaker for W. H. Hort n, bds 3 Cherry.
Winch George F., clerk, emp. of E. Woods, of Passumpsic, h Eastern ave.
Winch George F., clerk for T. C. Fletcher & Co., h 57 Eastern ave.
Winn Albert C , laborer, h Hastings.
Winn Charles, (Summerville) h Portland.
Wood Benjamin C. (St. Johnsbury E.) r 51, laborer, served in Co. I, 3d Vi. Vols.
Wood Edwin T., molder, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 8 Batchelder's block, Prospect.
Wood Frank E., (St. Johnsbury E.) r 51, laborer.
Wood George B., (St. Johnsbury E ) r 51, laborer.
Wood Haivey C, (St. Johnsbury E ) r 51, farmer 100.
Wood Horace I., r 37, market gardener, and farmer 53.
Wood Joel, (St. Johnsbury E.) r 17, farmer 140
Woodbury Fred L., clerk for John Moore, bds Railroad cor Portland.
WOODBURY LEVI C, prop, of truck teams, contractor for cleaning and sanding the side-walks, h Railroad cor Portland.
Woodcock Salem, r 28, laborer and farmer 3.
Woodruff Carrie S. Miss, teacher in graded school, bds 25 Cliff.
Woodruff Daniel Q., (H. E. & D. Q, Woodruff) h 36 Railroad.
WOODRUFF HORACE E., (H. E. & D. Q. Woodruff) h 36 Railroad.
WOODRUFF H. E. & D. Q, (Horace E. and Daniel Q.) manufs. of tin, sheet iron, copper ware, wholesale and retail dealers in stoves, sinks, pumps, lead pipe, sap pans, tubs, pails, Shaker brooms, hard and hollow ware, Railroad.
Woods Charles H , farmer, leases on shares with his brother Willis, of his mother, Mrs Mary T., 175.
WOODS MARY T., r 46, widow of John B., owns farm, estate of her husband, I 75.
Woods Willis, farmer, leases on shares with his brother, Charles H., of his mother, Mrs. Mary T., 175.
Worcester Albert, (Babbitt & Worcester) h 57 Summer.
Wright Alice F., teacher, resides Tremont.
Wright Benjamin F., scale packer for E. & T. F. & Co., h 2 Valley.
Wright Byron, (St. Johnshury Center) postmaster, carpenter and builder, owns 20 acres.
Wright George A., r 31, jobber in sealing and packing scales, for E. & T. F. & co.
Wright Guy C., sealer, emp. E. & T. F. & Co., h 9 Cliff.
Wright Samuel A., painter, h 8 Railroad.
Wright Salon B., r 3 I, breeder of Jersey cattle, dairy 5 cows and farmer 60.
Wright Walter, (St. Johnsbury Center) carpenter, builder and painter, h Main.
Wright Warren, r 42, (William T. & Son) carpenter and blacksmith.
Wright Wealthy A. Mrs., h Main.
Wright W. Henry, shipping clerk, scale works, h 11 High.
Wright William T., r 42, (William T. W. & Son.)
Wright William T. & Son, r 42, 600 sugar trees, growers and dealers in hay, and farmers 100.
Young Lewis, (St. Johnsbury E.) r 51, laborer.

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