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Summer St School, 5th Grade - 1964, Mrs. Ranney
Front Row (left to right):
         Beatrice Danksewicz, Joane Garand, Roxanne Blaine, Roseland Dwyer,
         Pam Taylor, Nancy Jacobs, Elaine Elaine Clark
2nd row (left to right):
         Steven (?), Gary Phillips, Susan Desrochers, Nancy Fish,
         Robert Desrochers, Larry Smith, Dennis Bryer
Back row (left to right):
         Mrs. Ranney, Scott Lowrey, Tommy Pearl, Sandy Black,
         George Tardy, John Hale, David Grady, Tommy Jordan
Frank R. Adams School, 3rdGrade - 1962, MISS Holmes
Front Row (left to right):
         Marcia Little, Brenda Noyes, Dennis Bryer, Arthur Cornwall,
         Susan Desrochers, Donna Ranney, Kay Boulay, Stephen Rodd
2nd row (left to right):
         Karen Mullion, Tyler Trenholme, Monty Smith, Gary Phillips
         David Morrison, Sandy Black, Walter Mumford, David Grady, Paula Graves
Back row (left to right):
         Beatrice Danksewicz, Martha Reed, Kenneth Clark, David Lane,
         Charlene Noyes, Douglas Burgess, Stephen Taylor, Douglas Pilotte
Frank R. Adams School, 2nd Grade - 1961, Mrs. Abbott
Front Row (left to right):
         Stephen Taylor, Brenda Noyes, David Grady, David Morrison,
         Charlene Noyes, Martha Reed, Tyler Trenholme.
2nd row (left to right):
         Cathie Damon, Walter Mumford, Stephen Rodd, Marsha Little,
         Susan Desraucher, Patricia - ? -, - ? -.
Back row (left to right):
         Paula Graves, Gary Phillips, Monty Smith, Barbara Paine,
         Dennis Bryer, Karen Million, Sandy Black, Mrs Abbott.
Frank R. Adams School, 1st Grade - 1960, Mrs. Albiser
Front Row (left to right):
         Martha Reed, Brenda Noyes, Robert Sanborn, Cherlene Noyes,
         Marsha Little, Stephen Taylor, Walter Mumford.
2nd Row (left to right):
         Jill Lund, Sandy Black, Tyler Trenholme, Gary Phillips, Paula Graves,
         David Grady, Monty Smith, Dennis Bryer, Barbara Paine.
Back Row (left to right):
         David Morrison, Michael Summer, Alicia Bolduc, Cathy Damon,
         Susan Deraucher, Stepher Rodd, Walter Gray, Michael Flagg.
1954 Junior High 8th Grade