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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
Vermont Northeast
Kingdom Genealogy

St. Johnsbury, Vt Genealogy
St. Johnsbury, VT
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Fairbanks, Rev. Henry President  
Fairbanks, Franklin Trustee  
Fairbanks, Rev. Edward T. Trustee  
Fuller, Rev. Homer T. Trustee  
Ross, Jonathan Trustee  
Lamson, Rev. Charles M. Trustee  
Putney, Charles E. Trustee  
Fairbanks, Rev. Edward T. Secretary & Treasurer  
Putney, Charles E., Ph D Principal Teacher of Latin & Greek
Hardy, Audubon L., A.M. Teacher of Mathematics & Political Economy
Brackett, Solomon H., A.M. Teacher of Natural Sciences & Higher Mathematics
Dakin, Franklin A., A. B. Teacher of Latin & French
Watson, Miss Laura S., A.M. Teacher of History & English Literature
Hewitt, Miss Persis Dana Teacher of Algebra
Chaffee, Miss Harriet Teacher of Latin & English
Glines, Miss Welthea M. Teacher of German
Chapman, James M. Teacher of Elocution
Guy, Miss Tirzah M. Teacher of Drawing
Cowles, Pliny J. Teacher of Penmanship
Eddy, Maurice E. Teacher of Music
Students - Post Graduates Residences Rooms
Balch, Daisie E. St. Johnsbury Mrs. I. M. Balch's
Cross, Jennie P. St. Johnsbury G. H. Cross'
Goodwin, Mabel E. St. Johnsbury H. S. Goodwin's
Hibbard, Mary J. St. Johnsbury Mrs. L. A. Hibbard's
Morrill, Thena St. Johnsbury Mrs. E. B. Morrill's
Ross, Edith St. Johnsbury J. Ross'
Dow, Frank C. West Concord H. Joslin's
Stevens, Charles E. Richmond South Hall
Wood, Clarence D. St. Johnsbury Mrs. L. P. Wood's
Students - Senior Class Residences Rooms
Abbott, Margaret H. Lennoxville, P. Q. Dr. S. T. Brooks'
Baker, Sarah M. Farmington Falls, ME South Hall
Baxter, Hattie M. Highgate South Hall
Boright, Eva A. Richford P. D. Blodgett's
Bugbee, Sarah A. Southbridge, MA L. W. Rowell's
Bushnell, Alice M. Waitsfield Wm. Bancroft's
Currier, Mary M. Wentworth, NH Mrs. E. M. Hall's
Curtis, Julia H. Syracuse, NY Mrs. R. M. Ross'
Davis, Nellie M. St. Johnsbury H. B. Davis'
Ely, Ellen N. St. Johnsbury H. G. Ely's
Glazier, Julia E. Lisbon, NH Dr. C. F. O. Tinker's
Hovey, Myrtie M. East St. Johnsbury Mrs. G. E. Goodall's
Lamson, Marion H. St. Johnsbury Rev. C. M. Lamson's
Merriam, Jennie M. Coos, NH John Clark's
Morse, Emma D. St. Johnsbury Rev. C. F. Morse's
Morse, Flora E. St. Johnsbury Rev. C. F. Morse's
Paddock, Isabel M. St. Johnsbury H. Paddock's
Patterson, Marion D. St. Johnsbury D. D. Patterson's
Potter, Mary S. Acworth, NH John Clark's
Prior, Lelia A. St. Johnsbury A. C. Prior's
Robie, Margaret St. Johnsbury W. H. Robie's
Ross, Ella D. St. Johnsbury Mrs. R. M. Ross'
Rowell, Winifred St. Johnsbury L. W. Rowell's
Sanborn, Mary B. St. Johnsbury O. Chase's
Savage, Eleanor L. St. Johnsbury Mrs. M. M. Savage's
Simpson, Flora M. St. Johnsbury A. W. Simpson's
Townsend, Mary A. Springfield John Clark's
Tyler, Nellie C. St. Johnsbury Wm. C. Tyler's
Wells, Lillian L. Cabot John Clark's
Whitcher, Cora M. St. Johnsbury Mrs. J. Whitcher's
Wilder, Florence E. Lennoxville, P. Q. Mrs. J. M. Puffer's
Belknap, Pearl S. South Royalton I. D. Bemis'
Bishop, Robert S. Brooklyn, NY C. P. Carpenter's
Braley, Charles G. St. Johnsbury J. B. Braley's
Brewer, George N. M. Keesville, NY L. W. Rowell's
Brock, Lyman S. Barnet C. A. Stanley's
Brooks, Frank H. St. Johnsbury Dr. S. T. Brooks'
Buswell, Jesse Acworth, NH South Hall
Closson, Charles W. St. Johnsbury C. F. Gibb's
Davis, Hiram N. St. Johnsbury Mrs. N. B. Davis'
Frye, Freeman St. Johnsbury A. F. Nichol's
Furber, Edwin E. Bridgewater O. Chase's
Furnel, Guy G. Wilton, ME South Hall
Goodrich, Joseph A. East Hardwick Academy
Gray, Carl St. Johnsbury J. C. Gray's
Hibbard, William S. Barton Chas. Hibbard's
Hodgdon, Clarence R. Boothbay Harbor, ME South Hall
Ide, Henry C. St. Johnsbury E. T. Ide's
Jackman, Alfred C. East Corinth O. Chase's
Knowlton, Kent Greensboro Dr. C. F. O. Tinker's
Lang, James S. Newbury South Hall
Loomis, Rollin Colebrook, NH J. S. Sanborn's
McDuffee, Charles H. Alton, NH L. W. Rowell's
Merrill, Josiah L. St. Johnsbury Rev. C. H. Merrill's
Miller, Edward S. Ryegate South Hall
Morse, John North Haverhill, NH L. W. Rowell's
Parker, S. Ridley Waterbury Emerson Hall's
Puffer, James M. Richford Mrs. J. M. Puffer's
Raub, William L. New London, CT South Hall
Rogers, Edward S. Piermont, NH W. H. Preston's
Slayton, William H. Warren I. D. Bemis'
Smith, Edward L. Montpelier South Hall
Smith, Walter W. Cabot O. Chase's
Stevens, Charles B. North Danville South Hall
Stone, Jott. A. Kennebunkport, ME O. Chase's
Waterman, Thomas A. Johnson L. W. Rowell's
Students - Middle Class Residences Rooms
Baker, Alice C. Farmington Falls, ME South Hall
Baker, Emilie B. West Glover South Hall
Beach, Hattie R. Westford L. W. Rowell's
Beck, Bertha St. Johnsbury John Beck's
Benton, Carrie E. Maidstone South Hall
Blodgett, Eliza W. St. Johnsbury P. D. Blodgett's
Braley, Carrie St. Johnsbury J. B. Braley's
Brown, Helen N. Newport C. C. Bingham's
Bullard, Rebecca St. Johnsbury Dr. G. B. Bullard's
Currier, Kate A. Danville L. W. Rowell's
Evans, Emma E. Montreal, PQ Mrs. M. M. Savage's
Fairbanks, Charlotte St. Johnsbury Rev. H. Fairbank's
Fisher, Ida V. Waitsfield Wm. Bancroft's
Fiske, Mary L. Whitefield, NH L. W. Rowell's
Fulford, Maud A. Passumpsic South Hall
Gilman, Lillian C. Newport G. H. Cross'
Goodall, May C. St. Johnsbury Mrs. G. E. Goodall's
Grover, Eulalie O. St. Johnsbury Center Rev. N. W. Grover's
Harris, Lizzie M. Summerville Edwin Harris'
Harvey, Katherine L. St. Johnsbury A. C. Harvey's
Hulbert, Frances Richardson, Wis. S. H. Brackett's
Johnson, Flora M. St. Johnsbury W. B. Johnson's
Miles, Mabel R. St. Johnsbury Center E. W. Miles'
Nevers, Cordelia C. St. Johnsbury W. P. Smith's
Palmer, Annie D. Waterbury Mrs. J. M. Puffer's
Parkhurst, Fannie M. St. Johnsbury S. W. Parkhurst's
Patterson, Belle J. St. Johnsbury Mrs. A. J. Patterson's
Pope, Mabel J. St. Johnsbury W. S. Pope's
Putney, Mary P. St. Johnsbury C. E. Putney's
Robinson, Bertha North Underhill L. W. Rowell's
Savage, May M. St. Johnsbury Mrs. M. M. Savage's
Sprague, Maude St. Johnsbury W. W. Sprague's
Wilcox, Mary F. Post Mills South Hall
Young, Ellen L. Lisbon, NH S. H. Brackett's
Allen, Walter B. St. Johnsbury Mrs. A. A. Allen's
Baker, Ernest C. West Glover South Hall
Balch, Frank A. Richmond C. H. Marshall's
Blakely, Quincy Jr. Marlboro, NH Club House
Boardman, William J. Barnet A. W. Hawkin's
Borland, John C. West Glover South Hall
Brigham, George A. Pittsfield H. S. Goodwin's
Brooks, Jonas St. Johnsbury Dr. S. T. Brooks'
Bushnell, Fred R. Waitsfield W. S. Boynton's
Butler, Harry A. St. Johnsbury Center B. Butler's
Cady, Edward L. St. Johnsbury Mrs. E. F. Cady's
Carpenter, Miner B. West Waterford South Hall
Carr, Albert B. St. Johnsbury G. W. Carr's
Cobb, Luther A. Morgan H. R. Albee's
Cree, Thomas J. Wheelock Geo. W. Cree's
Cusson, William T. Highgate South Hall
Davis, Carroll A. St. Johnsbury Mrs. N. B. Davis'
Dickson, James L. McIndoes Falls South Hall
French, Frank O. St. Johnsbury Henry French's
Gale, Albert J. St. Johnsbury John N. Gale's
Gibbon, William Egremont, Miss. Dr. C. F. O. Tinker's
Goss, Irving Lower Waterford South Hall
Green, William E. St. Johnsbury C. K. Green's
Grover, Edwin O. St. Johnsbury Center Rev. N. W. Grover's
Harriman, Wallace S. St. Johnsbury V. W. Harriman's
Harris, B. Frank St. Johnsbury W. H. Harris'
Harris, Charles E. Summerville South Hall
Hastings, Walter H. Minneapolis, Minn. Dr. S. T. Brooks'
Hopkins, Nathan Barton Dr. J. D. Folsom's
Hoskins, Carl S. Lisbon, NH G. F. Cushman's
Hovey, Elmer A. West Concord South Hall
Hulbert, Archer B. East Hardwick Dr. C. F. O. Tinker's
Janes, Thomas I. Bethel South Hall
Jones, Matt B. Waitsfield J. S. Sanborn's
Kibbey, Charles E. Post Mills South Hall
Ladd, Aldis P. Summerville A. Ladd's
Leach, Orrin A. Irasburgh I. P. Bemis'
Lee, Charles C. St. Johnsbury R. H. Lee's
Lincoln, Benjamin Lyndon C. H. Marshall's
Little, Norton M. Washington, DC E. Hall's
Lord, John K., Jr. Hanover, NH Dr. S. T. Brooks'
Mattocks, Charles H. Danville C. H. Marshall's
Merrill, Walter H. St. Johnsbury Rev. C. H. Merrill's
Norton, John B. Middletown Springs Club House
Nye, Edward L. East Coventry J. Ross'
Oakes, Ira Lisbon, NH L. W. Rowell's
Oliver, John H. Lowell, MA South Hall
Perkins, Carl D. St. Johnsbury Dr. J. L. Perkin's
Powers, Harry A. Summerville J. W. Powers'
Rickaby, John St. Johnsbury Thos. Rickaby's
Robinson, Birney A. North Underhill L. W. Rowell's
Russlow, Louis A. North Danville South Hall
Salomon, Jacob West Burke R. Salomon's
Simonds, Robert McIndoes C. O. Chamberlin's
Sprague, Oliver M. W. St. Johnsbury W. W. Sprague's
Stanton, Edgar J. North Danville Mrs. A. J. Stanton's
Stone, Philip H. St. Johnsbury C. M. Stone's
Sykes, Bernard G. Dorset South Hall
Sykes, G. Kimball Dorset South Hall
Walker, Herman G. St. Johnsbury H. J. Walker's
Warner, George S. Wethersfield, CT Mrs. Shattuck's
Welch, B. Frank Manchester, NH L. W. Rowell's
Whitney, Charles N. St. Johnsbury Center A. C. Whitney's
Wilmot, Allyn B. Post Mills South Hall
Woolson, Charles Springfield W. S. Boynton's
Wright, Fred S. Barton Landing J. F. Wright's
Students - Junior Class Residences Rooms
Badger, Cora M. St. Johnsbury South Hall
Bailey, Hattie M. East Hardwick South Hall
Ballou, Blanche L. Passumpsic Mrs. J. Mullen's
Batchelder, Hattie H. North Danville South Hall
Bowman, Elsie L. St. Johnsbury Mrs. H. W. Bowman's
Bowman, Mabel St. Johnsbury H. A. Bowman's
Brigham, Lena I. West Concord R. S. Brigham's
Bryant, Mary L. St. Johnsbury A. N. Bryant's
Bullard, Agnes M. St. Johnsbury Dr. G. B. Bullard's
Carpenter, Mabel A. Boston, MA H. S. Goodwin's
Church, Stella R. Lower Waterford I. D. Bemis'
Clark, Anna May Brookfield A. L. Hardy's
Clarke, Susan E. St. Johnsbury A. F. Clarke's
Cleveland, Julia M. Columbia, NH Mrs. B. F. Brown's
Coe, Lulu M. West Burke A. P. Underwood's
Cooley, Alice J. East Concord South Hall
Davison, Myrtie M. Lunenburg South Hall
Davison, Nina H. Lunenburg South Hall
Dow, Genevieve A. West Concord W. C. Pratt's
Drew, Carrie S. St. Johnsbury J. H. Drew's
Condon, Grace M. Bangor, ME Rev. N. W. Grover's
Ely, Caroline D. St. Johnsbury H. G. Ely's
Ely, Louise Champlain, NY Misses Burton's
Esterbrooks, Gertrude East Barnet Mrs. Geo. Goodall's
Fairbanks, Ellen St. Johnsbury Franklin Fairbanks'
Fairbanks, Mabel St. Johnsbury W. P. Fairbanks'
Folsom, Alice E. Lancaster, NH W. A. Graham's
Forrest, Nellie E. West Burke J. E. Forrest's
Frink, Caroline S. Brookfield A. L. Hardy's
Gorham, Emily S. St. Johnsbury C. E. Gorham's
Goss, H. Genevia Lower Waterford South Hall
Griswold, Lilla F. East St. Johnsbury H. F. Griswold's
Hall, Carrie E. Lisbon, NH I. B. Gorham's
Hancock, E. Frances East Hardwick South Hall
Harrington, Hattie R. Keene, NH South Hall
Hill, Martha J. St. Johnsbury Mrs. S. M. Hill's
Hill, Nellie M. St. Johnsbury Mrs. S. M. Hill's
Ide, Mary E. St. Johnsbury E. T. Ide's
Ingalls, Marion W. Danville L. W. Rowell's
Johnson, Ola K. East Hardwick S. H. Brackett's
Kendall, Alice M. St. Johnsbury Mrs. F. F. Kendall's
Lance, Ella M. Lower Cabot South Hall
Landon, Lottie M. New Haven Mrs. J. M. Puffer's
Lawrence, Jennie St. Johnsbury A. F. Lawrence's
McLeod, Maude E. St. Johnsbury A. H. McLeod's
May, Florence J. St. Johnsbury Elisha May's
Miner, Mary St. Johnsbury L. F. Miner's
Morrill, Carrie St. Johnsbury Mrs. L. Morrill's
Morse, Mary St. Johnsbury Rev. C. F. Morse's
Nelson, Delphine St. Johnsbury S. A. Nelson's
Nute, Isola E. Summerville S. H. Nute's
Packard, Mary E. Summerville L. Packard's
Page, Etta B. Danville H. A. Wheeler's
Patten, Susie C. Brome, Canada S. H. Brackett's
Pearl, Lillian M. St. Johnsbury W. L. Pearl's
Peck, Katie D. St. Johnsbury W. E. Peck's
Pierce, Maud M. St. Johnsbury H. E. Pierce's
Pike, Inez M. West Concord A. D. Pike's
Potter, Ida A. Acworth, NH John Clark's
Smith, Bertha E. East Haverhill, NH Mrs. B. F. Brown's
Squires, Addie St. Johnsbury B. E. Squires'
Stanhope, Laura Enosburgh Falls S. H. Brackett's
Tilton, Georgie O. West Concord C. H. Tilton's
Townsend, Alice M. West Burke D. S. Townsend's
Walter, Hattie West Burke S. A. Nelson's
Weeks, Caroline K. St. Johnsbury Mrs. J. M. Puffer's
Wilder, Mabel A. Lennoxville, P. Q. Mrs. J. M. Puffer's
Wilson, Gennie Barton E. T. Wilson's
Barnes, George B. Lyme, NH South Hall
Barnes, Ralph N. C. Sherbrooke, P. Q. O. Chase's
Bartlett, John H. Barton Landing South Hall
Belknap, Harry A. St. Johnsbury Mrs. J. Belknap's
Borland, Hugh St. Johnsbury John Borland's
Bowen, Bert Denny North Springfield C. H. Marshall's
Boyles, George O. Cabot South Hall
Carpenter, Charles W. St. Johnsbury C. L. Carpenter's
Carpenter, Harry B. St. Johnsbury F. E. Carpenter's
Colby, Harris West Burke N. S. Colby's
Cowles, Dana O. St. Johnsbury J. Cowle's
Currier, John P. Wentworth, NH Mrs. E. M. Hall's
Daley, George M. St. Johnsbury N. W. Daley's
Davie, John S. B. St. Johnsbury C. Davie's
Davis, Daniel Windsor C. H. Marshall's
Dean, Carl West Burke G. M. Dean's
Farrington, Lawrence Walden South Hall
Fisher, Dean W. Cabot Mrs. M. F. Hill's
French, Orin L. St. Johnsbury N. B. French's
Gates, Carl M. St. Johnsbury Rev. M. A. Gates'
Godfrey, David F. Detroit, Mich Dr. G. H. Smith's
Goodrich, Lewis H. East Hardwick Academy
Goss, Walter S. Chelsea Mrs. J. M. Puffer's
Hall, Charles F. A. St. Johnsbury Dr. C. B. Hall's
Harris, Samuel B. Ryegate Club House
Harvey, George W. St. Johnsbury C. H. Marshall's
Hazen, John D. Whitefield, NH L. D. Hazen's
Hill, Hoyt F. St. Johnsbury Mrs. S. M. Hill's
Hulbert, Vinet C. East Sheldon Dr. C. F. O. Tinker's
Hunt, Benjamin A. Summerville D. W. Oakley's
Jaquith, Charles A. North Thetford South Hall
Jenkins, John St. Johnsbury E. R. Jenkins
Kebabian, Sarkis Couzn Rodosto, Turkey South Hall
Kidder, Benjamin East Hardwick South Hall
Kingsley, Charles E. Middlebury South Hall
Knapp, Maurice J. Mooers, NY L. W. Rowell's
Lincoln, John E. Lyndon C. H. Marshall's
Masten, Waldo C. St. Johnsbury Luther Brooks'
Medbury, Samuel Detroit, Mich Dr. G. H. Smith's
Miller, Hugh B. Ryegate South Hall
Payne, John St. Johnsbury J. A. Payne's
Pease, Orra L. Hartford L. W. Rowell's
Philbrick, Harry W. Hartford, CT South Hall
Porter, David West Burke Perry Porter's
Ranney, William E. Barton Landing Dr. Ranney's
Robbins, Walter St. Johnsbury Center Wm. Robbins'
Robie, Jean C. St. Johnsbury L. B. Robie's
Ross, Carl A. Lower Waterford South Hall
Smith, Richard S. Bridgewater H. S. Goodwin's
Stevens, Nelson C. West Glover South Hall
Story, Frank S. Hillsboro, NH H. A. Stanley's
Stuart, Hamilton J. West Barnet J. Ritchie's
Taft, A. Roy Summerville A. P. Taft's
Thompson, J. Ai Summerville J. C. Thompson's
Turner, David C. Post Mills South Hall
Ward, Clinton H. Waterbury Rev. M. A. Gates'
Weeks, Frederick N. Summerville N. C. Weeks'
Wright, George B. St. Johnsbury Center Byron Wright's
Students - Sub-Junior Residences Rooms
Annis, Lillian B. Passumpsic A. A. Annis'
Annis, Mabel E. St. Johnsbury A. A. Annis'
Babcock, Maude R. St. Johnsbury A. W. Babcock's
Balch, Ana M. St. Johnsbury F. A. Balch's
Cass, Maud E. Craftsbury P. E. Paine's
Cushman, Ellen M. St. Johnsbury G. F. Cushman's
Doying, Maud St. Johnsbury Mrs. M. A. Doying's
Ellis, Mary B. St. Johnsbury J. W. Ellis'
Emery, Bertha North Monroe, NH C. M. Hutton's
Harris, Nellie E. Waterford Mrs. J. C. Higgins'
Hodgdon, Gertrude L. Boothbay Harbor, ME W. A. Graham's
Hovey, Bertha E. Summerville E. L. Hovey's
Hovey, Nellie C. West Waterford E. L. Hovey's
Lucas, Edna M. Summerville H. C. Lucas'
Martin, Josephine M. Montgomery Mrs. A. E. Rankin's
Moore, Lillias (deceased) St. Johnsbury J. A. Moore's
Ross, Bertha L. Lower Waterford South Hall
Stone, Clementine Lancaster, NH H. S. Goodwin's
Williams, Bertha Waterford M. Cameron's
Bishop, Albert Newport Mrs. R. E. Thompson's
Bishop, Eben Newport Mrs. R. E. Thompson's
Baker, Richard C. St. Johnsbury C. O. Baker's
Bangs, Fred W. St. Johnsbury G. W. Bangs'
Benton, Hugh H. Maidstone South Hall
Brigham, Otho H. St. Johnsbury C. T. Brigham's
Carpenter, Horace St. Johnsbury C. P. Carpenter's
Chaffee, Arthur W. Summerville W. P. Chaffee's
Chandler, Edward C. Summerville J. N. Chandler's
Daley, J. Frederick St. Johnsbury N. W. Daley's
Frye, G. Clinton St. Johnsbury A. F. Nichol's
Hale, Arthur E. St. Johnsbury J. O. Hale's
Hale, William H. St. Johnsbury J. O. Hale's
Hartwell, Chesley Hillhurst, P.Q. N. W. Daley's
Lamson, Theodore St. Johnsbury Rev. C. M. Lamson's
Nelson, Harry M. St. Johnsbury A. D. Nelson's
Newton, Louis S. Hartford Mrs. I. P. Dana's
Parker, Wesley L. North Springfield Club House
Senter, George H. Summerville Mrs. M. H. Senter's
Shattuck, Willard I. St. Johnsbury Mrs. E. Shattuck's
Stebbins, Guy H. Summerville C. G. Stebbins'
Wheeler, Frank E. Ayers Flats, P. Q. South Hall
Willis, Erwin N. Kirby South Hall

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