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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
Vermont Northeast
Kingdom Genealogy

St. Johnsbury, Vt Genealogy
St. Johnsbury, VT
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Highlight keywords:
Senior Class
Earline Grace Lyon "Jr." Henry Joseph Labrecque "Henry" Margaret Elizabeth Warner "Margo"
Theresa Beverly Joseph "Tessie" Leonard James Jenne "Lenny" Robert Charles Provencher "Bob"
Rebecca Jane Alexander "Becky" Joseph William Muhr "Joe" Lawrence Orrell Warner "Larry"
Genevieve Frances Houston "Gen"   Alden Dale Walcott "Alden"
Sybil Helen Burnham "Billie" Joyce Ethel Urie "Jo" William Alfred Umlah "Bill"
Ramona Mae Gates "Ra Ra" Katherine Grace Thompson "Katie" Percy Leo Valley "Perse"
Junior Class Junior Class Picture
Lionel Perron George St. Onge Rita Cloutier
Wayne Badger Ardell Anderson Ruth Maynard
Richard Dane Harriet Fisk Beverly Roberson
Milton Cerrow Dorothy Pierce Ruth Kennison
Rene LaMarche Hazel Eldridge Thelma Wakeman
Loudon Young Marilyn Moore Ruth Allen
Stanley Sockol Theresa Paquette Rita Perron
Dean Comstock Miriam Clark Barbara Smith
Rudolph "Rudy" Royer Pauline Glasson Dean Hanson
Roy Montminy   Adelord Taylor
Sophomore Class Sophomore Class Picture
Walter Thornton Gloria St. Onge Elsie Dean
John St. Onge Arlene Potter Arlene Rogers
Roland Lussier Harold Paris Martha Perron
Alton Brooks Bill Bickford Florence Kimball
Donald Fuller Kendall Elliott Clarice Russell
Armand Perron Kermit Ferrin Beatrice Dodge
Ralph Nault Irene Archambault Irene Tibbets
Lorraine Nault   Lorraine Warner
Freshman Class Freshman Class Picture
Roger Valley Carlton Ticehurst Donald Grammo
Lawrence Valley Gerald Marcotte Sally Healey
James Cloutier Eugene St. Louis Viola St. Onge
Robert Simons Wallace Holbrook Phyllis Chapdaine
Mahlon Warner Eldon Griffin Claire Miller
Simeon Renault Arnold Smith Lettie Kimball
Robert Nadeau Clarence Libby Sherry King
Dean Anderson Bill Rollins Joyce Whitcomb
Robert McIntosh Edward Chicoine Beverly Hutchins
Gerard Casavant Paul Glasson Lucille LaMadeleine
  Alma Kimball  
Eighth Grade 8th Grade Class Picture
Melba Locke Beulah Utton James Burke
Patricia Chapdelaine Barbara Davis James Kennison
Beverly Bassford Avis Gilson Alice Leonard Charles Barrows
Joyce Wakeman Phoebe Bassford Ruel Elliot
Richard Jenne   Dean Elliot

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