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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
Vermont Northeast
Kingdom Genealogy

St. Johnsbury, Vt Genealogy
St. Johnsbury, VT
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Senior Class

Amelia Mae Cornish Marion Baldwin
Amelia Mae Cornish Marion Baldwin

Amelia Mae Cornish

Barton Academy enrollment 1927-1928
Class of 1928 Class of 1930 Class of 1931 Class of 1932
Borland, Joyce V. Anderson, Lester W. Allard, Theodore Barron, Ruth
Caron, Bruce W. Bates, Evelyn E. Brunning, Genevieve Boutwell, Wilbur
Clark, Marion A. Chappell, Evelyn H. Buswell, Elsinore Cook, Wendell
Deste, Evelyn B. Clark, Rachel Chappell, Ray Demick, Robert
Gilpin, Esther H. Cleveland, Everett P. Clark, Alice Dyke, Robert
Johnson, Hoyt C. Cook, Stanley D. Clark, Robert Fairbanks, Katharine
Lyon, Austin A. Currier, Maynard A. Cole, Richard Fairbrother, Pliny
Merriam, Anna L. Drown, Clarence H. Conner, Ralph Gay, Pauline
Page, Elmer C. Fairbrother, Vera S. Drew, Alson Hinton, Ruth
Page, Rachel A. Farman, Helen S. Gay, Hattie Hutchinson, Louise
Proctor, Fletcher J. Friend, Hazel P. Gilmour, Elizabeth Knight, Wayland
Ray, Hilda F. Goodfellow, Emily M. Guthrie, Katherine Leach, Mabel
Richmond, Roaldus F. Guthrie, Mary Hayes, Harriet Little, Ernest
Sicard, Lawrence A. Hastings, Dorothy G Hinton, Esther Lyon, Annie
Tower, Marion Jarvis, Clifford D. Jenness, Irene Ritchie, William
Wakeman, Hallie W. Jenness, Ruby C. LaClair, Marion Rives, Caroline
Warner, Alice M. King, Veda V. Lampman, Dorothy Smith, Elwood
Webster, Winifred H. Lewis, Isabel C. Longevin, Evelyn Smith, Maxwell
Wheeler, Royce F. Marsh, Kenneth R. Lewis, Glenn Squires, Lawrence
Class of 1929 Merriam, Dorothy G. Libbey, Flora Wakeman, Enid
Brown, Frederick H. Page, Eileen E. Lyon, Milford Class of 1933
Brown, Merriman E. Pickel, Barbara C. Marsh, Lila Crowley, Mary
Burdette, Marcella J. Richmond, Kendrick H. Mullaney, Phyllis Devereaux, Lucy
Chesley, Ruth J. Ryder, Ruth A. Norris, Althea Jenness, Dorothy
Collins, Rena M. Ryder, Ora A. Peck, Clara Lewis, Helen
Devereaux, Doris Stevens, Murray A. Pudvah, Jeanette LaBounty, Avis
Hagar, Marion L. Stone, Francese I. Pudvah, Rachel May, Freda
Hawkins, Marjorie A. Webster, Doris I. Revoir, Antoinette Morse, Esther
Kinsley, Thelma I. Webster, Willard C. Richmond, Ruth Plunkett, Olive
Longevin, Hilda B. Withers, Pelham B. Rowen, Mason Sheldon, Tessie
Lewis, Carl W.   Roy, Laurette Sheldon, Grace
Peck, Katherine A. St. Onge, Mary Ash, Murray
Prescott, Gertrude M. St. Onge, Katherine Burnham, George
Sherburne, Glendola E. Scheer, Joseph Clifford, Everett
Smith, Euna B. Shaw, Iris Clifford, Ervin
  Sicard, Irene Damon, Leander
Sinon, Lena Hinton, Russell
Sinon, Walter Hinton, Theodore
Stiles, Carlton Jenness, Richard
Still, Lynford Lahue, Maynard
Ticehurst, Earl Lewis, Harry
Tyler, Viola Mooney, Clifton
Utton, Robert McRitchie, William
  Squires, Jerold
Tower, Ralph
Webster, Howard

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