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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
Vermont Northeast
Kingdom Genealogy

St. Johnsbury, Vt Genealogy
St. Johnsbury, VT
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Aikin Leander, (Westfield) r 9, farmer, leases of S. Hill 300.
Andrews Israel F., (Westfield) r 12, dairy 11 cows, sugar orchard 150 trees, and farmer 125.
Angier Samuel N., (Troy) r 6, town grand juror, breeder of grade Holstein cattle, dairy 17 cows, sugar orchard 800 trees, farmer 287½.
Annis Laurens K., (Westfield) r 9, mason, painter, carpenter and joiner.
ASELTINE ALANSON M.. (Westfield) r 6, farm laborer, owns h and lot.
Austin Adelbert C., (Westfield) r 6, carpenter and joiner, h and lot.
Bailey Jenison, (Westfield) r 9, manager for W. H. Richardson, of Springfield, Mass., dairy 12 cows, sugar orchard 100 trees, and farmer 175.
Baraw Ambrose, (Westfield) r 12, farmer, leases of A. L. Brown, dairy 25 cows, farm 525.
Baraw Henry, (Troy) r 3, dairy 15 cows, and farmer, leases of Peter Phillips 150.
BARNES GEORGE H., (Westfield) r 5, farmer, manager for his father, Philander.
Barnes Philander, (Westfield) r 5, apiarist 10 swarms, sugar orchard 500 trees, and farmer 150.
Barre Caesar A., (Westfield) off r 19, farmer 92, and with J. Sherbutt 120 timber land.
Bean Frank, (Troy) r 1, sugar orchard 1,000 trees, and farmer 150.
Bedell Amanda, (Westfield) r 9, widow of J. G. Bedell, h and lot, also h and lot on r 6.
Bellrose Frank G., (Westfield) r 15, sawyer, employee of Hoyt & Wakefield.
Bellrose Mitchell, (Westfield) r 18, sugar orchard 125 trees, and farmer 70.
Benware Julian, (Westfield) r 14, shoemaker, sugar, orchard 150 trees, and farmer 60.
Benware Julian, Jr., (Westfield) r 6, manuf. and repairer of carriages.
BENWARE PETER, (Westfield) off r 17, farmer, employee of John Brown.
Blanchard Peter, (Westfield) r 20, resident, farmer 25.
Boutwell Cordelia Mrs., (Troy) r 1, sugar orchard 200 trees, and farmer 50.
Boutwell James B., (Troy) r 1, farmer and laborer.
Boynton David F., (Westfield) r 12, (David F. & Edwin.)
Boynton David F. & Edwin, (Westfield) r 12, sugar orchard 300 trees, dairy 12 cows, and farmers 175.
Boynton Edwin, (Westfield) r 12, (David F. & Edwin,) selectman, owns with Warren C. Farman, in Coventry Gore, 100 acres.
Brown Arad L., (Westfield) r 12, sugar orchard 1,000 trees, dairy 25 cows, farmer 287, and timber lot 240.
BROWN JOHN F., (Westfield) off r 17, sugar orchard 125 trees, dairy 9 cows, and farmer 137½.
Brown Rebecca, (Westfield) r 9, widow of John, pensioner, h and lot.
Bruce George W., (Westfield) r 12, farmer, with his father, Horace D.
Bruce Horace D., (Westfield) r 12, dairy 21 cows, farmer 250, and timber lot with sugar orchard 500 trees, and 250 acres.
Bryant Christopher W., (Westfield) r 11, dealer in live stock, and farmer 170.
Bryant Willie, (Westfield) r 11, farmer, with his father, Christopher W.
Buck Jesse G., (Westfield) r 6, dealer in dry goods, groceries, hats, caps, boots, shoes, etc.
BUCK JOHN H., (Westfield) r 6, sugar orchard 2,500 trees, farmer 165, farm in Iowa 400, and timber lot in Middlesex, Wash. Co., 100.
Bullard J. U., (Westfield) r 7, carpenter and joiner.
Burnham George E. Rev., (Westfield) r 6, pastor of the M. E. churches of Westfield, Troy and Jay.
Burnham Melinda, (Westfield) r 9, widow of Samuel, h and lot.
Burnham Walter, (Westfield) r 8, selectman, breeder of grade Devon cattle, sugar orchard 1,300 trees, dairy 13 cows, and farmer 423.
Carrow John, (Westfield) r 16½, farmer, leases of the town of Westfield 120.
Chaffee Aaron S., (Troy) r 2, retired farmer, aged 80.
Chaffee Bethuel M., (Troy) r 2, sugar orchard 240 trees, dairy 11 cows, and farmer 125.
Chase M. Russell, (Westfield) r 12, local M. E. preacher, h and ½ an acre.
Clark Adelbert H., (Westfield) r 7, laborer, leases of A. Hitchcock 80.
Clark Charles, (Westfield) off r 11, farmer.
Clark Damon Y., (Troy) r 5, farmer 20.
Clark Ella J. Mrs., (Westfield) r 9, dressmaker.
Clark James N., (Westfield) r 12, justice of the peace, sugar orchard 600 trees, dairy 8 cows, and farmer 97½.
COBURN ANDREW J., (Troy) r 3, prop. of saw-mill and carriage shop, sugar orchard 300 trees, dairy 10 cows, farmer 120, and in Newport 150.
Coburn Charles, (Westfield) r 19, leases of Mrs. Esther Young 25.
Coburn Chester V., (Troy) r 3, carpenter, millwright and wheelwright.
Cole George (Troy) off r 3, painter, and farmer 25.
Cooper Benjamin, (Westfield), off r 15, employee of Hoyt & Wakefield.
Cooper John, (Westfield) r 14, laborer.
Daniels Mitchell, (Westfield) off r 18, farmer 11, and leases of Peter Gardner 50.
Deblois Julius, (Westfield) r 20, sugar orchard 300 trees, and farmer 50.
Deblois Nelson C., (Westfield) off r 17, farmer, leases of Lyman Taylor 190.
DEBLOIS TIMOTHY, (Westfield) off r 18, justice of the peace, sugar orchard 500 trees, dairy 10 cows, and farmer 140.
Ducharm Edward, (Westfield) off r 16, dairy 13 cows, sugar orchard 500 trees, farmer 250, and leases of Vt. University 100.
Ducharme Paul, (Westfield) r 19 cor 18, farmer 35.
Edmunds Gary M., (Westfield) r 16, farmer, son of William.
EDMUNDS WILLIAM, (Westfield) r 16, dairy 10 cows, sugar orchard 1,000 trees, farmer 100, and timber and pasture land 75.
Fairbanks Frederick W., (Troy) r 6 cor 8, carpenter and joiner.
Farman Ashley, (Westfield) r 6, sugar orchard 135 trees, and farmer 95, and timber lot 40.
Farman Edson, (Westfield) r 12, retired farmer, aged 74.
Farman Warren C., (Westfield) off r 11, sugar orchard 300 trees, dairy 10 cows, and farmer 78.
Foster Rodney, (Westfield) r 19, farmer 30.
Fowler Carter, (Lowell) off r 12, cooper, dairy 14 cows, and farmer 240.
Gardner Peter, (Westfield) r 9, blacksmith, and farmer 50.
Gilbert George, (Westfield) r 16, farmer 50.
Gilbert Charles S., (Westfield) off r 16, farmer 58, and leases of estate of C. Bailey.
Gilbert John, (Westfield) r 23, dairy 10 cows, farmer 100.
Gilbert Thomas, 2d, (Westfield) r 19, sugar orchard 200 trees, and farmer 50, and timber land 125.
Gilman Byron E., (Westfield) son of David H., farmer, and R. R. engineer.
Gilman David H., (Westfield) r 9, auctioneer, and farmer 200, owns h and lot.
Gilman Martin D., (Westfield) r 9, traveling salesman for rubber and steel stamps.
Gilpin William B., (Westfield) r 5, sugar orchard 700 trees, dairy 10 cows, and farmer 300.
Goddard Joseph, (Westfield) r 6, laborer, and farmer on West Hill 11.
Goddard Joseph, (Westfield) r 6, laborer.
Goodell George W., (Westfield) r 6 cor 7, pastor M. E. church.
Gray Frederick S., (Westfield) r 6, physician and surgeon, bds with Jacob Stebbins.
Hadlock Wilbur, (Westfield) r 14, farmer 54.
Hammel John, (Westfield) r 7, sugar orchard 150 trees, and farmer 100.
Hartwell Ira, (Troy) r 1, farmer, works for Mrs. Cordelia Boutwell 50.
Hartwell James A., (Troy) r 1, sugar orchard 400 trees, and farmer 180.
Hazelton Alice L.. (Troy) r 5, music teacher.
Hendrix Loren S., (Westfield) r 7, sugar orchard 500 trees, farmer 44, and leases of the town of Westfield 52.
Hendrix Luther, (Westfield) r 6, cooper.
Hendrix Sidney L., (Westfield) r 5, manuf. of farm aqueducts, cooper and farmer 20.
HERRICK L. ROBERT Col., (Westfield) r 6, carriage maker and ironer, Col. 2d Vet. N.Y. Cav.
HILL SILAS, (Westfield) r 6, justice of the peace, lister, sugar orchard . 1.000 trees, stock grower, dairy 27 cows, and farmer 600.
HITCHCOCK AARON C., (Westfield) r 9, justice of the peace, sugar orchard 1,100 trees, dairy 9 cows, 130 sheep, 37 head young cattle, 5 colts, and farmer 320.
Hitchcock David S., (Westfield) sugar orchard 700 trees, and farmer 60, and timber lot 100.
Hitchcock Horatio, (Westfield) r 5, retired farmer, aged 81.
Hitchcock Mark N., (Troy) r 5, son of Newton, farmer.
Hitchcock Medad C., (Westfield) r 5, sugar orchard 400 trees, dairy 10 cows, and farmer 125, and timber lot 25.
Hitchcock Newton, (Troy) r 5, sugar orchard 600 trees, and farmer 100.
Hodgkin Jere F., (Westfield) r 8, dairy 10 cows, sugar orchard 200 trees, farmer 100, and timber lot 100.
Hovey Chester, (Westfield) r 14, farmer, occupies 77 acres owned by Mrs. Augusta Keith.
Hovey James Keith, (Westfield) r 14, farmer, with his father, Chester Hovey.
Howe Lydia, (Westfield) r 14, widow, resident.
Hoyt Asa H., (Westfield) r 6, expressman and teamster, from Westfield to Newport.
Hoyt Lorenzo, (Westfield) r 20, sugar orchard 200 trees, and farmer 40.
HOYT NATHANIEL C., (Westfield) (Hoyt & Wakefield, and Hoyt & Wakefields) side judge of Orleans Co., postmaster, town clerk and treasurer, owns timber land 200, store and h and lot, Main.
HOYT & WAKEFIELD, (Westfield) (N. C. Hoyt and W. W. Wakefield,) dealers in dry goods, groceries, flour, feed, hardware, crockery, boots and shoes, hats and caps, ready-made clothing, and country produce, Main street.
HOYT & WAKEFIELDS, (Westfield) (N. C. Hoyt, Willis W. and William W. Wakefield,) manufacturers of spruce, hemlock and hard wood lumber and clapboards, timber land 900 acres, also manufacturers of potato starch.
Hull Sands, (Westfield) r 9, retired farmer, aged 80.
Hunt John E., (Westfield) r 15, works at saw-mill.
Jacques Joseph, (Westfield) r 19, sugar orchard 500 trees, and farmer 75, and timber lot 125.
Jacques Francis, (Westfield) r 13, farm. laborer.
JOHNSON ISAAC D., (Westfield) r 13, notary public, dairy 22 cows, sugar orchard 400 trees, farmer 70, and leases of the county grammar school 150.
Johnson Mercy M., (Westfield) r 13, widow of David, resident, aged 81.
Johnson Samuel S., (Westfield) r 6, farmer.
Keith Augusta A. Mrs., (Westfield, and Lowell, Mass.,) r 14, farm 77.
Kelley John, (Westfield) owns farm in Jay 100.
Kennison James H., (Westfield) r 15, laborer in saw-mill.
Kempton Wesley, (Westfield) r 15, laborer, employee of Hoyt & Wakefield.
Lapier Francis, (Westfield) r 20, carpenter and joiner.
Lapier Mary Mrs., (Westfield) r 20, dairy 10 cows, sugar orchard 300 trees, and farm 115.
Laplant Charles, (Westfield) r 23, farmer 43.
Locke Sherburn, (Westfield) r 12, dairy 10 cows, sugar orchard 300 trees, and farmer 97.
Lockwood George D., (Westfield) r 12, farm laborer.
Lockwood Truman, (Westfield) works in saw-mill.
Martin John, (Westfield) r 5, sugar orchard 100 trees and farmer 60.
Martin Joseph, (Westfield) r 16, farmer 50.
Martin Joseph 2d, (Troy) r 1, sugar orchard 1,000 trees, dairy 10 cows, and farmer 100.
Martin Peter V., (Westfield) r 17, dairy 10 cows, farmer 135, and timber lot 50.
Miller Albert S., (Westfield) r 9, sugar orchard 1,500 trees, dairy 12 cows, and farmer 400.
Miller Alfred, (Westfield) r 11, sugar orchard 225 trees, dairy 10 cows, and farmer 225.
Miller Asa J., (Westfield) r 9, sawyer, h and lot.
Miller Eleazer W., (Westfield) r 10, sugar orchard 700 trees, dairy 10 cows, and farmer 175.
Miller Emory S., (Westfield) r 12, dairy 12 cows, sugar orchard 225 trees, and farmer 133.
Miller Henry, (Westfield) r 7, farmer 28, and prop. of feed mill.
Miller Hiram O., (Westfield) r 9, farmer with Aaron C. Hitchcock.
MILLER JOSIAH H., (Westfield) r 11, cooper, sugar orchard 500 trees, dairy 12 cows and farmer 185.
Miller Ephraim H,, (Westfield) r 6, farmer 25.
Miller Luke, (Westfield) r 9, farm laborer.
Miller Orrin S., (Westfield) r 12, justice of the peace, land surveyor, sugar orchard 130 trees, and farmer 82½.
Miller Pliny E., (Westfield) r 11, farmer, leases of Alfred Miller 225.
Miller Vaniah, (Westfield) r 8 cor 10, (Miller & Woods) farmer.
Miller & Woods, (Westfield) r 8 cor 10, (Vaniah Miller and Wm. Woods,) breeders of grade Durham cattle, sugar orchard 200 trees, dairy 20 cows, and farmers 300.
Osterhout Henry, (Westfield) r 19, laborer.
Papenau John, (Westfield) r 18, laborer and farmer 6.
Phillips Jasper, (Troy) r 1, farmer 85.
Reed Calvin, (Westfield) r 9, town agent and prop. of hotel, sugar orchard 350 trees, dairy 12 cows, farmer 7, and on West Hill 200.
Reed Herbert C., (Westfield) off r 14, sugar orchard 250 trees, dairy 12 cows, and farmer, leases of Calvin Reed 170.
Rider Elisha E., (Troy) r 1, sugar orchard 500 trees, dairy 10 cows, and farmer 140.
Roberts Henry, (Westfield) r 17, stone mason and farmer 40.
Roberts Henry, Jr., (Westfield) r 9, laborer.
Root Napoleon, (Westfield) r 7, shoemaker.
Seymour John, (Westfield) r 20. sugar orchard 500 trees, and farmer 70.
Seymour Lyman, (Westfield) off r 20, farmer 25.
Seymour Nelson, (Westfield) r 20, farmer 38.
Sherbutt Frank, (Westfield) r 17, butcher and farmer, leases of T. Gilbert 115.
Sherbutt Joseph, (Westfield) r 17, farmer, owns with C. A. Barre, 120 timber land
Sias Benjamin F., (Westfield) r 13, farmer, h and lot.
Simmons John, (Westfield) r 20, sugar orchard 100 trees, and farmer 40.
Sisco. Edmund R., (Troy) r 2, sugar orchard 400 trees, and farmer.
Sisco Fred H., (Troy) r 2, sugar orchard 300 trees, and farmer 70.
Sisco Oliver F., (Troy) r 2, sugar orchard 300 trees, dairy 8 cows, and farmer 160.
Smith Asahel, (Westfield) r 5, farmer 60.
Stebbins Amanda, (Westfield) r 6, widow of Benjamin, farm 12.
Stebbins Herbert L., (Westfield) farmer, with Mrs. Amanda.
Stebbins Jacob, (Westfield) r 9, sugar orchard 600 trees, and farmer 40.
Stebbins Rufus, (Westfield) off r 5, farmer 2.
Stebbins Smith, (Westfield) r 5, laborer.
Stetson William R., (Westfield) off r 20, cooper, sugar orchard 150 trees, and farmer 75.
Stoddard Charles C., (Westfield) r 5, laborer.
Stone Bethuel, (Westfield) r 13, farmer, leases of the Orleans county grammar school.
Stone Orson N. (Westfield) r 12, dairy 12 cows, and farmer 347.
Stone Orson N., (Westfield) r 19, dairy 13 cows, and farmer 300.
Streeter Bros., (Westfield) r 5, (J. H. & H. C.,) sugar orchard 300 trees, and farmers 127.
Streeter Henry C., (Westfield) r 5, (Streeter Bros.) farmer.
Streeter J. Harrison, (Westfield) r 5, (Streeter Bros.) mason.
Taylor Lyman, (Westfield) off r 17, farmer 148.
TRUMPASS THOMAS, (Westfield) off r 17, sugar orchard 200 trees, dairy 12 cows, and farmer 170.
TRUMPASS WILLIAM, S., (Westfield) off r 17, farmer, with his father, Thomas.
Tushette Louis, (Westfield) r 17, farmer 73.
Wakefield William W., (Westfield) r 15, (Hoyt & Wakefields,) foreman for Hoyt & Wakefield.
WAKEFIELD WILLIS W., (Westfield) (Hoyt & Wakefields,) also (Hoyt & Wakefield,) also (Wakefield & Bedell) town representative and over-seer of the poor.
WAKEFIELD & BEDELL, (Montgomery Center, Franklin Co.) location Moodyville, manufs. of spruce, hemlock, hardwood and clapboards, and owners of 2,100 acres of timber land.
Wilson William J., (Westfield) r 20, sugar orchard 100 trees, and farmer 50.
Winslow Orlando, (Westfield) r 9, retired merchant, aged 83.
Wood Edward H., (Westfield) off r 12, farmer 130.
Wood William W., (Westfield) r 8 cor 10, (Miller & Wood,) farmer.
WOODWORTH HARLAN P., (Westfield) r 4, farmer, with his father, Luther S.
Woodworth Luther S., (Westfield) r 4, sugar orchard 300 trees, dairy 13 cows, and farmer 300.
Wright Daniel E., (Westfield) r 6, deputy sheriff, sugar orchard 1,000 trees, farmer 45, and timber lot 50.
Wright Frank P., (Westfield) off r 14, farmer 26.
WRIGHT OSCAR P., (Troy) r 5 cor 3, stock grower, sugar orchard 450 trees, and farmer 120.
Wright Reuben H., (Westfield) r 17, sugar orchard 300 trees, dairy 11 cows and farmer 168.

The figures following the letter r indicate the number of the road on which the party resides, and will be found by reference to the map in the back part of this work. Where no road number is given the party is suppossed to reside in the village.

Figures placed after the occupation of acres owned or leased.

The word street is implied.

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