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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
Vermont Northeast
Kingdom Genealogy

St. Johnsbury, Vt Genealogy
St. Johnsbury, VT
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Abbott, Martha E., Mrs., r 11, owns 8 acres.
Adams, Curtis P., r 11, canvasser, and farmer 6.
Aikin, Melvin, clerk Frontier Hotel, Main.
Bailey, Charles M., carpenter and joiner, and supt. of E. Hapgood & Sons, (of Lowell, Mass.) excelsior manuf, Main, h do.
Bailey, Ross, r 11, teamster.
Bailey, Sarah D., r 2, widow of Charles.
Bannister, Mark A., r 4, loads cars with lumber, S. E. R. R.
Barry, Louisa, widow of Albert L., h Main.
Berwick, Betsey, r 10, widow of Charles.
BEST, EFFIE W. Miss, clerk for Royce & Goff, bds with H. B. Parkhurst, home in St. Albans.
Bickford, Edward, dealer in real estate, stoves, wagons and sleighs, and farmer 1,500 in Troy, Newport and Jay, bds at Frontier Hotel.
BLACKSTONE, HARRISON W., physician and surgeon, Railroad st., h do.
BOSTON CLOTHING STORE, Stanley J. Cunningham, manager, ready-made clothing, hats, caps, boots, shoes, and gents' furnishing goods, Main St.
BOWE, JOHN F., carpenter and joiner, bds Frontier Hotel.
BUGGY, WILLIAM, livery stable, Main, h do.
BUTTERFIELD, ALFRED H., editor and publisher of "North Troy Palladium," Main, h do.
Butterfield, Charles H., printer, bds Main.
CALL, THADDEU C., employee of E. P. Hapgood & Sons, h Main.
CARROW, MARK D., harness maker, over Lewis & Co.'s store, Main st.
Carrow, Nelson B., r 11 laborer in North Troy saw-mill.
Chaffee, Delia E., r 2, owns h and ½ acre.
Chandler, Robert B., manuf. of marble and granite monuments, headstones, etc., Main, h do.
Charby, Alexander, carriage maker, painter and repairer, Main st, h Newport road.
CHASE, BRAD N., horse trainer and dealer, h Railroad st.
Clark, Albert F., fashionable hair dresser, dealer in stationery, notions, tobacco, cigars, confectionery and fruits, billiard room attached, Main, h do.
CLOUGH, HENRY A., manuf. and dealer in harness, Pleasant, h do.
Courser Jessie G., r 4, agent New American sewing machines.
CUNNINGHAM, STANLEY J., manager Boston Clothing Store, bds Frontier Hotel.
CURRIER, JOHN W., r 12, manuf. of lumber, breeder of grade Jersey cattle and Cotswold sheep, farmer 300.
DAGGETT, CHESTER C., manuf. of hardwood bedsteads and wove-wire mattress frames, foot of Main, h Pleasant.
Davis, Edwin L., mason, h Main.
DEAETT, RODNEY H., clerk for Mitchell Previa, h School st.
Doane, George, r 11, laborer.
Dorman, Julius S., attorney at law, Railroad st., h do.
Dorman, Orin, retired farmer 10, h Railroad st.
Drinkwine, Antoine.
EASTMAN MACHINE CO., (V. 0. and S. V. Eastman,) iron founders and machinists, dealers in iron, steel, and coal, iron water pipes a specialty, Main st.
EASTMAN, SELDEN V., (Eastman Machine Co.,) h Main.
EASTMAN, VALENTINE O., (Eastman Machine Co.,) owns farm in Potton, P. Q., 100, h Maine.
Elkins, Curtis, r 4, dairy 25 cows, sugar orchard 550 trees, and farmer 300.
ELKINS, FRANK S., r 4, dealer in dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes, fancy goods, notions, etc.
Elkins, Fred H., employee at excelsior factory, h Railroad.
Elkins, Jonathan, retired millwright, h Railroad.
Elkins, Lucretia A., r 4, widow of Harvey.
ELKINS, ORION N. Col., postmaster, secretary and treasurer of Missisquoi & Clyde River R. R., manuf. of Queen of All baking powder, Dr. Chamberlains Cholera Mixture, and Elkins Vegetable Pain Allayer, dairy 30 cows, and farmer 250.
Elkins, Oscar H., veterinary surgeon, and horse dentist, South cor Pleasant, h do.
Elkins, T. Wallace, printer, h off Railroad.
ELKINS, WILLIAM G., wholesale dealer in flour, feed, meal, plaster, lime, cement, salt, etc., and farmer 330, and in Potton, P. Q., dairy 35 cows, farm 600, warehouse opposite S. E. R. R. depot, h Railroad.
Elkins, William G. 2d, r 4, carpenter and joiner.
ELKINS, WILLIAM R., r 3, house painter, grainer, and paper hanger, farmer 60, and in, Canada 100.
Elkins, Winfield S., r 11, farmer 40.
Ewins, Clarence P., (North Troy.)
Excelsior Manufactory, (E. Hapgood & Sons, of Lowell, Mass.,) Chas. M. Bailey superintendent, h Main.
Fisher, Edgar W., brakeman on S. E. R. R., h Railroad st.
FLINT, CHARLES M., furniture, house, sign, and carriage painter, h Railroad st.
Flint, Frank D., assistant freight agent and telegraph operator, h Railroad.
FLINT, MAE A., (Mrs. Charles,) dealer in millinery and fancy goods, ladies' and children's furnishings, fur goods and cloak trimmings, perfumery and toilet articles, Railroad st., h do.
FORSAITH, FRANK T., dealer in furniture, carpeting, window shades, mirrors, paper hangings, sash, doors and blinds, painters' supplies, coffins and caskets, and undertaker, Main, h do.
Frontier Hotel, C. A. Randall, prop., Main.
FULLER, GEORGE H., dentist, Railroad, h do.
Fullington, Henry, r 1, leases saloon of Ithamar Hadlock.
Gallup, Benjamin L., carpenter and joiner, h Pleasant.
Gallup, Mary, widow of Lucian, h Main.
Gaskill, Almon P., general blacksmith, School, h do,
Goldsmith, William, hostler, Frontier Hotel, Main.
Goodro, Henry, general blacksmith, Main, h do.
GOODRO, WILLIAM H., barber, dealer in smokers' materials, notions, etc., over G. W. Seaver's hardware, store, h Main.
Gregory, Henry P., manufacturer of carriages, wagons and sleighs, Main, h near Main.
Hadlock Ithamer, r 1, owns saloon, sugar orchard in Jay 600 trees, and farmer 165.
Hadlock Orison P., prop. of North Troy grist-mill, and dealer in flour, meal, and feed, Mill st., h Pleasant.
Hair, David, carpenter and joiner, and mason, h Pine.
Hall, Amasa J., carpenter and joiner, h Pleasant.
Hammond, Minerva, widow of Simpson B., farmer 120.
Hammond, William, r 4, farmer, with Minerva.
Harvey, Isaiah R., r 4, carpenter and joiner, canvasser, and singing teacher.
Harvey, Rufus M., r 4, carpenter and joiner, and mason.
HEATH, ESTHER, r 4, widow of David.
Hodgedon, William, manuf. of tin, sheet-iron and copper-ware, Main, h Pleasant.
Holcomb, Horace, farms for J. W. Currier, h Main.
House, Frank, farm laborer for H. B. Parkhurst.
Hovey, Henry A., carpenter and joiner, works in North Troy saw-mill, h Pleasant.
HUNT, FRANK L., r 4, teamster, and farmer 8.
Hunt, James R. B., foreman at North Troy saw-mill and planing-mill, h Main.
IMPEY, WILLIAM E., manager of Royce & Goff's dry goods and clothing store, bds Main.
Keith, Andrew J., house, sign and carriage painter, dealer in paints, oils and varnishes, Railroad st. cor School, h Railroad.
KELLEY, DARIUS W., dealer in watches, clocks and jewelry, drugs, patent medicines, books, stationery, etc., Railroad st., h do.
Lanpher, Marcius P., carpenter and joiner, and house plasterer, h Pine.
LEACH, MARIA, r 26, widow of Wilbur, farmer 160.
Letourneau, Leonidas J., allo. physician and surgeon, Main, h do.
Lewis, Euretta P. Mrs., (Lewis & Co.,) dressmaker and milliner.
Lewis, Henry H., New England Photographing and Copying Co., Railroad, h r 11.
Lewis, John L., (Lewis & Rand) (Lewis & Co.)
Lewis, Milo, (Lewis & Co.,) h Main.
Lewis & Co., (Mrs. Euretta P., Milo, and John L. Lewis,) general merchants and millinery goods, dealers in butter and cheese, country produce, and branch fancy goods and millinery stores, at Island Pond and Waterville, Main.
Lewis & Rand, (John L. L. and F. H. R.,) attorneys at law, pension and insurance agents.
Livingston, George A., r 4, teamster, h Pine.
Livingston, Loudon B., farm laborer, h Pine.
Lyford, C. Hook, r 4, laborer, h Pine.
Lyford, David, laborer, h Pine.
Mandigo, Oren J., machinist, h Main.
MARTIN, NORRIS D., livery and feed stables, Main, h Pine.
Martin, Rebecca B., r 4, widow of Joshua, farmer 40, h Pine.
Mason, Hattie E., r 4, dressmaker.
Mason, Lloyd B., r 4, farmer 3.
MAY, GEORGE G., manufacturer of lumber, steam saw-mill off r 16, and farmer 40, h Main.
McClellan, Samuel, r 16, sugar orchard 230 trees, and farmer 65.
Moore, Louisa B., widow of Dr. Levi C., h Main.
NORTH TROY PALLADIUM, issued Thursdays, A. R. Butterfield, editor and publisher, Main.
North Troy Grist Mill, O. P. Hadlock, prop.
PARKHURST, HENRY B., dealer in groceries and provisions, tobacco and cigars, prop. of livery stable, sugar orchard 1,200 trees, and farmer 130, Main, h do.
Parkhurst, Lakin, widow of Levi, aged 82, lives with Henry B.
Pelky Fred, shoemaker for W. F. Young, h Main.
PETTENGILL, HARRY B., deputy collector and special inspector of customs, farmer 115, in Jay 210, and in Craftsbury 180, h Elm.
Ploof, Louis, shoemaker, Pine st.
Porter, Benjamin, r 15, 85 years old.
Porter, Emily, r 4, widow of Horace.
Porter, George S., r 11 cor 21, manufacturer of lumber and shingles, mason and farmer, h and lot in North Troy, leases of Solomon Phillips, of New York, 47.
Proctor, Charles W., employee of C. C. Daggett, bds do.
Ramsdell, Charles A., prop. Frontier Hotel, livery, sale, and feed stables, Main.
RAND, FRANK H., (Lewis & Rand,) Main, bds do.
Rand, William H., deputy sheriff, deputy U. S. marshall, h Main.
REIRDEN, JAMES W., blacksmith, shoeing flat-footed and interfering horses a specialty, Mill, h Jay.
Rines, Baxter E., carpenter and joiner, sawyer North Troy saw-mills, h Pleasant.
Rines, Mary, (Mrs. Baxter) dressmaker, Pleasant, h do.
Rowell, William R., attorney at law, and deputy collector of customs, Main, h Railroad.
Royce & Goff, (H. C. Royce, of St. Albans, F. L. Goff, of Richford,) dealers in dry goods, and clothing, and fancy goods, W. E. Impey, manager, Main.
Sartwell, William E., inventor, h Mill.
Scott, Ellen, widow of O. B. Scott, h Main.
SEAVER, EZRA T. (G. W. & Sons) bds Main.
SEAVER, GILMAN W., (G. W. & Sons) owns farm in Craftsbury 200, h Main.
SEAVER, G. W. & SONS, (Gilman W., Ezra T., and Harley T.,) manuf. of tin, sheet iron and copper ware, wholesale dealers in flour, kerosene oil, salt and nails, retail dealers in hardware, farming implements, dry-goods, groceries, hats, and caps, boots and shoes, ready-made clothing, etc.
SEAVER, HARLEY T., (G. W. & Sons) bds Main.
Shepard, Richard A., station and U. S. & C. express agent South Eastern Railway, h Railroad.
Sias, Timothy T., farm laborer, h Pleasant.
Story, Arthur L., employee C. C. Daggett, bds do.
Sullivan, John, farm laborer.
Sutton, Henry, dentist, Railroad st.
Tatro, James, r 4, employee of H. R. Elkins.
THOMPSON, LEVI S., Elder, r 12, Christian minister, mason and painter.
Underhill, Stephen P., carpenter and joiner, h Pleasant.
Walker, Joseph N., pastor of Congregational church, h Main.
WHEELER, JOHN, teacher and farmer 300, north of R. R. station.
Whittier, Sarah P., widow of John M., h Pleasant.
Williams, Andrew J., manuf. and dealer in harness, Main st., h do.
Wilson, Henderson C., r 12, attorney at law, and farmer 2,000.
Young, Edward F., blacksmith, h Pleasant.
YOUNG, WILLIAM F., dealer in groceries and provisions, confectionery, tobacco and cigars, and dealer in boots and shoes, notions, etc., Main, h South.

The figures following the letter r indicate the number of the road on which the party resides, and will be found by reference to the map in the back part of this work. Where no road number is given the party is suppossed to reside in the village.

Figures placed after the occupation of acres owned or leased.

The word street is implied.

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