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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
Vermont Northeast
Kingdom Genealogy

St. Johnsbury, Vt Genealogy
St. Johnsbury, VT
These listings may be freely used for personal research and by non-commercial entities as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format or presentation by other organizations or persons desiring to use this material for profit or any form of presentation, without prior written consent.
Copyright ©         All Rights Reserved

The figures following the letter r indicate the number of the road on which the party resides, and will be found by reference to the map in the back part of this work. Where no road number is given the party is suppossed to reside in the village.

Figures placed after the occupation of acres owned or leased.

The word street is implied.
Highlight keywords:
  Lyndonville Rural Delivery
  R. F. D. No. 1 R. F. D. NO. 2 R. F. D. NO. 3
A Patrons-Route No 1, covers Southeast and East section of Lyndon and portion of Town of Kirby, also St Johnsbury Town Patrons-Route No. 2, Eastern part of Sutton Patrons-Route No 3, covers southwestern Lyndon, eastern Wheelock and southern portion Sutton
Adams Arunah W (Louise J) emp Diamond " Sylvia Mrs " Grace Mrs " Paul
Bronze Co h Main " Wilman Allard Burton " William J
Ahearn Clara D wid William A nurse C B Dodge r do Anthony James " Ernest F Alger Glenn
Akley Clarence emp Swift & Co r G V Akley Austin James " Lawrence " Mary Mrs
" George V (Edith L) crane opr C P RR shops h Depot c East BAILEY WILLIAM E " Shirley Mrs BAKER EBER
" Gordon E clk L Ctr r G V Akley Baird Ethel Mrs Allen Elizabeth Beech Elsie Mrs
Albert Vile J (Edna E) mach CPRR shops h43 Main " Milo " Ethel E Mrs " Richard J
Aldrich Darwin L (Grace) emp L Motor Co Inc h Vail's Hill L Ctr Baril Alfred " Ethel G Mrs Berry Arline Mrs
" Doris h rear PO Lyndon " Anna " Howard M " Bertha
" Kate wid John h rear of PO Lyndon " Oscar " Ralph H " Dorothy
" Rufus P (Gertrude A) foreman C P RR shops h36 Main Barnett Eliza Mrs Austin Josephine Mrs " Enid Mrs
" William J (Carrie M) farmer h L Ctr rd RD 3 " William " Raymond W " Fred
Allard A Dean farm hand r A C Allard Rpattie Daisy Mrs BARBER BLANCHE " Gerald
" Arnold V emp Elizabeth Chase Maple Candies r Arthur C Allard Beattie John J " Everett " Maynard
Arthur C (Lillian) farmer h Lyndon " Ruby " Neal Blake Alvina Mrs
" Delores r Hormidas Allard Beer Wilbur Bayard Henry " Austin
" Gicele r Hormidas Allard Bennett Ada " Marguerite Mrs " Clayton
" Hormidas (Leontine) emp CP RR h East Bishop Alvah A Bernier Alice " Elizabeth Mrs
" James E (Hazel M) driver LCA h L Ctr " Etta Mrs " Rose " Fred
" James L emp L Ctr r J E Allard " Howard " William E " Maynard
" Joan d'arc student r Hormidas Allard Blood Dale Bessette Eugenie Mrs " Merritt
" Lawrence night chef Willey's Restaurant res RD2 " Ethel " Phileas Blpdgett Harry A
" Maurice (Rose) lab h East " George " Raymond " Rose Mrs
" Rene (Beatrice) lab h Williams Bristol Charles Blake Carl L Brown Harold A
Allard Roger student r Hormidas Allard Bruce Frank " Myrtie Mrs " Harold Jr
" Seth E (M Theresa) h Elm " Lura Mrs Brown Frank H " Lula Mrs
" Viola B student r J E Allard Burns Ada Mrs " Hortense Mrs Burden Elizabeth
Allen Garnetta E teacher Kirby r22 Main " Austin " Howard " Harold E
" Harris O (Rhoda W) attd Amoco Filling Station h22 Main Burns Lennie " Julia A Mrs CADY NINA MRS
" Lydia wid John r George A Whipple " Madeline Bundy Forrest H " Raymond
Allyn George B (Lillian T) woodworktig shop Burrington Constance Mrs " Grace Mrs Carpenter Leonard
Allyn Block Church h do " Frank Burpee Henry A Caswell Ada Mrs
Amadon Calles P (Doris) emp LCA Garage h L Ctr " Verna Mrs " Jennie B Mrs " Maurice
American Legion Auxiliary Unit No 30 sec Mrs Leora O Burns. Meets 1st Thurs each month G&R Hall 8pm CASSIDY DAVID CASEY JOHN Chaplin Zella Mrs
" Legion Post No 30 adj Leon E Hopkins. Meetings 1st Thurs each month GAR Hall 8pm " Florence Mrs Castonguay Louise Clark Wilbur A
" Red. Cross Lyndon Chapter chr Loren T Huntley, sec Rev John D Stafield, tres Mrs Grace H Mathewson, nursing committee Mrs Harry Robie. Meets : 1st Thurs at 2:30 p m Depot Celley Charles Chapman Mary Mrs Clifford Flora Mrs
Amidon Garland H (Florence H) emp LCA Garage h S Main " Evelyn Mrs " Ralph W Corey Arthur
Amoco Filling Station Clare H Emerson prop Broad Lyndonville Champagne Roger Crosier Arlene Mrs " Cora Mrs
Andross Elgena W (Mrs Walter C) prop Ye Gift Shoppe h6 Center " Verla Mrs " John Corrow Emily Mrs
" Elgin D r6 Center Chesley Fred DAVIS ELBRIDGE A Cutting Alton
" Walter C (Elgena W) h6 Center " Mabel Mrs " Luella A " Laura Mrs
Angell John T lab r J E Parker Clary Jed " Myrtie R Mrs Craig Rosa, wid Ffed
" Mark T (Lela T) emp CP RR h L Ctr Clary Mae Mrs " Perley D DAVIS WILLIAM H
Anne's Beauty Parlor Mrs Anne D Scribner prop Church Clifford Rita Mrs Davis Wallace Deos Dewey O
Annis Fred L (Agnes G) storekpr C&RR h Main " Walter " Warren L " Orlando N
" Ruth L clk DACo r Main Coburn Irene Mrs Delworth Dora Mrs " Rosie Mrs
Armory Co C 172nd Inf (Vt Nat: Guard) captain Robert F Pierce, 1st It Walter J Hughes, 2nd It Elgin D Andross " Verne " George Devenger Perley
Atlantic & Pacific Co The Great Irwin Brown mgr Depot Cox Iva Mrs Deos Harland Donaldson David
Atwood Hale M (Emma A) retired farmer h L Ctr Currier Florence Mrs " Harley A " Ruth Mrs
Aubin Alphonse J (Marie A) rural carrier No 3 h Charles " Julian " Mary Mrs Drown Kenneth
" Antoinette wid Bartholomew J h East DAVIS ALLEN ESTERBROOKS DAN " Ruth Mrs
" Jane clk Grand Union Stores r East " Edith Mrs " Don L FITZPATRICK ROSE MRS
" Paul V emp Lurchin & Lurchin St J r A J Aubin Charles " Esther Mrs Watkins Robert " Thomas
Austin James retired h Memorial dr " Flora Mrs " Vera Mrs Folson Arthur
" William (Ruth) emp M P Ronan r H H Moulton " Melvin Webber Clarence E " Inese Mrs
Ayer Alberta S wid Harlie L h Memorial dr Lyndon " Nellie Mrs " Winnie Mrs Foster Arlene Mrs
B " Percy Weatherbee Armantha GARFIELD RAYMOND
BAILEY CARL S emp OHMfgCo h Center " Ralph " Howard Gilbert Bertha
" Delwin G (E Irene) truck driver r E E Bailey Lyndon " Violet Mrs " Mary Mrs " Maurice
" E W & Co props Lyndonville Feed Co Hill c Williams Demars Edward " Vera Mrs Gilman Delia Mrs
" Elwin E (Blanche F) retired h Memorial dr Lyndon " Eugene Whipple Hazel Mrs " Gains C
Baird Earl (Rose) salesman h York Lyndon " Lydia " Henry S " George M
Baker Theta H teacher Lyndon Inst r Thompson Cottage L Ctr Dickerman Clayton Wheeler Etta Mrs " George W
Baldwin Daisy C Mrs prin L Graded School h Broad " Grace Mrs " William C " Harry M
" Rufus-retired r Park av Dresser Guy Wilson Augustus " Nina Mrs
Ball Blanche B (Mrs Leonard M) linotype opr Vt Union Journal h Bemis Hill " Louise Mrs " Edward " Wilbur C
" Leonard M (Blanche B) truck gardener h Bemis Hill Drown Emma Mrs Mrs " Leslie Gonyaw Fred
Bandy William J (Edith B) carp h Church " Raymond " Pearl Mrs " Rose Mrs
Baraw Perle F (Laura R) village fire chief and water comm h Charles " Warren " Russell Gravlin Ernest C
" Ross L mgr Checkerboard Feed Store r Charles ELEY MARION Woodard Frank Guild Cora
" Shirley R teacher Ludlbw r Charles Elliot Philip " Herbert HALL ELGIN
" Stanley O (Almeda W) sales h Prospect " Verna Mrs Woodward Hattie Mrs " Flora Mrs
Barber Everett emp L Creamery h L Ctr Emery Charles R. F. D. NO. 2 Helen Mrs
" Georgia Mrs emp LCA res Sheffield " Mamie Mrs Covers western section Lyndon, a portion of Wheelock and south- Thomas
Bassett Alcide clk First Nat Store r Main " Myrtle Mrs Trefle
" Alcide J (Marion W) elk St Johnsbury h Main FARNUM NELLIE L MRS Walter
" Jessie wid William A h Main " Scott M Hannett Abbie Mrs
" Marion W (Mrs Alcide J) sten Vt Tap & Die Corp h Main Fletcher Earl Clarence R
" Percy A (Jeanette B) elec welder C P RR h Main " Emma Mrs Dana
Batchelder Daisy wid Clarence r Mrs Flora Powers " Harriett Esterbrooks Eva Elwin
" Garold B (Marguerite L) com trav h Church Fontaine Joseph " Guy Flora
" Gerald H (Mabel L) milk dealer L Ctr h do " Lionel " Ida Mrs " George T
" Marguerite L (Mrs Garold B) emp Darling Inn h Church " Mary Mrs " Ila " Virginia Mrs
Bean Cottage Lyndon Institute Susan Cornelius house mother L Ctr Ford Clarence " Lee Hanscom Chet
Beane Kenneth B (Gladys S) auto mech Corner Garage h L Ctr " Viola Mrs PRASIER GARDNER " Edith Mrs
Beattie Albert E (Ruth G) trainman CP RR h PO Bldg Depot Foster Blanche Mrs " Josie Mrs " Harry
" Donald R emp DA r T C Beattie " Frank Frost Alvah M Hoffman Harley H
" Florence E. r T C Beattie " Howard GEER HARRY Hoyt Charles H
" Harold W (Phyllis) emp LD&HG Shonyo h Lyndon GORHAM DENSMORE " Joyce " Viola Mrs
" Lloyd USMC r T C Beattie " Iva Mrs " Vera Mrs Hudson Alfred
" Ruth G (Mrs Albert E) emp Vt T&D Corp h PO Bldg Depot Graves Elizabeth Gilman- Elroy F " Mattie Mrs
" Thomas C (Mildred B) eng C P RR h Charles " Louise " Helen Mrs " MelvinD
Beauchesne Gerard J (Mary F) mgr First Nat Stores h Charles " Nellie " Jennie Mrs Hutchinson Emma Mrs
" Joseph A (Amanda M) mach Vt T&D Corp h Pinehurst Hill Gray Nellie Mrs " John E " William T
Bedard Archie A (Hattie); (Bedard's Service Station) h Memorial dr n RR PO Lyndonville RD 1 Grandin Bertha Mrs Gordon Harry B Hyman Thomas
" Eugene J (Ida D) barber John B Cable h Hill HAWKES ALBERT J " Lillian Mrs INGALLS DELLA MRS
" Fred L (Mabel S) (Bedard's Service Station) h Memorial dr n RR Lyndonville RD1 " Hattie Mrs Green Florence Mrs " Harold C
" Theodore L musician r Hill " Hobart " William H JENKINS DOUGLAS
Bedard's Service Station (Fred L and Archie A Bedard) auto repairing etc Memorial dr Lyndonville RD1 " Lucy Guay Joseph " Ethel Mrs
Beer Wilbur D (Doris B) emp. Nurenberg's Auto Service h Lyndonville RD1 Henderson Bruce HEATH ALBERT E " Lawrence
Bell Catherine G nurse 23 Main r do " Grace Mrs " Jennie Mrs " Leslie
" Ronald (Lena E) retired h23 Main Hoffman Carl " Justin H " Pearl Mrs
Bemis Community House Main opp Vt T&D Corp " Clayton R " Mildred Mrs John Bertha Mrs
" Mary L student r Elm " Cora Mrs " Theron " George
Bennett Earl R (Clara) mach Vt T&D Corp h Depot " Francis Henderson Clifford " Leo
" Emma A Mrs h Hill " Kenneth " Ethel Mrs Johnson Elizabeth Mrs
" Homer W (Myrtie H) retired h L Ctr " Winifred " John W " Homer
"' Ross F (Gertrude Z) mach opr Vt T&D Corp h23 Main Houghton Carolyn Hoyt Flora Mrs KENNEDY WILLIAM H
" Stanley H student r23 Main Houghton Effie Mrs " George L King Joseph
Beritley Lawrence H (Mabelle E) emp Vt T&D Corp h 47 Main " Fred " Gordon " Joseph Jr
Berry Donald A clk First Nat Stores r Ivan F Ward " Mary Mrs Hubbard Emily " Sadie Mrs
" Harry A . (Josephine) painter and wallpaper Depot h Raymond c Williams. " Milo " Fred A LANG AMY MRS
Berube Alfred J (Sadie) shoe and harness repairing William h do " Paul " Sylvia Mrs Larmouth Harold
" Napoleon (Eliza) h Charles " Roy Hudson Cola Libby Gertrude
Berwick E Irene r Church " Ruby Mrs " Dorothy Mrs " Hazel Mrs
" Mary Mrs h Church " Wallace W " Verne " William J
" Willey J emp Christopher's Restaurant r Church Hovey Anna Mrs Hutchins Bernice Mrs Liggett Ethel Mrs
Bigelbw Reginald A (Grace) emp Vt T&D Corp h 4 Main " Fred M " Dale " John J
Bixby Chester H emp, FM&Co r Lyndon " Harry " Margaret " Kenneth
" Herbert A (Maude A) carp h Lyndon " Jennie Mrs " Merton L " Ruth
" Walter R r Lyndon Hutchins Hazel Mrs JENKINS EMMA Little Charles
Blajne Ruby A teacher Lyndon Inst h Lyndon Ctr Hutchinson Edith Mrs Jesseman Ethlyn " Evelyn Mrs
Blaisdell Traver V (Carolyn N) eng CP RR h Williams " Freddie W " Gilbert W Locklin Alice Mrs
Blake Augusta M Mrs hskpr J D Bristol r do " Hiram " Lucy Mrs " Curtis
Blake Elwin N (Effie T) prop Blake's Garage h L.Ctr " Minnie Mrs KELLEY MARY J MRS " Denis
" G Harry (Ethel) mach-, h L Ctr JENKINS HAZEL MRS LACASSE FABION " Elmer J
Blake's Garage Elwin N Blake prop :Brpad " Roger " Sadie Mrs " Guy
Blodgett Annie wid Henry phone opr NE T&T Co h 25 Main Jewell Mary Mrs Lahue Elizabeth Mrs " Leo J
" David W emp Darling Inn r L Ctr " William " Herbert " LeRoy
" Harry L P (Elma) emp FM&Co h L Ctr " William Jr Lawson Edwin A " Melina Mrs
BLODGETT & HOPKINS see Leon E Hopkins John David " Verna Mrs " Ruth
Boardman Delmar A (Adell D) welder h Hill " Margaret Mrs Leayitt Dana " Virginia Mrs
" Gerald emp CCC r D A Boardman Johnson Alice Mrs Lepine Albert Lynaugh Barbara
BOLE RITA prin State Normal School Lyndon Institute h Lyndon Center " Howard R " Aneis Mrs "Glenn
Bonett Earl C (Mary E) painter h Memorial dr Lyndon RD1 " Noel Lynaugh Efia Mrs " Marion
Bradley Albro M carp h Church " Ruth Mrs " Fred " Russell
" Alva C r Church Jones Carl " Mabel MASON PERCY
" Rubie L wid Herman P h School Lyndon " Emma Mrs " Opal Masure Albert
Bradshaw Earl B (Helen) carp h off York Lyndon RD Lyndonville " Horace H " Percy "Cecil Mrs
" Joseph M (Theresa) emp CP RR, h East opp Raymond LAMOND EVA MRS McGinnis Frank L Matherson Mattie Mrs
" Lillian r East " James " Hazel Mrs McClellan Flora Mrs
Brill Etta L wid George H h Broad Leach Clyde McMillan John " Frank
" Lewis E (Rosa M) lab h L Ctr " Evelyn Mrs " Mary Meserve Beatrice Mrs
" Maxwell G emp Newton Mass r Mrs Etta L Brill Lenton Clara Mrs Mitchell Cecil L " Beryl Mrs
Bristol Charles emp Corner Garage res RD " Fred " Katherine Mrs " George C
" Jefferson Davis h Memorial dr Lyndon " George J " Phyllis Mrs " Harry B
Brooks Charles (Blanche) emp E Burke h Charles " Ianza Mrs " Walter E NORCROSS AMY MRS
" Clyde T (Helen) farm hand h Main Libbey Ezra E " William F " Clarence R.
" Filling Station Frederick J Brooks prop Broad " Orack NOBLE WILLIAM " Constance
" Frederick J (Florence M), prop. Brooks' Filling Station, h. Broad "Rose Mrs Noyes Alphena Mrs " Verna Mrs
" Lester R (Charlotte) lab h Broad MC CARTY CORA MRS " Oscar Noyes Samuel
" Ronald C (Lauretta) clk First Nat Stores h Williams " John " Raymond PAQUIN MARY J
Brousseau Joseph E. (Vileda P) teacher St Johnsbury Ctr h East Menut Alice Mrs PARK HIRAM A Phelps George R
Brown Irwin (Ida. M) mgr A&P Tea Co h Church Merriam Harland " Mary Mrs. Phillips Chandler
" Leo M (Mildred E) emp CP RR h Charles " Helen Mrs Peak Albert " David
" Lyman C (Harriet M) retired h Park av " Luther "Lena A Mrs " Edgar
" Norris E (Ellert J) r Irwin Brown Masure Harriet Powers Earl " Florence Mrs
" Philip G r Church McDonald John " Vera Mrs " John
Bruce Frank A (Lura M) farmer r A C. Burns Miles Emma Mrs RAINEY PERCY M " Wesley
Buck Catherine E wid Solon A; hskpr 36 Main r do Mooney Bernice Mrs " Ruth Mrs Pinkham Clarence
Buckley Charles J (Kate M) loco eng; CP RR h South c. Broad " Howard Randall Edward J Piper Myron
Bull Frank W (Thelma H) rural carrier No 2 h Prospect Morrison Mabel " George R Playful CHoe Mrs
Burden William (Ruth) emp MC Co St J h 43 Main Morse Barbara Rice Harold " Clyde
Burns Austin C emp St J h Memorial dr Lyndonville RD1 " Gladys Mrs " John " Verne
" Cecil A (Leora O) clk PO h Park av " Harold " Mildred Priest Leonard
" Leonard A (Ada M) emp CP RR h off Memorial dr Lyndonville RD 1 NEWMAN ADDIE MRS " Teresa Mrs QUIMBY NORA MRS
" Madeline E r L A Burns Nickerson Charles H Robbins Ella Mrs " Walter
Burpee Heman P (Carrie) emp CP RR h Park av " Phoebe "Harvey ROCK JAMES P
BUSSIERE J ALFRED (Ida C) sec-treas Corner Garage Inc h East Nurenberg Fannie Mrs Ruggles Ferna Mrs Rogers Elizabeth Mrs
Butterfield Barbara L student r 52 Main " Maurice "Fred " Fred E
" Bodies Herman H Butterfield prqp-mgr insulated truck bodies etc 52. Main PATTEN GORDON " George Thayer SANBORN CLIFTON J
" Emma G wid Riley H h Church n Grove " Mamie Mrs " Harry " Marion Mrs
" Herman H (Gertrude) prop Butterfield Bodies h 52 Main Peck Rosmore Ila Mrs Sanger Arvilla Mrs
" Jackson B Leut USMC r 52 Main Pierce Leslie Loretta Mrs Schwander Katherine Mrs
Buzzell Dorothea T teacher Lyndon Institute r L Ctr " Mildred Mrs Roberta Sherburne Bertha Mrs
C Powers Agnes Mrs Samuel A " George
CABLE JOHN B (Nettie L) barber, shop Depot and prop Cable's Beauty Shop h Prospect " Maurice SCHAEPFER LOUISE Simpson Nathan G
Cable's Beauty Shop John B Cable prop Lyndonville Realty Co Bldg Depot " Roy MRS " Zaida Mrs
Campbell May A teacher Lyndon Inst h Lyndon Ctr QUIMBY G WENDELL Schaeffer Mildred Mrs Sinon Agnes Mrs
" Raymond E (Helen R) ins agt h S Main RANDALL CLINTON Sheltra Katherine " Martin A
Campion Helen widjohn L sum res off York Lyndon " Frank Simpson Eva Mrs Skinner Dora Mrs
Canadian Pacific Railroad Mrs Emma Cleary sta agt Lyndon " Grace " George W . " Lynn S
" Pacific Raihroad John F Mullayey sta agt Depot " Katherine Smith Gordon Smith Arthur
Carmolli Chiara wid Louis r S Main Rich Alma Mrs WATSON CLARA MRS Eleanor Mrs
" Gino A (Shirley L) educational advisor B, Burke h S;Main Robinson Andrew J " Frank Elizabeth Mrs
Carpenter Bertha h Lyndon (sum res) " J Earle, school director Watson George Etta Mrs
" Ernest K truck drvr inq H W Carpenter " Katie Mrs " James Georgia Mrs
" Haines W (Minnie E) sexton. Town Cemetery h L Ctr " Phyffis Webster Albert A Gerald
Carr Frank B (Angie H) retired h Memorial dr Lyndonville RD1 " Robert " Ida D May Mrs
" Margaret, wid Henry F h Memorial dr Lyndonville RD1 " Robert J   Raymond
" Josephine W wid Hugh C h Charles " Rosie Mrs   Thomas
Carrigan Fred r, Darling Inn Rudd Evelyn   Snelling Dorothy
Carroll Thomas J (Alma) emp Vt T&D Corp h Main " Jasper   " Wilbur C
Carter Jackson D (Ruth L) dentist Depot h L Ctr Russell Eugene   Stewart Mina Mrs
Cassidy David H (Marjorie) emp USDA h off Broad SANDERSON DAN   Sutton Marion Mrs
Chamberlain Harvey (Sadie) sta fireman CP RR h South " Quennie Mrs   Sutton Walter E
" James emp Hoyey's Garage r E Burk rd Star Route Sheltra Eva Mrs   TANNER ABBIE MRS
" June A, maid K B Beane r do " George   " Earl
Chapman Fred E janitor L Inst h L Ctr " Peter   " Gerald H
" Leslie emp LCA r South " Ralph   " Leona
Chappell Fred S (Flora) box mkr h L Ctr Sherburne Emma Mrs   " LeRoy
Charland Albert (Imelda) prop Charland Garage h Williams " John   Trefren Emily Mrs
" Cyrell S (Dela M) retired h East c Depot Simpson Beulah Mrs   " Jennie
" Garage Albert Charland prop auto repairing Broad " Dorothy   URWICK ALICE MRS
" Hattie C wid Arthur J h Elm " Howard K   "Richard
" Raymond J (Theia A) mach opr Vt. Tap & Die Corp h Park " Ina Mrs   WATERMAN LEON A
Charron Aldolph r Pinehurst Hill " Leland   Wheeler Alfred
" Francis C (Florence M) emp Vt Tap & Die Corp h Charles " Pearl Mrs   Willey Charles
" Leo P r Pinehurst Hill " Perley   " Edith Mrs
" Lorenzo (Juliette) emp Municipal Elec Co h Charles " Roland   YOUNG CARRIE MRS
" Nelson (Arlene) carp h East " Ruth Mrs   " Fay A
" Noel A emp St J r Pinehurst Hill " W Arthur    
Charron Zodique M (Flossie M) emp St J h Pinehurst Hill " Zelda Mrs    
Chase Elisabeth M (Mrs John B) prop Elizabeth M Chase Maple Candies and Products h Memorial dr Lyndon Smith Bertie    
" Elisabeth M Maple Candies and Products Mrs Elisabeth M Chase prop Memorial dr Lyndon " Clyde    
" Ethelynd B emp Boston Mass r Main " Dana M    
" Giles C (Alice M) fireman CP RR h Hill " Susie Mrs    
" Harold E carp r Mrs Emma Deos Lyndon " Vera Mrs    
" Jack C emp Lyndonville Feed Co r Giles C Chase Somers Charles    
" John B (Elisabeth) prop Vermont Union-Journal h Lyndon Spencer George    
" Kathleen M nurse r Giles C Chase Stanhope Richard    
" Lillian E wid Ernest h Elm " Thomas H    
" Molly E r Giles C Chase Stone Beatrice Mrs    
" Sarah S B wid Everett h5 South " Edward E    
" Wendell B r Giles C Chase " Kenneth    
Chayer Bertha P teacher Lyndonville Graded School r Mrs Bertha H Philbrick " Merrill    
Checkerboard Feed Store Ross L Baraw mgr end Church TAYLOR MADELINE    
Cheney Albertus A physician and surgeon Park c Church h do MRS    
Chester B Graydon tree surgeon r C H Chester " Maxwell    
" Calvin C (Harriet H) salesman Tempered Maxel Corp h L Ctr " Wilbur I    
" Clayton H (Blanche E) gas sta attd Webbers h Charles Thresher Anna Mrs    
" Eric L emp Blake's Garage r Clifford Chester " Harland    
" Russell C emp Corner Garage r C H Chester " Ruth    
Christian Science Church GAR Hall Depot Services Sun 10:45 a m Wed 7:30 p m Towne Elmer    
Christopher Aldo F (Angie) prop Christopher's Restaurant h Center c Broad (1) Tweed Ralph    
" Angie (Mrs Aldo F) emp Christopher's Restaurant h Center c Broad (1) WADE RUTH    
Christopher's Restaurant Aldo F Christopher prop Depot Wakefield Bruce    
Church Margaret sum res Memorial dr Lyndon " Mary    
Cicerale Marion M teacher Lyndon Inst r Lyndon Center Wakefield Maud    
Clark Ellie wid Philip r Homer G Watson Walter Dorothy    
Clary Jed A (May E) h Memorial dr RD1 " Fannie Mrs    
Cleary Edward L (Emma) baker St Johnsbury h Memorial dr Lyndon " Herman    
" Emma L (Mrs Edward L) sta agt CP RR and agt Ry Exp Agcy Lyndon h Memorial dr " Hosea F    
" Louise wid John h Park av " Jesse    
Clement Alice E wid Eugene hskpr Fred Chapman r do " Lottie Mrs    
Clifford Flora wid Everett h L Center rd RD3 Watkins Arlene    
Clothey Everett (Grace) emp Vt T&D Corp h Main " John G    
Cobleigh Public Library Depot c S Main Lyndon Mrs Dora E Forrest librarian 9,772 volumes open daily 1 to 6 p m Tues Wed Thurs Sat 7 to 9 p m " Margaret Mrs    
Cochrane John J (M Elizabeth) agt Met Life Ins Co h S Main      
Coe Beulah M domestic r Main      
" Elmer H retired h Main      
" Stella G domestic r Main      
Coffin H Palmer r Depot      
Colbath Katherine Mrs h East      
Colby Clifford R carp r W T McGovern Lyndon      
" George A emp Vt Tap & Die Corp r Mrs May C Colby      
" Harley R lab r N J Lord      
" Harry E (Ellen F) retired h S Main      
" Hattie M retired r William McGovern      
" Lloyd emp The Traveling Grocery r N W Johnson      
" May C wid Alton G h2 Raymond      
Cole Anna M wid Damon L r D N Rivers      
Collins Harold C (Gladys B) teacher Lyndon Inst h Lyndon Ctr      
Community Church York Lyndon Rev Norman C Webster pastor service Sun at 9:30 a m      
Conner Blanche M treas LCA h Broad      
" Franklin F emp Boston Mass r Center      
" Wendell B emp Lynn Mass r Center      
" Willis C (Ethel W) mgr LCA h Center      
Constantine Frank A (Daisy M) elec L Elec Plant h Charles      
Cooper J Wilbert student r Milo Cooper      
" Milo (Catherine) farmer h Memorial dr Lyndon      
Copeland Rezina A wid John W h8 Main      
Corbier Maurice student r Ovide Nadeau      
Corey Arthur E (Cora) emp CP RR h School Lyndon PO Lyndonville RD3      
Cornelius Susan teacher and house mother Bean Cottage Lyndon Institute r do      
CORNER ELECTRIC STORE (C B Grapes and Erma H Grapes) Depot c Broad see p 228      
CORNER GARAGE INC pres David I Grapes, v-pres Mrs Grade M Grapes, sec-treas J Alfred Bussiere, Ford and Studebaker sales and service Depot c Broad see p 228 and back cover      
Coucher Mary wid John h York Lyndon      
Coulombe Leo (Medoia) emp Vt T&D Corp h Center      
" Urban emp Vt Tap & Die Corp r Depot      
Cournoyer Emile P (Priscilla E) emp Vt Tap & Die Corp h S Main      
Couture Joseph (Elizabeth) const wkr h East      
Cowan John L (Nellie M) h Elm      
Cowles Harley R (Susan H) emp Vt Tap & Die Corp h L Ctr      
Cox Florence M dom r Edward E Tisdale      
" Iva Mrs supvr WPA Sewing Project res Lyndonville RD1      
Crawford Ray S (Ruth M) salesman h Memorial dr Lyndon      
" Ruth M (Mrs Ray) clk LPO h Memorial dr Lyndon      
Croft Henry G (Ruth E) fireman CP RR h Church opp Park      
" Walter student r Church off Park      
Cross George A painter h York Lyndon      
" John (Libbie E) h Broad      
Currier Julian I (Florence C) sawyer h Memorial dr      
Cusson Armand r Broad      
" Charles physician r Broad      
" Hermine M clk L Elec Co r Broad      
" R Joseph (Louise) retired h Broad at RR crossing      
Cutting Irene M Mrs prop O'Rene Beauty Shoppe h Depot      
" Orris H wid Rene h L Ctr      
Cutting Robert J lab r Orris Cutting      
DAHLBECK WILLIAM E (Augusta M)      
baker Darling Inn h Norris blk (2)      
Daigle Arthur J emp FM&Co r Lucien C Daigle      
" Delphine M wid George h East opp Raymond      
" Edward lab r W Nicholson      
" Eugene (Rebecca) emp B&MRR h Raymond c East      
" Louise J Mrs hskpr William Nicholson r do      
" Lucien C (Alphonsine M) elec CP RR h Main      
Dairy Association Co Inc manufacturers of veterinary remedies pres Ziba A Norris, sec-treas John L Norris Depot c Church      
Dana Charles E (May) general store Lyndon h do      
Daniels G Dewey (Lily) emp CP RR h Memorial dr Lyndon      
" Edwin A (Sadie H) freight clk CP RR h Prospect      
" Kenneth M (Evelyn D) emp Donahue & Griswold h Main      
" Martin E (Cora B) supt Schools Northern Cal County h South      
Darling Alfred B r S Main c Center      
" Charles M retired h S Main c Center      
" Fred P (Belle) carp h York Lyndon      
" Inn George B Deyett mgr Depot Lyndonville      
" S Wallace (Hattie G) emp B&M RR h Williams c Depot      
" Velma emp Boston Mass r S Main c Center      
Darrell Clarence O (Nellie L) painter h Memorial dr Lyndon      
" Wendell O r C O Darrell      
Davidson Amanda Mrs hskpr 12 Main r do      
Davis Albert R r R E Davis      
" Annie (Mrs Edward) emp WPA Sewing Project h Lyndon      
" C Harry pres-treas Vt T&D Corp res Danville      
" Earl mach h Hill c William      
" Edward (Annie) lab h Lyndon      
" Elbridge A farmer h Sheffield rd RD2      
" Homer N (Mamie) mach h Broad      
" Hugh E student r L Ctr      
" Leella A teacher r Sheffield rd RD2      
" Leona M student r E Davis      
" Lucille J maid Reginald L Hill r do      
" Nelson H r T C Beattie      
" Percy E (Violet L) truck driver h Lyndon nr Depot Broad      
" Rachael (Mrs William H) emp Chase House h Broad      
" Ralph E (Flora) wood turner A N Wetherbee Co h Memorial dr Lyndonville      
" Rufus J (Zelia W) lab h Charles      
" Stanley M emp Barton r Homer Davis      
" Warren L farmer r Sheffield rd RD2      
" Wilfred E (Laura M) mail messenger h Charles      
" William E (Myrtie L A) sta fireman CP RR h L Ctr      
" William H (Rachael) mach h Broad      
Dawson Alfreda Mrs bkpr LCA res Sutton      
Day Clifton B (Mabel L) machinist h Hill      
Day Doris E Mrs h East      
" Virginia M student r C B Day      
" Walter emp CP RR r Mrs Doris E Day      
Decelle Anna M wid Harold M h Williams      
" Glena M emp Willey's Restaurant r A M Decelle      
Demerais Albert night watchman Corner Garage r Mrs Goldie Sheldon      
Denonville Omer lab h Depot      
Deos Emma Mrs h Memorial dr n St J line      
" Harry A emp L Electric Plant h E Lyndon Lyndonville RD      
" Mary I wid Fred E h Memorial dr n PO Lyndon      
DEPOT GARAGE D I Grapes prop Williams      
Despres Oscar H (Bernice L) barber shop      
Depot h Center c Broad      
Devereaux Hazel G Mrs teacher h Hill      
" Sherman R (Clarice N) emp St J h Broad      
Dexter James D (Minnie T) watch repairer and jeweler Depot h S Main      
Deyett George B (Agnes M) mgr Darling Inn h Church      
Deyette Moses S (Emma K) janitor Darling Inn h Center      
Diamond Bronze Co (Inc) division Canadian Bronze Co Ltd Joseph C Ross supt Grove c Church      
Dickerman Clayton L (Grace E) emp FM&Co St J h off Memorial dr PO Lyndonville RD1      
" Curtis W (Winifred L) farmhand h Pinehurst Hill      
Dilley Ethel M wid Albert J h Main      
" Olive M opr NE T&T Co r Park      
Dinsmore Marion E teacher Lyndon Inst r Lyndon Center      
Dodge Clarence B (Elva S) retired h Park av      
Domey Abner E (Mary O) emp St T h L Ctr      
" Israel L emp LCA h33 Main (2)      
" Richard G student lAE Domey      
Donahue Archie E (Julia E) (Donahue & Griswold) h49 Main      
" & Griswold (Archie E Donahue and Palmer R Griswold) dealers in coal Main      
Dopp Fred B (Frances I) emp St J h Memorial dr c York Lyndon      
Dorion Joseph P gen advertising Church n Depot h Main      
" Octavie wid Robert r Joseph P Doripn      
Dow Martin V B v-pres Vt T&D Corp res Danville      
Dowlan Nellie wid William r Earl Bradshaw      
Drew Arthur (Christelle) truck driver h n PO Lyndon      
" Clifton L (Ann C) lawyer Depot h Main      
" Florence E teacher State Normal School Lyndon Inst r L Ctr      
" Harriet r W H Parker      
" Melvin W (Mayme F) foreman Vt Tap & Die Corp h Church n Depot      
Drown Burleigh F r Gilman P Drown      
" Emma H bkpr LCA res inq do      
" Gilman P (Carrie) h Mem dr c York Lyndon      
" Louise E wid Burleigh A emp WPA Sewing Project h East      
Ducham Ronald E (Oliyine A) emp Hebert & Sons Inc h Williams      
" Ruth Mrs emp Springfield Mass h Lyndon n PO      
Duford Angelina phone opf NE T&T Co r Mrs Elmina Puford      
" Elmina wid Joseph h East      
Dufour Celistin Richard (Genevieve) const wkr h Raymond      
Duke Eliz A wid Palm H r Hill n Charles      
" Floyd F emp Lyndon Grain Store r G L Duke Lyndon      
" George L (Ruth M) foreman A N Wetherbee h Lyndon      
" Hazel R teacher Montpetier r G L Duke Lyndon      
Duquette Arthur J (Lilla) emp Vt T&D Corp h Broad      
Duryea Lyman C (Myrtle R) physician Maple h do      
Dusseault Lucien (Marion) boilermaker CP RR h Broad at RR crossing      
" Lucienne clk McDowell's Variety Store r L Dusseault Broad      
Duval Frank (Gladys) h off Broad Lyndon PO Lyndonville      
EASTMAN CLARA A teacher Lyndon Inst r Thompson Cottage L Ctr      
" Lucy M wid Walter S h Church opp Park      
" Myron G (Laura E) emp Boston Mass r G A Whipple South      
" Nancy A wid Augustine h Thoinpson Cottage L Ctr      
Eaton David R student r. L Eaton      
" Julius L emp Homer A LaPoint r Church      
" Lorenzo Q (Mayville R) retired h Church      
Edmunds Arnold W (Helen M) prop Edmund's Pharmacy h South      
" Donald L emp Cleveland Ohio r South      
" Ehner W (Florence M) farmer h L Ctr      
" Norris S clk Emmons & Hebert r L Ctr      
Edmunds' Pharmacy Arnold W Edmunds prop drugs Depot      
Egelston Liewellyn J (Gladys H) rural mail carrier No.1 h 57 Main      
Ellsworth George student r R W Sinclair      
" Rebecca N wid George emp WPA Sewing Project h East      
Emerson Clare H (Harriet G) prop Amoco Filling Station h Main      
" Edna emp Mathewson House h L Ctr      
" Elizabeth (Mrs Robert A) cheese wkr LCA h Main      
" Harriet G (Mrs Clare H) bkpr Vt T&D Corp h Main      
" Robert A (Elizabeth) retired h Main      
" Wesley O (Rosamund A) (Stuart & Emerson) hl2 Main      
Emery James emp LCA r Main      
" Pauline N elk Vt T&D Corp r Depot      
" Perkins mgr Waterbury r Main      
" William J (Eunice S) insp LCA h Main      
EMMONS ALBERT F pres-treas-mgr Emmons & Hebert Inc h Emmons & Hebert Blk Depot      
Enderle Sybil Mrs r Loren T Huhtley      
Erskine Warren O (Hester L) carp h Main      
Esplin David F (Beatrice) h Main      
Ewens Roderick D (Dorothy P) emp FM & Co St J h Lyndon      
EMMONS & HEBERT MB hardware Depot p treas-mgr Albert F Emmons, v-pres Jesslppe G Hebert see under name      
FACTEAU ALLEN P (Marion) emp Blake's Garage h South      
" Eva wid Napoleon h Main      
Farmer Belle G elk Vt T&DCorp r Mrs Regina A Copeland      
Farnum Scott M (Nellie L) retired h Memorial dr PO Lyndonvilie RD1      
Farrington Bertha I wid Wm A "h Williams      
" Martha O asst town clk r Williams      
Faufaw Ray W (Edna) h Pinehurst Hill      
Fay Elizabeth: teacher Lyndon Inst r Lyndon Center      
Ferguson Dora H wid George F h l2 Main      
Ferriow Alice teacher State Normal School Lyndon Inst r L Ctr      
Field Edgar F (Thelma P) emp The Traveling Grocery h Lyndon RD1      
First Congregational Church, Church c Park Rev John D Staffeld pastor services Sun 10:45 a m Sunday School 12 m      
" National Stores Inc Gerard J Beauchesne mgr and Raymond E Parker mgr Depot      
Fisher George E (Alice M) retired h Charles      
Fisk Clifton R (Laura H) emp WPA h Hill opp Williams      
Flanders Clayton (Thelma) emp H W Fuller h Memorial dr Lyndon      
" Gerald N (Jennie) painter h Elm      
Fleming Carleton Lance (Helen) emp Hebert & Sons h Church      
Fletcher Harriet F elk L Elec Co res RD1      
Flynn Albert cemetery wkr h Memorial dr n RR Lyndonvilie RD1      
" Edward, emp Peacham; r Albert Flynn      
" Mildred I wid George L r Albert Flynn      
Fogg Helen Mrs r F G.Charron      
Folse Sydney (Madge) US govt insp h South      
Folsom Fred S (Agnes M) retired h Broad      
" Harley E 2nd emp Boston Mass r Broad      
" Jessie E wid Gilbert A h York Lyndon      
Forbes, Lydia A wid Arthur W h L Ctr      
" Merwin B (Kathleen K) tchr Lyndon Institute h Lyndon Ctr      
Ford Charles F lumber r H Ford      
" Harry F (Lyda T) Memorial dr rear PO Lyndon      
" William lab Mass h Memorial dr rear PO Lyndon      
Forrest Dora E wid Elbridge libr Cobleigh Public Library r Hill n Charles      
Forsyth Emma A. Mrs sub clk PO h Park av      
Fowler Anna F r Anne B Houghtpn      
Free Baptist Church Lyndon Center Rev George Jaques pastor services Sunday 10:45 a m and 7 p m SS 12 m Wed 7.p m      
Frisby Loira A teacher r Lyndon Ctr      
Fuller Dallas D tchr r Memorial dr Lyndon      
" Evelyn teacher Lyndon Inst r Lyndon Ctr      
" Harry W (Sada S) auto repairing Memorial dr Lyndon h do      
GAR HALL Depot      
Gaffney Carl J (Georgianna) lab h East      
" Ida wid Charles r 25 Main      
Gage Clara R wid Edw E h Hill opp Williams      
" Harold F (Clarice A) prop Amoco Filling Station h Darling's Hill      
" Roy R (Clara) emp LCA h South.      
" William C retired r Broad      
Gale Bernard emp Hanover N H r Clinton H Gale      
" Clinton H (Marion N) elec L Elec Plant h Charles      
" Delmar K chauffeur Mrs Mary Lyster r Clinton H Gale      
" Lyle E emp Hanover N H r C H Gale      
" Marion E student r C H Gale      
Gallagher Herbert C sign painter r Mrs Susie Gallagher      
" Susie wid William T h Hill n Charles      
Gallup Ambrose E mach Vt T&D Co h Charles      
Garceau Charles V (Clara V) emp Vt T&D Corp h Center c Broad      
" Clara V (Mrs Chas V) dressmkr Main h do      
Garron Peter G (Mary) emp A N Wetherbee h Lyndon      
" Willie A student r P G Garrow      
" Wilma teacher r P G Garron      
Gaskin Dora E wid Robert E h Pinehurst Hill      
Gaudette Elizabeth wid Edw A h Williams      
" Harry E bkpr Hovey's Garage r Williams      
Gaylor Percy L (Nancy. R) emp CP RR h 38 Main      
Gero Clara E wid Albert G hskpr James E McLane r do      
Gibson Kathleen E emp Newport r 5 Park av      
" Thomas M (Margaret G) emp Vt T&D Corp h 5 Park av      
Gildea Fred (Eleanor) emp CP RR h Maple      
" Patricia teacher r Maple      
Gilman Ellen A wid Waldo L r Mrs Emma G Butterfield      
" Leon (Ruth A) emp LCA h Main      
" Osmore A (Margaret E) emp LCA, h Main      
" Raymond L F (Mary D) mach, h Charles      
Glidden Harold (Florence) emp WD&AR Hill h Church      
Gokey Homer J (Geneva M) emp Vt T&D Corp h 5 Park av      
Goodali Leslie D (Esther K) emp CCC East Burke h Prospect      
Goodsell John C (Helen M) emp Vt T&D Corp h Lyndon Ctr      
Goodwin Jennie Mrs r Mrs Hazel G Devereaux      
" Martin I (Katherine) emp M P Ronan h Folsom's Crossing E Burke rd RD      
Goozy Agnes M wid Lewis P r G E Fisher      
Gordon Beverly A student r C J Gordon      
" Carroll J (Eva B) emp Vt T&D Corp h Center      
" Edna E maid W E Connor r C J Gordon      
" Harry B (Lillian S) clk W H Saunders h Vail's Hill      
Gould Veda C hskpr Orrin E Huntoon r do      
Goulding Henry emp CP RR h Main      
" Lloyd asst mgr Tegu Gem Theatre r Main      
Grady Mary (Mrs Raymond) dom Lewis D Shonyo h Charles      
" Raymond (Mary) emp LD&HG Shonyo Inc h Charles      
Grand Union Stores Paul W Hutchins mgr Depot      
Grant Dexter R (Ella M) pntr h Memorial dr Lyndon      
" Frank (Annie) pntr CPRR shops h rear PO Lyndon      
" Kenneth C clk P E Grant r do      
" Kermit E (Ruth) salesman h.45 Main      
" Perley E (Beatrice) paint store Main opp Depot Lyndonvilie h Lyndon opp PO      
" Ulysses S (Estella F) paint shop Memorial dr h Lyndon      
" Wm A (Arlene) emp P.E Grant h Lyndon      
GBAPES CLARENCE B (Henrietta T) (Corner Electric Store) and dept mgr Corner, Garage and mgr Sunset Ball Room h Church      
GRAPES DAVID I (Gracie M) pres Corner Garage Inc St Johnsbury pres Corlier Garage Inc Lyndonvilie and prop Depot Garage and Sunset Ball Room h Main c Park      
GRAPES ERMA H (Corner Electric Store) r Main c Park      
GRAPES FORREST I (Margaret) asst mgr Corner Garage (Inc) St Johnsbury h Park      
GRAPES GRACIE M (Mrs David I) v-pres Corner Garage (Inc) h Main c Park      
" Henrietta T (Mrs Clarence B) chief opr NE T&TCo h Church      
Graves Henry E mgr Lyndonvilie Municipal Elec Plant h Main      
Gray Austin E watch mkr r C W Gray      
" Charles H r Frank A Constantine      
" Clifton W (Geraldine F) prop Gray's Meat Market and prop Pleasant View Tavern h Lyndon      
" Gerald W ins agt r C W Gray      
Gray's Meat Market Clifton W Gray prop grocers Depot      
Green N C woodsman r Raymond L F Gilman      
Greenslade Annie wid George P h Charles      
Greenwood Ashton H (Bertha W) h L Ctr      
" Edw (Lula) pntr r Mrs L Forbes L Ctr      
" Eugene (Helen) carp h Lyndon PO Lyndonville      
Gregoire Nina J Mrs hskpr A E Gallup r do      
Gregory Daniel J (Beryl L) retired h S Main      
Grenier Georgette emp Pleasant View Inn r J A Grenier      
" H John (Eleanor) emp Vt T&D Corp h Charles      
" Henry lab r Joseph A Grenier      
" Jos A (Amelia L) foreman CPRR h East      
Grisoni Albertine wid Charles h East      
Griswold Ethel S (Mrs Palmer R) bkpr DA Co h l4 Main      
" Palmer R (Ethel S) (Donahue & Griswold) town clk and gen ins US Main h l4 Main      
Grondin Bertha A wid Eli hskpr Mrs Eliz A Duke r do      
Grover J Madison (Eleanor G) sales h Center      
Guilbault Edward (Anna) lab h East      
Guy Lewis M (Violet M) mach Vt T&D corp h L Ctr      
Guyer Adolphus (Roseanna) mason h East      
" John r Adolphus Guyer      
" -see Goyette      
Guyette-see Goyette      
HALL BTJRNICE C (Isabelle) ins agt h Elm c Center      
Hamel Alice r D M Hamel      
" Antonio J lab r D M Hamel      
" Demerise M h Depot c Charles      
" Rene emp Burke r D M Hamel      
Handy Charles E emp L Ice Co r W S Handy      
" Ned W student r W S Handy      
" Wm S (Marion D) prop L Ice Co h Main      
Hannett Clarence R (Virginia G) farmer h S Wheelock rd Lyndon      
" Edward (Florida) truck driver h Memorial dr Lyndon      
" Elwin r C R Hannett      
Hansen Peter retired r Clarence E Morse      
Hapgood Charles G (Dorothy S) tchr State Normal School Lyndon Institute h L Ctr      
Harriman John retired r Wm H Davis      
Harris Alice D Mrs h L Ctr      
" Carl L (Waltina E) lab h Center n covered bridge      
" Derby T (Shirley) h L Ctr      
" Fred B retired r F C Shonyo      
" Lulu W wid Lucius r Mrs Stella Wilkie      
" Perley S (Bessie L) clk CP RR and dir Lyndonville Military Band h Park av      
" Theodore emp CP RR shops h Depot      
" Willard S (Althea) elk First Nat Stores h Park av      
" Wm S (Grace C) emp DA Co h L Ctr      
Harrison Allan W (Janet S) supt Vt T&D Corp h Main      
Hartwell Kermit (Violet) emp Christopher's Restaurant h Main      
" Melvin r Mrs Luvia A Powers      
Haskins Alice C r A S Haskins      
" Augustus S (Alice R) bus St J h Lyndon      
" Harlan D com artist r A S Haskins      
" Mildred L r A S Haskins      
Hawkes Albert J (Lucy) gardener h Memorial dr RD1 Lyndonville      
Hawkes Lucy (Mrs Albert J) mgr The Pine Lodge h do      
Hawkins Alice G dist nurse r Seely F White      
Hayes Eileen S teacher W Burke r S Main      
" Gerald A lumberman r S Main      
" James R (Esther M) lumberman h S Main      
" J Cornelius lumberman r S Main      
" Mabel L teacher h Park c Main      
" Richard C lumberman r S Main      
Healy Norman L (Lydia E) lab h East      
Hebert Adrian J sec Hebert & Sons r S Main      
" Aime E (Alice M) pres Hebert & Sons Inc h S Main      
" Bertha M phone opr NE T&T Co r J G Hebert      
" Florence M J phone opr NE T&T Co r S Main      
" Francis J v-pres Hebert & Sons Inc r S Main      
HEBERT JESSIPPE G (Ida) v-pres Emmons & Hebert Inc h Charles      
" Leo J treas Hebert & Sons Inc and prop Lyndon Golf Club r S Main      
" Leona M bkpr Hebert & Sons r S Main      
" Lillian emp McDowell Variety Store r J G Hebert      
" & Sons Inc plumbing, heating and air conditioning Depot pres Aime E Hebert, v-pres Francis J Hebert, sec Adrian J Hebert, treas Leo J Hebert      
Hetherell Ralph emp Vt T&D Corp r 23 Main      
Hill Arthur R (WD&AR Hill) res E Brookfield      
" Maurice emp WD&AR Hill r Wm D Hill      
" Nora E student r W D Hill      
" Reginald L (Christine K) physician Elm h do      
" WD&AR (William D and Arthur R Hill) mfrs all-metal window screens L Ctr      
" William D (Eunice A) (WD & AR Hill) r L Ctr      
Hinds Burt A (Edith A) meat ctr Gray's Meat Market h Broad      
Hoffman Carl emp Kirby r Lyndon      
" Clayton (Bernice) farmer h Lyndon RD1      
" Elizabeth C teacher r L Ctr      
Hogge Elizabeth A wid George h off Broad      
" Ethel M teacher L Graded School r off Broad RD3      
" John emp Sanborn House r do      
Holt Horace emp Mrs Eliz Chase r Homer A LaPoint      
Hopkins Eleanor L student r L Ctr      
" Ruth E student r L Ctr      
Home Beatrice D Mrs waitress Willey's Restaurant h Williams      
" John lab r Pleasant View Inn'      
Homer Kate A wid Harvey B h Depot      
Horrigan William P (Edna W) conductor B&M RR h Main      
Hosford Herman W photographer Pleasant r Pleasant View Tavern      
Hough J Edwin (Eunice H) janitor L Graded Schools h Williams      
Houghton Annie B h Main      
Houston Nellie M (Mrs Walter C) prop Palm Grove Restaurant h Depot      
" Walter C (Nellie M) emp St johnsbury h Depot      
Hovey Blanche M Mrs emp Elizabeth M Chase Maple Candies h Lyndon      
HOPKINS LEON E (Doris L) fuel and general insurance Depot and sec Lyndonville Savings Bank & Trust Co h Lyndon Center see under name      
Hovey Edward.E farmer h Red Village RD Lyndonville      
" Ralph K (Christel E) prop Hovey's Garage h Center n covered bridge      
Hovey's Garage Ralph K Hovey prop Broad byd RR      
Hubbard Clayton A (Adeline) mach CP RR h L Ctr      
" Emily maid Oliver M Jackson r do      
" Herbert J (Minnie B) retired h.5 Park av      
" Wallace N h Lyndon      
Hubley Nettie A wid Daniel H h Hill      
Hudson Inez Mrs r Warren W Kenerson      
" Verne driver M P Rohan r Samuel Ruggles RD      
Hughes Walter J (Vera M) asst treas LS Bank & Trust Co h S Main      
Hunter Allen F (Grace) retired h Main      
" Clyde H (Ludinda C) carp h Main      
" Eugene W (Nellie B) carp h Williams      
" Howard C (Eva) emp DA Co h Elm      
" Isadore wid Frank r S R Wakefield Depot      
Huntley Loren T (Una) asst postmstr h Main      
Huntoon Albert J student r East      
" Orrin E hoslter h East      
Hutchins Carl M (Isabelle) retired h Park      
" Herbert O (Sophie P) dentist Depot h do      
Hutchins Paul W (Lela) mgr Grand Union Stores h Hill      
INGERSOLL DORA dom Howard G Shonyo r do      
JACKMAN CLYDE H (Ruby E) carp and janitor Cobleigh Public Library h inq do      
Jackson Charles (Mary) mach h Memorial dr Lyndon      
" Oliver M (Dorothy E) chemist LCA h Broad      
Jenne Mary L (Mrs Raymond L) teaches Lyndonville Graded School h 28 Main      
" Raymond L (Mary L) prop Jenne's Garage h28 Main (2)      
Jenne's Garage Raymond L Jenne prop, Broad      
Jesseman Goldie B Mrs emp Palm Grove Restaurant r Warren K Kenerson      
John David J (Margaret M) lab h Lyndonville RD1      
" Margaret M (Mrs David J) emp WPA Sewing Project h Lyndonville RD1      
" William clk Smith's Cut Price Grocery r Mrs Beulah S Roberts      
Johnson David S (The Traveling Grocery) s Mrs S Effie Johnson      
" Harold H (Wilma F) lab h East      
" Homer C (Elizabeth) (The Traveling Grocery) r RD Lyndonyille      
" Noyle W (Alice M) (The Traveling Grocery) h off Memorial dr RD1 Lyndonville      
" Raymond (Beulah) const wkr h Broad      
" Rebecca P bkpr Traveling Grocery r Mrs S Effie Johnson      
" S Effie wid Glenn N h Memorial dr Lyndon      
Jones Leslie E (Beverly) lieut CGC h Charles      
Joslyn Joseph retired r F E Myhill      
KELLEY ERNEST L (Glee) emp LCA h 51 Main      
" William R Mrs K Aldrich      
Kelloway Edgar W (Bertha V) mach CP RR shops h Main      
Kendall Byron S (Elgie M) emp Vt T&D Corp h L Ctr      
Kenerson Carroll W emp Hanover NH r S Main      
" Warren W (Marion, I), retired h S Main      
Keniston Percy (Alice) painter h Hill      
Kennedy Arthur (Grace) lab r P G Garron      
Kent William B (Francena) sales h Charles      
Kerr Alton A emp Pittsfield Mass r W T Kerr      
" Margaret (Milton J) sten D Asso Co h S Main      
" Milton J (Margaret) emp Vt Tap & Die Co h S Main      
" William T (Anna E) plumber Emmons & Hebert Bros.h Charles      
Kettle William (Rose) retired h Memorial dr c York Lyndon      
King Joseph (Emma) emp Town h York Lyndon      
Knight Lilla wid George h Depot      
Knowlton Sophia A wid Luke W r A W Harrison Main      
Kreamy Ice Kream Co (Stuart & Emerson) Park av      
LABOR ARTHUR (Annie) mach hlpr GP RR Shops h East      
Lachance George J (Lyndell P) emp CP RR h. Williams      
" Lyndell P (Mrs George J) emp Darling Inn h Williams      
Ladd Alyado E h Charles      
" Jennie M h Williams      
" W John printer Church.h do      
Ladue Clarence (Alice) beauty shop Broad h do      
Laffo Ellen W wid Isaac r Pliny J Shorey      
Laflamme Peter emp HSAH Co h off Broad      
Lafontaine Paul emp CPRR shops h Charles c Eastern av      
LaFrance Alice Mrs h20 Main      
Lambert Irving r Mrs Delia L Myott      
Lamoureaux Charles (Ruth. C) emp GP RR h Raymond      
" Oscar P (Alma) lab h Broad      
"Ruth C (Mrs Charles J) emp Palm Grove Restaurant h Raymond      
Lamourth Harold G (Arline.M) lab h Charles      
Larig Edward (Iris) emp Philo Lang h Main      
" Ina I wid Edward A emp Chase.House h Lyndon      
" John r C Wheeler      
" M Teresa wid John D clk. Willoughby's Dept Store r James R Hayes      
" Philo real estate and cattle dealer Depot h do      
LaPoint Bros John C LaPoint prop meats and provisions Depot      
" Dona F lab r Mrs Delia L Myott      
" George J (Helena M) clk Homer A LaPoint h Church      
" Homer A (Hazel B) whl pork products Depot h S Main      
" John C (Florence E) prop LaPoint Bros h Main      
Larray Arthur A (Adeline S) signalman GP RR h Charles c Eastern av      
" Veleda E emp Christopher's Restaurant h Church      
Lauroureaux Archie carp r O P Lamoureaux      
Lavoie Leonet emp M P Ronan h Folsom's Crossing E Burke rd RD      
Lawson Edwin A (Verna) h RD2 Lyndonville      
" Luther T (Olive W) bridge foreman CP RR h L Ctr      
Laythe Frank (Geneva) lab h L Ctr      
Leach Bertha M wid Frank H. h Prospect      
" Charles W carp h Prospect      
" Eva emp St Johnsbury r Mrs Bertha. M Leach Prospect      
" Ronello R lab r C W Leach      
Learmonth Murray I (Helen) emp Witherbee h Charles      
Learmouth Harold (Arlene) farmer h York Lyndon      
LeBaron Herbert H (Carrie L) retired r Mrs Rezina A Copeland      
LeBlanc J Eldridge (Helena E) emp St Johnsbury r Scott S McDowell      
LeBoetif Hessie teacher r Mrs Bertha M Leach      
Leith Roger H (Ruth.H) emp St.J h.Main      
Lemear Joseph h off York Lyndon      
Lemere Earl S (Evelyn L) emp Vt T&D Corp h L Ctr      
Lenton Fred G (Ienza A) emp L Elec Plant h Lyndon opp Depot RD1      
" George G (Clara A) farmer h Lyndon opp Depot RD1      
Leonard Archie L (Fayalene) physician Park av h do      
" Donald L student r Park, av      
" Ella S wid Ora J h Center c Elm      
" Ernest E (Edith B) emp CP RR h off East      
" Lois H student r Park av      
Lepnhart John L (Luda) h Church.      
"'Luda (Mrs John L) maid Darling Inn h Church.      
Lepper Watson W (Rose H) mgr Lyndonville Feed Co h Church      
Lewis Robert K (Eleanor H) teacher Lyndon Inst h Lyndon Ctr      
Lewsey Charles A retired h. Main.      
Libbey Cedric P (Erla) emp Shonyo's Garage r C H Libbey      
" Clayton H (Alice J) freight conductor CP RR h Hill      
" Elizabeth E cashier Tegus Gem Theatre r C H Libbey 'Hill      
" Ezra E (Rose) trainman CP RR h off Memorial dr Lyndonville RD1      
" Geraldine F r E E Libbey      
" Harvey P (Dorothy C) clk A&P Tea Go h Lyndon Ctr      
" Henry: J lab h Lyndon      
" Hiram emp Lyndonvilie Feed Co r L Ctr      
" Ienza M wid Orrock r Ezra E Libbey      
" John M student r C H Libbey      
Liggett John J (Ruth) lab h L Gtr rd RD3      
" Kenneth J r J J Liggett      
Litchfield Barbara nurse 14 Main r do      
" Mary E wid Homer h 14 Main      
Little Annie M wid Richard H r Main      
" Edward P (Mary E) retired h L Ctr      
" Reginald A (Muriel P) emp LCA h Main      
Lizotte Emil J (Delia M).h, East      
" Leo r Emil J Lizotte      
" Tennis r Emil J Lizotte      
Long Francis (Evelyn G) lab h Pinehurst Hill      
Lord Carl M lab r _N J Lord Lyndon Ctr      
" Lawrence A printer Vermont Union-Journal res St Johnsbury      
" Nattie J (Carrie L) emp LCA Garage h L Ctr      
Lowell. George (Emily A) carp CPRR h Pinehurst Hill      
Lund Delia hskpr Edward Meyette r do      
Lynch Barbara (Mrs Jack) nurse S.Main h do      
" Jack (Barbara) clk Checkerboard Feed Store h S Main      
Lyndon Camp No 75 Veteran Military Organization Sons of Union "Veterans of the Civil War" meets 2nd and 4th Sat evenings at Darling's Hall Lyndonville      
Lyndon Club sec-treas Armand Cusson meets 1st Wed 7:30 p m Lyndonvilie Realty Block      
" Grain Store Fred W Smith mgr general and grain store Lyndon ,n CP RR Station      
" Golf Club Grounds Hill Leo J Hebert prop      
LYNDON INSTITUTE Ozias D Mathewson prin Lyadon Center see p 247      
LYNDON INSTITUTE STATE COLLEGE Rita L Bole prin Lyndon Center      
" Poetry Guild sec Mrs Janet Robie meet 1st and 3rd Mon each month at Cobleigh Library 7:30 p m      
" Sanitarium Mrs Esther Mullaney prop Lyndon      
" town of agent Nathan A Norton      
" town of auditors R E Campbell, John B Chase, Robert F Pierce      
" town of clerk Palmer R Griswbld      
" town of collector Lawrence B Wood      
" town of constables Will Peck, George Lachance      
" town of district supervisor of schools Martin E Daniels      
" town of listers Frank B Carr, C R Hoffman, R E Campbell      
" town of overseer of poor A E Donahue      
" town of road commissioner Paul Houghton      
" town of selectmen Howard G Shonyo, John Lang, James H Grady      
" town of supt of cemetery Haines W Carpenter      
" town of treasurer Palmer R Griswold      
" Water Works (M F and M L Paris) Lyndon      
" Woman's Club pres Rita Bole meets 2nd Thurs at 8 p m      
Lyndonville Creamery Asso pres Harry P Silsby, v-pres Homer G Watson, mgr Willis C Gqnner, sec Byron. G Morrison, treas Blanche M Coaner N Main      
" Encampment No 26 1OOF sec Reginald A Bigelow meets 2nd Wed each month 8pm GAR Hall      
" Feed Co E W Bailey & Go props, Watson L Lepper mgr Hill c Williams      
" Graded School Park av opp Maple      
" Ice Co William S Handy prop Main      
" Military Band Perley S Harris director, Erton A Shorey see-treas, Howard T Sherrer mgr, band rooms Library Bldg basement Depot meetings Mon 8pm      
" Municipal Electric Plant commissioners A W Edmunds, Albertus A Cheney and David I Grapes offices Broad      
" Realty Co Bldg Depot opp Corner Garage      
" Savings Bank and Trust Company pres Ozias D Mathewson, v-pres-treas W Edward Riley, sec Leon E Hopkins      
" village of agent Nathan A Norton      
" village of auditors Lewis D Shonyo, R E Campbell, J Alfred Bussiere      
" village of clk Palmer R Griswold      
" village of chief engineer of fire dept Perle F Baraw      
" village of chief of police dept William H Parker      
Lyndonville village of jail rear Realty Bldg      
" village of school board John L Norris chairman and Willis O Conner      
" village of tax collector Lawence B Wood      
" village of treasurer Palmer R Griswold      
" village of trustees Willis Q Conner, Cedric E Sherrer, Frank E.Whitney      
" village, of water commissioners G B Grapes, R F Pierce, Perle F Baraw.      
Lyon Elizabeth teacher Barre r Hill c Charles      
" Wilmer A (Hattie M) pass brakeman B&M RR h Hill c Charles.      
Lyster Mary S wid Haddon W h Park av      
MAC TURK JEAN teacher Lyndon Inst r Lyndon Center      
Markey Alba M Rev (Flora A) retired h Main      
Marsh Robert W (Blanche E) carp h L Ctr      
Marshall Luvilla E wid Benoni r Mrs Bertha M Leach      
Mason Eleana M hskpr Rev Louis I Sevigftey r do      
" Harold F (Eunice C) postmaster and grocer L Ctr h do      
Masonic Crescent Lodge No 66 F&AM W M Henry G Croft, see Rober F Pierce, treas Pakner R Griswold meets 1st Sat of each month except July and August 8 p m at Masonic Hall      
" Esther Chapter No 20 Order of Eastern Star WM Mrs Verona B Sherrer, sec Mrs Daisy C Baldwin, treas Mrs Emma A Forsyth meets 2nd Tuesday each month except July and August 8 pm at Masonic Hall      
" Temple Lyndonville Realty Co Bldg      
Masten Arlene M nurse Middlebury r E A Masten Lyndon      
" E Gordon emp Boston r E A Masten Lyndon      
" Ernest A (Gertrude) h Memorial dr Lyndon      
" Ralph W clk Wirthrnore Eeed Co E Hardwick r E A Mastesn      
" Velma F teacher E Charleston r B A Masten      
" Wendell N emp Lyndonville Creamery Asso r E A Masten      
Mathews Adella L wid Hiram J r Mrs Emm Wells      
Mathewson Marion S teacher Lyndon Ins r do      
" Martha wid Edson H r Mrs Clara Gage      
MATHEWSON OZIAS D (Grace H) pres Lyndonville Savings Bank & Trust Co and pri Lyndon Institute h Lyndon Ctr      
" Philip H teacher State Normal School Lyndon Institute r do      
Maynard Clarence L (Gertrude) painter Charles      
" Clement T (Dora M) emp LD&HG Shoryo h off Memorial dr      
Mayo Roy L (Arlene M) emp CP RR h Main      
McCann Arthur J (Clara T) grocer c Depot Broad c South      
McCann Clara T (Mrs Arthur J) clk Arthur J      
McCann h Broad c South      
McCarthy Francis (Isabelle B) emp St J h Broad      
McClure Caroline wid Maxim h East      
" Norman G lab r Caroline McClure      
" Wilfred (Loretta) h East      
McDonald John (Minnie) lab h York Lyndon      
" Malcolm emp WPA r Clayton H Chester      
McDowell Edith M wid Arthur C h Park av      
" Edward E (Orphia) emp CCC h Williams      
" Emily J wid Robert J r Church      
" Scott S (Laura E) prop McDowell's Variety Store h Church      
McDowell's Variety Store Scott S McDowell prop Depot      
McGennis Louise J r S Main      
McGovern M Agnes saleslady r W T McGovern      
" William T (Nellie E) retired h off York Lyndon      
McHarg May F wid David E h L Ctr      
McLane Alexander D (Alice L) clk PO h Charles      
" James C retired h Charles      
McLeod George R (Nina M) agt Ry Ex Agcy Lyndonville. h Cosey Bend E Burke rd Star Route      
McLure Caroline wid Maxim emp WPA Sewing Project h East      
McNamara Harold emp Palm Grove Restaurant r Church      
McShane Durwood (Mabel B) emp WPA h off Broad      
" Emma Mrs janitor WPA Sewing Project h Broad      
" George A (Maude E) farmer h Church n Depot      
" Reginald B student Boston h Church      
Meighan Orssa B Mrs h Church      
Merriam Candace H r L W Merriam      
" Harland C teacher Newark r L W Merriam      
" Luther W (Helen R) carp h off Memorial dr h Lyndonville RD1      
Methodist Church Norman C Webster pastor Church Lyndonville      
" Church Norman C Webster pastor Memorial dr Lyndon      
Metivier Ellis (Etheline) barber John B Cable h Williams      
Meyette Charles E lab h Pinehurst Hill      
" Edward (Ada) emp Village h Pinehurst Hill      
Midway Grocery & Service Station Seeley F White prop grocers gas and oils Broad      
Miles Emma Mrs r W I Taylor      
" Ernest J (Mildred S) truck driver h Memorial dr Lyndonville RD1      
" Ernest J Jr r E J Miles      
" Mildred M teacher Lyndon Inst r inq do      
Miller Claire wid Arthur h27 Main      
" Harold D (Isabel) mach h 4 Raymond      
" Harold D Jr student r 4 Raymond      
" Ruth maid G N Johnson r do      
Mills Charles carp r Main      
Miner Avon (Eva) painter h Memorial dr c York Lyndon      
" Don (Delia) mech St J Trucking Co h York Lyndon      
Mitchell Bernard E (Marion M) emp Corner Garage Inc h Lyndon Ctr      
" Kingsley painter r G Lachance      
" Leonard J (Dorothy) lab h L Ctr      
Moeykens Viola A Mrs waitress Palm Grove Restaurant h South      
Molander Clarence W (Mary S) h Depot c East      
Mooney Howard (Bernice) retired h Memorial dr Lyndonville RD1      
" Wm J (Mary E) retired h York Lyndon      
Moore Catherine r Homer A LaPoint S Main      
" Etta E wid Chester I r Hiram A W Tripp      
" Katherine r Center      
" Pearl wid Prescott L r5 Park av      
" Tripp Co Hiram A W Tripp prop dept store Depot      
Morrill William H (Mabel D) emp CCC E Burke h Main      
Morrison Byron G (Stella) sec Lyndonville Creamery Assoc h Center      
" T Fred (Louisa) carp h Hill      
Morse Clarence E (Florence M) mach CP RR shops h Main      
" Ethel D wid Dale R asst librarian Cobleigh Public Library h Norris blk (3)      
" Frank A (Estella) asst mgr Our Husbands Co Inc h Lyndon      
" Mary B emp Springfield Mass r F A Morse Lyndon      
" Phyllis nurse r F A Morse      
" Priscilla C bkpr L Savings Bank & Trurt Co r F A Morse      
" Stephen F (Joyce) farmer h York Lyndon      
" Walter F (Andrea) salesman Cream Top Dairy St Johnsbury h Norris Blk      
Mortensen Morton (Ellen) retired h L Ctr      
Moulton Ethel M (Mrs Hemari J) dom J S Smith h Lyndon RD1      
" Heman J (Ethel M) lab h Lyndon RD1      
" Hiram H (Martha M) lab h L Ctr      
Mullaney Esther Mrs prop Lyndon Sanitarium h Lyndon      
" Joseph auto painting body and fender repairs Williams h William c Hill      
Mullavey John F sta agt CPRR and agt Western Union Tel Co r John L Cowan      
Myhill Frederick E (Dora E) painter h Main      
" George painter r Elm      
Myott Emma L wid Peter boarding and rooms h East      
NADEAU FRANCIS X (Carrie) sawyer M P Ronan h off Broad      
" Ovide (Mary D) h Charles      
Neagle Peter G (Hannah) clk Pleasant View Tavern r do      
Newell Laura M Mrs opr NE T&T Co r Seth E Allard      
" Marguerite L wid Henry E r Maurice C Newell      
" Maurice C h Memorial dr Lyndon      
New England Tel & Tel Co Mrs Henrietta T Grapes chief opr Broad      
Nichols Stephen D (Addie H) agt Mut Life Ins Co of NY City h L Ctr      
Nicholson Wm F blacksmith Grove h Church      
Norcross Constance sten LCA res RD3      
Norris E Don (Hattie E) emp Vt T&D Corp h Main      
Norris John L (Ida M) mgr sec-treas Dairy Asso Co Inc h Park av      
" John L Jr (Frances) asst treas Dairy Asso Co h PO Bldg Depot      
" Ziba A pres Dairy Asso Co res Melrose Mass      
NORTON E GUY (Frances E) clk Municipal Court r Park av      
" Frances E (Mrs E Guy) clk L Savings Bank & Trust Co r Park av      
NORTON NATHAN A (Viola R) lawyer Allyn Block h Park av office tel 230 res tel 291 see under name      
Noyes Emery emp Hovey's Garage r Lyndon      
Nurenberg Morris (Fannie) prop Nurenberg Auto Service h Memorial dr Lyndonville RD1      
Nurenberg's Auto Service Morris Nurenberg prop Memorial dr Lyndonville RD1      
Nutting Clyde (Abbie M) emp LD & HG Shonyo h Charles      
" Milburn F (Elsie) emp LD & HG Shonyo h Lyndon n Depot RD1      
" Mildred student r Mrs Patience M Nutting      
" Patience-M. Mrs hairdresser Cable's Beauty Shop r M E Daniels      
OLSEN WILLIAM O (Alice M) painter h Hill      
Olympia Lodge No 19 Knights of Pythias meets C M Darling Hall every Tues at 7:30 pm CC Ray Smith, K of R & Earl R Bennett      
O'Rene Beauty Shoppe Mrs Irene M Cutting prop Depot      
Ouellette Alfred (Esther) h Charles      
Ouelette Oliver (Marie A) h3 Raymond      
Our Husbands Co Inc mfrs horse and cattle remedies pres Harry W Witters, treasgen mgr David E Porter, asst mgr Frank A Morse off Memorial dr Lyndon      
PAGE JOHN R (Sadie) emp St J h Memorial dr Lyndon      
" Josephine E maid William J Emery r do      
Palm Grove Restaurant Mrs Nellie M Houston prop Church Allyn Blk      
Paquette Octave C (Clara A) blacksmith h Pinehurst Hill      
" Wilfred B r Pinehurst Hill      
Paris Bertha (Mrs Murray K) clk Lyndon PO h Lyndon      
" Joseph R (Alice G) stone ctr Barre h Lyndon Ctr      
" Murray F (Dorothy) (Lyndon Water Works) and gas and oils Memorial dr Lyndon and clk Squires & Lincoln h Prospect      
" Murray K (Bertha) (Lyndon Water Works) and postmaster Lyndon h do      
Parker J Elwin (Myrtie C) salesman h L Ctr      
" Raymond E (Winona M) mgr First Nat Stores h Charles      
" Raymond O (Doris A) truck driver, h Charles c Hill      
" Theodore L r Center      
" William H (Irene E) chief of police and emp Blake's Garage h Center      
Patrons of Husbandry Enterprise Grange No 16 meets Grange Hall York Lyndon      
Peake Ella M wid Alfred E h Lyndon      
" Lilla M clk F W Woolworth Co r E M Peake      
" Marjorie R teacher Woodstock r E M Peake      
" Maurice E student r E M Peake      
" Theodore A r E M Peake      
Pearce Carlton E (Marie) regional mgr Maytag Co h York Lyndon      
Peck Roland C carp r William Peck      
" Stanley W bkpr Emmons & Hebert r William Peck      
" William (Carrie) lab h L Ctr      
Pelkey Duane A (Josephine L) emp Dairy Asso h Hill      
" Leon A (Emma M) painter h Williams c Hill      
Pelow Reginald F emp H W Fuller r Bertha Carpenter      
Peoples Methodist Church (Church opp Park) Rev Norman C Webster pastor services Sun 11 am, 7 p m SS 12 m prayer meeting Wed 7pm Epworth League Sun 5:45 p m      
Perkins Albert N (Katherine E) emp LCA h53 Main      
Perrault Alphonse J (Ceceile E) tel opr CP RR h Hill      
" Gerald J emp Vt T&D Corp r A J Perrault      
" Roger J emp Gharlaad Garage r A J Perrault      
Peterson Clifton H (Irene C) emp Diamond Bronze Co h Depot      
Phelps Bernis (Stella) carp h Memorial dr Lyndon      
" Richard radio repairing Memorial dr Lyndon r do      
" Stella (Mrs Bernard) emp Elisabeth M Chase Maple Candies h Memorial dr Lyndon      
Philbrick Bertha H wid Clinton H h S Main      
Pierce Edward A (Charlotte L) h Memorial dr Lyndon      
" Glennice R teacher Springfield r L Ctr      
" Ila B wid George W teacher Lyndonviile      
" Graded School h20 Main (1)      
" Kenneth G (Esther) brakeman St J&LC RR h L Ctr      
" Leslie A (Mildred G) shipper DACo h off Memorial dr Lyndonville RD1      
" Marshall A (Mary E) carp CP RR h LCtr      
" Robert F (E Meryl) postmaster Lyndonville h Park av      
" Robert K (Pearl A) signal miaintainer CP RR h Center      
Pilgrim George W r Williams      
" Marion W Mrs h Williams      
Pillsbury Florence C teacher Lyndon Institute r inq do      
" John N lab r Nelson Pillsbury      
" Nelson (Sfa) bricklayer h Pinehurst Hill      
Pinard Horace E (Gertrude M) lineman L Elec Plant h Church      
Pine Lodge The Mrs Lucy Hawkes mgr Memorial dr Lyndonville RD1      
Pinkham Clarence D (Delores) emp WPA h off York PO Lyndonville RD3      
" Hannah E (Mrs Paul E) waitress Willey's Restaurant h Williams      
" Paul (Hannah) elec h Williams      
Player Donald A emp St J Trucking Co r T J Player      
" Frank G (Irene) painter h Pinehurst Hill      
" Thomas J (Mabel C) emp Leon Hopkins h Broad      
Pleasant View Tavern Clifton W Gray prop Williams c Depot      
Plummer Arthur L (Ruth R) painter h L Ctr      
Pope Jennie Mrs hl4 Main      
Porter David E treas-gen mgr Our Husbands Co Inc res St Johnsbury      
" Viola M emp Worcester Mass r W M Porter Hill      
" Walter M (Kitty V) carp h Hill      
Post Offices Lyndon Vt postmaster Murray K Paris      
" Offices Lyndon Center Vt: postmaster Harold F: Mason      
" Offices Lyndonville Vt postmaster Robert F Pierce, asst postmaster Loren T Huntley, elks Harry A Robie, Alexander D McLane, Cecil ABums, sub Emma A Forsyth, RFD1 carriers Route: No 1, Lewellyn J Egeiston; Route No 2 Frank W Bull, Route No 3 Alphonse J Aubin, sub carrier Scott S McDowell Lyndonville Post Office hours week days 6:45am to 7:00pm money order window 8am to 6pm registered mail window 6:45am to 7:00pm holidays general delivery and stamp windows open 7am to 8am money order windows not opened registry system. effective. Sundays distribution of mail madet between 8am tp 9am, general delivery and stamp windows not open lobby kept open for convenience of patrons having lock boxes      
Poulin Raymond M emp Derby Line r E Don Norris      
Powers Earl (Vera) emp LD & HG Shonyo h Lyndon RD      
" Flora wid Eugene W h Prospect      
" Luvia A Mrs h East      
" Park Main. opp Grove      
Pownd Katherine E wid Fred T. r Ralph K Hovey      
Prefontaine Arthur (Maria) boiler mkr. CP RR h Charles      
" Maurice R bellhop Darling Inn r Arthur Prefontaine      
" Raymond A emp Pittsfield Mass r Arthur Prefontaine      
Prescott Laura A dom and bkpr r L Ctr      
" Ralph L truck garden L Ctr h do      
Pride Helen E seaLyndon, Inst r Lyndon Ctr      
Prinn Dorothy M wid William C V h Elm      
QUIMBY WALTER (Nora) retired h School Lyndon.PO Lyndonville RD3      
RAILWAY EXPRESS AGENCY George R McLeod agt Depot, Mrs Emma Cleary agt CP RR Depot Lyndon      
Ramsdell Jas A (Ella) emp LCA hl2 Center      
" Malcolm emp LCA rl2 Center      
Randall Edith S Mrs dom C B Dodge r do      
" Mary E Mrs h Williams      
Rathbun Charles B (Madge L) emp St J h Memorial dr Lyndon      
Rexford Maud B (Mrs-Moses) emp Elizabeth M Chase Maple Candies h Memorial dr Lyndon      
" Maurice P (Eleanor R) emp St J h Memorial dr Lyndon      
" Moses (Maude B) lab h Memorial dr c York Lyndon      
Rice Mildred E sten, LCA res RD2      
" Raymond (Pearl) retired h8 Center      
Rich Alma wid Austin r L W Merriam      
" Alva H (Florence D) salesman h L Center      
" Florence D (Mrs Alva H) dom G E Fisher Charles h L Center      
Richardson Andrew Lee (Vera B) clk GP RR h Broad      
" Erma H clk St J r Broad      
" Millicent cook Mathewson House r Edna Emerson L Ctr      
"Ross C student Prov RI r Broad      
Riley M Agnes bkpr L Savings Bank & Trust Co h Hill      
" Patricia E student r South      
" W Edward (Margaret H) v-presv-treas L Savings Bank and Trust Co h: South      
Rivard Dorifia teacher r Wm J Mooney      
Rivers Dennis W (Katie E) painter h L Ctr      
Roberts David (Beulah S) lumberman h S Main      
" Elsa M emp St J r S Main      
" Robie Harry A (Janet) clk PO h Prospect      
Robinson Wallace J (Maude R) clk W H Saunders h; Depot      
Rogers Jennie M. Mrs h Lyndon Ctr      
Ronan Anna E r M P Ronan      
" Mary B student NY r M P Ronan      
Ronan Michael P (Bertha H) lumber dir off Raymond h Charles      
" Robert H emp M P Ronan r do      
" Winifred A clk Leon E Hopkins r M P Ronan      
Ross Joseph C (Irene M) supt Diamond Bronze Co h Park      
Roy Hattie M hskpr John L Norris Park av r do      
Rudd Edith sec Lyndon Inst r L Center      
Ruggles Agnes L wid Albert E h South      
Russell Ethelyn sec M E Daniels r do      
" Evelyn F (Mrs Raymond G) sten DACo h Park av      
" Raymond S (Evelyn F) clk Moore-Tripp Co h Park av      
SAMPSON EMMA S wid Walter r Mrs Sarah S B Chase      
Sanborn House Florence E Drew dean State Normal School Lyndon Institute      
Sanderson Daniel P farmer h Lyndon RD1      
Sanger Arvilla S r Charles G Willey      
Saunders William H (Susan M) druggist Depot h S Main      
Scribner Anne D (Mrs Warner B) prop Anrie's Beauty Parlor h Church      
" Warner B (Anne D) emp Lyndon Grain Store h Church      
Seguin Ralph emp Vt Tap & Die Corp r Depot      
Sevigny Louis I Rev pastor St. Elizabeth's French Catholic Church h Charles.      
Shattuck Marion K teacher r South c Broad      
" Milo A (Bella A) eng CP RR h South c Broad      
Shaw Ethel Mrs maid Darling Inn r Lilla Knight      
Sheldon Goldie Mrs. waitress Willey's Restaurant h Williams      
Sheltra Clarence J (Simone) emp M P.Rohan h Folsom's Crossing E Burke rd R.D      
" George J mech Hovey's r Peter Sheltra      
" Lena A Mrs r L A Vancourt      
" Ralph (Blanche) lab h Memorial dr Lyndon      
Shene Floyd (Hersie) emp The Traveling Grocer h off Memorial dr Lyndon      
" Hersie (Mrs.. Floyd) emp WPA Sewing Project h off Memorial dr Lyndon      
Sherburne Wilbur H carp h Park, av      
Sherman Ray C (Eva M) clerical wkr h Center      
Sherrer Cedric E (Verona B) lineman CP RR and musician h Prospect      
" Gail H clk Squires & Lincoln r H T Sherrer      
" Howard T (Edith M) prop Squires & Lincoln h Prospect      
" Robert H clk Squires & Lincoln r Howard T. Sherrer      
Shonyo Fred C (Annie L) pres LD & HG Shonyo Inc h Charles      
" Howard G (Arlene) sec-treas LD & HG Shonyo Inc h Prospect      
" LD & HG Inc meat packers Hill office Depot in RR station pres Fred C Shonyo v-pres Lewis D Shonyo sec-tres Howard G Shonyo cattle dealers Depot      
" Lewis D v-pres LD & HG Shonyo Inc and (Shonyo's Garage) and real estate Depot in RR h Prospect      
Shonyo's Garage (Lewis D and Howard E Shonyo) Williams office Depot in RR sta      
Shorey Erton A (Nellie F) salesman h South      
" Plitiy J (Leila L) mach CP RR h 45 Main      
" Winston K student Hanover NH r 45 Main      
Shute Charles, lab h York Lyndon      
" Emma Mrs r Charles Shute      
Silsby Harry P pres L Creamery Asso South      
Simpson Morton E emp LCA r Main      
" Perley J (Vera J) star route carrier PO h Main      
Sinclair Wayland R (Marion) enip Emmons & Hebert h East      
Sisco George E (Grace R) mach Vt Tap & Die Corp h South      
Sleep Devilla F Mrs h Main      
" Lemuel O-Jr student r Mrs Devilla F Sleep      
Smith Arlene E maid R A Wetherbee r do      
" Arthur (Marguerite) plumber St J h School Lyndon PO Lyndonville RD3      
" Arth E farmhand r Mrs Eliz E Smith      
" Carl H (Mabel) mail messenger clock repairing Memorial dr n PO Lyndon h do      
" Barl F student r L Ctr      
" Edward J lab r Norman L Healy      
" Elizabeth E wid Alex J h York Lyndon      
" Elsie Mrs emp Sanboim House r do      
" Emery (Catherine) farmer r Pleasant View Tavern      
" Ethel r Clarence D Pinkham      
" Eva wid Fred sum res Charles      
" Evelyn A phone opr NE T&TCo r S Main.      
" Floy E r J S Smith      
" Fred E (Verna) sales h Hill c Charles(2)      
" Fred W (Flora B) mgr Lyndon Grain Store h Memorial dr Lyndon      
" Harold M emp Traveling Grocery r Fred W Smith      
" Harris A (Margaret B) emp E Burke h. Raymond      
" Harry J tel opr CPRR and prop. Smith's Radio & Welding Service h Depot      
" Henry emp CP RR H L Ctr      
" James S (Lillian H) pritr h York Lyndon      
" Jennie M wid Enoch F h Hill c Charles      
" Lillian H (Mrs James H) emp Elisabeth M Chas Maple Candies h York Lyndon      
" Orintha J student r Carl H Smith      
" Percy S mach r 12 Center      
" Ray F (Annie M) emp Vt Tap & Die Corp. h Charles      
" Roy E (Grace H) mgr Smith's Cut Price Cash Grocery h Norris Blk      
" Vera Mrs hskpr Edward Stone r do      
" Walter J (Lottie M) emp L Elec Co h L Ctr      
Smith's Gut Price Grocery Roy E Smith mgr S Main      
" Radio & Welding Service Harry J Smith prop Depot c Main      
Somers Charles C farmer h Lyndon n Depot      
" Kenneth C emp Gilman r Thos F Somers      
" Melvin F emp Gilman r Thomas P Somers      
" Thomas F (Mabel M) boilermkr CP RR h L Ctr      
Spencer Doris W office clk LCA r 14 Main      
" Ethel wid Jesse h 14 Main      
" Nantie E wid Joseph W h S Main      
Sprague Milo H (Nellie) lab h York Lyndon      
Squires & Lincoln Howard T Sherrer prop conf & fruit Depot      
Stafield John D (Muriel C) pastor First Congregational Church h Maple      
Stafford John J (Myrtie) h Depot      
Standard Oil Co of New York tanks Church c Grove      
State Normal School Rita L Bole prin Lyndon Center      
Steady Leonard J bellhop Darling Inn r Depot      
" Mary K Mrs teacher Lyndon Graded School h Depot      
Stearns Clara J maid Homer G Watson r do      
Steele Elizabeth Mrs r York Lyndon      
St Elizabeth's (French Catholic) Church Rev Fr Louis I Sevigny pastor services Sun 8 and 10 a m week days 7am Charles      
Stetson Frank r Clayton Stowell      
Stevens Charles D bkpr Corner Garage and tailor Main h do      
" Dennis E (Lydia C) pharmacist Edmund's Pharmacy h Depot      
" Minerva wid Frank h York Lyndon      
Stewart Mina Mrs r Leon Waterman      
Stimson Dwight S (Frances M) agt Prud Ins Co h Prospect      
" Irene music tchr r Perley S Harris      
Stockwell Robert P (Harriet A) emp CP RR h Charles      
Stone Albert J (Madeline E) emp Vt Tap & Die Corp h Main      
" Beatrice wid Henry R h Lyndon n Depot RD1      
" Carroll W r E Stone Lyndon      
" Clinton B (Natalie N) clk Edmunds' Pharmacy h Broad at RR      
" Edward E section foreman CP RR h Lyndon n Depot RD1      
" Frank L musician r Harris O Allen      
" Harland J r Albert J Stone      
" Harold H (Maude M) law student deputy sheriff h York Lyndon      
" Henry r Henry H Stone Lyndon      
" Kenneth F farmhand r E E Stone      
" Maude M (Mrs Harold H) sten Lyndonville Sav Bank & Trust Co h Lyndon      
" Maurice J r Albert J Stone      
" Merrill const wkr r E E Stone St Onge Lee H (Florence M C) chef Willey's Restaurant h Charles Stowell Clayton (Beatrice) lab h Memorial dr c School Lyndon      
" Dolly Mrs h Memorial dr c School Lyndon      
St Peter's Episcopal Church pastor supplied services every third Sunday Elm      
Stuart Carolyn emp Elizabeth NJ r Park av      
" Marjorie T sten Auburndale Mass r Park av      
" Sumner C (Alice W) (Stuart & Emerson) h Park av      
" & Emerson (Sumner C Stuart and Wesley O Emerson) prop Kreamy Ice Kream Co Park av      
Sunset Ball Room David I Grapes prop dancing pavilion Broad      
Sylce Bernard A student r A M Bradley      
" Harry R r A M Bradley      
TAFT FRANK H (Edith L) emp FM & Co h Lyndon RD1      
Tarris Floyd L salesman r William W Tarris      
" William W (Virginia M) emp Lisbon N H h Lyndon PO E Burke      
Taylor Arthur C (Geneva) emp Vt T&D Corp h Depot      
" W Irving (Madeline) const wkr h off Memorial dr PO Lyndonville      
Teachout James A r S Main      
" Philetus H (Gertrude T) emp govt h S Main      
" Robert E emp Vt T&D Corp r Main      
Tegu Andrew mgr Tegu's Gem Theatre res St Johnsbury      
Tegu's Gem Theatre Andrew Tegu mgr Elm      
Tetreault Rose wid Joseph r E P Cournoyer      
Theriault Albert emp WD&AR Hill r Joseph G Theriault      
" Joseph G (Laura) steam fitter h East      
" Solomon (Delia) h East      
Thomas Louis (Rita) barber Memorial dr n PO Lyndon h do      
Thresher Anna wid William dom nurse h off Broad      
" Harland G emp Hovey's Garage r Lyndon RD1      
" Ruth A r Mrs Anna Thresher      
Tisdale Edwin E (Viola E) retired h Lyndon      
Tower Grace R r Broad c South      
Towne Elmer E (Anna S) retired h Memorial dr PO Lyndonville RD1      
Traveling Grocery The (David S, Homer C. and Noyle W Johnson) Memorial dr Lyndon      
Trefren Dorothy J student r Center n covered bridge      
" Elmer L student r Center n covered bridge      
" George S (Theda P) (Woods & Trefren) h Church      
" Harvey C (Laura R) cond CP RR h Center n covered bridge      
Tripp Grayden (Hazel D) gasoline and oil service station Main h do      
" Hiram A W (Genevieve M) prop Moore-Tripp Co h South opp Elm      
UNION LODGE NO 4 Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Meets GAR Hall 2nd 3d 4th Mon at 7:30 p m      
United States Post Office see Post Office depot      
VANCELETTE PAUL E clk Darling Inn r do      
Vancour Ida J r L A Vancour      
" Jeddy E emp Corner Garage r L Ctr      
" Louis A carp h East      
" Maude A dom Albertus A Cheney r L A Vancour      
" William H (Mary E) retired r L Ctr      
Vaughn Mary Mrs h East      
" Tap & Die Corp pres-treas C Harry Davis, v-pres Martin V B Dow, supt Allan W Harrison mfrs steel taps Main c Grove      
" Union-Journal John B Chase prop Depot      
WPA SEWING PROJECT Mrs Iva Cox supvr Broad byd Charles      
Wakefield Sherman R (Blanche) emp Montpelier h Main      
Walker Clyde R (Ruth E) h Memorial dr Lyndon      
" Howard (Wilma) truck driver h off York Lyndon      
" Jack painter r Pleasant View Inn      
Walter Dorothy h Lyndon RD1      
" Hosea F (Lottie C) retired h Memorial dr Lyndonville      
" Jesse (Frances) carp h Lyndon RD1      
Ward Ivan F (Elgie R) mech Corner Garage h Charles      
Wark Thomas (Thais E) retired h21 Main      
Waterman Leon emp St J h School Lyndon PO Lyndonville RD3      
Watkins John G (Arlene) milk dealer h Lyndon RD1      
" Robert (Vera) farmer r John Watkins      
Watson Claud (Maude H) h Park av      
" Dorothy E student r William P Horrigan      
" Homer G (Theia P) v-pres Lyndonville Creamey Assn h Park av      
" James Jr r James Watson      
Way Elva C wid William C h Main      
Webb Obie W (Helen) foreman Vt T&D Corp h Center      
" Reginald r O W Webb      
Webber James F (Elizabeth P) retired h South      
" W Sharron (Opal G) prop Webber's Filling Station h Elm      
Webber's Filling Station W Sharron Webber prop Broad      
Webster Norman C Rev (Violet A) pastor Peoples Methodist Church h Church      
Weeks Allen W (Helen W) osteopathic physician Depot h Main      
Weinmann Anne maid Warner B Scribner r do      
Welch Charles r Pleasant View Tavern      
" Lawrence S (Mildred E) trucking South h do      
" R Ozro (Myrle G) clk Chas E Dana h Memorial dr Lyndon      
" Vera hskpr Charles E Meyette r do      
Wells Clifford M (Alma M) clk LaPoint Bros h Church      
" Emma L wid Edwin h Park av      
Western Union Telegraph Co John F Mullaney agt Depot      
Wetherbee A N Co Mrs Mary E Wetherbee prop mfrs tops, lumber and mill waste off Memorial dr Lyndonville RD1      
" Howard W (Vera H) mgr A N Wetherbee Co h Memorial dr Lyndonville RD1      
" Mary E wid Alson N prop A N Wetherbee Co h Lyndonville RD1      
" Revillo A (Gertrude) asst mgr A N Wetherbee Co h Charles      
Weymouth O Leroy (Lucille) reporter Cal-Record St J h Broad      
Wheeler Clayton (Ida M) emp L Creamery h W Burke rd Star route      
" Erastus H (Grace L) emp C H Davis h Main      
Wheeler Gordon A (Marion H) emp Vt T&D Corp h Broad at RR      
" Willis C (Etta M) milk dealer Memorial dr Lyndonville RD1 h do      
Whipple Alice Mrs h Depot      
" George A (Gertrude A) retired h South      
Whitcomb C Harold h York Lyndon      
White Howard H Rev (Nellie) retired h Lyndon      
" Seeley F prop Midway Grocery & Service Station Broad h inq do      
Whitney Frank E (Nellie M) cont Broad h do      
" Helen M emp Dairy Asso Inc r Broad      
" Kenneth B carp r Broad      
" Mae M r Park av      
Wilkie Clifton A emp Vt T&D Corp r Main      
" Eva C (Mrs Henry E) bkpr LD&HG Shonyo h Elm      
" Harland F (Gladys M) mach CP RR shops h 40 Main      
" Henry E (Eva C) barber shop Depot n Elm      
" Leslie R (Clara M) emp CP RR h Main      
" Selina wid Alfred T r Mrs Doris E Day      
" Stella R wid Archie h Main      
Willey Charles C (Edith) farmer h School Lyndon PO Lyndonville RD3      
" James F prop Willey's Restaurant res St Johnsbury      
Willey's Restaurant James F Willey prop Depot      
Williams Rose hskpr J Lemear Lyndon r do      
Williamson Guy (Nina P) watchman A M      
Weatherbee Co h Memorial dr n PO Lyndon      
Willoughby Charles E (Martha W) prop Willoughby's Dept Store h Center c Elm      
" Martha W (Mrs Charles E) mgr Willoughby's Dept Store h Center c Elm      
Willoughby's Dept Store Charles E Willoughby prop Depot      
Wilmarth Clara r Frank Duval      
" Juana C sten LC Asso res Lyndon      
Wilson Augustus (Janet) emp CP RR h Lyndon n Depot RD1      
" Homer C (Mary H) shoe repairing and horse goods Depot h 30 Main      
" Nina P sten Our Husbands Co h Memorial n Depot Lyndon      
" Russell A student r Lyndon n Depot RD1      
" Thomas L emp A N Wetherbee Co r A Wilson      
Winsor Harriet B sum res Memorial dr Lyndon      
Wishart George A clk First Nat Stores r R G Wishart      
" James L emp Vt T&D Corp r R G Wishart      
" Robert G (Izella G) mach CP RR shop h Main      
Witters Harry W pres Our Husbands Co Inc res St J      
Wood Alice L wid Fred T h Prospect      
" Carroll (Beryl) clk LCA h Main      
" Evelyn R L Ctr      
" Lawrence B (Ruth J) asst treas L Savings Bank & Trust Co h Maple      
Wood Lillian F wid Marvin W hskpr Carl S Bailey r do      
" Lucile I r L Ctr      
" Ray E (Leila J) h L Ctr      
" Russell W emp Newport R I r Mrs A L Wood      
" Sarah A wid Edwin T h Park av      
Woods Milo r Mrs Emma L Myott      
" William A (M Jeanne) (Woods & Trefren) r Church      
" & Trefren (William A Woods and George S Trefren) undertakers Church      
Wright Charles W (Martha) teacher Lyndon Institute r L Ctr      
" John emp Leon E Hopkins h L Ctr      
" Will S (May H) h7 Maple      
YE GIFT SHOPPE Mrs Elgena W Andross prop 6 Center      
Young Edward F (Sara A) carp h Memorial dr Lyndon      
" Elizabeth A emp St J r E F Young      

ab, above; agt, agent; ave or av, avenue; b or bds, boards; bel, below;
bet, between; bldg, building; com, commission; do, ditto; E, east;
ex, express; F V, Fairbanks Village; ins, insurance; h, house; n, near;
N, north; opp, opposite; prop, proprietor; P V, Paddock's Village; r, rear;
RR, railroad; S, south; sq, square; st, street; S, Sommerville;
W, west; MCRR, Maine Central Railroad;

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