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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
Vermont Northeast
Kingdom Genealogy

St. Johnsbury, Vt Genealogy
St. Johnsbury, VT
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The figures following the letter r indicate the number of the road on which the party resides, and will be found by reference to the map in the back part of this work. Where no road number is given the party is suppossed to reside in the village.

Figures placed after the occupation of acres owned or leased.

The word street is implied.
Highlight keywords:
Name - Residence (postoffice) - Road number - Occupation - Livestock - Farm acres owned
Adams Eliphalet J., (Lyndonville) machinist at Pass. R. R. shop, h East,
Ailes Amelia M., r 61, widow of Sylvanus F.
Ailes Gmrge, r 61, laborer
Ailes Rosa L. Miss, r 61, school teacher, bds with Aurelia M.
Ainsworth Seymour, r 65, emp. P. R. R.
Aldrich Henry G., r 62, laborer.
Aldrich Norman E., (Lyndonville) fireman Pass. R. R., bds. Main.
ALLARD AMBROSE, (Lyndonville) r 29, peddlar, owns h and lot, served in Co. K, 10th Vt. Vols.
Allbee Joseph C., laborer.
Allen Albertus, (Lyndon Center) r 6, 31 head cattle, 600 sugar trees, farmer 176
Allen Frank Q., (Lyndon Center) r 6, farmer with his son.
ALLEN JOHN, (Lyndonville) r 37 car 38, 20 grade Jersey cattle, I full blood Jersey bull, 60 grade Cotswold and Shropshiredown sheep, 400 sugar trees, farmer 240, served in Co. I& 15th Vt. Vols.
Allen Moses, (Lyndonville) emp. Pass. R. R., bds Church.
Atwood Hale M., (Lyndon Center) r 1, 25 cattle, farmer, leases of D. Eastman 175
Aubin Joseph. (Lyndonville) carpenter, Pass. R. R., h East.
AULIS EDWARD C., (Lyndon Center) car painter.
Ayer Charles H., (Lyndonville) r 50, foreman boiler house, Pass. R. R.
Ayer Helen M., (Lyndonville) r 23, widow of Joseph D., resident, aged 56.
Ayer Warren C., r 47. farmer 214.
BADGER OLIVER M., (Lyndonville) emp. on Pass. R. R., h 2 Main.
Bailey Henry I., r 50, carpenter, owns h and lot.
Bailey Thomas, (Lyndonville) tinsmith, Pass. R. R., h Church.
Balch Betsey, (Lyndonville) widow of Leonard, h Depot.
Balch Herbert F., (Lyndonville) passenger conductor, Pass. R. R., h Main.
Baldwin AIfred, (Lyndon Center) Sexton, h Central.
Baldwin Will C., (Lyndonville) fireman Pass. R. R., h Elm.
Baldwin William H., (Lyndonville) bridge builder, Pass. R. R., h Williams.
Ball Park P., r 50, tinsmith.
Ball Parker, r 50, tinman.
Ballou William P., r 52, compositor.
BARKER CHARLES H., (Lyndonville) (Brown & B.) h Depot cor Main.
BARKER CHARLOTTE, (Lyndonville) widow of Capt. Edwin W., resident, 65 years, h Depot.
Barnes Jacob, (Lyndonville) machinist Pass. R. R. shop.
Barney Burton, (Lyndonville) emp. Pass. R. R., h Church.
Bartlett Arthur H., (Lyndonville) clerk accountant's office Pass. R. R., bds Union House.
Bartlett Jonas N., r 50, saddlery hardware, h and store and 4 acres.
Bartlett Thomas, r 50, emp. Lyndon Carriage Co.
Batchelder Albert A., (Lyndon Center) sawyer, h Central.
BATCHELDER ROBERT, (Lyndonville) r 14, emp. P. R. R., and farmer 23
Baxter Horace H., (Lyndonville) watchman Pass. R. R., h Depot.
Bean Alton E., r 19 1/2, laborer.
BEAN AUSTIN W., r 19 1/2, 28 grade Jersey, Durham and Devon cattle, 20 sheep, 2 brood mares-Percheron stock, 15,000 sugar trees, and farmer 250, served in Co. G, 15th Vt. Vols.
Bean John A, r 50 carpenter.
Beauregard Benjamin, (Lyndonville) blacksmith Pass. R. R. shop, h East.
Beauregard Zoe, (Lyndonville) widow of John, resident, h East.
Bedard Napoleon E., (Lyndonville) fireman Pass. R. R., h East.
BEDARD HENRY, (Lyndonville) boot and shoemaker, h Depot.
Bedard John, (Lyndonville) barber for Bowman.
Bedard Joseph, (Lyndonville) r 40, carpenter Pass. R. R.
BEMIS BROS., (Lyndorlville) (Alfred and Welcome A.) live stock breeders and dealers, 21 thoroughbred Jersey cows, 30 young cattle-all full blood Jerseys, 31 Cotswold sheep, Chester white swine, 1 Morgan and Star brood mare, 1,500 sugar trees, farmers 442.
Bemis Bros., (E. Burke) r 13. (Alonzo O. and Joshua) 14 thoroughbred Shorthorn Durham cows, 22 full blood Shorthorn cattle, registered, 35 full blood Southdown sheep, 1 Henry Clay brood mare, 9 Chester white full blood Southdown sheep, 1 Henry Clay brood mare, 9 Chester white hogs, 1,000 sugar trees, farmers 550.
Bemis Eliza A., (E. Burke) r 13, widow of Amasa, resident.
Bemis Emery, (Lyndonville) r 27, retired farmer, h and lot.
Bemis Laura, (Lyndonville) widow of Ira W., h Church.
Bennett Parker B. r 50, carpenter, h and lot.
BIGELOW CALVIN D., (Lyndon Center) r 25, town lister, farmer 41.
Bigelow Elisha, (Lyndon Center) baggage master, Pass. R. R., resides with C. D.
Billadcau Joseph, (Lyndonvillc) machinist Pass. R. R. shop, h East.
Blake C. S., (Lyndonville) cooper, h South.
BLAKE WELLMAN C., r 50, physician and surgeon, Chapel, h do.
Blanchard Karley, r 50, brick mason.
Blodgett Calista S., r 11, widow of Ephriam.
Blodgett Mabel r 41, dressmaker, bds with Calista S.
Ronett Chatman D., r 65, farmer 28.
BONETT GEORGE W., r 65, farmer with his father, C. D.
Bomer Edwin, (Lyndonville) emp. Pass. R. R., h East.
Boucher Frank, (Lyndonville) r 14, laborer.
BOUDETT DAVID, r 65, 4 head caltle, 27 sheep, 1 Morgan stallion, 1,000 sugar trees, farmer 230.
Bowen Jarvis, (Lyndonville) r 28, resident.
Bowker Algernon S., r 50, carpenter and house painter, h and lot.
BOWKER WILLIAM H., r 50, carriage painter.
Bowman Fayette W., (Lyndonville) r 26, farm laborer.
Bowman Wallace B., (Lyndonville) prop. barber shop, Depot, bds. do.
BRADLEY HERMAN P., r 46, 15 grade Devon cattle, 25 sheep, 1,000 sugar trees, farmer 186
Bradley Saloma M , r 63, widow of Jason, resident.
Bradley Kansom C., (Lyndonville) house painter and paper hanger, h 25 Main.
BRAIILEY ---, (Lyndon Center) widow of Sewall, resident.
BRADLEY SEWALL, (Lyndon Center) pres. Lyndonville National Bank, h Central. (Died Sept. 1885.)
Bradshaw B. Charles, laborer.
Bradshaw Thomas, r 65, farm laborer.
Bradshaw William, r 65, miller for G. P. Ide & Co.
Braingan Thomas E., r 50, student.
BRESSON JOSEPH, r 50, stone mason.
BRIANT JAMES, (Lyndonviile) farmer 10, h Center.
Brigham Lucius L , (Lyndonville) machinist, h 29 Main.
BRIGHAM WALTER O., (Lyndonville) machinist Pass, R. R. shop, bds. East.
Brooks Joseph C., (Lyndon Center) r 9, farmer 88.
Brown Benjamin F., (Lyndonville) carpenter Pass, R. R. shop, bds. Church.
Brown Lucius, (Lyndonville) r 34, farmer 25.
Brown Sophia L., off r 63. widow Zenas, resident, aged 69 years.
BROWN & BARKER, (Lyndonvllie) (M. H. Brown and C. H. Barker) props. of Lyndonville bakery, Depot cor Main.
Brown Moses H., (Lyndonville) (B. and Baker) h Depot cor Main.
Buell James S., (Lyn(Ionville) conductor, h Main.
Brownell Leon, (Lyndonville) emp. R. R., h South.
Bullock Chandler, (Lyndonvilie) carpenter and contractor, h South.
BULLOCK HALSEY, (Lyndonvlle) carpenter, h South.
Bullock Fred C., (Lyndonville) carpenter and joiner, Hill.
Bundy Betsey E.. (Lyndonville) widow of Nathan, h 45 Main.
BUNDY CARLOS J., (Lyndonville) farmer, h 45 Main.
BLJNDY GALUSHA J., (Lyndonville) retired, h Depot. (Dead.)
BURGESS GEORGE W., (Lyndonville) watchmaker and jeweler, Depot cor Elm, bds. Webb's Hotel.
BURRINGTON ADNA F.. (E. Burke) r 33, farmer, with his father.
BURRINGTON ALVIN W., (E. Burke) off r 33, 23 grade Devon cattle, 26 grade Shropshiredown sheep, Chester white hogs, 1,000 sugar trees, farmer 220
Burrington Willie F., (E. Burke) r 33, farmer with his father.
Burrington George W., (E. Burke) r 32, farmer, leases of his father 140.
BURRINGTON JOSEPH W., (E. Burke) r 32, farmer 140.
Burrington Lucy, (E. Burke) r 32. widow of Wilber, resident, aged 79, owns 170 acres.
Burt Fred L.. (E. Burke) r 31, laborer, owns h and 2 acres.
Burt Willie T., (E. Burke) r 32 cor 33, house and carriage painter.
Butler Jay S., (Lyndonville) tinsmith, h East.
Butler Stewart P., (Lyndonville) tinsmith, bds East.
Butterfield George W., r 50, tinsmith.
BUTTERFIELD HARLEY A., (Lyndonville) r 41, carpenter and builder, leases 50 acres.
Cahoon Adda C., (Lyndon Center) widow of Dr. Charles S., h Central.
CAHOON GEORGE C , (G. W. & G. C.) lawyer and ins. agent, h York.
CAHOON GEORGE W., (G. W. & G. C.) h York.
CAHOON G. W. & G. C., (Lyndonville) lawyers and general insurance agents, Depot.
Camp Frank W., (Lyndonville) foreman machine shop Pass. R. R., h 4 Church.
CAMPBELL EUGENE M., (Lyndonville) (Stoddard + Campbell) clerk in supply office Pass. R. R., fire, life and accident insurance agent and dealer in wood, h and lot at Lyndon Center.
Campion John L., r 65, emp. in Hall Sr Chase's saw-mill.
Cannaway John, (Lyndonville) emp. Pass. K. K., h 55 Main.
Carpenter Asa, r 52. retired farmer 16.
Carpenter C. P., resident, h and lot.
Carpenter Chester UT., (Lyndonville) retired farmer, h Twombly's block, Depot.
CARPENTER EUGENE C., (Lyndonville) livery stable and dealer in horses, prop. of stalliorr " Darlington Chief," h South.
Carpenter James B.. r 41, machinist for Pass. R. R.
CARPENTER WILLIAM T., r 65, in pulp mill.
CARTER AMERICUS J., (Lyndon Center) allo. physician and surgeon, h Central.
Carter Caroline, (Lyndon Center) widow of Thomas, resident. (Died Oct. 1886.)
Cassidy John, r 52, shoemaker.
Caswell John, (Lyndonville) brakeman Pass. R. R., h Twombly's block.
Caswell Warren J , (Lyndonville) freight conductor Pass. R. R., h Williams,
Caswell William H., (Lyndonville) engineer Pass. R. R., h 25 Main.
Cayer Francis, (Lyndonville) emp. Pass. R. R., h East.
Cayo Alexander. r 65. laborer.
Chabot Louis, r 46, 8 head cattle, 500 sugar trees, farmer 72.
Chaplin Ellen E., (Lyndonville) widow of George W., h 2 Raymond.
Chaplin Richard W., (Lyndonville) machinist Pass. R. R., h Elm.
Chaplin Warner, (Lyndonville) emp. at Union House, Railroad.
CHAPMAN CHARLES P., (Lyndonville) engineer on Pass. R. R., h Broadway.
Charland Alexander, (Lyndonville) carpenter and painter, Pass. R. R., h East.
Charland Henry, (Lyndonville) teamster, h East.
CHASE CHARLES M., r 50, editor and publisher of The Vermont Union, justice of the peace, vice-president of National Bank of Lyndon.
Chase Charles P., (Lyndonville) office r 65 n 59. (Hall & Chase) h Depot.
Chase Everett B , book-keeper National Bank of Lyndon, bds Chapel.
Chase Henry, r 25 cor 50, 17 grade Jersey cattle, 155 grade sheep, prop- Henry Clay stallion "Mingo," farmer 225, and in St. Johnsbury 50.
CHASE OREN G., (Lyndonville) engineer on Pass. R. R., h 10 Center.
Cheeney Alice Miss, r 65, school teacher.
CHENEY BYRON O., (Lyndon Center) postmaster, general merchant, h Central, served in Co. A, 1st N. H. Cav.
Cheeley Joseph, (Lyndonville) r 37, farmer 100.
Chesley Oscar B., (Lyndonville) r 37, 50 sheep, 500 sugar trees, farmer 100.
Child Willard H., (Lyndonville) freight agent Conn. & Pass. R. R., h Main.
Clark James G., (Lyndonville) emp Pass. R. R., h Raymond.
Clark Lewis W., (Lyndonvllle) emp. Pass. R. R., h Twombly's block.
CLARK SARAH, r 63, widow of Eben, resident, aged 68 years, owns 8 acres.
Cleveland Elmore E., (Lyndonville) emp. Pass. R. R., captain of the steamer " Lady of the Lake," h Main.
Clement Amanda J., r 41, widow of John A., Jr., dressmaker and nurse, h and 23 acres.
Clement David M., r 65, farmer 12.
Clement John A., stone mason, h and lot.
Clifford Everett L., (Lyndonville) r 9, 20 cows, 1,500 sugar trees, farmer 173.
Clifford Luther, (Lyndonville) r 9, retired farmer.
Cobleigh Eber W., (Lyndonville) r 27, 1 Morgan stallion, 300 sugar trees, farmer 29.
Colby Harry E., (Lyndonville) fireman for Pass. R. R., bds Webb's Hotel.
Cole E. E., (Lyndon Center) helper in roundhouse Pass. R. R., h Central.
COLEMAN CORNELIUS, off I 65, farmer 36.
Coleman Daniel, r 65, laborer.
Colley Charles, r 52, carriage painter, h and lot.
COLLINS PETER, r 44, farmer 50.
Collison Silas G., (Lyndon Center) r 23, farmer 40, served in Co. D, 4th Vt. Vols.
COLTON CLARA, r 50, widow of Simon, resident 65 years, farmer 16.
Comean Joseph, (Lyndonville) machinist Pass. R. R., h East.
Comstock E. W., (Lyndonville) machinist Pass. R. R. shop, h Central.
Copeland J. Wesley, (Lyndonville) allo. physician and surgeon, h 8 Main.
Corcoran Cornelius, (Lyndonville) freight brakeman Pass. R. R., bds.
Corliss Elvn, (Lyndonville) school teacher, h 14 Main.
Corliss Windsor A., (Lyndonville) merchant, h Main.
Corlisse Narcisse, r 57, 1,000 sugar trees, farmer I 22.
COUCHER JOHN, (Lyndonville) r 22, 15 head cattle, 12 sheep, farmer 138.
Coucher George, (Lyndonville) carpenter and bridge builder, h Williams.
Coucher Mary, (Lyndonville) widow of John, h East.
Counter George, (Lyndonville) fireman Passumpsic R. R.
Crafts George W., r 50, emp. of Lyndon Carriage Co.
Crawford James, (Lyndon Center) off r 16, farm laborer.
Crofton James, (Lyndonville) emp. Passumpsic R. R., h and lot.
Crowley Jerry J., (Lyndonville) machinist Passumpsic R. R. shop.
Cunningham Azelia H. Mrs., (Lyndonville) dressmaker.
Cunningham Ira W., (Lyndonville) produce and lumber dealer, h 5 Church.
Cunningham John T., (Lyndonville) r 11, farmer with his father.
CUMMINGTON JOHN T. G., (Lyndonville) r 11, 12 grade Jersey and Devon cattle, Chester white and Berkshire swine, 1,500 sugar trees, farmer 140
Currier David O., (Lyndon Center) harnessmaker, h Center cor Central.
Curtis Morrell H., (Lyndonville) mechanic, h Elm and Center.
Dailey Frank, r 65, laborer.
Damien A. J., (Lyndonville) tel. op., bds. Union House.
Darling Benjamin B., (Lyndon Center) r 26, farmer for Mrs. C. Smith.
Darling Henry M., (Lyndonville) clerk in supt.'s oflice Passumpsic R. K., bds C. C. Miller's.
DARLING NANCY J. MRS., (Lyndon Center) r 26, resident.
Davenport Foster L., (Lyndonville) h 18 Main.
Davenport James G , (Lyndonvi!le) fireman on Pass. R. R., h 23 Main.
Davis Abram, r 42, farm laborer.
Davis Fred H., (Lyndonville) r 23, 7 grade Jersey and Devon cattle, Farmer 35
Davis Julia S. Mrs., (Lyndonville) r 23, dressmaker.
Davis Leander, (Lyndonville) painter, h 7 Main.
Dawes Eugene, (Lyndonville) emp. Pass. R R., bds Church.
Day Albert H., (Lyndon Center) clerk for B. 0. Cheney.
Defount John, (Lyndonville) emp. Pass. R. R., h East.
Dennison Charles O, (Lyndonville) engineer Pass. R. R., h 57 Main.
Dennison Octave, (Lyndonville) emp. Pass. R. R , bds with H. Bedard.
DENSMORE WILLIAM A, (Lyndonville) cashier and paymaster P&s. R. R., h Williams Served as town clerk of Sutton eleven years, and representative from Lyndon 1884-5.
Deos Charles, r 45, laborer, h and lot.
DEOS CYRUS B., farmer for F. Locklin 52.
Duos Orlando, (Lyndon Center) r 5, farmer 100.
DICKERMAN EZRA E., (E. Burke) r 28, sawyer in the Lincoln mill.
Dickerman Henry C., r 51, laborer.
Dickerman John, emp. in pulp-mill, owns farm.
Dickerman Lewis R , emp. pulp mill.
Dickerman William C., (Lyndonville) r 14, emp. Pass. R. R., owns 50 acres.
Dodge Clarence B., (Lyndonville) clerk in furniture store, h Main cor Park.
Dodge Electa M., widow of Joseph, bds Chapel.
Dodge George, (Lyndonville) retired clothier, h Main.
DODGE GEORGE E., (Lyndonville) dealer in and manuf. of furniture, coffins and caskets, mattresses. and upholstery, Church, h 12 Main.
Donaldson Sylvester, (Lyndon Center) pastor M. E. church.
DOW FRANCIS, (Lyndonville) retired blacksmith, book canvasser, h 42 Main, served in the war as R. R. quartermaster blacksmith dept.
DOW DRUSILLA, r 50, widow of Galnsha, resident, aged 63.
Dowlan William, r 54. farmer 12, served in Co. E, 11th Vt. Vols.
Downing Than H., r 65, sawyer in Hall & Chase saw-mill.
Draper Jason T., (Lyndon Center) teacher in Lyndon institute.
DOWN FRANKLIN, (Lyndonville) emp. Pass. R. R , and laborer.
Dresser George T., (Lyndon Center) horse shoeing and jobbing, h Center.
Drown James, r 43, Blacksmith, farm 20
Duff Andrew, (E. Burke) r 31, laborer.
Duff St. John, (E. Burke) 31, works in saw-mill.
Dubigg David, r 49, farmer 10.
Dunae Frank X., wood planer, h Church.
DUNTON JOHN. (Lyndonville) retired farmer 40 acres on r 8, h 31 Main.
Dunton Silas E., (Lyndon Center) r 6, 16 headgraded Devon cattle, 1,000 sugar trees, farmer 110.
Dutton Solon S., harnessmaker, trimmer for Lyndon Carriage Co.
EASTERBROOKS L, SHERIDAN, (Lyndon Center) r 8, 20 grade Devon, Jersey and Durham cattle, 1,500 sugar trees, farmer 50.
Easterbrooks Willard, (Lyndon Center) r 8, farmer 158.
Eastman Alanson, (Lyndon Center) farmer, h Central.
Eastman David, (Lyndon Center) retired farmer, h Water, owns 272 acres on r 1.
Eastman Hiram, (Lyndon Center) retired, bds with David.
Eastman Josiah W., (Lyndon Center) r 17, 20 head cattle, farmer 75.
Eastman Silas, (Lyndon Center) r 5. butter tub rnanuf., farmer 25.
Eastman Stephen, (Lyndonville) (Eastman & Wakefield) engineer on Pass. R. R., bds. Main.
Eastman & Wakefield, (Lyndonville) (Stephen E. and Harry V. W.) groceries, provisions and canned goods, etc.
Eaton Frank, (Lyndonville) engineer Pass. R. R., h Main.
Eaton Julius C., (J, C. Eaton & Co.)
Eaton Julius C. & Co., r 52, (J. C. E. and H. W. Lyster) hardware, and manuf. of tinware.
Edgerton Levi F , conductor on mail train Pass. R. R., h 24 Main.
EGGLESTON IRA D., (E. Burke) r 32, 3 cows, 1 brood mare, Kosebury and Morgan, 1 mare, Niagara and Morgan, 1 stallion, Toronto Chief and Morgan, 500 sugar trees, farmer 50.
Eggleston William A., r 63. prop. saw-mill.
EVANS ALBERT T., (Lyndonville) r 28, 6 registered Shorthorn Durham cows, 25 grade Darbam and Jersey cattle, 25 grade Leicestershire sheep, 2 Clyde and Morgan brood mares, 11 Yorkshire swine, 900 sugar trees, farmer 300.
Everett Moses P.. r 50, laborer.
Farr Albert W., (Lyndonville) job printer, Depot cor Elm.
Farley Luke, (Lyndon Center) r 16, farmer 10.
Farley Oscar, (Lyndon Center) r 16. farmer, with Luke.
Fisher Charles D., r 63, 15 cattle, 12 Sheep, 500 sugar trees, farmer 100.
Fisher Daniel W., (Lyndon Center) off r 16, 700 sugar trees, farmer 150.
Fisher Edwin, (Lyndon Center) manuf. butter tubs, h Central.
FISHER FRANCIS B., (E. Burke) r 33, farmer, owns h and lot.
Fisher George. r 65, carpenter.
Fisher John J., r 65, blacksmith and farmer 35.
Fisher Phineas S., (Lyndonville) r 25, farmer 50.
Flanders Francis F., (Lyndonville) engineer Pass. R. R., h Main.
Fletcher Alanson S. J., (Lyndon Center) r 3, farmer 140.
FLETCHER JOSEPH A., (Lyndonville) r 39, 16 grade Durham and Jersey cattle, 50 sheep, 500 sugar trees, farmer. leases of Ruth Fletcher 200, owns 18.
Fletcher Ruth R., (Lyndonville) r 39, widow Joseph, owns farm 200, aged 79.
Fletcher Welcome J., (Lyndon Center) r 2, 11 sheep, 300 sugar trees, farmer 50
Folsom Austin S., (Wheelock) r 4, 16 cows, 1,000 sugar trees, farmer 200.
Folsom Charles, (Lyndonville) r 26, 20 cows, 500 sugar trees, farmer
FOLSOM HARLEY E., (Lyndonville) r 26, sup't Pass. R. R., treas. International Company, Newport, Vt. and treas. Newport & Richford R. R. Co.
Ford Willis H., (Lyndonville) clerk, accountant's office, Pass. R. R., h Broadway.
Fowler Orange, (Lyndonville) section foreman Pass. R. R., h South.
Freeman Herbert, (Lyndonville) emp. Pass. R. R., bds 23 Main.
Frost Alden J., (Lyndonville) r 14, carpenter and farmer, served in the rebel army.
Frost Daniel S., r 19 1/2, 350 sugar trees, farmer 65.
Frost Ellen A., (Lyndonville) r 14. (Mrs. A. J.) farm 74.
Frost Sadie A., r 19 1/2, school teacher.
FRYE HENRY H., r 52, butcher, dealer in fresh meat.
Gage Eddie E., r 61. farmer.
Gage Henry, (Lyndonville) r 27, farmer 47.
GAGE RICHARD, (E. Burke) r 29, 21 grade Jersey cattle, 2 full blood Jersey cows, 25 sheep, 800 sugar trees, and farmer 125.
Gage William C., (Lyndonville) clerk, freight office Pass. R. R., h 33 Main.
Gates Curtis G. M., r 65, miller for G. P. lde & Co.
GATES GEORGE W., (Lyndonville) carpenter and house painter, served in Co. E, zd Regt. U. S. S. S. and Co. H, 1st Vt. Cav., h Main cor Depot.
Caudette David, (Lyndonville) blacksmith Pass. R. R. shop.
Gaudette Peter, (Lyndonville) fireman stationary engine, Pass. R. R., h East,
Gilbert Frank R., r 45 cor 46, 10 cattle, 500 sugar trees, farmer 165,
Gilbert William, r 52, laborer.
GILMAN EVA A. Miss., (Lyndonville) milliner and dealer in millinery goods, Depot, h do.
Gilman Olive A., (Lyndonville) widow of Christopher M., resident, Depot.
GILSON ALVAH D., (E. Burke) r 29, farmer, with his father, Daniel B.
Gilson Daniel B., (E. Burke) r 29, 11 cattle, 25 sheep, 450 sugar trees, farmer 117
Gilson George A., (E. Burke) r 29, farmer with his father.
Gilson Myron H., (E. Burke) r 29, 10 cattle, 20 sheep, 450 sugar trees, farmer, leases of his father, David, 135.
Glass Nicholas, r 50, granite cutter, bds on r 49.
Gleason Albert C., r 41, tinsmith.
GLEASON JOSEPH T.. (Lyndonville) lawyer, master in chancery and notary public, oflice Depot, served 11 months in Co. E, 15th Vt. Vols., h Main.
GOODELL ANDREW J., r 50, house painter and carpenter.
GOODELL DAN Dea., (Lyndonville) retired farmer, h 3 Depot cor Williams.
Gordon Frank T., (Lyndonville) trainman Pass. R. R., h Main.
GOSS MARTHA H., r 41, widow of Philip, resident, aged 85 years.
GOSS SAMUEL E., (Lyndonville) engineer Pass. R. R., h Church, served in Co. F, 5th N. H. Regt., 3 years.
Goss Willinm D., (E. Burke,) r 13, 15 grade Devon cattle, 30 grade Cotswold and Merino sheep, farmer 160.
Granger Elizabeth P., r 52, widow of Nelson M., resident.
Granger Gertrude G. Miss, r 52, school teacher.
GRANT CLARIDUS A.: r 66, house painter, bds with father, J. W.
GRANT JOHN W., r 66, house paihter and farmer 42, served in Co. A, 1st Vt. Art. 11th Volunteers.
GRANT ULYSSES S., 1 66, house painter.
GRAVES ABIGAIL R., (Lyndonville) r 36, widow of Lorenzo Dow Graves, 13 cattle, 30 sheep, 1,800 sugar trees, farmer 200.
Graves Clarissa, (Lyndonville) r 37, widow of Lorin, resident, aged 79 years.
Graves Edward C., (Lyndonville) r 36, farmer with his mother.
GRAVES EMERSON H., (Lyndonville) r 39, farmer, with his father 9.
GRAVES ERASTUS, (Lyndonviile) r 39, retired farmer.
Graves Horace, (Lyndonville) off r 28, farmer 50, bds at Webb's Hotel.
Graves Hubbard, (Lyndonville) resident with Mrs. W. H. Willmarth.
GRAVES ORISON. (Lyndonville) r 39. apiarist, live stock breeder and dealer, 15 grade Durham cattle, 30 sheep, 1 brood mare, Chester white hogs, 500 sugar trees, farmer 110.
Graves Philo B., (Lyndonvllle) r 39, live stock breeder and dealer, 25 grade Devon and Durham cattle, 100 sheep, 2,000 sugar trees, farmer 271.
Graves William H., (Lyndonville) r 36, engineer on Pass. R. R., bds Main.
Gray Ai, (Lyndonville) r 49, marble cutter.
GRAY HENRY A., blacksmith and horse shoer, Lyndon road.
GRAY LORENZO W.. r 50, teamster, owns h and lot.
Gray Mary A., widow of Laban M. M.., resident, aged 63.
Green Harley A., (Lyndon Center) r 11, 12 head of cattle, 1,500 sugar trees, farmer 110.
GREEN HENRY L.. r 50, carpenter and joiner, owns shop and lot.
Green Horace C., r 49, farmer with his father.
Green Lucia S., r 50, widow of H. F., farmer 8.
Green Oscar H., emp. in pulp mill, bds at boarding house.
GREEN WILLIAM, r 49, 5 head of cattle, 700 sugar trees, farmer 68.
Greenwood Joseph, (Lyndonville) fireman on Pass. R. R., h 54 Main.
Greenwood William, (Lyndonville) emp. Pass. R. R., h East.
Guild Horace E.. r 49, carriage maker and farmer 50.
Guild Willis L., r 50, blacksmith for Lyndon Carriage Co.
Hadley Jethro G.. r 50, contractor and builder, carpenter and wheelwright.
HADLEY WALTER E, stationery engineer, bds Lyndon road.
Hall Amelia H., r 65, (Hall & Chase) widow of Dudley P.
Hall Iphus H., (Lyndon Center) supt. Wilder & Co.'s pulp mill, live stock breeder and dealer. 25 cattle. 4 Aberdeen Polled Angus thoroughbred registered cows. 6 thoroughbred Jerseys, two Henry Clay stallions, farmer 200, h Central.
Hall & Chase, (Lyndonville) r 65, (D. P. Hall's estate and Charles P. Chase) props. of saw mill and dealers in lumber.
HAMBLET GEORGE A., (Lyndonville) (Hamblet & Severance) h Main cor Center.
HAMBLET & SEVERANCE, (Lyndonville) (Geo. A. Hamblet and Geo. I. Severance) grocer, dealers in crockery and glassware, Twombly's block.
Hardy Mary, (E. Burke) r 13, widow of Dea. H.
Harlow Arthur, (Lyndonville) emp. Pass. R. R., h Church.
Harris Amasa O., (Lyndon Center) r 42, justice of the peace, 15 grade Durham cattle, 87 sheep, 1,000 sugar trees, 53 Chester white swine, and farmer 200
HARRIS LUTHER B , (Lyndon Center) r 23, pres. of Lyndonville National Bank, 75 registered Hereford and Devon cattle, 40 full blood Shropshire sheep, 5,000 sugar trees, farmer 600, served in Co. G, 4th Vt. Vols.
HARTMAN EDWIN H., r 65, lawyer, 25 grade cattle, 2 Morgan brood mares, breeding standard stock, 1,000 sugar trees, farmer 400.
Hartman Philemon G., r 41, wagon repairer, owns h and lot.
Harvey Frederick W., (Lyndonville) r 36. farmer, with his mother, Rebecca.
Harvey Rebecca, (Lyndonville) r 36, widow of William, farm 75.
Harvey Sarah, (Lyndonville) widow of Cyrus, resident, aged 67, h Broadway.
Hawkins Charles H , (Lyndonville) engineer on Pass. R. R., h Church.
Hawkins Hannah; (Lyndon Center) widow of Lewis, resident, h Central.
Hayes Oren E., emp. Pass. R. R , h 14 Main.
Hazel Thomas, (Lyndonville) emp Pass. R. R., h 50 Main.
Heath Albert E., (Lyndonvllle) r 10 cor 11, farmer with his father, W. W.
HEATH WILDER W., (Lyndonville) r 10 cor 11, selectman, 10 head of cattle, 25 sheep, 2,000 sugar trees, farmer 243.
Herring Fred W., (Lyndonville) engineer on Pass. R. R., bds Main.
HICKS ABRAM H., (Lyndonville) machinist for Pass. R. R., h Raymond cor Williams.
Hidden Jackson, r 50 cor 52, general merchant, owns h, lot and store.
Hidden Reginald L., r 52, clerk for his father, Jackson.
Hill Abiah, r 50, widow of Charles, resident, owns h, lot and one store.
Hill Eugene C., (Lyndonville) machinist Pass. R. R. shop, bds Main.
Hill Curtis R., (Lyndonville) carpenter Pass. R. R. shop, h 53 Main.
Hill James F.. r 59, farmer 125.
Hill Mnlinda S, (Lyndonville) r 59, widow of Daniel, aqed 76.
Hill Marietta 1,. Mrs., (Lyndonville) resident, h Williams.
Hedge Edgar C., (Lyndonvillr) boiler maker Pass. R. R., bds Webb's Hotel.
Hodge Jedediah W., r 41, laborer.
Hodgdon Calvin, W., r 59, farmer, leases of S. S. Thompson 100.
Hoffman Charles W., (Lyndon Center) farmer with William.
HOFFMAN EDWIN H., attorney at law, insurance agent and farmer, h Cahoon's Falls.
Hoffman Horace S., (Lyndon Center) r 17 cor 23, farm laborer.
Hoffman William, (Lyndon Center) r 3, 9 cattle, 800 sugar trees, farmer 110.
Holcomb Ellsworth, (Lyndonvllle) emp. Pass. R. K., bds Church.
Hollis Addie V. Miss, (Lyntlon Center) r 8, dressmaker, owns h and 13 acres.
Holmes Melissa M., r 50, resident, widow of Joseph.
Holtham Edward A., (Lyndonville) emp. on Conn. River & Pass. R. R., h Center.
Holtham Samuel E., (Lyndonville) conductor Pass. R. R., h Raymond.
Holton Henry H., emp. Pass. R. R.
Hopkins Betsey H., r 55, widow Jerry D., 1,200 sugar trees, estate 120 acres.
Hopkins Charles, (Lyndonville) (Hopkins, Thompson & Co ) h 51 Main.
HOPKINS EUGENE B., r 55, farrner with his mother.
Hopkins George, (Lyndollville) emp. butter tub shop, h 51 Main.
Hopkins, Thompson & Co., (C. H. H. and H. S. T.) Lyndonville Butter tub Mfg. Co., Main.
Hopkinson Richard O., (Lyndonville) machinist Pass. R. R., bds. Depot.
Hopkinson William, (Lyndonville) foreman of round house Pass. R. R., h Depot.
Horner David C., (Lyndonville) machinist Pass. R. R shop, bds. Main.
Hosmer Edwin N., r 51, blacksmith for D. M. Troll, owns h and 3 acres.
Hosmer Ella M., r 41, widow of Charles E , resident, dressmaker.
Hosmer Lewis, r 5 I, emp. in pulp-mill.
Hosmer William 'M., r 51, laborer, owns h and lot.
Houghton Achsa E., r 64, school teacher.
Houghton Amanda M., (Lyndonville) widow of Stephen, bds at S. M. Hoyt's, Railroad st.
HOUGHTON AUSTIN W., (Lyndonville) trustee of village, retired farmer, h 10 Main.
Houghton Betsey A. Miss, r 50 school teacher, bds with Eloise A.
Houghton Eloise A, r 50, widow of Abraham, resident, aged 73.
Houghton George M., (Lyndonville) clerk in R. K. office, h Main.
Houghton Luville E., emp. and inspector in button factory at Easthampton, Mass.
Houghton Mary, r 67, widovv of Henry, 9 cattle, 15 sheep, 300 sugar trees, farmer 100.
HOUGHTON SILAS H., r 42, veterinary surgeon, 12 cattle, 30 sheep, farmer 125.
Houghton Wallace W., r 64, farmer with W. P.
HOUGHTON WILLIAM P., r 64, 3d selectman, 15 grade Jersey cattle, 25 sheep, 750 sugar trees, farmer 175.
Hovey Hosea E., teamster, h Center.
HOVEY JOSEPH, teamster, h Center.
HOWE LEROY S., (Lyndonville) engineer on Pass. R. R., h Main.
Howe Olivia Miss, r 50, compositor at UNION office, bds at Mrs. Abijah Hill's.
Howe Will, (Lyndonville) machinist Pass. R. R. shop, bds Elm.
Howe Worcester C., (Lyndonville) (W. C. H. & Co.) h Elm.
Howe W. C. & Co., (Lyndonville) harnessmakers, Elm.
Howland Abner F., (E. Burke) r 13, 26 grade Devon and Durham cattle, 3,500 sugar trees, farmer 385.
Howland Eber, (E. Burke) r 13, farmer 12.
Hoye John, emp. C. R. R, h East.
HOYE PATRICK D., (Lyndonville) engineer on Pass. R. R., h East.
Hoyt Ada R., Miss, r 44, school teacher.
Hoyt Benard, r 19 1/2, 12 head grade cattle, 30 sheep, 800 sugar trees, farmer 185
HOYT CHARLES L., r 42, 11 head grade Durham cattle, 7 sheep, 900 sugar trees, carpenter and farmer 62.
Hoyt Charles R., (Lyndon Center) r 1, cor 53, 24 head cattle, farmer 90.
Hoyt Charles R., r 44, farmer with his mother, Hannah M.
Hoyt Edson H., r 44, 30 grade cattle, farmer 200.
Hoyt Ephraim A., r 65. laborer.
Hoyt Francis A., r 44, farmer with his mother, Hannah M.
HOYT HANNAH M., r 44, widow of Andrew, 15 grade Durham and Jersey cattle, 8 sheep, 650 sugar trees farmer 110.
HOYT JOE, r 42. farmer with his father, Charles L.
Hoyt Kate, r 194, school teacher.
HOYT MATlLDA, (Lvndonville) widow John M., resident, aged 70, h Main cor South.
Hoyt Riverivus S., r 46, 8 cattle, farmer 160.
Hoyt Stephen M., (Lyndonville) retired farmer, h Depot.
HOYT WILLIAM H., (Lyndonville) r 17, retired merchant, bds Webb's Hotel.
Hubbard Addie E. Mrs., r 51, school teacher.
Hubbard Charles D., (Lyndon Center) r 5, 30 grade Hereford and Durham cattle, 40 sheep, 20 Chester white hogs, 2 brood mares, farmer 125.
Hubbard Charles K., (Lyndon Center) manuf. of sash, doors and blinds, h Central.
Hubbard G. Frank, r 50, blacksmith.
HUBBARD JAMES, (Lyndonville) stone mason, h Main.
Hubbard Loraine, r 41, widow of Richard, resident.
HUBBARD LORENZO W., r 50, allo. physician and surgeon, served in Co. M. 1st Vt. Heavy Artillery.
Hubbard Wallace N.. r 51, foreman in Wilder & Co.'s pulp mill, h and 4 acres.
Hudson Charles W., (Lyndonville) r 11, farmer 50.
HULBERT CALVIN B , (Lyndonville) pastor Con;. church, h Depot.
Hulbert Homer B., (Lyndonville) theological student, h Depot.
Hume Alexander, (Lyndonville) emp. Pass. R. R., h Center.
Hume Susan, (Lyndonville) widow of Alexander, h Center.
Hughes William, r 51, emp in pulp mill.
Hunt Charles W., r 52, printer for Vermont Union.
HUNTER CHARLES M., (E. Burke) r 30, 18 grade Jersey and Devon cattle, 20 sheep, 600 sugar trees, farmer 164. (Moved to Barnet, firm of Hunter & Jenkins.)
Hunter Harrison W., (Lyndonville) brick and stone mason, h Center.
Hunter Jesse A., (E. Burke) r 31, blacksmith.
HUNTER JONATHAN A., (E. Burke) r 31, justice of the peace, 20 grade Durham and Devon cattle, 25 sheep, 6 Chester white swine, 1,500 sugar trees, and farmer 180.
Hutchinson Fred, (Lvndonville) laborer.
Hutchinson Horace E., (Lyndonville) r 35, carries on town farm.
Hutchinson Irving B., (Lyndonville) engineer on Pass. R. R., h Williams.
Hutchinson Stillman P., r 65 cor 66, invalid.
HUTCHINSON TITUS R., r 65 cor 66, farmer 8.
Ide George, (Lyndonville) r 57, (G. P. Ide & Co.) grist-mill and farmer 1,500.
Ide George P., (Lyndonville) r 57, (G. P. Ide & Co.) grist-mill on r 65.
IDE JUDSON C., r 50, agent for Vermont Union. (Removed from town.)
Ide G. P. & Co., (George P. and George Ide) r 57, props. grist-mill.
Ingalls Alonzo L., (Lyndonville) r 25, (C. Ingalls & Son.)
Ingalls Charles H., (Lyndonville) r 25, (C. Ingalls & Son) served in Co. M, 11th Vt. Heavy Artillery.
Ingalls Charles & Son, r 25, (Charles and Alonzo L.) 32 head grade Jersey cattle, dealers in grain, feed and phosphate, and farmers 113.
INGALLS HOLLIS, r 25, farmer 30, and in Sheffield 40.
Ingerson Hezekiah. (Lyndon Center) off r 16, live stock breeder and dealer, 20 head cattle, and farmer 190.
Ingerson Luttier, (Lyndon Center) r 8, 15 grade Durham cattle, 800 sugar trees.
Ingraham George W., (Lynclon Center) r 17, farmer 30.
James John F.. (Lyndonville) r 38, farmer 50.
Jeffers William S., (Lyndonville) clerk master mechanic's office, Pass. R. R., h 43 Main.
JENKINS ALBERT H., (E. Burke) r 63, (Hunter & Jenkins, of Barnet,) 12 grade Jersey cattle, 10 sheep, 2 Morgan brood mares, 200 sugar trees, farmer 200, served in Co. G, 3d Vt. Vols. 3 years.
Jenkins David R., r 50, farmer, owns h and lot.
Jenks Esther, r 63, widow of John S., aged 85.
Jenness Richard, (Lyndonville) teamster and farmer, h Main.
JONES ALBINUS S., r 50, marble and granite manuf. and dealer, h and lot.
Jones Francis, (Lyndon Center) r 25, resident with lngalls Bros.
Jones Jacob C., (Lyndonville) bridge master of Pass. R. R., h East.
Jones William H., (Lyndonville) trainman Pass. R. R.
Keach Selam L., (Lyndonville) r 33, laborer.
KEDNEY ARTHUR E., r 41, carpenter.
Kedney Olive B. Mrs., r 41, house-keeper for W. C. Wing.
Kedney Olive W., r 41, widow of Edvin B.. resident.
Kelley Beauman A., (E. Burke) cor r 32 and 33, farmer with his father 43,
Kelley William L., (E. Burke) cor r 32 and 33, farmer with his son 43, aged 85.
Kelly George William, r 50, pastor First Congregational church, bds Lyndon House.
KENT LUCIUS M., r 50, blacksmith, owns shop, served in Co. G, 10th Vt. Vols.
KENYON WILLIAM H., (Lyndonville) clothier and merchant tailor, h 10 Main.
KIDDER JOSEPH E , (Lyndonville) tinsmith, h Elm.
KILBY MZLLETEAH H., (Lyndonville) r 60, widow of Thomas, resident, aged 80.
Kilby T. Henry, (Lyndonville) r 60, highway surveyor, 20 head cattle, 1,000 sugar trees, farmer 197.
Kittredge Benjamin J., cooper, h and lot.
Kittredge George F., laborer.
KITTREDGE GEORGE H., (E. Burke) r 33, 10 head cattle, 9 sheep, 400 sugar trees, farmer 111.
Kittredge Romeo H.
Knapp Amasa, r 63, farmer 40, h and lot.
Knapp Emeline Latham, r 50, widow of Ward, resident, aged 75.
KNAPP MARY L. Miss, r 50, school teacher, farm 100 acres on r 59, owns h and lot
KNIGHT GEORGE W., car builder for Pass. R. R., h 3 Raymond
Ladd Edwin L., (Lyndonville) r 14, emp. Pass. R. R.
LADD GEORGE J., (Lyndonville) off r 11, 15 cattle, 6 sheep, 300 sugar trees, farmer 115.
LADD JOSEPHINE Mrs., (Lyndonville) r 14, farm 40.
Laducer Bion H., r 65, laborer in saw-mill.
Laducer Clara W., r 65, widow of Michael, farmer 46.
Lamere Daniel A., laborer, emp. tinshop.
Lamere John, (Lyndonville) emp. C. R. R., h South.
Lamere John J., (Lyndonville) brakeman on C. R. R., h South.
Leach E. Leonard, (Lyndonville) laborer, h Broadway.
Leach Milo L., r 50, laborer.
Le Bourveau Charles S., (Lyndonville) millwright and machinist, h TwombIy's block.
Le Bourveau John M., (Lyndonville) tel. op. Pass, R. R office, bds hotel.
Leclaire Irwin, emp. of Pass. R. R.. h East.
LEGACY JESSE J., (E. Burke) r 28, emp. in B. T. Lincoln's saw-mill.
Legendre Everett A., (Lyndonville) barber, h Depot cor Main.
Leighton George W., (Lyndonville) emp. Pass. R. R., bds Webb's Hotel.
Lemear Joseph, r 41, blacksmith and farmer, h and lot.
Lemear Joseph H., r 25, butcher and farmer.
Lapointe Joseph, (Lyndonville) blacksmith Pass. R. R. shop, h East.
LINCOLN BENJAMIN F., (Lyndonville) (Wilson & Co.) h r 39.
Little Charles A., (Lyndonville) conductor Pass. R. R., h 27 Main.
Locke Charles H , r 63, 20 grade Jersey cattle, 250 sugar trees, farmer 120.
Locke James, r 65, laborer.
Locke Joseph, r 63, retired farmer.
Locke Romeo, r 65, laborer.
Locklin Dennis E., r 46, farmer with his father.
Locklin Elias B., r 46, 12 grade Devon cattle, farmer 85.
LOCKLIN FRANKLIN I., off r 43, 10 cattle, 10 sheep, 800 sugar trees, and farmer 87.
Locklin Hattie B. Miss, off r 63, emp. in needle manuf''y at Manchester: N. H.
Locklin Horace W., otf r 63, farmer with his father.
LOCKLIN MIRANDA, off r 63, widow of Joshua, resident, aged 93, oldest lady in town.
LOCKLIN WILLIAM K., off r 63, 15 grade Jersey cattle, 42 sheep, 2 brood Morgan mares, 1.000 sugar trees, farmer 257.
LOCKLING JONATHAN P., r 20, 10 cattle, 10 sheep, 600 sugar trees, farmer 148.
LOUGEE JOHN F., (Lvndonville) (Railroad Clothing Company) h Depot.
Lovering Nathan P. Jr., (Lyndonville) general ticket agent Pass. R. R., h South.
Luckcy Leon, r 50, hotel porter at Lyndon House, h Main.
LYNDON CARRIAGE CO., (D. N. Trull and S. S. Mattocks) builders of and dealers in carriages and sleighs.
LYNDON GRANITE CO., r 50, Charles E. Winter, prop,, manuf. of all kinds of marble and granite, h r 49.
LYNDON SAVINGS BANK, (Lyndonville) I. W. Sanborn, pres. ; L. K.. Quimby, vice.pres. ; Ida S. Pearl, treasurer, Fletcher block, Depot.
LYNDONVILLE BAKERY, (Lyndonville) bakery, and dealers in confectionery, fish and oysters, also restaurant, Depot.
LYNDONVILLE NATIONAL BANK, (Lyndonville) I,. B. Harris, pres.; H. M. Pearl, cashier.
Lynn Jonathan, r 42, farmer 25.
Lynn Michael, r 42, 6 cattle, 600 sugar trees, farmer 125.
Lyster Hayden W., r 52, (J. C. Eaton & Co.) bds Chapel.
Manson F. O., (Lyndorlville) apprentice, Pass. R. R. shop.
Marsh Sally, (Lyndon Center) r 8, widow of Henry, resident, aged 72 years.
Martell Homer, (Lyndonville) emp. on Pass. R. R., h Depot.
Mason Stephen C., (Lyndonville) clerk for supt. Pass. R .R., bds 30 Main.
Masten Winfield S., (Lyndonville) express agent, h r 25.
Mathewson Bros., (Lyndon Center) r 2, (Thomas P. and Edson H.) 20 grade Durham and Devon cattle, 28 grade Shropshiredown sheep, farmer 230.
MATHEWSON GEORGE L., (Lyndon Center) r 2, manuf. of steel letter stamps, 20 cattle, 35 full bloud Leicestershire sheep, 3 Chester white hogs, farmer 160.
MATHEWSON PHILIP F., (Lyndonville) retired farmer, h 20 Main.
Mathewson Sarah, (Lyndon Center) widow of Stephen S. P., resident.
Mattocks Samuel B., retired banker, aged 84.
Mattocks Samuel S., r 50, (Lyndon Carriage Co.) h and lot, Chapel.
McCaffrey Thomas, (Lyndonville) r 39, laborer.
McCann John C., (Lyndonville) engineer on Pass. R. R., h 18 Main.
McCann Will, (Lyndonville) fireman Pass. R. R.
McClure John, (Lyndonville) emp. Pass. R. R., h East.
McClure John W., (Lyndonville) emp. Pass. R. R., h Central,
McDonald Norman A., (Lyndonville) blacksmith for Gilmer Quimby.
McDuffee James, (Lyndonville) engineer on Pass. R. R., h 53 Main.
McFarland George, laborer. Central.
McGaffey John, (Lyndon Center) carpenter, h Central.
McGAFFEY STEPHEN R., r 41, deputy sheriff and farmer 50, served in Co. G, 15th Vt. Vols. (Removed to Canaar..)
McGaffey William H., general merchant, h Chapel.
McKahn Kate, (Lyndonville) widow of Michael, h 50 Main.
McKinnon James, (Lyndonville) retired, h Center.
McKOY REBECCA H., r 52, widow of Charles W., resident.
McMullen Anna M. Miss, r 50, dressmaker.
McMullen Eliza J., r 50, widow of Alexander, resident, h and lot.
McVicar George Edward, (Lyndon Center) engineer Pass. R. R., bds with Robert.
McVicar Robert, (Lyndon Center) retired blacksmith, h Central.
McVicar William H., (Lyndon Center) blacksmith, h Central.
Merrill Lang A., (Lyndonville) fireman, bds 43 Main.
Meserve Charles G., r 22, farmer 30.
Meserve George W., r 22, farmer in Wheelock 210.
Meserve Warren C., r 22, 10 cows, 4,000 sugar trees, farmer 210.
Miles Ansel J., (Lyndon Center) r 8, 400 sugar trees, farmer 83.
Miles John N., r 41, carpenter.
Miles Laura J., (Lyndon Center) r 26 cor 14, widow of Ansel, owns h and lot.
Miles Moses, r 41, carpenter.
Miller Charles C., (Lyndonville) farmer 45, h 57 Main.
Miller Emma E , (Lyndon Center) widow of Dr. Frank, resident, h Central.
MILLEK HORACE H., (Lyndon Center) wheelwright, h Central.
Miller Myron C., (Lyndonville) carpenter in car shop Pass. R. R., h Broadway.
Montague Clarence W., (Lyndonville) blacksmith helper Pass. R. R.
Mooney George H., musician. resident with J. B. Winter.
Moore Robert B., (Lyndonville) carpenter Pass. R. R , bds Depot.
Morancy Antoine, (Lyndonville) emp. in butter-tub shop, h Church.
Morancy Aula, (Lyndonville) painter Pass. R. R. car shop, h Depot.
Moreau Thomas, (Lyndonville) farmer for William Pierce, h South.
Morgan Alanson W., (Lyndon Center) r 16, 10 grade Jersey cattle, 400 sugar trees, farmer 134.
Morgan William C., r 63, farmer 25.
Merrill Manning, r 67, laborer.
MORRISON GEORGE G., (Lyndonville) carpenter Pass. R. R. shop, h 23 Main.
Moss Frank, r 50, carpenter.
Moulton Gilman E , r 50, section foreman Pass. R. R.
Mower Charles H., (Lyndonville) engmeer on Pass. R. R., h Main.
Mower Henry C., (Lyndonville) engmeer on Pass. R. R., h Center.
Mower William, (Lyndon Center) r 6, laborer.
P,lurray Napoleon, (Lyndonville) machinist Pass. R. R., h East.
Myatt Peter, (Lyndonville) brakeman on Pass. R. R., h East.
NATIONAL BANK OF LYNDON, D. N. Trull, pres.; C. M. Chase, vice pres.; W. J. Stanton, Jr., cashier, established 1855.
Neagle Mamie Miss, (Lyndonville) school teacher, bds Main cor Depot.
NEWCOMB SILAS D., (Lyndonville) r 37, machinist, 10 full-blood Jersey cattle, 1 brood Blackhawk mare, 500 sugar trees, farmer 120, served in Co. H, 6th Mass. Vols.
Nichols Hiram M., (Lyndon Center) retired, h Central.
Nichols Stephen S., (Lyndonville) retired merchant, h Main.
Nickerson Lueva J., (Lyndonville) peddler, h Elm.
Niles Mary J., (Lyndonville) widow of George W., resident.
Norris Samuel J.. (Lyndonville) fireman Pass. R. R., bds 43 Main.
Norton Carrie, (Lyndonville) widow of John, h East.
Noyes Warren E., r 41, farmer aud painter.
Odiorne Benjamin, laborer, bds with C. W. Hunt.
Orcutt Gilbert, (Lyndon Center) r 25, laborer for C. D. Bigelow.
PAIGE AUSTIN D., (Lyndonville) train dispatcher Pass. R. R., and W.U. telegraph agent, h Center.
Parin Frank, Jr., r 63, laborer.
Parin Franklin, off r 63, farmer, leases of A. Knapp 100.
PARIES DANIEL, keeps Wilder & Co.'s boarding-house and works in pulp mill.
PARK GEORGE M., off r 63, 12 grade Jersey and Devon cattle, 20 sheep, farmer 236.
Park Hiram A., r 5, farmer.
Park Miriam Miss, r 5, resident, 77 years.
PARK STEPHEN L., off r 63, retired farmer.
PARK WILLIAM L., r 5, 20 grade Devon and Ayrshire cattle, 15 sheep, 2,500 sugar trees, farmer 290.
Parker Caleb D., (Lyndonville) r 7, retired farmer, aged 71.
PARKER CARLOS (Lyndonville) retired farmer, h Main.
PARKER EDWIN G., (Lyndon Center) r 8, 9 grade Jersey cattle, 900 sugar trees, farmer 92.
Parker Joseph E., (Lyndonville) teamster, h 9 Main.
Parker Judith L., (Lyndonville) tailoress, h Main.
Parker Nathan L., (Lyndonville) teamster, h 9 Maiu.
Parker Theodore W., (Lyndoniille) r 7, 15 cattle, 500 sugar trees, farmer 108.
Patterson Thomas W., (Lyndonville) r 14, butcher and farmer, leases of R. Leach 80.
Pearl Hiram M., (Lyndonville) cashier Lyndonville National Bank, h Park.
Pearl Ida S., (Lyndonville) treasurer Lyndon Savings Bank, h Park.
Pearl Jeremy, (Lyndonville) selectman, overseer of the poor, h Park.
Perkins Clarinda C., (Lyndonville) widow Seth W., h Center.
Perrigo Harvey G., (Lyndonville) foreman blacksmith shop Pass. C. R., h 54 Main.
Perry Eltheda, r 64, widow of Henry, farmer 30.
Perry Fred, emp. in pulp mill, bds boarding-house.
PETTIGREW ROBERT, (Lyndonville) breeder of horses, farmer 35, and 400 on r 14, residence 2 Park.
Pettigrew Robert, Jr., (Lyndonville) bds Park.
Phillips Charles W., (Lyndon Center) teamster, h Central.
PHILLIPS ENOS M., r 41. live stock dealer and butcher, farmer 45.
PHILLIPS HENRY E., r 50, dealer in carriages, sleighs, harnesses, etc., breeder of Jersey red swine, fancy fowls, farmer 4.
Phillips John, r 41, laborer.
Phillips Leon, (Lyndonville) laborer.
Pierce Elias, (Lyndonville) emp. of Pass. R. R., h East.
Pirrce Francis J., (Lyndonville) machinist Pass R. R, h East cor. Depot.
Pierce Leslie M., (Lyndonville) jeweler, Depot, h do.
Pierce Reuben S., machinist, and lumber dealer, bds Webb's Hotel.
PIERCE WILLIAM. E., r 41, 18 cattle, 33 sheep, 800 sugar trees, farmer 180
Piersons Charles, (Lyndonville) engineer on Pass. R. R., h 20 Main.
Pond E. Frank, (Lyndonville) conductor Pass. R. R., h Main.
Poole William D., (Lyndonville) dealer in boots and shoes, h Depot.
Potter Edwin C., (Lyndonville) machinist, emp. R. R., h Main.
Powers Benjamin F., r 65, chairmaker and farmer 40.
Powers Curtis, H., r 51, foreman in Wilder & Co.'s pulp mill.
Powers Eugene W., (Lyndonville) fireman Pass. R. R., h South.
Powers George W., r 42, farmer 60.
POWERS HENRY G., r 65, carpenter and chairmaker.
Powers John Wesley, (Lyndonville) r 42 farmer.
Powers T. Frank, r 49, laborer.
Powers Washington I., r 23, farm laborer.
Powers William C , r 50, teamster.
PRATT JOSIAH, r 50, carpenter, owns shop, h and lot, served in Co. E, 13th Vt. Vols. (Dead.)
Prescott George M., (Lyndon Center) r 16 n 15, farmer with S. G. 140.
Prescott Loren J., (Lyndon Center) clerk R. R. office.
Prescott Sumner G., (Lyndon Center) r 16, farmer 140.
Proctor John, r 51, farmer 11, oldest man in town, aged 93.
Prowty Margarite. r 41, widow of George A., farmer 12.
Quessy Edmond, (Lyndonville) (Quessy & Smalley) bds Webb's Hotel.
Quessy & Smalley, (Lyndonville) (Edmond Q. and Edmund B. S.) photographers, Nichols block.
Quimby Albert E., freight conductor, Pass. R. R., h Williams.
Quimby Curtis, r 50, blacksmith, owns h and lot, and 5 acres.
Quimby Eli M., (Lyndonville) passenger conductor on Pass. R. R., bds Union House.
Quimby Elmore J., (Lyndon Center) r 17, carpenter, 20 grade Jersey and Durham cattle, 1 Morgan brood mare, and farmer 90.
Quimby Eveline M. Miss, r 50, school teacher.
Quimby Gilmer H., (Lyndonville) r 10, blacksmith and horse-shoer, 200 sugar trees, farmer 140.
QUIMBY HARRIET W., r 53, widow of Aaron W., 6 cows, farmer 75.
Quimby Johnson D., (Lyndon Center) 600 sugar trees, farmer 180, h and lot.
QUIMBY LEONA A. Miss, (Lyndon Center) housekeeper.
QUIMBY LORENZO K.. retired merchant, vice-pres. Lyndon Sav. Bank and director of National Bank of Lyndon, owns h and lot, 1 store, 2 houses and lots, 1,000 sugar trees, farmer 30 on r 52.
Quimby Orville J., (Lyndonville) h Park.
Quimby Wells L., r 58, farmer for Harriet.
Quimby William L., law student, son of L. K.
RAILROAD CLOTHING COMPANY, (Lyndonviile) (F. H. Smith and J. F. Lougee) dealers in fine readey-made clothing, boots, shoes, trunks, bags and gents' furnishing goods, Main, opp Depot.
Rand Alonzo A., r 65, laborer.
Randall Bras.; (Lyndonville) (Frank L. and Charles H.) dealers in drugs, paints and oils, etc., Depot.
Randall Charles H., (Lyndonville) (Randall Bros.) h Broadway.
Randall Edwin D.. (Lyndonville) r 18, farmer with his father, William.
Randall Frank L , (Lyndonville) (Randall Bros.) h Broadway.
Randall George W., (Lyndonville) fireman Pass. R. R., h Elm.
Randall James H., (Lyndonville) h Center.
Randall Job, (Lyndonville) r 18, farmer with his father.
RANDALL JOSEPH W., r 53, farmer with his father, Willard.
Randall Lydia, (Lyndonville) r 28, widow of Charles.
RANDALL WILLARD, r 53, 15 grade Durham cattle, 20 sheep, 2,000 sugar trees, farmer 198.
Randall William, (Lyndonville) r 18, 20 grade Durham cattle, 3 full blood Jersey cows, 2,000 sugar trees, farmer 262.
RANGER WALTER E., A. M., (Lydon Center) principal Lyndon Institute College, preparatory, ladies', classical, scientific and commercial courses, also music, painting, drawing and elocution, h Lyndon.
Rattigan Thomas, (Lyndonville) watchman Pass. R. R. shop.
Rawson Franklin, r 63, 400 sugar trees, farmer 100.
Raymond Gean, (Lyndonville) r 36, stone mason, farmer 15.
Raymond Joseph, (Lyndonville) r 36, invalid.
Raymond Philip, (Lyndonville) r 36, laborer.
Regan John A., (Lyndonville) emp. Pass. R. R., h Church.
RICE RUEZ H., (Lyndon Center) r 3, 25 grade Durham, Devon and Jersey cattle, Chester and Berkshire swine, 3,030 sugar trees, farmer 225.
Richardson Fayette M., (Lyndonville) tinsmith, dealer in hardware, Elm cor Depot, h Elm.
Richardson Wtlliam H., clerk for W. H. McGaffey, bds Chapel.
Ricker Hugh, r 50, laborer.
Riley John, (Lyndonville) carpenter car shop Pass. R. R., h East.
ROBIE ALFRED M , (Lyndonville) stationary engineer, 20 years in machine shop Pass. R. R., h Main.
Robinson Matthew, (Lyndonville) trainman, h Center.
Rockwell Polly, r 50, widow of Homer, resident, aged 83.
Rogers James, r 51, emp. in pulp-mill.
Rosseau Joseph, (Lyndon Center) r 6, farmer 26.
Rudd George, (Lyndonville) laborer, h South.
Ruggles Charles E., (Lyndon Center) r 16, 3 grade Jersey and Durham cattle, 1,500 sugar trees, farmer 255
Ruggles Everett E., (Lyndonville) r 36 cor 38, farmer with his father, N. W.
Ruggles George H., (Lyndonville),r 38 cor 36, farmer with his father.
Ruggles Halsey R., (Lyndon Center) off r 16, farmer 125.
RUGGLES NATHAN W., (Lyndonville), r 36 cor 38, 20 cattle, 30 sheep, 400 sugar trees, farmer 196.
Ruggles Ephraim H.. (London Center) farmer 175, h Central.
Russell David C., (Lyndonville) emp. Pass. R. R.. h East.
Russell Rogers, (Lyndonville) blacksmith helper Pass. R. R , h East.
RUSSELL SAMUET, W., r 61, selectman 4 years, 74 cows, 11 grade Jersey cattle, 150 sugar trees, farmer 159.
Sanborn Austin G., r 25, 7 grade Jersey cattle, farmer 25.
SANBORN JOEL F., r 25: farmer in Wheelock 103.
Sanborn Nancy C., r 25, widow of Charles.
SANBORN ISAAC W., (Lyndonville) town clerk and treasurer, president of Lyndon Savings Bank, owns farm 165, h South.
Sanderson Daniel, r 47, farmer.
Sanderson Richard H., r 47, 500 sugar trees, farmer with his father.
SANGER EZRA S., r 47, farmer with his father.
Sanger Francis W., r 47, 6 cattle, 20 sheep, 500 sugar trees, farmer 156.
SARGENT JOHN C., (Lyndonville) carpenter, contractor and builder, h Main.
Sennotte George, r 50, station agent Pass. R. R.
Severance Chandler A., agent for J. W. Cunningham, produce dealer and farmer in St. Johnsbury 275, h Elm.
SEVERANCE GEORGE I., (Lyndonville) (Hamblet & Severance) bds Church cor. Depot.
Shannon Henry, (Lyndonville) teamster, h East.
Sharp Thomas M., (Lyndonville) conductor, bds Church.
Sherburne Betsey P., (Lyndon Center) widow of Franklin, resident.
Sherley George, (Lyndonville) retired, h Main.
SHIRLEY JOHN, (Lyndonville) machinist for Pass. R. R., served in 3d Vt. Battery, h 38 Mam.
SHONYO LEWIS F., (Lyndonville) prop. of Union House, Railroad street, opposite passenger depot.
Shorey George, (Lyndonville) engineer Pass. R. R.. h 30 Main.
Shortiss Robert, (Lyndonville) boilermaker Pass. R. R.
Shurtleff Henry J., (E. Burke) r 28, laborer in saw-mill for his father.
SHURTLEFF KATHAN H., (E. Burke) r 38, runs saw mill for B. F. Lincoln, and farmer 30, served in Co. B, 9th Vt. Vols.
Sidney Benjamin D., laborer.
Sidney Charles, laborer, h and lot.
Sidney Joel, r 50, laborer.
Sidney William, r 50, carriage painter.
SILSBY DAVID M., (Lyndonville) livery and sale stable, Depot car Main, h Main.
Silsby Frank W., (Lyndonville) auctioneer and dealer in harnesses, h Church.
Silsby William M., (Lyndonville) pass. conductor, h Church.
Simpson Hial, (Lyndonville) laborer.
Simpson James E., r 64, farmer, with E. F. Wilder.
SIMPSON JOHN E., r 61, 30 grade Durham cattle, 600 sugar trees, farmer 238
Simpson Leonard, (Lyndonville) laborer.
Simpson Mabel A. Mrs., off r 64, school teacher.
SLEEPER ALISON P., (Lyndonville) house, sign and carriage painter, paper hanging and graining, h 14 Main.
Smalley Edward B., (Lyndonville) (Quessy & Smalley) bds Webb's Hotel.
SMALLEY GEORGE H., (Lyndonville) special agent for Connecticut General Life Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn., h 33 Main.
Smith Albert A., (Lyndon Center) laborer.
Smith Arthur, (Lyndonville) machinist Pass. R. R shop, h Main cor Depot.
Smith Charles L., (Lyndonville) pattern maker and draughtsman, R. R. shop, bds Union Hotel.
Smith Clara B., (Lyndon Center) r 26, widow of Eli, resident, aged 83 years.
Smith Daniel, (Lyndonville) r 39, farmer 32.
Smith Elmer E., (Lyndonville) house painter, h Depot.
SMITH FRANK H., (Lyndonville) (Railroad Clothing Co.) dealer in carriages, sewing machines, h 22 Main.
Smith Fred D., r 61, 25 grade Durham and Jersey cattle, 400 sugar trees, farmer 130.
Smith George P., (Lyndonville) clothing salesman, h Williams.
Smith Henrv H., (Lyndonville) house and carriage painter, h Twombly's bl'k.
SMITH JOHN A., r 61, retired farmer.
Smith Joseph H., (Lyndonville) carpenter, h Center.
Smith Nellie A., (Lyndonville) r 39, dressmaker.
Smith Royal E., r 52, carpenter.
Smith Sheridan I., (Lyndonville) machinist Pass. R. R., h Elm cor Center.
SOUTHWORTH EDWIN W., (Lyndonville) emp. on Pass. R. R., and farmer in Sutton 150, h 4 Raymond.
Southworth Henry A., (Lyndonville) farmer with his father, h 4 Raymond.
Spalding Adahne W., r 50, widow of Elhanan W., resident, h and lot.
Spencer Frank, r 25, marble cutter.
Spencer Fred, r 25. musician.
Spencer George P., r 25. printer.
SPENCER GRATIS P., r 25, marble manuf., 1,400 apple trees, farmer 35.
Sprague Aola, r 18 cor 19, 10 cattle, 500 sugar trees, farmer 100.
Squires Curtis A., (Lyndonville) baggageman Pass. R. R., h 35 Main.
Stafford Rennie W.. (Lyndonville) porter at Webb's Hotel, Depot.
Stanton Edw. M.. (Lyndonville) engineer Pass. R. R., bds Main.
STANTON WILLIAM J. Jr., cashier of the National Bank of Lyndon, bds Lyndon Hotel.
Staples Carroll W., dentist, with his father, bds Chapel.
STAPLES HENRY G., r 50, dentist, served in Sloan hospital in the late war, office in Nichols block, Lyndonville, h Lvndon village.
Stern Isaac, (Lyndonville) clerk for S. Stern, bds Park.
Stern Salmon, (Lyndonville) dealer in dry goods, ready-made clothing, boots and shoes, and carpets, h Park.
STEVENS CURTIS, r 50, prop. of Lyndon Hotel, Main.
Stevens Emma M.. school teacher, bds Lyndon Hotel, Main.
Stevens Fred E., (Lyndonville) freight conductor on Pass. R. R., h Center.
Stevens Sarah M., school teacher, bds Lyndon Hotel, Main.
STOCKWELL HENRY .4., (Lyndonville) r 28, Teamster, farmer 36, served in Co. C, 1st Vt. Cavalry.
Stockwell Fred, (Lyndonville) r 28, teamster with his father.
Stoddard Frederick W., (Lyndon Center) farmer, h Central.
Stpddard William F., (Lyndon Center) (S. & Campbell) carpenter Pass. R. R. shop, h Central.
STODDARD & CAMPBELL, (Lyndonville) (W. F. S. and E. M. C.) dealers in stove coal.
STONE ALBERT M., (Lyndonville) acting master mechanic for Pass. R. R , h 12 Center.
Stone Dorick, r 65, laborer.
Stone Joseph, r 65, laborer.
Stone Marcie. r 65. laborer.
Stone Solomon, r 65, farmer 12.
Streeter Hiram B., off r 41, teamster, owns h and lot and 15 acres.
Stuart Alexander, r 58, 8 grade Jersey cows and cattle, 200 sugar trees, farmer 75, and in Littleton 50.
Stuart Edna A. Miss, r 58, school teacher.
Stuart Margarite P. Miss, r 58, dressmaker.
Taplin Candice S., (Lyndonville) widow of Caleb, milliner.
Taylor A. F., (Lyndonville) off r 14, farmer.
TAYLOR DANIEL L., (Lyndon Center) r 3, 5 cattle, 500 sugar trees, farmer, leases of I. W. Sanhorn 64.
Taylor John H., (Lyndonville) off r 14, farmer 100
TAYLOR SILAS L., r 63, auctioneer, sewing machine agent, h and lot.
Thayer Fred, (Lyndonville) house painter and paper hanger, h South.
Thompson Frank, (Lyndonville) fireman Pass. R. R., bds. Webb's Hotel.
Thompson Gaius, r 59, farmer, leases of D. Hall's estate 150.
Thompson Herbert S., (Lyndonville) (Hopkins, Thompson & Co.) b 16 Main.
THOMPSON JAMES S., tinsmith, h and lot, served as captain in Co. F, 10th Vt. Vols.
THOMPSON SUMNER S., (Lyndonville) R. R. contractor and director of Pass. R. R., vice-pres. of Montpelier & Wells River R. R., managing director ot Woodstock R. R , pres. ot Lyndon Mill Co., dealer in flour and grain, trustee and member of committee of investment for Lyndon Savings Bank at Lyndonville, h Main.
Thomson Hattie E. Miss, r 50, school teacher, bds. at Dr. Blake's
Tillotson Lester L., r 50, general merchant.
TILLOTSON WILLIE C., (Lyndonville) homeo. physician and surgeon, h cor Elm and Center.
Towne Edward P., emp. in Wilder & Co.'s mill.
TREFREN CEPHAS J., off r 57, 2 cows, 20 sheep, 1 Morgan mare, 500 sugar trees, farmer 59,
TREFREN JAMES, r 52, live stock breeder and dealer, 30 grade Durham, Devon and Hereford cattle, 50, sheep, farmer 500.
Trefren Samuel C., r 49, carpenter and builder, owns h, shop and 2 acres.
TRULL DANIEL N., Dr., r 50, pres. of National Bank of Lyndon, owns 3 houses and lots.
Tucker Henry, (Lyndonville) emp. of Pass. R. R., bds Main cor Depot.
Tute David S., (Lyndonville) tinsmith and farmer 20, h Lyndon road.
Tute George, engine wiper.
TWOMBLY AARON, (Lyndonvillej (Twombly & Sons) dealer in dry goods, ready-made clothing, carpets and trunks, h 8 and 9 Broadway.
Twombly Albert L., (Lyndonville) clerk for Aaron, h Depot.
Twombly Clara R. Mrs., (Lyndonville) milliner, b Depot.
Twombly Fred E., (Lyndonville) clerk for Aaron, h 8 and 9 Broadway.
UNlON HOUSE, (Lyndonville) Lewis F. Shonyo, prop., opp. passenger depot, open for all night trains, livery connected.
VAIL THEODORE N., (Lyndon Center) r 41, 30 Aberdeen Angus Polled cattle, registered, Scotch importation, Speedwell farm, 3 Iceland poneys, 800 sugar trees, farmer 300, and horse stock farm in Washington Co., Vt., 600.
Varney Lewis D., (Lyndonville) r 13, farmer 64.
Vinton Hattie Miss, (Lyndonville) dressmaker, h Elm.
Vinton Perkins A., (Lyndonville) carpenter Pass. R. R., h Elm.
Wakefield Harry V., (Lyndonvllle) (Eastman & Wakefield) h Main.
Wallace James, (Lyndonville) yard-master for Pass. R. R.,, h Center.
Walter Albert H., (Lyndonville) machinist Pass. R. R. shop, h Main.
Ware Edgar J,, (Lyndonville) machinist for Pass. R. R., h Main.
Watchie Joseph L., (Lyndonville) dealer in groceries, confectionery and cigars, Main, h Main cor Depot., owns farm 140.
WATSON HENRY E., (Lyndonville) r 13, 12 cattle, 22 Cotswold sheep, 2 trotting horses, 350 sugar trees, farmer 280.
Watson Susan, (Lyndon Center) r 17, widow of Oliver, resident.
Watson Wallace W., emp in Wilder & Co.'s pulp mill.
Way Philinda, r 61, widow of Martin. resident, aged 84.
Webb Bernice T., (Lyndonville) engineer on Pass. R. R., h Main.
WEBB CHARLES, (Lyndonville) prop. of Webb's Hotel, Depot cor Elm.
WEBB'S HOTEL, (Lyndonville) Charles Webb, prop., livery connected, Depot cor Elm.
Webb Willie N., (Lyndonville) clerk at Webb's Hotel, Depot.
Webber James, (Lyndonville) farm laborer.
Webber James F., r 63, peddler, and farmer 25.
Webster John P., (Lyndonville) retired merchant, h Main.
Weeks Elmira T., r 49, widow ot Samuel, resident, h and lot.
Weeks Clinton B., r 52, clerk for John M. Weeks.
WEEKS GEORGE H. Dea., (Lyndonville) postmaster, general merchant, Depot cor. Church, h do., owns woodland 40.
Weeks John M., r 52, postmaster, general merchant, bds Lyndon House.
Weeks Williatn M., (Lyndonville) clerk for G. H., bds do.
Welch Chauncy L., off r 60, farmer 200.
Welch Jacob C., r 50, livery, feed and sale stable, h Chapel.
Welch John R., (Lyndon Center) r 3: 15 head grade Devon, Durham and Jersey cattle, 800 sugar trees, farmer 86.
Welch William, (Lyndon Center) r 3. retired farmer.
Wells Edwin L., (Lyndonville) emp Pass. R. R., h Elm cor Center.
Wertheim Harris, dealer in ready-made clothing and ladies' dress goods.
Wheeler Fred W., (Lyndonville) blacksmith at St. Jonnsbury, h Elm.
Wheeler George C., (Lyndonville) fireman Pass. R. R., bds Main.
Wheeler George G , (Lyndonville) fireman Pass. R. R., h Elm.
Wheeler Luella, (Lyndonville) widow of Frank, resident. h Elm.
Wheelock Almon E., (Lyndonville) brakeman on Pass. R. R., h Lyndon road.
Whipple Charles A, (Lyndon Center) r 26, 15 grade Jersey cattle, 87 grade Cotswold sheep.
Whipple George A., (Lyndon Center) farmer with his father.
Whipple Harvey M., (Lyndon Center) tinsmith, bds at C. A. Whipple's.
WHITTIER CHARLES, r 52, laborer.
WHITTIER FRED, r 62 cor 63, 15 cattle, 9 sheep, farmer 106.
Wllcomb Clarence D., tel. op., prop. and manuf. of Hoyt's cherry balsam, h Chapel.
Wilcomb Clarence D. Mrs., r 50, milliner.
WILDER ELIAS F., (Lyndonville) off r 64, live stock breeder and dealer. butcher and meat dealer, 25 grade Cotswold sheep, 15 grade Jersey and Durham cattle, 1 Durham bull, 1 full blood Jersey bull, 1 brood Morgan mare, famer 140.
Wilder Katie G. Miss, off r 64, school teacher.
WILKINSON SIDNEY T. & A. JOHN, (Lyndon Center) 20 cattle, 2,000 sugar trees, farmer 217.
Willard Herbert J., (Lyndonville) emp. Pass. R. R., bds Webb's Hotel.
Willard William J., (Lyndonville) general freight agent, h 6 Church cor Park.
Willey David, (Lyndon Center) house painter, h Central.
Willey George E., (Lyndon Center) farmer.
WILLEY JEWETT S., r 47, 15 cattle, 35 sheep, farmer 182.
WILLIAMS ASHLEY, r 55, 6 cattle, 15 sheep, 700 sugar trees, farmer 130.
WILLIAMS HANNAH, r 55, widow of James R., resident, aged 73.
Williams Zebulon J.. stone mason, h and lot.
Williamson John, (E. Burke) r 31, laborer.
WILLIAMSON WILLIAM, r 49, 8 grade Devon and Jersey cattle, 15 sheep, 600 sugar trees, farmer 150.
WILLMARTH CLARA H., r 52. school teacher.
Willmarth Corinne M.. r 49, school teacher, bds with her mother, Hanora.
WILLMARTH ELLA L., r 52, school teacher, owns h and lot.
Willmarth Henry, r 48, farmer with his mother, Nancy W., 100.
WILLMARTH HANOKA, r 49, widow of Marshall K., resident.
Willtnarth Nancy W., r 48, widow of Milton, farmer 100.
Willmarth W. H. Harrison, (Lyndonville) liveryman, served in Co. M, 1st Vt. Heavy Artillery, h South.
Wilmot Ransom R., (Lyndonville) retired farmer, h 5 Maple
Wilmot Ora M., (Lyndonville) engineer on Pass. R. R., h 3 Maple.
Wilmot William B., (Lyndonville) engineer on Pass. R. R , h Maple.
Wilson Calista E. Mrs., (Lyndon Center) dressmaker, h Central.
WILSON HOMER C., (Lyndonville) (Wilson & Co.) bds at B. F. Lincoln's.
Wilson Joseph A., (Lyndon Center) farmer, served in Co. F, 4tb Vt. Vols., h Central.
WILSON SQUIRES J., (Lyndonville) engineer Pass. R. R, h Main.
Wilson Willard (Lyndon Center) carpenter, served in the late war in the United States Navy, h Central.
WILSON WILLARD A., (Lyndonville) freight conductor on Pass. R. R., h Elm cor Center.
Wilson William E., (Lyndon Center) retired harnessmaker, h Central.
Wilson William H., (Lyndonville) auditor and general accountant, Pass. R. R., bds Union House.
WILSON & CO., (Lyndonville) (H. C. W. and B. F. Lincoln) dealers in hardware, stoves and tinware.
WING WILLARD C., r 41, 10 cattle, 25 sheep, farmer 54.
WINSLOW FRED E., r 52, dealer in drugs, medicines, tobacco and cigars, owns store.
WINSLOW JOSIAH D., r 46, laborer.
Winsor Rufus H., r 41, retired.
WINTER CHARLES E., (Lyndon Granite Company) Main, h York.
Winter Daniel S , (Lyndon Center) retired farmer.
Winter John B.
Woodman Peter, retired farmer, aged 90 years, h Water.
Woods Joseph, (Lyndonville) car painter, foreman, h East.
Woodward LaFayette, foremen of car shop, Pass. R. R., h Center,
Wright H. Augustus, (Lyndonville) carpenter, Pass. R. R. shop, h South.
Young Oren D., (E. Burke) r 29, carpenter and joiner, h and 2 1/2 acres.
Young Rufus, r 50, justice of the peace, 9 grade Jersey cattle, owns h and lot at Lyndonville, farmer 28.
Young Rufus E., (Lyndonville) resident, h Depot.
Young William, (Lyndonville) dealer in ladies' and gents' furnishing goods, h Depot.

ab, above; agt, agent; ave or av, avenue; b or bds, boards; bel, below;
bet, between; bldg, building; com, commission; do, ditto; E, east;
ex, express; F V, Fairbanks Village; ins, insurance; h, house; n, near;
N, north; opp, opposite; prop, proprietor; P V, Paddock's Village; r, rear;
RR, railroad; S, south; sq, square; st, street; S, Sommerville;
W, west; MCRR, Maine Central Railroad;

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