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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
Vermont Northeast
Kingdom Genealogy

St. Johnsbury, Vt Genealogy
St. Johnsbury, VT
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Trustees—J. J. Hill, George W. Jenness.
Clerk—George H. Blake.
Collector—J. J. Hill.
Treasurer—J. P. Baldwin.
ALDRICH CHARLES H., molder, employee of John W. Murkland, h off Lincoln ave.
Aldrich Frank L., employee Crystal Lake House, bds do,
Aldrich Guy, laborer, h Water.
Alger Arthur, molder, with Charles Aldrich, h Twombly.
Alger Arthur, molder, h Cross.
Amond John, custom shoemaker, Main, h Lincoln.
ARKLEY JOHN, general blacksmith, machine forger, and manuf. of Arkley's gain twist tapping bitts, horse shoeing a specialty, off Main, h High.
Art Jacob, peddler of dry goods and clothing, h Main.
AVERILL FRED L., painter, employee of C. T. Percival, ornamental and landscape painter, h High.
Ayer Loren C, carriage trimmer for Charles Ufford, bds Park House in East Bank, Vt.
Badger Ezra, invalid, h Prospect.
Baldwin Adelia Miss, teacher in the Grammar school, bds with H. Pierce.
Baldwin Frederick W., attorney at law, master in chancery, State's attorney, and owner of farms 300, Main, h Pleasant ave.
Baldwin J. Porter, (Baldwin & Drew.)
Baldwin Rosalinda, widow of Asa, aged 71, residence in town of Lowell, h Pleasant ave.
Baldwin & Drew, (J. Porter Baldwin, Thaddeus W. Drew,) manufs of lumber, own timber land 500.
Barnard Edward, owns 38 acres, h Church.
BARRY EDSON B., carriage, house and sign painter, for C. J. Ufford.
Barton Academy and Graded School, Thomas Martin, principal, Church.
BARTON FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP, John W. Murkland, prop., Water.
BARTON NATIONAL BANK, Hiram McLellan, of Glover, president; H. K. Dewey, cashier; capital $150,000, Main.
BARTON WOOLEN MILL, Henry Gay, prop., Water.
Beshaw Live, carriage painter for C. J. Ufford.
Baxter Hiram, (Baxter & Grow,) h Main.
Baxter & Grow, (Hiram Baxter and Charles C. Grow) dealers in hardware, agricultural implements, flour, meal, feed, etc., Main.
Bean Ira A., carriage maker, employee of C. J. Ufford, bds Park.
Bean John, tanner 16, h Cemetery.
Belang Peter, employee of Walter Hayward Chair Co, bds Main.
Belknap Fenelon A., turner of chair stock, h High.
Bickford Hezekiah D., mason, h Park.
BICKFORD SCHUYLER M., mason, bds Park.
BLAKE GEORGE H., editor and publisher " Orleans County Monitor," superintendent of schools, owns h and 5 acres, h Park.
Brigham Sidney S. Rev., pastor M. E. church of Barton, h Water, cor Park.
Brunning William, farm laborer, h r 39.
Bushey Jewell, track hand, h High.
BUSWELL JAMES, town clerk, and deputy sheriff, h Main.
Buzzell George W., millwright, dealer in all kinds of mill machinery, h High.
Carr John L., att'y and counselor at law, master in chancery, and pension agent, office Robinson block, Main, h Park.
Cass Matilda, widow of Labin, age 81 years.
Caswell Warren J., butcher and miller, h Main.
Catting Pat, laborer, h Water.
Chadwick Charles H., clerk for O. D. Owen, h Church st.
Chamberlin Anna, widow of Samuel, h and lot, Main.
Cheney Fred N., salesman for O. D. Owen, in clothing store, h Lincoln ave.
Clement Austin O., station agent Conn. & Pass. R. R. R., and W. U. telegraph operator, bds Crystal Lake Hotel.
Clogston Charles, farm laborer, h r 39.
Cobb Mary P., widow of T. C. Cobb, resident, h and lot Main.
Colliston Erastus, millwright, h Twombly.
Corey Roswell H., retired farmer, aged 74.
Crystal Lake House, Henry E. Harris, proprietor, Main.
Cummings Patrick, blacksmith, h Main.
Currier Hannah, widow of Alpheus, resident, h Water.
Currier Solon C., groceries and provisions, tobacco, cigars, confectionery, fruits, &c, Church St., h do.
Cutler Orrin, dealer in tan-bark and lumber, and cattle broker, h Church st.
Damon Belony, laborer, h Main.
Damon Leon, Employ of J. W. Murkland, h Main.
Decota Amos F., blacksmith, Main, h do.
Delaney Owen, manager Crystal Lake House, Main.
Deroucha Lewis, carpenter, h Main.
Dempsey Robert, carpenter, employee of John L. Twombly, bds Main.
DEWEY HIRAM K., cashier Barton National Bank, h Main.
Drew Alexander N., carpenter and builder, bds Park.
Drew Gardner A., manufacturer of sash, doors, and blinds, contractor and builder, and general jobber, Water St., h do.
Drew Thaddeus W., (Baldwin & Drew) farmer 40, h Main.
Dubuc Louis, section hand, h Main.
Dubuc Mary, washer, h Main.
Duke Charles W., employee of the Walter Hayward Chair Co., bds Church st.
Dutton Edward F., druggist and apothecary, dealer in paints, oils, varnishes, books, stationery, and fancy goods, Church St., h do.
Elliott Joseph, proprietor of stage route from Barton to South Albany, and farmer, leases of R. P. Benton, of Boston, 20, h Elm.
Elliott J. Melvin, manufacturer of tin, sheet-iron, and copper ware, and dealer in stoves, ranges, hollow ware, &c, Main, h do.
Ellis Gilbert B., general merchant, cor Main and Church, bds Main.
Emond [Emmons] John B., custom shoemaker, Main, h do.
FAIRBROTHER LUTHER, barber, and dealer in groceries, tobacco, cigars, confectionery, nuts, etc
Farrell Edward, laborer, h Main.
Fisk Clarence R., machinist, h Water.
Fisk Roswell, carpenter, h Water.
Flanders Harris D., dealer in real estate, and farmer, h High. (Died Jan. 29, 1883.)
Flanders Samantha H., widow of Harris D., owns 5 tenement houses, h High.
Folsom Harry A., meat market, Main, bds do.
Folsom Riley A., stationary engineer, Main.
Foster Anna M. Mrs., widow of Frank, prop, of laundry, Main, h do.
Foster Ethan E., prop, of Foster Hotel, Main.
Foster Hotel, E. E. Foster, prop., Main.
Frazier Abbie E., teacher in intermediate school, bds at John Skinner's.
Freeman Joseph B., dealer in butter and country produce, h Elm.
French Frank F., barber and turner, employee of Walter Hayward Chair Co., h Main.
French Martha H., widow of F. S. French, resides on Church st.
FROST GEORGE W., owner of the Opera block, and dealer in wood, h Main.
Fuller Nelson, harness maker, owns farm in Brownington 70, h Main.
Fuller Nelson Mrs., dressmaker, Main, h do.
GAY HENRY C, prop, of Barton woolen-mill, and dealer in woolen yarns, stockings and mittens, notions, etc., Water, h do.
Goad George W., blacksmith, employee of C. J. Ufford, h Elm.
Gochey Horace L., carriage maker for C. J. Ufford, h Park.
GOKEY JOHN B., carriage and house painter, employee of C. J. Ufford, h Park.
Gontier Dennis, laborer, h High.
Goodheart Joseph, laborer, h Water.
Gorney Dennis, employee of Walter Hayward Chair Co., h High.
Gould James F., carpenter and joiner, h Park.
Gould Sarah E. Mrs., dressmaker, h Park.
Graves Charles, manuf. and dealer in harness, saddles, hardware, and leather, Main, h Church.
Graves John D., resident, with Charles, bds Church.
Graves Nancy H., widow of William, h Water.
Graves William, Jr., watch tinker, h Water.
GROUT WILLIAM W. Hon., (Grout & Miles,) representative in congress, and owns in Kirby farm 330, h Pleasant ave.
Grout & Miles, (Wm. W. Grout and Willard W. Miles,) attorneys at law, and masters in chancery, Main.
Grow Charles C, (Baxter & Grow,) Main.
Hafford Edward J., meat market, Main, h do.
Hall James W., dairy 12 cows, milk dealer, sugar orchard 1,200 trees, and farmer 45, h Main.
Hammond Charles H., teamster for B. Mossman, h Main.
Hammond Lorenzo, retired, aged 77, h over R. R. depot.
Harris Henry E., prop, of Crystal Lake House, Main st.
Hearn Patrick, laborer, h r 39.
Hibbard Charles N., dealer in light and heavy carriages, dealer in and breeder of Morgan horses, sugar orchard 1,000 trees, dairy 37 cows, and owns in Glover farm 400, h Park.
Hiatt Enos, employee at Crystal Lake House, h Main.
Hill Jethro J., local and traveling dealer in first-class sewing machines and attachments, owns house and 7 ½ acres, Main, h Church.
Hitchcock Lizem, employee of Walter Hayward Chair Co., h High.
Hitchcock Edward, laborer.
Hitchcock Lewis, employee of Walter Hayward Chair Co., h High.
HOPKINS HILAND E., gunsmith, and turner of chair stock, h High.
HOPKINS H. E. Mrs., resident, High.
Huard Peter, track hand.
HUBBARD LUCRETIUS M., jeweler, employee of E. E. Rawson, h Main.
HUBBARD MOSES, house and carriage painter, Main, h do.
Hunt Abbie, widow of Nelson, resident, h Water.
Hunt Emma F. Miss, teacher and seamstress, h Water.
Husband Thomas H., employee of C. F. Perceval, h High.
Jacobs Aaron I., traveling merchant, dealer in dry goods, clothing, notions, and jewelry, h Main.
Jacobs David, peddler of dry goods and clothing, h Main.
Jacobs Levi, traveling merchant, dry goods and clothing, h High.
Jacobs Meyer, peddler of clothing and dry goods, h Main.
Jacobs Simon, peddler of fancy goods, h Main.
Jenness Catura, house-keeper for Geo. W., Water St., cor Church.
Jenness Charles P., carpenter and builder, and turner, employee of Walter Hayward Chair Co., h Park.
JENNESS GEORGE W., manuf. of brick and dealer in sand, deputy sheriff, and farmer 200, h Water St., cor Church.
Jenness Mattie A., teacher in primary school, bds at John Skinner's.
Jewell Alvin C, engineer, h High.
Jewell Carl H., clerk for Southeastern railroad at West Farnham, Canada, bds High.
Jewell Nettie M. Mrs., dressmaker, High, h do.
Jones Ida Miss, teacher, Main.
Jones Maria, widow of John W., Main.
Joslyn Helen R. Miss, resident, h Church.
JOSLYN ORLANDO V., blacksmith, agent for Walter A. Wood's mowers, spring tooth harrows, horse rakes, feed cutters, Clough's adjustable grain sieves, pension and claim agent, Church, h do.
Joslyn Pomona W. Miss, resident, h Church.
Juay Jonas, sewing machine agent, bds Main.
Katen George A., foreman J. W. Murkland's machine shop, h Water.
Keating Patrick, section foreman on Passumpsic railroad, h Main.
Keating Patrick, Jr., breakman on Passumpsic railroad, h Main.
Kelley James E., sawyer for Hayward Chair Co., bds Main.
Kimball Helen Miss, clerk for O. D. Owen, bds Church.
Lafon Joseph, laborer, h Main.
Largis Frank, livery, exchange and boarding stable, Main, h do.
Lewis Nelson M., lumberman, h Twombly st.
Marco Salina Mrs., resident.
Martin Ezra C, blacksmith, Main St., h Church.
Martin Thomas, principal of the Barton Academy and Graded School, town superintendent of schools, bds.
McDougall Duncan, merchant tailor, Main, h do.
McGaffey Elmer E., clerk for F. H. Smith, bds Main.
McLOUD ROYAL T., miller, bds at depot, h Main.
Miles Willard W., (Grout & Miles) h Park.
Miller Moses, sawyer, employee of Baldwin & Drew.
Mossman Austin, employee of Walter Hayward Chair Co., h High st.
Mossman Benjamin, agent for Walter Hayward Chair Co., h Park.
Mossman Orange H., foreman of Walter Hayward Chair Co., h Park.
MOSSMAN WALDO, prop, of the Barton grist-mill, dealer in flour, feed and grain, also cotton seed meal, Water, h do.
Murkland Grace M., millinery, fancy goods, and dressmaking, Church St., bds Water.
MURKLAND JOHN W., prop. Barton foundry and machine shop, manuf. of plows, cultivators, and agricultural implements generally, cast iron sugar arches, mill gearing, shafting, etc, Water St., h do.
Murray Frank, track hand on railroad, h Main.
Nelson Bradbury M. R., director Barton National Bank, dealer in live stock, h Maple.
Nelson Samuel, retired farmer, lives with B. M. R., Church st.
Nault Ephraim, employee of Baldwin & Drew, h Porter,
ORLEANS COUNTY MONITOR, George H. Blake, editor and publisher, Church.
Owen Joseph, dairy 10 cows, farmer 110, h Water.
Owen George W., farmer, son of Joseph, dealer in flour and provisions, boots and shoes, bds Water st.
OWEN OSCAR D., dealer in dry and fancy goods, groceries, ready-made clothing, etc., Church, and clothing store, Main, h Church.
Pearson Josiah A., dentist, Robinson's block, h Lincoln ave.
Percival Charles F., dealer in furniture, and undertaker, Main, h do.
PERRY FREDERICK M., dentist, teeth manufactured from celluloid, Main, h High.
Peters John, employee of J. W. Murkland.
Phelps Lawrence Rev., pastor Congregational church of Barton, h Church.
Pierce Horace C, clerk for E. F. Dutton, h Main.
Pillsbury Henry F., manuf. of spruce, hemlock, and hard wood lumber, chair stock, boxes and shingles, mills near South Barton station, h Main.
Porter Sereno M., carpenter and carriage maker, employee of Charles Ufford, h Water.
Powell Francis K., dealer in dry and fancy goods, clothing and furnishing goods, boots, shoes, crockery, flour, groceries, etc., Church, h Main cor Pleasant ave.
PRESTON CHARLES W., wholesale and retail dealer in tobacco, cheroots, cigars, and cigarettes, also stationery of all descriptions, wrapping paper, paper bags, twine, and groceries, agent for jewelry findings and watch and clock material, Main, h Porter.
Preston Solon H., watch and clock repairer, and clerk for Charles W., bds with Charles W.
Rawson Erskine E., postmaster, dealer in watches, jewelry and fancy goods, Main, h Church.
Reed Lucy S., widow of George W., owns with Lucy M. Robinson 9 acres, h Park.
Rice Julius, sugar orchard 800 trees, stock breeder, and farmer 100, h and lot, Main.
Robinson Charles A., agent U. S. & Canada express, Main, h Elm.
Robinson Daniel W., carpenter, contractor and builder, h Church.
Robinson Edward B., works for Walter Hayward Chair Co., h Main.
Robinson Helen R., widow of J. B. Robinson, resident, h Main.
Robinson Lucy M., (Mrs. Wallace I.,) owns with Mrs. Lucy S. Reed 9 acres, h Park.
ROBINSON WALLACE I., attorney at law, master in chancery, justice of the peace, and notary public, Church, h Park.
Robinson William F.. farmer 260, bds. with Mrs. J. E. Skinner, Church.
Ross William, laborer, h High.
Ruggles Anson M., homeo. physician and surgeon, and farmer 12, h Main.
Scott Amos W., dealer in general merchandise, Main, h do.
Scott Frank A., clerk, employee of N. M. Scott, h Twombly.
Scott Nathan M., wholesale and retail dealer in flour, meal, shorts, nails, salt, lime, kerosene oil, etc.. Main, h Porter.
Shastang Arthur J., miller for Waldo Mossman, bds Main.
SIMANO ALEX., carriage painter and house painter for C. J. Ufford, h Twombly.
Simpson Warren, laborer, h Park.
SKINNER ALICE B., (Mrs. J. F.,) owns farm 300, May st.
SKINNER JOHN E., postal clerk on route from Newport, Vt., to Springfield, Mass., h Church.
SKINNER JONATHAN F., physician and surgeon, pension examining physician, aged 79 years, May st.
SKINNER RICHARD B., physician and surgeon, breeder of full blood Jersey cattle, reg. in club book.
Smith Daniel, retired farmer, h Twombly St., aged 83.
Smith John A., employee of Walter Hayward Chair Co., h High.
SMITH JOHN N., dealer in ice and wood, carpenter and joiner, h Park.
SMITH JOHN N. Mrs., manuf. and dealer in hair work, h Park.
Smith Leonard, retired farmer, aged 77, bds Twombly.
Smith Murdock J., manuf. and dealer in cemetery work, marble and granite, Main, h Church.
Smith Norman, teamster, h Water.
Spaulding Allen, retired drover, aged 79, Main st.
SPAULDING ALONZO J., house, carriage, sign, and ornamental painter and paper hanger, bds at Foster Hotel.
Stephen Alexander J., stone cutter, bds Church.
Stone Lewis, laborer, h Main.
Stratton Charles H., carpenter and joiner, cabinet maker, h Main.
Swartz Lafayette J., peddler of dry goods and clothing, off Main.
Taylor James F., teamster, h Prospect.
Thomas Amos W., carpenter and builder and physician and surgeon, Main cor Church.
Thomas W. A. Mrs., dressmaker, dealer in millinery and fancy goods, agent for Pearl washing powder, Main cor Church, h do.
Tisdale Charles, clerk for F. K. Powell, bds Main cor Pleasant ave.
Twombly John L., manuf. of hard wood bedsteads, and general jobber in wood work, Water St., h Lincoln ave.
Twombly Roswell S., dealer in country produce, and farmer, h Lincoln ave.
Twombly Wilmer Z., traveling agent for sewing machines, employee of J. J. Hill, bds Church.
Ufford Charles J., manuf. and dealer in light and heavy carriages, sleighs, and patent wagon jacks, also dealer in horses, and farmer 400, Water st, house, office, and repository Park st.
Varney Charles F., molder, bds Twombly.
Varney Lizzie M., widow of Thomas J., resident, h Twombly.
Walter Hayward Chair Co., Benjamin Mossman, manager, manufs. of chair stock, Main.
Webster Ellery H., job printer, Robinson's block, Church, h High.
WEBSTER JOSEPH N., general insurance agent, manuf. of picture frames, and farmer 150, office Main, h Pleasant ave.
Webster Pliny L., printer, Church, h Pleasant ave.
Webster Solon W., turner for Walter Hayward Chair Co., h Pleasant ave.
WHITCHER HORACE O., agent for L. Clark, of Springfield, Mass., manuf. and dealer in double transverse sugar evaporator, tin, copper, and sheet-iron ware, also dealer in stoves, hollow, glass, and wooden ware, agricultural implements and country produc
White Frank, laborer, employee of Walter Hayward Chair Co., h Main.
Whitney Chandler B., traveling salesman, h Elm.
Whitney Martin M., contractor and builder, and master mechanic, h Church.
Wilson Erdix T., photographer and landscape painter, Church, h Park.
Wood Abigail, widow of Lewis R., h Water.
Woodard Polly W., widow of George W., resident, Park.
Woodman John L., retired boot and shoe dealer, aged 76, h Main.
Wyman Ira, farmer 6, h Water.
Young Lewis, harness maker, Main, h do.

The figures following the letter r indicate the number of the road on which the party resides, and will be found by reference to the map in the back part of this work. Where no road number is given the party is suppossed to reside in the village.

Figures placed after the occupation of acres owned or leased.

The word street is implied.

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