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Abbott Charles H., (Barton) r 9, farm laborer. |
Abbott David S., (Barton) r 20, retired farmer, 84 years old, the first male child born in town. |
ABBOTT GEORGE W., (South Barton) r 46, carpenter and joiner. |
Allard Albert A., (Barton) r 34, farmer 100. |
Allard Herbert, (Barton) employee of E. S. Nelson. |
Allbee Jehial, (Barton) r 26, farmer 35. |
Allen Edward L., (Barton) r 19, son of Harvey. |
Allen Harvey, (Barton) r 19, sugar orchard 900 trees, dairy 15 cows, and farmer 106. |
Allen J. Clark, (Barton) r 19, farmer, leases of Harvey Allen 106. |
Badger Osmon F., (Barton Landing) r 16, farmer 22. |
BAIRD WILLIAM, (Barton) r 16, sugar orchard 400 trees, dairy 10 cows, and farmer 100. |
Baker John, (Barton) r 40, laborer. |
Barnard John M., (Barton) r 37, manuf. of wooden eave-troughs, and farmer 70. |
Barnard Milton, (Barton) r 37, with John M., aged 76. |
Barney Alfred W., (South Barton) r 46, sugar orchard 500 trees, and farmer 240. |
Bartlett John C, (Barton Landing) r 12, manuf. of soft and hard wood lumber and shingles, farmer 114, and timber land 350 acres. |
Bartlett Squire T., (Barton) r 19½, sugar orchard 600 trees, and farmer 96. |
Barton Joseph, (Barton) r 41, dairy 10 cows, farmer 135, and in Sheffield 85. |
Beedle Charles C., (Glover) r 42, traveling musician, sugar orchard 500 trees, farmer 105. |
Beedle Moses, (Glover) r 42, retired farmer, 78 years old. |
Bennet Bingham R., (Barton Landing) r 10, stone cutter. |
Berry Burley C, (South Barton) r 46, brakeman Passumpsic R. R. |
Berry Jefferson, (South Barton) r 48, laborer. |
BICKFORD GEORGE D., (Barton) r 41, wheelwright, blacksmith, carpenter and joiner, sugar orchard 500 trees, dairy 10 cows, farmer 180. |
BLAKE ALLISON O., (South Barton) r 46, justice of the peace, manuf. of lumber, prop, of grist-mill and two saw-mills, farmer 25, and timber land 1,000. |
BLAKE BURTON, (Barton) r 19, son of Samuel C, farmer. |
BLAKE CHARLES H., (Barton) r 19, son of Samuel C, farmer. |
BLAKE MARY A. Mrs., (Barton) r 19, sugar orchard 600 trees, and farmer 102. |
BLAKE SAMUEL C, (Barton) r 19, farmer 250. |
Bolduck Alexander, (Barton) off r 38, farmer 80. |
Bostridge Walter W., (South Barton) r 47, laborer. |
Brenan Ella, (Barton Landing) r 18, widow of William, sugar orchard 300 trees, and farmer 75. |
Bridgman George W., (Barton) r 27, town representative, sugar orchard 700 trees, dairy 20 cows, and farmer 213. |
Brook Rang, (Dan?) (Barton) r 39, farmer 80. |
Brooks Charles, (Evansville) r 15, farmer 50. |
Brooks Franklin, (Barton) r 34, farmer 40. |
Brooks Judah, (Barton) r 38, farmer 160. |
Brooks Noah, (Barton) r 31, sugar orchard 1,200 trees, owns 40 acres on r 30, dairy 16 cows, leases of Mrs. Mary E. Matthews 320. |
Brown Daniel, (Barton) r 39, laborer. |
BROWN WILLIAM C, (Barton) r 25, dealer in cattle, sheep and hogs, dairy 30 cows, 100 sheep, and farmer 320. |
Burnham Newell, (Barton) r 30, sugar orchard 500 trees, dairy 14 cows, and farmer 330. |
Bushe Lewis, (Barton) r 39, laborer. |
Bushey Louis, (Barton) r 40, laborer. |
Bushey Thomas, (Barton) r 40, laborer. |
Buswell Asahel, (West Glover) r 33, farmer 50. |
BUSWELL CHARLES E., (Barton) r 37, prop, steam saw-mill in Westmore, manuf. of lumber and shingles. |
BUSWELL JOHN C, (Barton) r 37, farmer 170, and timber land 300. |
Cameron Daniel F., (West Glover) r 24, dairy 11 cows, sugar orchard 400 trees, wool grower, and farmer 114. |
Canta John, (South Barton) r 48, track hand. |
Carpenter William, (Barton) r 35, farmer, leases of Joanna Garey, 47. |
Case Levi P., (Barton) r 27, dairy 10 cows, sugar orchard 600 trees, farmer, on farm of Charles H. Case, of Chicago, Ill., 90. |
Cass George B., (Barton) r 16, sugar orchard 700 trees, dairy 10 cows, hop grower, and farmer 140. |
Cass Martin V. B., (Barton) r 14, sugar orchard 325 trees, dairy 10 cows, and farmer 220. |
Chapman John C, (Barton) r 20, dairy 12 cows, and farmer 75, leases of J. N. Webster 150. |
Cheney Emeline M., (Barton) r 42, (Mrs. William) farmer 130. |
Cheney William, (Barton) r 42, farmer 60. |
CLARK GEORGE W., (Barton) r 16, school committeeman, sugar orchard 300 trees, dairy T4 cows, and farmer 116. |
Cleveland John E., (West Glover) r 24, laborer. |
Clough Ezra M., (South Barton) r 46, night watchman at round-house, Lyndonville. |
COBURN CLARENCE E., (Barton) r 19, son of H. P., farmer. |
COBURN HOLLIS P., (Barton) r 19, owner of stallions " Midnight," and " Prince Albert," breeder of Patchin horses and Durham cattle, dairy 12 cows, sugar orchard 1,100 trees, and farmer 170. |
COBURN SIDNEY R., (Barton) r 19, son of H. P., farmer. |
COLBURN JANE, (Barton) r 23, (Mrs. Luther) resident. |
COLBURN LUTHER, (West Glover) r 23, mason, sugar orchard 208 trees, farmer 20. |
Colby Mary J., (Barton) r 18, widow of George W., sugar orchard 500 trees, and farmer 80. |
Colliston David, (Barton) r 19, sawyer and farmer 4. |
Colliston William, (Barton) r 18, farmer 30. |
Cook Charles W., (West Glover) r 21, farmer 50. |
Cook Horace P., (Barton) (J. H. & H. P.) r 8, highway surveyor. |
Cook James H., (Barton) r 8, (J. H. & H. P.) |
Cook J. H. & H. P., (Barton) r 8, dairy 17 cows, sugar orchard 400 trees, and farmer 150. |
Coupe Alex., (Barton) r 40, laborer. |
Crowley Thomas, (South Barton) r 46, laborer. |
Currier Edward, (Barton) r 28, farmer 12. |
Cutler Henry, of Glover, 600. |
Damon Clarence, (Barton) off r 38, farmer 160. |
Danforth Henry, (Barton) r 46, sugar orchard 750 trees, and farmer 237. |
Desan Charles, (Barton) r 40, laborer. |
Devereaux Richard, (Barton) r 36, farmer 163. |
DILLEY GEORGE, (Barton) r 38, farmer 96. |
Downing Henry A., (South Barton) off r 46, farmer 142. |
Downing Henry W., (South Barton) off r 46, farmer 52. |
Downing Jacob, (South Barton) r 46, farmer 12. |
DREW GEORGE O., (Barton) r 20, farmer, owns with Joseph half interest with their father, Samuel, farm 450. |
DREW JOSEPH, (Barton) r 20, farmer, owns with George O. half interest with their father, Samuel, farm 450. |
DREW SAMUEL (Barton) r 20, sugar orchard 1,000 trees, dairy 25 cows, and farmer 450, with his sons, Joseph and George O., aged 80 years. |
DROWN AARON, (South Barton) r 46, blacksmith and wheelwright, manuf. of cant-hooks, whiffletrees and neck-yokes, all kinds of repairing done. |
Drown Archelaus, (Evansville) r 15, sugar orchard 350 trees, farmer 55, and owns with A. F. Miller 45 acres. |
DROWN GEORGE B., (Evansville) r 15, laborer. |
DROWN GROVNER I., (South Barton) r 47, postmaster, station agent Passumpsic R. R., manager W. U. telegraph, agent U. S. & Canada express, owns 140 acres. |
Drown Marvin H., (Barton) off r 34, farmer 28. |
Drown Melvin, (South Barton) r 47, 3d selectman, manuf. of dimension lumber, sugar orchard 900 trees, farmer 140, and timber land 560. |
Dudley Henry C, (Barton Landing) r 5, dairy 15 cows, sugar orchard 1,400 trees, and farmer 200. |
Duell W. H. B., (West Glover) r 21, farmer 30. |
Dwinell Charles H., (Barton) r 20, lister, dairy 10 cows, farmer 24, and on Park st. 5, h Elm. |
Dwyer Osman, (Barton) r 39, laborer. |
Elliott George, (Barton) r 37, farmer 30. |
EMERSON ALBERT B., (Barton) r 34, farmer, son of Benjamin F. |
EMERSON BENJAMIN F., (Barton) r 34, apiarist 25 swarms, sugar orchard 400 trees, dairy 12 cows, and farmer 170. |
Emerson Frank A., (Barton) r 34, farmer, son of Benjamin F. |
FARLEY CARLOS N., (Barton Landing) r 5, (Frank & Son,) school committeeman. |
FARLEY FRANK, (Barton Landing) r 5, (Frank Farley & Son.) |
FARLEY FRANK & SON, (Barton Landing) (Carlos N.,) breeder of grade Jerseys, dairy 11 cows, sugar orchard 800 trees, and farmers 130 |
Fay John, (Evansville) r 32, farmer, leases of Michael Fay 60. |
Fecton William, (Barton) r 28, laborer and farmer 5. |
Felker Lucina, (Barton Landing) r 7, seamstress. |
Fisk Enoch, (Barton) r 35, retired farmer 160, aged 86. |
FISK SEYMOUR N., (Barton) r 35, breeder of grade Devon cattle, sugar orchard 1,200 trees, dairy 15 cows, hop grower, and farmer 296. |
Flemming John, (Glover) r 43, farmer, leases of Benjamin Mossman, agent for Hayward Chair Company, 150. |
Folsom Alonzo D., (South Barton) r 46, farmer, and with O. T Willard owns 80. |
Folsom Nathaniel, (South Barton) r 46, butcher, keeps boarding-house, and farmer 100. |
Forest James, (South Barton) r 46, wood chopper, owns house and lot, and in Sheffield 35. |
FOREST JOHN, Jr., (South Barton) r 46, M. E. clergyman, lumberman, and farmer 180. |
Forest John L., (South Barton) r 46, farmer, with Rev. John. |
Foster John F., (South Barton) r 47, laborer. |
Fountain Mitchell, (Barton) r 40, laborer. |
French Collins, (Barton) r 36, farmer 150. |
Fuller Israel, (Barton) r 46, laborer. |
Garey Joanna, (Barton) r 35, widow of Thomas, farmer 47. |
Gates Fred E., (Barton) r 39, mason, owns house and lot. |
Gates Freedom A., (Barton) r 39, mason, and farmer 6. |
GATES GEORGE A., (Barton) r 39, practical mason and bricklayer, kalsomining, whitewashing, and cornice work. |
Gillis David, (Barton Landing) farmer 40, and in Coventry 75, Irasburg road. |
Gilman Charles, (Barton) r 39, painter, house and 2 acres. |
Gilman Charles, (Barton) r 39, house and carriage painter. |
Gilman Horace, (Barton) r 16, laborer. |
Glazier Henry A., (Barton) r 27, farmer, leases on shares of G. W. Bridgman 213. |
Goodnough Zalmon D., (Barton Landing) r 6, dairy 12 cows, sugar orchard 1,000 trees, and farmer 145. |
Goodnow Isaac, (South Barton) r 46, farmer 50, aged 81. |
Gott John C, (Barton) r 44, farmer 48. |
Goupil Elgero, (Barton) r 40, laborer. |
Gould William, (South Barton) r 46, farmer 55. |
Grammo Joseph, (South Barton) r 47, farmer 50. |
Grant Albert, (Barton Landing) r 4, farmer, son of James. |
Grant James, (Barton Landing) r 4, farmer 40. |
Graves Lucinda Mrs., (Barton Landing) r 16, aged 94. |
Graves Sylvester D., (Barton Landing) r 16, farmer 40. |
Gray Almon, (West Glover) r 23, dairy 8 cows, sugar orchard 600 trees, breeder of Devon cattle, and farmer 100. |
Gray Charles W., (Evansville) r 14, sugar orchard 300 trees, dairy 9 cows, and farmer 65. |
Gray Jacob G., (Evansville) r 33, lister, breeder of grade Durham and Devon cattle, dairy 14 cows, 40 sheep, and farmer 250. |
Grover Cliff, (South Barton) r 47, blacksmith. |
Grow Edwin A., (Evansville) cor r 31 and 15, sugar orchard 250 trees, breeder of grade Jersey cattle, and farmer 77. |
Hafford Ed, (Barton) r 40, teamster. |
Hagar Charles C, (West Glover) r 23, farmer. |
Hagar Joseph F., (West Glover) r 23, farmer, aged 68. |
Hager Joseph S., (West Glover) r 23, dairy 32 cows, and farmer, leases of Henry Cutler, of Glover, 600. |
HALL FRANK L., (Barton Landing) r 6, with Halsey R. Hall, farmer. |
HALL HALSEY R., (Barton Landing) r 6, overseer of the poor, agent for Crooker's Buffalo phosphate, and Reid's butter-worker, dairy 25 cows, sugar orchard 1,100 trees, and farmer 237. |
Hall John G., (Barton) r 25½, retired farmer. |
HANSON ELIJAH, (Barton) r 30, sugar orchard 1,150 trees, farmer 260, employee of W. F. Robinson. |
Harris Riley, (Barton) r 19, stone mason. |
Hawkins Olney, (Barton) r 19, dairy 10 cows, farmer 95. |
HAWKINS WILLIAM G., Sr., (Barton) r 22, sugar orchard 1,200 trees, fruit orchard 700 trees, hop grower, dairy 38 cows, and farmer 255. |
HAWKINS WILLIAM G., Jr., (Barton) r 22, owner of stallion "Black Dimond," and Morgan horses. |
Hayes Henry, (Glover) r 42, farmer 100. |
Hazen Oscar C, (Barton) r 19, blacksmith, sugar orchard 600 trees, farmer 190 |
Heath George W., (Barton) r 16, farmer 3½ |
Heath Milton C, (Barton) r 16, laborer, and farmer 40. |
Hitchcock Perry S., (Barton) r 31, sugar orchard 500 trees, dairy 9 cows, and farmer 115. |
Holman Louisa, (South Barton) r 46, widow of Chauncey. |
Holman Sylvester J., (South Barton) r 46, farmer 200. |
Holton Irena, (South Barton) r 47, widow of John N. |
Hopkins John, (Barton) r 40, laborer. |
Howard Joseph W., (Barton) farmer 8, and in Irasburgh 130, h Elm. |
Hubbard Benjamin F., (Barton) r 31, cooper. |
Humphrey Abel, (Barton) r 19, farmer 135. |
Hunt Daniel R., Sr., (Barton) r 39, shoemaker, and farmer 37½. |
Hunt Frank P., (Barton) r 37, teamster, shoemaker, farmer 90. |
Hunt Orange S., (Barton) r 37, apiarist 67 swarms, farmer 120, and wood lot 160. |
Hunt William D., (Barton) r 19, grain thresher and wood sawyer. |
Kating John, (Barton) r 41, dairy 15 cows, sugar orchard 400 trees, and farmer 275. |
Keating Patrick, (Barton) r 40, section foreman Passumpsic R. R. |
Keating Patrick, Jr., (Barton) r 40, brakeman Passumpsic R. R. |
Kelley Fred, (Barton) laborer, Main. |
KIMBALL FRANK F., (South Barton) r 46, section boss Passumpsic R. R. |
Kimball Harrison, (South Barton) r 46, sawyer. |
Kimball Oscar (Barton) r 18, farm laborer. |
Labor Lewis, (South Barton) r 46, laborer. |
Lavigne (Lavine) Edward, (Barton) r 36, farmer. |
Leavitt Thomas, (South Barton) off r 46, farmer 65. |
Leland Albert, (Barton) r 18, sugar orchard 2,000 trees, 30 sheep, and farmer 300. |
LELAND CARLOS B., (Barton Landing) cor r 12 and 13, breeder of grade Devon cattle, sugar orchard 400 trees, 110 sheep, dairy 20 cows, 35 head young cattle, farmer 320, and 450 timber and pasture land. |
LELAND ELLEN Miss, (Barton) r 18, resident, with her father, Albert. |
Leland George W., (Barton) r 18, dealer in swine, sheep, and cattle, and farmer. |
Leland Henry H., (Barton Landing) cor r 12 and 13, farmer, son of Carlos B. |
Leland Herbert H., (Barton Landing) cor r 12 and 13, farmer, son of Carlos B., |
Leland Leander J., (Barton) r 18, farmer, with his father, Albert, 300. |
Leland Warren G., (Barton Landing) r 16, stone mason, and farmer 14. |
LELAND WILLIAM, (Barton Landing) cor r 12 and 13, retired farmer, aged 77 years, owns 130 acres in Sheffield, Cal. Co. |
Levett Thomas, (South Barton) farmer. |
Locke Simon Knowles, (Barton Landing) r 8, farmer 315. |
Lovell Frank, (Barton) r 18, laborer. |
Lyman John A., (South Barton) r 46, teamster. |
Mack Solomon, (Barton Landing) r 9, laborer. |
Magoon Daniel, (Barton) r 16, farmer 15, and leases of Lydia Willoughby, of Burke, Cal. Co., 100. |
Marshall Charles N., (Barton Landing) r 9, farm laborer. |
Martell Antoine, (Barton) r 38, farmer 160. |
Martin William H., (Barton) sugar orchard 450 trees, dairy 21 cows, and farmer 200, h Elm. |
Mason Almond, (Barton) r 25, retired farmer, aged 77 years. |
Mason Wilbur F., (Barton) r 25, dairy 10 cows, sugar orchard 450 trees, breeder of grade Jersey cattle, and farmer 125. |
Mathews Asa D., (Barton Landing) r 2, justice of the peace, carpenter and joiner, farmer 13. |
Mathews Mary E., (Barton Landing) r 2, owns on r 31 farm of 320 acres. |
May Sanford, (Barton) r 8, dairy 20 cows, sugar orchard 900 trees, and farmer 180. |
McCloud Recta, (Barton) widow of Ira M. |
McKenty George F., (Barton) r 19, farm laborer. |
McKenty Patterson S., (Barton Landing) r 9, farm laborer. |
McNeil Clarissa, (Barton) r 42, widow of Isaac, farmer 40. |
McNeil Isaac R., (Barton) r 42, farmer 40. |
MERRILL ORIN H., (Barton Landing) r 7, breeder of grade cattle, dairy 15 cows, sugar orchard 1,200 trees, and farmer 178. |
Miller Arthur F., (Evansville) r 15, owns stock and 45 acres with A. Drown. |
Miller Peter, (Barton) off r 35, farmer 50. |
Morgan Samuel, (Barton Landing) r 2, hop broker, owns house and 5 acres. |
Munson Warren G., (Barton) r 18, farmer, employee of C. J. Ufford. |
MURRAY ROBERT, (Barton) off r 36, farmer 50. |
Nault Philip, (Barton Landing) r 18, laborer. |
Nelson Ethan S., (Barton) off r 20, sugar orchard 800 trees, dairy 25 cows, and farmer 250. |
Niles William F., (Barton) r 41, dairy 17 cows, sugar orchard 500 trees, and farmer, leases of Welcome O. Brown, of Providence, R. I., 400. |
Noel Philip, (Barton) r 39, laborer. |
Norton John C, (South Barton) r 47, mason, carpenter and joiner. |
Oiler Rose, (Barton) off r 38, farmer 65. |
Orcutt Lyman H., (South Barton) r 46, dealer in general merchandise. |
O'Rourke John C, (Barton) r 40, section boss Passumpsic R. R. |
OWEN DANIEL, (Barton) r 20, fruit grower, sugar orchard 2,500 trees, dairy 20 cows, and farmer 310, aged 78. |
OWEN MILO J., (Barton) r 20, fruit grower, sugar orchard 2,500 trees, dairy 20 cows, and farmer, with Daniel Owen 310. |
Paron John, (Barton) r 40, laborer. |
Perley Albert H., (Barton Landing) r 10, son of John M. |
Perley John M., (Barton Landing) r 10, sugar orchard 300 trees, dairy 8 cows, and farmer 125. |
Peterson Benjamin R, (Barton) r 42, house painter, kalsominer, and farmer 10½. |
Philbrick Martin C, (Barton Landing) r 17, manufacturer of farm aqueducts, and farmer 34. |
Pierce Edwin E., (Evansville) r 15, breeder of grade Jersey cattle, sugar orchard 400 trees, dairy 9 cows, and farmer 120. |
Pierce Nicholas, (West Glover) r 24, farmer 16. |
Poquet [Paquet] Joseph, (Barton) r 38, farmer 130. |
Prescott Herman, (West Glover) farmer, with Luther Colburn, |
Priest Samuel, (Barton Landing) farm laborer. |
Putney Ozias S., (Barton Landing) cor r 4 and 9, farmer 5. |
Quinn Mary, (Barton) r 40, washer woman. |
Quinn Pat., (Barton) r 40, laborer. |
Rand Frederick, (Barton) r 31, dairy 8 cows, and farmer 140. |
Randall Elisha N., (Barton) r 39, tinsmith, and farmer, leases of J. C. Buswell 30. |
Rash Peter, (Barton) r 37, farmer, leases of J. C. Buswell 100. |
Reed George F., (Barton) r 42, sugar orchard 1,400 trees, butcher and meat peddler, and farmer 69. |
ROBINSON J. PRENTICE, (Barton) r 17, sugar orchard 2,000 trees, dairy 18 cows, and farmer, with his father, Lyndon Robinson, 400. |
Robinson Jasper, (Barton) r 35, land surveyor and millwright, and farmer 80. |
ROBINSON LYNDON, (Barton) r 17, retired farmer 400. |
Rogers Dean, (Barton Landing) r 6, farmer 23. |
Rowell Guy E., (Barton) r 29, dealer in live stock, sugar orchard 2,500 trees, dairy 14 cows, and farmer 210. |
Rowell Martin C, (Barton) r 29, farmer, son of Guy E. |
Rowell Orville D., (Barton) r 25½, sugar orchard 2,200 trees, dairy 22 cows, and farmer 395. |
Sanborn Archibald C, (Barton) r 46, with Paulina, farmer 10. |
Sanborn Paulina, (Barton) r 46, widow of John, with Archibald, farmer 10. |
SHIELDS PHILIP, (Barton) r 19, carpenter and joiner. |
Sisco Charles, (West Glover) r 24, veterinary doctor, and farmer 50. |
Skinner Charles C, (West Glover) r 23, sugar orchard 700 trees, dairy 21 cows, and farmer 285. |
Smith Fred, (Barton) r 36, (John, Jr., & F.) |
Smith Henry R., (Barton Landing) r 2, employee of Chandler, French & Co. |
SMITH JOHN, Jr., (Barton) r 36, (John, Jr., & Fred.) |
Smith J., Jr., & F., (Barton) r 36, (John, Jr., and Fred,) farmer, leases of Julius Rice 100. |
Smith Sylvanus, (Barton Landing) r 5, laborer. |
Spring Mitchell, (Barton) r 40, laborer. |
Squires Benjamin E., (Barton) r 42, dairy 13 cows, and farmer, works on shares for J. E. Dow, of Haverhill, Mass., 105, owns in Wheelock 13 acres. |
Stanley John W., (South Barton) r 47, stone mason, and farmer 50. |
Stockwell Alden, (Barton) r 8, farmer 160. |
STURTEVANT IRA A., (Barton Landing) r 4 cor 10, 2d selectman, sheep grower and stock grower, sugar orchard 600 trees, farmer 300, and in Charleston 130. |
Swett Otis C, (Barton) r 34, farmer, leases on shares of Hiram Fletcher 60. |
Switser Rufus, (South Barton) r 48, laborer. |
Switser Stephen, (South Barton) r 48, laborer. |
Switser William L,. (South Barton) r 48, laborer. |
Taylor Ephraim, (Barton) r 19, sugar orchard 900 trees, dairy 13 cows, and farmer 140. |
TELFER WILLIAM B., (Barton) r 30, 200 sheep, dairy 12 cows, sugar orchard 400 trees, and farmer 400. |
Terrien Joseph, (South Barton) off r 46, farm laborer. |
Thompson Albert R., (South Barton) r 47, hop grower, and farmer 110. |
Thompson George W., (South Barton) r 47, farmer, with A. R. Thompson. |
Tisdale Edwin E., (Barton) r 20, machinist, employee of John W. Murkland. |
Tisdale Joel, (Barton) r 20, cooper, and farmer 5. |
Tripp Alexander, (Barton) r 34, breeder of grade Ayrshire and Hereford cattle, dairy 10 cows, and farmer 120. |
Tripp Ella S. Miss, (Barton) r 34, dressmaker. |
Tucker Silas B., (Barton Landing) r 10, house, carriage, and decorative painter, and farmer 84. |
UFFORD NATHAN C, (Barton) r 22, breeder of Devon cattle, sugar orchard 500 trees, dairy 25 cows, and farmer 240. |
Valle Antoine, (Barton) off r 36, farmer 125. |
Valle Henry, (Barton) off r 38, farmer 50. |
Valle Joseph, (Barton) off r 36, refused to give information. |
Valle Joseph & Oliver, (Barton) r 38, farmers 180. |
Valle L., (Barton) off r 36, refused to give information. |
Valle Moses, (Barton) r 38, farmer. |
VARNEY ALFRED W., (South Barton) r 46, farmer, leases of Sylvester J. Holman 200 acres. |
Walker John, (Barton) r 37, resident, aged 84. |
Walker Peter J., (Barton) r 37, laborer. |
Waterman Cushman, (Evansville) r 32, farmer 6. |
Waterman Joseph, (Evansville) r 32, cooper and farmer. |
Waterman Robert, (Evansville) r 32, laborer. |
Way Marcellus, (Barton Landing) off r 6, sheep grower, dairy 14 cows, sugar orchard 1,000 trees, and farmer 170. |
Wells David, (Barton Landing) r 2, laborer. |
Wheeler Charles A., (Barton Landing) r 16, manufacturer of aqueduct logs. |
White Orra A., (Barton Landing) r 5, dairy 13 cows, sugar orchard 300 trees, farmer 170, and in Irasburgh 100. |
Wiggins Jesse, (Barton) r 19½, sugar orchard 700 trees, dairy 12 cows, and farmer 115. |
Wiggins William P., (Barton) r 19, sugar orchard 700 trees, and farmer 60. |
WIGGINS WILLIAM T., (Barton) r 19½, breeder of Durham cattle, sugar orchard 600 trees, dairy 21 cows, farmer 260. |
Wilkie Thomas, (Barton) r 17, sugar orchard 300 trees, dairy 12 cows, and farmer, leases of William Merriam, of Glover, 100. |
Willard Moses, (South Barton) r 47, farmer, owns 1 acre. |
Willard Oliver T., (South Barton) r 46, sugar orchard 300 trees, and farmer 120 |
Williams Chester, (Barton) r 19½, farmer, with Jesse Wiggins, and owns 100 acres in Irasburgh. |
WILLIS JOSEPH, (Barton) r 25½, 81 years old. |
WILLIS ORIN, (Barton) r 25½, stone mason, and farmer 25. |
Wilson Arthur S., (Barton) r 31, joiner, and farmer with his father, Wm. C. |
Wilson William C, (Barton) r 31, joiner, sugar orchard 230 trees, and farmer 130 |
Winchester Ezra C, (South Barton) r 48, farmer 100. |
WOODWARD EBEN S., (Barton) off r 34, breeder of Devon cattle, dairy 10 cows, farmer 83, and timber lot 118. |
WORTHLEY SAMUEL M., (Barton) r 26, breeder of Morgan horses, owner of stallion " Paragon," auctioneer and farmer 70. |
Wright Horatio N., (Barton) r 19, retired farmer, aged 75 years. |
Yetton Jeremiah, (Barton) r 19½, farm laborer. |
The figures following the letter r indicate the number of the road on which the party resides,
and will be found by reference to the map in the back part of this work.
Where no road number is given the party is suppossed to reside in the village.
Figures placed after the occupation of acres owned or leased.
The word street is implied.