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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
Vermont Northeast
Kingdom Genealogy

St. Johnsbury, Vt Genealogy
St. Johnsbury, VT
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Northfield Academy (First Catalogue) 1851
Thayer, S. W., Jr. M. D. President
Gould, James, Esq. Vice President
Carpenter, Hon. Heman Secretary & Treasurer
Paine, Ex-Gov. Charles Trustee
Palmer, James, Esq. Trustee
Smith, Elijah, Esq. Trustee
Hadley, Hon. D. W. Trustee
Robinson, Hon. Moses Trustee
Foster, L., Esq. Trustee
Morse, Hon. Nathan Trustee
Porter, Benjamin, M. D. Trustee
Cobleigh, G. W., Esq. Trustee
Cochran, S., Esq. Trustee
Gould, Joseph, Esq. Trustee
Belknap, Perley, Esq. Trustee
Carpenter, Heman Executive Committee
Thayer, S. W., Jr. Executive Committee
Smith, Elijah Executive Committee
Webster, C. C., A. B. Principal
Goodrich, J. E. Assistant, and Teacher of Penmanship
Drew, Miss Elizabeth Preceptress
Langdon, Miss H. P. S. Teacher of French, Music & Ornamental Branches
Campbell, Miss Eugenia F. Teacher in Primary Department
Nichols, Miss Jane E. Assistant Pupil
Thayer, S. W., Jr. M. D. Lecturer on Anatomy & Physiology
Classical Department  
Gentlemen Residence
Bates, Samuel L. Brookfield
Carpenter, Lucius C. Pike, Wyoming Co., N. Y.
Denny, Edward Northfield
Drew, Holman North Danville
Fisk, George M. Northfield
Hubbard, Lucius A. Bridgewater
Jenks, Thomas H. Northfield
Johnson, James N. Northfield
Joyce, Charles H. Northfield
Nichols, John W. Northfield
Nichols, George A. Braintree
Parker, Samuel Brookfield
Porter, Benjamin F. Northfield
Ritchie, Robert B. A. Tottenville, Staten Island, NY
Robinson, Martin Northfield
Tinker, Charles A. Northfield
Brown, Amanda D. Northfield
Douglass, Ellen M. Waterbury
Moseley, Harriet A. Northfield
Nichols, Jane E. Northfield
Thacher, Angelina Northfield
English Department
Gentlemen Residence
Adams, George W. Northfield
Ainsworth, Albert Tunbridge
Ainsworth, Jason Tunbridge
Alland, Joseph Northfield
Baldwin, Porter J. Berlin
Ballou, George W. Northfield
Bemis, Otis Northfield
Brown, Henry H. R. Northfield
Brown, Thomas Northfield
Cady, Henry C. Northfield
Carpenter, Edwin H. Bridgewater
Carpenter, George N. Northfield
Carpenter, Jason H. Northfield
Cass, George W. Northfield
Cass, Gilbert Northfield
Clark, Stephen A. Northfield
Cobleigh, Charles H. Northfield
Coburn, Lewis L. East Montpelier
Cochran, George B. Northfield
Cochran, William Northfield
Courser, Merrill P. Northfield
Darling, Daniel S. Berlin
Denny, Addison W. Northfield
Dingwall, James W. Northfield
Dunham, Alanson S. Northfield
Foster, George B. Northfield
Foster, Henry A. Northfield
Gould, James P. Northfield
Gould, Joseph W. Northfield
Griswold, John A. Brookfield
Henry, Francis T. Northfield
Hodgden, Wilbur Northfield
Jenks, L. Newton Northfield
Jewett, Charles H. Northfield
Jones, G. Elisha Northfield
Kemp, Lovel E. Northfield
Libbey, Franklin Northfield
Mayo, Barnabas Moretown
Maxham, George L. Northfield
Maxham, Thomas B. Northfield
McCarty, Charles Northfield
Moore, Thomas Northfield
Muzzey, Ferdinand Northfield
Palmer, Francis H. Northfield
Palmer, T. Vincent Northfield
Palmer, William H. H. Northfield
Parker, Daniel Brookfield
Parker, Frederic Northfield
Ritchie, Samuel F. Tottenville, Staten Island, NY
Robinson, Franklin Northfield
Royce, Charles F. Northfield
Sheldon, Martin Northfield
Smith, Hobart Northfield
Stivens, James Northfield
Thacher, John M. Northfield
Thayer, Charles P. Northfield
Thompson, George D. Northfield
Thurston, Charles R. Northfield
Tilden, Charles B. Northfield
Tucker, Malverd C. Northfield
Webb, Alfred W. Northfield
Webb, Charles A. Northfield
White, William Waterbury
Winch, Clifton C. Northfield
Woodbury, Charles E. Northfield
Abbott, Catharine G. Northfield
Averill, Ellen M. Northfield
Averill, Emily P. Northfield
Badger, Elizabeth Northfield
Baldwin, Amanda D. Berlin
Baldwin, Permelia C. Berlin
Baldwin, Persis M. Berlin
Benton, Eliza Northfield
Bridges, Sarah E. Northfield
Briggs, Caroline M. Northfield
Briggs, Martha M. Northfield
Brown, Jane E. Northfield
Brown, Lucy F. Northfield
Buzzell, Mariam E. Northfield
Cady, Adelia Northfield
Cady, Emily A. Northfield
Carpenter, Adelia M. Waitsfield
Carpenter, Caroline S. Northfield
Chandler, Josephine E. Berlin
Clark, Lucia A. Northfield
Currier, Sarah E. Northfield
Denison, Emeline Northfield
Dennio, Julia Northfield
Dennio, Rose Northfield
Dewey, Laura A. Northfield
Dewey, Mary J. Northfield
Dodge, Aurora M. Northfield
Donovan, Eliza Northfield
Donovan, Margaret Northfield
Donovan, Mary A. Northfield
Douglass, Elvira Northfield
Dudley, Helen M. Calais
Eastman, Sarah J. Northfield
Edson, Alice J. Northfield
Garvin, Sarah A. Chichester, NH
Glazier, Emily Northfield
Guard, Eliza Northfield
Hall, Agnes A. Northfield
Hawkins, Mary A. Northfield
Holton, Louisa M. Northfield
Howe, Miraette W. Northfield
Hubbard, Frances K. Northfield
Jewett, Eliza F. Northfield
Kimball, Sarah E. Northfield
Lovejoy, Lucy E. Northfield
Maxham, Annette Northfield
Maxham, Laura E. Northfield
Maxham, Lydia A. Northfield
Mills, Harriet Northfield
Moore, Mary Northfield
Patterson, Marcia C. Northfield
Patterson, Orilla B. Northfield
Pope, Abby S. Roxbury
Randall, Ronene M. Northfield
Richardson, Adelia A. Northfield
Rock, Caroline Northfield
Shaw, Augusta M. Northfield
Smith, Maria C. Roxbury
Stevens, Caroline Northfield
Stevens, Frances Northfield
Sullivan, Johanna Middlesex
Taplin, Emeline F. Northfield
Tenney, Annice E. Northfield
Thacher, Sarah A. Northfield
Thompson, Persis A. Barre
Thompson, Sarah E. Northfield
Thurston, Cornelia M. Northfield
Tinker, Harriet S. Northfield
Wadleigh, Amanda S. Northfield
Wadleigh, Florence M. Northfield
Webb, Mary E. Northfield
Welch, Martha Northfield
Wetherbee, Angeline A. Northfield
Wetherbee, Mary M. Northfield
Winch, Marcia S. Northfield
Winters, Margaret Northfield
Winters, Mary Northfield
Winters, Sarah Northfield
Woodworth, Lucy A. Chelsea
Northfield Academy 1852
Thayer, S. W., Jr. M. D. President
Gould, James, Esq. Vice President
Carpenter, Hon. Heman Secretary & Treasurer
Paine, Ex-Gov. Charles Trustee
Palmer, James, Esq. Trustee
Smith, Elijah, Esq. Trustee
Hadley, Hon. D. W. Trustee
Robinson, Hon. Moses Trustee
Foster, L., Esq. Trustee
Morse, Hon. Nathan Trustee
Porter, Benjamin, M. D. Trustee
Cobleigh, G. W., Esq. Trustee
Cochran, S., Esq. Trustee
Gould, Joseph, Esq. Trustee
Belknap, Perley, Esq. Trustee
Carpenter, Heman Executive Committee
Thayer, S. W. Executive Committee
Gould, James Executive Committee
Belknap, Perley Executive Committee
Manly, R. M., A. M. Principal
Manly, B. S. Assistant
Manly, Mrs. Sarah W. Preceptress
Griswold, Miss Annie S. Teacher of Music & Ornamental Branches
Patterson, Miss Marcia Teacher of Primary Department
Thayer, S. W., Jr. M. D. Lecturer on Anatomy & Physiology
Hubbard, L. S. Teacher of Penmanship
Classical Department  
Gentlemen Residence
Andrews, Charles Northfield
Baldwin, J. P. Berlin
Bemies, J. Otis Northfield
Braley, George Roxbury
Braman, Charles A. Northfield
Brown, George W. Northfield
Cady, Henry C. Northfield
Carpenter, Edwin H. Bridgewater
Carpenter, Isaac J. Northfield
Carpenter, Rufus Northfield
Carpenter, George W. Northfield
Carpenter, Jason Northfield
Channell, Charles Northfield
Chatfield, Henry Northfield
Clark, Stephen Northfield
Collins, Patric Northfield
Cochran, William Northfield
Cochran, George Northfield
Courser, Merril P. Northfield
Cass, Gilbert Northfield
Culver, Augustus Berlin
Darling, James H. Northfield
Denny, Addison W. Northfield
Denny, Edward Northfield
Divine, James Northfield
Dodge, George S. Northfield
Dole, French M. Northfield
Dunham, Alanson Northfield
Eaton, Henry Northfield
Ellis, H. G. Roxbury
Fisk, G. M. Northfield
Farley, Oscar W. Northfield
Gauge, Benjamin Northfield
Gilchrist, John Northfield
Gilman, Jonathan W. Wolfboro, NH
Glazier, Franklin Northfield
Gould, Joseph W. Northfield
Gould, James P. Northfield
Guard, William Northfield
Hacket, Homer Northfield
Hall, John Northfield
Hendry, John Northfield
Herrick, Webster H. Chesterfield, NH
Hills, John N. Arlington
Hobart, Charles F. Randolph
Hobart, Edward A. Northfield
Howard, Alvin Northfield
Jewett, Charles Northfield
Jenks, I. Newton Northfield
Jones, George E. Northfield
Johnson, James N. Northfield
Kelly, Daniel Northfield
Kemp, Edwin Northfield
Knapp, Abel K. Northfield
Little, John Franklin Northfield
McCarty, Charles Northfield
Miller, Frederic Northfield
Muzzy, Ferdinand Northfield
Nichols, Howard P. Reading, MA
Nichols, George A. Braintree
Palmer, Andrew Northfield
Parker, Frederic Northfield
Richardson, Lorin T. Jericho
Robinson, Franklin Northfield
Roach, John Northfield
Sheldon, Martin Northfield
Smith, A. Hobart Northfield
Sturtevant, William Northfield
Sturtevant, Charles E. Northfield
Sullivan, Timothy Northfield
Stephenson, William Northfield
Tenney, Charles Northfield
Thacher, John M. Northfield
Thacher, George A. Northfield
Thayer, Charles Northfield
Thayer, Gilbert M. Northfield
Thurston, Charles R. Northfield
Tinker, William Northfield
Tinker, Charles A. Northfield
Tilden, Charles B. Northfield
Tillson, W. Francis Northfield
Topliff, Joseph J. Bridgewater
Tucker, Malverd C. Northfield
Webb, Charles A. Northfield
Webb, Alfred Northfield
Webster, Frederic Northfield
Williams, G. S. Roxbury
White, William Waterbury
Winch, C. C. Northfield
Andrews, Adelaide Northfield
Atwood, Elvira T. Pomfret
Averill, Ellen M. Northfield
Averill, Caroline L. Northfield
Babcock, Mary B. Northfield
Babcock, Harriet S. Northfield
Badger, Elizabeth Northfield
Baldwin, Permelia C. Berlin
Belcher, Cornelia C. Gaysville
Brigham, Ellen Northfield
Briggs, Caroline M. Northfield
Briggs, M. Maria Northfield
Brooks, Ellen E. Northfield
Brooks, Martha Northfield
Braley, Sarah Jane Braintree
Brown, Jane E. Northfield
Brown, Mary Amanda Northfield
Brown, Lucia Northfield
Brown, Lizzie Northfield
Burrell, Anna Northfield
Cady, Adelia Northfield
Cady, Emily A. Northfield
Carpenter, Caroline S. Northfield
Chandler, Josephine E. Berlin
Clark, Lucia A. Northfield
Crawford, Helen E. Northfield
Crawford, Sarah Ann Northfield
Culver, Emily P. Northfield
Currier, Sarah A. Northfield
Currier, Orpha M. Northfield
Davenport, Adeline Northfield
Davenport, Laura Northfield
Derry, Zerua Northfield
Dewy, Mary Jane Northfield
Dewy, Laura Asenath Northfield
Doneho, Larose Northfield
Dodge, Aurora Miranda Northfield
Douglass, Ellen M. Waterbury
Douglass, Louisa H. Waterbury
Dow, Hannah M. Waitsfield
Eastman, Sarah J. Northfield
Edson, Annette E. Northfield
Edson, Alice J. Northfield
Ellis, Sarah H. Northfield
Emmerson, Mary Northfield
Foss, Mary Northfield
Glazier, Emily Northfield
Glidden, Malvina A. Northfield
Gould, Hannah R. Northfield
Guard, Amanda Northfield
Hadley, Helen M. Northfield
Hawkins, Mary A. Northfield
Hendry, Jane Northfield
Hurlbert, Betsey D. Northfield
Jones, Almira Northfield
Johnson, Edwina Northfield
Johnson, Ellen Northfield
Kelly, Elizabeth Northfield
Keyes, Caroline A. Northfield
Kimball, Sarah Hillsboro, NH
Kimball, Lizzie S. Northfield
Lamb, Elizabeth A. Northfield
Lovejoy, Lucy Emeline Northfield
Martin, Caroline F. Northfield
Manly, Margaret J. Madrid, NY
Mann, Julietta M. Braintree
Maxham, Laura Northfield
Maxham, Annette C. Northfield
Maxham, Anna L. Northfield
Mosely, Ellen Northfield
Munson, Mary E. Northfield
Moore, Amanda H. Peru, NY
Nary, Rozetta N. Northfield
Nichols, Jane E. Northfield
Nichols, Emma Northfield
Patterson, Ann Northfield
Patterson, Orrilla B. Northfield
Pixley, Mary W. Enosburg Falls
Pope, Persis B. Roxbury
Roach, Mary E. Northfield
Roach, Margaret Northfield
Sanborn, Susan A. Northfield
Shaw, Augusta M. Northfield
Simons, Cordelia J. Northfield
Smith, Ellen Amelia Northfield
Smith, Cynthia Northfield
Smith, Caroline M. Northfield
Sturtevant, Alice M. Northfield
Stevens, Caroline Northfield
Stevens, Frances Northfield
Sullivan, Joanna Northfield
Tenny, Abby Northfield
Thacher, Angeline Northfield
Thacher, Sarah A. Northfield
Thayer, Mary P. Northfield
Thayer, Abbie C. Northfield
Thurston, Cornelia M. Northfield
Thompson, Sarah E. Northfield
Tinker, Harriet S. Northfield
Webster, Hannah A. Northfield
Welch, Martha Northfield
Wetherbee, Mary W. Northfield
Wetherbee, Angeline A. Northfield
Wetherbee, Lydia M. Northfield
Winch, Marcia S. Northfield
Wright, Clara M. Northfield
Wright, Emily A. Northfield

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