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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
Vermont Northeast
Kingdom Genealogy

St. Johnsbury, Vt Genealogy
St. Johnsbury, VT
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Craftsbury Academy 1899 - 1900
Board of Trustees      
Merrill, George President Evans, Rev. D. L. Board of Trustees
Hastings, Edw. L. Secretary Taylor, Rev. J. C. Board of Trustees
Stevens, Henry N. Treasurer Dutton, Edward A. Board of Trustees
Root, Moses Board of Trustees Stevens, Henry N. Executive Committee
McLaren, Alexander Board of Trustees Graham, Horace F. Executive Committee
Tolman, Hon, Henry S. Board of Trustees Merrill, George Executive Committee
Davison, Hon. Amory Board of Trustees Graham, Horace F. Agent
Paddock, Augustus Board of Trustees    
Dustan, Dr. C. W. Board of Trustees Teachers for 1899-1900  
Moodie, Rev. R. C. Board of Trustees Cole, Arthur C., A. B. Principal
Gallagher, Thomas M. Board of Trustees King, Abby L., A. B.  
Graham, Horace F. Board of Trustees Allen, Cora Bell (State Normal)
Class of 1899      
Cowles, Elsie (English Course) Craftsbury    
Dustan, Ida (Latin Scientific) North Craftsbury    
Goodrich, Mary (deceased)(English) Craftsbury    
Hodgdon, Charles (English) Craftsbury    
Students   Students  
Allen, Helen Craftsbury Macomber, Annie East Craftsbury
Anderson, Maud South Albany Macomber, Archie East Craftsbury
Anderson, Euna North Craftsbury Marcy, William North Craftsbury
Anderson, Annie East Craftsbury Martin, Bessie Wolcott
Ansboro, Marie Albany Center Martin, Victor Wolcott
Bailey, Agnes East Craftsbury McClary, Roscoe East Craftsbury
Bailey, Mary East Craftsbury Merrill, Lilla Craftsbury
Bumps, Charles North Craftsbury Merrill, Florence Craftsbury
Calderwood, Lottie Craftsbury Moodie, Roland Craftsbury
Cass, Harold Craftsbury Moodie, Harry Craftsbury
Cass, Carleton Craftsbury Moody, Willis North Craftsbury
Chase, Walter Craftsbury Morse, Jennie East Craftsbury
Cornell, Edward Branch Morse, Ephraim East Craftsbury
Cowles, Harley Craftsbury Norcott, Harry Coos, NH
Cowles, Clyde North Craftsbury Patterson, Helen East Craftsbury
Cutler, Mabel Albany Patterson, Robert East Craftsbury
Daniels, Alvah Craftsbury Patterson, Leon South Albany
Dorman, Charles Branch Patterson, Eila Craftsbury
Eldridge, Sibil East Albany Pike, Adna North Craftsbury
Ferry, Leon South Albany Reed, Julia North Craftsbury
Graham, Alice South Albany Robbins, George Craftsbury
Graham, Annie South Albany Rogers, Andrew Albany
Grant, Cora East Albany Rogers, Juline Albany
Grant, Minnie East Albany Root, Mary North Craftsbury
Hanson, Zuar Craftsbury Sheehan, Grace North Craftsbury
Harvey, John Craftsbury Shield, Simeon East Craftsbury
Harvey, William South Albany Taylor, Clark East Craftsbury
Hatch, Edith Branch Udall, Roy Branch
Hodgdon, Ella North Craftsbury Urie, Clara East Craftsbury
Howard, George Craftsbury Walsh, Frank North Craftsbury
Johnson, Martin North Craftsbury Ward, Nellie Wolcott
Johnson, William North Craftsbury White, James Craftsbury
Kaiser, Alice Craftsbury Wilson, Margie Craftsbury
Larabee, Lilla North Craftsbury Witt, Leon North Craftsbury
Leavitt, Alice Lowell, MA Young, Bernard North Craftsbury
Lyon, Bessie North Craftsbury Young, Elsie East Craftsbury
Lyon, Bennie North Craftsbury    
Lyon, Walter North Craftsbury    

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