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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
Vermont Northeast
Kingdom Genealogy

St. Johnsbury, Vt Genealogy
St. Johnsbury, VT
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Prudential Committee - Montpelier Union School District
Reed, Charles Johonnott, Albert
Wells, Samuel Phinney, Truman C.
Clark, John W.  
Trustees - Washington County Grammar School
Nutt, Henry Page, John A.
Reed, Charles Emery, John C.
Lord, William H. Dewey, Charles
Ballou, Eli Pitkin, Perley P.
Clark, Charles Richardson, Rod'k
Walton, E. P. Allen, Charles A.
Willard, C. W.  
Washington County Grammar School
Lord, William H. Prudential Committee
Dewey, Charles Prudential Committee
Allen, Charles A. Prudential Committee
Gorham, Daniel D., A. M. Principal
Burnham, Miss Mary A. Preceptress
Redway, Miss Ellen F. Teacher
Clark, Miss Adda Teacher - Fall & Winter Term
Maxham, Miss Laura E. Teacher - Spring Term
Woodbury, Miss Eliza M. Teacher - Fall & Winter Term
Davis, Miss Martha M. Teacher - Spring Term
Maxham, Miss Laura E. Teacher - Fall & Winter Term
Golden, Miss Sarah E. Teacher - Spring Term
Abbott, Miss Martha E. Teacher
Sweet, Miss Elizabeth F. Teacher
Phillips, Andrew F. Teacher of Vocal Music
Chamberlin, N. B. Janitor
Grammar School, No. 8
Students - Gentlemen Residence
Bennett, William Montpelier
Brown, Frank Montpelier
Bartlett, George Montpelier
Bancroft, Fred Montpelier
Braley, John Montpelier
Clark, Osman Montpelier
Dewey, William Montpelier
Ferrin, Charles Montpelier
Hill, Charles Montpelier
Huntington, Wilder Montpelier
Hubbard, Charles Montpelier
Hawley, Fred Montpelier
Hathaway, Fred Montpelier
Hersey, Florence G. Montpelier
Johonnott, Arthur Montpelier
Jones, John Montpelier
Keith, Roswell Montpelier
Maloy, George Montpelier
Pitkin, Charles Montpelier
Redway, Albert Montpelier
Slayton, Lee Montpelier
Stebbins, Herbert Montpelier
Severance, John Montpelier
Swasey, George Montpelier
Wheeler, Walter P. Montpelier
Peck, John Montpelier
Bailey, Edward P. Berlin
Bailey, Charles A. Berlin
Deming, Frank Newbury
Gove, Curtis C. Marshfield
Sparrow, Bradford P. Calais
Wheelock, Herbert Berlin
Wheelock, Martin Berlin
Students - Ladies Residence
Bennett, Adella Montpelier
Brown, Ella L. Montpelier
Cummins, Fanny Montpelier
Dewey, Elizabeth A. Montpelier
Drew, Mary E. Burlington
Durant, Lettie E. Montpelier
Fuller, Eva J. Montpelier
Gary, Alice J. Montpelier
Golden, Sarah E. Montpelier
Gorham, Ella B. Montpelier
Gorham, Anna K. Montpelier
Goss, Lucy A. Kalamazoo, Mich
Hill, Ida P. Montpelier
Hodgdon, Mary J. Montpelier
Hodgdon, Elizabeth Montpelier
Hoyt, Emma L. Montpelier
Huntington, Florence E. Montpelier
Johonnott, Ellen M. Montpelier
Keith, Ellen F. Montpelier
Kinsman, Ada L. Montpelier
Ladd, Emily E. Montpelier
Ladd, Ellen E. Montpelier
Langley, Emma J. Montpelier
Lord, Sarah A. Montpelier
Lord, Jane A. Montpelier
Mahon, Kate Montpelier
Richardson, Minnie Montpelier
Severance, Julia W. Montpelier
Smith, Amelia A. Montpelier
Smith, Louise A. Montpelier
Stevens, Lilla Montpelier
Sumner, Mary L. Montpelier
Willard, Mary Montpelier
Wing, Alice M. Montpelier
Wright, Ellen M. Montpelier
Union School
Department No. 6
Atkins, Kate Pease, Jennie
Atkins, Lizzie Putnam, Alice
Alexander, Sarepta Reed, Minnie
Barrows, Nellie Robinson, Ida
Barrows, Lucy Stimpson, Lizzie
Bailey, Rinnie Swasey, Alice
Brown, Carrie Tyler, Grace
Bush, Ida Washburn, Emma
Brooks, Myrtie Witt, Carrie
Chester, Mary Wheelock, Florence
Cooper, Emma  
Cram, Bell Aldrich, Frank
Dewey, Jennie Bowers, Ed
Dewey, Mary Clogston, Elwin
Dudley, Fannie Cross, Walter
Dodge, Ella Cummings, Volney
Emery, Gertie Dewey, Hermon
Ferrin, Hattie Emmons, John
Freeman, Lizzie Gilman, Seppie
Hopkins, Jennie Hollis, Willie
Kinsman, Nellie Huntington, Charles
Kimmis, Julia Jones, Michael
Knapp, Fannie Keith, Willie
Luce, Ida Marcott, Levi
Maxham, Gertrude McGowen, John
Mee, Lizzie Pitkin, Fred
Mills, Sadie Sterling, Fred
Mooney, Agnes Tyler, Charles
Newhall, Hattie Willard, Ashton
Newcomb, Maria Whittier, Clarence
Pease, Lillie  
Department No. 5
Armstrong, Eliza Boutwell, James
Bailey, Ella Brigham, Willie
Cummings, Lizzie Boler, Abraham
Catie, Matilda Butterfly, George
Dewey, Thena Cain, Maurice
Ewing, Kate Cayhue, John
French, Alice Corry, Frank
Gorham, Mary Dewey, Thomas
Graves, Mattie Dewey, Theodore
Gray, Nellie Dumas, Paul
Gravlin, Clemmie Dodge, Eddie
Guyette, Jennie Emmons, Fred
Johnson, Pamelia Eaton, Fred
Kane, Anna Fitz, Willie
Larkin, Florence Foster, Charles
Labeshire, Mary Fisher, Willie
Langley, Etta Gary, Frank
Mee, Maggie Grant, Charles
Morris, Kittie Graves, Henry
Medler, Mary Keith, George
Robinson, Louise Kane, Willie
Richardson, Isabella Luce, George
Richardson, Lizzie Mahoney, Sylvester
Richardson, Mattie Murrey, John
Sabin, Fannie Newcomb, Charles
Smith, Alice Noyes, Charles
Snow, Julia Pearson, Gardner
Tanner, Mary Perkins, Ezra
Wing, Lizzie Pitkin, Frank
Wilder, Nellie Robinson, Charles
Wilson, Isabella Rourks, Patrick
  Rodee, Charles
Brown, Frank Seaver, Harry
Bowers, Alden Tuttle, Frank
Blanchard, Willis Woodbury, George
Dewey, Arthur Wing, John
Department No. 4
Andrews, Frank Bickford, Jennie
Alexander, Frank Brown, Ella
Barnes, Fred Carr, Abbie
Burke, Eddie Clogston, Carrie
Bennett, Charles Cannon, Mary
Barnes, Percy Dillingham, Cora
Braddish, Joel Eaton, Eulie
Braddish, Fred Ewing, Alice
Barnet, Willie Goron, Celinda
Butterfly, Napoleon Hill, Marion
Clogston, Bertie Horne, Carrie
Drewey, Perley Knapp, Mary
Darling, Arthur Kane, Nellie
Eastman, Neddie Macomber, Mary
Foster, Ware Miller, Josephine
Fuller, Frank McBride, Lizzie
Gravlin, Charles Morrill, Martha
Hinkley, Fred Mayott, Emma
Heaton, Homer Newhall, Mattie
Hathaway, George Paige, Delta
Keeler, Willie Perkins, Della
Kane, Albert Paine, Nettie
Merrill, Timmie Roleau, Josie
Regnor, Fred Robinson, Minnie
Redway, Alfred Rock, Lizzie
Snow, Fred Stimson, Mary
Wilder, Charles Stimson, Jessie
  Stiles, Belle
Bailey, Clara Wood, Ida
Department No. 3
Alexander, John Barnes, Mary
Adams, Freddie Bowers, Alice
Barnes, Henry Bullock, Isadore
Burke, Thomas Bean, Gertie
Benway, William Cameron, Mary
Bliss, Burt Cain, Bertha
Bill, Wesley Dewey, Josephine
Chester, Frank Dumas, Vena
Chandler, Charles Emmons, Agnes
Dewey, George Ellis, Carrie
Dodge, Gilman Fisher, Lizzie
Foster, Hyde Fisher, Hattie
Fitz, Arthur Guptil, Katie
Geror, Joseph Gibson, Cora
Gravelin, Charles Garor, Lizzie
Lee, Frank Hathaway, Dora
Lee, Fred Hargin, Clemmie
Lamory, Napoleon Jacobs, Mary
Miller, Charles Keyes, Lizzie
McKee, Frank Lawrence, Lucia
McCue, Frank Louzell, Flora
Newcomb, Lutie Miles, Julia
Peck, Frank McCue, Mary
Rock, John Patterson, Chastina
Roleau, Louis Paige, Addie
Roakes, James Phinney, Mary
Smith, Frank Putnam, Belle
St. John, Peter Putnam, Carrie
Scribner, Frederick Ramsdell, Abbie
Sullivan, Eddie Richardson, Nellie
Stiles, Marquis Roakes, Nellie
Towner, Eddie Smith, Nellie
Town, Frank Young, Nellie
Yatter, Edmund Young, Ida
Department No. 2
Bailey, Minnie Wells, Dora
Barnes, Ella Woods, Jessie
Barnes, Nettie Bailey, Burnside
Brannigin, Mary Benway, Frank
Brown, Amanda Blanchard, George
Brown, Ida Bowers, Henry
Butler, Jane Brown, Edward
Cannon, Lizzie Brown, Romeo G.
Cawstick, Martha Bullock, Samuel
Clark, Carrie Bryant, Gilman
Colby, Ida Chase, Frank
Dumas, Mary Clogston, Eldon
Dewey, Jessie Cobb, Henry
Dodge, Ella Cram, Carlos
Dodge, Louie Daley, Ollie
Duchamp, Eliza Desaulnier, Charlie
Emmons, Mary Eaton, Arthur
Gibson, Esther Emmons, Fred
Gravlin, Josie Emmons, Henry
Gravlin, Lizzie Forbush, John
Gray, Alice Ford, Thomas
Hall, Dora Glysson, Willie
Hargin, Gertie Goodwin, John
Horne, Ida Geror, Louis
Hoyt, Louie Hall, Francis
Jewell, Norah Hunt, Frank
Keeler, Minnie Huntington, Frank
Kinson, Nellie Kendall, Frank
Lamory, Mary Kinsman, Frank
Lane, Hattie Lacroix, Israel
Mahoney, Mary Lanphear, Willie
Miles, Cora McBride, George
Miller, Clara McCue, Daniel
Moriarty, Mary Morris, Charlie
Paine, Sadie Murdock, Fred
Prento, Amelia Parker, Herbert
Roakes, Alice Putnam, Vanie
Robinson, Josie Queritte, Edward
Sawtelle, Addie Rivers, Paul
Snow, Martha Smith, Henry
Sterling, Jennie St. John, Louis
Swasey, Minnie Walton, George
Swasey, Nellie Whitney, George
Tanner, Abbie White, Clarence
Tanner, Addie Wilson, Willie
Wade, Lizzie Young, Bertie
Department No. 1
Allen, Arthur Benway, Josephine
Badore, Daniel Benway, Mary
Barnes, Fred Briggs, Addie
Bergen, John Brown, Lulu
Bill, Clarence Butler, Nellie
Bliss, Elmer Butterfield, Emeline
Bowers, Burton Casovan, Emma
Brown, Edward Chandler, Anna
Butterfield, Frank Cooper, Alice
Butterfly, Louis Crepeau, Fanny
Butterfly, Henry Crepeau, Mary
Casovan, Oliver Daubigne, Mary
Casovan, William Desaulnier, Emma
Cawstick, William Dewey, Gertie
Celley, Charles Dewey, Kate
Chase, Edward Duchamp, Josephine
Chase, Olan Dumas, Emma
Clement, Frank Foster, Mary
Collins, Henry Geror, Rosa
Daubigne, William Guptil, Carrie
Dewey, Marvin Hargin, Belle
Dodge, Joseph Harris, Emma
Duchamp, Louis Heywood, Annie
Edgerly, Hartwell Hunt, Hattie
Emmons, Henry Hutchins, Myrtie
Fitz, Edward Jacobs, Lucy
Gibson, Herbert Jacobs, Louise
Gravlin, Henry Kendall, Myra
Hatch, Frank Kimball, Jane
Kane, John Lamory, Lizzie
Keith, Fred Lum, Jessie
Knapp, George Martin, Mary
Lafferty, Corliss Martin, Louise
Lamory, George Marshall, Rozella
Lindsey, Albert Miles, Clara
Lindsey, Vernon Mongeau, Mary
Loveland, George Mongeau, Louise
Luce, Gilman Neveux, Addie
Mayott, George Patterson, Dora
Mongeau, George Park, Gertie
Mooney, Walter Park, Kate
Moriarty, Thomas Paro, Delia
Noble, Frank Phinney, Jenny
Paine, Frank Pressy, Annie
Peck, William Regner, Hattie
Pierce, John Richardson, Addie
Pitkin, William Richardson, Henrietta
Reedy, Michael Roakes, Sarah
Rivers, William Robinson, Celia
Rivers, George Rowe, Agnes
Richardson, Frank Ryan, Kate
Rocke, George St. John, Melissa
St. John, Almond St. John, Almira
St. John, Nicholas Silver, Sarah
Shatney, Joseph Silver, Hattie
Smith, Walter Silver, Cynthia
Smith, George Silver, Helen
Spinney, Charles Smith, Josephine
Sullivan, John Smith, Eliza
Thompson, Charles Sumner, Rosa
Walker, William Tanner, Alice
Worthen, Edward Tanner, Ella
Yatter, Henry Washburn, Nellie
Allard, Almira Willey, Carrie
Allard, Jessie Wilkins, Elva
Allen, Georgiana Young, Lizzie
Barton, Jennie Young, Rosamond

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