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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
Vermont Northeast
Kingdom Genealogy

St. Johnsbury, Vt Genealogy
St. Johnsbury, VT
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Coventry High School Coventry, Vermont 1858
Board of Visitors
White, Rev. Pliny H. Mussey, J. W., Esq.
Gray, Rev. A. R. Frost, H. H., Esq.
Blanchard, D. W., M.D. Dailey, E., Esq.
Wheelock, J. B., Esq. Herbert, B. F., Esq.
Cleveland, Hon. E. Beckwith, Rev. J. H.
Walworth, D. P., Esq. Grout, W. W., Esq.
Cowles, S. F., Esq.  
Dewey, H. K. Principal
Parker, Miss J. G. Preceptress & Teacher of French & Drawing
Camp, D. M. Teacher of Latin & Greek
West, Miss M. A. Teacher of Instrumental Music
Baldwin, D. B. Teacher of Vocal Music
Gould, Miss M. J. Teacher of Primary Dept., Spring Term
Cowles, E. S. Assistant, Spring Term
Spring Term - Gentlemen Residence
Bean, George C. Coventry
Cleveland, Henry C. Coventry
Cleveland, Charles B. Coventry
Cowles, Elijah S. Coventry
Cowles, George F. Coventry
Cowles, Charles C. Coventry
Cutler, Elijah B. Wayne, Ohio
Dailey, Charles R. Coventry
Enos, Joseph Coventry
Enos, John Coventry
Enos, David Coventry
Fairbrother, Edson W. Barton Landing
Farley, Oscar W. Irasburgh
Frost, Francis Smith's Falls, C. W.
Guild, Eugene W. Coventry
Hancock, Charles Coventry
Hancock, Loren Coventry
Herbert, Charles F. Coventry
Holbrook, Samuel H. Newport
Mussey, Samuel B. Coventry
Persons, Luther B. Coventry
Persons, Chester E. Coventry
Thrasher, Henry Coventry
Thrasher, Holland Coventry
Thrasher, Homer Coventry
Wheelock, George L. Coventry
Spring Term - Ladies Residence
Baldwin, Jennette Brownington
Berry, Luella Coventry
Boynton, Clara J. Coventry
Boynton, Eugenia A. Coventry
Brooks, Melvina Coventry
Bryant, Lucy A. Irasburgh
Daggett, Elvina M. Coventry
Dailey, Myra H. Coventry
Dailey, Lodosika Coventry
Dailey, Rosette E. Coventry
Dewey, Emily J. Irasburgh
Fairbrother, Ellen Barton Landing
Farr, Cynthia M. Coventry
Gould, Mary J. Coventry
Gould, Martha P. Newport
Gray, Clara E. Coventry
Greeley, Ada L. Coventry
Green, Mary M. Barton Landing
Guild, Athlinda Coventry
Hancock, Ellen Coventry
Herbert, Ednah M. Coventry
Herbert, Finette M. Coventry
Howard, Mary Irasburgh
Huntley, Coralinn Newport
Kinne, Myra H. Coventry
Lane, Hattie Newport
Lane, Marietta Newport
Moulton, Almira F. Melvin Village, NH
Mussey, Elma A. Coventry
Mussey, Jennie E. Coventry
Perry, Hattie M. Irasburgh
Persons, Sarah L. Coventry
Persons, Mary A. Coventry
Thrasher, Stella C. Brownington
Thrasher, Ella L. Coventry
Thrasher, Sarah W. Coventry
Tice, Sarah J. Coventry
Tice, Albertina G. Coventry
Walworth, Jennie E. Coventry
Wells, Fernanda V. Brownington
Wheelock, Mattie E. Coventry
Wheelock, Hattie A. Coventry
Wheelock, Mary A. Coventry
Wright, Emily A. Irasburgh
Fall Term - Gentlemen Residence
Bean, George C. Coventry
Beckwith, Henry R. Irasburgh
Brown, Henry E. Coventry
Cleveland, Henry C. Coventry
Cleveland, Charles C. Coventry
Cowles, Elijah S. Coventry
Cowles, George F. Coventry
Cowles, Charles C. Coventry
Cutler, Elijah B. Wayne, Ohio
Daniels, John Coventry
Dewey, Willard Albany
Dodge, Salmon Irasburgh
Fisher, Ira D. Coventry
Gray, Eddie K. Coventry
Hancock, Loren Coventry
Holbrook, Dudley H. Newport
Holbrook, Samuel H. Newport
Kimball, Frank Coventry
Locke, Albert Irasburgh
Mussey, Samuel B. Coventry
Nye, Salmon Irasburgh
Persons, Luther B. Coventry
Persons, Chester E. Coventry
Richmond, Kendric Newport
Thrasher, Homer Coventry
Tice, Robert S. Coventry
Tower, George W. Rochester
Wright, Riley E. Coventry
Fall Term - Ladies Residence
Baldwin, Laura E. Coventry
Baldwin, Jennette Brownington
Bean, Ellen M. Coventry
Brooks, Melvina Coventry
Brown, Estella R. Coventry
Bryant, Lucy A. Irasburgh
Bryant, Emma Coventry
Chamberlin, Cynthia L. Irasburgh
Chapman, Melissa C. Coventry
Daggett, Elvina M. Coventry
Dailey, Lodosika Coventry
Dailey, Rosette E. Coventry
Fairbrother, Ellen Barton Landing
Farr, Hannah B. Littleton, NH
Farr, Cynthia M. Coventry
French, Mary Coventry
Gould, Mary J. Coventry
Gould, Martha P. Newport
Gray, Clara E. Coventry
Gray, Ellen A. Coventry
Green, Mary M. Barton Landing
Guild, Lutheria Coventry
Hancock, Ellen Coventry
Heerman, Sylvia Coventry
Herbert, Ednah M. Coventry
Herbert, Finette M. Coventry
Jameson, Julia E. Irasburgh
Jameson, Lucy A. Irasburgh
Kedney, Mary A. Coventry
Kinne, Alice A. Coventry
Locke, Sara A. Albany
Mitchell, Emeline S. Coventry
Moulton, Almira F. Melvin Village, NH
Mussey, Jennie A. Coventry
Perry, Hattie M. Irasburgh
Persons, Sarah L. Coventry
Prouty, Laura J. Newport
Sessions, Stella M. Coventry
Shippee, Eveline A. Coventry
Smith, Lucy A. W. Barton Landing
Spencer, Eliza S. Irasburgh
Tice, Albertine G. Coventry
Thrasher, Ella L. Coventry
Thrasher, Sarah W. Coventry
Walworth, Jennie E. Coventry
Wheelock, Mattie E. Coventry
Wheelock, Hattie A. Coventry
Wheelock, Mary A. Coventry
Wright, Adalaide L. Coventry
Wright, Medora A. West Newport
Wright, Emeline D. West Newport
Wright, Emily A. Irasburgh
Coventry Academy Coventry, Vermont 1861-2
White, Rev. Pliny H. President
Blanchard, D. W., M.D. Secretary
Soper, Lorin Treasurer
Dailey, Emore Officer
Thrasher, J. R. Officer
Ripley, Ambrose A. Officer
Cleveland, Hon. E. Coventry
Parker, Hon. Isaac Coventry
Blanchard, D. W., M.D. Coventry
West, Mr. A. C. Coventry
Peabody, Mr. R. W. Coventry
Kimball, Isaac, M.D. Coventry
Thrasher, Mr. J. R. Coventry
Soper, Mr. Lorin Coventry
Ripley, Mr. A. A. Coventry
Dailey, Mr. Emore Coventry
Walworth, Mr. D. P. Coventry
True, Mr. George W. Coventry
Kellam, Mr. J. H. Irasburgh
Wright, Mr. John Irasburgh
Moore, Hon. Wm. Newport
Baker, Mr. Luther Newport
Howard, Mr. Spencer D. Irasburgh
Foster, Mr. H. Renssellaer Principal
Daggett, Miss Harriet S. Preceptress
Walworth, Miss Jennie E. Teacher in French
West, Miss Nancy Teacher in Music
Persons, Miss Sarah L. Teacher in Drawing & Painting
Harrington, Mr. E. Teacher in Penmanship
Examining Committee
Gray, Rev. A. R. Coventry
White, Rev. Pliny H. Coventry
Blanchard, D. W., M.D. Coventry
Bartlett, Leavitt, Esq. Coventry
Gentlemen Residence
Allen, Hollis Coventry
Baldwin, Ellory West Derby
Bean, George S. Coventry
Bowles, Philemon P. Coventry
Brooks, Alvah Coventry
Brooks, Charles Coventry
Butler, Oren S. Coventry
Cassidy, Patrick H. Coventry
Cleaveland, Charles Coventry
Cleaveland, Henry C. Coventry
Clement, Walter H. Irasburgh
Cowles, Charles C. Coventry
Cowles, James F. Coventry
Day, Henry C. Coventry
Dunn, Lawrence Coventry
Enos, John Coventry
Enos, Joseph Coventry
Farley, Orville A. Irasburgh
Farmer, George Newport
Farmer, William Newport
Fletcher, George A. Coventry
French, Albert Coventry
Gray, Eddie C. Coventry
Grow, Wallace T. Brownington
Guild, Luther Coventry
Hancock, Asa B. Coventry
Herbert, Charles Coventry
Joslyn, Peter Newport
Moulton, J. Augustus Lowell, MA
Mussey, Samuel B. Coventry
Pearson, Samuel A. Coventry
Roberts, Oscar F. Irasburgh
Rogers, Jesse B. West Albany
Thrasher, Bennie W. Coventry
Thrasher, Hollis Coventry
Thrasher, Homer Coventry
Tice, Wilbur Coventry
Wheelock, George B. Coventry
Wheelock, John P. Coventry
Williams, Nelson Troy
Wright, Charles O. Coventry
Wright, Joel F. Coventry
Gentlemen Residence
Berry, Luella J. Coventry
Bisbee, Betsey F. West Derby
Bowles, Nettie S. Coventry
Bowles, Hattie E. Coventry
Boynton, Clara J. Coventry
Brooks, Malvina Coventry
Brown, Diana Coventry
Brown, Kittie S. South Craftsbury
Bryant, Lucy A. Irasburgh
Burnabee, Ella J. Irasburgh
Chamberlain, Emma Irasburgh
Chapman, Melissa Coventry
Collins, Ruemma Coventry
Daggett, Elvina M. Coventry
Dailey, Lodosika Coventry
Dailey, Rosette E. Coventry
Dodge, Emma L. Irasburgh
Dow, Alice M. Coventry
Dow, Mary Coventry
Enos, Eliza Coventry
Farley, Celia A. Barton
Farr, Cynthia M. Albany
Fisher, Azuba Coventry
Fisher, Marietta Coventry
Gorham, Louisa J. Coventry
Gray, Clara E. Coventry
Gray, Ellen Coventry
Gray, Sarah C. Coventry
Greely, Ada L. Coventry
Guild, Jane L. Coventry
Guild, Keziah Coventry
Hancock, Ellen M. Coventry
Heerman, Elnora H. Coventry
Heerman, Sylvia Coventry
Harding, Julia A. Lowell
Herbert, Edna M. Coventry
Herbert, Finette M. Coventry
Howard, Lucy M. Irasburgh
Ingerson, Hannah M. Coventry
Ingerson, Kate Coventry
Jameson, Lucy A. Irasburgh
Kedney, Alice M. Coventry
Kedney, Sarah Coventry
Kinne, Alice A. Coventry
Kinne, Myra Coventry
Mead, Eliza C. Irasburgh
Mead, Sarah A. Irasburgh
Merriman, Alice E. Johnson
Moore, Sarah A. Irasburgh
Morrill, Emily Irasburgh
Moulton, Myra Melvin Village, NH
Pearson, Mary C. Coventry
Pearsons, Mary A. Coventry
Perry, Hattie M. Irasburgh
Rowell, Dora L. Albany
Roby, Alida M. Burlington
Shippey, Eleanor Coventry
Smith, Josie A. Lowell, MA
Thrasher, Ella J. Coventry
Thrasher, Sarah W. Coventry
Wells, Ellen J. Coventry
Wheelock, Harriet A. Coventry
Wheelock, Mary A. Coventry
Wheelock, Mattie E. Coventry
Wilcox, Clara L. Albany
Wilcox, Lizzie T. Albany
White, Margaret E. Coventry
Coventry Academy Coventry, Vermont 1862-3
White, Rev. Pliny H. President
Blanchard, D. W., M.D. Secretary
Soper, Mr. Lorin Treasurer
Dailey, Mr. Emore Prud Committee
Thrasher, Mr. J. R. Prud Committee
Ripley, Mr. Ambrose A. Prud Committee
Cleveland, Hon. E. Coventry
Parker, Hon. Isaac Coventry
West, Mr. A. C. Coventry
Peabody, Mr. R. W. Coventry
Kimball, Isaac, M.D. Coventry
Walworth, Mr. D. P. Coventry
True, Mr. George W. Coventry
Kellam, Mr. J. H. Irasburgh
Wright, Mr. John Irasburgh
Moore, Hon. Wm. Newport
Baker, Mr. Luther Newport
Howard, Mr. Spencer D. Irasburgh
Robinson, Wm. A., A.B. Principal
Robinson, Mrs. Lucy S. Preceptress, Teacher French & Ornamentals
Haines, Miss Martha A. Assistant
West, Miss Nancy Teacher in Music
Walworth, Miss Jennie E. Teacher in Music
Manning, Mrs. Alice G. Teacher in Penmanship
White, Rev. Pliny H. Examining Committee
Gray, Rev. A. R. Examining Committee
Blanchard, D. W., M.D. Examining Committee
Cowles, E. S., Esq. Examining Committee
Gentlemen Residence
Bailey, George H. Coventry
Berry, Henry Coventry
Black, Ellery Coventry
Bowles, Philemon P. Coventry
Boynton, Samuel Coventry
Brooks, Alvah Coventry
Brooks, Charles Coventry
Cassidy, P. H. Coventry
Cooper, Wm. H. Coventry
Cleaveland, Charles Coventry
Cowles, Charles C. Coventry
Cowles, James E. Coventry
Day, Henry C. Coventry
Dow, William H. Coventry
Enos, John Coventry
Enos, David Coventry
Flanders, Hial W. Coventry
French, Solon A. Craftsbury (deceased)
French, Albert Coventry
Gray, James Coventry
Gray, Edward C. Coventry
Guild, Philander Coventry
Guild, Luther Coventry
Henry, Lorenzo D. Brownington
Herbert, Charles Coventry
Howe, Edward S. Irasburgh
Huse, Kendall Coventry
Joslyn, Peter Newport
Kimball, Frank Coventry
Leavitt, Bradbury G. Sutton, C. E.
Logan, Lorenzo J. Coventry
Morrill, Ames Irasburgh
Mussey, Samuel B. Coventry
Powers, Jacob Craftsbury
Ripley, Willie Coventry
Ripley, John Coventry
Spencer, Erastus Brownington
Thrasher, Hollis Coventry
Thrasher, Bennie W. Coventry
Tice, Wilbur F. Coventry
Wheelock, John P. Coventry
Wright, Joel F. Coventry
Ladies Residence
Aldrich, Phebe E. Bath, NH
Allen, Deborah F. Lisbon, NH
Bailey, Louisa M. West Albany
Baldwin, Ellen C. Coventry
Berry, Luella J. Coventry
Bisbee, Betsey F. Coventry
Bowles, Nettie S. Lisbon, NH
Bowles, Katie E. Coventry
Brooks, Malvina Coventry
Brown, Sarah C. Craftsbury
Brown, Diana Coventry
Bryant, Julia Irasburgh
Burbank, Nellie Coventry
Cass, Rachel Craftsbury
Cassidy, Nancy A. Coventry
Chamberlin, Emma Irasburgh
Chamberlin, Ellen E. Irasburgh
Cobb, Marcia N. Albany
Collins, Ruemma Coventry
Cowles, Abbie Brownington
Dailey, Rosette E. Coventry
Dailey, Jennie Coventry
Dewey, Emily J. Irasburgh
Dewey, Julia E. Irasburgh
Dow, Alice M. Coventry
Dow, Emma F. Coventry
Eaton, Lydia A. Coventry
Enos, Eliza Coventry
Fisher, Azuba J. Coventry
Fisher, Marietta Coventry
Gorham, Louisa J. Coventry
Gorham, Clara M. Coventry
Gray, Ellen A. Coventry
Gray, Sarah C. Coventry
Gray, Gertie Coventry
Greeley, Ada L. Coventry
Guild, Nettie Coventry
Guild, Keziah Coventry
Guild, Cemira Coventry
Haines, Mary A. Albany
Hancock, Ellen M. Coventry
Hancock, Sarah L. Coventry
Hancock, Sophronia Coventry
Hancock, Salome J. Coventry
Herbert, Edna M. Coventry
Herbert, Finette M. Coventry
Heerman, Elnora H. Coventry
Hill, Sarah Coventry
Howard, Lucy M. Irasburgh
Huse, Celeste C. Coventry
Hyde, Ellen Barton
Kahoe, Bridget Coventry
Kedney, Alice M. Coventry
Kedney, Sarah L. Coventry
Kendall, Emily Coventry
Kinne, Alice A. Coventry
Kinne, Myra H. Coventry
Kinne, Hattie E. G. Passumpsic Village
Morrill, Sarah Irasburgh
Owen, Ellen Irasburgh
Pearson, Mary C. Coventry
Persons, Mary A. Coventry
Rowell, Ella L. Coventry
Sawyer, Emma V. Craftsbury
Shippee, Eleanor Coventry
Smith, Josie A. Lowell, MA
Stratton, Mary E. Craftsbury
Taylor, Eva G. Coventry
Thrasher, Ella L. Coventry
Thrasher, Sarah W. Coventry
Thrasher, Myra H. Coventry
Ware, Jennie Irasburgh
Wells, Ellen J. Coventry
Williamson, Carrie M. Magog, C. E.
Wheelock, Ida Coventry
White, Margaret E. Coventry
Whitney, Mary E. Craftsbury

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