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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
Vermont Northeast
Kingdom Genealogy

St. Johnsbury, Vt Genealogy
St. Johnsbury, VT
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Barre Academy Nov 1855
Board of Trustees      
Douglass, Hon. Henry President Bigelow, Amos E., M.D. Board of Trustees
Smith, Denison K., A.M. Prudential Committee Ballou, Rev. Eli Board of Trustees
French, Orvis Prudential Committee French, David Board of Trustees
Carleton, David Prudential Committee Barker, Abram Board of Trustees
Spaulding, J. S., A.M. Secretary Fleming, Rev. Archidald Board of Trustees
Kinsman, Hon. Newell Board of Trustees Pride, Darius Board of Trustees
Keith, Hon. Leonard Board of Trustees Collamer, George W. Board of Trustees
Royce, Rev. Andrew Board of Trustees Bill, Roswell M. Board of Trustees
Bradford, Ambrose Board of Trustees Perkins, Rinaldo Esq. Board of Trustees
Kimball, Samuel Board of Trustees Stacy, Henry B. Board of Trustees
Wing, David D. Board of Trustees Trow, Nathan Board of Trustees
Harrington, Samuel Board of Trustees    
Instructors   Examining Committee  
Spaulding, J. S., A. M. Principal Pease, Prof. C. Burlington
Spaulding, Mrs. J. S., Preceptress Parker, Rev. C. C. Waterbury
Gilbert, Simeon Jr. A. B. Lord, Rev. William H. Montpelier
Barnard, Lucius E. A. B. Hemenway, Rev. F. D. Montpelier
Hazen, Austin A. B. Fisk, Rev. Joel Plainfield
Cook, Miss Emily Assistant Teacher Royce, Rev. Andrew Barre
Whittemore, Miss Helen Assistant Teacher Copeland, Rev. E. Barre
Phillips, Mr. N. L. Teacher of Vocal Music Abbott, Rev. B. Barre
Felt, Miss Emily M. B. Teach Instrumental Music    
Gale, Miss Mary Teacher of Painting    
Curtis, Mr. C. B. Teacher of Penmanship    
Classical Department   Classical Department  
Graduating Class Males Graduating Class Female
Clarke, Edwin H. New Haven Cook, Emily Barre
Coburn, Lewis L. East Montpelier Russ, Mary Quechee
Crane, Charles Williamstown Senior Class  
Gilbert, John I. Middle Granville, NY Brown, Jane Williamstown
Stacy, William C. Burlington Carleton, Ellen Barre
Templeton, Milo L. Newbury Carleton, Mary J. Barre
Thatcher, John M. Northfield Dodge, Kate P. Barre
Senior Class   Evans, Mary E. Barre
Carlton, Hiram Barre Fleming, Julia Brookfield
Hurlburt, Wilberforce L. Upper Alton, IL Peck, Aurelia B. Brookfield
Marrs, William E. Milton Royce, Catharine E. Barre
Nichols, Reuben D. Barre Thompson, Persis A. South Barre
Parker, Charles L. Washington Middle Class  
Middle Class   Bailey, Rosaline Berlin
Bill, Harry C. Albany Davis, Mary E. Plainfield
Billings, Van Ness Bristol Gale, Mary Stanstead, CE
Dillingham, Edwin Waterbury Howe, Aurora M. Williamstown
Dodge, Albert F. Barre Royce, Julia E. Barre
Eaton, Solon Addison Smith, Eunice G. Waterbury
Follett, Herbert E. Temple, NH Templeton, Caroline A. Newbury
Lefavour, Heber Pawtucket, R.I. West, Louisa H. Barre
Junior Class   Junior Class  
Akely, Healy C. Waterbury Blodgett, Parthenia H. Middlesex
Brainard, Friend Bridport Cook, Salina A. Portland, ME
Beard, George P. Orange Felt, Susan A. Temple, NH
Hale, Edward East Montpelier Frisbie, Mary Willsboro, NY
Lewis, John Jay East Montpelier Goodrich, Alice B. Barre
Poland, Munroe Montpelier Hatch, Jenny M. Williamstown
Russ, John Quechee Martin, Corrie D. Marshfield
Smith, Henry Williamstown Russ, Lucy Quechee
Templeton, Orange East Montpelier Sloan, Charlotte A. Lyme, NH
    Smith, Harriett Williamstown
English Department Males English Department Females
Abbott, James S. Williamstown Bliss, Harriet N. Calais
Adams, Joseph Grafton, Mass Blood, Ellen B. Plainfield
Bass, Hugh Williamstown Brainard, Lucia A. Bridport
Bassett, Ira Barre Briggs, Alice A. Williamstown
Batcheller, George C. Grafton, Mass Brown, Fanny D. Corinth
Beckley, John L. Barre Brown, Mary W. Corinth
Benjamin, Charles K. Berlin Brown, Emma Williamstown
Bill, James R. Albany Bruce, Julia M. Barre
Bliss, C. J. Manchester, NH Boyce, Mary A. Granby
Bliss, John H. East Montpelier Calef, Caroline N. Washington
Bosworth, Harvey, Jr. Champlain, NY Camp, Ella Barre
Boutell, Isaac South Barre Camp, Leonora L. E. Malone, NY
Boyce, Eli Waterbury Carpenter, Clara Barre
Bradford, Charles E. Barre Carpenter, Flora M. Barre
Briggs, George Pawtucket, R. I. Chandler, Alantha A. Barre
Burnham, M. P. East Brookfield Chandler, Harriet L. Barre
Camp, Iram N. Barre Clark, Caroline Marshfield
Chamberlain, J. S. Plainfield Clark, Oralana East Montpelier
Clark, David W. Orange Colby, Hannah L. Plainfield
Colby, Moses Plainfield Cook, Martha L. Barre
Copeland, Edmund H. Barre Copeland, Ellen Barre
Copeland, J. W. Barre Cosgrave, Nancy J. Barre
Corey, Charles W. Bridport Cross, Fanny M. Highgate
Corss, Alson D. Waterbury Currier, Fidelia Barre
Crandall, Richard B. Berlin Dana, Marcia C. Waterbury
Crane, George Williamstown Davis, Emily A. Plainfield
Currier, Charles L. Barre Dalbear, Mary W. Warren
Currier, Paschal W. Barre Dexter, Lettis Ann Barre
DeBow, Samuel Upper Alton, IL Dodge, Adaline M. East Randolph
Dewey, Orville Montpelier Dodge, Louisa L. Barre
Dexter, Winslow A. Barre Drury, Emma Barre
Dodge, Charles F. Barre Eastman, Ellen A. Barre
Douglass, Byron J. Richmond Elmer, Louisa H. Orange
Drury, Jason Barre Flint, Emily S. Williamstown
Eddy, Harvey Waterbury French, Agnes D. Barre
Erskine, Dwight F. Brookfield French, Lucinda D. Barre
Felt, George D. Temple, NH Gale, Cleora A. Plainfield
Fisk, Daniel C. Plainfield Gale, Euthesia C. Plainfield
Fleming, Robert Brookfield Gale, Lucia Barre
Flint, Henry D. Williamstown Gilbert, Sarah N. Middle Granville, NY
Forbush, Harrison Grafton, Mass Glover, Harriett N. Barre
French, Collman Barre Gray, Aurilla M. East Montpelier
French, Franklin Barre Gray, Lucy A. East Montpelier
Gale, Henry P. Barre Henry, Martha E. Waterbury
Godfrey, George L. Orange Hill, Prussia M. East Montpelier
Goldsbury, William Barre Hobart, Lucy I. Middlesex
Goodrich, D. F. East Brookfield Holden, Elizabeth South Barre
Goodrich, George Barre Holden, Hannah South Barre
Hale, James H. Barre Hopkins, Ellen S. Williamstown
Hayward, Ardym Williamstown Hovey, M. Ednah Berlin
Holton, J. H. Williston Howard, Emily C. Barre
Houghton, James Orange Howard, Helen M. Barre
Hovey, J. Wadsworth Berlin Hurlburt, Fanny A. Alton, IL
Hyde, Edward D. Montpelier Jackman, E. S. Barre
Jackman, Orvis F. Barre Jackson, Delia E. Leominister, MA
Jackman, John Barre Jones, Myraett Moretown
Jackson, Lyman R. Orange Jones, Paulina E. Moretown
Jones, Hiram C. Barre Kelton, Marcia E. Calais
Keith, Elbridge G. Barre Kinney, Frances L. Plainfield
Kent, Marcus Newell Calais Kinney, Harriett T. Plainfield
Larkins, Charles S. Barre Ladd, Mary Ann Calcutta, Hin.
Larkins, George W. Barre Larkins, Caroline S. Barre
Leach, Byron D. Barre Lawrence, Ada J. Barre
Lebaron, Isaac Barre Lennon, Maria Hartland, NY
Lincoln, Albert E. Greensboro Lewis, Fanny East Montpelier
Little, Walter S. North Montpelier Little, Sarah H. North Montpelier
Lyon, Chauncey Waterbury Loker, Emily W. Natick, MA
Martin, William E. Plainfield Lynde, Ellen Williamstown
May, Oscar W. Waterbury Lynde, Martha Williamstown
Moore, H. W. Manchester, NH Martin, Julia S. Plainfield
Morrison, Thomas Bristol Miles, Augusta S. Acton, MA
Morse, Chauncey C. Bolton Moore, Mary A. Plainfield
Morse, Charles C. Bolton Moore, Sophia A. Plainfield
Morse, D. Milton Brookfield Norton, Elmina S. Shelburne
Morse, James A. _____, MA Nye, Pamelia L. Berlin
Morse, Orrin A. Waterbury O'Neel, Margaret Barre
Nichols, I. Watts Randolph Paine, Lausanna S. East Brookfield
Nichols, Erastus W. Barre Paine, Matilda B. East Brookfield
Parks, George A. Pawtucket, R. I. Parker, Alice L. Barre
Peck, Marcus Brookfield Parker, Alma D. Barre
Perrin, William B. Berlin Parker, Lizzy J. South Barre
Rawlings, Orvis V. Wait's River Parrish, Helen S. Stowe
Robinson, Hamline Cherry Valley, IL Penniman, Ann E. Barre
Rood, Clark A. Winooski Falls Penniman, Ellen A. Barre
Riddle, David W. Manchester, NH Perrin, Telma A. Williamstown
Russell, Hiram Hinesburgh Phelps, Lucina A. Barre
Slocumb, Edwin A. Grafton, Mass Phillips, Julia A. Barre
Smith, Augustus Barre Poor, Betsey A. Williamstown
Smith, Frank B. Waitsfield Poor, Mary J. Williamstown
Smith, Guy Montpelier Powers, Victoria Plainfield
Smith, Willard G. Williamstown Pratt, Eleanor M. Barre
Spencer, Stephen Marshfield Putnam, L. Ann Bethel
Stevens, Charles Boston, MA Rising, Catharine N. Barre
Stimson, William H. Waterbury Rogers, Martha J. West Topsham
Taft, Fayette L. Barre Royce, Delia M. Barre
Taft, John Barre Royce, Gerty M. Barre
Templeton, Oscar Calais Royce, Mary E. Barre
Thatcher, George A. Northfield Seaver, Rosett D. Williamstown
Tilden, Eldon A. Barre Sherman, Frances A. Warren
Trow, Gordon W. Barre Shortt, Mary L. Calais
Trow, John Barre Shortt, Julia A. East Montpelier
Weeks, Hiram B. St Albans Sloan, Lucy B. Lyme, NH
Wells, Curtis Waterbury Smith, Maria C. Barre
Wells, William Waterbury Smith, Mary A. Waterbury
West, A. B. Lowell, MA Spring, Emma Canandaigua, NY
Wheeler, William H. Grafton, Mass Stevens, Ellen East Montpelier
Whitcomb, Elkanah Bolton Taft, Alma S. Barre
Wood, Albert P. Barre Taft, Clara S. Barre
Females   Taft, Ednah Barre
Abbott, Harriet D. Barre Templeton, Laura Newbury
Abbott, Mary A. Brookfield Templeton, Mary J. Newbury
Albee, Abby W. Barre Thompson, Lois G. South Barre
Bacon, Laura S. Barre Thurston, Harriet E. Berlin
Bartlett, Fanny E. Barre Thurston, Mary A. Berlin
Bascom, Lucia M. Milton Vincent, Hattie S. Plainfield
Benjamin, Philena R. Berlin Vincent, Julia H. Plainfield
Bigelow, Sarah E. South Barre Wason, Mary A. East Montpelier
Bill, Adela M. West Topsham Waterman, Frances R. Barre
Bill, Roselle West Topsham Wood, Ellen Barre
Blaisdell, Sarah B. Worcester Wood, Tilea E. Barre
Blanchard, Emily C. Barre Wood, Helen M. Barre
Blanchard, Orrissa F. Barre Wood, Mary Barre
Bliss, Elia A.D. Calais Wood, Mary L. Calais
Barre Academy Nov 1857
Board of Trustees      
Spaulding, J. S. President Perkins, Rinaldo L., Esq. Board of Trustees
Smith, Denison K., Esq. Prudential Committee Trow, Nathan Board of Trustees
Carleton, David Prudential Committee Parker, Rev. C. C. Board of Trustees
French, E. E., Esq. Prudential Committee Child, Rev. Rufus Board of Trustees
Carpenter, Carlos Secretary Abbott, Rev. B. Board of Trustees
Royce, Rev. Andrew Board of Trustees Currier, R. S. Board of Trustees
Ballou, Rev. Eli Board of Trustees Taft, Denison Board of Trustees
Kinsman, Hon, Newell Board of Trustees Kinney, Liberty T. Board of Trustees
Bradford, Ambrose Board of Trustees Aldrich, Leonard Board of Trustees
Kimball, Samuel Board of Trustees Wood, Josiah Board of Trustees
Bigelow, Amos E., M.D. Board of Trustees McAnn, Rev. Isaac Board of Trustees
Collamer, George W. Board of Trustees Bartholmew, Hon. B. W. Board of Trustees
Bill, Roswell M. Board of Trustees    
Spaulding, J. S., A. M. Principal Teacher of Greek & Latin    
Spaulding, Mrs. J. S., Preceptress Teacher of the Ornamentals    
Camp, Isaac Newton, A. B. Teacher of Mathematics & Vocal Music    
Cook, Miss Emily Teacher of French    
Felt, Miss E. M. B. Teacher of Instrumental Music    
Carleton, Miss Mary J. Assistant Teacher    
Carelton, Miss Ellen Assistant Teacher    
Kent, Mr. J. M. Teacher of Penmanship    
Carpenter, Rev. E. Irvin, Barre Examining Committee    
Worcester, Rev. J. H., Burlington Examining Committee    
McAnn, Rev. Isaac, Barre Examining Committee    
Camp, Hon. D. M., Montpelier Examining Committee    
Perkins, R. L., Esq., Stowe Examining Committee    
Classical Department   Classical Department  
Graduating Class Males Graduating Class Female
Allen, T. R. Gaudaloupe Co., Texas Carleton, Ellen Barre
Chapin, Cornelius A. Williston Carleton, Mary Jane Barre
Eaton, Solon West Addison Evans, Mary E. Barre
Nicholas, Reuben D. Barre Russ, Lucy Quechee
Russ, John Quechee    
Sutton, Benjamin F. Shelburne Senior Class  
Sutton, George Shelburne Bayley, Hannah L. Hardwick
    Comings, Ann E. Greensboro
Senior Class   Felt, Susan A. Temple, NH
Crandall, Richard B. Berlin Follet, Hattie L. Temple, NH
Crane, Albert A. Bridport Goodrich, Alice B. Barre
Converse, John R. Panton Kimball, Clara B. Cabot
Eaton, Harrison West Addison    
Ferris, Watson W. Ferrisburgh Middle Class  
Foster, H. B. Berlin Abbott, Sophronia H. Worcester
Gale, Sullivan F. Plainfield Blaisdell, Ellen F. Norwich
Godfrey, George L. Sioux City, Iowa Cook, Martha L. Barre
Hazen, Azel W. Royalton Cook, Selina A. Portland, ME
Stone, James P. Northfield Holden, Elizabeth A. Barre
Middle Class   Howard, Emily C. Barre
Curtis, Edward M. Warren Miles, Augusta S. Acton, MA
Edgerton, Benjamin S. Warren Wood, Helen M. Barre
Little, Walter S. North Montpelier    
Nichols, Rising Warren Junior Class * deceased *
Perkins, E. P. Stowe Abbott, Hattie N. C. Barre
Rood, Clark A. Winooski Ayers, Weltha Weybridge
Junior Class   Bailey, Sarah J. Berlin
Ayers, George A. Boston, MA Bigelow, Louisa E. Barre
Bassett, William M. Barre Bigelow, Marcia S. Barre
Brigham, Hosea W. Jacksonville Camp, Ella Barre
Colkins, L. T. Waterbury Camp, Elenor S. Elmore
Corey, Charles N. Bridport Chandler, Alantha A. Barre
French, John M. Barre Carpenter, Clara Barre
Gale, Andrew Stanstead, C. E. Carpenter, Flora M. Barre
Humphrey, Charles O. Waterbury Dodge, Caroline E. Barre
Humphrey, M. W. Waterbury Dodge, Louiza L. Barre
Huntley, Nathan Duxbury French, Agnes D. Barre
Haford, Sylvester C. Champlain, N.Y. Foster, Adelia A. Bridgetown, Nova Scotia
Hammond, Milo Woodbury Gale, Lucia L. Barre
Osgood, E. Chase Raymond, NH Gray, Nelly M. Plainfield
Sanborn, Nelson A. Orange Houghton, Eliza M. Barre
Smith, F. B. Waitsfield Lynde, Martha Williamstown
Wing, George W. Plainfield Mason, Ruth Craftsbury
Darwin, Warner E. New Haven Sargent, Martha O. Barre
English Department   Vaughn, Emma A. * Berlin
Albee, Elison Wolcott Wallace, Isidore C. Cabot
Akely, Thomas Waterbury Young, Maria East Montpelier
Averill, James W. Barre English Department  
Averill, John W. Barre Allis, Marsia L. West Addison
Bailey, George C. Berlin Avery, Rosamond S. Montpelier
Bassett, Ira Barre Artherton, Ella A. Waitsfield
Beckly, John L. Barre Bailey, Agnes Enfield, NH
Beckly, Orrin Barre Baily, Mary C. Albany
Bigelow, Elijah Grafton, MA Beedy, Angelina A. Berlin
Bly, H. O. Norwich Bigelow, Eveline S. South Barre
Boardman, Albert South Hero Black, Jenny S. Berlin
Boutwell, Ira C. South Barre Blanchard, Evelyn F. Barre
Bradford, Ira B. Barre Bliss, Celinda F. Calais
Brown, Edward T. South Strafford Boutwell, Merrilla Barre
Bullock, Atwood C. Barre Carver, Kezia H. North Montpelier
Bullock, Looms E. Barre Chamberlin, Clara M. Plainfield
Bullard, Edgar N. Swanton Chandler, Harriett L. Barre
Burton, Alexander A. Washington Chandler, Josephine E. Northfield
Calif, Cutting S. Washington Clark, Elizabeth P. Barre
Calif, William Washington Clossan, Hannah Worcester
Calkins, C. A. Boston, MA Collamer, Nancia T. Shelburne
Camp, C. Arba Barre Day, Gertrude R. South Barre
Camp, Iram M. Barre Dexter, Asenath V. Berlin
Carpenter, Mason B. Barre Dexter, Lettice A. J. Berlin
Carpenter, Orvis Barre Dodge, Emma L. Barre
Chapman, J. S. Greensboro Drury, Emma Barre
Clark, William Barre Dustin, Harriett E. Berlin
Cook, Edward B. Portland, ME Evans, Mary Eva Piermont, NH
Cook, John B. Greensboro Fifield, Abbie L. Orange
Crandall, John Berlin Fifield, Helen Orange
Currier, Paschal W. Barre Folsom, Ellen M. Fayston
Davis, Avery J. Waterbury Ford, Ellen C. East Franklin
Delong, W. H. West Cornwall Frost, Persis M. Plainfield
Dodge, Charles F. Barre Frost, Mehitabel Plainfield
Dodge, Albert Barre Gale, Almeda T. Barre
Doane, J. B. Chazy, NY Gale, Euthecia C. Plainfield
Drury, Jason Barre Gale, Gertrude R. Plainfield
Dustin, Henry N. Berlin Glover, Harriett N. Barre
Ellis, W. Wardsworth Berlin Goldsbury, Ellen V. Barre
Felt, George D. Temple, NH Goodrich, Ellen M. Barre
Ford, Harrison L. East Franklin Goodrich, Sabina G. Barre
French, Colman S. Barre Goodrich, Tryphenia Barre
French, Franklin Barre Goodwin, E. Gertrude Marshfield
French, Franklin L. Jacksonville Haford, Adelia M. Champlain, NY
Gale, Elisha B. Williamstown Hall, Laura J. Calais
Gale, William R. Orange Holbrook, Lucina S. Orange
Goldsbury, William Barre Holden, Hannah South Barre
Gould, James Northfield Holden, Ellen F. South Barre
Hamilton, F. R. Bridport Howard, Helen M. Barre
Hines, Joseph Wolcott Hubbard, Anna P. Beloit, Wisc.
Holbrook, C. W. Orange Huntley, Harriet L. East Brookfield
Hubbard, Frank E. Beloit, Wisc. Kimball, Celeste Orange
Hyde, William A. Grand Isle Kinney, Alice M. Barre
Jackman, Orvis F. Barre Ladd, Mary Calcutta, Hindostan
Jackson, Alpha W. Greensboro Lance, Josie Cabot
Keith, Elbridge G. Barre Lathrop, Malvina C. Barre
Kelton, Francis P. East Montpelier Lilley, Addie M. Calais
Lance, Theron H. Cabot Loomis, Ellen A. Brookfield
Lawrence, Marshall Orange Loomis, Ruth L. Brookfield
Lyman, Joel F. Royalton Martin, Alma H. Williamstown
McCrillis, Rufus Cabot Nye, Parmelia L. Berlin
Merriam, George A. Morrisville Parker, Alice L. Barre
Morse, Ramson J. Waterbury Parker, Alma D. Barre
Nichols, I. W. Randolph Parish, Lizzie N. S. Glandenbury, CT
Olds, Alvah South Barre Penniman, Ann E. Barre
Page, William C. Barre Poor, Mary Jane Berlin
Paige, Henry Cabot Rice, Corsia Brookfield
Parker, John E. Barre Richardson, Clara A. Barre
Perrin, William B. Berlin Richardson, Julia G. Barre
Phillips, Walter A. Montpelier Rising, Catherine N. Barre
Reed, Charles A. Barre Royce, Delia M. Barre
Rice, Charles L. Brookfield Royce, Julia E. Barre
Richards, Oliver Barre Royce, Gertrude M. Barre
Slosson. J. W. Chazy, NY Royce, Mary E. Barre
Shipley, Oliver C. Barre Smith, Cordelia M. Barre
Slater, Linius H. Painsville Smith, Ellen A. Richmond
Smith, Samuel W. Crown Point, NY Smith, Mary A. Waterbury
Stewart, Darwin A. East Montpelier St Clair, Marcia A. Cabot
Stimson, William H. Waterbury Stowe, Martha A. Barre
Stowe, Shelden M. Weybridge Sylvester, Ellen Northfield
Stowe, Calvin Barre Taft, Clara Quechee
Tabor, John A. Barre Taft, Ednah A. Barre
Taft, Fayette L. Barre Taylor, Lucy A. Berlin
Taft, John Quechee Thurston, Mary A. Berlin
Taplin, J. C. Montpelier Tucker, Nettie R. Calais
Tarr, Horace G. H. Brookline, NY Webster, Amelia H. East Randolph
Thurstin, C. C. Manchester, NH Wetmore, Anna L. Barre
Tilden, Elden Barre Whitney, Kate A. Waterbury
Town, John H. Plattsburgh, NY White, Hannah South Barre
Trimble, Alexander Crown Point, NY Willey, Hannah South Barre
Trimble, James K. Crown Point, NY Wood, Tilia E. Barre
Trow, Gordon Barre Wood, Mary E. Barre
Trow, John Barre    
Vanderhoff, Addison West Addison    
Vaughn, E. H. Berlin    
Weeks, Hiram B. St. Albans    
Wheaton, Pliny O. Barre    
Whitney, Wallace Waterbury    
Whitcomb, Elkanah Bolton    
Wilson, Truman Cabot    
Wittgenstein, Lewis New York City    
Ward, Charles W. Moretown    
Wood, Albert L. South Strafford    
Wooster, E. Harrison West Cornwall    
Wooster, Irvin G. West Cornwall    

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