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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
Vermont Northeast
Kingdom Genealogy

St. Johnsbury, Vt Genealogy
St. Johnsbury, VT
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The figures following the letter r indicate the number of the road on which the party resides, and will be found by reference to the map in the back part of this work. Where no road number is given the party is suppossed to reside in the village.

Figures placed after the occupation of acres owned or leased.

The word street is implied.
Highlight keywords:
agt, agent; b, boarder; B&M RR. Boston & Maine Railroad; carp,
carpenter; elk, clerk; cmry, creamery; far, farmer; h, house; lab, laborer;
Anderson Morton B far, po Passumpsic; (Florise) Karl
Ayer Leroy C lab, po Passumpsic; (Elizabeth)
Banks Hiram O far, po St J rfd 1; (Bridget A) Wilbur M, James F, Bertha H
Barker Albert G far, po Passumpsic
Barker Willis H far, po Passumpsic; (Iola S)
Bassett Frederick H, po St J rfd 1; (Nancy)
Bean Ashley T, po St J rfd 2; (Mrs A T)
Bean Ervin L far, Waterford; (Alma)
Bean Ivan far, Waterford; (Orpha)
Bean John V far, Waterford
Bean Margaret teacher, Waterford
Bedell Julia P (Mrs G N) teacher Upper Waterford, h do
Bedell George N far, h Waterford; (Julia P)
Bedor farm hand, po Passumpsic; (Evelina)
Beye Nellie Mrs, po Passumpsic
Billings Jessamine E teacher Green dist school, b H E Remick
Blair Alexander far, po St J rfd 1; (Elizabeth G) Kenneth, Winton, Jennie Madeline
Blair George far, po St J rfd 1; (Mary D) Madeline
Bliss William L far, po St J rfd 1; (Lillian) Charlotte
Blodgett Alma wid Frederick, Lower Waterford
Blodgett Carl H far, po St J star route; (Ona G)
Blodgett George F farm hand, po Lower Waterford; (Ellen G)
Blodgett Nelson C carp, po Waterford; (Gladys)
Bonnette Samuel W far, po Lower Waterford; (Grace H) Lois
Bowman Charles H far, po St J rfd 1; (Wilhelmina) Walter E, Eleanor I
Bradford Albert lab, po Waterford; (Jessie)
Bresse Eugene T far, po St J star route; (Louise)
Bullock Arthur O farm hand, b F C Bullock
Bullock Charles overseer poor, po Lower Waterford
Bullock Frank C lab, b F C Bullock; (Lola)
Bullock Fred C far, po St J star route; (Elizabeth)
Bullock Halsey mech, po Lower Waterford
Bullock Ruth stud, b F C Bullock
Burlock Harvey far, po Waterford; (May A)
Carleton Annie J wid Jesse far, po Lower Waterford
Carleton George D retired, b Mrs Annie Carleton
Carpenter Ernest M mail carrier St J star route, h Waterford; (Beda)
Carpenter George M lab, Waterford; (Clara)
Carpenter Truman C far, po Passumpsic
Celley Lee lab, po Lower Waterford
Chandler Clarence E constable, b E C Chandler
Chandler Edward C far, po St J star route; (Lottie B) Margaret,
Charlotte, John
Chandler Everett C emp St J East, r E C Chandler
Chouquett Henry carp, Waterford
Church --- wid Leander B, h Lower Waterford
Clement Madelyn D teacher Hastings school, b L H Simpson
Converse Arthur emp W H Barker, b do
Cote Dorothy teacher West Waterford, b Andrew McKee
Craigie Leslie J farm hand David Suitor, b do
Cuminings Frank far, po Concord; (Margaret)
Cushing William M far, po Waterford; (Lillian K)
Cushman Charles E far, po St J star route; (Flora)
Cushman C Walter, po St J star route; (Myrtie)
Cushman Edgar O far, po St J East; (Emma)
Cushman Edgar R far, po St J East; (Abbie)
Cushman George W portable mill, b C E Cushman; (Marion)
Cushman Wilbur E far, po St J East; (Densis)
Daniels Benjamin far, po St J rfd 1 (Helen) Clarence, Lucile, Marjorie
Daniels Carl A far, po St J rfd 1
Daniels Lucia wid Alson N, po St J rfd 1
Darrell Clarence O painter, po Lower Waterford; (Nellie L) Earl, George
Davey John emp Joseph Davey, b do
Davey Joseph far, po St J rfd 1; (Emma)
Davey Mary wid, hkpr Joseph Davey, b do
Davey Michael emp Chas Felch, b do
Davies John W far, po Lower Waterford; (Marion F)
Davison Vernon S lab, B F Monroe, po Waterford
Denton Frank J lab, po St J star route; (Anna)
Dexter Frank E eng, b Mrs Florence Pierce, po St J rfd 1
Dussault Emile lab, po St J rfd 1; (Alphonsine Marie) Joseph, Albert, Amanda, Loraine, Marguerite, Jane, Cecile, Pauline, John, Walter
Eager Edwin H far, po St I rfd 1; (Grace E) Winnifred, Winona, Ethel
Farnham Elwin J, b Carl Blodgett, po St J star route
Felch Charles D S far, po St J rfd 1; (Mrs Chas)
Fenoff Lawrence emp W T Smith, b do
Fisher Florence J (Mrs Oriso H) cook, h Waterford
Fisher Frank C cook, po Waterford; (Ruth)
Fisher Lila teacher Woods school, b S W Bonnette
Fisher Oriso H lab, Waterford; (Florence J)
Fitchett Ernest A far, po Lower Waterford; (May)
Fournier Alice, emp J A Rathay, b do
Friend S Arthur far, b W H Barker,, po Passumpsic
Gagne Paul Napoleon far, po St J rfd 1; (Exerline) Marion, Mabel, Adean, Ellen, Rolland, Yvonne, John, Vernie, Evart, Rosie
Garies Andrew W far, po St J rfd 1; (Emma) Herman G
Gauthier Oliver P far, po Lower Waterford
Gauthier Ralph E far, po Lower Waterford; (Annie M)
Gillander Allen far, po St J rfd 1;. (Elizabeth) Marion L, Elsie, Robert
Gregoire Edmund E emp J E Gregoire, b do
Gregoire Joseph E far, po Lower Waterford
Gregoire Julies mason, far, po Lower Waterford; (Mrs J)
Griffin Arthur B far, po E Barnet; (Delia M)
Guyer Celia hkpr Geo Prue, b do
Guyer Henry far, po St J East; (Mary)
Hale Abbie, b E E Hale
Hale Everett E far, po Lower Waterford
Hale Harland P far, po St J rfd 1; (Walbridge)
Harvey C Irving far, po Waterford; (Bonnie)
Hastings Bros (C S &.E G Hastings) far, po St J rfd 1
Hastings Curtis S far, (Hastings Bros) po St J rfd 1
Hastings Edward C mail carrier St J rfd 1, po do; (Bertha G) Howard R
Hastings Elbridge G far, (Hastings Bros) po St J rfd 1; (Jennie L) Mildred A
Hastings Frank B far, po St J rfd 1; (Ellen L) Bertha
Hastings Stephen J far, po St J rfd 1; (Althea E)
Hemingway Cyrus farm hand, po Lower Waterford
Hemingway Glenn far, po Lower Waterford; (Agnes M)
Hemingway Roy C far, po Lower Waterford; (Mildred)
Herrick Merrill H emp W L Bliss, b do
Heywood Samuel W farm hand, po Waterford; (Ida)
Hill Charles T far, po St J rfd 1; (Julia) Elsie
Hill Lottie teacher, po St. J rfd 1
Holmes George E emp MCRR, po St J East; (Anna)
Houley Henry P far, po St J rfd 1; (Florence N) Helen See Prue
Hovey Guy W far, po St J star route; (Catherine)
INGALLS HOMER C prop the H C Ingalls Music Store, St Johnsbury, far, poultry man, po Passumpsic rfd; (Carrie)
Ingalls' Poultry & Dairy Farm, H C Ingalls prop, po Passumpsic rfd
Johnson Ellen wid Niles G far, po Waterford
Johnson Leon E far, po Waterford
Joly Basile far, po St J rfd 1; (Mary) Mary Louise, Orville, Rose, Christina
Jones Irving L far, po St J rfd 1
Jones Olive A, b I L Jones
Keys Arthur B farm hand, po St J star route
King Lewis far, b H C Ingalls, po Passumpsic
Kinne Wilmot retired, po Lower Waterford
Kipp Clayton C emp Fairbanks, po Passumpsic; (Helen) Ralph
Ladd Frances H (Mrs Orange S) school director, po St J rfd 1
Ladd M E & Son (Milo E & Orange S Ladd) po St J rfd 1
Ladd Milo E far (M E Ladd & Son) po St J rfd 1; (Jennie A S)
Ladd Orange S far (M E Ladd & Son) po St J rfd 1; (Frances)
Ladd Richard S teacher, r M E Ladd
Lamontagne.Lewis H far, po Concord rfd; (Emma)
Lamontagne Napoleon lab, b L H Lamontagne
Lavature Frank far, po St J rfd 1; (Albertine) Frances, Clara, Elizabeth, Leo, Elena
Lawrence Abbott V far, po St J rfd 1
Lawrence Fred C far, po St J rfd 1; (Mary) Avis, George, Carl, Abbott, Marjorie
Lawrence Silas T far, po St J rfd 1; (Lucretia)
Lawrence Victor V far, po St J rfd 1; (Victoria) Abbott
Lebrun Hermildas far, po St J rfd 1; (Odille)
Lee Carl E emp Mrs Florence Pierce, b do
Lemere Gilbert F far, po St J star route; (Anna)
Lewis Joseph F far, po St J rfd 1; (Grace) Joseph Jr
MacDonald David far, po Concord; (Katherine)
Matthews Ernest emp O R Matthews, b do
Matthews O R far, po St J rfd 1; (Anna) Locke, Marjorie
McGinnis George D carp, po St J East; (Mary)
McGuire - wid Gus, b T J Voyer
McKee Alex farm hand, b Andrew McKee
McKee Andrew emp A H Carpenter farm, po St J star route; (Edith)
McQueen Robert F far, po Lower Waterford
Miles Elmore H poultryman, po Passumpsic; (Agnes N)
Miles Nellie wid Fred, po Passumpsic
Monroe Burt T lab, po Waterford ; (Florence E)
Morrill Frank W lab, po St J rfd 1; (Susie H) Edward, Ruth
Morrill George C far, po St J rfd 1; (Rosa)
Morrill (Mrs M J) po St J East
Morrison Annie (Mrs Wm J) postmistress Lower Waterford, h do
Morrison Arthur T lab, b W J Morrison
Morrison Merlyn emp N Y, r W J Morrison; (Anita)
Morrison Raymond C far, po Lower Waterford; (Hazel G)
Morrison William J grocer, po Lower Waterford; (Annie)
Ni Sakiton Fish & Game Club Preserve, po St Johnsbury
Nolan John H far, po St J rfd 1; (Martha Jane) John Jr, Mary E, Edward
Noyes Lee emp J W Davies, po Lower Waterford; (Mrs)
Palmer --- emp C H Bowman, b do
Parker Ellen L, po Lower Waterford
Pelley William D author, po St J; (Marion)
Pepin Ernest A far, po Passumpsic; (Winifred) Albert, Blanche, Wilfred, Dorothy, Reginald
Persons Milo P emp N H, r W M Persons
Persons Wilbur M far, po St J star route; (Mary E) Wilbur M Jr
Pierce Earl E far hand, b Mrs Florence Pierce
Pierce Florence E Mrs far, po St J rfd 1; Nina, Ruth, Vera N, Frank E, Fred D
Pike Anna wid, po Waterford
Pike Harley E far, po Waterford; (Ida M)
Pike Nathan carp, po Waterford
Potter Wesley far, b Mrs Anna Pike
Powers Addie Mrs hkpr T C Carpenter, b do; Arthur
Powers Ernest W far, town clerk, treas, justice, po Lower Waterford; (Stella R) Eulalie, Eugenie
Powers Stella R (Mrs E W) notary public, po Waterford
Powers Glenn G far, po Waterford; (Eva B)
Pratt Raymond E far, po St J rfd 1; (Sarah J) Patricia, Robert
Priest Almon emp Richardson & Simpson, b do
Priest Fred L emp Mrs Annie Carleton, po Lower Waterford
Priest Lois S wid Freeman, po Waterford
Priest Lyman C far, po Waterford; (Eva S)
Priest Raymond emp Hardwick, r Mrs Annie Carleton
Proulx see Prue
Prue Frank far, po St J rfd 1; (Maggie) Josephine, Joseph, Albert, Raymond, Louis, Florence
Prue George far, po St J star route
Prue Mildred, Doris, Fred, see H L Plouley
Rash Willie farm hand, po Passumpsic
Rathay Joseph A agt Prudential Ins, po St J; (Rose) Florence, Yvette, Evelyn, Gloria
Remick Harry E far, po St J rfd 1; (Louise W) Earl C, Clyde E., Henry E, Russell E, Paul W. Louise W, Howard R
Revoir Medric blacksmith, po Waterford
Richardson & Simpson (F E Richardson, St J, & L H Simpson) farmers, po St J star route
Roberts Frank E lab, po Waterford
Rogers Mame L wid Fred teacher Lower Waterford, b S W Bonnette
St Johnsbury Aqueduct Water System at Stiles Pond, C H Bowman in charge, office St Johnsbury
Shackway Lillian Mrs emp Mr Wallace, po Waterford
Sidney Wallace farm hand, po Waterford
Simpson Leonard H far, mgr Richardson & Simpson, po St J star route; (Ethel R)
Smith Jane wid David, b Wm T Smith
Smith William T far, po St J rfd 1; (Etta) Chester, Howard, Florence, Bertha, Ralph, Helen
Stevens Mildred J teacher Graves school, b Chas Bowman
Stoddard Agnes teacher, po Lower Waterford
Stoddard C A tree warden, po Waterford
Stoddard George A far, po Lower Waterford; (Mary)
Stoddard James A chauf, po Lower Waterford
Streeter Caroline H librarian, notary public, ins, po Waterford
Stuart Henry L emp J T Voyer, po St J rfd 1; (Arlene) Cora, Evelyn, Florence, Ethel
Stuart Robert J far, po St J rfd 1; (Pansy N) Richard, Reta
Suitor Annie teacher, b David Suitor
Suitor David far, po St J rfd 1; (Eliza)
Sunbury Allen M harness maker, po Waterford; (Nellie) Nellie
Sunbury Arthur farm hand, emp J W Davies, po Lower Waterford; (Bernice)
Sunbury Howard A lab, b A M Sunbury
Sunbury Maurice emp N Y, r A M Sunbury
Surridge William lab, po St J rfd 1; (Mrs Wm)
Thomas Gertrude Mrs, b Sam Bonnette
Trotter Alexander, po Passumpsic; (Minnie)
Voyer Arthur, po St J rfd 1; (Melvina) Irene
Voyer Thomas J far, po St J rfd 1; (Emma) Guy,. Claudine
Wallace C Belle hkpr O R Wallace, b do
Wallace Flora W (Mrs G S) postmistress Waterford, h do
Wallace Frank N chauf, po Waterford
Wallace George S far, gen mer, po Waterford; (Flora W)
Wallace Oscar R far, po St J East
Warrell George T lab, po Passumpsic; (Jennie)
West Herbert W far, po St J rfd 1; (Bertha J)
West Leonard H emp H W West, b do
Williams Euclid I far (E I Williams & Son) po Lower Waterford
Williams E I & Son (E I & Leo D Williams) farmers, po Lower Waterford
Williams Leo D far, (E I Williams & Son) po Lower. Waterford; (Bertha M)
Willson Hubert S far, r S G Willson
Willson Leland T far, b S G Willson
Willson Mildred J emp St J, b S G Willson
Willson Samuel G far, po St J rfd 1; (Pearl S) Nina P, Donald, Lincoln, Dean H, Bruce
Wright Alfred I far, po Lower Waterford; (Mabel)

ab, above; agt, agent; ave or av, avenue; b or bds, boards; bel, below;
bet, between; bldg, building; com, commission; do, ditto; E, east;
ex, express; F V, Fairbanks Village; ins, insurance; h, house; n, near;
N, north; opp, opposite; prop, proprietor; P V, Paddock's Village; r, rear;
RR, railroad; S, south; sq, square; st, street; S, Sommerville;
W, west; MCRR, Maine Central Railroad;

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