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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
Vermont Northeast
Kingdom Genealogy

St. Johnsbury, Vt Genealogy
St. Johnsbury, VT
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The figures following the letter r indicate the number of the road on which the party resides, and will be found by reference to the map in the back part of this work. Where no road number is given the party is suppossed to reside in the village.

Figures placed after the occupation of acres owned or leased.

The word street is implied.
Highlight keywords:
APPLETON GEORGE A., (Damon's Crossing) r 5 cor 6, 1st selectman, 8 cows, 18 other cattle, farmer 150.
BABCOCK JOSEPH H., (Darnon's Crossing) (Babcock & Darling) town representative.
BABCOCK & DARLING, (Damon's Crossing) (Joseph H. B. and George D.) contractors for L. D. Hazen.
Baird James A., (S. Victory) r 11, farmer 100.
Bell Albert T., (Granby) r 7, farmer 100.
Bennett Charles, (Granby) r 6 n 4, laborer.
BONNETT DAVID C., (S. Victory) r 14, constable, butcher, farmer 90 and timber land 74.
BREAKWOOD JOHN, (Granby) r 4, farmer 125,
BUCKMINSTER AUSTIN E., (Damon's Crossing) r 9, farmer with Salmon
Buckminster Salmon, (Damon's Crossing) r 9: 25 cattle, 400 sugar trees, farmer 270.
Buzzell William L., (S. Victory) r 14, laborer, h and lot.
Calkins Horace, (S. Victory) r 11, retired farmer, lives with S. C. CIement.
Carter Peter, (Damon's Crossing) emp. Hazen's mill.
Chaffee Edward D., (Damon's Crossing) r 1 n 2, emp. Wells's mill.
Clement Eugene L., (S. Victory) r 10, 7 cows, 800 sugar trees, farmer, Ieases of L. D. Hazen, of St. Johnsbury, 300.
Clement Squires C., (S. Victory) r 11, justice of the peace, farmer 60.
COLBY ALVAH B., (Damon's Crossing) r 9, lister: jobber and lumberman, farmer 75, wild land 330.
Colby Daniel, (Damon's Crossing) r 9, justice, farmer with Alvah B.
Colby George A., (S. Victory) r 4, (Kneeland Lumber Co.) lister, farmer 100, soldier in Co. H, 12th Vt. Vols.
Colby Lorenzo W., (Damon's Crossing) r 9, teamster.
Cross William, (S. Victory) r 10 1/2, farmer 130.
Currier Allison, (Damon's Crossing) teamster.
Dagle John, (Damon's Crossing) laborer at Gallup's mill.
DAMON CHARLES, (Damon's Crossing) r 9, farmer 200.
DAMON CHARLES MRS., (Damon's Crossing) r 9, school supt. and postmistress.
DARLING GEORGE W., (Damon's Crossing) r 9 1/2, (Babcock & Darling) 3d selectman.
DARLING STEPHEN A., (Damon's Crossing) overseer in yard for Babcock & Darling.
Delworth James, (Damon's Crossing) r 1 n 2, laborer.
Delworth John, (Granby) emp. Gallup's mill.
DELWORTH ROBERT, (Damon's Crossing) r 1 n 2, grocery merchant at Gallup's mill.
Delworth William, (Damon's Crossing) r 1, resident with Robert.
Douglass Frank, (Damon's Crossing) r 9 1/2, boarding-house for Babcock & Darling.
Eggleston Harley A., (Granby) r 8, emp. Jeffers's mill.
EVANS MOODY H., (Damon's Crossing) r 9 1/2, marker of lumber for Babcock & Darling, soldier in Co. B, 3d Vt. Regt.
Facney John, (S. Victory) jobber.
Ford Charles H., (S. Victory) r 12, 2d selectman, 7 cows, 25 other cattle, apiarist, farmer 193, soldier in 4th Mass. Cavalry.
GALLUP 0. M., (Damon's Crossing) r 1, prop. lumber mill, manuf. lumber of all kinds, owns Hotel Victory, farmer 100.
Goddard Joseph E., (S. Victory) off r 15, lister, farmer 93.
Hall Frank, (Damon's Crossing) emp. Hazen's mill.
HAZEN L. D., (St. Johnsbury) prop. steam saw-mill, owns 7,000 acres of timber land in Victory.
Hotel Victory, (Damon's Crossing) r 1 n 2, A. T. Kellogg, prop.
Houston A. F., (Granby) r 4, lumberman with H. B.
HOUSTON HORACE B., (Granby) off r 4, justice of the peace, farmer 47.
Houston Nathan J., (Granby) r 4, 600 sugar trees, farmer 115.
Houston William, (Damon's Crossing) emp. Hazen's mill.
Ingraham James, (S. Victorv) r 9, farmer 9.
Isham Alvin, (Granby) r 1, farmer.
James Jabez E., (Granby) r 1, justice of the peace, farmer 158.
James William C., (Granby) r 1, farrner 170.
James Wiliiam T., (Granby) r 1, farmer 108.
Jeffers M. G., (Granby) r 8, prop. steam saw-mill, owns timber land.
John Ezra, (Granby) off r 1, farmer 160.
John Lewis, (Granby) r 1, farmer.
John Paul, (Granby) r 1, farmer.
Jones Horace B., (S. Victory) r 11, 7 cows, farmer 200.
Jones Horace H., (S. Victory) r 11 1/2, farmer 150.
Kellogg A. T., (Damon's Crossing) r 1 n 2, prop. Hotel Victory.
Kennedy Bart, (S. Victory) farmer.
Kennedy Paul, (S. Victory) r 15, farmer 140.
Kerr A. G., (Granby) r 6 cor 4, emp. Gallup's mill, h and lot.
KING MODDIS, (Lunenburg) r 8, farmer 50.
Kneeland Lumber Co., (S. Victory) r 14, (George A. Colby and George B. Day estate) manufs. of all kinds of lumber.
Laclair John. (E. Burk) r 1, farmer 100.
Lee George E., (Granby) off r 9, photographer with Ralph E.
Lee Henry, (Damon's Crossing) r 9, justice of the peace, carpenter and farmer.
LEE RALPH E., (Granby) off r 9, farmer 260.
Liner John, (Damon's Crossing) r 9, farmer 8.
Little Charles, (Damon's Crossing) emp. Hazen's mill.
Logan James, (S. Victory) r 11, farmer 100.
Logan William, (S Victory) r 11, farmer with James.
Lone Frank, (S. Victor)-) r 12, farmer 63.
Lund Hosea M., r 1, refused to give information, taxed for eight acres.
Lunnie D. C., (S. Victory) jobber.
Lynneigh George, (S. Victory) laborer.
Lynneigh James, (S. Victory) laborer.
Lynneigh John, (Damon's Crossing) farmer 5.
Lynneigh William, (Damon's Crossing) laborer.
McGinnis William, (S. Victory) r 14, laborer, h and lot.
Merchant Charles C., (S. Victory) r 10, farmer.
Mitchell Thomas, (S. Victory) sawyer.
Moran John, (S. Victory) r 15 1/2, farmer 93.
Murchie Daniel, (S. Victory) farmer with James A.
Murchie James A., (S. Victory) r 10 1/2, farmer 50.
Newton A!len P., (Damon's Crossing) emp. Hazen's mill.
NOYES CHARLES F., (Damon's Crossing) r 9 1/2, supt. Hazen's mill.
Perrell John, (Granby) r 1, farmer 50.
Pettis William A. (S. Victory) r 14. laborer, h and lot.
PORTER JOHN, (Damon's Crossing) r 9 1/2, blacksmith for L. D. Hazen.
Rainey E. D., (Damon's Crossing) emp. Hazen's mill.
Rainey C., (Damon's Crossing.)
SHAW ALBERT J., (S. Victory) r 9, town clerk, 8 Jersey cows, 11 head other cattle, farmer 200.
Shaw E. J., (Gtanby) r 1, farmer.
Shores Charles A., (Granby) r 4, farmer 100.
Shores James, (Granby) r 8, farmer with John.
Shores John, Jr., (Cranby) r 8, farmer 50.
Short P , (Damon's Crossing) emp. Hazen's mill.
Smith L. W., (Damon's Crossing) emp. Hazen's mill.
Stevens Josiah, (Damon's Crossing) r 1, lumber-mill in Lunenburg, h and lot.
STORY CHARLES A., (S. Victory) r 14, postmaster, prop. Kirby Granite Quarry, manuf. of monuments, etc., apiary 46 swarms, farmer 60, served in Co D, 3d Vt Regt , also in 3d Vt Battery.
Story George Mrs., (S. Vlctorp) off r 14, farmer 100.
Tencare J. H., (Damon's Crossing) sawyer and foreman of Gallup's mill.
Thaver Fred. (Damon's Crossing) emp. Weed & Wyman's mill.
Thayer Willis, (Damon's Crossing) emp. Hazen's mill.
Thomas Albert H., (Granby) r 4. served 15 years in U. S. navy, soldier 3d regular dragoons in Mexican war, and in 8th Vt. Regt.
Towle Jarnes, (S. Victory) laborer.
Towle John, (S. Victory) r 13, retired farmer 145.
Towle Royal, (Damon's Crossing) r 9, laborer.
TOWLE WILLIAM H., (S. Victory) r 13, farmer, leases of John 145.
Vachon Alick L., (S. Victory) r 15, farmer 60, and leases of C. Wllliams 100.
WEED, WYMAN & CO., (Damon's Crossing) (A. J. Weed, of Srannard, T. E. Wyman, of Greensboro, Orleans Co., C. L. Wyman, of Ervin, Mass. and J. R. Delano, of Hadwick) props. of steam saw-mill, manufs. of hard and soft lumber.
WELLS CHARLES A, (Damon's Crossing) r 9, prop. lumber mill, farmer 110, and wild land 100.
Wilkey James, (Granby) r 7, laborer.
Williams Charles, (S. Victory) jobber.
WILSON WILLIAM, (Damon's Crossing) r 9 1/2, works in Hazen's mill, soldier in 2d Mass. and 30th and 13th Maine Regts.

ab, above; agt, agent; ave or av, avenue; b or bds, boards; bel, below;
bet, between; bldg, building; com, commission; do, ditto; E, east;
ex, express; F V, Fairbanks Village; ins, insurance; h, house; n, near;
N, north; opp, opposite; prop, proprietor; P V, Paddock's Village; r, rear;
RR, railroad; S, south; sq, square; st, street; S, Sommerville;
W, west; MCRR, Maine Central Railroad;

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