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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
Vermont Northeast
Kingdom Genealogy

St. Johnsbury, Vt Genealogy
St. Johnsbury, VT
These listings may be freely used for personal research and by non-commercial entities as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format or presentation by other organizations or persons desiring to use this material for profit or any form of presentation, without prior written consent.
Copyright ©         All Rights Reserved
(The following note was found in the directory)
Note: In the preparation of this, the second Directory, no work has been spared to get it correct. The plan of registering all persons over ten years old was so well liked by the public that it was adopted again.
F. V. - Fairbanks Village P. V. - Paddock Village s - non-resident students

Highlight keywords:
Name Job & Residence Address Spouse & children 10 and over.
Abbott, Mary E.  s., 81 Main   
Abbott, Mrs. Mary E.  2 Prospect Ave.  Perley C., printer
Adams, D. H.  clergyman, 14 Mt. Pleasant  Harriet S.
Adams, Joseph L.  carpenter, 22 Mt. Pleasant  Mrs. Rosina E., Irvin L., Josie N., Arthur L.
Adams, Mrs. Cornelia E.  54 Summer  Charles S., book-keeper
Albee, Henry R.  machinist, Western Ave.  Mrs. Ellen, Nellie M.
Albion, Thomas  tinman, Eastern Ave.  Mrs. Elsie E.
Alden, Russell  101 Railroad  Mrs. Romina
Aldrich, George  104 Main  Mrs. Lurana
Aldrich, Mrs. Emma     Pearl, Gertie E., Mary V.
Aldrich, Mrs. Marion  School, P. V.   
Allen, Mrs. D. S.  2 Belvidere  Herbert W., bank teller, John M., clerk, Walter B.
Alvord, George  mechanic, 5 Cliff  Mrs. Minnie M.
Alvord, John M.  shipping clerk, 49 Summer  Mrs. Betsey R., Addie S., Lucia, teacher, Mary H.
Amidon, Abbie  10 Prospect   
Anaire, Octave  farmer, old depot  Mrs. Helen, Willie, Eugene, Albert, Joseph, Delia, Selina, Fred, George
Andersen, Christian P.  polisher, Western Ave.   
Andrews, Charles N.  tinsmith, Jones, P. V.   
Angier, M. W.  32 Pearl   
Annis, A. A.  machinist, New Water  Mrs. Estella E., Mabel E.
Annis, Leroy W.  mechanic, New Water   
Armstrong, Sarah  92 Railroad   
Arnold, Lyndon  decorative painter, Danville Rd.  Mrs. Emily L., Lucy, Austin W., Alfred C.
Atwater, Luman  laborer, 90 Railroad   
Atwood, L. B.  clothing merchant, 20 Main  Mrs. L. M.
Ayer, George H.  mechanic, Passumpsic, P. V.  Mrs. Mary
Ayer, H. M.  Jones, P. V.  Mrs. Cynthia G., Willis L., moulder
Ayer, John T.  Emerson  Mrs. Phylena
Ayer, Willard G.  eavetrough maker, Passumpsic, P. V.  Mrs. Emily, Nellie E.
Babbitt, Ansel C.  merchant, 29 Pearl  Mrs. Sarah P.
Babcock, A. W.  engineer, 21 Railroad  Mrs. Edwina, Maud, Emma
Babcock, Harvey  5 Cherry   
Bachand, Alfred  sawyer, Pleasant, P. V.  Mrs. A.
Bacon, Charles E.  machinist, 65 Railroad   
Badger, David M.  laborer, P. V.  Mrs. May D.
Badger, Laura F.  s. South Hall   
Badger, Levi B.  carpenter, Union, P. V.  Mrs. Sarah J., Eddie, Ida
Bagby, Sarah  teacher, 45 Summer   
Bagley, Charlie B.  off Railroad   
Bagley, Curtis H.  conductor, 11 Railroad  Mrs. Edwina
Bailey, A. L.  music dealer, 5 Park  Mrs. Lucy A.
Bailey, William H.  clerk, 8 Belvidere  Mrs. Jennie F.
Baker, A. Oliver  mechanic, Western Ave.  Mrs. Pamela
Baker, Chester O.  painter & sewing machine agt., 49 Spring  Mary H., Richard C., Jessica M.
Baker, Lewis  hostler, 82 Railroad   
Baker, Mrs. E. E.  1 Cherry   
Balch, Fred A.  machinist, 5 Western Ave.  Mrs. Susan L., Annie M., Gracie R.
Balch, John W.  furniture dealer, 97 Main  Mrs. Louise S.
Balch, Mrs. Isabel M.  30 Cliff  Daisy E.
Balch, Romanzo  machinist, 6 Cross  Mrs. Abbie J., Harry E.
Baldwin, Josiah R.  blacksmith, 25 Cliff  Mrs. Harriet E.
Baldwin, Oscar C.  farmer, 130 Main  Mrs. Abbie L.
Bandy, Willie  farmer, 113 Main   
Bangs, George  pattern maker, 38 Summer  Mrs. Rachel, Arthur, Fred
Baril, Napoleon  sealer, New Water   
Baril, Olive  New Water   
Barney, Carrie  56 Railroad   
Barr, Nelson  packer, 4 Charles   
Barrett, Michael  moulder, Railroad  Mrs. Maria
Barrett, William E.  freight agent, 38 Pearl  Mrs. Emily J.
Barrows, Ermie N.  29 Central   
Barry, Frank  laborer, 2 School  Mrs. Mary
Barry, Henry  laundry, 40 Railroad  Mrs. Mary A.
Bartlett, Jarvis  saloon keeper, 28 Pearl  Mrs. L. J., Harry A.
Bartlett, Louise L.  teacher, Underclyffe   
Bartlett, S. S.  mechanic, 14 Main  Mrs. Sophronia, Clara, Harry, clerk
Bastey, Active  painter, Eastern Ave.   
Batchelder, George B.  mechanic, 22 Eastern Ave.  Mrs. Silvia D., Katie L.
Batchelder, J. Edward  painter, 23 Cliff  Mrs. Emma J.
Batchelder, J. W.  painter, 33 Eastern Ave.  Mrs. Mary S., George W.
Batchelder, Judkins R.  2 Prospect Ave.  Mrs. Martha W.
Batchelder, Mrs. Mary J.  5 Cliff  Guy W., Samuel R., Annie D., Sadie V. H.
Bates, Henry C.  lawyer, 17 Webster  Mrs. Laura E., J. Dickerman
Bean, Mollie  Pleasant, P. V.   
Bean, W. G.  clerk, 40 Main   
Beaudet, Fred  blacksmith, Concord Ave., P. V.  Mrs. Emily M., Minnie, Henry
Beaudoin, Theodule  gardener, 31 Clark's Ave.  Mrs. Josephine, Louis
Beck, Gregory  blacksmith, 4 School, F. V.  Mrs. Lena
Beck, John  blacksmith, School, F. V.  Mrs. ____, Conrad, Bertha, Mary
Beck, Joseph H.  blacksmith, School, F. V.  Mrs. Elizabeth
Bedard, Joseph  laborer, 15 Maple  Mrs. Louise, Odias, Adiline, Joseph, Anna, William, Maria C.
Bedell, E. E.  Proprietor St. Johnsbury House, 40 Main  Mrs. Olive S., Edward E.
Bedell, Jacob  101 Railroad  Mrs. Miriam
Beeman, Leonard L.  clergyman, 15 Central  Mrs. Phebe S.
Belanger, Thomas  laborer, 115 Main  Mrs. Adeline, Claire, Alexandrine
Belden, Judith  dressmaker, 24 Cliff   
Belden, Sanborn W.  mechanic, 24 Cliff  Mrs. Lizzie
Belknap, John  machinist & knife blade maker, 8 Railroad  Mrs. M. J., Harry A.
Belknap, Simeon  clerk, 97 Main   
Benedict, William  blacksmith, Prospect  Mrs. Mary
Benham, Rose  62 Summer   
Bennett, Ezra B.  moulder, 38 Spring  Mrs. Hydie L., Ralph L.
Bennett, Mary A.  2 School, F. V.   
Bennett, Mrs. M. M.  Railroad   
Bennett, O. P.  marble dealer, Railroad  Mrs. Ellen E., Clarence A., Flora B.
Benoit, Jerry  barber, Railroad  Mrs. Virginia, Julie, Frank
Benton, Jay B.  s, 20 Main   
Benton, Mrs. S. M.  10 Clark's Ave.   
Berry, Clarence  clerk, 3 Cherry   
Berry, Cortiss J.  clerk, 110 Railroad  Mrs. Lois S.
Berry, John W.  carpenter, High, F. V.  Mrs. Hattie, Berton M., Henry W., Gracie I.
Berthiaume, John  laborer, 30 Maple  Mrs. Marie R.
Bingham, Charles C.  druggist, 8 Church  Mrs. Mary E., Katie M.
Bingham, Francis  4 Main   
Bingham, Mrs. Lauraette  8 Church   
Bishop, Laura J.  14 Main   
Black, Kelsey B.  cabinet maker, Railroad   
Black, Maggie  110 Railroad   
Blais, Cerial  teamster, 19 Maple  Herminie, Joseph, Olive, Israel, Rose Anna, Alfred
Blake, Mrs. Arvilla F.  96 Railroad   
Blake, Mrs.____  7 Eastern Ave.   
Blewitt, James  watchman, School, P. V.  Mrs. Elizabeth, John, file cutter, James
Bliss, Mrs. Mary A.  Jones, P. V.   
Bliss, Sylvester  s, 5 South   
Blodgett, Elijah D.  Western Ave.  Mrs. Eliza W., Herbert W.
Blodgett, Harry  lawyer, 73 Railroad  Mrs. Kate
Blodgett, P. D.  insurance agent, 98 Main  Mrs. Laura A., Pearl F. ins. agt., Hattie E., bookkeeper, Ernest A., Winthrop W., Eliza W.
Blossom, E. H.  train master, 56 Railroad   
Boissonnault, J. A.  parish priest, 12 Prospect   
Boles, Mrs. Mary M.  6 Winter  Joseph, shipping clerk
Bonett, Charles M.  cabinet maker, Pleasant, P. V.  Mrs. Helen P.
Bonett, George W.  12 Pleasant, P. V.  Mrs. N. J., Emma B.
Bonett, Mrs. M. G.  Concord Ave.  Charles E.
Bonett, Stanton E.  cabinet maker, Pleasant, P. V.   
Boniface (Belfast), John  miller, 10 Jacob's Ladder  Mrs. Martha, Henry J., Jesse E.
Boomhover, I. E.  hernia doctor, 2 Jacob's Ladder  Mrs. F. I., Ada, Lilla, Willie, David
Booth, Charles  mechanic, Jones, P. V.   
Borland, John T.  gardener, 25 Church  Mrs. Christina, Hugh, Aleck
Boucher, Henry  laborer, 31 Clark's Ave.  Mrs. Clarisse, Rose A.
Bouchers, Joseph  laborer, 19 Maple  Mrs. Odilde, Philippe
Bouffard, Levi  baker, 87 Railroad  Mrs. Angelina, Joseph, Alfred, J. Alphonce, Louis Arthur
Boutridge, William  3 Cherry  Mrs. Jane
Bowker, Frank B.  painter, 33 Cliff  Mrs. Electa
Bowker, Mrs. Eliza  24 Summer   
Bowman, Mrs. Mary F.  12 Church  Elsie L.
Bowman, N. P.  brick maker, 107 Main  Mrs. Rosalie D.
Bowman, Thomas H.  brick maker, Water, P. V.  Mrs. Ellen W.
Boyce, Anna C.  New Water   
Boyce, James M.  freight agent, 28 Railroad  Mrs. Augusta
Boynton, C. F.  druggist, 22 Railroad  Mrs. Clara C.
Boynton, Harry S.  s, 17 Main   
Boynton, Mrs. E. N.  22 Railroad   
Boynton, Mrs. Harriet C.  87 Main   
Boynton, William S.  treasurer Savings Bank, 87 Main  Mrs. Ida P.
Brackett, Solomon H.  teacher Academy, 17 Main  Mrs. Mary A., Frank P., teacher, Mabel S., Minnie C.
Bradley, William  clerk, 3 Cherry   
Brady, Alice M.  35 Pearl   
Brady, Kitty  32 Cliff   
Bragg, A. L.  carpenter, Pleasant, P. V.  Mrs. Lucy W., Nellie M.
Brainerd, George  14 Summer  Mrs. Martha L.
Brainerd, Ira  14 Summer  Mrs. Harriet S.
Brainerd, Mrs. Clara C.  14 Summer   
Brandwick, Katie  56 Railroad   
Bray, Michael  laborer, 23 Clark's Ave.  Mrs. Mary
Bray, William J.  contractor & builder, 92 Railroad  Mrs. Katherine E., Annie L.
Brigham, Cortes T.  traveling salesman, 14 Mt. Pleasant  Mrs. Laura A., Charles C., Otho H.
Brock, Albert  job teamster, 32 Railroad  Mrs. Mary E.
Brooks, Ezra C.  sealer, 1 Spring  Mrs. Hattie
Brooks, Luther  mechanic, 4 Autumn  Mrs. Mary M.
Brooks, S. T.  physician, 81 Main  Mrs. L. C., Fred H., Helen T., Frank H., Jonas
Brow, Patrick  core maker, 2 School, F. V.   
Brown, Anna  3 Spring   
Brown, David  moulder, 29 Maple  Mrs. Anna, Francis M., William P., Anna M., Frances S., David E.
Brown, E. F.  merchant, 18 Summer  Mrs. Eliza A., Abby P.
Brown, Eva G.  photographic student, 29 Main   
Brown, Frank D.  s, South Hall   
Brown, Frank N.  merchant, 19 Spring  Mrs. Mary E.
Brown, Fred A.  s, 8 Church   
Brown, Fremont E.  carpenter, Railroad  Mrs. Nellie
Brown, Gardner  Concord Ave, P. V.   
Brown, Gertie  56 Railroad   
Brown, Harry C.  s, South Hall   
Brown, John  moulder, Water, P. V.   
Brown, Julia A.  5 Park   
Brown, Michael  laborer, Water, P. V.  Mrs. Mary
Brown, Michael  stone cutter, Water, P. V.   
Brown, Mrs. H. R.  boarding house, 115 Railroad   
Brown, Mrs. Melinda  30 Central  Ellen M.
Brown, Mrs. Sophia  18 Central   
Brown, Nellie  18 Central   
Brown, Peter W.  rear Episcopal church, Main   
Brown, Thomas  farmer, 28 Maple  Mrs. Marie, Susan, Edward, Robert
Brown, William  stone cutter, off Eastern Ave.  Mrs. Carrie
Brown, William J.  livery stable, 65 Railroad  Mrs. Sadie
Brown, William J.  clerk, 71 Main   
Browne, H. S.  physician, 109 Main  Mrs. S. A., Helen L.
Brownelow, Robert  polisher, 112 Railroad   
Brunelle, Leon  carpenter, 118 Railroad  Mrs. Adele, Albert
Brunett, Joseph  shoemaker, Prospect Ave.  Mrs. Nellie
Bryant, A. N.  livery stable, 101 Railroad  Mrs. Helen L., Mary L., Seth I.
Buchanan, George  stone cutter, 32 Railroad   
Buck, Jerry  clerk, 40 Main   
Buckminster, I. C.  clerk, 56 Railroad   
Bugbee, Emma  Danville Road   
Bullard, G. B.  physician, 50 Eastern Ave.  Harry, Rebekah, Agnes
Bullard, Mrs. Louisa A.  22 Eastern Ave.  Myra S., Dan M.
Bundy, Fred G.  book-keeper, 15 Main   
Burbank, Dennis V.  pattern maker, 14 Webster  Mrs. Alice M., Viola E.
Burgin, Thomas H.  candy manufacturer, 34 Pearl  Mrs. Annie, Nellie
Burke, Mrs. Abbie  41 Pearl  Eva
Burke, Thomas  section-man, 115 Railroad   
Burke, W. A.  barber, 96 Railroad  Mrs. Alice A.
Burnham, B. D.  grocer, 56 Main  Mrs. Mary M., E. Josie
Burnham, Charles H.  moulder, rear 58 Main  Mrs. Hannah E.
Burnham, George C.  asst. foreman foundry, rear 58 Main  Mrs. Martha E.
Burnham, Mrs. Isabel B.  10 Summer   
Burnham, Mrs. J. K.  Western Ave.   
Burroughs, Allen S.  engineer, 73 Railroad  Mrs. Kitt E.
Burt, Alanson  engineer, 12 Railroad  Mrs. Julia, Charles, Minnie
Burt, Byron S.  conductor, 98 Railroad  Mrs. Laura W., Clayton R.
Burt, Mrs. Mary E.  Pearl   
Bushell, Ellen M.  43 Spring   
Bushy, Telespho  Eastern Ave.  Mrs. Adeline, Edmund, Jennie, Adeline
Byron, Henry E.  carpenter, 11 Cliff  Mrs. Flora A.
Cady, Mrs. E. F.  1 South  Jason M., Edward
Calder, F. C.  clerk, 56 Railroad   
Calderwood, Annie A.  106 Railroad   
Calderwood, Charles H.  furniture dealer, 110 Railroad  Mrs. Ida M.
Calderwood, H. S.  physician, Pearl   
Calderwood, John A.  carpenter, 10 Railroad  Mrs. Elizabeth
Canty, John  stone cutter, 9 Cherry   
Canty, Nellie  18 Church   
Carlton, Lena B.  s, 26 Eastern Ave.   
Carlton, Noah W.  moulder, 5 High, F. V.  Mrs. Kate T.
Carpenter, Charles L.  carpenter, 28 Spring  Mrs. Ellen H., Joseph D., Walter C., Guy H.
Carpenter, Charles M.  jeweler, 32 Cliff  Mrs. Hattie E., Ethel B.
Carpenter, Charles P.  postmaster, 18 Spring  Mrs. Lizzie, Horace
Carpenter, Daniel  lumber agent, 15 Church  Mrs. Joanna
Carpenter, Ezra P.  s, South Hall   
Carpenter, Fred E.  moulder, cor. Cliff & Winter  Mrs. Kathleen L., Herbert S., Harry B.
Carpenter, Hiram B.  painter, Railroad  Mrs. Mary E., Willie M., Homer B.
Carpenter, Horace  11 Summer  Mrs. Helen P.
Carpenter, John H.  agent G. T. R. R., 35 Pearl  Mrs. Nellie J., Mabel A., Clinton R.
Carpenter, Mrs. Helen F.  1 Cherry   
Carr, E. F.  dressmaker, 5 Cherry   
Carr, Ethan  conductor, Pearl  Mrs. Esther M.
Carr, Frank N.  delivery clerk, Danville Road  Mrs. Clara E.
Carr, George W.  packer, Railroad  Mrs. Mary E., Bertie G., Annie M.
Carr, Harry H.  book-keeper, 5 Cherry   
Carr, Jerry K.  conductor, 32 Railroad  Mrs. Laura A.
Carrick, Mrs. Lydia E.  51 Railroad   
Carrick, Orange G.  stone cutter, 51 Railroad  Mrs. Lora E.
Carrigan, Annie  100 Main   
Carter, George  watchman, 2 School, F. V.   
Cassidy, Joseph  lather, school, P. V.   
Cassidy, Patrick  laborer, 34 Maple  Mrs. Bridget, John, Marguerit, Thomas, Charles, Catherine
Cassidy, Trassy  13 School, F. V.   
Castonguay, Franck  moulder, 28 Maple  Mrs. Elmaise, Ernest, Augustina, Louisa
Castonguay, John  gardener, 28 Maple  Mrs. Theodile, Derilda, Josephine, Joseph, Emma, Marie, John H.
Castonguay, Luc  moulder, 31 Clark's Ave.  Mrs. Marie, Emma
Caswell, John M.  job teamster, Railroad  Mrs. Atlanta, Geo A.
Caswell, William O.  printer, 2 Willow Place  Mrs. Emily A.
Caye, Edward  mechanic, 19 Railroad  Mrs. Lydia
Celley, Daniel P.  blacksmith, 2 School, P. V.   
Chadwick, Mrs. Albert G.  88 Main   
Chainy, Eusbe  laborer, 11 Cherry  Napoleon, Valida
Chalmers, John R.  clergyman, 12 Pearl  Mrs. Ella, Calvin
Chamberlin, Elery J.  car repairer, 2 Emerson, P. V.  Mrs. Martha S., Marion P., William G., Ada M.
Chamberlin, Mrs. Rosan  61 Summer  Emma A.
Chamberlin, Orin  mechanic, 23 Summer  Mrs. Lucinda
Chase, Minerva  s, South Hall   
Chase, Osborne  boarding house, 15 Main  Mrs. Mary E., Annie W.
Cheney, George F.  dentist, 8 Prospect Ave.   
Cheney, H. H.  car repairer, Pleasant, P. V.  Mrs. I. M.
Cheney, Henry M.  machinist, 19 Cliff  Mrs. Mary J., Clinton M., bank teller
Chickering, Frank W.  painter, Hastings  Mrs. Belle
Chickering, Mrs. Marilla E.  Hastings   
Chubb, C. G.  6 School, F. V.   
Chubb, Lucy S.  6 School, F. V.   
Church, Abraham  farmer, 8 Western Ave.   
Church, James  clerk, 56 Railroad   
Clark, Alma  s, 30 Central   
Clark, Benjamin B.  painter, 5 Clark's Ave  Mrs. Elizabeth, Carrie E., Emily L., Susan E., compositor, Alice
Clark, Charles C.  coachman, 3 Spring  Mrs. Anna T.
Clark, Charles E.  moulder, 1 Water, F. V.  Mrs. Laura A., Frederick H., photographer
Clark, F. E.  clerk, Eastern Ave  Mrs. S. E., Fred D., Charlie
Clark, F. O.  stationer, 35 Pearl  Mrs. Edna
Clark, Florence L.  teacher, 15 Main   
Clark, H. S.  carpenter, rear Episcopal church, Main  Mrs. Chattie M., George R., message boy
Clark, John  blacksmith, 45 Summer  Mrs. Anna
Clark, John C.  assistant cashier, 20 Spring  Mrs. Lida E.
Clark, Katie B.  s, South Hall   
Clark, Mrs. J. R.  8 Church   
Clark, Sandford E.  cabinet maker, Railroad   
Clark, Sarah M.  30 Eastern Ave.   
Clark, William  brakeman, 33 Eastern Ave.   
Clement, George  clerk, 22 Eastern Ave.   
Clement, Mrs. Charlotte  Concord Ave.   
Clemons, George E.  supt. lumber yard, 50 Spring  Mrs. Sophia, Willie G., Nellie S.
Cleveland, Mary E.  s, South Hall   
Clifford, D. A.  photographer, 29 Main  Mrs. Isabella B.
Clifford, Mary E.  moulder, 10 Summer  Mrs. Eva L.
Clifford, Thomas  carpenter, 1 Prospect Ave.  Mrs. Lizzie A., Charlie S.
Cloutier, Joseph  livery stable, 118 Railroad  Mrs. Marie, Marie, Elise, Dolphine, Emma
Clowes, Sarah  19 Pearl   
Coakley, F.  blacksmith, 6 Maple  William T., Mary, Julia
Coakley, Maggie J.  98 Railroad   
Cobb, Robert  barber, 8 Prospect Ave.  Mrs. Susie
Cogswell, Orlando S.  brakeman, 11 Eastern Ave.  Mrs. Jennie D.
Colburn, Florence  107 Main   
Collins, George  mechanic, Prospect  Mrs. Annie, Willie, Johnnie, Nellie, Thomas
Colman, Kate  109 Main   
Commusky, Agnes  50 Eastern Ave.   
Commusky, Mary A.  40 Main   
Comstock, E. W.  machinist, 15 Main   
Conley, John E.  blacksmith, Jones, P. V.  Mrs. Nancy J.
Conley, William H.  file cutter, School, P. V.  Mrs. Winnie
Connell, Maurice  baggage master, 71 Main   
Converse, William L.  machinist, Concord Ave., P. V.  Mrs. Georgianna
Cook, Quinton  16 Railroad   
Cook, William H.  carpenter, 46 Summer  Mrs. Louisa S., Lucy E.
Cooley, W. W.  mason, 40 Main   
Corbet, Mrs. Mary  boarding house, 26 Clark's Ave.  Mary, Catherine, John
Corey, Hiram  farmer, 3 High, F. V.   
Corlis, Jewett L. C.  builder, 52 Spring  Mrs. Amelia R., Allen T., Arthur V.
Corriveau, Eugene  shoemaker, Charles  Mrs. Adeline, Achilles J., train dispatcher, Marie E., Lucy C.
Corriveau, Onesiphore  shoemaker, 15 Maple  Mrs. Marie, Adelaide, Augustin, Onesiphore, Lurinna, Permila, Victorine, Rose-Anna
Cotter, Denis  flag-man, 8 Maple  Mrs. Mary, Marguerit, Catherine, Elizabeth, Daniel, Denis
Couillard, F. X.  laborer, 31 Clark's Ave.  Mrs. Mary, Joseph
Coveny, Michael  blacksmith, 34 Pearl  Mrs. Maggie
Cowles, Pliny J.  postal clerk, 5 South   
Cowling, George  laborer, 7 South  Mrs. Vienna
Cowling, John  laborer, Danville Road  Mrs. Mary D., George
Crane, Azariah S.  tinsmith, 15 Cliff  Mrs. Martha A.
Crosby, George R.  school & church janitor, 33 Cliff  Mrs. Agnes M., Addie E., dressmaker, Fred M.
Cross, Benjamin K.  painter, Concord Ave., P. V.  Mrs. Lucinda A., Levi A., Freddie B., Georgie
Cross, George H.  baker, Church  Mrs. Ellen M., Jenny P., Harry M.
Cummings, Mrs. J. R.  4 Main  John R.
Currier, Mrs. Sarah  28 Central   
Curtis, Bartlett  carpenter, 50 Spring  Mrs. Lizzie
Curtis, John E.  s, South Hall   
Cushing, Ellen  22 Summer   
Cushing, P. G. L.  engineer, Railroad  Mrs. Eliza
Cushing, Sarah  103 Main   
Cushman, Rosella L. C.  School, P. V.   
Cutting, Harrison C.  mechanic, 9 Cliff  Mrs. Alice B.
Cutting, Hiram  Eastern Ave.  Mrs. Nellie
Cyr, Joseph  blacksmith, 29 Clark's Ave.  Mrs. Catherine, Anna, Catherine, Joseph, Florina
Dakin, Franklin A.  teacher, 24 Main  Mrs. Stella T.
Daley, N. W.  carpenter, 2 Perkins  Mrs. Eliza M., Mary E., George M., Fred
Dalton, Fred  2 Main   
Dana, Mrs. Almira D.  3 Mt. Pleasant   
Danforth, Phineas  carpenter, 41 Spring  Mrs. Clara
Daniels, Fred S.  engineer, 73 Railroad  Mrs. Nell M.
Daniels, John D.  tinsmith, 23 Cliff  Mrs. Helen, Anna B.
Daniels, Mrs. Nancy E.  73 Railroad   
Daniels, Nellie G.  32 Railroad   
Daniels, William  butcher, 28 Pearl  Mrs. Carrie, Harry B.
Davenport, Rice  carpenter, 17 Spring  Mrs. Susan, William S., machinist
Davie, Campbell  moulder, 3 Water, F. V.  Mrs. Jenet, Elizabeth, Helen, John, Robert, Anna
Davis, Bliss N.  s, 35 Summer   
Davis, Charles R.  stone cutter, 82 Main   
Davis, Frank P.  gardener, 82 Main  Mrs. Alma E.
Davis, H. B.  printer, 10 Green  Mrs. S. M., Nellie M.
Davis, John  sealer, 2 School, F. V.   
Davis, Mrs. Aurora L.  57 Summer  Clara E.
Davis, Roswell C.  coachman, 82 Main   
Davison, Frank P.  s, South Hall   
Dea, Mrs. Sarah  4 Prospect Ave.   
Dean, A. F.  carpenter, Pleasant, P. V.  Mrs. Martha J., Bertie F.
Dean, Elbert  baker, 4 Charles   
DeBrune, Rosa  5 South   
Demers, George  grocer & baker, 25 Clark's Ave.  Mrs. Josephine, Maria A., Joseph A.
Demers, Julien  furniture manufacturer, 87 Railroad  Mrs. Laura, Azaile
Demers, Louis  grocer & baker, 87 Railroad  Mrs. Georgiana, Albertine, Maria
Demers, Louis J.  carpenter, 25 Clark's Ave.  Mrs. Rosalie, Celonier, Amanda, Olive, Edgar
Deming, Nellie G.  s, South Hall   
Denning, Jerry  gardener, 15 Hastings  Mrs. Dora, Jerry, file cutter
Denning, T. J.  stone cutter, 32 Railroad  Mrs. Bridget
Denning, William  blacksmith, 8 Maple  Mrs. Catherine
Desilets, Gideon  19 Maple  Mrs. Delima, George
Disrochers, Louis  carpenter, 28 Maple  Mrs. Marguerite, Samuel, Joseph, Stanislas, Emma, Albert, Alfred
Dodge, Hannah E.  s, South Hall   
Dodge, Nettie  School, P. V.   
Donaghy, Alfred  machinist, 2 School, F. V.   
Donaghy, Richard  plumber, care village water works, Railroad  Mrs. Lizzie
Donaghy, Robert  teamster, 5 Water, F. V.  Mrs. Maria, Lizzie, Mary, Emma
Donahoe, Mary  School, F. V.   
Doucet, Joseph  boarding house, 11 Maple  Mrs. Aurelie
Dougherty, Charles  Pearl   
Dow, George A.  s, South Hall   
Dow, I. J.  carpenter, 19 Railroad  Mrs. Abbie
Dow, James A.  machinist, 15 Main   
Doying, Emma  34 Summer   
Doying, Mrs. M. A.  Prospect Ave.  Maud
Doyle, Gilbert  livery stable, 4 Charles   
Drew, Edward  butcher, Hastings   
Drew, Edward P.  s, South Hall   
Drew, F. W.  cabinet maker, 4 Western Ave.  Mrs. Ellen L., Willie F.
Drew, John H.  insurance agent, Hastings  Mrs. Fannie A., Carrie S.
Drew, Mary A. J.  s, South Hall   
Drouin, Fred  grinder, Railroad  Mrs. Mary, Mary, Edmond
Drouin, Joseph  merchant, 67 Railroad  Mrs. Mary, Eddie, Mary G.
Drown, Herbert  carpenter, Concord Ave., P. V.  Mrs. Mary
Drown, John J.  wheelwright, 115 Main  Mrs. Addie, Fred E.
Dubois, Mathias  laborer, 21 Clark's Ave  Mrs. Olivia, Napoleon, M. Alma, George, Arthur
Dubray, Abbie  55 Railroad   
Dubray, Leo I.  engineer, 55 Railroad  Mrs. Alice
Dudley, Henry  blacksmith, 73 Railroad  Mrs. Sarah J., Laura P., Leslie J.
Dumas, Gadefroi  moulder, 17 Maple  Mrs. Eleonard, Joseph, Adolphe, Claris, Emma, Olivine
Dumas, Napoleon  moulder, 17 Maple   
Dunnett, Alex.  lawyer, 13 Main  Mrs. Sarah M.
Duperon, William  teamster, 23 Maple  Mrs. Lea, William, Philippe, Emma
Durkee, Horace  Winter  Mrs. Mary S.
Dutile, Ashile  carpenter, 118 Railroad  Mrs. Georgiana
Dutton, Annette S.  3 Mt. Pleasant   
Dutton, Mrs. Temperance  School, P. V.   
Eager, Martha S.  2 School, F. V.   
Eastman, Richard H.  pattern maker, 15 Main   
Eddy, Maurice H.  mechanic, 15 Church  Mrs. Fanny S.
Edson, Marshall O.  s, South Hall   
Edwards, Margaret  80 Railroad   
Elkins, David S.  Pearl  Mrs. Nancy
Elliott, Annie  Western Ave.   
Elliott, Uriah  mechanic, 10 Belvidere  Mrs. Mary T., Fred N.
Elliott, William  mason, 4 Spring  Mrs. Nellie
Ellis, Jabez W.  laborer, Hastings  Mrs. Margaret, Henry Mary
Ely, George B.  supt. Ely Hoe & Fork Co., 48 Summer   
Ely, Henry G.  sec & treas, Ely Hoe & Fork Co., 48 Summer  Mrs. Addie, Ellen N., Caroline
Emerson, Belle M.  Pleasant, P. V.   
Emerson, Charles E.  moulder, 28 Cliff  Mrs. Susie L.
Emerson, Harley J.  s, South Hall   
Emerson, John  Pleasant, P. V.   
Emerson, Mrs. Elmira  28 Cliff   
Emery, William  mechanic, Water, P. V.  Mrs. Jane, Florence, Rosa, Walter
Enair, Selina  97 Main   
Estabrooks, John H.  brakeman, 33 Eastern Ave.   
Estabrooks, Warren  merchant, 86 Railroad  Mrs. Elizabeth, Henry F.
Estey, E. J.  shoe dealer, 53 Main  Mrs. E. S.
Evans, Elmore E.  fireman, off Railroad  Mrs. Kate R.
Ewing, Mrs. E. H.  9 Main  Mary C.
Fairbanks, Edward T.  clergyman, 6 Park  Mrs. Emma C., Cornelia
Fairbanks, Franklin  scale mfg., Underclyffe  Mrs. Frances A., Mary F., Ellen H.
Fairbanks, Henry  clergyman, Western Ave.  Mrs. Ruth P., Arthur, Robert N., Lucy, Charlotte, Albert T., Marion
Fairbanks, Horace  scale mfg., Western Ave.  Mrs. Mary E., Agnes, Isabel
Fairbanks, Thaddeus  scale mfg., Western Ave.   
Fairbanks, William P.  general supt. scale works, Brantview  Mrs. Rebecca P., Almira T., Mabel, Joseph
Fairman, Carrie  82 Railroad   
Faloon, Mary  6 Winter   
Farnham, ____  22 Mt. Pleasant  Mrs. Chestina R.
Farnham, John  mechanic, New Water   
Farr, Charles W.  mechanic, 18 Central  Mrs. Jessie, Loula E.
Farrington, Mrs. V. A.  1 Prospect Ave.   
Fassett, Mrs. Edna S.  dressmaker, 54 Main, upstairs   
Felch, Chester  mechanic, Valley   
Felch, Mrs. L.  37 Pearl  Lottie E., Lynn W.
Fenno, Marcellus T.  machinist, 6 Pearl  Mrs. Mattie W., Lulu
Ferguson, Edwin  s, 32 Pearl   
Ferguson, Mrs. Mary  dressmaker, Railroad   
Finel, Egbert O.  mechanic, 4 Charles  Mrs. Cora A., Ray D., Bertie R.
Fisher, F. S.  clergyman, 6 Winter  Mrs. Agnes, Edith
Fitzgerald, Patrick  blacksmith, 11 Clark's Ave.  Mrs. Marguerite, Julia
Fitzpatrick, E.  blacksmith, 10 Maple  Mrs. Mary, William, Emma, Mary
Fitzpatrick, Robert  section man, 71 Main   
Flanaghan, J. A.  machinist, 32 Maple   
Flanaghan, James  laborer, 29 Maple  Mrs. Sebina, John A., Mary, William J., Elizabeth M.
Flanaghan, Michael  32 Maple  Mrs. Bridget
Fleetwood, Fred A.  s, 96 Main   
Fletcher, F. F.  merchant, 73 Main  Mrs. Fannie B., Frank F., Fred S.
Fletcher, Frederick  71 Main  Mrs. Beulah C.
Fletcher, T. C.  merchant, 71 Main  Mrs. Kate K., Carl C., Hugh P.
Flint, Charles G.  druggist, 44 Spring  Mrs. Mabel A.
Flint, L. B.  painter, 2 Main  Mrs. Mary B.
Flint, Mrs. L. M.  103 Main  Alvin W., druggist, Kate
Flint, R. B.  prop. Cottage Hotel, 84 Railroad  Mrs. M. M., Ella, Willis D.
Flynn, James  gardener, 13 Jacob's Ladder  Mrs. Ellen, Katie E.
Fogg, A. D.  sealer, Passumpsic, P. V.  Mrs. Chloe P., artist
Folsom, Alice J.  dressmaker, 119 Railroad   
Folsom, Francis  clerk, 5 South   
Folsom, J. D.  physician, 7 Cherry  Mrs. Flora, Lelia E., J. Irving, clerk, Nellie A., teacher, Flora M.
Ford, H. B.  blacksmith, 6 School, F. V.  Mrs. Lucy A., Edmund M., machinist, Harry, Carrie A.
Forest, Joseph  laborer, 34 Maple  Mrs. Jenlie, Elmina, Moise
Forsaith, Ceylon  mechanic, Pleasant, P. V.  Mrs. Helen
Foss, W. J.  s, 99 Main   
Foss, W. T.  telephone line-man, 40 Main   
Foster, Ben H.  stone cutter, 56 Railroad   
Foster, John  laborer, 112 Railroad   
Foster, Sarah  Prospect   
Fournier, J. A.  carpenter, 10 Railroad  Mrs. Aurilla
Frazier, John R.  fish dealer, Danville Rd.  Mrs. Mary
Frechette, David  sexton & dir Catholic Library, 14 Cherry  Mrs. Rosalie, David S., Joseph P.
French, Asa L.  1 Cherry   
French, Henry  supt. village water works, 1 Cherry  Mrs. Sarah B., Laura E., Frank O.
French, Nathan B.  harness maker, 12 Summer  Mrs. Lilla I., Orin L.
French, William  moulder, 2 School, F. V.  Mrs. Nellie
Frost, Charles  s, Prospect   
Frost, Edward C.  mechanic, 16 Summer  Mrs. Emma B.
Frost, Irving H.  mechanic, 89 Main  Mrs. Candace C. Carrie E.
Frost, Mrs. Emily  16 Summer  Florence, Geo H., book-keeper
Fulford, Dan  engineer, 6 Pearl  Mrs. Mary A.
Fuller, Elmer W.  moulder, 1 High, F. V.  Mrs. Elizabeth
Fuller, Mrs. Jane M.  104 Main   
Gadapee, Clara  Tremont, P. V.   
Gaffield, Annie M.  13 Perkins   
Gaffney, James H.  mason, Pearl  Mrs. Margaret, Ellen, James, Willie, Florence, Arthur
Gage, Clara M.  32 Pearl   
Gage, Jesse B. T.  printer, 27 Central  Mrs. Rosa N.
Gage, Josiah B.  clerk, 32 Pearl   
Gagnon, Thomas  carpenter, Eastern Ave.  Mrs. ___
Gague, Thomas  teamster, 6 Western Ave.  Mrs. Maggie
Galagher, Annie  3 Cliff   
Galagher, Elizabeth  Underclyffe   
Garand, Frank  carpenter, 15 Maple  Mrs. Clothilde, Flavien, Marie R., Ann, Joseph S., David J.
Garfield, Caleb  laborer, Tremont, P. V.  Mrs. Sarah M., Martha J., Azro B.
Garneau, Noel  grocer, 4 St. Mary  Mrs. Emma, Mary, Jane
Gaskill, Elmer H.  sealer, 25 Cliff  Mrs. Helen E.
Gaskill, Leon F.  silver plater, 44 Spring  Mrs. Ella, Eddie
Gauthier, J. O.  laborer, 33 Maple  Darilda, Onesiphore, Rose
Gauthier, Joseph  merchant, 103 Eastern Ave.  Mrs. Carrie
Gentry, Henry  gardener, Prospect Ave.  Mrs. Selina, Mary J.
George, Eliza A.  compositor, 19 Summer   
Gibbs, Charles F.  florist, 2 Paddock  Mrs. Sarah E.
Gibson, Richard  gardener, P. V.  Mrs. B.
Gile, Noah F.  laborer, 4 Green  Mrs. Nellie H., Lizzie M.
Gilfillan, Emily E.  s, South Hall   
Gilman, Berton S.  s, Academy   
Gilman, John  mason, School, P. V.  Mrs. Margaret
Gilmore, John P.  harness maker, 65 Railroad  Mrs. Maria
Gingras, Isai  27 Clark's Ave.  Mrs. Rosalie
Gingras, Louis  painter, 27 Clark's Ave.  Mrs. Camille, George, Alphonse, Edmond
Girard, David D.  Druggist, 92 Railroad   
Gleason, James  freight clerk, Railroad   
Gleason, Mary  20 Main   
Glidden, Henry G.  hostler, 40 Main   
Glinen, Mrs. Ann  11 Eastern Ave.  William
Glines, Welthia M.  teacher, 15 Main   
Glynn, James  laborer, 63 Pearl  Mrs. Mary
Glynn, Mrs. Bridget  Railroad   
Gooble, John  brick maker, Pleasant, P. V.   
Goodall, Inez  15 Main   
Goodall, Walter A.  sealer, Western Ave.   
Goodell, George W.  painter, 92 Railroad  Mrs. Alma, Edith S.
Goodrich, A. Melvin  tailor, 9 Cliff  Mrs. Carrie
Goodwin, Frank  mechanic, 23 Summer  Carrie I.
Goodwin, Henry S.  polisher, 12 Mt. Pleasant  Mrs. Carrie A., Karl H., Mabel E.
Gorham, Isaac B.  13 Church  Mrs. Louisa P., artist, Augusta M., Annie L., artist
Gorman, Thomas  laborer, 90 Railroad  Mrs. Annie, Mary E.
Gorough, Phebe  Eastern Ave.   
Gorton, Ida L.  s, South Hall   
Goss, Eddie J.  stone cutter, Railroad   
Goss, Edward  machinist, Pleasant  Mrs. Anna A., Jennie E., Eddie B.
Goss, Ezra  teamster, Railroad  Mrs. Amelia
Goss, Florence J.  teacher, 96 Main   
Goss, Irving  s, South Hall   
Goss, Jesse B.  machinist, Concord Ave  Lizzie A.
Goss, Willard S.  polisher, Railroad   
Gosselin (Goss), Pierre  teamster, 107 Railroad  Mrs. Josephine, Rose, Samuel, Stanislas, Frederic
Gosselin, Frederique  19 Maple  Mrs. Emma, Regina, Joachim, Marie, Louise
Gould, Walter D.  painter, 3 High, F. V.  Mrs. Adah M.
Goyet (Guyer), Henry  job team, 19 Maple  Mrs. Marie, Wilfred, Joseph
Goyet (Guyer), John  stone mason, off Paddock  Mrs. Adeline, Joseph, Emma, Mary
Goyet (Guyer), William  teamster, 117 Railroad  Mrs. Lena B.
Graham, C. W.  taxidermist, 16 1/2 Main  Mrs. Jessie M.
Graham, Carrie  3 School, F. V.   
Graham, Elwin  moulder, Western Ave.   
Graham, Lewis  scale maker, 16 1/2 Main   
Graham, William A.  moulder, Western Ave.  Mrs. Dencie L., Etta A., Mertie L., Charles P.
Graves, Sylvester D.  clerk, Emerson, P. V.  Mrs. Frances S., Willie L., Frank M.
Gray, Charles F.  carpenter, Jones  Mrs. Kate E.
Gray, George  mechanic, 41 Spring  Mrs. Sophronia
Gray, Julius C.  butcher, 41 Spring  Mrs. Elvira M., Carlisle E.
Gray, Mrs. Eliza  School, P. V.   
Green, Charles K.  clerk, 11 Cliff  Mrs. Susan B., Willie, Carl
Green, Clara  7 Cherry   
Green, William  sexton, 4 Green  Mrs. Elizabeth C.
Griffin, John  stone cutter, 32 Railroad   
Griffin, John  laborer, 2 Charles  Mrs. Mary, Thomas J., John
Grimes, Allard  machinist, 30 Eastern Ave.   
Griswold, Edward F.  flour merchant, 40 Main   
Grout, Dan F.  carriage trimmer, 34 Railroad   
Grout, George S.  express messenger, 34 Railroad  Mrs. Daisy
Grow, George E.  merchant, Eastern Ave.   
Grow, Lewis  stone cutter, 2 Willow Place   
Grow, T. R.  physician, 103 Railroad  Mrs. E. M., Mamie E.
Guild, Thomas E.  s, South Hall   
Gustin, Isaac B.  machinist, 27 Central  Mrs. Sarah A., Eugene
Guy, Tirzah M.  artist, Church   
Hadley, Joseph A.  traveling salesman, 38 Summer  Mrs. Caroline B.
Hale, A. P.  blacksmith, basement 3 School, F. V.  Mrs. Laura
Hale, John O.  traveling salesman, 15 Summer  Mrs. Laura A., Carrie B., teacher, George H., Addie D., asst librarian, J. Otis, Arthur E., William H.
Hale, O. G.  80 Railroad  Mrs. Eunice P.
Hale, O. H.  merchant, 80 Railroad  Mrs. Mary
Hale, Walter H.  blacksmith, School, P. V.  Mrs. Mary L.
Hall, Albert  broom maker, 10 Railroad  Mrs. Ellen, Aurilla, Etta, Ida, Fred
Hall, Charlie E.  farmer, 11 Eastern Ave.   
Hall, Eleazer M.  carpenter, 12 Green  Mrs. Mira P., Cora A.
Hall, Emerson  pres. Savings Bank, 20 Main  Mrs. Mary S., Mattie J.
Hall, Mrs. C. C.  4 Belvidere  Agnes, copyist, Edith
Hall, Mrs. Thomas L.  22 Main  Alice E.
Hall, Samuel W.  furniture dealer, 24 Cliff  Mrs. Nancy M.
Hallett, Ephraim J.  mason & engraver, Mt. Pleasant  Mrs. Viola
Hallett, Freeman  mason, Mt. Pleasant  Mrs. Sophronia
Hallett, Russell  13 Mt. Pleasant  Mrs. Asenath
Hancock, Mrs. Freedom  Pleasant, P. V.   
Hardy, Audubon L.  teacher, 7 Main  Mrs. Gertrude M.
Harlow, E. D.  job teamster, 108 Main  Mrs. Julia A.
Harlow, Levi C.  filer, 2 Autumn  Mrs. Anna T., John T., Edward H.
Harlow, Newell L.  moulder, 28 Central  Mrs. Jennie S., Lefie L., Mabel F.
Harlow, Robert D.  clerk, 58 Summer  Mrs. Martha A.
Harmon, William G.  sewing machine agt., Railroad  Mrs. Adelle
Harrigan, Sarah  16 Railroad   
Harriman, Charles  turner, 18 Railroad  Mrs. Abigail, Wallace, stone cutter, Etta
Harriman, David E.  brass moulder, Emerson, P. V.  Mrs. Huldah M.
Harriman, H. S.  restaurant, depot  Mrs. Martha E., Harry, Willie
Harriman, L. P.  moulder, 7 High, F. V.  Mrs. Anna C.
Harriman, Victor W.  moulder, Pleasant, P. V.  Mrs. Mary R., Wallace, Helen
Harrington, Ephraim W.  carpenter, 7 Green  Mrs. Sarah D., Ruth P, Carlisle W.
Harrington, Mrs. Clara E.  milliner, 96 Railroad  Inez M.
Harris, William H.  mechanic, Pleasant, P. V.  Mrs. Jennie S., Blanche B., B. Frank
Hart, George A.  Pearl  Mrs. Mary L., Eugene, Lizzie, Eddie
Hart, Wales G.  carpenter, 7 Railroad  Mrs. Betsey
Hartshorn, Levi B.  drover, off Mt. Pleasant  Mrs. Sylvia W., James E., Katie E., Fannie F.
Harvey, A. Clark  merchant, 31 Pearl  Mrs. Carrie F., Katie L., Lulu M.
Harvey, Alvah  clerk, 26 Cliff  Mrs. Mary A.
Harvey, F. W.  polisher, 5 Pearl   
Harvey, James  farmer, 7 Western Ave.  Mrs. Mary C.
Harvey, Jedd  carpenter, Railroad  Mrs. Philena, George E., Mahalie
Harvey, Mary L.  s, South Hall   
Harvey, N. F.  polisher, 5 Pearl  Mrs. Eliza, Carrie, George, Wesley
Harvey, Robert  stone cutter, 7 Western Ave.   
Haskell, J. W.  flagman, 27 Pearl  Mrs. Harriet N.
Hastings, Charles S.  cashier, B. & L. R. R., 46 Spring  Mrs. Mary M.
Hastings, Henry C.  ice dealer, 81 Main   
Hastings, Hubbard  46 Spring  Mrs. Betsey
Hastings, Lambert  81 Main  Mrs. M. C.
Haviland, Mrs. Ellen  32 Railroad  Abial H., Minnie E.
Hawes, John  12 Main  Mrs. Jane G., Elizabeth J.
Hawley, Charles F.  clerk, Eastern Ave  Mrs. Helen M., Herbert A.
Hawley, William G.  sealer, 21 Spring  Mrs. Persis S.
Hazelton, Mrs. Maria P.  26 Spring   
Hazen, George E.  carpenter, 103 Main  Mrs. Hattie E.
Hazen, L. Downer  lumber dealer, 62 Summer  Mrs. Orinda K., Lucius K., bookkeeper, Mary L., Charles D., Margaret E.
Hazen, P. F.  book-keeper, Western Ave.  Mrs. Minnie F.
Heath, William L.  laborer, 9 School, F. V.  Mrs. May E.
Hebert, Joseph  laborer, 31 Maple  Mrs. Anna
Henault, Amable  laborer, 31 Clark's Ave.  Mrs. Merance, Alcide
Henault, Edmond  painter, 6 St. Mary  Mrs. Celina, Alphonsine, Alfred, Voleda, Mastai, Ephraim
Henault, Prudent  laborer, 11 Cherry  Mrs. Sarah, Charles, Joseph H.
Henderson, Elmer  clerk, 57 Main   
Henderson, Moses C.  clergyman, 113 Railroad  Mrs. Susan A.
Henderson, Ola H.  ticket agent, depot  Mrs. Clara J.
Heon, Napoleon  laborer, 33 Maple  Mrs. Marie, Jane
Herrick, W. H.  machinist, 15 Main   
Hewes, Mrs. Sarah C.  80 Main   
Heyer, James H.  mechanic, 8 Emerson, P. V.  Mrs. Abbie J., Estella F.
Hicks, James  baker, 32 Pearl  Mrs. Viola
Hicks, John G.  book-keeper, Western Ave.  Mrs. Huldah A., Georgie H.
Hidden, George  clerk, 36 Summer   
Higgins, Mary  82 Main   
Higgins, Mrs. Anna  off Eastern Ave.   
Higgins, Mrs. Josephine F.  Park   
Higgins, Peter  laborer, off Eastern Ave.  Mrs. Elizabeth, John
Hill, Frank D.  painter, 4 Spring  Mrs. Lizzie C.
Hill, Mrs. Susan M.  dress-maker, 3 Central  Hoyt F., Nellie M., Mattie S.
Hill, Samuel A.  58 Summer   
Hill, W. S.  pattern maker, 9 Cliff  Mrs. Martha M., Addie R., Gertrude, Harry, Edith F.
Himes, Calvin B.  School, P. V.   
Himes, Frank M.  machinist, School, P. V.  Mrs. Alberta S.
Hodge, Charles H.  stone-cutter, 10 Railroad  Mrs. Maggie
Hodges, Jed A.  s, South Hall   
Hogan, James F.  clothing merchant, 37 Cliff  Mrs. Agnes
Holder, Henry A.  mechanic, 6 Belvidere  Mrs. Jennie D.
Holder, James H.  machinist, 11 Belvidere  Mrs. Ella L., Agnes
Holmes, Laurien J.  job teamster, School, P. V.  Mrs. Jennie W.
Holmes, Peter  blacksmith, Danville Road  Mrs. Julia C.
Holt, Dan B.  s, 98 Railroad   
Honsinger, E. M.  mechanic, Eastern Ave.  Mrs. Clara, Mamie
Hooker, Frank B.  machinist, 15 Perkins  Mrs. Mary B.
Hooker, Lyman S.  machinist, School, P. V.  Mrs. Alice J.
Hooker, O. V.  machinist, 15 Perkins  Mrs. Julia E., Alice A.
Hopkins, W. Clark  salesman, 11 Pearl  Mrs. Emma, Daniel W.
Horne, Mrs. Mary A.  37 Pearl  William P.
Horton, William H.  tailor, 14 Railroad  Mrs. Elizabeth, Charles H.
Hoskins, Albert  carpenter, 61 Summer   
Hosmer, John  farmer, Eastern Ave.  Mrs. Emily, Abel
Houghton, Bert  s, South Hall   
Houston, Caleb  hostler, 56 Railroad   
Houston, Charles D.  tinsmith, 6 Autumn   
Hovey, Mertie M.  s, South Hall   
Hovey, Richard  blacksmith, Western Ave.  Mrs. Ruth
Howard, E. T.  mechanic, Pearl  Mrs. Lydia M.
Howard, Henry  carpenter, 24 Spring  Mrs. Madelia
Howard, Leonard D.  carpenter, 32 Summer  Mrs. Maria
Howard, Mrs. A. S.  4 Charles   
Howard, Mrs. Martha W.  20 Mt. Pleasant  Ervin W.
Howard, Theron M.  merchant, Western Ave.  Mrs. Olive W.
Howard, Walter  clerk, 30 Eastern Ave.   
Howe, B. G.  prop. Avenue House, 56 Railroad  Mrs. Anna, Della, Gertie
Howe, Cora  82 Railroad   
Howe, George E.  machinist, Railroad  Ina
Howe, George M.  tinsmith, 94 Main  Mrs. Alma C.
Howe, Mrs. Hannah  56 Railroad   
Howe, R. C. M.  36 Summer  Mrs. Harriet A., Laura P.
Howe, Zeeb  gardener, rear Episcopal Church, Main  Mrs. Hattie M. W.
Hoy, Patrick  blacksmith, Hastings  Mrs. Susan B., Freddie J.
Hoyt, Mrs. C. H.  11 Eastern Ave.  Jessie M., Harry E.
Hubbard, Harry W.  fireman, 6 Cross  Mrs. Jennie
Humphrey, Joseph H.  music teacher, 6 Winter  Mrs. Cora A.
Humphrey, Solomon  23 Summer  Mrs. Electa M.
Hunter, Dennis  filer, 16 Spring  Mrs. Susan
Hunter, Samuel  farmer, 50 Eastern Ave.   
Hurd, Leon D.  route agent, 27 Pearl  Mrs. Julia, George L., Gertie
Hurley, Ellen M.  Railroad   
Hurley, Mary  Western Ave.   
Hutchins, D. P.  carpenter, 86 Railroad  Mrs. M. E.
Hutton, Charles M.  conductor, 80 Eastern Ave.  Mrs. Annie
Hyde, John J.  clerk, 50 Railroad   
Ide, Elmore T.  merchant, 1 Mt. Pleasant  Mrs. Cynthia L., Katie D., teacher, George P., Henry C., Mary E.
Ide, Henry C.  lawyer, 9 Church  Mrs. Mary M., Addie M., Annie H., Margie M.
Ide, Horace K.  merchant, 32 Mt. Pleasant  Mrs. Margaret, Phil S.
Ingalls, Samuel  s, 9 Cherry   
Ingram, Walter  gardener, 1 School, F. V.  Mrs. Chestina M., William, Isabella M., Jeanie D., Walter J., Robert E.
Ivers, Edward  job teamster, 13 Maple  Mrs. Catherine, J. Edward, George F., J. Ernest
Ivers, Joseph  teamster, Railroad  Mrs. Margaret, William J., James E.
Jackson, Charles  hostler, Eastern Ave.   
Jackson, Horace M.  highway surveyor, Concord Ave., Paddock V  Mrs. Armanella, Izetta
Jackson, John R.  laborer, Railroad  Effie
Jacques, Joseph  teamster, 21 Maple  Mrs. Eliza, Joseph, Emma
Jacques, Louis  lawyer, 23 Maple  Mrs. Catherine, Thomas, Mary, Frances, Chartier
Jaraw, Robert  blacksmith, Pearl   
Jenkins, E. R.  machinist, Pleasant, P. V.  Mrs. Nellie M., John
Jenness, Mrs. Lucy A.  40 Spring  Mattie A., teacher, Laura A., teacher
Jewell, Alvin C.  112 Railroad   
Jewell, Carl H.  s, off Mt. Pleasant   
Jewett, A. B.  supt B. & L. R. R., 40 Main  Mrs. Achsa M.
Jewett, Mrs. E. B.  90 Main  Helen B., Luther S., Mary L.
Johnson, A. K.  conductor, Mill  Mrs. A. E., Charles H., Sarah A., Ida M.
Johnson, Edward  editor Republican, 8 Cherry  Mrs. Eva H.
Johnson, George  carpenter, 2 School, F. V.   
Johnson, Mattie S.  s, South Hall   
Johnson, Mrs. Ruth  2 Pearl   
Johnson, Nathan M.  merchant, 2 Pearl  Mrs. Sarah R.
Johnson, Ruby A.  s, South Hall   
Johnston, George  laborer, Prospect Ave.  Mrs. Maggie
Johnston, Robert  laborer, Passumpsic, P. V.  Mrs. Mary C., Agnes
Johnston, Willard  lumber agent, 40 Main   
Jones, Charles H.  machinist, Jones, P. V.  Mrs. Josephine A.
Jones, I. G.  furniture manuf., Jones, P. V.  Mrs. C. I.
Jones, L. H.  mechanic, Water, P. V.  Mrs. Emily B.
Jones, Mrs. Viola M.  28 Cliff  Minnie V., J. Ernest
Joslyn, Hiram  boarding house, 3 Cherry  Mrs. Manda M., M. Emma
Jourdonnais, Mederise  39 Pearl   
Juneau, Ainse  laborer, Concord Ave., P. V.  Mrs. Flavia, Mary
Juneau, Joseph  laborer, Concord Ave., P. V.   
Karr, Jane  88 Main   
Kasson, Amasa  clock repairer, Concord Ave., P. V.   
Kasson, Edward  Concord Ave., P. V.   
Keefe, Dennis  laborer, 130 Main  Mrs. Kate
Kelley, Edward A.  clerk, 34 Railroad  Mrs. Neena
Kelley, Lula  dress-maker, Eastern Ave.   
Kelley, Margaret  Eastern Ave.   
Kemp, Charles L.  s, 35 Summer   
Kendall, F. F.  10 Clark's Ave.  Mrs. L. J., Walter A., Alice M., Roy D., Frederic
Kendall, L. L.  32 Pearl  Mrs. Maria, Frank L.
Kent, George S.  stone cutter, 31 Pearl  Mrs. Gertie
Kent, Stillman  sealer, 11 Belvidere  Mrs. Carrie
Keyes, Mrs. H. T.  15 Main  John L., teller First Nat'l bank
Kidder, Mrs. Nancy F.  8 Prospect  Kate B.
Kidder, R. P.  merchant, 16 Eastern Ave.  Mrs. Juliette, Horace
Kidney, A. E.  carpenter, 82 Railroad   
Kimball, Lilla  24 Railroad   
Kimball, Mrs. Lois G.  62 Summer   
King, George  teamster, 6 Western Ave.  Mrs. Jane
King, Mrs. Ellen  Concord Ave., P. V.   
Kingsley, Frank E.  brick maker, Passumpsic, P. V.   
Kinney, Flora E.  23 Church   
Kinney, Henry W.  carpenter, 23 Church  Mrs. Lucinda, Mabel, Neil
Kinney, Isabel A.  2 Summer   
Kinney, James  engineer, 3 Cherry  Mrs. Mary
Kinney, Willis L.  pattern maker, 7 Summer   
Kirk, Charles E.  butcher, 2 Pearl  Mrs. Lillie M.
Kittredge, Judson  22 Eastern Ave.   
Knapp, Albert  laborer, Pleasant, P. V.  Mrs. Emma
Knapp, Mrs. Orpha  Water, P. V.  Johnnie
Knapp, Pliny H.  engineer, Water, P. V.  Mrs. Ada A.
Knight, Mrs. L. H.  dress-maker, 84 Railroad   
Kyburg, George W.  s, South Hall   
Labranche, Isaac  laborer, 29 Clark's Ave.  Mrs. Marie, M. Emma, Joseph M.
Lacasse, Fred  barber, 102 Main  Mrs. Eliza E.
Lachance, Modeste  laborer, 23 Clark's Ave.  Mrs. Melvina, Modeste, Noel
Laferriere, Felix  laborer, 1 St. Mary  Mrs. Agnes, Celina, Emma, Anna, Melonie, Lidia, Zoel, Napoleon
Laflam, Louis  marble worker, 12 Jacob's Ladder  Mrs. Eliza
Lafond, Henry  laborer, 15 Maple  Mrs. Aurelie, Philomene, Joseph
Laird, R. W.  granite dealer, 10 Railroad  Mrs. Sue, Lizzie C.
Laird, Washington R.  clergyman, 11 Pearl  Mrs. Fannie E.
Lake, Elmer O.  lumber dealer, 12 Railroad   
Laliberte, Gideon  moulder, New Water  Mrs. Edwidge
Laliberte, Jeffrey  baker, 84 Main   
Laliberte, John  laborer, Hastings  Mrs. Mary G.
Laliberte, Theodore  laborer, 84 Main   
Lambert, Leon  laborer, 33 Maple  Mrs. Marie, Adolphe, Cote
Lanctot, John  blacksmith, Pearl  Mrs. Selina, John N., Edward, Lizzie, Lena
Lane, H. V.  machinist, 37 Spring  Mrs. Laura
Lapointe, Samuel  laborer, 25 Maple  Mrs. Archange, Theodore, Philomene, Mary N.
Lapointe, William  laborer, Hastings  Mrs. Delia, Amelia, Lizzie
Larame, Dennis  machinist, school, P. V.  Mrs. Adeline, Willie
Largey, James  brick maker, 90 Railroad   
Larie, Joseph  car-repairer, old depot  Mrs. Louise
Lasalle, Mrs. Susan E.  9 Green   
Lauder, David  laborer, 109 Railroad  Mrs. Janet, John B.
Lauder, David, Jr.  teamster, Clark's Ave.  Mrs. Maggie
Lauder, Elizabeth  Underclyffe   
Lauder, James  farmer, Concord Ave., P. V.  Mrs. Anna
Lavigne, S.  teamster, 30 Maple  Mrs. Lumina, J. Alfred, Emma
Lavigne, Theophile  laborer, 29 Clark's Ave.  Mrs. Emelie, Mary, Napoleon
Lawrence, Fred R.  engineer, Hastings  Mrs. Hattie
Lawrence, Stearns D.  ice-dealer, Hastings  Mrs. Mary J., Lemuel H.
Learworth, James  laborer, Railroad  Mrs. Sarah, Robert, Elizabeth A., James
Leblanc, Francis  laborer, 15 Maple  Mrs. Mathilda, William, Oliva
Lee, R. Henry  52 Summer  Mrs. Martha E., Charles C.
Leech, James A.  s, South Hall   
Lefebrue, Joseph  laborer, 15 Maple  Mrs. Adele, Georgiana, Thomas
Leith, Portice  laborer, Pleasant, P. V.  Mrs. Mary, William, John H.
Lemaire, Jerome  mechanic, 55 Summer  Emeline, Clara J.
Lemaire, Joseph  11 Cherry   
Lemire, Mrs. Matilda  Railroad  Eugene, David, Joseph
Lemoine, Joseph  moulder, 2 Western Ave.  Mrs. Mary
Lemoine, Louis  brass moulder, Prospect  Mrs. Rosa E.
Lemoine, Mrs. Lucie  11 Cherry   
Leslie, John  laborer, Railroad   
Leslie, Richard  fireman, Railroad  Mrs. Emma
Lester, Edward  farmer, 18 Mt. Pleasant   
Lester, Stephen D.  mechanic, 13 High, F. V.   
Leventure, Jerry  laborer, 77 Railroad  Mrs. Olive, Jerry
Lewin, Henry  teamster, 119 Railroad  Mrs. Alma M.
Lewin, Henry A.  brakeman, 119 Railroad  Mrs. Hattie J.
Lewis, Mrs. Harriet  34 Railroad   
Libby, Blanche F.  s, 81 Main   
Libby, Milford  s, 4 Pearl   
Liddell, William  pattern maker, Valley  Mrs. Flora P., Burton, Hermon
Ling, Helen  Western Ave.   
Ling, Margaret  98 Main   
Lippitt, John R.  merchant, 7 Eastern Ave.  Mrs. Carrie L.
Little, Edward P.  telegraph operator, Pearl   
Little, William A.  hotel clerk, 40 Main  Mrs. Abbie F.
Livingston, Asa S.  agricultural mgr Fairbanks Co., 7 Summer   
Lizotte, Joseph  moulder, Passumpsic, P. V.  Mrs. Lucy
Lizotte, Leon J.  moulder, Hastings  Mrs. Sophia J.
Locke, Charles C.  clerk, 12 Mt. Pleasant   
Locke, Lucy D.  Pearl   
Lockwood, L. G.  carpenter, Valley  Mrs. Mary I., Nora I.
Longmore, Hannah  11 Pearl   
Longmore, Samuel  stone cutter, 32 Railroad  Mrs. Jennie
Lothrop, William S.  restaurant, 82 Eastern Ave.  Mrs. Bertha
Lougee, Willis  clerk, 43 Spring   
Lowrey, George  section man, 7 Western Ave.   
Lowrey, Susie N.  Mill   
Lucas, A. R.  village hack, 105 Main  Mrs. Sarah P., Lothrop H., hack driver, Charlie
Lutz, John A.  s, 24 Main   
Lynch, Conless R.  cabinet maker, 82 Railroad  Mrs. Mary F.
Lynch, Edward  laborer, 10 Clark's Ave.  Mrs. Julia
Lynch, Michael  mason, 92 Railroad   
Lynch, Peter  laborer, 27 Maple  Mrs. Catherine, Michael, Mary
Lynn, Samuel  teamster, 92 Railroad   
Machon, Jane  19 Spring   
Mackey, Mrs. Mary  17 Church   
Maguire, Nellie  2 Summer   
Maillet, George  shoemaker, 123 Railroad  Mrs. Jeulie, J. Henry, J. Alfred, Marie E.
Major, Belle  dressmaker, rear 58 Main   
Maransa, Adolph  laborer, Hastings  Mrs. Polly, Joseph
Marie, Louis V.  mechanic, 81 Main  Mrs. Emma, Henrietta
Marshall, Caleb H.  polisher, 35 Summer  Mrs. Almira B.
Marshall, Charles H.  polisher, 6 Autumn  Mrs. Lena A.
Marshall, John A.  machinist, 21 Cliff  Mrs. Sarah
Marshall, Kimball  blacksmith, 6 Cross  Mrs. Amanda, Frank
Marshall, Louisa  tailoress, School, P. V.   
Martel, Frank B.  barber, 65 Pearl  Mrs. Emma
Martin, George L.  s, South Hall   
Martin, Gertrude M.  s, South Hall   
Martin, H. B.  s, 98 Railroad   
Martin, Mrs. J. S.  77 Eastern Ave.  Carrie A., A. Edward, Arthur B.
Mastin, Silas  sup't Scale Works, 19 Church  Mrs. Lillie, Mary E.
Mastin, Waldo C.  4 Autumn   
Mathewson, Mrs. Amelia S.  96 Railroad  Charles F., Lillie B., Nellie K.
Matthews, Jerry  miller, rear 58 Main  Mrs. Roancy
Matthews, William M.  salesman, 81 Railroad  Mrs. Mary J.
May, Dennis E.  book-keeper, Pleasant  Mrs. Emily B., Preston E., Virginia H.
May, Elisha  lawyer, Pleasant, P. V.  Mrs. Anna S., Florence J.
May, George  cashier First Nat'l Bank, 111 Main  Mrs. Abbie S., Jennie P., Helen F., Mary W.
May, Harry H.  packer, Club House, Main  Mrs. Marietta J.
Mayo, Edward  teamster, off Paddock   
Mayo, William  carpenter, off Eastern Ave.  Mrs. Maggie
McAllister, Wilbur A.  cabinet maker, Railroad  Mrs. Nellie M.
McCaffery, Kate  2 School, F. V.   
McCalley, Peter  butcher, 85 Main   
McCone, John C.  carpenter, Pearl  Mrs. Mabel
McCormick, Bernard  stone cutter, off Eastern Ave.   
McCormick, John P.  29 Central  Mrs. Caroline A.
McCormick, M.  blacksmith, School, F. V.  Anthony J., Bernerd H., Frances J., Charles W., Mary F.
McCormick, Patrick  stone mason, 19 Railroad  Mrs. Eleanor, George, Samuel P., Wm H., Bessie, Mary E.
McCormick, Terrance  blacksmith, 25 Eastern Ave.  Mrs. Ann, Anthony J., John F., Martin A., Willie E., Joseph L.
McCosco, Oliver  carpenter, Pleasant, P. V.   
McCosco, Sarah  Pleasant, P. V.   
McCrea, George  cabinet maker, Hastings  Mrs. Mary
McCutcheon, John  blacksmith, 13 School, F. V.  Mrs. Mary A., Thomas J., John W.
McDonald, John  34 Spring   
McDonald, Randall  mechanic, Prospect Ave.  Mrs. Kate, Mary A.
McDonald, William  machinist, Forest, F. V.  Mrs. May, Agnes
McDuff, Peter  file cutter, Railroad  Mrs. Sarah A.
McFarland, D. C.  boarding house, 112 Railroad  Mrs. Diana D., Cotta M.
McFarland, Frank A.  stone cutter, 80 Railroad   
McFarland, Leon B.  carpenter, 3 Western Ave.  Mrs. Ella A.
McGaffey, Mrs. Florinda  17 Church   
McGinley, Maggie  56 Railroad   
McGowan, John  mason, 4 Western Ave.  Mary, James, Lizzie, John, Thomas
McGowan, Mrs. Anna  Eastern Ave.  Martin, John, Abina, Katie
McGuire, Hannah  111 Main   
McKee, Susan W.  Brantview   
McKelvey, Mrs. R. A.  merchant, 56 Railroad   
McKenzie, Mary  8 Pearl   
McKeough, John  carpenter, Hastings  Mrs. Charlotte
McKinnon, Robert  grain merchant, 11 Church  Mrs. Mary E., S. Robert
McLeod, Angus H.  miller, 114 Railroad  Mrs. Mary J., Charlie H., Annie Maud, Lillia Grace
McLeod, Anna  School, F. V.   
McLeod, Donald  blacksmith, 46 Summer  Mrs. Effie, Katie L., Mary E.
McNeil, Mrs. Abbie M.  asst. librarian, Athenaeum, 17 Main   
Mears, Annie J. R.  81 Railroad   
Meecham, Eli  job team, Mt. Pleasant  Mrs. Elizabeth J., Mark, Eli, Bessie A.
Meecham, Ida  dress-maker, 45 Main, up stairs   
Meecham, Mary J.  6 Cross   
Melrose, Jennie  87 Main   
Melrose, Maggie  8 Church   
Merriam, E. B.  wholesale grocer, 103 Main  Mrs. Sarah P., Fred B., Mary A., Frank D., Clarence M., Carroll B.
Merritt, Caleb  cook, 40 Main   
Metcalf, Lewis W.  asst editor Caledonian, 19 Summer   
Michaud, Etienne  laborer, 30 Maple  Mrs. Emilie, Henry, Alphonse, William
Miles, E. R.  laundry, 76 Eastern Ave.  Mrs. Jane
Miller, Darwin  engineer, Pearl   
Miller, J. D.  carriage manuf., 28 Railroad  Mrs. A. D., Carrie
Miller, John  mason, Valley  Mrs. Maggie
Miller, John  stone mason, Prospect Ave.  Mrs. Margaret
Miller, Louis  laborer, Hastings  Mrs. Margaret, Willie
Miller, Norman  wheelwright, Pearl   
Miller, Sidney W.  wheelwright, 1 Cross  Mrs. Julia, Jennie, Willie
Miner, Frank H.  engineer, 11 Green  Mrs. Ida B.
Miner, George F.  painter, 4 Spring  Mrs. Saphronia E., George E., teacher
Miner, L. F.  watchman, New Water  Mrs. L. A., Mary, Edna
Mitchell, Abbie F.  teacher, 3 Main   
Mitchell, Alfred W.  mechanic, Water, P. V.  Mrs. Katie B.
Mitchell, E. O.  fireman, 21 Railroad  Mrs. Adelia
Mitchell, Mrs. Julia M.  56 Summer   
Monahan, Mrs. Mary  34 Maple  Katherine
Montgomery, Charles C.  clerk, 29 Pearl   
Montgomery, Cora  Union, P. V.   
Montgomery, George E.  s, South Hall   
Montgomery, John  laborer, 82 Main   
Mooney, J. C.  clerk, 56 Railroad  Mrs. Jennie C.
Moore, Fred G.  book-keeper, 4 Belvidere  Mrs. Minnie A.
Moore, George P.  merchant, 121 Railroad  Mrs. Hattie J., Ellis W., George H., Hattie G.
Moore, H. C.  carriage dealer, 40 Main   
Moore, John A.  merchant, 83 Main  Mrs. Kate, Johnnie H., Lillia I.
Moore, R. H.  mechanic, Railroad  Mrs. Sarah M., Leon A., Harry R.
Moore, Samuel  livery stable, 81 Main  Mrs. Clara A.
Moore, William  mechanic, 38 Central  Mary A.
Moore, William D.  stone cutter, John, P. V.  Mrs. Helen A., Lizzie A.
Morey, Albert D.  brakeman, 11 Eastern Ave.   
Morey, Fred H.  brakeman, 11 Eastern Ave.   
Morgan, Guy W.  s, South Hall   
Morgan, Jessie M.  s, 22 Summer   
Morrill, Austin I.  hostler, 5 Western Ave.   
Morrill, Charles E.  mechanic, 5 School, F. V.  Mrs. Eliza J., Nellie J.
Morrill, Clara  Pleasant, P. V.   
Morrill, Mrs. Ellen B.  13 Belvidere  Thena
Morrill, Mrs. Lucy M.  School, P. V.  Julius A., Carrie M., Alma E., Esther
Morris, Lindorf  plow manuf., Pleasant, P. V.  Mrs. L. M., Julia M.
Morrison, Annie A.  20 Summer   
Morrison, B. G.  2 Main  Mrs. Estella
Morrison, D. A.  80 Railroad  Mrs. Jennie, merchant, Florence B., Alice M.
Morrison, David  sash & door maker, 10 Summer  Mrs. Laurette G.
Morrison, Eliza  22 Main   
Morrison, H. T.  painter, 25 Eastern Ave.  Mrs. Malvina
Morrison, James  blacksmith, 6 Belvidere  Mrs. Georgiana H., Ann R., Amelia J., George W., James, Helen, Georgiana H.
Morrison, Joseph C.  liquor agent, 21 Cliff  Mrs. Mary B.
Morse, Amasa  sealer, 9 Belvidere  Mrs. Louisa M., Dana L., Andrew G., Hattie A.
Morse, C. Emma  compositor, 19 Summer   
Morse, C. F.  clergyman, Passumpsic  Mrs. Eliza D., Willie W., Flora E., Emma D., Mary A., Ernest B.
Morse, Ira E.  s, South Hall   
Moulton, Edward P.  master mechanic B. & L. R. R., 30 Pearl  Mrs. Josephine, Mamie C., Willie A.
Moulton, William H.  painter, 6 Cross  Mrs. Alice
Mulrooney, Maggie  Church   
Mulrooney, Patrick  mechanic, Eastern Ave.  Mrs. Mary
Musson, John  laborer, Railroad   
Nadeau, John  laborer, 21 Clark's Ave  Mrs. Philomene, Eugenie, Lucie, Napoleon, Alfred, Obeline
Nadeau, Joseph  laborer, Hastings  Mrs. Lizzie
Nelson, A. D.  mechanic, 10 Pearl  Mrs. Sarah H., Harry
Nelson, Laura K.  teacher, 62 Summer   
Nelson, Mrs. Kate  off Eastern Ave.  John, Michael, Thomas
Nelson, Patrick J.  mechanic, 71 Main  Mrs. Maggie A.
Nelson, William H.  music dealer, Boynton Ave.  Mrs. Lydia C.
Newell, Etta  clerk, 45 Summer   
Newell, Henry C.  physician, 18 Church  Mrs. H., Maria, Margaret F., Selim N.
Newell, Julia E.  s, South Hall   
Newell, Mrs. Emeline  11 Church   
Newton, Alonzo  millwright, corner Pleasant & School, P.V.  Mrs. Amanda M.
Newton, Samuel E.  carpenter, School, P. V.  Mrs. Agnes
Nichols, Albro F.  lawyer, 5 Mt. Pleasant  Mrs. Lucella S., (Frye) Freeman & G. Clinton
Nichols, Mrs. Lizzie L.  13 Summer   
Nolin, Frank  blacksmith, 84 Main  Mrs. Mary L.
Nolin, Pierre  33 Maple  Mrs. Mathide, Peter, Joseph B.
Norton, Charles  laborer, basement 5 School, F. V.  Mrs. Hattie C.
Norton, E. C.  s, South Hall   
Nourse, Edward  blacksmith, 22 Eastern Ave.   
Nourse, Julia  22 Eastern Ave.   
Noyes, A. Barber  book-keeper, 10 Church  Mrs. Emily B.
Noyes, Joseph A.  107 Eastern Ave.  Mrs. Emma J.
Noyes, Mrs. John  86 Railroad   
Nugent, Mary  Concord Ave., P. V.   
Nute, William M.  moulder, 1 High, F. V.  Mrs. Etta M.
Oakley, Daniel  packer, 24 Cliff   
Oakley, John  packer, 24 Cliff   
O'Hurley, Mrs. Anna     Daniel, Mary
O'Leary, Mary  40 Main   
O'Malley, Patrick  mechanic, School, F. V.  Mrs. Julia E., Arthur
Orcutt, Mrs. Bela  13 Perkins   
Orcutt, O. W.  lumberman, 13 Perkins   
Oughtred, Bessie R.  s, 81 Main   
Owens, Frank  teamster, School, P. V.  Mrs. H. Lewellah, Laura M., Adah, Eva
Owens, George A.  brick maker, School, P. V.  Mrs. Miriam E.
Owens, Mrs. Rebecca  Concord Ave., P. V.   
Paddock, Harvlin  machinist, 14 Park  Mrs. Mary L., Isabel M.
Paddock, J. Albert  machinist, 13 Belvidere  Mrs. Nellie A.
Paddock, John C.  10 Main  Orris, music teacher
Paddock, John H.  miner, 12 Church   
Paddock, Mrs. Horace  101 Main   
Page, Henry  dairyman, 8 Western Ave.  Mrs. Lucretia O.
Page, J. T.  salesman, 41 Pearl  Mrs. Carrie
Page, Maurice A.  mechanic, Eastern Ave.  Mrs. Eliza J.
Paine, J. Austin  moulder, Western Ave.  Mrs. Ellen M., George A., John F.
Paine, Palmer E.  moulder, 40 Central  Mrs. Harriet A., Frank A., moulder, Mattie H.
Palmer, Mary S.  82 Main   
Paquet, Joseph A.  physician, 39 Pearl  Mrs. Malvina, Joseph A.
Paradis, Joseph  Concord Ave., P. V.  Mrs. Sophie
Park, May L.  115 Main   
Park, Mrs. Euphemia  6 Maple  Netty May
Parker, Frederick P.  carpenter, Hastings  Mrs. Adelia K., Willie F., Juliette A., George W., Bertie P., Minnie M.
Parker, Ridley  s, 5 South   
Parkhurst, S. W.  conductor, 24 Railroad  Mrs. Fannie W., Fannie M., Nellie G.
Parodee, Joseph Jr.  file cutter, Concord Ave, P. V.  Mrs. Ardelle, Archie
Patterson, D. D.  book-keeper, 96 Main  Mrs. Hattie S., Marion D. Helen S.
Patterson, Effie E.  s, South Hall   
Patterson, Fred  clerk, 34 Summer   
Patterson, William  stone cutter, Pearl   
Paul,____ Mr.  miller, 114 Railroad   
Peabody, Mrs. Annie  Western Ave.   
Pearl, William L.  traveling salesman, 58 Summer  Mrs. Lucina S., Lillian M., Bertha M., Raymond A.
Peck, Katie V.  Pleasant, P. V.   
Peck, William  farmer, 28 Maple  Mrs. Catherine
Pendridge, Mrs. Jane  carpet maker, 4 Spring  Kate N., Isabel, Arthur
Penn, Mrs. Julia R.  13 Clark's Ave.   
Penniman, Leonard  milk dealer, 18 Mt. Pleasant  Mrs. Mary J., Homer N., Ida M.
Penny, James  blacksmith, Danville Road  Mrs. Mary A., Jennie
Penny, Joseph  laborer, Danville Road  Mrs. Sophie
Perigo, Frank  boarding house, 2 School, F. V.  Mrs. Allie A.
Perkins, J. L.  dentist, Prospect  Mrs. Abbie J., Isabel, Carl M.
Perkins, Mrs. Anna  82 Railroad  Lilla
Peterson, Carl  mechanic, 4 Charles   
Peterson, Charles J.  piper, 37 Cliff  Mrs. Anna
Peterson, Flavia M.  dress maker, 11 Cliff   
Peterson, L. A.  carpenter, Winter   
Pettengill, B. F.  merchant, 81 Railroad   
Pettengill, Mrs. Mary  81 Railroad   
Philbrick, Laura  Concord Ave., P. V.   
Phillips, Ida  40 Main   
Pierce, Marilla  7 Railroad   
Pierce, Mrs. Ellen  Concord Ave., P. V.  Etta, Freddie
Pike, Avery D.  tax collector, 1 Spring  Mrs. Laura
Pike, Chester  s, 113 Main   
Pike, Mrs. Ellen R.  Brantview   
Pinard, Cleophas  farmer, 19 Maple  Mrs. Marie, Marie Louise
Pinard, Emily  Water, P. V.   
Pinard, Jovite  furniture manuf., Water, P. V.  Mrs. Ellen, Ellen S., Azilda A., Adelph T.
Pinard, Selina  Water, P. V.   
Piper, F. L.  clergyman, 7 Mt. Pleasant  Mrs. Anna L.
Plumley, C. M.  fireman, New Water  Mrs. Ellen
Plumley, E. H.  laborer, 10 Clark's Ave.   
Plummer, William H.  brick maker, Passumpsic, P. V.  Mrs. Rosaline P.
Pocock, Jennie  14 Summer   
Pocock, Stephen M.  blacksmith, 4 School, F. V.  Mrs. Sarah J., Minnie B.
Poland, Luke P.  lawyer, 40 Main, Mrs. Mary   
Ponce, Emiliano  s, Club House   
Pool, Carl C.  clerk, Pleasant, P. V.   
Pope, Sophronia L.  School, F. V.   
Pope, William S.  filer, School, F. V.  Mrs. Mary H., Mabel J.
Porter, Alice M.  29 Central   
Porter, Edwin M.  supt. Fairbanks water works, 35 Cliff  Mrs. Ella M., Julia E., Alfred E.
Porter, Johnnie P.  29 Central   
Powers, Emery  machinist, 6 Autumn   
Powers, Florence M.  s, South Hall   
Powers, Mark C.  job team, 77 Railroad  Mrs. Nellie
Preston, W. H.  farmer, 113 Main  Mrs. Martha M., Clarence W., Frank H., Mattie L.
Prevost, Jules  cabinet maker, Union, P. V.  Mrs. Josephine
Pride, A. E.  farmer, 12 Summer  Mrs. Anna S.
Prior, Albert C.  merchant, 51 Railroad  Mrs. Angelia M., C. Annie, Lelia A., Perley A., Arthur S. T.
Provencal, Alphonse  file cutter, 9 Cherry   
Provencal, Peter  merchant, 117 Railroad  Mrs. Caroline, Anna, Eugene
Puffer, William H.  s, Academy   
Putney, Charles E.  prin. St. Johnsbury Acad., 3 Main  Mrs. Abbie M., Mary P., Ellen C.
Putney, Emma  3 Main   
Rainey, Thomas  mason, 77 Railroad  Mrs. Mary A., Clara, Alma E.
Ramsay, William W.  farmer, Mill  Mrs. Ruth J.
Randall, Edson N.  merchant, 4 Railroad  Mrs. Olive T.
Randall, George A.  farmer, 32 Railroad  Mrs. Emily, Lottie
Randall, George D.  druggist, 8 Pearl  Mrs. Emma A., Mertie H.
Randall, Henry E.  carpenter, Pleasant, P. V.  Mrs. Mary A., Carrie M., Cora B.
Randall, Horace  carpenter, Pleasant, P. V.  Mrs. Huldy L.
Randall, Sias  merchant, 81 Railroad  Mrs. A. M., Arthur C.
Randall, Sylvanus  carpenter, 2 School, F. V.   
Rankin, Andrew E.  county clerk, 10 Prospect  Mrs. Isabel P., Mary P.
Ranney, Crawford  machinist, Western Ave.  Mrs. Clara N., Edith E.
Ranney, George  grocer, 5 South  Mrs. Eva C., Elsie M.
Ranney, Miss M. J.  9 Cherry   
Ranney, Nathan  clerk, 5 South   
Ranney, R. H.  blacksmith, 9 Cherry  Clarence L.
Ransom, Mrs. Catherine  8 Green  James W., polisher, Katie, compositor, Charles H.
Raymond, Edward D.  s, 2 Spring   
Raymond, Jason  brakeman, 86 Railroad  Mrs. Elizabeth
Reed, Harry D.  s, South Hall   
Reed, Will E.  s, South Hall   
Renfrew, Nelson H.  pattern maker, 14 Webster  Lulu C.
Renfrew, William  carpenter, 19 Spring  Mrs. Mary, Edwin, jeweler
Rhodes, John J.  carpenter, Eastern Ave.  Mrs. Emma
Ribeau, Remi  laborer, 34 Maple  Mrs. Esther
Richard, Joseph  machinist, 33 Maple  Mrs. Catherine
Richard, L. O.  gardener, 14 Cherry  Mrs. Marie H., Annette, Agnes, Eugenie
Richardson, Frank  expressman, Park  Mrs. Ella F.
Richardson, Mrs. C. A.  dress maker, 80 Railroad  Alfred A.
Richardson, Z. E.  painter, 52 Summer  Mrs. Sue J.
Rickaby, Thomas  mechanic, 9 Belvidere  Mrs. Anna, Katie, Jennie, Lillie, Laura, Gertrude, John, Georgie
Ridell, Anna  44 Spring   
Riley, Martin  carpenter, 92 Railroad   
Ripley, Ned  laborer, 2 School, F. V.   
Ritchie, James  mgr E. & T. Fairbanks Co store, 7 S. Park  Mrs. Alice
Ritchie, John T.  book-keeper, 15 Main  Mrs. Julia
Roach, Michael  4 Maple  Mrs. Mary
Roach, Patrick A.  merchant, 71 Main  Mrs. Bridget
Roach, Thomas  engineer, 4 Maple   
Robbins, James  millwright, School, P. V.  Mrs. Persis A.
Robbins, Mrs. Norman  43 Main  Emma J., milliner
Roberts, Abel W.  mechanic, 36 Spring  Mrs. Sarah J.
Roberts, Anthony  laborer, Railroad   
Roberts, Edgar F.  painter, 119 Railroad   
Roberts, Frank R.  cabinet maker, 3 Cherry   
Roberts, Mrs. Mary W.  36 Spring   
Robie, L. B.  job team, School, P. V.  Mrs. Millie L., Jean C.
Robie, W. H.  clerk, 49 Spring  Mrs. Margaret, Mary Addie, Margie
Robinson, Charles A.  express agent, 27 Pearl  Mrs. Emma J., Charlie H.
Robinson, Fred W.  moulder, 35 Summer  Mrs. Helen M.
Robinson, George A.  s, South Hall   
Robinson, I. J.  machinist, 98 Railroad  Mrs. Mary, C., dress maker
Robinson, Matthew  brass moulder, 13 High, F. V.  Mrs. Margaret, Matthew, musician, Henry, brass moulder, Emma, Etta, Frank
Robinson, Thomas  laborer, 7 Water, F. V.  Mrs. Fannie W.
Robinson, William D.  School, P. V.   
Roderer, Joseph  cigar maker, 59 Railroad  Mrs. Elizabeth, Joseph F., Mary E., Emma A.
Rogers, Benjamin  carpenter, School, P. V.  Mrs. Sarah, Charles, E., Belle G.
Rogers, Emma L.  12 Green   
Rogers, James  brick maker, Water, P. V.   
Rollins, B. F.  manuf agricultural tools, Pleasant, P. V.  Mrs. Nancy S.
Romer, Irving J.  s, 20 Main   
Rooney, Mrs. Mary  8 Maple  Bridget, William, Sarah
Root, Harley  conductor, 11 Eastern Ave.  Mrs. H. L.
Ross, Abbie H.  s, South Hall   
Ross, Bertie H.  s, 17 Main   
Ross, Jonathan  judge county court, Overlook, off Hastings  Mrs. Eliza A., Carrie, teacher, Lizzie M., Julia, teacher, Mattie E., Edward H., John C., Edith
Rouillard, Charles  wheel maker, 118 Railroad  Mrs. Alphonsine, Leopol, Elise
Rowell, A. Dana  jeweler, 29 Cliff  Mrs. Flora E.
Rowell, L. W.  job printer, 5 Cherry  Mrs. Fanny T., Georgie L., Winniefred E.
Ruggles, Lewis A.  s, South Hall   
Ruiter, Charles A.  s, Western Ave.   
Russell, Jennie  9 Main   
Russell, Mark J.  19 Pearl  Mrs. Ellen O., Fannie E.
Russell, Mrs. Eunice W.  19 Pearl   
Russell, Robert  mason, Valley   
Rust, John R.  supt. track & bridges B & L R R, 28 Main  Mrs. Mary L.
Ryan, __ Mr.  painter, 2 School   
Ryan, John  carriage manuf., 11 Clark's Ave.  Mary
Sage, Alice F.  s, Western Ave.   
Salmon, Fred  painter, 2 School, F. V.   
Sanborn, A. E.  carpenter, 10 Jacob's Ladder  Mrs. Phebe M., Frank E.
Sanborn, James S.  bakery, 43 Spring  Mrs. Eva
Sanborn, Lula M.  s, South Hall   
Sanborn, Mrs. C. C.  1 South  Irving, Birdie
Sandford, E. T.  clergyman, 106 Railroad  Mrs. Saada M.
Sargeant, Mrs. Irena  Danville Road  Genevieve E., Frank B., teamster
Sargent, Cyrus  polisher, Webster  Mrs. Sophronia M., Willie H., draughtsman, Carrie B.
Sargent, Edwin E.  life insurance agent., 34 Railroad  Mrs. Emeline R.
Sargent, Ella  Park   
Sargent, Richard  supt. tool room, 2 School, F. V.   
Savage, Mrs. A. J.  30 Mt. Pleasant   
Savage, Mrs. Mary M.  30 Mt. Pleasant  Frances A., Louisa B., Eleanor L., Annie M., May M.
Sayles, Sidney H.  s, South Hall   
Scale, Sarah  Mt. Pleasant   
Scanlan, William  gardener, 31 Maple  Mrs. Mary
Schneider, H. Jacob  restaurant, rear 82 Main  Mrs. Carolina, Frances
Scott, A. W.  merchant, 99 Main  Mrs. Mary
Scott, Carl E.  mechanic, Railroad  Mrs. Mattie I.
Scott, John M.  Railroad   
Selina, Eugenia G.  clerk, 4 Railroad   
Selina, Julius  carpenter, Tremont, P. V.  Mrs. Ellen A.
Senter, Mrs. G. W.  43 Main  Georgie H.
Shandly, John  laborer, 27 Maple   
Shandly, Margaret  27 Maple   
Shandly, Mary Ann  book-keeper, 27 Maple   
Shaw, Calvin  clerk, 22 Railroad   
Shedd, Justus F.  delivery clerk, 108 Main  Mrs. Jennie L.
Sheehan, Dennis  message boy, 13 Main   
Sheldon, Marcellus C.  painter, 40 Spring  Eva S., Joseph M.
Shepherd, Charles F.  photographer, 35 Summer  Mrs. Emma
Shepherd, Cynthia  Concord Ave., P. V.   
Shepherd, William  laborer, 13 School, F. V.  Mrs. Clarissa, Fred, blacksmith, Curtis, Alden, Ella, Susie
Shields, Robert B.  cabinet maker, Jones, P. V.  Mrs. Jennie C.
Sias, Mrs. Cynthia  22 Railroad  Clara
Silsby, David  lumberman, 40 Main   
Silsby, Elwin A.  supt. W. U. & Vt Int. telegraph, 40 Main   
Simonds, Mrs. E. M.  dress maker, 53 Main  Minnie E.
Simpson, Albert W.  mail agent, 17 Church  Mrs. Clara A., Arthur P., Flora M., Josie A.
Simpson, John  carpenter, Pleasant, P. V.   
Sinclair, Lucy M.  teacher, 96 Main   
Sizen, Ada E.  9 Church   
Smith, Aaron  carpenter, 19 Railroad  Mrs. Rosella, Johnnie, William, Harriet
Smith, Aaron H.  farmer, off Railroad  Mrs. Cynthia H.
Smith, Abbie M.  s, South Hall   
Smith, Abijah  carpenter, 33 Summer  Mrs. Martha S., Alice M.
Smith, Charles F.  moulder, 7 School, F. V.  Mrs. Carrie E.
Smith, Charles I.  s, 35 Summer   
Smith, Charles M.  s, South Hall   
Smith, E. E.  mechanic, 38 Summer  Mrs. Mary B.
Smith, Edward  stone cutter, Pearl   
Smith, Frank B.  painter, 4 Spring   
Smith, Fred E.  job team, Railroad  Mrs. Kate A.
Smith, George H.  dentist, 30 Eastern Ave.  Mrs. Lettie, Carrie M.
Smith, Henry  mechanic, 19 Railroad  Mrs. Jane
Smith, Henry  traveling salesman, 2 School, F. V.   
Smith, Ira H.  laborer, Railroad  Mrs. Delia, Eddie H., Fannie L., George S.
Smith, John B.  carpenter, 11 Eastern Ave.  Mrs. Lizzie
Smith, Joseph  carpenter, 92 Railroad   
Smith, Laura I.  5 Park   
Smith, Lewis P.  mechanic, 9 Summer  Mrs. Carrie E.
Smith, M. D.  carpenter, 6 Autumn  Mrs. Sarah J.
Smith, Mary  Underclyffe   
Smith, Nellie  40 Main   
Smith, Noah  Concord Ave., P. V.   
Smith, Orville H.  telegraph line repairer, Valley  Mrs. Susie H.
Smith, Simeon  carpenter, 19 Railroad  Mrs. Ellen, Fanny, Tina, George, Clara, Nellie, Annie, W. Eli
Smith, W. R.  sealer, 16 Main  Mrs. Isabel
Smith, W. R.  16 Main   
Smith, Walter P.  judge of probate, 20 Summer  Mrs. Susie
Smith, Willis O.  s, South Hall   
Snow, Alonzo J.  stone cutter, 11 Eastern Ave.  Mrs. Addie S., Winnie A.
Soper, Joseph  carpenter, 10 Summer  Mrs. Mary, Charles, Estella
Soper, Lafayette  weighmaster, 2 Western Ave.  Mrs. Phebe, May A.
Sparhawk, S. H.  physician, 28 Main  Mrs. Kate H.
Spaulding, Edward M.  coachman, 8 Belvidere  Mrs. Ellen J.
Spaulding, Frank E.  conductor, 4 Pearl   
Spaulding, George B.  baggage master, 4 Pearl  Mrs. Elzada S.
Spencer, George W.  mgr grocery dept E & T F & Co, 34 Summer  Mrs. Emily R., Annie E.
Spencer, L. Gilbert  foreman pattern shop, 22 Summer  Mrs. Eliza N.
Spencer, Mrs. A. W.  37 Eastern Ave.  Thaddeus C., jeweler, Fanny M.
Spooner, Willard F.  moulder, 2 School, F. V.  Mrs. Corrilla A.
Sprague, W. W.  clerk, 3 Cliff  Mrs. May W., Maud, Charlie, Oliver, Arthur
Sprague, W. W.  s, Club House   
St. Germaine, Henry  section man, Old Depot  Mrs. Maggie
St. John, Joseph  moulder, Emerson, P. V.  Mrs. Julia A.
St. Louis, Tennis  77 Railroad  Mrs. Sarah, Victoria
Stafford, Frank  traveling salesman, 57 Summer  Mrs. Sarah A., Wendell P., lawyer
Stafford, G. T.  delivery clerk, 6 School, F. V.  Mrs. Sabrina, Willie G.
Stanford, Dana A.  mechanic, 3 Western Ave.  Mrs. Edna C., Perley, Carl
Stanley, Charles A.  machinist, 32 Spring  Mrs. Lizzie J.
Stanton, William  machinist, Pearl  Mrs. Jane C., Anna M., Lisle F.
Staples, James  carpenter, 90 Railroad   
Steady, Alvin  mechanic, Willow Place   
Steady, Heman S.  mechanic, Willow Place  Mrs. Mary A.
Stenson, M. C.  clerk, 71 Main   
Stevens, A. M.  livery stable, 13 Main  Mrs. Elizabeth N., Mary H., M. Eloise
Stevens, Charles B.  s, South Hall   
Stevens, Charles H.  lumber dealer, 51 Summer  Mrs. Belle C., Arthur L.
Stevens, Fannie M.  s, South Hall   
Stevens, Foster G.  merchant tailor, 56 Summer  Mrs. Julia V., Anna, Nellie A.
Stevens, Frederick B.  24 Summer   
Stevens, Ira L.  s, South Hall   
Stevens, Mrs. John  9 Spring   
Stevens, Mrs. Retina  Central  Eva L. M.
Stevens, Webster J.  stone cutter, 112 Railroad   
Stevens, William L.  24 Summer   
Stewart, Edna  teacher, 7 Cherry   
Stickney, Mrs. Elsie  Eastern Ave.  Ida D., Ellen M.
Stiles, Edgar L.  moulder, 11 School, F. V.  Mrs. Mary A.
Stiles, Nathaniel H.  painter, Railroad  Mrs. C. E.
Stockwell, Jennie A.  s, South Hall   
Stoddard, Mrs. Edith M.  7 Railroad   
Stone, Cassey D.  Concord Ave., P. V.   
Stone, Charles M.  editor & publ. Caledonian, Western Ave.  Mrs. Sarah F., Mary E., music teacher, Arthur F., Philip Henry
Stone, Mrs. Clarissa B.  17 Spring   
Stoughton, William G.  s, South Hall   
Streeter, Dan  6 Prospect  Mrs. Julia, A. May
Streeter, William S.  cashier Merchant's bank, 64 Summer  Mrs. Jessie E.
Stroub, Henry  mechanic, School, F. V.  Mrs. Sarah
Sturgin, Henry  stone cutter, 1 Prospect Ave.   
Suiter, David  sealer, 17 Church  Mrs. Agnes J.
Suiter, Mary  18 Mt. Pleasant   
Sulham, Ellery  carpenter, 82 Railroad   
Sulloway, Lorenzo Jr.  high sheriff, 9 Cherry  Mrs. Lizzie
Summerville, John R.  mechanic, 35 Cliff  Mrs. Maggie L.
Summerville, Samuel  blacksmith, 1 Prospect Ave.  Mrs. Mary
Swan, Mrs. Eliza  1 South   
Swanson, John  blacksmith, Winter  Mrs. Wilhelmina
Switser, Frank  insurance agent, 7 Summer  Mrs. Martha A.
Switser, Isaac H.  upholsterer, 32 Summer  Mrs. Mary E., Gracie M.
Switser, N. Riley  upholsterer, 22 Mt. Pleasant  Mrs. Luvia A.
Sylvain, Ferdinand  laborer, 21 Clark's Ave  Mrs. Elise, Lucie
Sylvain, Joseph  laborer, 25 Maple  Mrs. Philomene, Josephine, Philomene, Lea
Sylvester, Charles A.  butcher, 3 South  Mrs. Harriet E.
Sylvester, Levi A.  express messenger, 3 South  Mrs. Flora H.
Symonds, Spencer  carpenter, 56 Railroad   
Taplin, G. Harrison  machinist, 2 Spring  Mrs. Mary J., Carrie L., W. Arthur, clerk, Roy C.
Taplin, Julia A.  6 Park   
Tatro, Isaac  wheelwright, off Eastern Ave.  Mrs. Henriette, Mary, Felix, Rosa
Taylor, Charles G.  machinist, 19 Summer  Mrs. Lucy
Taylor, Emma L.  24 Main   
Taylor, Fred W.  machinist, 15 Webster  Mrs. Phebe H., Frank H., Fred W., Jr.
Taylor, George  painter, Clark's Ave.  Mrs. Della
Taylor, James  book-keeper, 13 Clark's Ave.  Emma J., Samuel F.
Taylor, John S.  stone cutter, Pearl, Mrs. Lizzie   
Taylor, Mrs. Caroline H.  Pearl   
Taylor, Thomas W.  optician, 35 Spring  Mrs. Hattie B., Frank L.
Thayer, Catherine L.  16 Main   
Thayer, Freelove  Concord Ave., P. V.   
Thayer, Mrs. H. M.  14 Main   
Thomas, Abbie  dress maker, 9 Summer   
Thomas, C. W.  sewing machine agent, 65 Railroad  Mrs. Florence E., Minnie E.
Thomas, William  farmer, Pleasant, P. V.  Mrs. Mary D., Lydia F., Horace S., Frank J.
Thompson, James H.  blacksmith, 17 Cliff  Mrs. Maria, Frankie E.
Thompson, John C.  saloon, 37 Spring  Mrs. Charlotte H., Martha H., John H., Charles W., Joe A., Maud L.
Thompson, Samuel S.  stone cutter, 29 Pearl  Mrs. Mary A., Ida S.
Tibido, Oliver  section man, Old Depot  Mrs. Caroline, Elmer, Edwidge, Arthur, Henry
Tierney, M. J.  painter, 63 Pearl  Mrs. Mary
Tierney, Mrs. Bridget  21 Clark's Ave.   
Tierney, Thomas J.  painter, Eastern Ave.  Mrs. Bridget
Tift, Emery E.  painter, Concord Ave., P. V.   
Tilden, E. N.  mechanic, 10 Pearl  Mrs. Martha
Tilt, Hattie  15 Central   
Tinker, William H.  s, South Hall   
Tisdale, Elwin  turner, Union, P. V.   
Tolman, Andrew G.  livery stable, 31 Summer  Mrs. Mattie E.
Tousant, John  moulder, 2 School, F. V.  Mrs. Cora B.
Toussaint, Henry  moulder, 33 Maple  Mrs. Laura, Rose Anna
Toussaint, Olivier  laborer, 21 Maple  Mrs. Adele, Albert, E. J.
Tower, Owen  blacksmith, 12 Jacob's Ladder  Mrs. Maria B.
Towne, Mrs. Jane  2 Railroad   
Tracy, Eugene S.  dentist, Pearl  Mrs. Emma D.
Trainor, Patrick  moulder, 85 Main  Mrs. Annie, Katie A., Willie H.
Trask, Arthur L.  tailor, Pleasant, P. V.  Mrs. Carrie E.
Trescott, Joseph T.  livery stable, 48 Spring  Mrs. Delia R.
Trescott, Mrs. Sarah J.  48 Spring   
Trottier, Auresi  moulder, 21 Clark's Ave.  Mrs. Delina, Leonie, Alphonse, Mary
Trottier, Ignace  laborer, 19 Clark's Ave.  Mrs. Jenlie
Truax, Mrs. Catherine B.  32 Cliff   
Truax, Mrs. Ella S.  22 Summer   
True, A. D.  book-keeper, 26 Eastern Ave.  Mrs. Mianda
True, Frank  clerk, 56 Railroad   
Trull, David  26 Spring  Mrs. Cornelia, J. Frank, Roa C.
Tubman, Maggie  2 School, F. V.   
Tubman, Mrs. Mary  Eastern Ave.  Alice, Henry
Tyler, Hosea B.  laundry, Prospect Ave.  Mrs. Emily
Tyler, Mrs. Hannah F.  6 Prospect   
Tyler, William C.  book-keeper, 21 Church  Mrs. Laura B.
Underwood, Edwin  tailor, 30 Railroad  Mrs. C. A., Carrie P.
Underwood, John  mechanic, 82 Eastern Ave.  Mrs. Florence
Underwood, Mrs. Mary A.  13 Summer   
Underwood, Mrs. Sally  21 Railroad  Edgar
Underwood, S.  harness maker, 73 Railroad  Mrs. Sarah M., Hattie A., Lizzie M., Frank E., Bertie L.
Van Buskirk, Vernard  printer, 32 Pearl   
Vanderwalker, E. D.  traveling salesman, 2 School, F. V.   
Viey, Clara  29 Main   
Wade, William H.  tailor, 48 Spring   
Wadleigh, Amasa  28 Cliff   
Waite, Charles D.  painter, Pleasant, P. V.  Mrs. Susanna C., Edward, Jennie M., John H., Harry D.
Waite, Mrs. Erlyann  Concord Ave., P. V.   
Wakefield, Horace  6 Railroad  Mrs. Melissa
Wakefield, John F.  s, South Hall   
Wakefield, Willard P.  s, South Hall   
Walker, Chauncey  foreman machine shop, scale works, Church  Mrs. Lucy H.
Walker, Edward A.  cashier scale works, 2 Summer  Mrs. Ellen M.
Walker, Frank  foreman foundry, scale works, Summer  Mrs. Louisa H., Arthur F.
Walker, George B.  31 Summer  Mrs. Mary J., Ferdinand L., taxidermist, George B.
Walker, James  mechanic, 35 Cliff   
Walker, John J.  mechanic, 32 Railroad  Mrs. Emma
Walker, Mrs. Margaret  32 Railroad  Samuel D., Martha J., James R., Mary A.
Walker, Robert M.  brick maker, Water, P. V.  Mrs. Louise H., Anna L., Willie J., Thomas B.
Wallace, E. S.  engineer, 10 Railroad  Mrs. Janette
Wallace, Robert C.  mechanic, Valley  Mrs. Lizzie C.
Wallace, Sarah  1 Park   
Ward, Mrs. Jane  1 Prospect Ave.  Clara B.
Ward, N. M.  polisher, Pleasant, P. V.  Mrs. Clara M.
Ward, Osborn  32 Railroad  Mrs. Adaline
Ward, Thomas  11 Eastern Ave.   
Ward, William H.  carpenter, 17 Spring  Mrs. Sarah A.
Warden, John W.  filer, 42 Spring  Mrs. Jennie B., Herbert J.
Warden, L. Annie  s, South Hall   
Ware, E. W.  lumberman, 4 Pearl  Mrs. Amanda
Wark, Annie  114 Railroad   
Warner, George  mechanic, Tremont, P. V.  Mrs. M. E., Effie M.
Warner, James M.  machinist, 82 Railroad   
Warner, Ransel W.  dentist, 7 Mt. Pleasant  Mrs. Emma M., Emma
Warner, W. C.  jeweler, 53 Eastern Ave.  Mrs. Prissa B.
Washburn, Cephas  clerk, 56 Railroad   
Waterman, Oscar M.  bakery, 103 Main   
Watts, Louisa  94 Main   
Wead, Fanny  24 Main   
Webb, Nellie  31 Summer   
Weber, Jacques  machinist, 2 Jacob's Ladder  Mrs. Louise, Annie, Louise, James
Webster, Harry A.  clerk, 35 Summer   
Webster, Joseph  moulder, 9 High, F. V.  Mrs. Julia, Gillian E., Grace E.
Weeks, Abraham W.  s, South Hall   
Weeks, Samuel  farmer, Union, P. V.  Mrs. Samantha
Wells, George G.  carpenter, 9 Summer  Mrs. Martha E.
West, Arza  Tremont, P. V.  Mrs. Marietta, Charles H., painter
West, Charles H.  car repairs, Pleasant, P. V.  Mrs. Adelie M., Nellie F., Benny D.
West, Frank G.  clerk, Railroad  Mrs. Lizzie S.
Wetherbee, William  carpenter, 10 Belvidere  Mrs. Edna
Wheaton, L. G.  engineer, 3 High, F. V.   
Wheeler, Albert  blacksmith, basement 9 School, F. V.  Mrs. Sarah A., Arkey, Naomi, Mary, Charlie
Wheeler, Alden  blacksmith, 43 Spring   
Wheeler, Carrie E.  11 Eastern Ave.   
Wheeler, Hiram A.  farmer, 9 Spring  Mrs. Phimilla
Wheeler, Holland W.  machinist, John, P. V.  Mrs. Mary M.
Wheeler, James  beam maker, New Water  Mrs. Fannie
Wheeler, Mrs. Pamelia  50 Eastern Ave.   
Wheelock, Albert A.  telegraph operator, 13 Main   
Wheelock, Rufus  cabinet maker, Concord Ave., P. V.  Mrs. Lillia M.
Whitcher, Cora M.  s, South Hall   
Whitcher, Ernest L.  s, South Hall   
Whitcher, G. A.  merchant, 61 Main  Mrs. Mary K.
White, John  mason, 2 School, F. V.   
Whitney, Alvin  millwright, 3 High, F. V.  Mrs. Caroline L., Arthur S.
Wilcomb, Daniel P.  junk dealer, 130 Main  Mrs. Carrie E., Walter D.
Wilcox, James  stone cutter, 24 Railroad  Mrs. Hattie
Wilcox, Mrs. Emily J.  30 Pearl   
Wild, Payson S.  s, Club House   
Wilder, Arthur  heavy hardware, coal, 100 Main  Mrs. Mary E.
Wilder, James E.  s, 99 Main   
Wilder, Mrs. J.  20 Railroad  Mary A.
Wilkie, John F.  laborer, 81 Railroad  Mrs. Anna M.
Willard, Andrew J.  lawyer, 50 Spring  Mrs. Aurilla B., Stephen R., clerk, Herbert J.
Willey, Frank N.  carpenter, 1 Cliff  Mrs. Ida E., Minnie E., Frankie
Williams, H. D.  clerk, 15 Main   
Williamson, Alexander  blacksmith, off Eastern Ave.  Mrs. Addie, James, Eva, Willis
Wilson, David H.  mechanic, Tremont, P. V.  Mrs. Sarah J.
Wilson, Rosa J.  seamstress, 3 Cherry   
Wilson, Walter  s, Prospect   
Winn, Albert C.  mechanic, Hastings  Mrs. Clara A.
Wise, Charles E.  railroad & steamer agent, 57 Main  Mrs. Hattie B., Charles H., Willie F.
Woodbury, L. C.  job team, Railroad  Mrs. Roxy A., Fred L.
Woodbury, Mrs. Martha M.  16 Spring   
Woodruff, Carrie S.  teacher, 25 Cliff   
Woodruff, D. Q.  merchant, 36 Railroad  Mrs. Ella M., Irving S.
Woodruff, H. E.  merchant, 36 Railroad  Mrs. Mary S.
Woods, Mrs. D.  92 Railroad   
Woods, William A.  s, 89 Main   
Worcester, Albert  merchant, 57 Summer  Mrs. Lenora W., S. Emma, clerk
Wright, Alice F.  Tremont, P. V.   
Wright, B. F.  sealer, Valley  Mrs. Ruthie J.
Wright, Guy C.  sealer, 40 Spring  Mrs. Carrie E.
Wright, H. S.  106 Main  Mrs. Welthea A.
Wright, Samuel A.  painter, 7 Pearl  Mrs. Mary C.
Wright, W. H.  shipping clerk, 11 High, F. V.  Mrs. Caroline F.
Wrinkle, Jennie S.  teacher, 49 Summer   
Wyman, Lizzie  17 Webster   
Young, Edward F.  s, South Hall   
Young, Emilie A.  s, 17 Main   
Young, Florence E.  s, South Hall   
Young, Lottie  40 Main   
Young, Mary C.  s, South Hall   
Young, Mrs. Lydia P.  13 Church   
Summerville section of St. Johnsbury
Note: In the preparation of this, the second Directory, no work has been spared to get it correct. The plan of registering all persons over ten years old was so well liked by the public that it was adopted again.
Name  Job & Residence Address  Spouse & children 10 and over
Adams, Orange S.  carpenter, Portland  Mrs. Fannie E., Carlisle A., Maud M.
Adams, Alfred  mechanic, Portland  Alberta, Florence
Ahern, James A.  furniture dealer, River  Mrs. Ellen A., Etta
Aldrich, William  engineer, Caledonia  Mrs. Aggie F.
Anderson, Johannes  butcher, Portland  Mrs. Clara E.
Anger, Isaiah  laborer, Portland  Mrs. Mary B., Ellen
Annis, J. H.  machinist, Portland  Mrs. Mary A.
Armstrong, Mrs. Katie  Portland   
Asslin, Charles  mechanic, Elm  Mrs. Mary, George
Asslin, George  teamster, Elm  Mrs. Mary
Asslin, Joseph  mechanic, Elm  Mrs. Rosanna C.
Bacon, Mrs. Lucinda  Elm   
Bailey, George  stone cutter, Caledonia   
Baker, Ed  plumber, Elm  Mrs. Mary, Sophronia
Ballard, Enos S.  Concord Ave.  Mrs. Betsey
Barrett, Jason H.  farmer, Portland  Mrs. Mary J.
Barrett, A. E.  carpenter, Elm  Mrs. Adelle
Barrett, Moses  overseer poor, Portland  Mrs. Rhoda P., Ida M.
Batchelder, Albert J.  sign writer, Ely  Mrs. Delle S.
Bennett, Sumner  marble worker, Portland  Mrs. Frances M.
Bennett, Dellevan A.  marble worker, Caledonia  Mrs. Hannah E.
Berry, Jonas  laborer, Elm  Mrs. Mary, Albert, Annis, Fred
Bisson, Joseph  gardener, Elm  Mrs. Philomene M., Selina, Frennie, Lydia
Blanchard, Azro B.  pattern maker, Portland  Mrs. Sarah, Edna M., music teacher, Ernest A.
Blodgett, Milo C.  milk dealer, Portland  Mrs. Mary C., Abbie, Ernest
Boisclaire, Louis  carpenter, 11 Elm  Mrs. Elizabeth, Elizabeth, Peter, James E., John B.
Bousquet, Joseph  blacksmith, Elm  Mrs. Maria, George H., Charlie P.
Bousquet, William  machinist, Elm  Mrs. Mary P.
Bousquet, Osman  mechanic, Elm  Mrs. Ida A.
Brigham, Eva L.  Ely   
Browning, Thomas  carpenter, Portland  Mrs. Mary
Brunelle, Joseph  carpenter, Elm  Mrs. Julia
Brunelle, Eli  carpenter, Elm  Mrs. Adeline, Napoleon
Burdick, Oscar F.  shoemaker, Caledonia  Mrs. Mary A., Clara A., Almon J.
Burdick, George O.  mechanic, Concord Ave.  Mrs. Abbie J.
Burroughs, Bertha L.  Harrison Ave.   
Caanite, Frank  painter, River  Mrs. Malvina
Cable, Thomas S.  farmer, Lincoln  Mrs. Luthera E., Lucy B., Hattie M., Johnnie B.
Caldbeck, Michael  carpenter, 5 Elm  Mrs. Bridget, William, Ernest, Mary E., Edward, Cornelia J.
Caldbeck, Matthew J.  contractor & builder, Harrison Ave.  Mrs. Mary, George, Emma
Cameron, Frank W.  mechanic, Harrison Ave.   
Carr, Mrs. Margaret A.  Concord Ave.  Charlie B., machinist, Nettie I.
Carr, Fred W.  carpenter, Concord Ave.  Mrs. Emma M.
Carr, William H.  sealer, Lafayette  Mrs. Nalio F.
Carrick, French F.  granite dealer, Portland  Mrs. Emma S., Lillian M., Sadie E.
Carrick, Henry J.  granite dealer, Portland  Mrs. Louie
Cassette, Joseph F.  machinist, Elm  Mrs. Rosalia W., Georgie
Caswold, Albert  mechanic, Harrison Ave.  Mrs. Cynthia T., Harley A.
Caya, Fred  stone mason, off River  William
Chandler, John  carpenter, Concord Ave.  Mrs. Emma C.
Chaffee, Willard P.  sealer, Lafayette  Mrs. Abi M., Hattie M., Arthur W.
Cheney, Emily  Portland   
Chouinard, Peter  clerk, Caledonia  Mrs. Mary, Morency, Albertine
Chouinard, Theodore  gilder, Portland  Mrs. Lortie V.
Clary, Ellen  Harrison Ave.   
Clifford, Loren  carpenter, Harrison Ave.   
Clifford, John  stone cutter, Caledonia  Mrs. Mary, Henry, Emery
Conley, Charles W.  machinist, Portland  Mrs. Mary A., Arthur L., Mabel, Freddie
Corriveau, Charles N.  blacksmith, River  Mrs. Matilda
Cote, Frank  stone cutter, State  Mrs. Clara, Emily
Couch, John L.  harness maker, Caledonia  Mrs. Termilla D.
Cyr, John  carpenter, River  Mrs. Jennie, John
Danselow, Eli  job team, off Caledonia   
Dean, Chester F.  bone meal, Portland  Mrs. Eliza, Harry, polisher
Dorr, Georgie  Concord Ave.   
Dorr, Ernest  Concord Ave.   
Drew, A. N.  carpenter, Harrison Ave.  Mrs. Celia S.
Drolet, Frank  mason, Elm  Mrs. Julia, Emma
Drouin, J. F.  mechanic, Elm  Mrs. Jessie
Drouin, Louis  carpenter, Elm  Mrs. Mary
Drown, Charles  mechanic, Concord Ave.  Mrs. Ida
Duclos, Joseph  moulder, Caledonia  Mrs. Mary, Abraham
Dumas, Mitchell O.  blacksmith, Elm  Mrs. Julia, Mary
Dupont, Henry  blacksmith, Portland  Mrs. Lumina M.
Elliott, Edgar F.  carpenter, Caledonia   
Felch, Carlton  machinist, Portland  Mrs. Charlotte F., George C.
Fellows, Mrs. Hannah  Portland   
Forbes, Ellen  Sandplace   
Forbes, William  stone cutter, Sandplace   
Forrest, Moise  laborer, 5 Elm  Mrs. Eloise
Forrest, Joseph S.  carpenter, Elm  Mrs. Emeline, Eva J., Clarence A.
French, Heman  carriage trimmer, Portland  Mrs. Sophia, Charles P.
French, Mrs. Charlotte B.  Portland  Hattie E., dress maker, Lucy C., milliner
Gaffney, James  farmer, Sandplace  Mrs. Margaret, Mary, Kate, Charlie, James, Annie
Gale, Mrs. Catherine D.  11 Portland   
Gale, John N.  carpenter, 11 Portland  Mrs. Anna, Jennie A., Albert J.
Gaskill, J. B.  shoemaker, Caledonia  Mrs. Mary A.
Gaskill, Herbert F.  mechanic, Caledonia   
Gaskill, George F.  mechanic, Caledonia  Mrs. Marion L.
Gaskill, Lowell Z.  carpenter, Caledonia   
Gaskill, Charles A.  silver plater, State  Mrs. Rebekah, Carrie M., Henry E., Bertha M.
Gagnon, Elmore E.  mechanic, Portland  Mrs. Elizabeth
Goodwin, M. M.  stone cutter, Portland  Mrs. M. S.
Goodrich, H. J.  merchant, Harrison Ave.  Mrs. Julia E.
Goodrich, Jedd  tinsmith, Harrison Ave.   
Gorman, George E.  blacksmith, Portland  Mrs. Betsey P., Elsie B.
Goyet, (Guyer), Octave  stone mason, off Caledonia  Mrs. Melissa T., Celia, Ezra
Goyet, Fred  job team, off Caledonia  Mrs. Ellen B.
Goyet, Leon  stone mason, off Caledonia  Mrs. Eliza R., Napoleon
Grant, John  blacksmith, Caledonia  Mrs. Nancy
Gray, Lucy A.  Portland   
Griffin, Michael  stone cutter, 7 Elm  Mrs. Elizabeth
Guillemette, Paul  section man, Sandplace  Mrs. Emma, Napoleon, Joseph
Guevin, Marcel  blacksmith, Caledonia  Mrs. Mary D.
Hale, Patrick  stone cutter, 5 Elm  Mrs. Anna, Catherine D.
Hall, Jennie E.  Caledonia   
Hall, C. Ewing  mechanic, Ely  Mrs. Ella T.
Harris, Enoch M.  stone cutter, Caledonia  Mrs. Bell M.
Harris, Albert  farmer, Harrison Ave.  Mrs. Lucy A.
Harris, Edwin  farmer, Portland  Mrs. Fannie A., Frank E., Lizzie M.
Hastings, Amasa  Caledonia  Mrs. Adeline
Harvey, William  painter, Portland  Mrs. Elsie M.
Harvey, Orange  brakeman, Portland  Mrs. Martha
Hawkins, Hiram  job team, Portland  Mrs. Ida, Percy, Alice
Heald, L. B.  carpenter, Caledonia  Mrs. Mary S., Harry L., Hattie M.
Henry, John  mechanic, Ely  Mrs. Lizzie H.
Heon, John  mechanic, Elm  Mrs. Emily, Peter, Emma, Cora
Hill, Joseph  Lafayette   
Hill, Hiram C.  engineer, Portland  Mrs. Eliza E.
Holder, William R.  sealer, State  Mrs. Ellen L., Clara E., Mary L., Warren J.
Holder, Belle  Portland   
Howard, James T.  pattern maker, Lafayette  Mrs. Lizzie J., music teacher
Howard, Asa B.  job team, Concord Ave.  Mrs. Isabel R.
Howard, Thomas  laborer, River  Mrs. Katie
Howe, Austin F.  carpenter, Portland  Mrs. Nellie, Dora F., Bertie D.
Hovey, Edwin L.  builder, Lafayette  Mrs. Sarah F., Edith L., Mabel F., Bertha E., Grace
Hoyt, Simeon  Portland  Mrs. Abigail K.
Hudson, Frank A.  carpenter, Caledonia  Mrs. Annette
Humphrey, Clarence  fireman, Elm  Mrs. Etta
Jamison, John  mechanic, Ely   
Jenkins, Granville W.  clergyman, Caledonia  Mrs. Minnie W.
Johnson, Peter  polisher, Portland  Mrs. Sarah E.
King, Joseph  mechanic, Elm   
King, Eleazar  mechanic, Elm   
King, Peter  builder, Elm   
King, Frank  section man, Elm  Mrs. Belle
Knight, George T.  Harrison Ave.  Mrs. L. A., Annie L.
Lachance, Charles  carpenter, Ely  Mrs. Adelle
Lachance, Peter  section man, Sandplace  Mrs. Anna, Charles
Lachance, Eli  section man, River  Mrs. Elizabeth
Ladd, Mary  teacher, Portland   
Laferriere, Charles  laborer, 5 Elm  Mrs. Alvina, Mary E., Delina, Angelina, Joseph P., Emma S., Norbert C.
Laferriere, Philippe  laborer, 5 Elm  Mrs. Eliza, Alphonse, Arthur, Alma, Joseph A.
Laferrier, Alex  laborer, Elm  Mrs. Mary
Lamontgue, Joseph  laborer, Elm  Mrs. Sophronia
Lankey, James  blacksmith, Caledonia  Mrs. Julia, Julia, James, Annie, Arthur
Laundry, Frank  Elm   
Laundry, Laviena  Elm   
Lawrence, Rebekah M.  teacher, Portland   
Leavitt, John  ice dealer, Portland  Mrs. Anna M., Mary E., Johnnie, Sadie A., Emma J.
Lee, Charles H.  brakeman, Caledonia  Mrs. Hattie L.
Lefebore, George D.  laborer, Caledonia  Mrs. Della
Legendre, Thomas  mechanic, Caledonia   
Legendre, William  striker, Caledonia   
Legendre, Joseph  carpenter, Caledonia   
Leland, Fred A.  engineer, Caledonia  Mrs. Nellie
Lemieus, Moise  carpenter, 11 Elm  Mrs. Agle, Michael, Amanda, Henry
Leonard, Patrick  foreman section, Portland  Mrs. Bridget, Thomas, fireman, B. Agnes
Lewis, W. C.  insurance agent, Harrison Ave.  Mrs. Annette A.
Libby, Frank D.  painter, Concord Ave.  Mrs. Lizzie
Ling, Edward  laborer, Elm  Mrs. Bridget
Lord, Octave  carpenter, off River  Mrs. Delphine, Octave, Josephine, Louis
Lucas, Howard C.  machinist, Concord Ave.  Mrs. Ella M.
Lynch, Daniel  mechanic, Ely  Mrs. Annie
Lyons, Maggie  Portland   
Magoon, Charles H.  traveling salesman, Portland  Mrs. Nettie
Marcotte, George  blacksmith, Caledonia  Mrs. Mary, Flora A., Albert, William
Marcotte, Fred  painter, Caledonia  Mrs. Luvie
Marshall, William N.  laborer, Portland  Mrs. Hattie E.
Martin, Samuel  laborer, Concord Ave.  Mrs. Selina
Maxham, Lewis  carpenter, Concord Ave.  Mrs. Persis, Freddie
McKaig, James  carpenter, Portland   
McDonald, James C.  blacksmith, off Caledonia  Mrs. Elizabeth
McLellan, Maggie E.  11 Portland   
Merriam, George  painter, Sandplace  Mrs. Elizabeth
Miles, Charles A.  mechanic, Portland  Mrs. Emily A.
Mitchell, James  carpenter, Harrison Ave.   
Moffitt, Mrs. Aurilla     George, polisher, Charles, mail carrier, William
Montgomery, Marshall  lawyer, Harrison Ave.  Mrs. Flora S.
Morancy, John  painter, Elm  Mrs. Eleanor
Moore, James C.  merchant, Caledonia  Mrs. M. Lizzie
Morrin, Mrs. Elizabeth  off Caledonia  Jas., Maggie J., Annie M.
Morris, Mrs. Martha  Concord Ave.   
Morris, George S.  mechanic, Concord Ave.  Mrs. Martha L.
Morris, Leonard C.  carpenter, Concord Ave.  Kate L.
Morris, W. F.  chair manufacturer, Concord Ave.  Mrs. Ellen
Moulton, Arthur  Harrison Ave.  Mrs. E. H.
Nason, John M.  blacksmith, Caledonia  Mrs. Abbie J., dressmaker, Linna M., Eva E.
Nelson, Mrs. L. C.  Caledonia   
Noonan, Mrs. Eliza  River  John H., Michael, Catherine, Patrick, William
Nute, Silas H.  inspector hoe factory, Concord Ave.  Mrs. Mattie S., Isola E.
O'Keefe, John  mechanic, Ely  Mrs. Ann, Katie H., Mary J., Dennis A., machinist, Albert M.
Orcutt, John D.  mechanic, Portland  Mrs. Edna S.
Owen, Mrs. Ellen  Concord Ave.  Willie M., mechanic
Packard, Charles  carpenter, Portland  Mrs. Melvina, C. Elmer, Ernest I.
Page, Bradley H.  mechanic, Caledonia  Mrs. Ellen F., Robert S., Edith N., Carl
Palin, Samuel  blacksmith, Portland  Mrs. Jane, Maggie C.
Paradis, Henry  section man, Sandplace  Mrs. Emma, Mary, Della, Henry, Sammie
Paris, Napoleon  mechanic, River  Mrs. Philomene, Maggie, Mary, Ellen
Parker, Clara E.  Harrison Ave.   
Parker, Alice M.  Harrison Ave.   
Penny, John  painter, Sandplace  Mrs. Lizzie
Picard, Thomas  blacksmith, Portland  Mrs. Adelle, Thomas Jr., Emma, William, Rose, Mary
Potter, Edward W.  Portland  Mrs. Mary
Powers, Jason W.  conductor, Portland  Mrs. Annette C., Harry A.
Powers, F. V.  merchant, Portland  Mrs. Phebe B.
Reeves, William  laborer, Caledonia  Mrs. Martha B.
Remick, Elvira H.  Portland   
Renand, Joseph  laborer, Ely  Mrs. Mary, Mary J., Freddie F., Emma, Hattie
Rice, Frank L.  machinist, Portland  Mrs. Minerva E., Bertha A.
Richard, Richard  gardener, Sandplace   
Richardson, Fayette E.  insurance agent, Concord Ave.  Mrs. Ella M.
Rivers, Paul  mason, Caledonia  Mrs. Minnie
Robillard, Omer  mechanic, River  Mrs. Virginia
Robinson, Herbert  freight depot, Portland   
Robinson, Fred  carpenter, Harrison Ave.   
Sawyer, B. G.  engineer, 7 Elm  Mrs. Mattie
Shattuck, _____  Concord Ave.   
Shorey, Mrs. Nancy M.  Caledonia  George F., Mary B., clerk
Smith, Warren  Caledonia   
Smith, J. H.  dentist, Portland  Mrs. Sabra L., Jennie M., Willie A.
Soper, Minnie  Portland   
Stebbins, Calvin G.  bone meal, Concord Ave.  Mrs. Lizzie S., Guy H.
Stiles, James L.  laborer, Lafayette  Mrs. Miriam H.
Stevenson, Robert  machinist, Caledonia  Mrs. Martha
Thompson, Daniel  machinist, Lincoln  Mrs. Olive A., William, machinist, Bessie B., Persis L.
Todd, John D.  machinist, Caledonia  Mrs. Kate, Mary E.
Toussaint, Narcisse  laborer, Caledonia  Mrs. Alice, Narcisse
True, Mrs. Abbie J.  Portland   
Turner, Benjamin  stone cutter, Portland  Mrs. Alice S.
Underwood, Timothy H.  carpenter, Caledonia  Mrs. Abbie J.
Ward, George W.  veterinary surgeon, Concord Ave.  Mrs. Emma M.
Webster, Darius  carpenter, Portland  Mrs. Prudence H.
Weeks, Charles F.  merchant, cor. Lincoln & Lafayette  Mrs. Ann C., Rossie B., teacher, James S., merchant
Weeks, Frank  Concord Ave.   
Wells, William A.  polisher, Lafayette  Mrs. Celia A.
Wheeler, William A.  carpenter, Caledonia   
White, W. J.  salesman, Lafayette  Mrs. Abbie J.
Whittier, Sylvester B.  tinsmith, Lafayette  Mrs. Sarah J., Henry C.
Wilson, Edward A.  mechanic, Caledonia  Mrs. Louise
Winn, Charles  carpenter, Portland  Mrs. Eliza
Young, Rufus  sewing machine agent, Caledonia  Mrs. Mary

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