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The figures following the letter r indicate the number of the road on which the party resides,
and will be found by reference to the map in the back part of this work.
Where no road number is given the party is suppossed to reside in the village.
Figures placed after the occupation of acres owned or leased.
The word street is implied.
Highlight keywords:
Abbott Elizabeth, (W. Barnet) r 6 n 5, widow of Amos W., farmer 50. |
Abbott Eugene S., (W. Barnet) r 6. carpenter and farmer, with Elizabeth. |
Abbott Peter M., (W. Barnet) r 5, farmer 100. |
Abbott R. Burns, (W Barnet) r 6, carpenter and farmer, with Elizabeth. |
Adams Charles L., (S. Ryegate) r 24. farmer 120. |
Anderson John, r 39, resident with H. G. Miller. |
ARNOLD OTIS C., (S. Ryegate) r 50, foreman at Ryegate Granite Works. |
Arthur John, (S. Ryegate) r 42 1/2, laborer, h and 1 acre. |
Arthur Martha, r 18, widow of James, farmer 85. |
Arthur Robert, (S. Ryegate) r 43, farmer. |
Arthur William, r 18, farmer with Martha. |
Bailey Charles H., (Wells River, Orange Co.) r 54, farmer 100. |
BAILEY CHARLES J., (S. Ryegate) clerk for G. L. Hall, bds at Bailey's |
BAILEY MARILLA J. MRS., (S. Ryegate) r 47, prop. hotel, |
Baird Phillip J., (S. Ryegate) r 46, station agent, M. & W. R. R. R., agent America Express Co., telegraph operator. |
Balkum Charles E., (Wells River, Orange Co.) farmer, leases of George Cloyes 50. |
Barney Edgar, (McIndoes Falls) r 58, farm laborer. |
Bazro Walter, (S. Ryegate) polisher at R. G. W., bds hotel. |
Beattie Margaret S., r 31, widow of Rev. James M., resident. |
Beattie T. G. & T. H., (McIndoes Falls) r 36, farmers 350. |
Beattie William J., r 31, medical student. |
Bemis Harris A., r 53, farmer for W. M. Wright. |
Bigelow John & F. H. (Wells River, Orange Co.,) r 54, 10 cows, 1,000 sugar trees, farmer 150. |
Blodgett George W., (S. Ryegate) painter. |
BLUE MOUNTAIN GRANITE CO., (S. Ryegate) (M. F. McDonald and R. Farquharson) r 43, manufs. and dealers in granite monuments, tablets, etc. |
Boardway Oliver, (S. Ryegate) r 42 1/2, quarryman, farmer 35. |
Bowditch William, (S. Ryegate) carriage and house painter. |
Brock Alexander H., r 32, farmer 193. |
Brock Claudius A. (Groton) r 23, 10 cows, farmer 144. |
Brock Everett C., (S. Ryegate) hostler. R. G. W. livery stable, bds. R. G. W. Hotel. |
Brock John C., r 32, farmer with his father, Alexander H., 193. |
Brock M. James, r 32, 15 cows, farmer with his father, A. H., 194. |
Brown Chastina, (S. Ryegate) r 43, widow of James, farmer 100. |
Brown George R., (S. Ryegate) r 43, carpenter and joiner, farmer 22. |
Brown R. Ella, Miss. (S. Ryegate) r 47, dressmaker. |
Buchanan Andrew, (S. Ryegate) r .50, farmer 80. |
Buchanan Daniel R., (S. Ryegate) r 50, student, bds with Andrew. |
BUCHANAN DAVID, (S. Ryegate) r 29, 10 cows, farmer 80. |
Buchanan James I,., (S. Ryeqate) r 41, farmer for M. R. Gray. |
Buchanan Margaret G., (S. Ryegate) r 47, widow of Walter, resident, |
Caldwell Henry J., (S. Ryegate) r 24, laborer. |
Caldwell William, (S. Ryegate) r 24, resident with E. L. Adams. |
Callahan Thomas, (McIndoes Falls) r 19, lumberman for S. S. Hunt & Son. |
Carbee Charles S., (Wells River, Orange Co.) r 54, owns with Joel 15 acres. |
Carbee Joel, (Wells River, Orange Co ) r 54, farmer with C. S. 15. |
CAR.PENTER LAFAYETTE, (S. Ryegate) r 44, 8 cows, farmer 80, served in Co. D, 15th Vt. Vols. |
Carter Orlando B , (W. Barnet) r 5, farmer with J. Lamphere. |
CARTER RODNEY F., (S. Ryegate) r 43, pres. Ryegate Granite Works. |
Cassady William, (S. Peacham) r 1, farmer 130, and in Barnet 84. |
Chamberlin Alvin, r 54, farmer 35. |
Chamberlin Frank H., (Mclndoes Falls) r 35, farmer with his father, Solomon. |
Chamberlin Solomon, (McIndoes Falls) r 35, 20 cows, farmer 200. |
CLARK MOODY, (S. Ryegate) r 47, shoemaker. |
Clark Robert, (S. Ryegate) r 50, carpenter. |
Clark Samuel W., (S. Ryegate) r 28, farmer 100, |
Clay Orrin E., (S. Ryegate) off r 43, granite cutter. |
Cleary Denis, (S. Ryegate) U. C. Granite Works. |
COCHRAN ALEXANDER, r 31 cor 39, general merchant, postmaster, town clerk and treasurer, and justice of the peace. |
Cochran George, r 39, overseer of the poor, representative, 25 cows, 45 sheep, 700 sugar trees, farmer 400. |
Cochran Jennett W. Mrs., (S. Ryegate) r 43, prop. boarding house. |
Cole Henry H., (S. Ryegate) r 42, stone cutter and letterer. |
Cook William B., (McIndoes Falls) r 58, laborer. |
Cross Daniel B., (S. Ryegate) r 46, carpenter and joiner. |
Crow George, (S. Ryegate) r 43, teamster, farnrer in Newbury 110. |
CROWN JAMES E.. (Groton) r 1, 10 cows, 500 sugar trees, farmer 130. |
Crown M. Wesson, (Groton) r 1, 10 cows, 550 sugar trees, farmer 172. |
DARLING GEORGE W., M. D., (S. Ryegate) (G. W. & H. G. Darling) physician and surgeon. |
DARLING G. W. & H. G., (S. Ryegate) r 43, druggists. |
DARLING HORACE G., D. D. S., (S. Ryegate) (G. W. & H. G. Darling) dentist. |
Darling James B., (S. Ryegate) (J. B. Darling & Son.) |
Darling John B., (S. Ryegate) (J. B. Darling & Son) (Darling & Sargent) (Darling & Zastrow) physician and surgeon. |
Darling J. B. & Son (S Ryegate) (James B.) general merchants. |
DARLING WILLIAM D., (S. Ryegate) r 43, U. C. Granite Works. |
Darling & Sargent, (S. Ryegate) (J. B. Darling and M. F. Sargent) saw and grist-mill. |
Darling & Znstrow, (S. Ryegate) (J. B. Darling and Charles Zastrow) granite dealers. |
Davidson Alexander, (Boltonville, Orange Co.) r 54, farmer 100. |
Davidson James, (S Ryegate) r 25, 20 cows, 900 sugar trees, farmer 240. |
Davidson Margaret, (Boltonville, Orange Co.) widow of John, farmer 200. |
Davidson William A., (S. Ryegate) r 25, farmer with his father, James. |
Dick Robert, (Mclndoes Falls) r 34, 10 cows, farmer 130. |
Dickey James, r 29, 14 cows, farmer 230. |
Dickson Elizabeth, (McIndoes Falls) r 10, widow Robert, farmer 300. |
Dickson John C., (Mclndoes Falls) r 10, farmer, with Elizabeth. |
Dickson William, (Mclndnes Falls) r 10, farmer, with Elizabeth. |
Doe James M., (S. Ryegate) r 41, 14 cows, 500 sugar trees, farmer 170. |
Doton Edward H., (S. Ryegate) jeweler and engraver. |
Downer George, (S. Ryegate) r 43, emp. Ryegate Granite Works. |
Drown George E., (S. Ryegate) stone-cutter Ryegate Granite Works. |
Dunn Harvey A., (S. Peacham) r 4, 12 cows. farmer 100. |
Dunn Isaac P, (S. Peacham) r 4, farmer 100. |
Dunnett Christianna, (S. Ryegate) off r 50, widow of Andrew, resident, with her son, George H. |
Dunnett George H., (S. Ryegate) off r 50, farmer 65. |
Dyer Edward B., (S. Ryegate) blacksmith B. M. G. Co. |
Eastman Sophronia, (S. Ryegate) r 43, widow of Horace D., resident. |
Ellis Samuel T., (S. Ryegate) r 50, stone-cutter Ryegate Granite Works. |
Emery Winfield S., r 39, farmer 7. |
Exley Charles. (S. Ryegate) r 46. (Union Co-operative Granite Co.) |
FARQUHARSON ROBERT, (S. Ryegate) (Blue Mountain Granite Co.) |
Finley Azro J., (McIndoes Falls) r 16, 13 cows, farmer 300. |
Finley William J., (McIndoes Falls) r 16, farmer with his brother, A. J., 300. |
Flagg James W. Rev., (S. Ryegate) r 47, pastor Presbyterian church. |
Ford James A., (S. Ryegate) r 43, laborer. |
Forsythe Nelson S., (S. Ryegate) r 46, carpenter and joiner. |
Frazer Peter B.. (S. Ryegate) stone-cutter U. C. G. Co., h and lot. |
French Walter, (S. Peacham) r 1, farm laborer. |
Gardner Edward W., (S. Ryegate) r 43. laborer. |
Gates John, (Groton) r 21, 500 sugar trees, farmer 200. |
Gates Robert H., (S. Ryegate) r 46, gardener and farrner 60. |
George Alvah L., (S. Ryegate) r 43, teamster Ryegate Granite Works. |
GEORGE HARRIET R., (S. Ryegate) r 43, widow of William T., resides with her son, William T. |
George Jane, (S. Ryegate) r 43 cor 42, widow of J. W., resident. |
GEORGE WILLIAM T., (S. Ryegate) r 43, manager Ryegate Granite Works' store. |
GIBSON A. HARVEY, r 31, 25 cows, 40 sheep, 500 sugar trees, farmer 270 |
Gibson Albert M., (McIndoes Falls) r 17, farmer 250. |
Gibson Franklin, off r 32, 14 cows, 40 sheep, 300 sugar trees, farmer 150. |
Gibson Fred H., (McIndoes Falls) r 36, farmer with G. A. |
Gibson Fred L., r 8, teacher of vocal and instrumental music. |
Gibson George A., (McIndoes Falls) r 36, 2d selectman, farmer 250, |
Gibson John, r 41, harnessmaker, farmer 48 |
GIBSON MARTIN H., r 56 1/2, 40 cows. 1,000 sugar trees, prop. " Pleasant View" farm 220, breeder of Jersey cattle, reg., and Yorkshire and Chester White swine, reg., and Morgan horses, proprietor and patentee of Gibson's water heater for warming waler for stock, and general agent for Gordon feed steamer. |
Gibson Mary, (S. Ryegate) off r 42, widow of William N , farmer 150. |
Gibson Peter, (Groton) r 43, 11 cows, farmer 50, and in Croton 250. |
GIBSON PRINGLE, (S. Ryegate) r 43, (P, Gibson & Son.) |
GIBSON P. & SON, (S. Ryegate) r 43, (W. A.) general merchants. |
Gibson Robert, r 9, resident, aged over 80. |
GIBSON WILLIAM A, (S. Ryegate) r 43, (P. Gibson & Son.) |
Gibson William F., r 8, farmer 100. |
Gibson William J., r 32: 15 cows, 200 sugar trees, farmer 145. |
Gilfillan Andrew, (S. Ryegate) r 41, 600 sugar trees, farmer 120. |
Gilfillan Robert, (S. Ryegate) r 43, resident with Mrs. J. W. Cochran, aged 87. |
Giltillan William N., (S. Ryegate) r 41, farmer with his father 120. |
Glenn William, (McIndoes Falls) r 16, farmer 50. |
Goodall Forest E., (S. Ryegate) stone-cutter R. G. W. |
Goodall Horace, (S. Ryegate) r 25, farmer and quarryman. |
Grant Alvin D., (S. Ryegate) off r 42, blacksmith. |
GRANT JAMES D.. (S. Ryegate) sec'y Union Co-operative Granite Works. |
GRAY MATTHEW R. HON., r 41, ex-county judge, 24 cows, breeder of registered Jersey cattle, farmer 130. |
Green William H., (S. Ryegate) r 42, farmer. |
Green Willie S., (S. Ryegate) laborer. |
Guild J. J., (S. Ryegate) r 43, carriagemaker. |
Guthrie James H., (McIndoes Falls) r 13, farmer 100, served in Co. F, 1st Regiment U. S. Sharpshooters. |
Hale Walter H., (S. Ryegate) blacksmith for S. Mills. |
Haley John W., (S. Ryegate) stone-cutter for Hendrick Brothers. |
Hall Albert, r 29, 10 cows, farmer 175. |
HALL GEORGE L., (S. Ryegate) general merchant and postmaster. |
Hall Martin J., (S. Ryegate) r 27, 600 sugar trees, farmer 200. |
Hall Moses B , (S. Ryegate) r 46, resident. |
Haney John, (McIndoes Falls) r 16, 10 cows, farmer 104. |
Haney William J , r 19, farmer for William J. Smith. |
Hanson E. A., (Boltonville) r 52, leases of Stephen Putnam, 8 acres. |
Hayward Francis E., (S Ryegate) laborer, R G W. |
Hayward Herbert A., (S. Ryegate) barber. |
Henderson Brothers, (S. Ryegate) r 42, (John and Robert) farmers 160. |
Henderson Henrietta, (S. Ryegate) r 46, h and lot, and in Newbury 6 acres. |
Henderson Henry W., r 53, with his father, William J , farmer 200. |
Henderson Nancy Miss, r 41, resident. |
Henderson Sarah, r 53, widow of William. resides with her son, William J. |
Henderson Wiiliam J., r 53, breeder of Morgan horses, 15 cows: farmer 200. |
HENDRICK BROTHERS, (S. Ryegate) r 43, (J. F. and W. F.) manufs. and dealers in granite monumental and cemetery work. |
HENDRICK JOHN F., (S. Ryegate) r 43, (Hendrick Brothers.) |
HENDRICK PATRICK W., (S. Ryegate) r 43, granite cutter. |
HENDRICK WILLIAM F., (S. Ryegate) r 43. (Hendrick Brothers.) |
HENNESSY JOHN E., (S. Ryegate) engineer Ryegate Granite Works, and foreman polishing shop. |
Hill Napoleon, (Boltonville, Orange Co.) granite-cutter Ryegate Granite Works. |
HOLMES ALEXANDER McC., (S. Ryegate) r 43, stone cutter. |
HOLMES EDWIN C., r 41, carpenter and joiner, served in Co. B, 6th N. H. Vols. |
Holmes M. C., r 39, laborer. |
Hooper Frank, (Groton) r 25, farmer with his father, John C. |
Hooper G. Albert, (S. Ryegate) off r 42, laborer. |
Hooper John C., (Groton) r 25, farmer 50. |
Hotchkiss Henry I., (S. Ryegate) r 50, dealer in patent rights. |
HUNT CARLOS, (Mclndoes Falls) r 19, resident, with his father, S. S. |
HUNT S. S. & SON, (McIndoes Falls) r 19, (Frank) saw, turning and planingmill, farmers 18, and timberland 400. |
HUNTER JAMES R., (W. Barnet) r 6, prop. of evaporator for drying apples and making apple jelly. farmer 100, served in the late rebellion in 2d Regt. Colorado Cavalry. |
Hunter Janett, (W. Barnet) r 5, farmer 100. |
Hunter Moses, (W. Barnet) r 5, resides with his sister, Janett. |
Hunter William, (Groton) r 21, farmer 160. |
Ingram John, (S. Ryegate) stone-cutter B. M. G. Co. |
Inman Thnmas M., (S. Ryegate) r 43, carpenter for Ryegate Granite Works. |
Johnston Elizabeth. (S. Ryegate) r 46, widow of John, resident. |
JOHNSTON JAMES, off r 41, farmer 175. |
Johnston William J., r 53, laborer. |
Jones Frederick H., (S. Ryegate) cashier Ryegate Granite Works. |
Kasson Elizabeth, (S. Ryegate) r 43, resident. |
KENDALL JOHN H. REV., (S. Ryegate) r 47, pastor Reformed Presbyterian church. |
LANG DAVID. r 41, 8 cows, farmer 80. |
LANPHERE CHARLES E., (S. Ryegate) r 47, carriage-maker, painter, wheelwright and cabinet maker, served in Co. D, 15th Vt. Vols |
LANPHERE HANNAH L., (S. Ryegate) r 47, milliner, manuf. and dresser of boqnets and straw goods. |
Lanphere James B., (W. Barnet) r 5, farmer, leases of Chauncey Page 25. |
Lauder Nelson A., (S. Ryegate) r 27, farm laborer. |
Leighton Frank A , off r 56, farmer |
Leitch G. Washington, r 9, 18 cows, farmer 200. |
Lewis 0. W., (S. Ryegate) agent Union Co-operative Granite Works. |
Liddell Andrew. (McIndoes Falls) r 14, farmer 150. |
Liddle James A., (McIndoes Falls) r 14, farmer, with Andrew. |
Liddle William, (McIndoes Falls) r 14, farmer with Andrew. |
Lind E. George, (S. Ryegate) r 47, dealer in stoves, tinware, pumps and lead pipe. |
Lindsey Henry E., (S. Ryegate) r 44, teamster. |
Low James R., (Wells River, Orange Co.) carpenter and joiner, farmer 70, |
LOW LESTER, (S. Ryegate) r 28, building mover, prop. Low's crenelated square and marker, 8 cows, farmer 112. |
MANCHESTER BENJAMIN, (McIndoes Falls) r 37, 8 cows, 200 sugar trees, farmer 100 |
Manchester Luther S., (McIndoes Falls) r 34, farmer 80. |
Manchester Mary H., (Mclndoes Falls) r 37, widow of Thomas, resides with her son Thomas. |
Manchester Thomas, (McIndoes Falls) r 37, 13 cows, 500 sugar trees, farmer 175. |
Martin Horace, (S. Ryegste) r 28. mechanic. |
Martin Maria C. Mrs., (S. Ryegate) r 27, resident. |
McAllister John D., (S. Ryegate) r 42, butcher, cattle dealer, and deputy sheriff. |
McAllister John R., (S. Ryegate) r 50, carpenter and joiner and gardener, 10 acres. |
McCabe John, (S. Ryegate) teamster for R. G. W. |
McCallop Alexander, (S. Ryegate) r 42, laborer. |
McClure Charles H , (BoItonville) r 50, with his father, farmer 150. |
McClure James T. H.. (Boltonville) r 50, 12 cows, 20 sheep, farmer 150. |
McCOLL ALEXANDER, (McIndoes Falls) r 33, 8 cows, farmer 70. |
McColl Frank R., (S. Ryegate) r 26, with his father, farmer 150. |
McColl Henry, (McIndoes Falls) r 34, farmer r 50, served in Co. H, 4th Vt. Vols. |
McColl John, (S. Ryegate) r 26, 18 cows, 400 sugar trees, farmer 75, leases of heirs of M. Renfrew 75. |
McCuaig Daniel, (McIndoes Falls) r 58, farmer. |
MCDONALD MURDO F., (S. Ryegate) r 43, (Blue Mountain Granite Co.) |
McFarland Dan A., (S, Ryegate) r 42, teamster. |
McGINN PATRICK J., (S. Ryegate) r 50, stone-cutter. |
McGinn Sylvester, (S. Ryegate) stone-cutter for R. G. W. |
McGregor Thomas S., (S. Ryegate) book-keeper, Ryegate Granite Works. |
McKindley John, r 40, farmer 91. |
McLam Alexander W., r 9, farmer 100. woodland 125. |
McLam Charles E., r 9, farmer with A. W. |
McLam John A., off r 9, farmer 237. |
McLam Robert. (Groton) r 1, resident with J. R. Whitehill. |
McLam William, r 20, farmer 225. |
McLam William T., farmer with his father, William. |
McLaughlin Peter, (W. Barnet) r 6, formerly merchant, resident with William. |
McLaughlin William, (W. Barnet) r 6, farmer 26, and in Groton 400. |
McLeod Angus A., (S. Ryegate) r 50. |
McLeod John A., (S. Ryegate) r 50, stone-cutter. |
Meader Granville C., r 53, farmer 70. |
Meader Granville E.. r 53, farmer with G. C. |
MEADER LOIS W. Miss, r 41, dressmaker. |
Meader Mary, r 20, widow of John, farmer 100. |
Meader Thomas A., r 20, farmer with his mother, Mary. |
Miller Charles E. F., r 39, farmer with H. G. |
MILLER EDWARD, r 39, 1st selectman, 7 cows, 12 sheep, 400 sugar trees, farmer 112. |
Miller Hugh G., r 39, 21 cows, 30 sheep, farmer. |
Miller James, r 39, 15 sheep, farmer 112 and 2/3 of 100 on r 20. |
Miller John, r 39, farmer with H. G. |
MILLER MARTIN J.. r 39, farmer with his father, Edward Miller. |
MlLLER ROBERT. r 39, 12 cows, 20 sheep, 300 sugar trees, farmer 130. |
Miller Robert T., (S. Ryegate) r 51, farmer 100. |
Millis Andrew J., (Wells River, Orange Co.) r 61, 8 cows, farmer 120. |
Millis George A., (Wells River, Orange Co.) r 61, farmer with his father, A. J. 120. |
MILLS JAMES L., r 31, b!acksmith and horseshoer. |
Mills Lester J., r 21, farmer. |
Mills Moses H., r 21, farmer. |
MILLS SAMUEL, (S. Rvcgate) r 47, blacksmith. |
MILLS SAMUEL, JR., (S Ryegate) r 47, prop. Ryegate carriage manufactory, horse-shoeing and blacksmithing in all Its branches. |
Moody Frank, (S. Ryegate) stone-cutter for R. G. W. |
MOORE ALANSON S., (McIndoes Falls) r 34, 22 cows, 40 sheep, farmer 375. |
MOORE ALFRED K., (McIndoes Falls) r 4, farmer with his father, A. S. |
MOORE CHARLES S., (McIndoes Falls) r 34, farmer with his father, Alanson S. |
Moore H. Kelsey, (McIndoes Falls) r 34, farmer. |
MOORE HENRY M., (McIndoes Falls) r 34, farmer with A. S. Moore. |
Morrison Elsworth, r 9, farmer with Gilmore. |
Morrison Gilmore, r 9, leases of Robert Gihson, 300 sugar trees, farmer 175. |
Morrison James J., (S. Ryegate) r 43, 12 cows, 500 sugar trees, farmer 150. |
MORRISON JOSEPH CHANDLER, r 9, farmer for G. W. Leitch. |
Morrison Orange G., (Groton) off r 33, farmer 110. |
Morrison Pliny, r 9, farmer with Gilmore. |
Nelson Carrie J., off r 56, widow of Carlos W., 19 cows, 400 sugar trees, farmer 180. |
Nelson George G., r 41, farmer on James Nelson estate. |
Nelson Harry A, r 41, farmer with his father, John F. |
NELSON JAMES, r 41, breeder and dealer in full-blood Jersey cattle, 25 cows. apple orchard 100 trees, farmer 300. (Died in July, 1886.) |
NELSON JOHN B., (S. Ryegate) r 42 1/2, 18 cows, 7 registered Jerseys, 600 sugar trees, farrner 300. |
Nelson John F., r 41, 14 cows, farmer 200. |
Nelson John H., r 40. 20 cows, farmer 225. |
Nelson John W., (S. Ryegate) r 29, farmer with W. J. |
Nelson Mary Miss, r 41, resident, h and lot. |
NELSON R. BURNS, (Wells River, Orange Co.) r 61, breeder Blackhawk horses, prop. Stallion "Young Arab," 8 cows, farmer with his father, Robert: 400. |
NELSON ROBERT, (Wells River, Orange Co ) r 61, 20 cows, 600 sugar trees, farmer 400. |
Nelson Robert J.. (Wells River, Orange Co.) r 55, 12 cows, farmer 150. |
Nelson Samuel F., r 56, 16 cows, farmer 175. |
Nelson Thomas, (McIndoes Falls) r 57, 25 cows, 25 head young cattle, 500 sugar trees, farmer 200. |
Nelson Thomas T., (McIndoes Falls) r 57, farmer with his father, Thomas. |
Nelson William J., (S. Ryegate) r 29, 3d selectman, 20 cows, 300 sugar trees, farmer 200. |
Nelson Yeaton D., off r 37, farmer for George Cochran. |
Noyes A. Harvey, (S. Ryegate) hotel.keeper for R. G. W. |
O'Rourk Hugh J., (S. Ryegate) r 50, stone cutter R. G. W. |
O'Rourke James, (S. Ryegate) r 46, stone cutter. |
Orr Philander, (Groton) r 5 cor 4, farmer 75, |
Page Alburn J., r 39, farmer. |
Page Chauncy, (Groton) r 22, farmer 100. |
Page Cyrus, (S. Ryegate) off r 41, 10 cows, 300 sugar trees, leases of James Johnston farm 175. |
Page Edwin S., r 39, farmer. |
Page Jacob F.. (Boltonville) r 52, carpenter and joiner, farmer 20. |
Page Nathaniel C., (Groton) r 22, farmer 55. |
Page William H., r 31, prop. hotel, sexton Ryegate cemetery. |
Park Alexander H., (S. Ryegate) r 42, farmer 90, and on Blue Mountain 1/2 of 130. |
Park Archibald, (S. Ryegate) r 47, farmer 3. |
Park Archibald Mrs., (S. Ryegate) r 47, milliner and dealer in fancy goods. |
Park George N., (S. Ryegate) r 42. 17 cows, 300 sugar trees, farmer 150, on Blue Mountain 50. |
Park James R., (S. Ryegate) r 46, leases h and lot. |
Park James R , 2d, (S. Ryegate) r 45, carpenter and joiner. |
Park John, (S. Ryegate) r 45, farmer 110, aged 78 years. (Died Oct. 23, 1885.) |
Park Nelson A, (S. Ryegate) r 42, farmer with A. H. |
Park Robert H., (S. Ryegate) r 45, farmer with his father, John. |
Perry Appleton, (S. Ryegate) off r 41, farmer 70. |
PERSONS CHARLES F.. (S. Ryegate) r 41 1/2, teamster R. G. W. |
Pingree Edwin D., (S. Ryegate) r 43, superintendent Ryegate Granite Works. |
FLEASANT VIEW FARM, r 56 1/2, M. H. Gibson, prop., stock farm 220. |
Plummer Willis B., (S. Ryeqate) laborer. |
Powers Harvey S., (Wells River, Orange Co.) r 62, farmer 32. |
Quinn John. (Wells River, Orange Co.) r 54, farmer 16. |
Quint Joe, (S. Ryegate) r 50, farmer. |
Quint Robert J., (S. Ryegate) r 50, with his mother, Sarah D., farmer 160. |
Quint Sarah D., (S Ryegate) r 50, widow of Robert, farmer 160. |
Raymond Ezekiel T., (S. Ryegate) stone-cutter for R. G. W. |
REED HUGH W. Rev., r 41, pastor R. P. church at Ryegate Corner, supt. schools. |
Renfrew Alexander, (S. Ryegate) r 21, 10 cows, 14 sheep, 500 sugar trees, farmer 197. |
RENFREW IRVIN C., (S. Ryegate) r 48, printer and dealer in stationery. |
Renfrew James, (S. Ryegate) off r 28, breeder of Chester white hogs, farmer 100. |
Renfrew Jefferson, (S. Ryegate) r 43, deacon Baptist church at Groton, farmer 150. |
Renfrew Lewis, (S. Ryegate) r 21, farmer with Alexander. |
Renfrew Maria H., (S. Ryegate) r 41 cor 43, widow of John, resident. |
Rhodes Agnes, r 41, widow of Edward, resident. |
Ricker Nathan H.. r 38. 24 cows, farmer 200. |
Ritchie Archibald. (S. Ryegate) r 47, resident. 80 years old. |
Roben Douglass G., (S. Ryegate) r 42 1/2, stone mason and blacksmith. |
Robinson Jemima. r 41. |
Ronaldson James, (S. Ryegate) r 42, engineer for Blue Mountain Granite Co. |
Ryan Daniel, (S. Ryegate) r 46, trackman M. & W. R. R. R. |
RYEGATE GRANITE WORKS, (S. Ryegate) R. F. Carter, pres ; Adna F. Mullikin, treas.; Alexander Dunnett, secy.; F. H. Jones, cashier, manufs. all kinds of granite work. |
Ryegate Granite Works Blacksmith Shop, (S. Ryegate) r 50. John Whitehill, manager. |
Ryegate Granite Works Hotel, (S. Ryegate) r 43, A. H. Noyes, manager, livery connected. |
Sargent Marcus H., (Boltonville, Orange Co.) off r 64. carpenter, h and lot. |
Sargent Millard F., (S. Ryegate) (Darling & Sargent) contractor and builder. |
Sargent Phineas L., r 31, mail carrier from Ryegate to Boltonville, farmer 50. |
SELLICK THOMAS W., (S. Ryegate) draughtsman Ryegate Granite Works. |
Sheridan John, (Wells River, Orange Co.) r 56, farmer for J. R. Low. |
SHERIFF GEORGE, (S. Ryegate) U. C. Granite Works. |
Smith Charles B., (S. Ryegate) clerk for P. Gibson & Son. |
Smith James, (Mclndoes Falls) r 16, farmer 100. |
Smith John, (S. Ryegate) r 46, resident with Robert Gates, aged 85. |
Smith Joseph G., (S. Ryegate) r 46, clerk Ryegate Granite Works. |
Smith Lewis J., (Mclndoes Falls) r 16, farmer with James. |
SMITH THEODORE W., (S. Ryegate) off r 42, breeder Chester white hogs, 450 sugar trees, 10 cows, farmer 150. |
SMITH THOMAS, (S. Ryegate) r 42, resident with his son, T. W., aged 82. |
SMITH WILLIAM J., r 19, 20 cows, 300 sugar trees, farmer 300. |
Stevenson Henry M,. (McIndoes Falls) r 34, farmer 18. |
Steves David G., (S. Ryegate) r 46, stone-cutter. leases house of John W. White. |
Stewart Margaret, (S. Ryegate) r 46, widow of Duncan. |
Stewart Peter, (S. Ryegate) r 47, polisher in B. M. Granite Works. |
Stone Henry A., (S. Ryegate) stone-cutter for R. G. W. |
Symes William, r 56, farmer 150. |
Symes William J,, r 41, farmer. |
Symmes John H., r 32, farmer 100. |
TAYLOR JENNIE L., r 41, widow of Matthew H., dressmaker. |
THOMAS PEACH, (S. Ryegate) r 42, butcher and farmer 100. |
Thompson Willie, r 31, farmer. |
Troup William, (S. Ryegate) (U. C. Granite Works) h Newbury, Orange Co. |
Turner David O., (S. Ryegate) stone-cutter R. G. W. |
Turner Winfield S., (S. Ryegate) stone-cutter R. G. W. |
UNION CO-OPERATIVE GRANITE WORKS, (S. Ryegate) J. D. Grant, sec'y; C. W. Zastrow, treas.; 0. W. Lewis, general traveling agent, manufs. of all kinds of monumental work, statuary, etc. |
Vance James, (W. Barnet) r 7. farmer 200. |
Vance John F., r 7, farmer with James. |
Vance Julia, r 7, widow of David. |
Wallace Charles M., (McIndoes Falls) r 58, farmer 200. |
WEBBER GEORGE, (S Ryegate) off r 29, stone mason and contractor, 3 cows, breeder Chester White hogs, 100 apple trees, farmer 90. |
Webster Hale, (Wells River. Orange Co.) r 55, farmar 50. |
Webster Newell C., (Wells River, Orange Co.) r 55, farmer with Washington. |
Webster Palmer, (Wells River, Orange Co.) r 55, farmer with Washington. |
Webster Washington, (Wells River, Orange Co.) r 55. farmer 60. |
Welch Ira L., (S. Ryegate) r 43, emp. Ryegate Granite Works. |
West Harvey A, (S. Ryegate) r 42, stone-cutter. |
White George W., r 54, 10 cows, farmer 120. |
White H. R., (S. Ryegate) r 46, farmer. |
White James, (S. Ryegate) r 46, carpenter and joiner. |
White Thomas H., (S. Ryegate) r 47, sawyer and granite polisher. |
White Willard S., r 54, farmer with G. W. |
WHITE WILLIAM J., (S. Ryegate) r 46, carpenter and joiner. |
Whitehill Alexander J., (W. Barnet) r 5, farmer with his father, Archibald. |
Whitehill Archibald, (W. Barnet) r 5, farmer 200. |
Whitehill Corwin W., (S. Peacham) r 1, 700 sugar trees, farmer 100. |
WHITEHILL FRANK W., r 19, farmer with W. J. Smith. |
Whitehill James R , (Groton) r 1, 10 cows, 40 sheep, 1,000 sugar trees, farmer 100. |
Whitehill Jennett, (S. Peacham) r 1, widow of Abraham, resides with her son, C. W. |
Whitehill John F., (S Ryegate) r 47, blacksmith. |
WHITEHILL QUINCY A., (W. Barnet) r 1, 15 cows, 1,600 sugar trees, farmer 140. |
WHITEHILL WILLIAM J., r 41, 12 cows, 10 sheep, 700 sugar trees, 100 apple trees, farmer 115. |
Whitelaw Albert M., (Wells River, Orange Co.) r 54, 18 cows, 1,000 sugar trees, farmer 160. |
Wilson William B., (S. Ryegate) r 42 1/2, 500 sugar trees, farmer 100. |
Wormwood Jannett, r 9, widow of Daniel, resident. |
Wormwood Robert N., r 9, 10 cows, breeder of horses, farmer 160. |
Wright Albert, r 31, laborer. |
WRIGHT ELIZABETH, r 53, widow of William, resides with her son, Waterman W., oldest person now living in Ryegate, aged 88. |
Wright Margaret, r 39, widow of David, resident. |
WRIGHT WATERMAN W., r 31, 35 cows, breeder of pure blood Jersey cattle, and registered Yorkshire swine, farmer 300. |
Zastrow Charles, (S. Ryegate) (Darling & Zastrow.) |
ab, above; |
agt, agent; |
ave or av, avenue; |
b or bds, boards; |
bel, below; |
bet, between; |
bldg, building; |
com, commission; |
do, ditto; |
E, east; |
ex, express; |
F V, Fairbanks Village; |
ins, insurance; |
h, house; |
n, near; |
N, north; |
opp, opposite; |
prop, proprietor; |
P V, Paddock's Village; |
r, rear; |
RR, railroad; |
S, south; |
sq, square; |
st, street; |
S, Sommerville; |
W, west; |
MCRR, Maine Central Railroad; |