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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
Vermont Northeast
Kingdom Genealogy

St. Johnsbury, Vt Genealogy
St. Johnsbury, VT
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The figures following the letter r indicate the number of the road on which the party resides, and will be found by reference to the map in the back part of this work. Where no road number is given the party is suppossed to reside in the village.

Figures placed after the occupation of acres owned or leased.

The word street is implied.
Highlight keywords:
Abar Peter, (Island Pond) r 4 n 2, laborer.
Aharr Joseph, (Island Pond) r 6, farmer 100.
Abbot John A , r 15 .& car 4, retired painter with Alvin Drown.
AMADON WARREN I., (E. Haven) r 36, prop. shingle-mill, and farmer 50.
BALL ALBRO, (Burke) off r 36, farm 150, soldier in 4th Vt. Regt.
BALL JAMES B., r 23, Goo sugar trees, farmer r45.
Ball James F., r 23, farmer, house and lot.
BALL MARVIN W., farmer 120, served in Co. E, 4th Vt Regt.
Ball Marvin W.: Jr.
Bean Charles H., r 14, farmer 100.
BEAN JOEL, r 23, mail carrier from West Burke to Newark, zoo sugar trees, farmer 60.
Beck Thomas, (W. Burke) r 15, sawyer for Samuel Nelson, of St. Johnsbury.
Beck William, r 23, laborer.
Bishop Ashley, (W. Burke) r 17, carpenter and joiner, Taimel Go.
Bishop E. Luther, r 4. laborer.
Bishop James F., r 23, apiary 6 cohmies,' farmer 454
Blake Atlna D , (W. Burke) r 16, resident with L. T. Crey.
Brainard Horace A., r 4, farmer 100.
Bruce Charles M., r 34, farmer 116.
Bruce Nathaniel, r 33, dairy 10 cows, 19 other cattle, farmer 265.
BRUCE WALLACE W., r 11, leases shingle-mill of David Coe, of Burke, also owns shingle mill on Sleeper brook n r 11 cor 10, farmer 40, other land 200.
Bunker Albert L., r 4, farmer with his father, William.
Bunker Milo A., r 4, 550 sugar trees, farmer with Robert 78.
BUNKER NATHANIEL O., r 4, shingle sawyer, also runs a threshing machine.
Bunker Obadiah. r 4, cooper, lives with William Bunker.
Bunlrer Robert W., r 4, with Milo, farmer 78.
Bunker William B., r 4, 450 sugar trees, farmer 190.
Burke Louisa. r 11, widow, lives with George I. Hartwell.
Burns .4ustin C., r 23, 600 sugar trees, farmer 150 with James Wires.
Cahill Thomas, (Island. Pond) r 3, goo sugar trees, farmer 100.
Cahill William, (W. Burke) r 115, farmer 100.
Carpenter Abel F., (Lower Waterford or Newark) r 12, prop. shingle and saw-mill.
CARROLL ALVIN, r 4, 200 sugar trees, farmer 120.
Chappel Ira C., (W. Burke) r 15, lumberman, and farmer 56.
Cheney Charles O. , (W. Burke) r 15, farmer 51.
Cheney J. Horace; (W. Burke) r 13, farmer 22, and owns farm in Burke 50.
Cheney Walter C., (W. Burke) r 17, 450 sugar trees, farmer 200.
CHENEY WILL G. , (W Rnrke) r 17, farmer with his father, Wa!ter
Clifford Rufus J., (W. Burke) r 16. selectman, 350 sugar trees, farmer 70.
Coe Edward J., (E. Haven) r 37, farmer 100.
Coe Harley, (E. Haven) with Louisa, farmer 100.
Coe Louisa, (E. Haven) off r 37, widow, 1,000 sugar trees, farm 100.
Colt John C., r 24, farmer 110.
Cole Joseph, r 24, h and lot.
CORLISS ELHANAN W., r 25 cor 33, farmer 163.
CORLISS FRED P., (Burke) r 36, 12 cows, breeder of Morgan horses, farmer 225.
Corliss Simon B., (Burke) r 36, retired farmer 225.
Derusha Andrew, r 7, 500 sugar trees, leases of John Donelson farm 225.
Derusha Daniel, r 7, lives with Andrew.
Dolloff Albert, farmer with Amos.
Dolloff Amos, cor r 22 and 34, 500 sugar trees, and farmer 270.
Dolloff Joseph L., r 22, town clerk, wild land 30, farmer 135.
Donahue John L., (Island Pond) r 3, 800 sugar trees, farmer 100.
Donahue Michael, (Island Pond) r 3, farm laborer.
Donahue Patrick, (Island Pond) r 5, farmer 63.
DROWN ALVIN, (W. Burke) r 15J cor 4, farmer 217, also in Westmore dairy 14 cows, 1,000 sugar trees, and farm 144.
I)rown Warner A.. (Island Pond) r 1, farmer 60.
Dunn Simeon. (W. Burke) r 17, farmer with L. J. Winslow.
Ewens John C., r 23, farmer.
FAIRBANKS DEMING D., r 25, justice of the peace, 400 sugar trees, 25 apple trees. farmer 97.
Fairbanks S. W.. (E. Haven) r 31, farmer with Warren W.
FAIRBANKS WARREN W., (E. Haven) r 31, 300 sugar trees, farmer 50 and leases land.
Fan Wesley 0., r 14, carpenter and farmer 100.
FOSTER RUEL S, (E. Hnven) r 37, 700 suga.r trees, farmer 125 with Rufus C, and r37, farmer
Foster Rufus C, (E. Haven) r 37, farmer with Ruel S. 125.
Fowler Almon N., (W. Burke) r 4 n 14, shingle sawyer by contract for Marshall W. Stoddard.
French Asa B., (E. Haven) r 30, laborer.
GARFIELD FRANK B., r 33, prop, threshing machine, farmer 70, wild land 155.
Garfield Russell C, r 33, prop, stock horse, farmer 100.
GERO HENRY, (W. Burke) r 18, leases of David Silsby, of St. Johnsbury, Vt., saw-mill, 1,500 sugar trees, farm 200, soldier in Co. A, nth Vt. Regt.
Gero John L., (W. Burke) r 18, laborer and engineer.
Gero Joseph, off r 20. farmer.
Gilman Charles, off r 20, farmer.
Gique Joseph, r 9, 300 sugar trees, farmer 100.
Gordon Albert L., r 4, laborer .
Gordon Lurn D., r 4, carpenter
Gordon Lum D., r 4, carpenter and farmer 125.
GRASSETT MARK. N., (Buikc) 1 35, 575 sugar trees, farmer, leases of Franklin Way, of W. Burke, 160.
Graves Abel, (Burke) r 35, farmer 65.
Giay Alson D., r 34, 600 sugar trees, farmer 106.
Gray Charles T., r 22, postmaster, carpenter and joiner, bridge builder, farmer 74.
Gray Laban T., (W. Burke) r 16, farmer 125.
Gray Lemuel C., r 24, shingle sawyer.
Gray Samuel, r 34, farmer with son, A. D.
Gray Sanford, (W. Burke) r 13, farmer for J. H. Cheney.
Grow Marcus A., r 11, farmer 130.
Hall A. E. & W. E., (E. Haven) r 32, (Alza E. and Welton E.) 1,000 sugar trees, farmer 165, and owns one-half of 265 acres with George W. Fairbanks, of Burke.
HALL CHARLES H., (E. Haven) r 28, lumber marker, owns farm 100.
Hall Horace S., (E. Haven) r 31, farmer 75.
HAM MYRON E., (W. Burke) r 21, 1,500 sugar trees, 50 apple trees, farmer 300.
Hannet John, r 6, farmer 50.
HART WILLIAM A., (W. Burke) r 16 opp 18, 100 apple trees, farmer 200.
Hartwell Alonzo, (Island Pond) r 3, farmer 50.
Hartwell Clarence P., r 27, farmer 100.
Hartwell Fred, (Island Pond) r 3, lives with A.lonzo, farm laborer.
HARTWELL GEORGE I., r 11, sawyer, h and lot.
Hartwell Herbert D., (Island Pond) off r 3, 800 sugar trees, farmer 50, and leases of Joshua 'role 50.
Hartwell Philemon retired farmer, lives with Clarence.
Hartwell Philemon E., r 4, farmer for Alvin Carroll and owns 38 acres.
Hastings Jefferson, m, lives with Wallace Bruce, retired farmer.
HOWARD BYRON G. Mrs., (E. Haven)
HOWARD BYRON G. , (E. Haven) r28, farmer 166.
HOWARD JAMES B., (E. Haven) r 30, farmer, leases of Dudly P. Hall estate 346 acres.
HUDSON ALONZO S., (E. Newark) r 28, postmaster, farmer 92.
HUDSON ISAAC C, (E. Haven) r 29, farmer 100, professional hunter and guide.
Hudson Noah S., (E. Newark) r 28, farmer 17.
Humphrey Ira, (W. Burke) off r 17, farmer 200.
Hunt Henry, (Burke) r 36, 225 sugar trees, farmer 240.
JOHNSON DAVID F., r 33, justice of peace and lister, farmer 100.
Kelley Wesley A., r 33, with Willard, farmer 77.
KELLY WILLARD. r 33, 1,200 sugar trees, and farmer 76.
Kenison Azro H., farmer 125.
Langmaid Charles E., (W. Burke) r 4, farm laborer for A. Drown.
Lee Charles C, off r32, 300 sugar trees, 75 apple trees, farmer 81.
Lee Charles F., r 27, farmer, leases 175.
LEE LEONARD B., son of Charles C, lives with his father.
Lucia Alexander, (W. Burke) r 19. farmer 10.
Lucia Harley L., (W. Burke) r 20, farmer 100.
McCarty Patrick, (Island Pond) off r 5, 600 sugar trees, farmer 55, 80 acres other land.
McQueen James, off r 11, 1,000 sugar trees, farmer 80.
McQUEEN James, off r 11, 1,000 sugar trees, farmer 80.
McQUEEN ULYSSES G., off r11, tinsmith, lives with his father, James.
Melcher Oscar. (Island Pond) r 1, farmer 15.
Melcher RussellA., (Island Pond) r 1, farmer 140.
Melcher William B., (Island Pond) r 1, farmer.
Merrit Reuben D., r 11, retired farmer.
Miner Franklin, r 23, farmer 100.
Morse Everett D., r 2. 300 sugar trees, farmer 125.
Moulton Dustin R., (W. Burke) r 17, farmer.
Moulton Henry H., Off r 22, farmer 143.
Moulton Jonathan, off r 22, resident with H. H.
Ordway Joseph, (W. Burke) r 4, laborer.
Osyoml Elijah, r 23, farmer 100.
Parks Samuel, off r 13, farmer.
Packer Henry C., r 25, selectman, 9 cows, 1,000 sugar trees, farmer 248.
Peavey George W., (E. Haven) r 28, laborer.
Peavev John H., (E. Haven) r 28, laborer.
Rice Hugh, (Island Pond) r 5, 700 sugar trees, farmer 145
Rice James, r 30, laborer.
Rice John, r 9, farmer 100.
Rice William, r 7, 700 sugar trees, farmer 137.
Roberts Charles, off r 26, farmer 45.
ROBERTS CHARLES A , (E. Newark) r 28, laborer in S. D. Hudson & Son's mill.
Roberts Solon S., r6, 500 sugar trees, farmer 200.
Rogers J. W., (E. Haven) r 30, farmer.
Ross Henry E., (W. Burke) r 16, laborer.
Simpson Amasa, r 13, farm laborer.
Simpson Edward E., (E. Haven) laborer.
Simpson Fred L., r 13, farmer.
Simpson Zebina. (E. Haven) off r 30, farmer.
Sleeper John, (Burke) r 36, 10 grade Devon cows, 18 other cattle, 2,600 sugar trees, 100 apple trees, farmer 375.
SLEEPER LYMAN O., (Burke) r 36. farmer with John.
Smith Benjamin F., (E. Haven) r 31, farmer 50.
Smith Edgar, (W. Burke) r 20, farmer, leases of Frank Smith, of Lyndon, Vt., 150
Smith Edwin B., (W. Burke) r 34, farmer 115.
Smith Edwin W., (W Burke) r 34? farmer with E. B.
Smith Myron L., (E. Haven) r31, 440 sugar trees, 100 apple trees, farmer 90.
Smith Sophronia, (W. Burke) widow, lives with Myron L.
Smith Volney, (Island Pond) r 28.
Spencer Hiram C, r 8, 1,000 sugar trees, farmer 230, and 150 acres other land.
STODDARD ALMON. (W. Burke) r 19, 1,000 sugar trees, 175 apple trees, farmer 233.
STODDARD ELMER E., (W. Burke) r 4 n 14, lumberman, farmer 300.
Stoddard Herbert W., (W. Burke) r 19, farmer with Almon.
Stoddard Marshall W., (W. Burke) prop, of saw-mill and shingle-mill on r 4, 147 acres, h at W. Burke.
Taft Alonzo L., r 4, 250 sugar trees, farmer 150.
Towle Joshua, (Island Pond) r 3, farmer 50.
Walker William, r 6, farmer 6.
Walter Heman A., (E. Haven) offr 31, 900 sugar trees, farmer 140.
Washburn Elmer O., off r 32, farmer 12.
Williams Marshall, r 10, 300 sugar trees, farmer 90.
Wilson A. V., (E. Newark) off r 24, farmer 150.
Wilson Lorenzo, off r24, farmer 150.
Winslow Lewis J., (W. Burke) r 17, farmer 100.

ab, above; agt, agent; ave or av, avenue; b or bds, boards; bel, below;
bet, between; bldg, building; com, commission; do, ditto; E, east;
ex, express; F V, Fairbanks Village; ins, insurance; h, house; n, near;
N, north; opp, opposite; prop, proprietor; P V, Paddock's Village; r, rear;
RR, railroad; S, south; sq, square; st, street; S, Sommerville;
W, west; MCRR, Maine Central Railroad;

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