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The figures following the letter r indicate the number of the road on which the party resides,
and will be found by reference to the map in the back part of this work.
Where no road number is given the party is suppossed to reside in the village.
Figures placed after the occupation of acres owned or leased.
The word street is implied.
Highlight keywords:
ADAMS FRANK G., (Guildhall) r 12, farmer with his father, Horace. |
ADAMS HORACE, (Guildhall) r 12, town representative in 1874, 15 head stock, farmer with his son, F. G., 190. |
Allen George, (Guildhall) r g, farmer 63. |
Allen George E., (Guildhall) r 9, runs A. M. Beattie's saw-mill, farmer 112. |
ALLIN LOUISA J., (Stratford. N. H.) r 6, (Mrs. S. W.) 17 cows, farm 600. |
ALLIN SHERIDAN W., (Stratford, N. H.) r 6, 1,000 sugar trees, 25 cows, 30 sheep, farmer with Mrs. L. J. 400. |
Ball Wilbur F., (Guildhall) r 4, farmer 292. |
Beach Edwin B., (Guildhall) r 12, blacksmith, and farmer 160, soldier Co. E, 9th Vt. Vols. |
Bean George H., (Stratford, N. H.) r 3, farmer 140. |
BEATTIE DAVID H., (Guildhall) r 12, prop. saw-mill at Wenlock, manuf. 3,000,000 feet annually, 1,000 sugar trees, 10 cows, 20 head young cattle and oxen, 40 sheep, 4 horses, farmer 312, pasture and wood land 500. |
Beattie Harriet C., (Guildhall) r 12, school teacher, daughter of D. H. |
BEATTIE RICHARD, (Guildhall) r 12: farmer with his father, D. H. |
Beattie Thomas G., (Coos, N. H.) r 6, prop. saw-mill, dealer in dimension lumber, shingles, etc. |
Bellavanca John. (Guildhall) r 4, farm laborer. |
BENTON JOSIAH H., (Guildhall) r 6, 1,000 sugar trees, 65 head neat stock, 60 sheep. 4 horses, farmer 860. |
Benton Samuel S., (Guildhall) r 6, farmer with his father, Josiah H. |
Boothe Henry A., (Stratford, N. H.) r 5, farmer 100. |
COBLEIGH ELIZA P., (Guildhall) r 12, (Mrs. Wayne) 7 cows, farm 400. |
COBLEIGH WAYNE, (Guildhall) r 12, 900 sugar trees, 7 cows, 35 head other stock, farmer 400. |
Coyne Peter, (Guildhall) r 12, farmer. |
CROWN WILLIAM E., (Guildhall)r 12, 1,500 sugar trees, 5 cows, 15 head young stock, carries on John R. Foster's farm 100, wood and pasture 200, soldier in Co. F, 8th Vt. Vols. |
DREW AUGUSTUS, (Guildhall) r 9, farmer 88. |
Elliott Milo A,, (Stratford, N. H.) r 3, farm laborer, carries on farm for Myron J. |
Elliott Myron J., (Stratford, N. H.) r 5, farmer 100. |
Fuller Snhen, (Guildhall) r 4, farmer 147. |
Gotham Asa H., (Guildhall) r 3, farmer with his father, R. W. |
Gotham George E., (Guildhall) r 3, farmer with R. W. |
Gotham James F.. (Guildhall) r 3, town representative 1886-87, farmer with his father, R. W. |
Gotham Robert W., (Guildhall) r 3, 20 head stock, 18 sheep. farmer 140. |
Gotham William B , (Guildhall) r 3, farmer with his father, R. W. |
Green Stephen W., (Guildhall) r 9, farmer 70. |
GROUT ALMON M., (Guildhall) r 12, breeder and dealer in Hereford cattle, 5 cows, 30 head other stock, farmer 400. |
Hayes Guy C., (Guildhall) r 12, farm laborer. |
Hubbard Calvin H., (Gulldhall) r 9, farmer 37. |
LAMKIN HAVILLE M., (Guildhall) r 11, 200 sugar trees, 6 cows, town representative 1884-85, farmer 240. |
Lathe Franklin, (Stratford, N. H.) r 6, farm laborer, son of H. S. |
Lathe Samuel H., (Stratford, N. H.) r 6, 1,000 sugar trees, farmer 253. |
Lathe William E., (Stratford, N. H.) r 6, farmer. |
Martin George F., (Guildhall) r 9, 200 sugar trees, 10 cows, 15 sheep, farmer |
Masters Amos, (Stratford, N. H.) r 3, farm laborer. |
Masters Benjamin, (Stratford, N. H.) r 3, farmer 55. |
McDade Edward, (Guildhall) r 12, farmer 242. |
McDade Gallispie, (Guildhall) r 12, farmer with his father, Edward. |
McDade John, (Guildhall) r 12, farmer, son of Edward. |
Norris Eugene R., (Guildhall) r 4, carpenter and joiner, son of Heman R. |
Norris Heman R., (Guildhall) r 4, farmer 70. |
NORRIS S. TAYLOR, (Guildhall) r 4, carpenter and joiner, son of Heman R., farmer 110. |
Palmer James T., (Guildhall) r 9, formerly blacksmith. |
Philbrick Charles A., (Guildhall) r 11, farm laborer and lumberman. |
Rich Catharine, (Guildhall) r 12, daughter of John. |
Rich James, (Stratford, N. H.) r 6, farm laborer, h and lot. |
Rich Moody B.. (Stratford, N. H.) r 2, farmer 107. |
Ross Sumner, (Guildhall) r 6, farmer 100. |
Smith Alexander E., (Cuildhall) r 4, stone mason, farmer with Byron F. and Elmer G. |
SIMITH BYRON F., (Guildhall) r 4, 500 sugar trees, 8 cows, 10 head young stock, farmer with Elmer G. 210. |
Smith Elmer G., (Guildhall) r 4. farmer with Byron F. 210. |
Stanley Jennie K., (Stratford, N. H.) r 6, school superintendent and school teacher. |
Stanley John C., (Stratford, N. H.) r 6, 500 sugar trees, 20 cows, 50 head other stock, 70 sheep, farmer 500. (Died August 12, 1886.) |
Stanley William J. B., (Stratford, N. H.) r 6, farmer with his father, John C. |
STEVENS CHARLES, JR., (Guildhall) r 12, breeder and dealer in live stock and Morrill horses, farmer 270. |
Stevens Charles, Sr., (Guildhall) r 12, farmer 300. |
Stevens Edward S., (Guildhall) r 12, farmer 200. |
TAYLOR GEORGE N., (Stratford, N. H.) r 6, 30 head young stock, farmer 300. |
Webb George W., (Gutldhall) r 12, farmer with John W. |
WEBB JOHN W., (Guildhall) r 12, town clerk, 200 sugar trees, 5 cows, 30 sheep, 15 head of young stock, farmer 245. |
ab, above; |
agt, agent; |
ave or av, avenue; |
b or bds, boards; |
bel, below; |
bet, between; |
bldg, building; |
com, commission; |
do, ditto; |
E, east; |
ex, express; |
F V, Fairbanks Village; |
ins, insurance; |
h, house; |
n, near; |
N, north; |
opp, opposite; |
prop, proprietor; |
P V, Paddock's Village; |
r, rear; |
RR, railroad; |
S, south; |
sq, square; |
st, street; |
S, Sommerville; |
W, west; |
MCRR, Maine Central Railroad; |