Abbott Edward N., (Island Pond) express messenger G. T. Ry., h Cross. |
Achilles Emery H., (Island Pond) r 18, laborer. |
Aldrich Columbus, (Island Pond) brakeman G. T. Ry. |
Aldrich Edwin, (Island Pond) r 14, emp. G. T. Ry., h Lake road. |
Aldrich Gad, (Island Pond) r 14, laborer, h and lot Lake. |
Aldrich Gad E., (Island Pond) r 14, emp. G. T. Ry. |
Aldrich Henry P., (Island Pond) laborer, Mill. |
Aldrich John, (Island Pond) fireman G. T. Ry., h and lot Mountain. |
Aldrich John, (Island Pond) r rq, laborer. |
Allbee G. Henri, (Island Pond) r 6, teamster for W. R. Rosebrook. |
Allbee John G., (Island Pond) r 1, retired farmer. |
Allbee Lorenzo D., (Island Pond) retired farmer. h and lot Middle. |
Andrew Joseph, (Island Pond) engineer G. T. Ry., h and lot Alder. |
Archer David, (Island Pond) r 16, farmer 150. |
Ash Lewis, (Island Pond) laborer. |
Bachant George, (Island Pond) clerk, Derby. |
Bailey Adolphe, (Island Pond) laborer. |
Balduc Charles, (Island Pond) laborer, Back. |
Ball Emory, M. I)., (Island Pond) r 9, farmer 76. |
Barnes Edwin J., (Island Pond) r 18, farmer 125. |
Barnes George W., (Island Pond) off r 14, farmer. |
BARNEY GEORGE D., (Island Pond) prop. Village Hotel, livery connected, owns 88 acres. Cross. |
BARTLETT ALVIN, (Island Pond) (A. Bartlett & Co.) h Cross cor Middle. |
&BARTLETT A. & CO., (Island Pond) (A. B., J. M. B. and E. C. Robinson) dealers in dry and fancy goods, and ready-made clothing, real estate owners, Main. |
Bartlett Elvln M., (Island Pond) clerk. bds Cross. |
Beaudoin Joseph, (Island Pond) laborer. |
Beland John A., (Island Pond) laborer, h Ferrin. |
Beland Joseph, (Island Pond) off r 14, farmer 40. |
Belanger Joseph, (Island Pond) prop. Brighton House, Lake. |
Belanger Louis, (E. Brighton) laborer. |
Belanger Pierre, (E. Brighton) laborer. |
BEMIS ELIAS A., (Island Pond) r 6, apiarist, 500 sugar trees, farmer 200. |
Bemis Rebecca, (Island Pond) r 6, widow of Alonzo, lives with her son, Elias A. |
Benett Joseph, (E. Brighton) r 23, emp. Hohson's mill. |
Bergeron Louis, (E. Brighton) r 23, farmer 38. |
Bickford Runa P., (Island Pond) (Fogg & Bickford) bds Main. |
Bickford Walter E., (Island Pondl) clerk, bds Main. |
BIGELOW LEWIS F., (Island Pond) musician, h and lot, Derby. |
Bishop Jeremiah, (Island Pond) retired farmer, h n Ferrin. |
BISHOP WILLIAM H., (Island Pond) editor Essex County Herald, h Middle |
Blake Alvah L, (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., h Ferrin. |
Blake Charles, (Island Pond) r 14, laborer |
Blake Clinton s. (Island Pond) r 15, farmer 157. |
Blake Eliphalet A., (Island Pond) engineer G. T. Ry., bds Cross. |
Blake Lucius D , (Island Pond) carpenter, h and lot. |
Blake Mary, (Island Pond) r 14, seamstress. |
BLANCHETTE MITCHEL, (Island Pond) merchant tailor, Cross cor Derby, h do. |
Bolieo Felix, (Island Pond) laborer, Cross. |
BONET T ABNER H , (Island Pond) dealer in merchandise, Cross, h do. |
BONNEY NEWTON E, (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry. office, h Mountain. |
Bourbeau Phillip, (Island Pond) laborer, h and lot Ferrin. |
Bourbeau William, (Island Pond) r 14, laborer. |
Boutin David, (E. Brighton) r 23, farmer 38. |
Boutin John, (E. Brighton) r 23, farmer 38. |
Boutin Joseph, (E. Brighton) r 21, farmer. |
Boutin Louis, (E. Brighton) r 23. farmer 76. |
Boutin Louis, Jr., (E. Brighton) farmer 76. |
Boutin Octave, (E Brighton) r 23, farmer 38. |
Bowen Edward, (Island Pond) track foreman G. T. Ry. |
Bowles William R., (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., Back. |
Boyle Patrick, (Island Pond) blacksmith. |
Boyle Patriah, (Island Pond) emp. of G. D. Barney, h Cross. |
Brighton House, (Island Pond) Joseph Belanger, prop., Lake. |
Brown John T., (Island Pond) blacksmith G. T Ry., h and lot. |
Brown Thomas A, (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., Main. |
Bown Willie F., (Island Pond) fireman G. T. Ry. |
Bryant Louis, (Island Pond) laborer, resides with John R. Morse. |
Buck Martha M., (Island Pond) widow of Erastus, prop. boarding-house, h Alder. |
BUCK WILLIE M., (Island Pond) manager Stewart House, South. |
Buley Henry, (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., Main. |
Burnham Charles A, (Island Pond) carpenter, h and lot Ferrin. |
BUTTERS' BOARDING HOUSE, (Island Pond) r 1, J. M. Butters, prop. |
BUTTERS JAMES M., (Island Pond) r I, prop, steam sawmill, also dealer in dry goods and groceries, owns 2,300 acres of timber land. |
Cabana Carl, (Island Pond) fireman G. T. Ky. |
Cades James H., (Island Pond) stone mason, h Derby. |
Cades James W., (Island Pond) laborer, Derby. |
Cargill John, (Island Pond) resident. |
Carr Eugene. (Island Pond) r 8. farmer 76. |
Carren Edward, (Island Pond) laborer, South. |
Carroll Timothy, (Island Pond) laborer, h and lot, North. |
Carter Charles, (Island Pondj laborer, Mill. |
Castonia Ambrose, (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., Lake. |
Castonia Octave, (Island Pond) r 7, farmer 76. |
Cate Carlos G., (Island Pond) laborer, Derby. |
CAUSEBROOK WILLLAM B., (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry. office, h and lot, Main. |
Chadwick John, (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ky., Main. |
Charnblett Alexander, (Island Pond) emp. L. S. Strong, Main. |
Chase Edgar J., (Island Park) painter, Derby. |
Chase Frank, (Island Pond) r I, laborer. |
Chase Fred, (Island Pond) r 1, laborer, owns 28 acres. |
CHASE LEMUEL, (Island Pond) r 1, farmer 40. |
CHENEY L0UIS H. , (Island Pond) carpenter and joiner, h Derby. |
CHENEY WILLIAM W., (Island Pontl) barber, Stewart House, h Middle. |
Clark George L , (Island Pond) lister, agent for sewing machines, steam cookers, etc., Derby. |
Clark Olin S., (Island Pond) dealer in meats, groceries, confectionery, etc., Cross, bds Stewart House. |
CLARKE GIBBS E., (Island Pond) dry goods, grocery, boots, shoes, grain, flour, salt, etc., Main cor Cross. h do |
Cloud Ebenezer H., (Island Pond) r 9, farmer 76. |
Cloud George W., (Island Pond) r 8: emp. in Rosebrook's mill. |
Cobb Arthur P., (Island Pond) clerk. h and lot Ferrin. |
Cobb Josiah P. Jr., (Island Pond) meat market and grocery, Main, h do. |
Coe Abner, (Island Pond) carpenter, h and lot Derby. |
Coffee James, (Island Pond) painter, h Derby. |
Coffee Mary, (Island Pond) widow of Patrick, h Derby. |
Coffee Patrick, Jr.. (Island Pond) painter, Derby. |
COLBURN ALONZO, (Island Pond) r 8 cor 9, 200 sugar trees, farmer 76. |
COLBURN WILLIE H., (Island Pond) r 8 cor 9, farmer with his father, Alonzo, 76. |
COLE ALBURTUS, (Island Pond) r 3, farmer, son of Phineas. |
Cole Phineas, (Island Pond) r 3, 400 sugar trees, farmer 100. |
Companion Louis, (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., h Main. |
Connolly Henry, (Island Pond) r 10, farmer 100. |
Conta Edward, (Island Poud) laborer, Lake. |
Conper James, (Island Pond) laborer, Mountain. |
Corliss Stilman, (Island Pond) conductor G. T. Ry., h and lot Derby, |
Corteau Dominic, (Island Pond) laborer. |
Cothie Joseph. (Island Pond) laborer, Lake. |
Couture Louis, (Island Pond) boarding-house, Lake. |
Covieo Maxim A.. (Island Pond) emp. CT. T. Rv., h and lot Walnut. |
Crane Thomas, (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., h and lot Mountain. |
Curran Bartley J.. (Island Pond) barber, South. |
Curran Mathias, (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., h Mountain. |
Curran Michael, (Island Pond) train man G. T. Ry. |
Curran Patrick, (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., h and lot Back. |
CURRIER ALONZO J., (Island Pond) r 18, 300 sugar trees, farmer 136. |
Currier Ed. J., (Island Pond) laborer. |
CUKRIER ELBRIDGE H., (Island Pond) r 25, milkman, farmer 160. |
Currier Ellsworth A., (Island Pond) r 18, farmer. |
CURRIER GEORGE W., (Island Pond) r 2, milkman, 200 sugar trees, farmer 162. |
CURRIER JASON, (Island Pond) r 4, 12 cows, 500 sugar trees, farmer 300. |
Currier Leander F., (island Pond) r 18, farmer 62. |
CURRIER MERRICK C., (Island Pond) r 4, farmer with his father, Jason. |
CURRIER WILLIAM M., (Island Pond) selectman, farmer 300, served in Co. D, 3d Vt. Vols., h Derby. |
Curtis Willard R., (Istnnd Pond) r 3, laborer, h and lot. |
Cushing Frank, (Island Pond) laborer. |
Cushing Moses A., (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., h and lot Derby. |
Cushman Fred C., (Island Pond) freight conductor on G. T. Ry., bds Essex House. |
Cutier Uzeb, (E. Brighton) r 23. farmer. |
Dale Benjamin M., (Island Pond) engineer G. T. Ry., owns 152 acres, h and lot Middle. |
DALE GEORGE N. HON., (Island Pond} attorney and counselor at law, owns 152 acres, South, bds Stewart House. |
Danforth Adam, (Island Pond) r 14, conductor G. T. Ry. |
Danforth Christopher, (Island Pond) laborer, Main. |
Danforth George, (Island Pond) r 14, h and lot and 10 acres. |
Danforth Orlando C., (Island Pond) r 9, farmer 150. |
Danforth Scott, (Island Pond) r 1, emp. in Butters's mill. |
Danforth William R., (Island Pond) r 14, emp. G. T. Ry. |
Danforth Wright, (Island Pond) r 14, emp. G. T. Ry. |
Daniels Williams R., (Island Pond) r 14, iaborer. |
Davis Asa, (Island Pond) retired farmer, aged 82, h North. |
Davis Charles W., (Island Pond) r 10, 300 sugar trees, farmer 125. |
DAVIS EDWARD, (Island Pond) engineer on G. T. Ry., h Derby. |
DAVIS ELIJAH W., (Island Pond) engineer on G. T. Ry., owns 85 acres, h and lot Elm. |
Davis George W., (Island Pond) r 13, brakeman G. T. Ry. |
Davis Herbert L., (Island Pond) conductor on G. T. Ry., South. |
Davis James J., (Island Pond) stone cutter, h and lot Oak. |
Davis John M., (Island Pond) r 13, emp. in Fitzgerald's mill, h and lot. |
Davis Marshall H., (Island Pond) general merchant, Derby, h do. |
DAVIS MORTIMER C., (Island Pond) prop. Essex House, dealer in coal, lime, brick, cement, etc., also meat market. |
DAVIS OSCAR T., (Island Pond) clerk Essex House. |
DECHENE A. OLIVER, (Island Pond) clerk: locomotive department G. T. Ry., h Pleasant. |
Deveny Patrick, (Island Pond) farmer 114, Mountain. |
Donahue Martin, (Island Pond) laborer, h and lot Back. |
Donahue Michael, ( Island Pond) laborer, Back. |
Donahue Patlick, (Island Pond) laborer, h Back. |
Donaldson John, (Island Pond) engineer G. T. Ry., h Main. |
Doyle Gilbert E., (Island Pond) clerk, emp. G. E Clarke, Cross. |
Doyle James M.. (Island Pond) off r 10. farmer, occupies 182. |
DUNBAR ERVIN M., (Island Pond) dealer in hardware, tin aand hollowware, glassware, crockery and furniture, Cross, h North. |
Dunham Frank T., (Island Pond) fireman G. T. Ry., h North. |
Dunn James, (Island Pond) emp G. T. Ry. |
Dyer Charles M., (Island Pond) manuf. lumber mills in Canaan, Vt , bds Stewart House. |
Dyer Marshall L., (Island Pond) engineer G. T. Ry., bds Mountain. |
Eglirbton John, (Island Pond) laborer, Lake. |
ELIE ANTONIA, M. D., (Island Pond) physician and surgeon, Main. |
ELKINS FLOYD A., (Island Pond) switchman. emp. G. T. Ry., h North. |
EMERY FRANK J., (Island Pond) clerk. bds Main cor Cross. |
ESSEX COUNTY HERALD, (Island Pond) W. H. Bishop, editor and prop., published every Friday. South. |
ESSEX HOUSE, (Island Pond) M. C. Davis, prop., Derby. |
Ewrns George W., (Island Pond) r 3, farmer. |
Farmer Bradley, (Island Pond) resident with Charles C. |
Farmer Charles C., (Island Pond) carpenter and joiner, Derby. |
FARMER JOHN C, (Island Pond) r 6, son of Ladoit, farmer 100. |
FARMER LADOIT, (Island Pond) r 6, 250 sugar trees, farmer 150. |
Farr Charles W., (Island Pond) r 11 1/2, 400 sugar trees, farmer 172. |
Farr Ellwood, (Island Pond) farmer. |
Farr Herman, (Island Pond) off r 17. farmer. |
Farr Rebecca M., (Island Pond) r 114, widow of William W. |
Farrell James W., (Island Pond) train dispatcher, bds Stewart House. |
Fecteau Fredinand, (Island Pond) laborer, Ferrin. |
Felstead George, (Island Pond) laborer, Mountain. |
Finnegan Edward, (Island Pond) r 1, emp. Butters's Mill. |
Finigan John, (Island Pond) resident, Derby. |
Fitzgerald Charles T., (Island Pond) lumberman, son of G. H., h Mountain. |
FITZGERALD GEORGE, (Island Pond) retired lumber manuf., h Derby, |
FITZGERAT,D GEORGE H., (Island Pond) (G. H. F. & Co.) (Robinson & Fitzgerald) owns about 2,500 acres in Brighton and 3/4 of Warren Gore, h Cross cor North. |
FITZGERALD G. H. & CO., (Island Pond) (G. H. F., E. C. Robinson and E. J. Parsons) manufs. and dealers in all kinds of lumber, Mill. |
Fitzgerald Henry E., (Island Pond) lumberman, son of G. H., bds do. |
Flaherty Anthony, (Island Pond) farmer, h Mountain. |
Flaherty Coleman J., (Island Pond) laborer, bds Mountain. |
Flaherty Michael, (Island Pond) emp G. T. Ry. |
Flaherty Patrick, (Island Pond) round-house watchman G. T. Ry., Lake. |
Flaherty Patrick, (Island Pond) fireman G. T. Ry., h Mountain. |
Flint Henry A., (Island Pond) laborer, Derby. |
Fogg James C., (Island Pontl) (Fogs & Bickford) h Main. |
Fogg & Bickford. (Island Pond) (James C. F. and Runa P. B. ) general merchants, Main. |
Foley Coleman J., (Island Pond) laborer. |
Foley John, (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., h Mountain. |
Foley Patrick, (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., Back |
Foley Thomas (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., h and 10 acres, Mountain. |
Foley Thomas P., (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., Mountain. |
FOLLETT LOUIS, (Island Pond) deputy collector and inspector U. S. customs, h Alder. |
Forque Louis, (E Brighton) emp. in Hobson's mill |
FOSS DON C , (Island Pond) emp. F. T. Ry., h cor Derby and Pleasant. |
FOSS EUGENE, (Island Pond) fireman G. T. Ry., Derby. |
Foster George F., (Island Pond) carpenter and joiner, h Main. |
Fowler Dudley B., (Island Pond) r 10, farmer with N. A. |
Fowler D. B. & N. A., (Island Pond) r 10, farmers 150. |
Fowler Nahum A., (Island Pond) r 10. farmer with D. B. |
Fowler William, (Island Pond) off r 10, farmer 76. |
French Alvin J., (Island Pond) r 13, laborer. |
French Joseph, (Island Pond) r 13, laborer. |
Gagnon Alfred, (E. Brighton) emp. Hobson's mill. |
Garland John H., (Island Pond) yard foreman for G. H. Fitzgerald & CO., bds Stewart House. |
Cerrish John H., (Island Pond) shingle sawyer for C. H. Fltzgcrald & Co., bds Main. |
Gill Thomas, (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., owns 50 acres, h Mountain. |
Gilman Alva, (Island Pond) r 18, farmer 50 acres. |
Gilman James M., (Island Pond) r 18, farmer 100. |
Gleason Dennis, (Island Pond) h and lot, Back. |
Gleason Edward, (Island Pond) laborer, bds Back |
Gonia Jerome, (E. Brighton) emp. Hobson's mills. |
GONYA CHARLES, (Island Pond) train dispatcher, h Alder. |
Gonya Edward E.. (Island Pond) engineer G. T. Ry., owns h and lot, bds Mountain. |
Gonya John B., (Island Pond) retired carpenter, h Alder. |
Gonya Sylvia, (E. Brighton) clerk at S. D. Hubson's. |
Gosley Peter, (Island Pond) laborer. |
Gosley Thomas, (E. Brighton) r 23, farmer. |
Goulette Louis, (E. Brighton) emp. Hobson's mill. |
Grady William, (Island Pond) laborer, South. |
Graham John, (Island Pond) r 14, laborer. |
Grant John B., (Island Pond) r 17, deputy collector and inspsctor Canadian customs, owns 13 acres. |
Gravel Joseph, (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., h Lake. |
Green Mountain House, (Island Pond) N. Warner, prop., Lake. |
Griffin Mat, (Island Pond) sawyer, h Back. |
Griffin Thomas, (Island Pond) laborer, South. |
Grow Arthur, (Island Pond) r 7, farmer 76. |
Crow Arthur F., (Island Pond) r 17, farmer 76. |
Guilmett Anselm, (Island Pond) laborer, bds with Peter. |
Guilmett Edmund, (Island Pond) laborer. bds with Peter. |
Guilmett Peter, (Island Pond) machinist G. T. Ry., h and lot Walnut. |
Gunn Barnard B., (Island Pond) retired carpenter, h Walnut. |
Hall Austin H., (Island Pond) r 17, supt. of schools, farm 250, h Cross. |
HALL THOMAS S., (Island Pond) clerk G. T. Ry., h Main. |
Hancock Darwin, (Island Pond) r 19, farmer 50. |
Hancock Jeremiah, (Island Pond) r 19, farmer 200. |
Hancock Jerry A., (Island Pond) r 19, farmer, with Jeremiah. |
Hardy Herbert T., (Island Pond) laborer, h and lot Derby. |
Harman Elmer R. (Island Pond) brakeman, emp. G. T. Ry., bds Essex House. |
Harmon Frank, (Island Pond) watchman, emp. G. T. Ry., h Oak. |
Harmon Stephen M., (Island Pond) carpenter and joiner, h Oak. |
Hawkins K. S , (Island Pond) r 2, laborer, |
HAYNES DAVID A., (island Pond) prop. grist-mill, and dealer in flour, feed, etc., h and lot. |
Herrin George D., (Island Pond) laborer, h Derby. |
Hill George W., (Island Pond) deputy collector and inspector U. S. customs, bds Stewart House. |
Hill John, (Island Pond) r 14, laborer. |
Hill Silas F., (Island Pond) jeweler, Cross. |
HINMAN TIMOTHY, (Island Pond) deputy collector and inspector U. S. customs, h Pleasant. |
HOBBS C. WASHINGTON, (Island Pond) conductor G. T. Ry., h and lot Alder. |
Hobson A. W., (E. Brighton) r 21, (S D. Hobson & Sons.) |
Hobson Eugene F., (E. Brighton) (S. D. Hobson & Sons) postmaster and lister. |
Hobson Howard H., (E. Brighton) r 21, (S D. Hobson & Sons ) |
HOBSON NATHAN, (Island Pond) dealer in hardware, tin and hollowware, furniture, cofins and caskets, owns 40 acres Cross, h and lot South. |
Hobson Samuel D., [E. Brighton) r 14, (S. D. Hobson & Sons) |
HOBSON S. D. & SONS, (E. Brighton) r 22, (S. D. H., H. H. H., E. F. H. and A. W.H.) general merchants, props. steam saw-mill, dealers in timber, clapboards, laths, shingle s, etc., owns 15,000 acres of land. |
Hodsden Carl B., (Island Pond) engineer G. T. Ry., h Main. |
Holleran John, (Island Pond) car repairer, emp. G. T. Ry., h Mountain. |
Holmes John, (Island Pond) r 20, farmer 230. |
Hopkins James, (Island Pond) laborer, Ferrin. |
Hopkins Levi H., (Island Pond) r 3 cor 1, laborer. |
Hopkins Selden: (Island Pond) r 19, laborer. |
HORR GEORGE E., (Island Pond) engineer G. T. Ry., h and lot, Mountain. |
Horr Percie W., (Island Pond) law student, Main, bds Mountain. |
Hudson Edward J., (Island Pond) sawyer, h with J. Holmes. |
Hudson H. Jerome, (E. Brighton) r 21, laborer. |
Hunter George, (Island Pond) r 11 1/2, farmer 76. |
Hunter George A., (Island Pond) farmer, son of George. |
Jacque Joseph, (Island Pond) emp. in Fitsgerald's mill, h Ferrin. |
Jean Lewis, (Island Pond) off r 17, farmer 38. |
Jean Paul, (Island Pond) off r 17. farmer 38. |
Jenne Loren M., (Island Pond) principal of.Island Pond Graded School, bds Ceoss. |
Johnson Elhanan F., (Island Pond) clerk G. T. Ry., Derby. |
Joy Arba, (Island Pond) r 1, farmer 175. |
Judd Damon, (Island Pond) mechanic, brick mason, h South. |
Judge Patrick, (Island Pond) shoemaker, Cross. |
Kane Peter, (Island Pond) lnborer, Brick. |
Kennedy Michael, (E. Brighton) ernp. in Hobson's mill. |
Kilpatrick Cornelius, (Island Pond) emp G. T. Ky., h Back. |
Kilpatrick Thomas, (Island Pond) lnborer, h Back. |
Kimball Frank D., (Island Pond) watchman G. T. Ry. |
King Lizzie, (Island Pond) widow of Mark S., Ferrin. |
King Henry, (Island Pond) off r 17, farmer 76. |
King Thomas, (Island Pond) blacksmith, h Alder. |
Knapp Hubbard C., (Island Pond) emp. G. H. Fitzgerald & Co., owns 76 acres. h Mill. |
Knapp Wallace W., (Island Pond) emp. Fitzgerald's mill, h and lot, Ferris. |
Lachance Louis, Island Pond) ernp. L. S. Strong, Main. |
Ladd Agnes. (Island Pond) widow of Harison, h and lot, North. |
LAUD CHARLES D., (Island Pond) constable, blacksmith and carriage repairer, dealer in coffins and caskets, Cross. |
Ladd John F., (Island Pond) brakeman G. T. Ry., h and lot. |
Ladd Joseph, (Island Pond) resident with C. D. |
LADD LUTHER, (Isla;ld Pond) carpenter and joiner, owns 85 acres, h Pleasant. |
Ladd Martin B., (Island Pond) carpenter and joiner, h and lot, Pleasant. |
Ladd William D., (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., Mountain. |
Laffleur Sifris, (E. Brighton) r 23, farmer 76. |
Lafleur Louis, (Island Pond) farmer wilh Siffrus. |
Lafountain Henry, (E. Brighton) emp. at Hobson's mill. |
Lafountain J. B , (Island Pond) h and lot. |
Lamb Andrew, (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., h Park. |
Lamere A., (Island Pond) mason, bds Cross. |
Langmaid George A., (Island Pond) r 11 1/2, farmer. |
Langmaid Riley, (Island Pond) emp. of G. H. Fitzgerald & Co. |
Laundry Frank, (E. Brighton) r 23, emp. Hobson's mill. |
Laurie John T., (Island Pond) train dispatcher, bds Stewart House. |
Lefebvre Charles, (Island Pond) mail agent, British service, h Derby. |
Lefebvre Peter L., (Island Pond) brakeman G. T. Ry. |
Lefebvre Susie. (Island Pond) emp. Mrs. Nancy B. Nason, bds Derby. |
Letarte Archie, (Island Pond) brakeman, bds Mountain. |
LINDEN JOHN F., (Island Pond) r 6, emp. in Rosebrook's mill. |
Lindsey Sylvester, (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., h North. |
Linehan John H., (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., Lake. |
Linnehan John, (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry. |
Locke Moses, (Island Pond) laborer. |
LOMBARD WILLIAM W., (Island Pond) dealer in watches, jewelry and plated ware, Cross, h Alder. |
Lougee Nelson B., (Island Pond) laborer, Derby. |
Lynn John D.,.(Island Pond) r 11 1/2, farmer 152. |
Lyon Charles, (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., h Ferrin. |
Lyon James, (Island Pond) r 14, emp. G. T. Ry., Lake. |
Mansur Joseph A, (Island Pond) deputy sheriff and tax collector, h Derby. |
Mansur Orange L., (Island Pond) sewing machine agent, h Cross. |
MANSUR ZOPHAR M., (Island Pond) attorney and counselor at law, Main, h Mountain, served in Co. K, 10th Vt. Vols. 3 years. |
Maroney Francis, (Island Pond) laborer, bds Mountain. |
Maroney Stephen, (Island Pond) steward Stewart House, South, owns 12 acres, h and lot 9 acres, Mountain. |
Maroney Stephen, Jr, (Island Pond) clerk, bds Mountain. |
Martin William, (Island Pond) r 11, laborer. |
Mason Charles, (IsIand Pond) invalid, bds Lake road. |
Mason George W., (Island Pond) laborer, h Lake road. |
McCullough James, (Island Pond) r 1, emp Butters's mill. |
McGee Charles, (Island Pond) engineer G. T. Ry., h and lot. |
McGee Louis, (Island Pond) laborer, Derby. |
McKELVEY JOSEPH H., (E. Brighton) r 22. farmer 80. |
McKelvey Robert C., (E. Brighton) r 22, laborer. |
McKenley Moses, (Island Pond) n r 18, farmer 62. |
McKenzie David P., (Island Pond) barber, Main, h and lot Ferrin. |
McKinney Bemis J., (Island Pond) truckman, h and lot 11 acres, Ferrin. |
McKey Willlam, (Island Pond) stationary engineer for G. H. Fltzgerald. |
McLaughlin John, (Island Pond) r 1, emp. Butters's mill |
Meehan James W., (Island Pond) r 10, farmer 152. |
Meehan Thomas, (Island Pond) off r 10, farmer 102. |
Mercier Emery, (Island Pond) laborer, North. |
Mercier Thomas, (E. Brighton) emp. in Hobson's mill. |
Moffett Joseph, (Island Pond) laborer, h North. |
Monaghan Patrick J,, (Island Pond) r 1, emp. Butters's mill. |
MOON HIRAM, (Island Pond) mechanic, prop. boarding-house, Main. |
Moor Edwin A, (Island Pond) r 3, farmer. |
Moore W. George, (Island Pond) farmer, |
Morin M., (E. Brighton) emp. Hobson's mill. |
Morrisette A., (E. Brighton) emp. Hobson's mill. |
Morrisette Joseph, (Island Pond) r 17, farmer 76. |
MORSE DEARBORN, (Island Pond) house painter, h Main. |
Morse Edwin D., (Island Pond) marker for Nulhegan Lumber Co, h Mountain. |
Morse Horace, (Island Pond) laborer, h and 3 acres, Mountain. |
Morse John R., (Island Pond) r 11, farmer, h and lot. |
Morse Leon A, (Island Pond) laborer for G. D. Barney. |
Morse Perry, (Island Pond) r 11, farmer. |
Morse Sarah S., (Island Pond) (Mrs. D.) dressmaker, Main. |
Morse Stedman D., (Island Pond) conductor G. T. Ry., h and lot North. |
Mosher Frank C., (Island Pond) clerk, h North. |
Mosher Richard, (Island Pond) harnessmaker, Derby. |
Moulton Mark A., (Island Pond) carpenter, h and lot North. |
Moye Frederick, (Island Pond) carpenter, bds Derby. |
Moye George, (Island Pond) carpenter and joiner, h Derby. |
Murphy Charles, (Island Pond) r 17, farmer. |
Murphy John H., (E. Brighton) r 23, farmer 152. |
Nadeau Frank, (Island Pond) laborer, h Back. |
Nadeau Laurenr, (Island Pond) r 1, emp. Burrers's mill. |
Nadeau Thomas, (E. Brighton) r 21, farmer. |
Nason Nancy B , (Island Pond) widow of Porter, millinery and fancy goods, Cross, h do. |
Needham Alton C., (Island Pond) engineer G. T. Ry., h Derby. |
Nicholson William, (Island Pond) laborer, South. |
Nolan Charles W,, (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., h Ferrin. |
Norcross Edward F., (Island Pond) physician and surgeon, bds Stewart House. |
Norton Henry B., (Island Pond) r 14, laborer, owns 12 acres. |
NOYES GEORGE W., (Island Pond) foreman locomotive department G. T. Ry., h and lot Mountain. |
O'Keefe James, (Island Pond) laborer, Lake. |
O'Keefe Patrick, (Island Pond) dealer in groceries, Lake. |
O'Reilly John, (Island Pond) emp. Fitzgerald's mill, Mill. |
Paine Wilson A., (Island Pond) off r 10, farmer 76. |
Paquet Frank, (E. Brighton) r 22, emp. S. D. Hobson & Sons. |
Parker Albert, (Island Pond) emp G. T. Ry. office, h Derby. |
Parker Amory, (Island Pond) laborer, Derby. |
PARSONS EDWARD J., (Island Pond) (G. H. Fitzgerald & Co.) justice of the peace, h Cross. |
Patterson Thomas, (Island Pond) emp. G. H. Fitzgerald & Co., h Cross. |
Pease George N., (Island Pond) laborer. Derby. |
Pelchie Joseph, (Island Pond) laborer, Back. |
Pelchie Francis, (Island Pond) r 1, emp. Butters's mill. |
Penfold Willlam H., (Island Pond) train dispatcher, h Main. |
Percival Milo E., (Island Pond) livery and boarding stable, h and lot Cross. |
Perkey Oliver, (Island Pond) emp. W. R. Rosebrook, |
Perry George A., (Island Pond) r 14, laborer. |
Perry Lawrence, (E. Brighton) r 16, emp. in Hobson's mill. |
Perry Marcellus, (Island Pond) laborer, mill. |
Perry Oscar, (Island Pond) laborer, h Lake road. |
Pheeney Margaret, (Island Pond) widow of Patrick, h Mountain. |
Pheeney Richard F., (Island Pond) fireman G. T. Ry., h Derby. |
Pichie Leon, (Island Pond) laborer, Mill. |
Pelkey John, (Island Pond) laborer, Derby. |
Pinney Frank A., (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ky., Ferrin. |
Pinney Levi, (Island Pond) farmer 100, h Main cor Alder. |
Queen Bridget. (Island Pond) widow of Blanchard, h Mountain. |
RANDALL HENRY E., (Island Pond) deputy collector and inspector U. S. customs h South. |
RAWSON JOSEPH C., (Island Pond) pharmaceutist and dealer in drugs, medicines and fancy goods, Main, h do. |
REEVE JOHN, (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry. office, h Walnut. |
RENELL MARTIN V., (Island Pond) sexton, h Derby. |
Revoir Moses, (IsIand Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., h Lake. |
Revoir Peter, (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., h Lake. |
Richardson Frank, (Island Pond) clerk Stewart House, South. |
RICHARDSON WILLIAM A., (Island Pond) prop. Stewart House, South, and of Littleton House, Littleton, N. H. |
Richford Peter, (Island Pond) r 14, laborer. |
Riggie Bartholomew, (E. Brighton) emp S. D. Hobson. |
Riggie John, (E. Brighton) stationery engineer, farmer 76. |
Riggie John, Jr., (E. Brighton) emp. S. D. Hobson. |
Riggie Louis. (E. Brighton) r 21. farmer 76. |
Roberts Charles A., (Island Pond) carpenter, bds Mountain. |
Robinson Converse, (Island Pond) resident with D. S. Storrs. |
ROBINSON EBER C., (Island Pond) (R. & Fitzgerald and A. Bartlett & Co.) chief deputy collector U. S. customs, h South cor Mountain. |
ROBTNSON GEORGE S., (Island Pond) town clerk, treasurer and general insurance agent, Main, h North. |
Rollins Joseph A., (Island Pond) laborer, Ferrin. |
Rosebrook Edward P., (Island Pond) r 6, emp. Rosebrook's mill. |
Rosebrook Joel H., (Island Pond) r 8, farmer 80. |
Rosebrook John P., (Island Pond) r 6, emp. Rosebrook's mill. |
ROSEBROOK WILLIAM R, (Island Pond) r 8, lister, prop. saw-mill, 23 grade Jersey cows, 43 head cattle, 50 sheep, 8,000 sugar trees, farmer 300, and timber land 1,000. |
ROSSINK LOUIS P., (Island Pond) physician and surgeon, Main. |
Rowe Clinton S., (Island Pond) r 3, farmer. |
Rowe Samuel C., (Island Pond) r 3, farmer 140. |
Rundlett Louise L., (Island Pond) widow of Gardner, h Mill. |
Sadleir Fred R., (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry. office, h Mountain. |
Sadleir Malcolm F.. (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry. ofice, h Mountain. |
Saul Fred W., (Island Pond) laborer, h Back. |
Sawyer Luther H., (Island Pond) r 11 1/2, farmer 111. |
Scholles Henry, (Island Pond) r 7, farmer 76. |
Scott Alexander, (Island Pond) laborer. Ferrin. |
Sellers John, (Island Pond) pastor of Christ church, btls Stewart House. |
Seymour Thomas, (Island Pond) laborer, h Derby. |
Skillings James W., (Island Pond) engineer Cr. T. Ry., owns 167 acres, h Cross cor Derby. |
Sloan David, (Island Pond) r 14, emp. G. T. Ry. |
Smith Adna, (Island Pond) r 18, farmer 76. |
Smith Almon, (Island Pond) farmer, Ferrin. |
Smith Almon, Jr, (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., h and lot, Ferrin. |
Smith Charles H., (Island Pond) laborer, h Lake. |
Smith George, (Island Pond) laborer, Lake |
Smith Lewis M., (Island Pond) laborer, h and lot, Ferrin. |
Smith Mike, (Island Pond) r 1. emp. Butters's mill. |
Smith Osman IV., (Island Pond) r 20, 300 sugar trees, farmer 200. |
Smith Volnev, (Island Pond) r 20, farm laborer. |
Smithers Wilbur S., (Island Pond) pastor M. E. church, h Cross. |
Steady Edw. A., (Island Pond) barber and musician, bds Maple. |
Steady Jerry A, (Island Pond) carpenter. h Maple. |
Steady Leonard, (Island Pond) fireman G. T. Ry., Oak. |
Steady W. Henry, (IsIand Pond) fireman G. T. Ry. |
Steele Edward J., (Island Pond) r I 7, express agent and farmer 200. |
Steele George C., (Island Pond) r 17 farmer. |
Stevens Calvin I,., (Island Pond) r 17, farmer for A. H. Hall, h and lot in village. |
Stevens D. Charles, (Island Pond) dealer in fruits, confectionery, tobacco, cigars, etc , Cross, h do. |
STEVENS H. RICHARD, (Island Pond) r 1, farmer 160. |
Stevens Sarah A, (Island Pond) widow of E. B., Derby. |
Stevens Susanna. (Island Pond) r I 7, widow of John W. |
Stevens Wendall P., (Island Pond) compositor Essex County Herald, bds Cross. |
STEWART HOUSE, (Island Pond) W. A. Richardson, prop., South. |
STORRS DAVID S , (Island Pond) off r 17, attorney and counselor at law, 12 cows. farmer 250. |
Stott Alexantler, (Island Pond) r 17, farmer 76. |
STRATHERN JAMES, (Island Pond) station. and baggqe master G. T. Ry. office, h and lot Mountain. |
Street Charles, (Island Pond) r 14, laborer, h and lot. |
STRONG LEWIS S ,. (Island Pond) manuf. of harnesses, boots aqd shoes, and general repairing, Main, h and lot. |
Swain Joseph B., (Island Pond) h Back. |
Talbot Flavia, (E. Brighton) emp. in Hobson's mill. |
Talbot John B., (E. Brighton) r 22, emp. Hobson's mill. |
Taylor C. Fred, (Island Pond) farmer 62. |
Taylor Henry, (Island Pond) r 1, emp. Butter's mill. |
Taylor John, (Island Pond) laborer. |
Terrier Peter, (Island Pond) emp. of G. H FItzgerald & Co. |
Tibeault Henry, (Island Pond) laborer, Ferrin. |
Tibeault Joseph, (E. Brighton) emp. in Hubson's mill. |
Thomas George O., (Island Pond) r 5, farmer 100. |
Thomas Orison M., (lsland Pond) r 5. farmer 36. |
Thurston Charles D., (Island Pond) fireman G. T. Ry., Mountain. |
Thurston John T., (Island Pond) engineer G. T. Ry., h and lot, Mountain. |
THURSTON JOHN W., (Island Pond) deputy collector and inspector U. S. customs, North. |
Tracy Andrew E., (Island Pond) r 12, farmer with Peter. |
Tracy Charles F., (Island Pond) farmer with Michael. |
TRACY JOHN E., (Island Pond) engineer G. T. Ry., h and lot, Mountain. |
Tracy Michael, (Island Pond) farmer 79, Mountain. |
Tracy Peter, (Island Pond) r 12, farmer 270, Mountain. |
Trudeau Louis, (Island Pond) blacksmith, Cross. |
Turgeon Edward, (Island Pond) laborer, Derby. |
Turgeon Narcisse, (Island Pond) r 17, farmer. |
Turner Charles, (Island Pond) laborer. |
Vallee Charles A, (Island Pond) clerk, bds Alder. |
Vallee Walter G., (Island Pond) emp N. Hobson, bds Center. |
Vallee Willie C., (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., bds Center. |
VILLAGE HOTEL, (Island Pond) G. D. Barney, prop., Cross. |
Warner Nickerson, (Island Pond) prop. Green Mountain House, farmer 70, Lake. |
Webster Horatio N., (Island Pond) laborer, Ferrin. |
Webster Orson J., (Island Pond) farmer, owns farm in Morgan. |
Webster Russell G., (Island Pond) r 1, farmer. |
Welch James, (Island Pond) emp. G. H. Fitzgerald. |
Welch Joseph, (Island Pond) r 1, emp. Butters's mill. |
Whitcomb Jennie, (Islant Pond) widow of David, h Middle. |
White Edmund, (Island Pond) emp G. T. Ry., Back. |
White James, (Island Pond) emp. N. F. White, Main. |
White John, (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry. freight office. |
White John, (Island Pond) emp. G. T. Ry., South. |
WHITE NAPOLEON F., (Island Pond) carriage, house and sign painter, Main, bds Cross |
White Thomas, (Island Pond) fuel foreman G. T. Ry., South. |
Wiles Israel, (Island Pond) r 18, farmer. |
Willey Henry, (Island Pond) section hand G. T. Ry., h Main. |
Willey John, (Island Pond) laborer, Lake. |
Willey Theophile, (Island Pond) laborer, Back. |
Williams Frank T., (Island Pond) conductor G. T. Ry., Main. |
Willoughby John, (Island Pond) ticket agent G. T. Ry., h Derby. |
Wilmot William W., (Island Pond) emp. in Fitzgerald's mill, Derby. |
Wilson George W., (Island Pond) r 11 1/2, farmer 65. |
WING CALVIN, (Island Pond) mail agent and prop. stage line from Island Pond to Derbly Line, h Main. |
Wing Fred, (E. Brighton) emp. S. D. Hobson. |
Wood Peter, (Island Pond) r 7, laborer. |
Woodbury Louis A., (Island Pond) postmaster, Main, h Derby. |