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The figures following the letter r indicate the number of the road on which the party resides,
and will be found by reference to the map in the back part of this work.
Where no road number is given the party is suppossed to reside in the village.
Figures placed after the occupation of acres owned or leased.
The word street is implied.
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ADGATE LUTHER W., M. D., (E. Hardwick) physician and surgeon, Church, h do. |
AIKEN DANIEL W., (D. W. Aiken & Son) owns farm about 500, aged 87. |
AIKEN D. W. & SON, dealers in dry goods, groceries, provisions, boots and shoes, paints and oils, crockery, etc., established 1832. |
AIKEN EDWARD, (D. W. Aiken & Son) bds. Tuttle. |
Aiken Samuel A., farmer with D W. |
Ainsworth Alvin P., employee of Cate & Bunker. |
AINSWORTH JOEL R., r 56, justice of the peace, 6 cows, 800 sugar trees, farmer 90 |
Ainsworth Melvin J., r 52, employee Wheeler & Shipman. |
Alexander Alonzo, off r 60, farmer, leases of A. E. Jeudevine 10. |
Allen John H., (E. Hardwick) r 21, 15 cows, 25 sheep, farmer 154. |
Anair Willie, emp. Gate & Bunker. |
Andrus Horace E., r 31, druggist, painter and farmer 80. |
Babbitt Frank P., (Wakefield & Babbitt) bds. Centennial House. |
Babbitt Henry A., (E. Hardwick) (Hunt & Babbitt) h Main. |
Badger Enoch. r 57 n 59, resident, aged 80. |
BADGER GEORGE A., r 57 n 59, stone cutter, and farmer 7. |
Bailey Charles F., (E. Hardwick) r 37, student in Institute of Technology at Worcester, Mass, home with C. M. |
BAILEY CHARLES M., Dea., (E. Hardwick) r 37 n 38, town auditor: 20 grade Jersey cows, 400 sugar trees, farmer 120. |
Bailey Clarence S., (E. Hardwick) r 44, farmer with his father, Socrates. |
Bailey George M., r 57 n 59, emp. in saw-mill. |
Bailey Harvey, (Greensboro, Orleans Co.) r 7, farmer 140. |
Bailey J. L. & Sons, (E. Hardwick) r 9 cor 11, (J. L. & S. W. Bailey, of E. Cambridge, Mass., and Wm. S. Bailey, of Hardwick) breeders of Lambert, Columbus, and Almont horses and props. of Maplewood stock farm 200 acres. |
Bailey Socrates, (E. Hardwick) r 44, 18 cows, 800 sugar trees, farmer 428. |
Bailey William S , (E. Hardwick) (J. L. Bailey & Sons) manager of Maplewood stock farm. |
Bailey Willie C., (E. Hardwick) r 44, farmer with his father, Socrates. |
Balch Abner, r 35, resident with Lydia P. Fuller. |
Balch Haskell A., r 56, teamster. |
Balentine Clarence D., r 32, farmer 118. |
Bangs Etta L., r 63, school teacher. |
Bangs Nathaniel A, r 63, carriage and wagon repairer, carpenter, h and lot. |
Barker Alden, (E. Hardwick) laborer, h Main. |
Barrett Edson, off r 60, laborer. |
Barrett Lyman W., r 56, laborer. |
Batchelder Albon B , r 31, farmer with E. E. |
Batchelder Elmer E., r 31, farmer with A. B. 80. |
Batchelder George A., r 31, shoemaker, and farmer with A. B. and E. E. |
BATCHELDER IRA F., prop. of Centennial House and lvery, served in Co. I, 11th Vt. Vols. three years. |
Batchelder Nathaniel G., invalid, served in Co. H, 4th Vt. Vols. three years, b Main. |
BATCHELDER RYLAND D., clerk at Centennial House. |
Bttes Stephen M., r 35, dealer in agricultural implements. |
Bayley Ward S., (E. Hardwick) r 9, farmer 5. |
Bean Benjamin, (E. Hardwick) laborer, h School. |
Bedell J. Wilbur, r 54, farmer with his father, William H. |
Bedell William H., r 54, farmer 40. |
BELL JOHN W., hide buyer, farmer r 42, h Main. |
Belmont George W., r 64, farmer 120. |
Benjamin Leon A.. granite cutter, h Main. |
Benjamin Maria T., r 35. widow Thomas W., resident. |
Biron Oscar F., (E. Hardwick) tinsmith for H. A. Kier & Co., bds. Main. |
BLAKE A. HARRISON, r 70, 14 cows, 500 sugar trees, farmer 170. |
BLAKE HENRY, (E. Hardwick) r 7, 16 COWS, 600 sugar trees, farmer 165. |
Boardman Elias T., carpenter, and farmer 3, h Spring. |
Bowe James, (Greensboro Bend, Orleans Co.) r 14, laborer. |
Bradford Frank, off r 22 n 34, farmer, with W. L. |
Bradford Shipley M., r 32. farmer, leases of E McCrillis, 108. |
BRADFORD WILLIAM L., off r 35, 10 cows, 1,000 sugar trees, strawberry grower. broom manuf., farmer 143. |
BRIDGMAN DORMAN, r 35, 23 cows, 2,800 sugar trees, farmer 300. (Died June 5, 1886, aged 85.) |
BRIDGMAN DORMAN, Jr., r 59, prop. saw-mill, dealer and shipper of butter, farmer 60. |
BRIDGMAN FREDERICK T., veterinary surgeon, h Main. |
Bridgman George W., r 35 n 32, farmer, on estate of Dorman Bridgman, 360. |
Bridgman Henry A., agt. for life insurance, h Maple. |
Bridgman John, farmer 12, h Maple. |
Brigham Sidney S. Rev., pastor M. E. church, h Church, n Academy. |
Bronson Louisa, r 52, widow Reuben, resident, with A. Crandall. |
BRONSON MAHALA. (E. Hardwick) r 13, widow of Timothy G., resident, with her son, William D. |
DRONSON WILLIAM D., (E. Hardwick) r 13, justice of the peace, civil engineer, breeder and dealer in full blooded, registered Jersey cattle, 20 cows, 1,000 sugar trees, farmer 260. |
Brown Benjamin P. Dea., (E. Hardwick) r 9, retired farmer, aged 85. |
BROWN CHESTER, (E. Hardwick) local preacher M. E. church, h Church, |
Brush Emerson, druggist and pharmacist, Main, h Tuttle. |
Bunker Joseph F., (Gate & Bunker) owns on r 29 farm 100. |
Bunker Wlllis S., r 29, farmer, son of J. F. |
Burnham George W., peddler, h and lot Maple. |
Bushy Fred, r 59, emp. Tucker & Bridgman. |
Cahill Francis B., r 58. farmer 35. |
Campbell Jed J., (E. Hardwick) r 21, 1st selectman, 10 cows, 500 sugar trees, farmer 180. |
Campbell Zeno, (E. Hardwick) r 20, farmer 65, aged 79. |
Carr Harvey, r 30, farrner 240. |
Carr William R., r 30, farmer 69, |
Casey John, (E. Hardwick) horseman at Maplewood stock farm. |
Cate William W., (Cate & Bunker) owns on r 68, farm 275. |
Cate & Bunker, (W. W. Cate and J. F. Bunker) lumber manufs. and dealers. |
CENTENNIAL HOUSE, lra F. Batchelder, prop., livery connected, Main opp. Spring. |
CHAFFEE BECKLEY D., (E. Hardwick) r 4, 8 cows, 750 sugar trees, farmer 80, and in Greensboro, Orleans Co., 20. |
Chandler George H., r 31, butter buyer and farmer with Samuels. |
Chandler Harvey N., r 31, cooper, 700 sugar trees, farmer 110. |
Chandler John N.. (E. Hardwick) r 21, leases of Misses L. aud A. Goodrich, farm 165. |
Chandler Josiah, (E. Hardwick) r 6, farmer for Turney Foss. |
Chandler Miranda, r 31, widow Benjamin H., owns farm 65. |
Chandler Samuel S., r 31, farmer 65, and leases of Miranda 65. |
Chase Harrison H., (E. Hardwick) r 3, 11 cows, 400 sugar trees, farmer 90. |
Cheever Eunice, (E. Hardwick) off r 11, resident with D. McDaniels, aged 82. |
Cheever Nathan, (E. Hardwick) retired farmer, h School. |
CHUBB DENNISON S., r 67 cor 69, 10 high grade Jersey cows, farmer 125, partly in Wolcott. |
Chubb Sarah D., r 67 cor 69, widow Joseph, aged, 97, the oldest person in Hardwick. |
Clark Ernest, r 54, farmer, leases of John Andrews 120. |
CLEMENT ARTHUR E., furniture dealer, upholsterer, painter and glazier, picture frames, paper hangings and carpets, undertaker, Main, h do. |
Clifford Cornelius, r 36, farmer 60. |
Clifford Cornelius V., r 36, farmer 60. |
Cobb Carlos S., barber at Contennial House. |
Cobb John, (E. Hardwick) r 20, farmer 85, aged 76. |
Cobb John L., (E. Hardwick) r 20, with John, farmer 85. |
Cobb Lysander J., r 35, farmer 10. |
Cochran Francis W., r 22, farm laborer. |
Colburn William H., r 59 cor 58, farmer 8. |
Cole Calvin B., (E. Hardwick) r 41, carpenter and joiner. |
Cole Cornelius, (E. Hardwick) r 12, farmer 240. |
Cole David L., (E. Hardwick) r 49, 10 cows, 740 sugar trees, 25 sheep, farmer, leases of S Conant, 140. |
Cole Orra C., (Greensboro Bend) r 13, cooper and farmer 10. |
Collier Alfred P., r 22, carriagemaker. |
Collier Benjamin P., r 22, 12 cows, 700 sugar trees, farmer 160. |
Collier Christopher C., carpenter and joiner, h and lot, Maple. |
Collier James M., r 22, farmer 220. |
Conant Augusta, (E. Hardwick) r 21, widow of Malachi, farm 280. |
Conant Lyman, r 30 cor 27, farmer 153, and in Wolcott 50. |
Conant Mary M., r 29 n 28, widow Joseph F., aged 70, owns farm about 200. |
Conant Seth, (E. Hardwick) r 49, farmer 140. |
CRANDALL ALONZO, r 52, breeder registered and grade Jersey cattle, 30 cows, 2,500 sugar trees, farmer 340. |
Cross C. Edward, r 22 cor 23, farmer. |
Cross Joshua, r 59, farm laborer. |
Cross Oliver W., r 61 cor 64, farmer, leases of John W. Bell. |
CUMMINGS EDWIN F., r 50, 8 cows, 800 sugar trees, farmer 100. |
Currier Albert C., (E. Hardwick) off r 41, thresher. 10 cows, farmer 184. |
Currier Henry F., (E. Hardwick) farmer 18 on r 38 car 39, h Church. |
Currier Oliver G., (E. Hardwick) off r 41, widow James M. |
CURTIS ELLEN M., (E. Hardwick) r 9, (Mrs. James W.) |
CURTIS JAMES W., (E. Hardwick) r 9, house painter and farmer, h and lot. |
Darling Sumner E., M. D., physician and surgeon, office and h Church. |
Davidson Alexander, (E. Hardwick) r 3, farmer 140. |
Davis Roswell C., r 23, farmer, leases of S. Conant, 140. |
Davis Willinms Capt., (E. Hardwick) retired sea captain, farmer 60 in Walden, h Main. |
Dean Calenous E., r 3, 20 cows, 1,600 sugar trees, farmer 364. |
Deford Henry, (E. Hardwick) section foreman B. & L. R. R., h and 4 acres, School. |
DELANO JOSEPH R., (E. Hardwick) r 9, 17 cows, manufacturer of and dealer in lumber at Greensboro Bend, and farmer 178. |
Dimick Jason H., r 31, farmer 255. |
Dimick Talitha P., r 31, widow of Joseph W. |
Dow Edwin, (E. Hardwick) farmer, h Main. |
Drenan John S., agent for Corm. Mutual Life Ins. Co., owns farm 10, served in Co. I, and Lieut. of Co. L, 11th Vt. Vols. |
Drenan Warner S., school teacher. |
Drown Hiram, (E Hardwick) r 38, retired farmer, aged 73. |
Drown Merrill, r 32, farmer, leases of C. D. Balentine, 118. |
Drown Nelson, (E. Hardwick) r 19, farmer, h and 3 acres. |
Dutton Alvah L.. r 54. 300 sugar trees. farmer 75. |
DUTTON EPHRAIM D., station agent B. & L.R. R., Vermont division, manager W. U. Tel. ofice, agent American Express Co., agent for Conn. Life Ins. Co., of Hartford, Conn., soldier in the civil war, h Maple. |
DUTTON J. VERNON, operator W. U. Tel. Co. |
Dutton Walter A., lawyer, Main, bds Centennial House. |
Dutton William W., r 29, farmer. |
EASTMAN FRANK S., (E. Hardwick) dealer in clocks. watches, jewelry and silverware, watch repairing a specialty, Main, h Church. |
Ellis Herbert. (E. Hardwick) farmer. bds Cedar. |
ELLIS WILLIAM B., (E. Hardwick) farmer, served in Co. H, 4th Vt. Vol., h Cedar. |
Farnham John, (E. Hardwick) resident, aged 83. |
Farrand Henry M., (E. Hardwick) r 9, shoemaker, h and lot. |
Farr John, r 52, farmer for A. Crandall. |
Fay Brown E., (E. Hardwick) r 9, farmer with F. A. |
FAY FRANK A., (E. Hardwick) r 9, 9 Devon cows, farmer 87, served in Co. C, 1st Vt. Cavalry. |
Fay Stephen, r 29, farmer. |
Field Nathan, (E. Hardwick) 11 cows, 1,000 sugar trees, farmer 130. |
Flanders George A., (E. Hardwick) r 37, farmer 3. |
Flanders Ursula, (E. Hardwick) r 37, widow of Ezekiel, aged 77. |
Folsom William L., farmer for A. E. Jeudevine, h Main. |
Ford Leroy S., carpenter, bds Main. |
Fort Albert A., (E. Hardwick) blacksmith, bds with William. |
Fort William., (E. Hardwick) blacksmith, owns farm 30. |
Foss Furney E., r 6, farmer with his father, Loren C. |
Foss Jonathan, (E. Hardwick) r 21, farmer 40. |
Foss Loren C., r 6, 20 cows, 1,000 sugar trees, breeder Lambert and Hambletonian horses and grade Durham cattle, farmer 265. |
Foster Albert C., works for Wheeler & Shipman. |
FOSTER JONATHAN, (E. Hardwick) r 33 n 36, carpenter, 250 sugar trees, farmer 17. |
Foster William, r 63, emp. L. W. Warren. |
Frazier A. Sidney, r 2, agent for spring beds. |
French Charles L., dealer in potatoes. |
FRENCH FLAVIUS J., (E. Hardwick) resident, h Church. (Died Oct. 30, 1886.) |
French Frank F., farmer, bds Main. |
French Isaac W., retired farmer, h Main. |
French Judith B., r 39, widow of Carlos C., resident, owns with J. 0. Porter 65. |
French Justus C., M. D.. (E. Hardwick) physician and surgeon, h Church. |
French Mark, r 56 n 57. farmer 3. |
French Robert L., (E. Hardwick) r 43, carpenter and joiner, farmer 60. |
Fuller Lydia P. Miss, r 35, resident, h and lot. |
Fuller Simon P , (E. Hardwick) stone cutter, h School. |
Gage Elihu H., r 2 n 1, farmer, leases town farm 130, served in Co. I, 1st Vt. Cav. |
Gannon John W., (E. Hardwick) r 21, farmer, leases of Augusta Conant 280. |
Garvin Charles W., r 67, farmer for J. M. Nelson. |
Garvln Margie, widow of George, resident. |
GEORGE JAMES H., (E. Hardwick) clerk for his father, John H., h School. |
GEORGE JOHN H. Hon., (E. Hardwick) general merchant, chairman board town auditors, h School. |
Giffin Asahel C., (E. Hardwick) r 20 n 21, 400 sugar trees, farmer 100. |
Giffin Chester, (E. Hardwick) r 20 n 21, farmer, aged 82. |
Giffin J. Eugene, (E. Hardwick) r 4, 33 cows, 2,200 sugar trees, farmer 244. |
Gifin Sarah, (E. Hardwick) r 13, widow of James, farmer 160. |
GIFFORD WILLIAM W., r 52, 18 cows, 1,000 sugar trees, farmer 215. |
Gilbert Antoine W., r 2, farmer, leases of C. Stratton 160. |
Gilbert Eugene E, r 1 n 2, farmer. |
Gilbert Joseph 0. 2d, r 2. agent for spring beds |
Gilbert Marshall A., r 2, farmer with A. W. |
Gilchrist Joseph, r 29, carpenter. |
Gile Samuel, (E. Hardwick) r 43. section hand B. & L. R. R., farmer 25. |
Gillis Betsey, r 63, widow of Richard, h and lot. |
Gillis James F., r 63, carpenter. |
Goodrich Albert A., r 30, farmer 150. |
Goodrich Caroline, (E. Hardwick) r 36 cor 37, widow of Samuel. |
Goodrich Drury E., (E. Hardwick) r 22 n 23, farmer 139. |
Goodrich George A., (E. Hardwick) r 36 cor 37, breeder of grade Jersey cattle, 12 cows, farmer 70. |
Goodrich Hosette C., (E. Hardwick) r 22 n 33, widow of F. A., owns farm about 120. |
GOODRICH JUSTUS D., (E. Hardwick) agent for the Vt. Mutual Fire Ins. Co., apiarist 75 colonies Italian bees, manuf. and dealer in beekeepers' supplies, h Pleasant. |
Goodrich Levi F., (E Hardwrck) r 22 n 33, farmer with Hosette C. about 120. |
Goodrich Lucinda and Almira, Misses, (E. Hardwick) r 21, own farm 165. |
Gould Curtis, (E. Hardwick) r 47, 10 cows, 1,000 sugar trees, farmer 147. |
Gould Truman E., (E. Hardwick) r 47 n 48, farmer with Curtis. |
Graham Frank S., (E. Hardwick) farmer, bds Main. |
Graham Jacob H., (E. Hardwick) farmer, h Main, and h and lot on r 19, served in Co. C, 18th Mass. Vols., and Co. H. 71st N. Y. Vols. |
Grant Archie E., r 57 cor 59, teamster for D. Bridgman. |
Grant Fred, (Hardwick) emp. of H. R. Mack. |
Gray Edward J., (Greensboro Bend Orleans Co.) r 14, peddler. |
Gray Jerry, (Greensboro Bend, Orleans Co.) r 14, laborer. |
Green Finley, r 63, dealer in hides. |
Guyer Eliza A. Mrs., r 29 n 28, resident. |
Hale John George, (E. Hardwick) r 37, 13 cows, 1,000 sugar trees, farmer 130. |
HALL ASAHEL, r 63, carpenter, and farmer 180, h and lot, served in Co. B, 15th Vt. Vols. |
HALL ELMER E., carpenter and farmer, bds Spring. |
Hall Frank, r 23 n 31, farmer, leases of Asahel 180. |
Hall John H., r 23, farmer with W. H. Underwood 190. |
Hall L. Etta. milliner and dressmaker, bds Sping. |
HALL ORRIN B., carpenter and joiner, and farmer 25, served in Co, B, 15th Vt. Vols. |
Hall Susannah, r 29, widow of Fred. |
Hancock Alice M., (E. Hardwick) r 12 cor. 19, teacher. |
Hancock Ellen S., (E Hardwick) r 12 cor 19, teacher. |
Hancock John E., (E. Hardwick) r 12 cor 19, farmer with J. M. |
Hancock John M., (E. Hardwick) r 12 cor 19, 12 cows, farmer 200. |
Harrington Almon B., r 63 n 64, farmer, leases of J. S. Smith estate 250. |
Hathaway Lyman D., lawyer, h Church. |
Hathaway Martin V B., surveyor and insurance agent. |
HAYNES GEORGE A., (E. Hardwick) r 49, 22 cows, 800 sugar trees, prop. Haynes's mineral spring, farmer 300. |
Haynes Lewis A., (E. Hardwick) r 49, farmer with his father, George A., 300. |
Hebert Louis N., (Lawson & Hebert.) |
Hill J. Albert, prop, of livery at Maple Park House. |
Hill Fred A., (E. Hardwick) r 45, 500 sugar trees, farmer 85. |
Hill Susan T., (E. Hardwick) r 45, widow of Benjamin D., resident with her son, Fred A. |
Hodgdon Abbie W., (E. Hardwick) widow of Rufus, h School. |
Hodgdon Arthur M., (E. Hardwick) farmer, bds School. |
Hodgdon Moses W., r 28 cor 29, farmer. |
Holton Adolphus A., drug clerk, bds with Helen A. |
Holton Helen A., widow of Adolphus, owns farm, h off Spring. |
Holton Russell B., farmer with Helen A. |
Hood William, (Greensboro Bend, Orleans Co ) r 13, farmer. |
Houston Gary W., stone cutter, h Church. |
Hovey Dwight H., r 48, carriage painter. |
Hovey Fred M., (E. Hardwick) r 37, farmer with J. W. |
HOVEY JABEZ W., (E. Hardwick) r 37 n 38, lister, 16 grade Jersey cows, 20 sheep. 750 sugar trees, farmer 155. |
Hovey Otis E., (E. Hardwick) r 37, civil engineer, home with J. W. |
Howard Erastus, (E. Hardwick) r 38, 400 sugar trees, farmer 175. |
Hoyt George M., r 63, granite cutter. |
Hoyt Samuel, r 56, stone cutter. |
HUNT DANIEL R. Jr., (E. Hardwick) r 19 cor 18, shoemaker, owns 1 1/2 acres, enlisted when 16 years old, and served in 11th Vt. Vols. Heavy Artillery. |
Hunt Edgar, (E. Hardwick) (Hunt & Babbitt) h Main. |
Hunt & Babbitt, (E. Hardwick) (E. Hunt and H. A. Babbitt) general merchants and dealers in furniture and stoves, Main. |
Hunter Thomas M., (E. Hardwick) r 43, trapper. |
HUNTLEY DAVID R., r 35, 10 cows, 700 sugar trees, farmer 150. |
HUNTLEY ZENAS R., farmers' exchange, general merchant, justice of the peace, Main. |
Hurlbert John, r 58, farm laborer. |
Hurlburt Wyatt, r 57 n 59, farm laborer. |
Hyde William D., (E. Hardwick) carpenter and builder, h Cedar n Main. |
Jackson Alvin N., r 62 n 63, dentist. |
Jenness Duer W., (E. Hardwick) postmaster, barber and dealer in tobacco, Main, h do. |
Jennings Charles T., r 51, 9 cows, 250 sugar trees, farmer 100. |
JEUDEVINE ALDEN E. Hon., retired merchant, farmer 1,500, and in Woodbury, Wolcott: Walden, Brighton and Morgan 1,500, insurance agent, h Main n Bridge. |
JOHNSON FRANK G., r 63, job teamster, h and 2 acres. |
JOHNSON GEORGE L., (E. Hardwick) prop. grist-mill, dealer in Bradley's fertilizer. Main, h do. |
JOHNSON HORICE A., (E. Hardwick) r 48, prop. brick yard, 5 cows, farmer, leases of S. Johnson 140. |
JOHNSON SABIN, (E. Hardwick) r 48, farmer 140. |
Jordan Alvin P., (E. Hardwick) r 37, clerk in Boston. |
Jordan William G., r 63, laborer, bds at F. G. Johnson's. |
Joslyn Joseph S., (E. Hardwick) r 45, 8 cows, 30 sheep, 900 sugar trees, farmer 150, and in Walden 300. |
Keeler Lydia A. Mrs , (E. Hardwick) milliner and dressmaker, h Church. |
Keir H. A. & Co, (E. Hardwick) (Henry A. Keir, of Greensboro Bend, and H. Miles) tinsmiths, and dealers in stoves and tinware. Main. |
KEITH CLINTON, (E. Hardwick) (Keith & Lawrence) carpenter and joiner, and millwright, 2d selectman, h Pleasant. |
KEITH & LAWRENCE, (E. Hardwick) (C. Keith and G. H. Lawrence) props. saw-mill, lumber manufs. and dealers, off Main. |
Kellogg Amos T., (E. Hardwick) r 9, farmer with Oran. |
Kellogg Charles E., (E. Hardwick) r 9, painter. |
Kellogg Oran, (E. Hardwick) r 9, farmer 135. |
Kelso James, r 34, 10 cows, 1,000 sugar trees, farmer 123. |
Kendall Osborn R., photographer, Main, bds Spring. |
Kent Frank, commercial traveler, bds Church cor Main. |
Kent George B., commercial traveler, h Church cor Main. |
Kent Maria S., widow of Lyman, resident with her son, George B., Church cor Main. |
KIBBEE JOHN L., veterinary surgeon, served in 3d Vt. Light Battery one year, h Church cor Railroad. |
Kibbee Willie M., emp. of M. E. Tucker, h Main. |
Kidder Joseph A., (E. Hardwick) r 12, farmer 15. |
Kimball Harlan R., teacher, bds Maple. |
Kimball Joshua C., r 50, 10 cows, 200 sugar trees, farmer. |
Kimball Richard G., cattle dealer, h Maple. |
Kittredge Asa J., owns 2 houses and about 15 acres, h Church. |
Knowles Warren L., (E. Hardwick) r 11, farmer for D. McDaniels. |
Lamoureux George A, (E. Hardwick) section hand, owns 5 acres. |
Lamoureux Louis H., (E. Hardwick) r 19, section hand, owns 14 acres. |
Lane Charles H., off r 65, 27 cows, farmer, leases of Mrs. Lorenzo H. Warren about 300 |
Lane James G, r 65, farmer, leases of Mrs M. Thomas 185. |
Lawrence George H., (E. Hardwick) (Keith & Lawrence) carpenter and joiner, h Church. |
LAWSON WILLIE N., (Lawson & Hebert) r 63 n 62. |
LAWSON & HEBERT, (W. N. Lawson and L. A. Hebert) carriage, wagon and sleigh repairers, blacksmiths and horse shoers. |
LEAVITT LORENZO D., (E. Hardwick) justice of the peace, farmer 90 in Wheelock, h Main. |
Leonard Charles F., laborer. |
Leonard Warren I., r 34, farmer with James Kelso 123. |
Lewis Jane A., r 35, widow of Daniel, 800 sugar trees, farmer 80. |
Lewis John W., laborer, Mackville. |
Little Edmund C., (E. Hardwick) r 20, farmer 60. |
LIVINGSTON JOHN B., (E. Hardwick) (Livingston & Montgomery) justice of the peace, town grand juror, owns farm 40, h Church. |
LIVINGSTON & MONTGOMERY, (E. Hardwick) (J. B. L. and C. G. M ) manufs. of carriages, wagons, sleighs and sleds, undertakers, and own with J. H. George 90 acres wood and pasture land. |
Lovejoy Colman J., r 29, farmer 130, and woodland 85. |
Lovejoy S. Jennison, r 68 n railroad, 20 cows, and farmer, leases of W. W. Cate 275. |
Lyford Frank H., clerk. |
Mack Benjamin, r 58, brick mason, h and lot. |
MACK HENRY R., manuf. and dealer in marble and granite, monumental work, curbing, etc., prop. of granite quarry, and farmer 50, Church, h r 62. |
Mack Justus W., granite cutter for H. R. Mack, bds Centennial. |
Mack Willie H., r 58, granite polisher. |
Magoon Elias L., teamster, h Tuttle. |
Magoon Eliza, widow of Joseph, resident, h Tuttle. |
Magoon James G., section man, bds Tuttle. |
MAPLE PARK HOUSE, A. R. Pike, prop., Main. |
Maplewood Stock Farm, (E. Hardwick) r 9 cor 11, William S. Bailey, manager. |
Marsh 0. Herman, (McLoud & Marsh) h Spring cor Maim |
Marsh Wheeler B., (Greensboro Bend, Orleans Co.) r 13, farm laborer. |
Massey Cerele, (E. Hardwick) r 13, farm laborer. |
Massey Demas, (E. Hardwick) r 19, section hand, and farmer 15. |
McCrillis Charles, r 32, 10 cows, 700 sugar trees, farmer 108. |
McCRILLIS EDWARD C., r 32, farmer with his father, Charles, agent for Conn. Life Ins. Co., of Hartford. |
McCrillis Melvin R., harnessmaker. Brittain building. |
McDaniels David, (E. Hardwick) off r 11, manuf. of cider, 10 cows, 700 sugar trees, and farmer 100. |
McLoud J. Henry, (McLoud & Marsh) postmaster. h Spring. |
McLoud & Marsh, (J. H. McLoud and 0. H. Marsh) general merchants, postoffice block. |
Meader Samuel, (E. Hardwick) roof painter with C. R. Whitcher, h Main. |
Merrill Carroll A., r 3 I, farmer, leases of H. N. Chandler 110. |
Miles Angeline, r 36, widow of Marshal, resident with E. A. Porter. |
Miles Clarence U. V., carpenter and joiner, h head of Church. |
Miles Hiram, (E. Hardwick) (H. A. Keir & Co.) h Maln, soldier in the civil war. |
Miller Adin T., (E. Hardwick) farmer 40, h School cor Main. |
Miller Timothy P., (E. Hardwick) r 18, farmer 33. |
Montgomery Carroll S., (E. Hardwick) wheelwright and farmer, with C. G. |
MONTGOMERY CHARLES G., (E. Hardwick) (Livingston & Montgomery) 2d selectman, owns farm 35. |
Montgomery Harvey, (E. Hardwick) r 20, retired lumber mauuf., and farmer with J. S. 175, aged 81. |
MONTGOMERY JOHN S., (E. Hardwick) r 20, 20 cows, breeder of reg. Jersey cattle and fine Morgan and Merrill horses, 1,000 sugar trees, and with Harvey, farmer 175. |
Morse Irvin J., (E. Hardwick) laborer, h Main. |
Morse Nathan C., r 25, lumber sawyer for M. E. Tucker. |
MUNSON WILLIAM R., r 54, agent Wheeler & Wilson sewing machine, farmer, leases of Edwin Houston 90. |
Nelson George, (E. Hardwick) r 43 n 44, farmer 30. |
NELSON J. MONROE Rev., r 67, pastor of Wolcott and Hardwick Free Baptist church, 12 cows, breeder of grade Holsteins, 600 sugar trees, and farmer 150. |
Nelson Miles G.. (E. Hardwick) r 7, farmer 163. |
Newell Alonso W., (E. Hardwick) r 41, commercial traveler. |
Nichols Daniel S., r 27 n 26, farmer 100. |
Niles Van Doren, r 3, farmer with J. C. Thornton 160. |
Noble David, (E. Hardwick) r 43, section foreman for B. & L. R. R., owns farm 65. |
Norris Charles W., r 48, farmer with his mother, Sarah A., 140. |
Norris Harley F., r 48, farmer with Sarah A. |
Norris Sarah A., r 48, widow of Samuel R., 10 cows, 200 sugar trees, farmer 140 |
Norris William C., r 58, farmer about 80. |
Norris William W., resident, h r 64 n grist-mill. |
Noyes Walter N., r 22, tinsmith and farmer, leases of C. N. Shedd 100. |
Nutting Emily, (E. Hardwick) widow of Jonathan, resident, h Church. |
Olmstead Frank A., r 64, 12 cows, 500 sugar trees, 150 fruit trees, farmer 160, served in Co. E, 3d Vt. Vols. |
Orton Lyman S., (E. HardwIck) r 12, 10 cows, farmer 200. |
Owen Silas W., (E. Hardwick) clothes wringer repairer, h School. |
Page Jonathan W., r 56, carpenter and joiner. |
PAIGE CHARLES A., stone cutter, h Maple. |
PAINE ORRIN, (E. Hardwick) r 18, 8 cows, 13 sheep, 600 sugar trees, farmer 100. |
Paine P. Sawyer, (Greensboro Bend, Orleans Co.) r 13, 17 cows, 700 sugar trees, farmer 200. |
Parks Duran B., r 31 cor 30. laborer. |
Parks Homer S., r 29, farmer. |
Perkins Edgar E., farmer. |
Perley Henry, overseer of the poor, justice of the peace, special administrator, h Church |
Perrin Augusta, (E. Hardwick) nurse, home with C. Underwood. |
PERRIN WALTER J., r 56, 10 cows, 400 sugar trees, farmer 130. |
PHILBROOK ADAMS, commercial traveler. |
PHILBROOK SOPHlA, r 50, widow Heman, resident with E. F. Cummings. |
Pierce Arthur, r 69, farmer, leases of C. S. Noves, of Morrisville, about 80. |
Pierce Arthur L., r 66 n 71, farmer, leases of C. Warren, of Wolcott, about 75. |
PIKE ADNA R., prop. Maple Park House. |
Place Allen D , r 35, carpenter and joiner. |
Porter Edmund A., r 36 cor 39 1/2, farmer 90, |
Porter John O., r 39, farmer about 65. |
PORTER LEWIS W., butcher, and dealer in all kinds of fresh and salt meats, &c., and hides, owns h and 7 acres in Worcester, VL., h Main opp. Church, served in Co. B, 1st N. H. Cav., was captured near Ream's Station, Va., and spent five months in Libby prison. |
Powers Bernard, r 67. farmer 50, and outlands 200. |
Powers Herbert, r 63, emp. H. G. Swerdferger's mill |
Prentice Benjamin B., (E. Hardwick) manuf. of Champion Cabinet Creamer churns and butter workers, at Morrisburg, Ont., h Main. |
PRENTICE LOUISA M., (E. Hardwick) (Mrs. Benjamin B.) h Main. |
PRESSEY JOHN H., (E. Hardwick) B. & L. station agent, tel. op., h Main. |
Ransom Clrarles W., r 31 n 32, farmer, with S. M. Richardson. |
Ransom D. Eugene: (E. Hardwick) r 40, carpenter and farmer, h and lot. |
Ransom Eugene, (E. Hardwick) r 41, farm laborer. |
Ransom Sherman H., (E. Hardwick) r 19, carpenter. |
Reed Edwin, shoemaker, served in Co. G, 2d D. C. Vols., three years, and U. S. V. V., one year. Main, h do. |
Richardson Stephen M., r 31 n 32, farmer 105. |
Rich Winfield S., dealer in stoves, tinware and hardware, served in Co. B, 13th Vt. Vols., Main. |
Rockwell Charles A., r 63, laborer. |
Rogers Edwin E. Rev., (E. Hardwick) pastor of Cong. church, h School. |
Rowe George S., (E. Hardwick) farmer, h School. |
Russell Sylvester, (E. Hardwick) laborer, h Main. |
SANBORN JUBAL, M., (E. Hardwick) d homeo. physician and surgeon, office and h Main. |
SAWYER CHARLES M., r 59 cor 58, lumber manuf. by contract for Tucker & Bridgman. |
Sawyer William B., (E. Hardwick) resident. |
Schoolcraft George H., r 52, farmer 90. |
Scribner Chellis, r 64, resident, aged 74. |
Scribner Ebenezer, r 55 cor 53, farmer 40. |
Scribner Samuel, r 62, mason, carpenter and joiner. |
SHATTUCK IRA A., watchmaker and jeweler, dealer in watches, clocks, jewelry and fancy goods, Postoffice block. |
Shedd Charles N., r 22, 24 sheep, farmer 100. |
Shedd John H., r 62. milk dealer. |
SHIPMAN BUTLER, mechanic in Wheeler & Shipman's saw-mill, h Church cor Maple. |
Shioman Fred O., section foreman B. & L. R. R., owns farm 40, h Spring. |
Shipman George B., (Wheeler & Shipman) leader of Hardwick band, h Church cor Maple. |
Simpson Roswell A., (Greensboro Bend, Orleans Co ) r 13, carpenter and joiner. |
Slapp Charles A., r 39 1/2, farmer 70. |
Slapp Don 0., (E. Hardwick) r 20, farmer 12. |
Smith Adolphus H., section man Vermont division B. & L. R. R., h Tuttle. |
SMITH BENJAMIN F., r 63, farmer about 50. |
Smith Charles, (E. Hardwick) r 6 n 22, farmer 100. |
Smith Elliott M., (E. Hardwick) cooper, h School. |
SMITH HENRY A., (E. Hardwick) r 12 cor 8, 11 cows, 1,000 sugar trees, farmer 136, and in Greensboro, Orleans Co., 44. |
Smith Mary, widow of Harriman, resident, Church cor Main. |
Smith Sophronia M., r 31 cor 65, widow John S., resident, owns farms about 265. |
Spencer Silas S., r 31, farmer. |
Spencer Wesley J., r 63, farmer 4. |
Stanford Charles A., r 24 n 25, farmer with J. E. |
Stanford Jonathan E., r 24 n 25, farmer, leases of A. E. Jendevine. |
Stemm Fred W., clerk for I. P. Titus, bds Maple Park House. |
Stevens Angelo M., r 39, farmer about 30. |
Stevens Esther L., r 57 cor 50, widow of Albert. |
Stevens Henry W., (E. Hardwick) r 37, commercial traveler. |
Stevens Joseph M. Dea., (E. Hardwick) r 37 n 20, resident, aged 72, owns farm over 200. |
Stevens Julia M., (E. Hardwick) r 18, widow of A. J., owns farm 52. |
Stevens Myron G., (E. Hardwick) r 18 cabinet maker. |
Stewart William B., (E. Hardwick) section foreman B. & L. R. R., h Main. |
Stickney Edson M., (E. Hardwick) clerk. |
Still Edwin W., stone cutter, letterer, h Maple. |
Still Pember, 34, manuf. butter tubs, and farmer 3. |
Stone Hiram O., agent tar bronze monuments, guano, and farm machinery, h Maple. |
Stratton John F., (E. Hardwick) r 21 n 37, farmer, leases of Mrs. A. A. Conant, 80 acres. |
Strickland David, (E. Hardwick) r 21, farmer 41. |
Strong Nancy, r 30, widow of Luman, resident with S. S. Wells. |
Stuart William H., (E. Hardwick) r 7, farmer 100, served in Co. B, 15th Vt. Inft., and Co. C, 1st Vt. Cav. |
Sutton Abbie, r 52, widow of Nathaniel, resident with her son Willie W. |
Sutton Willie W., r 52, 12 cows, 500 sugar trees, farmer 130. |
SWERDFEGER HERMAN G, r 63, prop. grist-mill, flour and feed, all kinds, wholesale and retail. |
Swett Martin V. B., (E. Hardwick) farmer 9, h Main cor Pleasant. |
Swett Wrlliam, retired farmer, h Main. |
Tebbetts Curtis C., r 29, farmer, leases of George L. Wells 155. |
Thomas Joseph W., r 31 cor 25, farmer 110. |
Thomas Marion, r 67 cor 29, widow of Frank B., owns farm about 160. |
Thomas Miranda P., r 65, widow of Andrew J., owns farm 185. |
Thomas Wilson T., r 65, farmer. |
Thompson Frank P., r 29, stock grower, 1,000 sugar trees, farmer 400. |
Thornton Benjamin F., r 3, farmer. |
Thornton John C., r 3, farmer 160. |
Thornton Joseph N., lumber dresser for Cate & Bunker, h Church. |
Titus Almira, widow of Joseph, aged 81, resident, Main. |
Titus Isaac P., general merchant, Main. |
Trow George W., painter and paper hanger, h head of Church. |
Tucker Marcus F., r 25. teamster, and farmer for M. E. Tucker 160, served in Co. C, 13th Vt. Vols. |
TUCKER MELVIN E., (Tucker & Bridgmsn) prop. steam planing-mill, n B. & L. R. R. station, also saw-mill on r 25, farmer 180. |
UNDERWOOD CYRUS, (E. Hardwick) r 11, 10 cows, farmer 112. |
Underwood Frank H., (E. Hardwick) r 11, farmer with Cyrus. |
Underwood William H., r 23, 15 cows, farmer with J. H. Hall 190. |
WAKEFIELD ABEL E., (Waketield Sr Babbitt) constable and collector, h Tuttle. |
Wakefield Carrie, widow of Charles, h Church. |
Wakefield Reuben E., r 35, 1,000 sugar trees, farmer 60. |
WARD AMASA M., (A. M. Ward & Son) physician and surgeon, h Maple. |
WARD A. M. & SON, dealers in flour, feed and groceries, opp R. R. station. |
WARD CHARLIE H., (A. M. Ward & Son) h Maple. |
Ward Chase, (E. Hardwick) r 9, farmer for J. R. Delano. |
Ward Daniel J., (E. Hardwick) r 7, farmer with his father, Samuel. |
WARD LOUISA H. (& W. H.) widow of Jonathan, prop. Ward's Kidney Compound, Liver and Dyspepsia Pills, h Maple. |
Ward Samuel W., (E. Hardwick) r 7, farmer 80. |
Warner Henry H., (E. Hardwick) blacksmith, h Main opp Church. |
Warner Lucy A, widow of Alpha, resident, h Maple. |
Warner Mark, (E. Hardwick) r 44, cooper and farmer, leases of J, J. Burdick 90, served in Co. I, 1st Vt. Cavalry. |
Warren C. W. Mrs., millinery and fancy goods, and ladies' furnishings, Main. |
Warren John W., r 30, lister. hop grower, 12 cows, farmer 150. |
Warren Lorenzo H., r 63, produce dealer and farmer. |
WARREN WILLIE E., r 56, 6 cows, 700 sugar trees, farmer, leases of M. C. Warren 125. |
Warren Wilmer U., r 30, farmer with John W. |
Waterman Arthur M., r 65, farmer 72. |
Waterman Freeman, (E. Hardwick) r 19, carpenter and farmer, h and lot. |
Way Abel T., general merchant, town clerk and treasurer, Main, h do. |
Weeks Mary E. Mrs., r 39, resident. |
Wells Edward G., r 63, farmer. |
Wells George L. Rev., r 29: M. E. clergyman, owns farm 155. |
Wells S. Schuyler, r 30, 400 sugar trees, farmer 116. |
Wheatley George S, r 52, 3d selectman, 11 cows, farmer 130. |
Wheatley William H., r 52, teacher, and farmer with George S. |
WHEELER CYRUS L., (Wheeler & Shipman) farmer 35, h Spring. |
Wheeler Eliza, r 65, widow of George F., resident. |
Wheeler George B., (E. Hardwick) pastor Baptist church, h Church. |
Wheeler George B., r 62, dealer in wood, and job teamster. |
WHEELER SAMUEL P., manuf. of cut granite cemetery work, Maple n Railroad, h Main, served in Co. D, 2d California Vols., by two enlistments, five years. |
WHEELER & SHIPMAN, (C. L. Wheeler and George B. Shipman) manufs. of rough and dressed lumber and clapboards, wholesale and retail, owns wild land 200 acres, Spring. |
Whitcher Andrew, (E. Hardwick) farmer 50, h Main. |
Whitcher Charles R., (E. Hardwick) roof painter with S. Meader, and farmer, h Main. |
Whitcher Elizabeth, (E. Hardwick) (Mrs. Andrew) owns farm 65, Main. |
Whitcher Lillyes R., (E. Hardwick) (hlrs. Charles R.) milliner and dressmaker, Main, h do. |
White Eugene A., r 30 cor 27, farmer for L. Conant. |
Wilcox Charles H., r 35, farmer, leases of Mrs. Janet Lewis 80. |
Wilcox Martin, r 3, farmer. |
Willey Ransom A.. r 60, farmer, leases of I. W. & W. A. Hill 150. |
Williams James T., (E. Hardwick) carpenter and builder, cooper, h and lot, Cedar. |
Wilmerson John, r 37, teamster for Trucker & Bridgman. |
Wilson George, resident with W. M. Kibbee. |
Woods Martha P., (E. Hardwick) widow of Stevens, dressmaker, h School. |
ab, above; |
agt, agent; |
ave or av, avenue; |
b or bds, boards; |
bel, below; |
bet, between; |
bldg, building; |
com, commission; |
do, ditto; |
E, east; |
ex, express; |
F V, Fairbanks Village; |
ins, insurance; |
h, house; |
n, near; |
N, north; |
opp, opposite; |
prop, proprietor; |
P V, Paddock's Village; |
r, rear; |
RR, railroad; |
S, south; |
sq, square; |
st, street; |
S, Sommerville; |
W, west; |
MCRR, Maine Central Railroad; |