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Copyright ©
Janice Boyko
All Rights Reserved
The figures following the letter r indicate the number of the road on which the party resides,
and will be found by reference to the map in the back part of this work.
Where no road number is given the party is suppossed to reside in the village.
Figures placed after the occupation of acres owned or leased.
The word street is implied.
Highlight keywords:
Bailey Abner, r 10, 300 sugar trees, farmer 100. |
Barrett Charles G., r 4, carpenter and joiner, farmer 17. |
Bayley Henry, r 4, laborer and farmer 23. |
Bean John E., r 3, prop. last factory, manuf. 400,000 annually. |
Benton Benjamin B., (Lancaster, N. H.) farmer 175. |
Benton Charles E., counselor at law, county clerk and judge of probate court, farmer 10. |
BOLLES CYNTHIA A., r 8, (Mrs. Isaac) 1,200 sugar trees, 10 cows, 10 head other stock, 5 horses, farmer 200. |
Bolles Isaac, farmer with his wife, Cynthia A. |
Boyce George S., r 2, 400 sugar trees, farmer 175. |
BOYCE NATHANIEL S., physician and surgeon, graduate of the University of Michigan, class of 1854, Main, h do. |
Burton Azro, (Lancaster, N. H.) r 4, 1st selectman, farmer 130. |
Call Nelson, r 3, 12 head cattle, farmer 155. |
Canfield Charles, r 7, farmer 50, soldier in Co. E, 15th Vt. Vols. |
CHASE CHARLES D., (Robert Chase Pr Co.) bds Essex House. |
CHASE ROBERT, (Robert Chase & Co.) |
CHASE ROBERT & CO., (Charles D. Chase) manufs. of paper and shoe pegs. |
CHESSMAN JOHN F., (Lancaster, N. H.) r 8, 400 sugar trees, prop. cidermill, farmer 100. |
Coyle Joseph, r 6, lumberman and farm laborer. |
CRAWFORD GEORGE O., r 6, farmer, with his father, Oramel. |
GRAWFORD ORAMEL, r 6, 200 sugar trees, 5 cows, 10 head other cattle, farmer 190, and timber land 50. |
Cummings Hannah T., widow of Isaac, farm 15. |
CUMMINGS ROSWELL, emp. R. Chase & Co.'s paper-mill, son of the late Isaac Cummings. |
Drew John B., carpenter, 350 sugar trees, farmer 150. |
Drew William, (Lancaster, N. H.) r 14, farmer 100. |
Dunham William, r 3, formerly sea captain, resident. |
Eastman Aaron, (Lancaster, N. H.) r 16, basket maker. |
Eggleston Robert, (Lancaster, N. H.) r 16, toll gatherer Lancaster bridge. |
EMERY STEPHEN F., r 8, farmer, with his father, Stephen W. |
EMERY STEPHEN W., r 8, 600 sugar trees, 4 cows, 15 sheep, farmer, owns with W. D. 127. |
Emery Warren D., r 8, 600 sugar trees, owns with Stephen farm 127. |
English Henry J., r 10 cor 11, 1,500 sugar trees, 18 sheep, farmer 100. |
Essex House, Charles E. Hartshorn, prop., livery attached. |
Fellows Edgar H., (Lancaster, N. H.) r 4, farmer, with his father, George T. |
Fellows George T., (Lancaster, N. H ) r 4, 30 head stock, farmer 215. |
Flanders Charles, stationary engineer for K. Chase & Co. |
Flynn Cornelius, off r 4, farmer 100. |
FOLLANSBY PUTNEY R , formerly farmer and lumberman, surveyor of lumber, h Elm. |
FORD GEORGE A, r 12, 500 sugar trees, farmer 500, soldier in Co. I, 3d Vt. Vols., was wounded at the Battle of the Wilderness. |
Frye John, laborer, Elm. |
Gleason Patrick, r 6, farmer. |
Grannis Laurens A., r 4, school supt., 250 sugar trees, 10 cows, farmer 420. |
Grannis Margaret A., r 4, school teacher, taught 70 terms. |
Gray Alston A., (Lancaster, N. H.) r 4, emp. G. M. Green & Co., of Milford, Mass. |
Gray Ambrose A., (Lancaster, N. H.) r 4, 380 sugar trees, 10 cows, farmer 210. |
GRAY CLAYTON E., (Lancaster, N. H.) r 4, sawyer and mill hand, son of Ambrose A. |
Green Frank J., r 2, peg maker. farmer 25 1/2. |
Gregory Albert, pastor M. E. church, h Mam. |
HALL FRANK, postmaster, farmer 50, and wood land 1,000. |
HALL S. A., dealer in dry goods, groceries, crockery, flour and feed, clothing, and farm produce. |
HALL SARAH A., (Mrs. Frank) general merchant. |
Hanson Moses, r 4, carpenter and joiner. |
Hardy Joseph W., r 8, farmer 200. |
Hartshorn Charles E , prop, Essex House and livery. |
Hartshorn Levi F , r 10 cor 12, farmer 150. |
HARTSHORN WILLIAM H., assistant judge county court, town clerk, farmer 5. |
Haskell Adaline, r 5, 700 sugar trees, farm 160. |
Henson Benjamin, r 4, teamster, son of George. |
HENSON GEORGE, r 4, farmer 167. |
Hinckly James, r 2, farmer and laborer, with Daniel Washburn. |
Holt Charles E., r 8, boot and shoemaker, carries on A. B. Meacham's farm 183. |
HOPKINS ABBIE E., (Lancaster. N. H.) r 16, daughter of William, resident. |
Hopkins Charles W., (Lancaster, N. H.) r 16, farmer with his father, William. |
Hopkins Edward, r 11, farmer with his father, Joshua. |
Hopkins John, laborer In saw-mill. |
Hopkins Joshua, r 11, 10 head cattle, farmer 100. |
HOPKINS WILLIAM, (Lacaster, N. H.) r 16, 5 cows, farmer 350. |
Hubbard Edward, r 2, 400 sugar trees, farmer 250. |
Hubbard George, retired merchant. |
Hubbard George A., r 2, carpenter and joiner, farmer 55, and owns with Edward 250. |
Hubbard Horace E., dealer in dry goods, groceries, provisions, boots and shoes, hats, caps, crockery, hardware, ready-made clothing, jewelry, etc. |
Hubbard John, r 2, 1,000 sugar trees, 40 sheep, 16 head other stock, farmer 300, and in Maidstone 37. |
Hudson Alonzo, (Lunenburgh) r 13, laborer and farmer 20. |
Jackson Aaron, r 8, farm laborer. |
Jackson Andrew H., r 8, farmer with Isaac Bolles. |
Jackson Josiah D., r 8: farm laborer with I. Bolles. |
KEITH CHARLES, r 4. 6 cows, 10 head young stock, farmer 199. |
Keith Daniel, farm laborer. |
KEITH THANKFUL, dealer in millinery and fancy goods. |
Kent Esther A., widow of David, h Main. |
Lamont Cleni, (Lunenburgh) r 12, farmer 100. |
Leith William H., physician and surgeon, room 1, Essex House. |
Leonard Charles, laborer, h Main. |
LONG BETSEY H., r 6, widow of William, farmer 80 and timber Iand 100. |
LONG CALEB R., r 6, farmer with his mother, Betsey H. |
MacLeod Charles M., son of Hugh. |
MacLeod Hugh, pastor of the Congregational church, h West Park. |
MARSHALL CLARK M., r 7, farmer with his father, W. R. |
Marshall Isaac, r 9, 1,300 sugar trees, 10 head stock, 55 sheep, farmer 208. |
MARSHALL WARREN R., r 7, 500 sugar trees, 5 cows, 10 head other stock, 10 sheep, farmer 200. |
Mathews C. Frank,.(Laacaster, N. H.) r 4, 10 grade Jersey cows, 10 head young stock, farmer 380. |
McGoldrich Orrin, (Lancaster, N. H.) r 14, farmer 125. |
MEACHAM ALLEN B., r 8, carriage and ornamental painter, 300 sugar trees, 8 cows, 10 head young cattle, farmer 183. |
MEACHAM JAMES S., r 8, cabinet and carriage maker, with his son, A. B. |
Meacham Pliny W., (Lancaster, N. H.) r 16, 18 cows, 15 head other stock, 15 sheep, carries on farm of Henry Heywood, of Lancaster. |
MILES ANN MARIA, r 14, (Mrs. James) owns on r 15, farm 100. |
MILES JAMES, r 2, carries on Z. Wood's farm 203. |
Moody Sylvester K., r 2, prop. saw-mill on Cutter brook. |
Norris Eugene R., r 2, laborer, farmer 22 1/2. |
Pellom Stephen, (Lunenburgh) r 13, farmer 20. |
Perkins Enoch, (Lancaster, N. H.) r 16, farmer 166. |
Poole Rufus K., blacksmith and cooper, h and shop Elm. |
Ramfield William, r 10, laborer. |
Randall Nelson, r 12, farmer. |
Rhodes William H., (Lancaster, N. H.) r 16, 10 cows, farmer 550. |
RICH CHARLES, r 9, 7 cows, 10 head young cattle, 1,000 sugar trees, farmer 240. |
RICH MARSHALL C., r 9, farmer with his father, Charles. |
RICH MARY C., resident. |
Ritchie John, (Lancaster, N. H ) r 4, farmer 8. |
Rosebrook Albert C., r 5, 600 sugar trees, farmer 70. |
Rosebrook Ashley W., r 4, teamster and farmer 110. |
ROSEBROOK ELBRIDGE G., r 5, 500 sugar trees, 10 grade Jersey cows, 5 horses, dealer in cattle and horses, farmer 260. |
ROSEBROOK ERNEST A., r 5, farmer with his father, E. G. |
Rosebrook William D., r 4, carpenter and joiner, 350 sugar trees, farmer 2 I 5. |
Rush James, miller for John B. Parker, farmer 10, h Bridge. |
Schoff Charles H., farmer, son of Chester W. |
SCHOFF CHESTER W., deputy sheriff and jailer, farmer 40, agent for Champion mowers and reapers. |
Sheehe John, (Lancaster, N. H.) r 12, farmer with John, Jr. |
Sheehe John, Jr., (Lancaster. N. H.) r 12, farmer with his father, John. |
Sheehe Sarah A., (Lancaster, N. H.) r 12, (Mrs. John) owns farm 100. |
Sheridan Thomas, r 14, 1,000 sugar trees, 20 sheep, farmer 300. |
Small Abbie, (Lancaster, N. H.) r 4, widow of Richard. |
Stevens David K., (Lancaster, N. H.) r 4, with his son, George B., farmer 200. (Dead.) |
STEVENS S. ADDIE, r 12, (Mrs. Charles, Jr.) resident. |
Stevens George B., (Lancaster, N. H.) r 4, farmer. |
Stone Simon, r 2, 400 sugar trees, farmer 126. |
Wade Barnard B., r 8, 500 sugar trees, farmer 95. |
Wade William M., r 8, farmer with his father, B. B. |
Washburn Daniel, r 2, farmer 70. |
WASHBURN FANNETTE A., r 6, widow of Zephaniah K., 400 sugar trees, farmer. |
Washburn Henry S., r 5, 500 sugar trees, farmer 250. |
WASHBURN SETH, r 3, farmer. |
Washburn Willie, r 5, farmer, son of Henry S. |
WASHBURN ZEPHANIAH K., r 3, farmer 200. (Dead.) |
Watson David, r 6, farmer 30. |
Webb Henry, (Lnnenburgh) r 14, farmer 15. |
Webb Hubbard D., r 7, 700 sugar trees, farmer 200. |
Webb Lewis, (Lancaster, N. H.) r 14, farmer 50. |
Weed Charles E., paper manuf., h Elm. |
Wheeler Aaron, r 10, farmer 100. |
Whitcomb George F., r 6, lumberman teamster. |
Whiting Charles F., (Lancaster, N. H.) r 16, miller, farmer 126. |
Whiting Prescott, (Lancaster, N. H.) r 16, farmer, lives with Charles F. |
Willard George, r 3, carpenter and joiner, h and 5 acres. |
Willard Hubbard, r 2, 500 sugar trees, 20 sheep, farmer 225. |
Willey Hiram S., r 3, farmer 50. |
WILSON ELMER E., r 12, farmer, with his father, Thomas. |
WILSON THOMAS, (Lunenburgh) r 12, general stock, and farmer 100. |
Witherspoon Bela B., r 5, carries on farm for Adaline Haskell. |
WOODS ZED, r 2, 300 sugar trees, 6 cows, 15 head other stock, farmer 203. |
Wright Edmund, (,Lunenburgh) r 12, farmer 100. |
ab, above; |
agt, agent; |
ave or av, avenue; |
b or bds, boards; |
bel, below; |
bet, between; |
bldg, building; |
com, commission; |
do, ditto; |
E, east; |
ex, express; |
F V, Fairbanks Village; |
ins, insurance; |
h, house; |
n, near; |
N, north; |
opp, opposite; |
prop, proprietor; |
P V, Paddock's Village; |
r, rear; |
RR, railroad; |
S, south; |
sq, square; |
st, street; |
S, Sommerville; |
W, west; |
MCRR, Maine Central Railroad; |