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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
Vermont Northeast
Kingdom Genealogy

St. Johnsbury, Vt Genealogy
St. Johnsbury, VT
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Adams Alanson L., (Derby) r 38, retired farmer.
ADAMS AURETUS F., (Derby) r 55, town representative, dairy 15 cows, farmer 120, and grammar school lot 100.
Adams George, (Derby) r 71, farmer, works estate of A. H. Adams 75.
ADAMS IRA A., (West Derby) r 46, prop. of Clyde River woolen mill, and farmer 5.
Adams Laura F., (West Derby) r 45 cor 43, widow of Warren W.
ADAMS MYRON A., (Derby) custom miller, and dealer in flour, grain and feed, agent for the Champion mower and reaper, Mudgett hay tedder, Thomas sulky rake, I X L swivel plow, feed cutters, horse cultivators, etc., farmer 20, Derby Center.
ADAMS THERON A., (Derby) r 27, dairy 11 cows, and farmer 97.
Albee Dustin, D., (Derby Line) r 12, dairy 10 cows, and farmer 150.
Albee Lewis, (Derby Line) r 13, farmer 45.
Alexander Melford, (Beebe Plain) r 15, carpenter, and engineer.
ALBEE ANDREW J., (Derby) r 49, undertaker, and manuf. of sash, doors, blinds and moldings, furniture, coffins and caskets, jobbing done to order, farm 10.
Allbee Elmer E., (Derby) r 49, dealer in picture frames, and copying also.
Allbee Ernest A., (Derby) r 49, works in sash, doors and blinds factory.
Allen Harrison S., (Derby) r 51, farmer 4.
Arnold Elmer, (Newport) r 65, farmer, with Mary 50.
Arnold Mary, (Newport) r 65, widow of Lewis, farmer, with Elmer 50.
Arven George W., (Newport) r 65, farmer 50.
BACON SARAH J., (Beebe Plain) r 4, widow of Henry D., prop. of Beebe Plain Hotel, and farm 100.
Badger Amy H., (Derby) r 38, dressmaker.
Badger Burt H., (Derby) clerk for Elisha Lane.
Badger Clarence, (Derby) r 37, farmer.
Badger Darius H., (Derby) r 39, cabinet maker, and farmer 11.
Badger Orange S., (Derby) r 38, house, carriage and furniture painter.
Bailey Royal, (Derby) r 58, farmer, leases of S. S. Campbell 8.
Baker Charles C., (West Derby) r 43, carpenter, and repairs wringers.
Ball Edward S., (West Derby) r 20, dairy 10 cows, hop grower, and farmer 150 acres.
Ball Nathaniel F., (Newport) r 41, market garden, dairy 10 cows, and farmer 86 acres.
Bangs George W., (Derby Line) carriage maker, shop Rock Island, P. Q., h Main.
Barry James C., (Beebe Plain) r 4, farmer.
Batchelder Charles S., (Derby) r 38, dairy 15 cows; farmer 30, and in Newport 100.
Bates Alonzo D., (Derby) r 14, attorney at law, sugar orchard 600 trees, dairy 9 cows, farmer 200.
Bates Ammi D., (Derby) r 14, hop grower, dairy 8 cows, 50 sheep, and farmer 150.
Bates Caroline, (Derby) r 38, widow of Joseph.
Bates Charity, (Derby) r 55, farmer.
Bates Edwin & Charles K., (507 and 509 Broadway, N. Y.,) props. of stock farm on r 38, breeders and dealers in fancy horses, farm 350.
Bates Louisa, (Derby) r 55, widow of Sidney, farm 120.
Bates Lucy A., (Derby) r 38, widow of Lewis C., farm 42.
BAXTER HENRY C., (Derby Line) farmer 20, h Main.
Beaulac Albert, (Derby Line) shoemaker for A. B. Nelson.
Beaupree Charles, (Derby Line) shoemaker for A. B. Nelson, h Main.
Beaupree John, (Derby Line) shoemaker for A. B. Nelson, h Main.
BEEBE PLAIN HOTEL, (Beebe Plain) Sarah J. Bacon, proprietor.
Befor Henry, (West Derby) r 68, farmer 50.
Benham Nathan S. Dea., (Derby) r 38, retired farmer 3, aged 80 years.
Benjamin Homer, (Newport) r 64, farmer 32.
Betters Oliver, (Derby Line) works for A. B. Nelson.
Betters Bartlett, (West Derby) r 61, dairy 10 cows, and farmer 100.
Betters Frank C., (West Derby) r 60, son of Mitchel.
Betters Joseph, (West Derby) r 61, farmer 85.
Betters Mitchel, (West Derby) r 60, farmer 125.
Bisbee David M., (West Derby) r 40, engineer and farmer 68.
BIXBY GEORGE W., (Derby Line) breeder and dealer in Ethan Allen and Almont horses, farmer 66, h Main.
Blair John, (Beebe Plain) r 3, farmer.
Blake Freeman, (Newport) r 67, dairy 24 cows, and farmer 350.
Blake George, (Newport) r 65, farmer 25.
Blake Israel M., (Derby Line) r 29, farmer, and dealer in potatoes, with Luther.
Blake Lewis O., (Beebe Plain) r 16, farmer 9.
Blake Lewis W. H., (West Derby) r 47 cor 45, carpenter and farmer 40.
Blake Luther, (Derby Line) r 29, dealer in potatoes, dairy 16 cows, farmer 25, and 15 in Holland.
Blake Mary A., (Derby Line) r 27, widow of Isaac A., with J. W. McDuffee, dairy 27 cows, and farmer 260.
Blake Moses, (Beebe Plain) r 17, dairy 7 cows, 35 head steers, and farmer 260.
Blake Newman T., (Derby) r 27, butcher and meat peddler, stock dealer and farmer 11.
BLAKE RUFUS P., (Derby) r 74, dairy 20 cows, farmer 133.
Blake Truman G., (Derby) r 52, butcher and meat peddler.
Blake William A., (Derby) r 54, farmer 125.
BLANCHARD FRANCIS, (Derby) r 74, hop grower, and farmer 50, 2 years in Co. E, 9th Vt. Vols.
BLANCHARD HORACE H., (Derby) physician and surgeon, and manuf. of D. Blanchard's family remedies for coughs, catarrh, diphtheria, neuralgia and rheumatism, and tonic for general debility, office Derby Center.
Blanchard James, (Derby) r 35, laborer.
Blay Charles, (Derby), r 74, farmer.
Blay Frank, (Derby) r 74, farmer 150.
Blay Joseph, (Derby) r 74, farmer 25.
Blay Peter, (Derby) r 73, farmer 33.
Bodett Peter, (Derby) stone mason.
Bodwell Edward F. G., (Beebe Plain) r 4, auctioneer, dealer in horses, farmer in P. Q. 200.
Bosheau Felix, (Derby Line) r 12, laborer.
Boyle James, (West Derby) r 46, flagman Newport station.
Boyle John, (West Derby) r 46, clerk for E. Lane.
Boynton Charles F., (Derby Line) clerk for J. T. Flint.
Boynton William, (West Derby) r 46, carpenter and joiner.
Bragg Joseph W., (West Derby) r 46 cor 47, carriage making and black-smithing, farmer 5.
Brigham Charles O., (Derby Line) attorney and counselor at law, office opposite hotel, bds hotel.
Brown Benjamin, (West Charleston) r 75, laborer.
Browning Edward T., (Derby Line) barber and hair dresser, and billiard room, in hotel block, bds do.
Bryant Louisa, (Derby) r 38, widow of Bartlett, milliner and dealer in fancy goods.
Buckley Patrick, (Derby) r 71, dairy 10 cows, and farmer 100.
Budd Sidney, (Newport) r 64, works in veneer mill.
BULL CYRUS B., (Beebe Plain) r 4, dealer in horses, cattle and sheep, dairy 9 cows, 20 head young stock, 22 sheep, and farmer 96.
Bugbee Abel G., (Derby Line) allo. physician and surgeon, Main, farm in Holland 370.
Bullock Joseph F., (Derby) r 23, sugar orchard 600 trees, farmer 100.
Bullock Warren, (Newport) r 65, sectionman.
Burnett Charles, (Derby Line) painter and paper hanger, h Main.
Burnett John, (Derby Line) laborer, h Main.
BURPEE WILLIAM M., (Derby) (Burpee & Co.) manuf. of manure spreader at Syracuse, N. Y.
BURPEE W. M. & CO., (Beebe Plain, Vt., and Beebe Plain, P. Q.,) (Wm. M. Burpee and Elisha G. Miller) proprietors of Vermont and Canada nurseries on r 82, and Richby, P. Q., and dealers in all kinds of nursery stock.
Burt Russell, (West Derby) r 45, farmer 2½.
Burton Julia A., (Derby) r 38, widow of Orville, milliner.
Bushaw Henry, (West Charleston) r 83, farmer, works on shares for H. Joslin 130.
Buskey Antoine, (Newport) r 67, farmer.
BUTTERFIELD FREDERICK D., (Derby Line) (Butterfield & Co.) captain Co. B, Eighth Vt. Vols., h Main st.
BUTTERFIELD & CO., (Derby Line, and Rock Island, P. Q.) (Frederick D. Butterfield and H. Stewart Haskell) manufs. of blacksmith and carriage makers tools, shop in Rock Island, P. Q., residence Derby Line.
Buzzell Samuel S., (Derby) general blacksmith.
CAMP ALMIRA H., (Derby) r 38, widow of David M.
Campbell Daniel, (Newport) r 65, section foreman.
CAMPBELL HERBERT E., (Derby) r 58, farmer.
Campbell James W., (Derby) r 58, farmer.
Campbell Seth S., (Derby) r 58, dairy 18 cows, and farmer 150.
Carney John, (Derby) r 71, farmer 80.
Carpenter Charles K., (Derby) r 49½, dairy 10 cows, and farmer 140.
Carpenter Chester, (Derby) town treasurer, and farmer 140.
Carpenter. George S., (Derby Line) agent for the new American sewing machine, dealer in dry and fancy goods, hardware, crockery, hats, caps, boots, shoes, flour and feed, and agricultural implements, Main, h do.
Carpenter Hiram, (Newport) r 64, carpenter and farmer.
CARPENTER MARSHALL, (Derby) r 49½, dairy 14 cows, 37 sheep, and farmer 150, died April 8, 1883.
Carr Levi, (Beebe Plain) r 4, carpenter and repair shop.
Carter Eliphalet, (Derby Line) r 10, farmer 114.
CARTWRIGHT CLARISSA J., (North Derby) r 3, (Mrs. Hiram) dealer in dry goods, boots and shoes, groceries, crockery, glassware, etc., Hiram Cartwright, agent.
CARTWRIGHT HIRAM, (North Derby) r 3, agent for Clarissa J.
Caswell George R., (Derby Line) prop. steam saw-mill in Holland, h Main.
CENTRAL HOTEL, (Derby) Wm. H. Hinman, prop.
CHANDLER ALFRED D., (Derby) manuf. of monuments, headstones, and all kind of cemetery work, Derby Center, also livery and sale stable.
Chandler Daniel, (Derby) r 49, marble cutter.
Chandler Edwin, (Derby) r 49½, farmer.
Chase Arthur S., (Derby Line) r 7, (Cowles & Chase,) farmer 125.
Chase Eugene B., (Derby Line) r 7, engaged in mining in White Oaks, N. M., and farmer 300.
Chase George S. Rev., (Derby) pastor of Baptist church, Derby Center.
CHATFIELD FREDERICK, (West Derby) r 43, general agent for Union Publishing Company.
Clark Edwin E., (West Derby) r 41, carpenter, and farmer 60.
Clark Ephraim D., (West Derby) r 61, farmer 50.
Clark Ezra W., (Derby) r 49, physician and surgeon, Derby Center.
Clark George W., (Derby Line) cutter for A. B. Nelson, bds Derby Line Hotel, h Georgeville, P. Q.
Clark John, (West Derby) r 63, farmer 94.
Clough Horace E., (Derby) harness maker for W. H. Hinman, bds at hotel.
Clyde River Paper Mill, (West Derby) Durant & Adams, of Wells River, Vt., props.
Clyde River Woolen Mill, (West Derby) r 46, Ira A. Adams, prop.
Cobb Ira Alfred, (West Derby) r 64, carpenter and joiner, and farmer 4.
COLBY GEORGE R., (Derby) r 27, wool grower 87 sheep, and farmer 150.
Colby Henry P., (Derby) r 27, farmer.
Colby Mary C., (Derby) r 27, widow of Lucius F., farm 130.
COLBY NEHEMIAH M., (Derby) r 45, wool grower 70 sheep, and farmer 150.
Collier Leonard N., (Beebe Plain) r 15, stock dealer, 25 head of young stock, dairy 9 cows, and farmer 250.
Conant James S., Jr., (Derby) r 40, dairy 15 cows, and farmer, leases of M. M. Kelsey 100.
Conn Levi F., (West Charleston) r 80, farmer 25, and leases 75.
Corrow Francis, (Derby) r 51, laborer.
Costello Lydia B., (Derby) r 71, widow of Thomas, farm 10.
Cota Levi, (West Derby) r 22, laborer.
Cowles & Chase, (Derby Line) (Chester W. Cowles, of Stanstead, P. Q., and Arthur S. Chase) r 7, stock growers, dairy 50 cows, and farmers 300.
CRANDALL CHARLES L., (West Charleston) r 79, dairy 10 cows, and farmer 65.
Crandall Henry D., (Derby) r 76, dairy 9 cows, and farmer 80.
Crandall Joseph P., (West Charleston) r 80, farmer 25.
Croft Wm. A., (West Charleston) r 76, dairy 7 cows, and farmer 100.
Cumings Brigham, (West Derby) r 63, farmer 300.
Cummings Jotham, (West Charleston) r 76, miller, and farmer 51.
Currier Horace, (West Derby) r 22, farmer, leases of A. W. Brown, of Newport, 40 acres.
Currier Lewis, (Derby) r 14, wood chopper, and farmer 3.
Cushing Joseph, (Derby) r 52, farmer 50.
Cushing Olisem, (Derby) r 51, stone mason, carpenter, hop grower, sugar orchard 300 trees, and farmer 75.
Cutting Chauncey S., (West Derby) r 44, retired farmer 25.
Daggett Carlos, (Derby) r 54, farmer 130.
Daggett Royal M., (Derby) farmer.
Dailey Alexander T., (Derby) (Robbins & Dailey) h Derby Center.
Dailey John, (Derby) r 38, retired farmer 200.
Dailey Lorenzo W., (Derby) r 17, farmer 150.
Dailey Wilbur F., (Derby) r 55, dairy 15 cows, and farmer, leases of John Dailey 200.
Dane George F., (West Derby) r 43, carpenter, dealer in potatoes, and farmer 8.
Darling Alvah K., (Derby Line) book-keeper in the National Bank of Derby Line, bds at Derby Line Hotel.
DARLING ARTHUR J. (Beebe Plain) r 16, farmer.
DARLING EZRA F., (Beebe Plain) r 16, dairy 8 cows, 12 head young stock, 40 sheep, and farmer 220.
Darling John, (West Derby) r 64, carpenter and wheelwright.
Darling John, (Derby) r 17, dairy 8 cows, farmer, leases of Mary E. Johnson 150.
Davis Daniel F., (Derby) r 38, peddler of stationery and fancy goods, and farmer 10.
Davis Dudley M., (Derby Line) r 8, carpenter and joiner, dairy 19 cows farmer 150, in Holland 160, and in Charleston 140.
DAVIS GEORGE W., (Derby) r 50, carpenter and builder, and farmer 2.
Davis Hiram E., (Derby) r 38, carpenter and joiner.
DAVIS NELSON, (West Derby) r 64, (Lane & Davis,) sheep grower 50 head, and farmer 160.
Dawson Fred, (Derby) r 5, mason.
Deavio Frank, (Derby Line) r 5, laborer. [Davio/Devereaux]
Deavio Mitchell, (Derby Line) r 5, laborer.
DERBY LINE HOTEL, (Derby Line) James K. Gilman, of St. Leon Springs, P. Q., prop.
Derby Stock Farm, (Derby) r 38, Edwin and Chas. K. Bates, props., 507 and 509 Broadway, New York, Benjamin Hinman, manager.
Derusha Charles, (West Charleston) r 76, farmer.
Derusha Charles, (West Charleston) r 75, laborer.
Derusha Joseph, (Beebe Plain) r 15, farmer 11.
Derusha Levi, (Derby) r 73, thresher, dairy 8 cows, and farmer 100.
Derusha Lewis, (Derby) r 27, farmer 120.
Dey John, (West Derby) r 45, leases of John Frazier dairy 12 cows and farm 150.
Dion Amable, (West Charleston) r 75, wagon repairing and blacksmithing.
Dodge Grover, (Derby) r 56, farmer.
Dodge Walter, (Derby) r 56, son of Grover.
DODGE WILLIAM, (Derby) r 27, dairy 16 cows, and farmer 90.
Drew Arba S., (West Derby) r 46, miller for Lane & Davis.
Drowney Thomas, (West Charleston) r 76, farmer 50.
Dudley John W., (West Charleston) r 79, farmer 45.
DUNN JOHN F., (West Charleston) r 83, dairy 10 cows, farmer, leases of Horace Ruiter 108.
Dupont Joseph, (Derby) r 59, wagon maker for Wm. R. Spear.
Durgin Charles E., (Derby) r 59, farmer 100.
Dusand Charles, (Derby Line) r 5, laborer. (Dustan?)
DUSTIN JOEL R., (Derby Line) r 29 cor 34, breeder and dealer in high grade and full blood Durham cattle, 25 head, dairy 15 cows, and farmer 240.
Dustin Nellie S., (Derby) dressmaker, over Lane's store.
Duval Joseph, (Derby) r 52 cor 73, farmer.
Duval Lewis, (Derby) r 52 cor 73, hop grower, 23 head of cattle, dairy 15 cows, and farmer 150.
Duval Peter, (Derby) off r 73, farmer 50.
Dwyer Daniel, (West Charleston) r 80, farmer 100.
Dwyer Francis, (Brownington) off r 81, farmer 50, leases land.
Eastman Ann J., (Derby Line) widow of Edwin A., resident, Main.
Eaton George S., (Derby) r 49, carpenter, dairy 6 cows, 11 sheep, and farmer 100.
EDDY FRANK, (Derby Line) r 12, dairy 7 cows, 20 head of young stock, 15 sheep, and farmer 135.
Edwards Amasa S., (Derby) r 59, farmer, works for L. Edwards, of Newport, 20.
EDWARDS MELISSA S., (Derby) r 27, widow of John W., resident.
Elder Hugh, (Derby) r 38, retired schoolteacher, aged 85.
Elder John G., (Derby, and p. o. box 1,077 Montreal,) r 38, nurseryman and florist, farmer 160, and 75 in Stanstead.
Emery Nancy, (Derby) r 38, widow of Smith Emery.
Emond Cesaire, (Derby Line) shoemaker for A. B. Nelson, h Main.
Emons Nelson, (Derby) r 51, laborer.
Erwin John W., (Derby) pension agent, attorney and counselor at law, office over Lane's store, Derby Center.
Ewins Thomas E., (Derby Line) carpenter and joiner, and owns farm in Holland 185.
Fadden Hiram H., (Derby Line) clerk, h Main.
Fairchild Ellen M., (West Derby) r 43, widow of Elisha B.
Fairchild Heman, (Derby) r 59, wheelwright, and farmer 51.
Fairchild Truman, (Derby) r 49½, millwright, contractor, and farmer 240.
Field Bennett, (West Derby) carpenter and joiner, and farmer.
Field Hannah K., (West Derby) r 46, (Miss Horace,) milliner, and dealer in fancy goods.
Field Horace, (West Derby) r 46, peddler of millinery and fancy goods.
Fish Caroline F., (Derby) r 51½, widow of Shubel, farmer 100.
FISH LEWIS A., (West Derby) r 46, lumberman, and farmer 200.
Flint Jerome T., (Derby Line) postmaster, and dealer in drugs and medicines, books and stationery, and telegraph agent.
FOGG GEORGE W. CAPT., (Newport) r 64, owner of “Mountain Maid,” captain of lake steamer “Lady of the Lake,” breeder of Jersey and Guernsey cattle, and Morgan horses, farmer 200, owner of Lake View farm.
Forbes Sherman, (Derby) r 50, retired, aged 88.
Foss Ira M., (Beebe Plain) r 15, carpenter, repairer of wagons, and farmer 7, and works 70 acres for Edwin M. Foss, of Manchester, N. H.
FOSTER AUSTIN T., (Derby Line) pres. of National Bank of Derby Line, U. S. consul agent, manuf. of boots and shoes at Rock Island, P. Q., h Main.
Foster Charles, (West Charleston) r 76, farmer 25.
Foster Henry E., (Derby Line) farmer 60, h Elm.
FOSTER JOHN G., (Derby Line) attorney at law, office opposite hotel, Main st., bds. do.
Foster Stephen, (Derby Line) cashier of National Bank of Derby Line, vice- president of Massawippi Valley Railway, and director of Passumpsic River Railway, resident Rock Island, P. Q.
FOSTER WILLIAM S., (Derby Line) assistant cashier of National Bank of Derby Line, treasurer of Massawippi Valley Railway, h Main.
Fregeau John B. F., (Beebe Plain, Vt., and Beebe Plain, P. Q.,) prop, of steam saw-mill, and on Canada side manuf. of spools.
Fuller Cornelius P., (Beebe Plain) r 19, dairy 9 cows, and farmer 100.
Fuller George D., (Derby) r 56, dairy 10 cows, and farmer 112.
Gadupee Eli, (Derby Line) shoemaker for A. B. Nelson.
Gale Thomas C., (Newport) conductor S. E. Railway.
Gardner Calvin F., (West Derby) r 41, teaming.
GARDNER FRANKLIN M., (West Derby) postmaster, and dealer in groceries.
Garland George W., (Derby) r 38, cooper.
Gay Charles R., (West Derby) r 41, thresher, stone mason, and farmer 50.
Gay Proctor R., (West Derby) r 46, blacksmith shop, farmer 8.
Gilbert Octave, (Derby) shoemaker and farmer 25.
Gilmore John, (Derby Line) manuf. and dealer in harness, and dealer in whips, blankets, robes, boots and shoes, trunks, valises, etc., Line st., h do.
Girard Robert, (Derby) r 59, general blacksmithing.
Glines Albert, (West Derby) r 43, tailor and farmer 21.
Glines Alfred R., (West Derby) r 22, carpenter and joiner, and farmer 32.
Glines Augustus M., (West Derby) r 22, farmer 22.
Glines Jeremiah, (West Derby) r 22, farmer 28.
Glines Rotus, (West Derby) r 22, farmer 25.
Gonion Napoleon, (Derby Line) shoemaker for A. T. Foster, res over Bank.
Goodall Richard P., (North Derby) r 20, postmaster and farmer 70.
Goodnough Wells B., (West Derby) r 47, farmer 8.
Goodhue James B., (Rock Island, P. Q.,) (Jandro & Goodhue) bds Elm.
GOODWIN WARREN, (Beebe Plain) off r 19, ex-representative, dairy 11 cows, 15 head young stock, 35 sheep, and farmer 277.
Goslant Mitchell, (Derby) r 52, farmer 110.
Gould Benjamin G., (West Derby) r 20, farmer 40.
Gould Levi A., (West Derby) r 20, farmer.
Gould Nehemiah W., (West Derby) r 20, farmer 50.
Gould Newell J., (West Derby) r 43, carpenter and joiner and cooper.
GRAY BIGBEE L., (Derby) r 27, dairy 7 cows, 10 sheep, farmer, leases of Mary C. Colby 130.
Gray James F., (Derby Line) r 28, dairy 8 cows, farmer 240.
GRAY JOHN C., (Derby) r 25, carpenter, building mover and farmer 10.
Green Ahira, (Derby) r 5 7, retired farmer.
GREEN ALBERT A., (Derby) r 57, dairy 10 cows, and farmer 84.
Griffin Henry, (West Derby) r 22, farmer.
Griffin Martin, (West Derby) r 22, dairy 12 cows, and farmer 210.
GROUT GEORGE W., (Derby) r 38, farmer, foreman for Josiah.
GROUT JOSIAH (Derby) r 38, attorney and counselor at law, 80 head young stock, dairy 20 cows, farmer 600.
GROW CALVIN S., (West Charleston) r 75, farmer 180.
Grow John M., (Derby) r 52, retired farmer, aged 73.
GROW JOHN M., JR., (Derby) r 52, 2d constable, dairy 12 cows, 12 head young stock, and farmer 125.
Hackett Warren, (West Derby) r 41, farmer 11.
Hadley William H., (West Derby) r 64, carpenter and joiner.
Haley Edward, (Derby) r 72, farmer 133.
Hall George, (North Derby) r 1, dairy 15 cows, and farmer 200.
Hall George M., (West Derby) r 45 cor 43, laborer.
HALL MARK, (Derby Line, Vt., and Rock Island, P. Q.) farm 45 on r 33, prop. and manuf. of Miller's condition powders, Poulters worm and heave powders, and Hall's stable liniment, for both U. S. and Canada, h Rock Island, P. 0.
Haley Jessie Miss, (Derby Line) (J. & M. Haley) Main.
Haley J. & M., (Derby Line) (Jessie and Mary) milliners, and dressmakers, and dealers in fancy goods, and domestic paper fashions, Main.
Haley Mary, (Derby Line) (J. & M. Haley) Main.
Hammond Ebenezer K., (West Derby) r 44, gunsmith, general blacksmithing, and manuf. of trusses and supporters, and pump augers.
Hammond Elon O., (West Derby) r 43, carpenter and joiner.
HAMMOND OSCAR K., (Newport) r 47, agent for books, papers and periodicals, and farmer 200.
HANSON HOSEA B., (Derby Line) manager of Derby Line Hotel, and deputy sheriff.
Hanson Sarah, (North Derby) r 20, widow of Isaac, farm 25.
Hart Johnson B., (West Derby) r 46, laborer.
Harvey Charles, (Derby Line) laborer, h Line.
Harvey Oel D., (West Derby) r 43, veterinary dentist, and barber, branch office at Barton Landing.
HASKELL H. STEWART, (Derby Line) (Butterfield & Co.,) farmer 300, bds at Derby Line Hotel.
Haskell Martha M., (Derby Line) widow of Carlos F., resident and 22 acres, Line St.
Hawkins Edward, (West Charleston) r 76, farmer 50.
Hayes John W., (Derby) r 23, farmer 40.
Hayes Lewis C., (Derby) r 27, farmer 25.
Hazeltine Charles V., (Derby) tanner.
Healey Frank E. Rev., (Derby Line) pastor of the First Universalist parish of Derby Line.
Heath John, (West Charleston) r 76, farmer.
Heath Mary S., (Derby) r 39, widow of George L., resident.
Heath Samuel P., (Beebe Plain) r 5.
Heath Walter, Jr., (Beebe Plain) r 15, farmer 100.
Heath Walter R., (Beebe Plain) r 5, dairy 6 cows, and farmer 75.
Hemmenway George, (Derby) r 21, stone cutter.
Hildreth Fisk N., (West Charleston) r 77, hop grower, dairy 8 cows, and farmer 100.
Hill John, (Newport) r 64, laborer.
HINMAN BENJAMIN, (Derby) r 38, postmaster, money broker, manager of E. & C. K. Bates's stock farm of 350 acres.
Hinman Charles, (Derby) r 49½, farmer, leases of Marshall Carpenter 150.
Hinman David S., (West Derby) r 22, farmer 100.
Hinman George L., (Derby) r 37, farmer 1.
Hinman Isaac, (Derby) r 37, retired farmer, aged 78 years. (Died May 7, 1883)
Hinman Isaac, Jr., (Derby) r 37, farmer.
Hinman John A., (West Derby) r 22, farmer, works for David S. Hinman 110.
Hinman Nancy, (Derby) r 38, widow of Aaron.
Hinman Timothy, (Derby Line) clerk for G. S. Carpenter, h Main.
HINMAN WILLIAM, (Derby) r 37, dairy 10 cows, 30 sheep, and farmer 128.
HINMAN WILLIAM H., (Derby) prop. of Central House and livery dealer in harness, saddlery hardware, robes, whips, etc., deputy sheriff, auctioneer, breeder of trotting horses, and farmer 65.
HINMAN WILLIE S., (Newport) r 44, traveling salesman for D. M. Camp & Co., of Newport, and farmer 10.
Holligan Mary, (Newport) r 64, widow of Stephen.
Hollingsworth William, (West Derby) r 46, laborer.
Holmes Frank L., (Derby Line) r 31, farmer, leases of C. S. Barrett, of Titusville, Pa.,180 acres.
HOLMES HORACE D., (Derby Line) farmer 335, in Holland 300, and in Stanstead, P. Q., 55 acres, h Main.
Holt Fred S., (Derby) r 14, farmer, son of S. S.
Holt Horace, (Derby) r 38, retired farmer.
Holt Maria, (Derby) r 51, widow of Timothy, farm 5 acres.
Holt Samuel S., (Derby Center) r 14, dairy 8 cows, and farmer 60.
Holt Timothy L., (Derby) driver of trotting horses.
Hopkins Charles P., (West Derby) r 43, carpenter and joiner.
HOPKINS GEORGE W., (West Derby) r 22, (Parker & Hopkins.)
Hopkins Jacob C., (Derby) horse dealer and trainer, and farmer, owns in Irasburgh 68.
HOPKINSON DAVID, (Derby) r 59, ex-representative, diary 12 cows, 30 head young stock, and farmer 332.
Hoskins Thomas H., (Newport) r 42, physician and surgeon, fruit and seed culturist, 1,500 apple trees, 300 pear, cherry and plum trees, 12 acres.
HOUSE FRANCIS, (North Derby) r 20, civil engineer, and farmer.
HOUSE GEORGE H., (Derby) r 37, sugar orchard 830 trees, dairy 12 cows, and farmer 130.
House Hiram, (North Derby) r 20, farmer 55.
House Luther J., (Beebe Plain) r 15, dairy 8 cows, and farmer 112.
Hover Washington, (West Derby) r 22, laborer.
Howard Charles, (Newport) r 69, farmer 65.
Howard William N., (Derby) granite cutter for A. D. Chandler.
Hunt Benjamin F., (West Charleston) r 75, dairy 6 cows, and farmer 89.
Hurlbert Almon S., (West Derby) off r 22, farmer 34, and leases 33.
Hutchins Charles G., (West Derby) r 46, with George H., manuf. of butter tubs and shingles.
Hutchins George H., (West Derby) r 46, (Hutchins & Fields,) manuf. of butter tubs, Trow patent churn, gunsmith, saw repairing, and shingle making.
Hutchins & Field, (West Derby) (G. R. Hutchins, S. Field and B. B. Field) props. of saw-mill.
Hutchinson Thomas, (Newport) r 65, carpenter and joiner, Advent preacher, and farmer 8.
Hyland Charles, (Derby) r 49½, blacksmith.
Jackson Selon, (North Derby) breeder of Perchon horses, 25 head of young stock, dairy 20 cows, and farmer 224.
Jenne Corwin R., (Derby) r 48, sugar orchard 500 trees, and farmer 86.
Jenne Edwin E., (Derby) r 39, carpenter and joiner, and farmer, works the estate of Job C. Jenne 100.
Jenne Eliza B., (Derby) r 39, widow of Job C., resident.
Jenne Elmer E., (Derby) r 39, farmer.
Jenne Harlan P., (Newport) carpenter and joiner, works in veneer mill.
JENNE LOREN M., (Derby) r 39, principal of Newport High School.
JENNE LUCIEN P., (Derby) undertaker, dealer in coffins, caskets, robes, furniture, wall paper and carpets, repairing in all branches, Derby Center.
Jenne Luman E., (Derby) r 39, farmer.
Jenne Thomas, (Derby) r 39, sugar orchard 300 trees, and farmer 100.
Jenne Tolman, (Derby) r 49, retired carpenter, aged 75.
Jewett Ezra, (Derby) r 71½, stone mason, dairy 10 cows, farmer 15.
Jewett Frank, (West Derby) r 63, farmer 50.
Jewett Joseph, (West Derby) r 64, laborer.
Jewett Levi, (Derby) r 51½, son of Ezra.
Johnson Charles, (Derby) r 38, farmer 10.
Johnson Heman E., (Derby) r 38, retired tailor.
Johnson Mary E. Miss, (Derby) r 38, owns farm 150.
Johnson William H., (West Charleston) r 80, farmer 25.
Jondro William, (Derby Line) (Jondro & Goodhue) h Elm.
Jondro & Goodhue, (Derby Line, Vt., and Rock Island, P. Q.,) (William Jondro and James B. Goodhue,) manufs. of the star brand boots and shoes and wholesale dealers in rubbers, shoe packs, etc., shops Rock Island, P. Q., h Elm, Derby Line.
Jones Ebenezer, (West Derby) r 43, farmer 3.
Kathan Charles H., (Derby Line, Vt., and Rock Island, P. Q.,) farmer 135, owns four houses at Derby Line, also general merchant at Rock Island, bds at hotel, Derby Line.
Kelley Daniel, (Derby) r 52, farmer, with Orrin 80.
Kelley George, (West Derby) r 64, carpenter and joiner.
Kelley James R., (Derby) r 59, hay presser and dealer, and with John, farmer 200.
Kelley John, (Derby) r 59, dealer in produce, 20 head young stock, 25 sheep, dairy 13 cows, and farmer 200.
Kelley Nathaniel, Jr., (Derby) r 38, laborer.
Kelley Orrin W., (Derby) r 52, 20 head young stock, 20 sheep, dairy 12 cows, farmer 135, and with Daniel 80.
Kelsea Ralph, (Derby) r 14 dairy 7 cows, and farmer 175.
KELSEY MOSES M., (Derby) r 38, retired farmer 180 acres.
Kenneson Henry, (Derby Line) r 9, sugar orchard 600 trees, dairy 18 cows, farmer 165, and 40 on r 31, Irasburgh.
Kent Joseph F., (Newport) r 67 cor 69, dairy 18 cows, and farmer 200.
Kilburn Daniel, (Derby) r 79, farmer 50,
Kingsbery Emera, (Derby) r 50, farmer 182.
KINGSBERY LUCIUS, (Derby) r 27, retired farmer 20, aged 74.
Kingsbury Josiah W., (Derby) Congregational minister at Derby Center.
Kingsbury Willie W. F., (Derby) r 25, sugar orchard 800 trees, dairy 12 cows, and farmer 157.
Kingsley William H., (Derby) r 71, carpenter, and farmer 30.
Kittill James, (Derby) laborer.
Kittredge George E., (West Derby) r 19, farmer.
KITTREDGE SYNDAL M., (West Derby) r 19, dairy 8 cows, 11 head of young stock, farmer 150.
Knowlton Luke W., (Newport) r 41, conductor S. E. Railway, farmer 60.
Labell Charles, (Derby) r 49½, laborer.
Labounty David, (Derby Line) r 34, son of John.
Labounty John, (Derby Line) r 34, farmer 220.
Laboute John, (Derby) r 82 cor 83, farmer, leases of John Mitchell 140.
Lafont Israel L., (Derby) r 38, foreman of J. G. Elder's nursery.
Lafountain Joseph, (Derby Line), shoemaker for A. B. Nelson, Main.
LaFrance George, (Derby Line) shoemaker for A. F. Foster, h Line.
Lahar Austin, (West Derby) r 68, farmer 80.
Lamere Lewis, (Derby) r 38, laborer.
LANE ELISHA, (West Derby) overseer of poor, pres. National Bank of Newport, dealer in dry goods, groceries, ready-made clothing boots, shoes, crockery, hardware, etc., stores at West Derby, and Derby Center, also dealer in butter, and all kinds of farm produce, owns farm 300.
LANE & DAVIS, (West Derby) r 64, (Seymour L, and Nelson D.) proprietors of grist-mill at West Derby, dealers in flour, feed, grain, cotton seed meal, phosphate, and general merchants, Newport st.
Lange James H., (Beebe Plain, Vt.,) attorney at law, and solicitor of patents, office Beebe Plain, P. Q.
Lapeet Isador, (Derby Line) r 28, laborer.
Laplant John, (West Derby) r 46, laborer.
Larouche George, (Derby Line) shoemaker for A. B. Nelson, h Main.
Lawrence Abisher, (Derby Line) r 12, dairy 16 cows, farmer 240.
Lawrence Ryland D., (Derby Line) r 12, farmer 5.
Leach Polly, (Derby) r 38, widow of James N.
Leary Gilbert, (North Derby) r 20, farmer 50.
Leonard Fred, (Derby) r 35, laborer.
Libbey John, (Derby) r 81, farmer 100.
Libby William G., (Derby Line) r 5, farmer 150.
Lincoln Samuel, (Newport) off r 64, farmer 65.
LINDSAY MARSHALL E., (West Derby) r 22, farmer 80.
Locke George, (West Derby) r 41, laborer.
Locke William M., (West Derby) r 64, laborer.
LOCKHART DAVID M., (Derby Line) dealer in hardware, stoves, and tinware, plumbing and gas fitting, Main cor Line, h Main.
Lockhart George W., (Derby Line) tinsmith, bds Main.
Lombard Isaiah K., Elder, (Derby Line) publisher of the "Watchman's Alarm," and mason.
Lonts Timothy, (Derby) r 59, blacksmith for William R. Spear, and farmer 60.
Lunderville William, (Beebe Plain) r 15, laborer.
LUNT CHARLES, (Derby Line) r 7, 2d selectman, sugar orchard 1,000 trees, stock grower, farmer 240.
LYNCH DANIEL, (Derby) r 72, works for John, dairy 10 cows, 18 head of young stock, and farmer 175.
Lynch John, (Derby) r 72, farmer 175.
Lynch William, (Derby) r 72, farmer.
LYON JOSIAH B., (West Charleston) r 51, leases of Porter Lyon 137.
Lyon Porter, (West Charleston) r 51, dairy 14 cows, sugar Orchard 350 trees, and farmer 137.
Macomber David H., (Derby) r 50, farmer 40.
Magoon Caroline, (Derby) r 38, resident.
Magoon Garven R., (Derby) r 38.
Magoon Orrin, (West Derby) r 49, carpenter and joiner.
Magoon William, (Newport) r 64, works in Magog House.
Manning Isaac, (Newport) r 70, makes charcoal, basket-maker, and farmer 42.
Moranville Betsey, (Derby) r 71, widow of Riley, farmer 30.
Moranville Simon, (Derby) r 71, laborer.
Marston Charles H., (West Derby) r 47, dairy 8 cows, and farmer 110.
Marston Daniel W., (West Derby) r 23, farmer.
Marston James N., (West Derby) r 45, blacksmith and farmer 13.
Marston Mary, (West Derby) r 23, farm 37.
Martel John, (West Derby) r 46, barber.
Martell Julien, (Derby Line) hostler Derby Line Hotel.
Martell Mitchell, (Derby Line) laborer.
Martin Edward A., (Beebe Plain) r 18, mason and farmer 105.
Martin Joseph, (West Derby) r 60, laborer.
Martin Lewis J., (Derby Line) agent for H. C. Baxter's livery.
McCawley Robert, (Derby) r 71, laborer.
McClenathen Harlow, (Brownington) off r 81, farmer, leases 50.
McDuffee John W., (Derby Line) r 27, physician and surgeon, and with Mary A. Blake, dairy 27 cows, and farm 260, res. Stanstead Plain, P. Q.
McNeil James, (Derby) r 59, shoemaker and farmer 17.
McPherson Forbes W., (Derby) r 51, farmer 18.
Mercier Omer, (Newport) laborer for F. C. Bates.
Mero Albert W., (West Derby) r 43, laborer.
MILLER ELISHA G., (Beebe Plain), Vt., and Beebe Plain, P. Q., (W. M. Burpee & Co.,) res. Beebe Plain, P. Q.
Miller Emily, (West Derby) r 46, widow of Gilbert, farm 115.
MILLER HENRY L., (Derby Line) carriage making and blacksmithing, shop Line st., h Main.
Millikan Abram H. Rev., (West Derby) pastor of Free Baptist church.
Mitchell Francis, (West Derby) r 43, carpenter and joiner and farmer 40.
Mitchell John, (Derby) r 17, dairy 20 cows, 15 head young stock, and farmer 300.
Mitchell William, (Derby) r 71, dairy 9 cows and farmer 95.
Mitson William O., (Derby) agent for W. M. Burpee & Co., farmer 65 in Magog, P. Q.
Monroe Charles, (North Derby) r 3, Deputy postmaster and section hand.
Mooney Thomas, (West Derby) r 43, dairy 10 cows, and farmer 275.
Moran Asa, (Derby) r 38, farmer, works for Norman W. Bingham, of Boston, Mass. 100.
Moran Hollis A., (Derby ) r 39, dairy 11 cows and farmer 110.
Moran Marvin E., (Derby Line) r 9, dairy 14 cows, farmer 140.
Moranville Betsey, (Derby) r 71, widow of George, farm 30.
Moranville Simon, (Derby) r 71, farmer 30.
Morey Andrew J., (West Derby) r 44, private in Company D, 11th Vt. Vols.
Morreau Lewis, (Derby Line) r 12, shoemaker.
Morrill Adeline, (Derby) r 60, widow of Peter, farmer 175.
MORRILL ALVAH J., (Derby) r 40, dealer in livestock, sugar orchard 1,600 trees, produce dealer, dairy 15 cows, and farmer 300.
Morrill Jacob, (Derby) r 60, works for Adeline Morrill 179.
Morrill John F., (Beebe Plain) r 17, farmer 10.
Morrill Joseph, (Derby) r 60, breeder of horses, and farmer 250.
Mosher Benjamin E., (Derby Line) harness maker, h Main.
Moulton Charles A., (Derby Line) dentist, over post office.
Murphey Ned, (Newport) r 64, farmer 75.
Nalon Luke, (Beebe Plain) r 14, farmer 28.
NATIONAL BANK OF DERBY LINE, (Derby Line) A. T. Foster, president; Stephen Foster, cashier; Wm. S. Foster, assistant cashier; capital $150,000, Main.
Newcomb Alice A., (Derby) r 38, widow of Albert.
Newcomb Maria D., (Derby) r 38, widow Of Orem.
NEWCOMB OREM, (Derby) manager of Elisha Lane's store at Derby Center, dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, clothing, paints and oils.
Newell Manuel, (Derby Line) shoemaker for A. T. Foster, h Line.
Nichols, Mary, (West Charleston) r 75, wife of Nathan, farmer 20.
Nichols Nathan, (West Charleston) r 75, farmer.
Niles Allen P., (Derby) r 50 cor 37, dairy 12 cows, 29 sheep, farmer 173.
Niles Zebulon W., (Derby) r 50 cor 37, retired farmer, 8o years old.
NELSON ASA B., (Derby Line) manuf and wholesale dealer in boots, shoes and slippers, leather and findings, United Stated and Canada express agent 25 years, shop Main, h Elm.
Nelson Charles E., (Derby Line) clerk for A. B. Nelson, bds Elm.
Nelson John, (West Derby) r 46, blacksmith.
Nelson Sarah A., (Derby Line) r 24, widow of Lucius, farmer 109.
Normandin Paul, (Derby) blacksmith for Wm. R. Spear.
Norris Amos, (Newport) off r 69, farmer 100.
Norris George, (Derby) r 32, farmer 25.
Norris Harry W., (West Derby) r 44, works in veneer mill.
Norris Joshua, (West Derby) r 46, runs engine in paper mill.
Norris William G., (West Derby) r 44, carpenter and joiner, and farmer 75.
NORTON GEORGE L., (Derby Line) r 11, dairy 18 cows, farmer, leases of Horace Holmes 160, and of Kimball Clefford, of Oil City, Pa., 90.
Norton Uriah, (West Derby) r 20, farmer 17.
Nourse Charles, (Derby) r 38, retired farmer.
Nourse Walter A., (Derby) r 38, house, sign, and carriage painter.
Noyes Clark B., (Newport) r 70, farmer 3.
Nutting Thomas E., (Derby) r 51, farmer 100.
Nye Charles N., (West Charleston) r 75, justice of the peace, hop grower, dairy 10 cows, and farmer 75.
Orcutt Betsey C., (Derby) r 27, widow of Nathan N., farm 145.
Orcutt Elmer P., (Derby) r 27, son of Betsey C.
Ordway Alonzo B., (West Derby) r 43, farmer, leases of Wm. Wells 45.
O'Rourke Peter, (Derby Line, and Rock Island, P. Q.,) manager of clothing store for T. & C. O'Rourke.
O'Rourke T. & C., (Derby Line) (Thomas and Charles,) merchant tailors, gents furnishing goods, hats, caps, boots, shoes, etc., Main; also store in Rock Island, P. Q., res. Rock Island.
Paine William G., (Derby) r 47, farmer 2.
Papineau Antoine, (Derby) r 71, hop grower, dairy 10 cows, and farmer 90.
Paquette Joseph, (Beebe Plain) r 16, laborer.
Park John C., (West Derby) r 63, carpenter and builder.
PARKER ORIVIL, (West Derby) r 22, (Parker & Hopkins.)
PARKER & HOPKINS, (West Derby) (Orivil D. Parker and George W. Hopkins,) dairy 14 cows, and farmers 167.
Parsons Robert C., (Derby Line, and Rock Island, P. Q.,) dealer in watches, clocks, jewelry, silverware, and musical instruments, Main, h Rock Island.
Parsons William, (Derby Line) general blacksmithing.
PATCH LEWIS, (West Derby) r 43, allo. physician and surgeon, and farmer 32.
Paul Amos, (Derby) r 14, farmer 2.
Paul William, (Derby Line) dealer in horses.
Peasley James, (Newport) r 64, manager of G. W. Fogg's farm.
Peavey Joseph L., (West Derby) r 46, shoemaker.
Peavey Thomas, (West Derby) r 46, laborer.
Peck Florence E., (Derby) r 38, widow of Dr. John H., resident.
Pelow Fred, (Derby Line) r 12, laborer.
Percival Franklin, (West Derby) r 43.
Perront Eli, (Beebe Plain) r 3, carpenter.
Pierce Franklin, (West Derby) r 40, cooper.
Pierce Frederick H., (Derby Line and Stanstead Plain, P. Q.,) prop. of livery and sale stable, res. Stanstead Plain, P. Q.
PIKE BROTHERS, (Derby Line) (David H. and Wm. M.,) general merchants, store Rock Island, P. Q., res. Main.
PIKE DAVID H., (Derby Line) (Pike Bros.) h Main.
PIKE WILLIAM M., (Derby Line) (Pike Bros.) h Main.
Pleasance Flavia, (Derby) r 51, carpenter and joiner, and farmer 12.
Plumley Charles H., (Derby Line) clerk for G. S. Carpenter, bds Main.
Porter Frederick, (West Derby) r 49, works in veneer mill.
Porter William, (West Derby) r 46, paper maker.
Powers Benjamin F., (Derby) r 74, farmer.
Powers Elvira, (Derby) r 74, widow of Thomas.
Powers Francis, (Derby) r 74, hop grower, and farmer 230.
Powers George W., (Derby) r 74, dairy 10 cows, and farmer 140.
Powers John, (Derby) r 71, dairy 7 cows, and farmer 125.
Putney Simon, (Derby) r 25, farmer.
Rann George W., (Newport) r 65, employee S. E. Railway, and farmer 25.
Reed Kate, (Newport) r 64, widow of George, cook at the Memphremagog House.
REED GEORGE W., (Newport) r 64, builder of steam yachts and row- boats, and steam engines, machinist.
Reese George, (Derby Line) works in machine shop at Rock Island, h Main.
Rheaume Louise, (Derby Line) (Mrs. Phillip,) dressmaker and professional hair-worker in all its branches.
Rheaume Phillip, (Derby Line) cutter for A. B. Nelson, h Line.
Richardson Calvin W., (West Charleston) r 77, farmer 100.
RITCHIE GEORGE H., (Derby) r 59, sawyer for W. S. Robbins.
Ritchie William, (Derby) r 54, farmer.
Robbins Adam H., (Derby) r 58, (A. H. & W. B.)
Robbins A. H. & W. B., (Derby) r 58, dairy 13 cows, sugar orchard 800 trees, and farmers 150.
Robbins Guy E., (Derby) r 58, retired farmer.
Robbins William B., (Derby) r 58, (A. H. and W. B.)
ROBBINS WILLIAM S., (Derby) (Robbins & Dailey) town clerk, fire, life, and accident insurance agent, b Derby Center.
Robbins & Dailey, (Derby) (William S. R. and Alexander T. D.,) manufs. and dealers in lumber and shingles, and farmers 275, Derby Center.
Roberts James, (Derby) r 59, justice of peace.
Robinson Owen, (Derby) r 59, leases of J. L. Edwards, of Newport, 20 acres.
Robinson Peter L., (West Derby) 1st selectman, foreman of the Clyde River paper mill, and farmer 7.
Roby Joseph, (Newport) r 65, stone mason.
Rock Alex., (Derby) r 73, farmer, leases of Ephraim Rock 125.
Rock Ephraim, (Derby) r 73, farmer 125.
Rock Felix, (Derby) r 73, farmer 75.
Rogers David W., (Derby) r 27, mail carrier from Derby Center to Derby Line, and farmer 10, soldier Co. K, 10th Vt., Vols.
Rogers Harvey, (Derby) r 54, farmer 18, and with Moses G., hop grower, and dairy 10 cows.
Rogers Moses G., (Derby) r 59, farmer 64, and with Harvey hop grower, and dairy 10 cows.
Ruiter Wellington, (Beebe Plain) r 14, carpenter and joiner, dairy 5 cows, and farmer 110.
Rye Eleazer, (West Charleston) farmer.
Rylander C. Alfred, (West Derby) works in paper-mill.
Sanborn George, (Derby) r 39, farmer 1½.
SANBORN HOMER G., (Derby) r 39, teamster.
Sawyer Amos, (Derby) r 39, laborer.
Sawyer Benjamin F., (Derby) r 39, farmer 20.
Sawyer Martin C., (Derby) r 23, sugar orchard 800 trees, and farmer 120.
Sawyer Ross, (Derby) r 23, farmer.
Sayers John, (Derby Line) laborer, h Main.
SEARLES JONATHAN H., (Newport) r 64, manuf. of veneer chair stock, hard and soft wood, lumber berry, grape, verbena, and peach baskets, h 2d St., Newport.
Severance Nathaniel, (Derby) r 51, retired farmer, aged 77 years.
Severens George N., (Derby) r 51, lumberman, dairy 7 cows, and farmer 125.
Severens George W., (Derby) r 59, retired miller.
Shannon John, (West Charleston) r 75, farmer, leases of C. S. Grow 180.
Shannon John C., (West Derby) r 19, carpenter and farmer.
Shattuck Orlo B., (West Derby) r 40, farmer 68.
Sheafe N. T., (Derby Line) attorney and counselor at law, farmer 250, h Main.
Shedd John O., (West Charleston) r 76, dairy 15 cows, and farmer 114.
Shedd Josiah, (Derby) r 50, dairy 10 cows, and farmer 90.
Shorey Timothy P., (Derby Line) clerk for Wm. Spaulding.
Sias Cyrus, (West Derby) r 43, retired millwright.
Sias Edward, (West Derby) r 45, carpenter and builder.
Sias Marshall, (West Derby) r 43, farmer 60.
Silver Albert A., (Derby) r 49, justice of the peace, dairy 13 cows, and farmer 75.
Silver Edgar O., (Derby) r 49, son of A. A.
Silver Elmer E., (Derby) son of A. A.
Sivright John T., (Derby) r 27, farmer, and runs threshing machine.
Sivright Sarah G., (Derby) r 27, widow of William, dairy 15 cows, and farm 200.
Smith Charles A. Rev., (Derby) r 38, pastor of M. E. Church, town superintendent of schools.
Smith Charles L., (Derby Line) r 10, farmer, leases of Eliphalet Carter 114.
Smith John, (Derby Line) r 10, farmer.
Spaulding Bedford O., (Newport) r 65, farmer 80.
SPAULDING WILLIAM, (Derby Line) dealer in dry and fancy goods, groceries, boots and shoes, hardware, paints, oils, crockery, etc., Main,
SPEAR WILLIAM R., (Derby) r 59, manuf. of farm wagons and sleighs, and general repairing, h r 50.
Spencer Daniel E., (West Charleston) r 76, farmer 50.
Spencer Edwin C., (Derby) r 52, farmer 2.
SPRAGUE ERASTUS W., (Derby) r 38, harness maker for W. H. Hinman.
STEVENS ALBERT, (West Derby) r 43, dealer in all kinds of farm produce. (Died April 8, 1883.)
Stevens Benjamin N., (West Derby) r 47, carpenter and builder, manuf. of lumber, rents saw-mill.
Stevens Fred W., (West Derby) harness maker, carriage trimmer, and dealer in carriage tops, whips, etc.
Stewart Emery, (Derby) r 37, 31 head cattle, farmer 150, in Morgan 130, in Holland 180, and in Charleston 140.
STEWART HARRY B., (Beebe Plain, P. Q.)
STEWART HORACE, (Beebe Plain) farmer 250, res. Beebe Plain, P. Q.
Stoliker Lorenzo, (Derby) r 38, laborer.
Stone Hamilton S., (Derby Line) traveling salesman for A. T. Foster, h Main st.
Stone Luther, (Beebe Plain) r 19, laborer.
Story Clarissa L., (Derby) r 14, widow of Edward, h r 1½.
Story Henry, (Derby) r 14, laborer.
Story Ora, (Derby) r 14, painter.
Straight Joseph A., (Newport) r 64, carpenter and builder, boat builder.
Stratton Anson B., (Beebe Plain) r 16, dairy 13 cows, and farmer 125.
Strople Robert B., (North Derby) r 20, carpenter, and farmer 61.
Sugatt William P., (Derby Line) dentist, office in hotel block, bds do.
Tapley Fred, (West Derby) r 46, paper maker.
Taylor Charles D., (Derby) r 39, dealer in fruit and ornamental trees.
Taylor William, (Derby) clerk for E. Lane.
Tercotte Bruno, (Derby Line) r 12, laborer.
Tercotte Felis, (Derby Line) r 12, laborer.
Thatcher Albert M., (Derby) r 38, farmer, cook in hotel.
Thatcher Ira P., (Derby) r 38, farmer, works for Edwin and Charles Bates.
TINKER ELWIN J., (Beebe Plain) r 4, dealer in general merchandise.
TINKER JOHN, (Beebe Plain) r 4, postmaster, has held the office since 1867, aged 72 years.
Todd Albert W., (Derby) r 28, dairy 13 cows, breeder of Morgan horses, and farmer 112.
TRUE HARRY A., (Derby) assistant postmaster, druggist, bookseller, and jeweler, dealer in stationery, toilet articles, perfumery, cigars, tobacco, etc., Derby Center.
True Roanna, (Derby) r 50, widow of Person.
Turcotte James, (West Derby) general blacksmith.
TURNER FREDERICK, (Derby) r 51, works in sawmill for W. S. Robbins, h and lot.
Uttin Samuel, (Beebe Plain) r 17, dairy 10 cows, farmer 140.
UTTIN WILLIAM E., (Derby) r 49, manuf. of tinware, sheet-iron, copper ware, dealer in tin roofing and stoves and hollow ware.
VERMONT AND CANADA NURSERIES, (Beebe Plain, Vt., and Beebe Plain, P. Q.,) r 82, W. M. Burpee & Co., proprietors.
Walker Charles H. (Derby) r 51½, works for Mrs. C. F. Fish 100.
Ware Charles D., (Derby Line) r 5, farmer.
Ward Mary, (West Derby) r 45, widow of George.
Ward Thomas, (Derby Line) r 5, dairy 12 cows, farmer 225.
Warren Charles, (West Derby) r 42, stone mason.
Waterman Charles, (West Charleston) r 80, farmer.
Waterman Erastus H., (Derby) r 78, carpenter, and farmer 65.
Waterman Horace, (West Derby) mail carrier from Newport to Derby Center, and farmer 2.
Watson Richard, (Derby) r 54 cor 53, farmer 202.
Webber Elliott, (Derby) r 59, farmer 20.
Webber Eugene C., (Derby) r 59, farmer.
Weeks George W., (Derby Line) r 31, farmer 33.
Wells William, (West Derby) r 43, farmer 45.
West Charles B., (West Charleston) r 76, farmer 50, and leases 50.
West Charles B., Jr., (West Charleston) r 75, farmer 75.
West George W., (West Charleston) r 76, farmer 100, leases land.
West William E., (Derby Line) photographer, Main, h do.
Wheelock Andrew C., (Newport) r 67, with Frank, dairy 15 cows, and farmer 250.
Wheelock Frank, (Newport) r 67, with Andrew C., dealer in farm produce, dairy 14 cows, and farmer 250.
Whitcher Wm. H., (Derby Line, Vt., and Rock Island, P. Q.,) general merchant, store Rock Island, P. Q., res. Derby Line, Vt., Main.
White Ai J., (West Derby) r 44, manuf. of doors, sash and blinds, shops in Newport.
WHITE CHARLES L., (West Derby) r 44, music teacher, and dealer in pianos, organs, and music.
Whitney James P., (Newport) r 64, conductor on L. E. Railway.
Whitney Marcus T. C., (Newport) r 64, veterinary surgeon, and farmer 5.
Whittier Frank F., (Derby) r 38, principal of the Derby Academy.
WILCOX CALVIN, (Derby Line) farmer 35, and in Stanstead 56¾, h Main.
Willard Charles, (West Charleston) r 76, farmer 50.
Willard Samuel, (West Charleston) r 76, farmer.
WILLEY CURTIS, (Derby) r 39, prop. of Derby granite quarry, and farmer 15.
Willey Luther L., (Derby) r 38, farmer.
Willey Lydia L., (Derby) r 38, widow of David P., farmer 29.
Willey Sarah B., (Derby) r 23, widow of Jessie.
Williams Sylvester, (Beebe Plain) r 14, sugar orchard 600 trees, farmer 110.
Wilson Calvin, (West Charleston) r 80, farmer 112.
WILSON CHAUNCEY, (Derby) r 27, farmer 50.
Wilson Charles, (West Charleston) r 79, farmer 125.
Wilson Charles S., (Derby Line) r 35, farmer, with Lewis.
Wilson Frank B., (Derby) off r 50, dairy 10 cows, and farmer 79.
WILSON GEORGE W., (West Charleston) r 80, farmer 75.
Wilson Jason H., (Derby Line) r 35, farmer, with Lewis.
Wilson Lewis, (Derby Line) r 35, farmer 375.
Wood Holbrook, (West Derby) r 63, carpenter, joiner, cooper, and farmer 2.
Woodbury Joseph, (Newport) r 41, conductor S. E. Railway.
WOODROW JOHN B., (Newport) r 42, butcher and meat peddler, h at Derby Line, farmer 75 in Newport, and leases of S. D. Pender, of Brocton, Mass., 60.
WOOLLEY HENRY O., (Derby) r 40, breeder and dealer in horses, dairy 10 cows, and farmer 136.
Worth William, (Newport) r 44, laborer.
Wright Francis, (Derby) r 74, farmer 50.
Wright Joseph, (Derby) r 74, farmer 10.
Wright Thomas, (Derby) r 74, farmer 40.
Wyman George D., (Derby Line) deputy collector of customs, office in hotel block, bds hotel.
Young Charles, (West Charleston) off r 76.
Young Francis W., (Newport) carpenter and joiner, and carriage maker.
Young Frank H., (Newport) r 42, night watchman, steam saw mills.
Young John, (Newport and Derby Line) (Edwards, Dickerman & Young,) attorney and counselor-at law, office Newport, res. Elm.

The figures following the letter r indicate the number of the road on which the party resides, and will be found by reference to the map in the back part of this work. Where no road number is given the party is suppossed to reside in the village.

Figures placed after the occupation of acres owned or leased.

The word street is implied.

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