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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
Vermont Northeast
Kingdom Genealogy

St. Johnsbury, Vt Genealogy
St. Johnsbury, VT
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The Post Office address is given when it differs from the name of the town. When no Post Office address follows a name the Post Office is Danville.
AILES GEORGE O. (Myrtie), farmer, h
Ainsworth Wallace W., lab, h W Danville
Ames Sarah J. Mrs., h
Armstrong George W., stone cutter, h W Danville
Ayer Edward F, h W Danville
"    Harley L., h
"    Oscar (Kathleen), h W Danville
"    Otis (Katherine), h W Danville
Badger Charles H., h
"    Eddie H., h
"    Ella, r
Bagby Mary Mrs., h
Bailey Harriet H. B. Mrs., h
Baptist Church, Rev. C. P. Smith pastor, N Danville
Barnett Harvey C, farmer, h
Bartlett Allen H., farmer, h Harvey's Hollow
"    Charles G., student, r
"    Charles W., salesman, h
"    Myrtie S., h
Batchelder William D., r
Berard Joseph, h
Bickett Otis (Irene), h W Danville
Bickford Frank E., ins agt, h
Blackadar A. D., h W Danville
Blair Alec, farmer, h
"    Winton A., emp The Gillis Store, r A. Blair
Blake V. D., h W Danville
Blanchard Ernest (Frances), blacksmith, h
Blewett A. E., farmer, h N Danville
Blodgett Harley P., farmer, h N Danville
Blodgett Walter, h
Bolton Henry D., h W Danville
"    Ora A., farmer, h W Danville, R D 1
Borland Arthur E., farmer, h
"    James H., printer, h
Bradley John 0., south part Passumpsic, R D
"    Lewis, h
Brainard Charles D. (Emma), farmer, h
Brickett Evelyn, teacher, r
"    John H., lab, h W Danville
Brooks Luther, farmer, h W Danville
Brown Brian (Marion A.), lawyer Danville, h do
"    Harry J. (Frances), h W Danville
Bryer C. L., h St Johnsbury, R D
"    Joseph, h
Burbank Harvey (Lillian T.), h
Burdick Fred H., r
"    Helen, h
Burnham Herbert H., farmer, h N Danville, R D 1
CAHOON BROS (Walter S, Ralph N. and George D. Cahoon); props The Elm House
"    Clara, wid Leland C., h
"    George D. (Madiene), (Cahoon Bros), res Walden
"    Ralph H. (Lucy), (Cahoon Bros), h
"    Walter S. (Viola), (Cahoon Bros), h
Caldwell A. A., sawyer, h
Caledonia National Bank, pres. Beauman G. Rogers; v-pres, Alpha E. Tolman; cashier, Asa Wesson, Danville
Calkins F. B., h
Carr Harry A., h
"    Laura Mrs., r
Chalmers Henry E., h R D
Chamberlain George E., h W Danville
Chandler Harry (Maud), h W Danville
Clark Harley G., lab, h
Clement Madeline, r
"    Murray D., h
"    William, farmer, Danville
Clifford Charles R., farmer, h
"    Charles T., h
"    Fred W., farmer, h Danville, R D 1
"    Guy, h
"    William H., farmer, h St Johnsbury, R D
"    William R., farm hand, h Danville, R D 1
Colbeth Daniel R. (Edith A.), h W Danville
Collins James T., farm hand, h
Congregational Church, Rev. Frank W. Hazen pastor
Cook Tirzah, h 
Crane Frank A., farmer, h 1/2 mile out
Crane Mary B., h
Crapeault Joseph, h R D 1
Currier Albert E. (Mary D.), retired, h
"    Frederick M., farmer, h R D 1
"    John N., civ eng, r
"    Marjorie teacher,
"    Samuel (Annie), retired, h
DAMON GEORGE R., h St Johnsbury, R D
Danforth Bell, h
"    Elwood (Lettie), sub rural carrier, h
"    Harry M., stone mason, h
Daniel Albert A., sawyer, h
Daniels Fred (Eliza), salesman, h W Danville
Dansereau Adrienne, student, r
"    Fred (Clara), emp Danville Mfg Co, h
Danville Creamery Association, F. S. Morse mgr, Danville
"    Garage (Ernest and Vernie Devenger)
"    Grain Co, pres, M. D. Leonard; asst treas-mgr, Delmer O. Smith, grain dealers and grocers
"    Harness Shop, Harvey Peck prop
"    Mfg Corp, Charles H. Davis mgr, mfrs wood products
"    Public Library, Alice Dole librarian
"    Town Farm, southeast part of town
"    town of, town clerk and treasurer, Asa Wesson
"    town of, constable, H. M. Osgood
"    town of, superintendent of schools, Harvey Burbanks
"    town of, health officer, Herman Osgood
"    town of, listers, Fred Gadapee, William Clement, J. W. Gillis
"    town of, notaries public, C. S. Dole, Asa Wesson, Earle Fisher
"    town of, overseer of poor, Herman Osgood
"    town of, road commissioner, William F. McCormick
"    town of, selectmen, James D. Stevens, L. L. Morrill, Arthur Webster
Davidson Merrill E. (Edith), farmer St Johnsbury, R D 2
Davis Bliss N., emp P O Dept, Wash, D. C, r
"    Charles H. (Gertrude), mgr Danville Mfg Co, h
"    Orpha, r
Devenger Bros (Ernest and Vernie Devenger), prop Danville Garage, Danville
"    Charles, emp Devenger Bros, r
"    Ernest (Mildred), (Devenger Bros), h
"    Vernie J. (Devenger Bros), h
Diamond Chapter No. 14, Order of Eastern Star, W M, Mrs. Anne B, Steady; sec, Lillian T. Burbank; treas, Flora. B. Peck. Regular meeting comes on Wednesday of the week preceding the meeting of the Washburn Lodge
Dole Alice (Mrs. Harvey), librarian Danville, h do
"    Augusta, r
"    Durant, h
Dole George M. (Ethel), farmer, h
"    J. D., h
"    Jessie G., r
"    Lyman S., farmer, h
"    William F. (Ann H.), farmer, h R D 1
Dow Martin V. B. (Ella S.), dir Caledonia National Bank, h
Drew Charles (Clara), h St Johnsbury  R D 3
"    George M. (Millie), h St Johnsbury, R D 3
ELM HOUSE, Cahoon Bros props
Emmons Edward H. (Susie), const wkr, h
"    Ralph (Alice), lab, h
"    Timothy (Marjorie), emp Danville Creamery Asso, h
FARRINGTON CLAYTON C. (Lilla) emp Danville Mfg Co, h
"    Donald, student, r
"    Millicent, student, r
"    Willametta, student, r
Fecteau Leon (Mary), carpenter, h
Fellows Asa G., farmer, h W Danville
"    George T., carpenter, h
"    William H., farmer, h R D 1
Finley William, farmer, h
Fisher Earle H. (Clara), postmaster Danville, h do
"    George H. (Minnie), emp Gillis Store, h
Fitzpatrick Robert J., lab, east part St Johnsbury, R D
Forbes Katherine A., r St Johnsbury, R D 3
"    W. A., farm hand, r St Johnsbury, R D 3
"    William, farmer, h St Johnsbury, R D 3
Fournier Irene, emp Hotel Thurber, r do
"    Julia, student, r Ella Badger
Frye Burton R., h southeast part of town
GADAPEE EVELYN, student, r
"    Frederick (Minnie), h N Danville, St Johnsbury. R D 3
"    Harold, h St Johnsbury, R D 3
"    John D. (Lillian), h N Danville, St Johnsbury, R D 8
"    Joseph, farm hand, h N Danville, St Johnsbury, R D 8
"    Louis (Minnie), farmer, h
"    Mildred H., teacher Groton, Vt, r
Gadley Benjamin L., dir Caledonia National Bank, h
Gagnon John A., farmer, h R D 1
Gates David, h W Danville
Gillis J. Ward (Mary), farm implements Danville, h do
"    Store The, Elwyn H. Kingsbury prop, general store
Girard Augustus, h
"    Paul, h R D 1
Gorman Harry, telegraph opr, h
Goskin Orin V., farmer, h
Goss Ashley J., granite wkr, h W Danville
Goss Frank A., h W Danville
Gray Wilfred, h
Green Cora, h
"    James, caretaker Danville Cemetery, r
Greenbank Foster, h Danville, R D
HAMILTON WILLIAM (Frances), veterinary Danville, h
Hancock Henry, h
Hanna Ethel Mrs., clk J. Ward Gillis Store, h
"    Ethel Mrs., agt S. A. Janeau Undertaking, h
Harris Harvey (Harriet), h W Danville
Hartshorn Ernest (Nellie P.), dog fancier Klankit Kennels, h
"    Irene, student, r
"    Mary Mrs., h
"    Thelma, student, r
Hastings Gilbert S. (Jennie R.), gen store, h W Danville
"    Jennie R. (Mrs. Gilbert S.), postmistress, h W Danville
"    R. W., h
Hatch Harold E. (Margaret), prop H. E. Hatch's Store, h do
"    Samuel A., farmer, h P O W Danville
Hatch's, H. E. Store, gen store, Harold E. Hatch prop, Danville
Hawkins Hiram B., farmer, h
Hazen David D., student, r
"    Frances M., student, r
"    Frank W. Rev. (Mary), pastor Congregational Church, h
"    Margaret P., r
Heath Albert M., lab, h
"    Benjamin F., farmer, h Passumpsic, R D
"    Chandler (Elizabeth), licensed auctioneer Danville, h do
Hebb Roy W., blacksmith, h
Hetherington Ernest T. (Maida), prop The Hetherington Store, h
"    Louise, student, r
"    Store The, Ernest T. Hetherington prop, gen merchandise
Hodgdon George E., h
"    George R., r
Hotel Thurber, William E. Warthen prop, Danville
Houghton Abel F-, farmer southeast part Passumpsic rd, h
"    Edgar, farmer, southeast part Passumpsic rd, h
"    Seldon E., bkpr Caledonia Nat Bank, h
Hubbard Rufus R. (Lettie), h N Danville, St Johnsbury, R D 3
Hunt Eugene W., h
INGALLS ARTHUR (Anna) steam shovel opr, h
"    George, farmer, h
Isham Hilda, teacher, r
Johnson Bert, h
"    G. N. (Effie), h St Johnsbury, R D 3
Joslin Charles (Gertrude), retired, h
Joy Philip, mechanic, h
Joyce Charles A., h St Johnsbury, R D 3
KELLY EDGAR (Annie), h
King William H., farmer south part, h P O E Barnet
Kingsbury Elwyn N. (Donna S.), prop The Gillis Store, h
"    Florence M. Mrs., h
Kittridge Ernest, h W Danville
"    Fred O., farmer, h 2 miles out
"    George, h W Danville
"    Harold, h R D 3
Kizer Harry, farmer, h R D 1
Knight Frank, h
"    George, emp St Johnsbury, h
"    Howard, student, r
Knights of Pythias, C C, Frank Lamberton; V C, J. W. Gillis; M of F, Albert Danforth; M of E, M. B. Page; K of R, Charles McCosco; M of A, Henry Chalmers; prelate, George Dole; I G, Fred Peck; O G, A. F. Page. Meets 2nd and 4th Fridays 8:00 p m K of P Hall
LAKE VIEW HOUSE, W. A. Smith prop, W Danville
Lamberton Frank (Alfreda), clk Gillis Store, r
Lamieux A., h St Johnsbury, R D 3
Lang Carl W. (Anna), h
"    Emerson, teacher, r
"    Marjorie, student, r
"    Merton, farmer, h R D 1
"    Violetta Mrs., h R D 1
Langmaid Berl A., farmer, h
"    Dixon A. (Janette), farmer, h W Danville St Johnsbury, R D
"    Fred W. (Edith), farmer, h
Leighton Fred, janitor, r Elm House
"    Fred C, farmer, h
Lemos Frank (Jennie), h St Johnsbury, R D 3
Lewis Homer P., prof, retired, h
Lowrey Joseph (Eva), farmer, h
MASSEY GEORGE A., h St Johnsbury, R D 2
Mathews Milo S., lab, h N Danville, St Johnsbury, R D 2
May William H.  Rev.  (Nellie), pastor Methodist Episcopal Church, h   
McCormack William F., farmer, h
McCormick Frank H., lab, h 
"    Irene, r
"    William (Etta), road comm, h
McCosco Oliver, mach, h W Danville
McDonald Martin R. (Agnes), bridge wkr, h
"    Plynn H. (Mary L.), farmer, h 1/2 mile east
McDowell William J. (Inez), farmer, h N Danville, St Johnsbury, R D 3
McEwan John F., farmer, h R D 1
McGill John, farm hand, h 2 miles out
"    John P., h
"    Patrick T., h
McKee Sydney, emp Danville Mfg Co, r Elm House
McLaughlin Glen D., prop Pt Comfort Dance Hall and Lunch Room, h W Danville
McNaughton W. H., h R D 3
Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev. William H.  May pastor, Danville; N Danville and W Danville
Milligan F. B., h W Danville
Mills Charles E. Mrs., h
Mitchell W. J., h Passumpsic, R D 1
Moore Eliza, student, r
"    Ernest R., farmer, h
"    Frank H., farmer, h R D l
"    Mahlon E., saw mill, h
MORRILL CALVIN (Myrtie), (St Johnsbury Motor Sales), h
"    George B., farmer, h
"    John D., h Passumpsic, R D 1
"    Joseph A., farmer, P O Passumpsic
Morse Belle Mrs., h
"    Fenton S. (Ethel), (Smith & Morse), h
"    George C, farmer, h
"    George D., lab, h
"    Gerald, clk Hetherington's Store, r
"    Lucy Mrs., h
NEW METHOD LAUNDRY Charles Roy agt, office St Johnsbury
Norris Carl H., emp Danville Mfg Co, r Elm House
North Danville Creamery Association, P O St Johnsbury, R D 3
Nutting Patience Mrs., teacher, h
ODERKIRK FRED L., farmer, h
O'Donnell Fannie Mrs., r
O'Grady Mary E., emp Caledonia National Bank, r
Osgood Harry S. (Jennie), farmer, h
"    Herman (Carrilla), constable, h
"    Ralph A. (Helen), h
"    Raymond (Stella), lab, h
"    Stella, clk H. E. Hatch, r
Owen Wilfrid L. (Mona), head master high school, h
PAGE ALONZO, farmer, h
"    Charles (Ruth), lab, h
"    Ellen, r
"    Gertrude, student, r
"    Harrison, h
Page Newton B., farmer, h
"    Ruth, emp Hotel Thurber, r do
Paine Allan (Florence), carpenter, h
"    Edith, student, r
Paquin Harry G., lab, h R D
Patterson Erlene, student, r Ella Badger
Paulson Julia E. Mrs., r
"    Martin J. P. (Louisa D.), physician Danville, h do
Peck Clarence E. (Irma B.), cutter maker, h
"    Fred B., farmer, h
"    Harvey H. (Ina), prop Danville Harness Shop, h
"    Leonard (Marion), truck driver, h
"    Reginald, student, r
"    Walter H. (Flora), farmer, h y2 mile out
Perkins Ida Mrs., h
Perry Lewis W., h
Pettingill Guy, farmer, h R D 1
"    James M., farmer, h 1 mile out
Phillips Academy or Danville High School, principal Wilfrid Owen
Pickett Albert W., farm hand, h
Placey Wilson, h
Plant Lizme, auto mech, h
Pope C. Archie, h W Danville
Porter Charles, h
"    Jennie L., h Danville
Post Offices, postmaster, Earl H. Fisher; asst, Clara Fisher, Danville, postmaster W Danville, Jennie M. Hastings
Pressy Perley J. (Bertha), station agent St J & L C R R agt Western Union and agt Railway Express Agency, h
Preston Fred J., carpenter, h
Pt. Comfort Dance Hall & Lunch Room, Glen D. McLaughlin prop, W Danville
Pythian Sisters, M E C, Lizzie Heath; E S, Freda Lamberton; E J, Irene Brickett; Man, Elsie Bigelow; M R C, Mary Peck; M of F, Etta McCormick; P C, Helen Osgood. Meets K of P Hall
RAILWAY EXPRESS AGENCY, Perley J. Pressey agt, Depot
Rancour Joseph (Maud), restaurant and pool room, h W Danville
Ranney Harley L., farmer, h N Danville, St Johnsbury, R D
Reed Ira, retired, h
Robinson Levi P. (Ruth), h W Danville
Rodger Earle (Mary), prop West Danville Garage, h
"    Ernest, lab, h R D 1
"    Merton h., stone cutter, h W Danville
"    Nellie Mrs., h
"    Oscar (Augusta), sawyer, h
"    Samuel G., emp Earle Rodger, h
Rogers Beauman G., pres Caledonia National Bank, h Cabot
Rogers Ella M., sten Caledonia Nat Bank, r
"    Hazel, emp Caledonia Nat Bank, r
"    Phil S., dir Caledonia National Bank, h
Rollins Curtis K., h
Rowe Horace Mrs., h
Roy Augustus, h W Danville
"    Charles L., barber, r
Ruthledge Perley A., h
SANBORN ALLEN C. (Lottie), blacksmith, h N Danville, St. Johnsbury, R D 3
"    Anna Mrs., h St Johnsbury, R D 3
"    Arthur T. (Addie), h N Danville, St Johnsbury, R D 3
"    Martin L., farm hand, h N Danville
Sargent Neal W., h
Scott Charles A., h
Shattuck Emily, h St Johnsbury, R D 3
"    Paul, h St Johnsbury, R D 3
Sizen Mary E., h Passumpsic
Smith Aaron D., farmer, h
"    Austin E. (Lilian), (Smith & Morse), h
"    Byron, clk H. E. Hatch Store, r
"    C. P. Rev. (Eva), pastor N Danville Church St Johnsbury, R D 3, h do
"    Carl (Lillian), h
"    Clarence, emp H. E. Hatch, r do
"    Delmer O. (Gladys, M.), asst treas Danville Grain Co, h
"    Eli W. (Mary), section hand, h
"    Howard B. (Lorinda), salesman, h
"    Sadie Mrs., h
"    W. A., prop Lake View House, h W Danville
"    Warwick (Rose), h W Danville
"    & Morse (Austin E. Smith and Fenton S. Morse), hardware, plumbing and heating
Spaulding Mary E., r
Spencer Earl W., emp Goss Garage, St Johnsbury, r
"    Sylvia B., student, r
"    William T. (Bertha), chief eng Danville Mfg Co, h
Stanton George H. (Hattie), farmer, h N Danville, St Johnsbury, R D 3
"    Herbert C, farmer, h N Danville, St Johnsbury, R D
"    Homer P., farmer, h N Danville, St Johnsbury, R D
Steady Anne, teacher, r
"    Jane, r
Steele Rose, wid Archibald, h
Stevens Albert H., farm hand, h St Johnsbury, R D 3
"    Charles B., farmer, h N Danville, St Johnsbury, R D 3
St J & L C R R, Perley J. Pressy sta agt, Danville
Swasey Charles, h W Danville
Swett Frank G., farmer, h 3 miles out, St Johnsbury, R D 3
Swett Louisa, h St Johnsbury, RD2
"    Walter B. (Vera), h St Johnsbury, R D 2
Sykes Harold (Lina), lab, h
TANGUE BURTON, emp Danville Mfg Co, r Elm House
Thomas Ralph A., emp Danville Mfg Co, r Elm House
Thompson Edwin G., farmer, h Passumpsic, R D
Thurston A. Russell, h Passumpsic, R D
Tolman Alpha, v-pres Caledonia National Bank, res Greensboro
VALUER FRANK, h St Johnsbury, R D 3
Vance Carl, h
"    Charles H., farmer, h
Vondle Peter, h
WARD ALBERT H., h St Johnsbury, R D 3
"    Benjamin H. (Helen), farmer, h N Danville, St Johnsbury, R D
"    Eugene, h St Johnsbury, R D 2
Washburn Lodge F & A M No. 92 (Masonic), W M, Vernon J. Devenger; treas, Earle H. Fisher; sec, Clarence E. Peck. Meets "   Wednesdays 8pm week of full moon
Waterman Stephen (Gertrude), farmer, h N Danville, St Johnsbury, R D 3
Way Frank L., janitor Town Hall, h
"    Hollis G., h P O Danville
Webb Edwin M., farmer, h
Webster Arthur H., farmer, h R D
Weeks Anna Mrs., h
"    Emma Mrs., h
Wesson Asa (Lelia B.), town clerk and cashier Caledonia National Bank, h
"    Lelia B. (Mrs. Asa), asst cashier Caledonia National Bank, h
West Danville Garage, Earle Rodger prop, auto repairing
Western Union Telegraph Co, Perley J. Pressey agt, Depot
Wheaton C. J., h
Whittier Harriet, h
Williams Helen Mrs., h
"    John D. (Helen), dog fancier, h
Wilson George, farmer, h
Winn Frank A., h Passumpsic, RD
"    Fred C, farmer, h east part Passumpsic, R D
Woods Arthur, h
"    Carl B., h W Danville
"    Carl H., h
"    L. E. Mrs., clk The Hetherington Store, h
Woodward William A., farm hand, h N Danville, St Johnsbury, R D
Worthen William E., prop Hotel Thurber, h
Wrightman John (Pearl), h St Johnsbury, R D 3
YOUNKIN WILLIAM (Rose), h W Danville
Young Harry, h W Danville

The figures following the letter r indicate the number of the road on which the party resides, and will be found by reference to the map in the back part of this work. Where no road number is given the party is suppossed to reside in the village.

Figures placed after the occupation of acres owned or leased.

The word street is implied.

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