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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
Vermont Northeast
Kingdom Genealogy

St. Johnsbury, Vt Genealogy
St. Johnsbury, VT
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The figures following the letter r indicate the number of the road on which the party resides, and will be found by reference to the map in the back part of this work. Where no road number is given the party is suppossed to reside in the village.

Figures placed after the occupation of acres owned or leased.

The word street is implied.
Highlight keywords:
Post Offices and Postmaster—Concord, Mrs. Edith M.  Brooks; East Concord, H. A. Smith; North Concord, William M. Rich; Miles Pond, Alexander E. Fuller.  
Town Clerk— Fred A. Brewer.  
Town Treasurer—Fred A. Brewer. 
Selectmen—Elmer Reed,  Samuel H. Kellogg,  Horace W. Cutting.  
Overseer of Poor—Jacob Richardson.
Listers—Horace W. Cutting, W. H. True, Ira Grant
Auditors—Elwin A. Gray, Rev. M. H. Smith, Richard Southworth.      
Roard Commissioner—George W. Reed.  
Town. Agent—Fred A. Brewer. 
School Directors—J. B. Sturtevant, James. K. Hovey, Ira Grant.
Health OfReer—George B. French, M. D.
Constable and Tax Collector—Charles H. Powers. 
Superintendent  of Schools—J.  V. Sturtevant.
Churches—Universalist,  Grant   Van Blarcom, pastor; Methodist Epis.copal, W. H. Smith, pastor.
Halls—Town Hall.
Hotels—West Concord House.
All parties in business are designated by an asterisk [••],   The Post Office address it given when it differs from the name, of the town.    When no Post Office address follows a name the Post Office is Concord.     
ADAIR WILLIAM W., farmer, p o East Concord 
Adams Emery, laborer  
George W., laborer, p o E. Concord
Ash Eli P., laborer 
Marshall, laborer 
Robert, laborer   
BABBITT Harrison W, laborer
Bailey James M., mill hand
Margaret, wid Robert S.
Baker Arthur E., job teamster
Charles T., farmer R F D 1
Henry A., laborer
Micah, farm hand, bds C. T, Baker, R F D 1
Banks Nathan J., laborer
Barnet William G, farmer
Barnett John A., farmer
Bazin Edward H., emp St. Johnsbury
Bedell Fingal J., farmer Mosquito Hollow R F D 1
Harry, farmer, R F D 1
*Belden Avon W, horse dealer
Belrose Benjamin, laborer, p o Miles Pond
*Bennett Robert   J., stoves and hardware
Bergin Andrew J., farmer, p o Waterford
Bishop George E., farmer, p o East Concord
Blanchard Almira, wid George T., p o North Concord
*     Mark C, farmer, North Concord
Blodgett A. A., farmer 
William F., farmer North Concord
Bonnette Frank, farmer
Boucher Joseph, farmer
Joseph, laborer, p o North Concord
Boutin Olizzem, laborer, Miles Pond
Bradshaw Willis A., farmer
Breakwood C. J., laborer, East Concord
*BREWER FRED A., town clerk and treasurer, lawyer, ins agent, surveyor 
Briggs Alfred, farmer, East Concord
Benjamin F., laborer, E Concord
Henry, farmer, East Concord
Horace, farmer, East Concord
Brigham Angie, wid Lucius L.
Julius D, farmer
Brooks Edith M., wid Geo W., postmaster Concord p o
Brown Ithamar H., farmer, p o Miles Pond
Patrick, farmer and laborer, p o North Concord
Burke Alexander, farmer, rfd 1
Burdock Lewis, laborer, rfd 1
Burroughs Helen, wid Daniel C.
Burt Carl S., farmer, p o North Concord
CARPENTER FRANK L., farmer, p o Miles Pond
Lewis R., farmer and gen store (Fuller Bros. & Carpenter)
CARPENTER   MINER   B.,   treas  and mgr  Trout-Brook Creamery, (ses p 228)
Chaplin Clara, wid Orrin, housekpr
Chapman Francis W., stone cutter
George, farmer and RR section foreman
J. George, clk W. W. Rich and asst postmaster, p o No Concord
*      William J., granite worker and farmer
Cheney Abiel, retired
Christie Thomas J., farmer
Cobleigh Frank M., RR station agt
Orville D,, teamster
Cole Fred H.. clk, W Concord House
Commette Edward, farmer. and mason, rfd  1
Cooley Lyman W., p o East Concord
Cooney William J., stone  cutter
Corey Ralph, farmer, rfd 1
#Cornish & Cornish (John and Thomas H.), granite workers
John,  (Cornish & Cornish), granite worker
Thomas H. (Cornish & Cornish)
Crawford Fred, millman, p o East Concord
Cross D. B., farmer, rfd 1
Crowell Clyde A:, farmer, rfd 1
Cummings George W., farmer, rfd 1
James, farmer, rfd 1
Currier Albert J., stone cutter
Harry E., farmer, rfd 1
William, laborer, p o East Concord
*CUTTING CLARENCE F., (O. B. Cutting & Son), Main st, h do (see p 228)
Frank, farmer, rfd 1
Horace, farmer and selectman, south part of town, rfd 1
*CUTTING OLIVER B. (O. B. Cutting & Son), h off Main st  (see page 228)
*CUTTING OLIVER B. & SON (Oliver B. and Clarence F. Cutting), apothecaries, paints, oils and varnishes, Main st (see p 228)
DAMON CHARLES, carpenter, East Concord
Daniels Herbert J., laborer
J C, stone cutter
Davis Augusta, wid John
DAVIS George H., farmer
Destroismaisons Eli, laborer, Miles Pond
De Moranville Ann Mrs.
Donaghty John, farmer
Lewis, farmer
Donaghy Harvey, farmer
Douglass Hubert C., farmer 1 1/2 miles west
Walter L., farmer
William E., farmer, 1 mile south
*Dudley Clarence H. (C. H. Dudley & Co.), h Weymouth, Mass.
*     C. Eugene, h Woburn, Mass.
Dunton Emily, wid Charles E.
Durlan Sophronia S., p o East Concord
EDNEY JOHN, farmer, 1 mile north
Elgarsin Bertice E., pedler. East Concord
Emery Willis V., farmer, East Concord
Fisher Abner, laborer, p o East Concord
Albert H., laborer, 1 mile north, p o East Concord
Charles S., farmer, East Concord
D. Austin, farmer, p o Miles Pond
Electa, wid Harry, fanner, p o East Concord
Hubbard L., laborer, p o East Concord
Ira A., laborer, Miles Pond
Lemuel H., laborer, p o East Concord
Ora A., farmer, p o East Concord
Fiske Arthur L., carpenter, p o East Concord
*Folsom John I., gen store, p o East Concord
Ford Daniel, farmer, rfd 2
Samuel W., farmer, rfd 2
Forrest Joseph, farmer, 1 mile east
Victor, farmer, 3 miles south Concord p o
*Forsaith Arthur D., extract mfr
Fountaine John, section hand, Miles Pond
Fournier Medric, RR section, hand, p o North Concord
Richard, farmer
*Fuller Bros & Carpenter  (W. H.  and A. E.. Fuller and Frank L. .Carpenter), gen store, p o Miles Pond
*     Alex E.  (Fuller Bros. & Carpenter), also postmaster, p o Miles Pond
*     William H. Jr. (Fuller Bros. & Carpenter), p 0 Miles Pond
FULLER Harry W. laborer
Fredette Frank, laborer
*French George B., homeo physician and health officer
Harold F., civil engineer
Frye Albert, retired farmer
David M., farmer, 3 miles, east of Concord, rfd 1
Emery D., farmer, rfd 1
Isabelle A., wid Henry O.
GEE HENRY W., laborer
Gero William H., laborer
Gilbert Bernard H., medical student
Gilman Edward, laborer, bds Napoleon Gilman, p o Miles Pond
Ginson Amos, farmer, Concord, rfd 1
Napoleon, farmer, p o Miles Pond
Goodall Curtis, farmer, East Concord
Goodreault Alfred, farmer, 1 mile east of Concord p o 
Alfred A., laborer
Graham Henry, farmer, East Concord
Grant Emmet C, farmer, 2 miles south, p o East Concord
George I., farmer, p o East Concord
Ira. notary public and school director, p o E Concord
Gray Albert C, sawyer
Elwin A., gen store and town auditor
Green Lorilla Miss
Griswold John H., farmer, p o East Concord
HANSCOM HERBERT L., laborer, p o Waterford
Hartshorn James, farmer, 1 1/2 m South, p o East Concord
*Harvey Oscar F., lawyer and lumber mfr
W. Edgar, carpenter
Walter C, farm hand
Wilfred, clk in St. Johnsbury
Hastings Frank, farm laborer, rfd 1
George H., farmer
Horace, farmer
Lafayette, farmer, 1 1/2 miles south, rfd 1
Lambert W., mgr Hastings Supply Co, h at St. Johnsbury
*HASTINGS L. & CO., lumber mfrs (see page 6)
HASTINGS SUPPLY CO., L.   W.   Hastings  mgr,   lumber dealers, p o Miles Pond (see page 6)
William E., laborer
HAVILAND Stephen C, emp Creamery
Heywood Frank H., farmer, rfd 1
Harry H., farmer, 3 1/2 m so of Concord p o, rfd 1
Hicks Samuel B., U. S. pensioner
Higgins Edward G., millman
Fred R., farmer, East Concord
*      George I., farmer and horse breeder
Harley E.; farmer, rfd 1
Otis G., laborer, p o East Concord
*Hill Emmet, horse breeder and farmer
*Holton Lyman T., barber
Houston William E., stationery engineer
Hovey Henry A., farmer
James K, farmer and school director, 1 m south rfd 2
Mason W., laborer
Howard Charles H., carpenter
Hudson Edward E., laborer, rfd 1
*Hull Albert J. (A. J. Hull & Son), carriage repairing
*     A. J. & Son ( Albert J. and Robert M. Hull), carriage makers
*     Robert M. (A. J. Horne & Son), bds do
Hunter. Thomas J. laborer
Hurlburt Lewis, farmer, south part, p o Waterford
Huse Rosalyne M. Mrs., summer resident
Hutchinson Harry, stone cutter
JOCK FRANK, laborer, rfd 1
* Johnson Russell T., physician, surgeon and notary public
Joslin Clarence E., farmer, p o Waterford
Edward R., farmer, Royalston Corner, rfd 1
Edwin, farmer, south part of town, p o Waterford
Henry A., laborer
*Joslyn Frank R, prop West Concord House
Judevine Angelina, wid Harvey
*KELLOGG SAMUEL H., selectman, farmer and lumberman, p o East Concord
Kenerson George H., farmer, p o Waterford
George W., farmer, p o Waterford
Kerr Alexander G., farmer
KIDNEY REMEDY—Cuttings, Main st (see p 228 )
King Frank, farmer, p o Miles Pond
George N., RR section hand, p o East Concord
Moddis, farmer, p o Miles Pond
KING Richard S., farmer, p o East Concord
Kiser Harley E,, emp saw mill, p o East Concord
Mary J. wid John, p o East Concord
LACHANCE VICTOR, laborer, Miles Pond
Laduke Elmere Mrs., p o Miles Pond
Languar Louis, laborer
Lavature George, mill hand, East Concord
LeClair Fred, farmer, rfd 1
*Lee Ernest D., groceries, boots and shoes
Irving, farmer and stationary engineer, p o N Concord
Lewis Fred A., laborer
Libby R., granite worker
LILLICRAP BROS., (Harry and Jethro Lillicrap), granite dealers and workers, monuments and cemetery work, near the RR depot, tel Passumpsic 7-3 (see page 222)
Emanuel, granite worker
Harry,  (Lillicrap Bros.)
Jethro,  (Lillicrap Bros.)
Linsey Horace B., farm hand
William H., laborer
Lynaugh George, farmer, North Concord
Lyon Andrew J., farmer
MANN JOHN, laborer
Robert, laborer
Martin Lewis, farmer, 3 miles out, rfd 1
Peter, farmer, 3 miles out, rfd 1
William H., laborer. East Concord
*May Harry H., music tehr and farmer
Mayhew Joseph, painter
McBeigh John, RR section hand, h North Concord
McCraynolds William H., laborer
McDonald John, farmer. East Concord
McElvy Clarence E., mill hand, East Concord
Mclvers J. J., farmer, p o Waterford
Miltimore Chauncey, farmer
Mitson Warren, farm hand
Moody Lizzie M. Mrs., milliner
Mooney James C., trav salesman
*Morgan Peter A., blksmith
Morrill George N., emp saw mill, h Miles Pond
Hollis, farm hand, h East Concord
MORRILL Kyron, laborer, h East Concord
*Morse E. Allen, stone mason and farmer, h East Concord
George A., farmer, p o Waterford
Harry, stone cutter
John, stone cutter
*Morton David H., farmer and butcher, 1 1/2 miles out
Dyer H., emp E. D. Lee and justice of peace
Harley, section hand 
Harry H., section hand
Moulton Hiram, laborer, h East Concord
Moyse John, granite worker
*N. E. TEL. & TEL. CO., now Passumpsic Tel. Co.  (pay station at Cutting's Drug Store (see p 329)
Nichols Edwin F., blksmith
Lemuel, farmer, East Concord
M. D., blksmith, North Concord
W. A., laborer, p o East Concord
Noble John, RR section hand, p o North Concord
OLIVER WILLIAM H., farmer, h North Concord, p o Concord, rfd 2
Owen Albert E., farmer, rfd 2
PARKER JOHN S., farm hand, bds ML A. Parker, rfd 1
Moses A., farmer, h 4 m east of Concord p o, rfd 1
Roscoe N., laborer, rfd 1
Parks Albert G., farmer, h 1 1/2 m west of East Concord
Myron F. laborer, East Concord
Parris Nellie, wid George W.
Paquette Freeman, farmer, North Concord
PASSUMPSIO TELEPHONE CO., Mrs. W. L. Reed, mgr (see page 329)
Pease Henry T., farmer
Perkins Fannie M. Mrs., rfd 1
Hanson farmer, p o East Concord
Hugh, laborer, North Concord
Milo H., carpenter, rfd 1
Perley, laborer, rfd 1
Victor, farm hand, p o Waterford
Perry Jackson M., farmer, south part, p o Waterford
Phillips Charles, laborer, East Concord
Charles W., farmer, p o East Concord
Pike Charles T., farmer, p o Waterford
PIKE D. Alphonso, laborer
Fred, stone cutter
Sumner J., laborer
Potter Wesley N., farmer, h 1 m west of East Concord p o
*Powers Charles H., painter, constable and tax collector
Frank G., house painter, p o East Concord
Pratt John, retired
*     William C, carpenter
*Preston A. W., physician
*RANDALL HENRY S., harness mkr and dealer Main st, h do
Ranney Harry A., farmer, North Concord
Herbert C., laborer
Jennie P. Miss
Nellie M. Miss
William E., farmer
*Raymomd Bros. (F. E. and Samuel N.), provisions
Clarence C, laborer
F. E. (Raymond Bros.)
Samuel M. (Raymond Bros.)
William, farmer, rfd 1
Reavy Charles retired farmer
Reed Elmer; farmer and selectman
George W., road commissioner
Marcus I., rfd carrier
N. Dexter, retired
William L., manager L. W. Hastings & Co.
*Rich William M., postmaster,  gen store, station  agent, notary public, North Concord
Richards Alice L., wid Oliver
Lester S., retired
*Richardson Jacob, grist mill and grain dealer, south part rfd 1
*     Jacob Jr., grain dealer
Ripley Rhoda D., wid John
Rivers Dana, farmer 3 1/2 miles east of Concord p o, rfd 1
Robillard Omer, farmer
Rogers Fred F., engineer, East Concord
ROOK S. & CO. (Charles and Samuel Rook), granite workers, monuments and building work (see p 223)
Charles (S. Rook & Co.)
ROOK Samuel (S. Rook & Co.)
W. G., granite worker
*Rossi   Bros.   Co.   (Peter and  Joseph Rossi  and Ambrosi Zanoni),   granite  workers
Peter (Rossi Bros. & Co.)
Joseph (Rossi Bros. & Co.)
Russell Freeman I., farmer, Royalston Cor, rfd 1
Rutledge Abner, farmer, rfd 1
Sanborn George W., laborer. East Concord
Sartwell Edward P., farmer
Sayers Benjamin, farm laborer, h East Concord
William C, farmer, h 1 1/2 m south of East Concord
Scales Edwin E., laborer, h 1 1/2 m south of East Concord
John E., farmer, emp Edwin E. Scales, East Concord
John M., farmer
Seavey Minnie E.. wid Fred S., emp West Concord House
Shaekford Luther L., harness maker
Smith Almon B., farmer, h 2% m south of East Concord po East Concord
Daniel M, farmer, East Concord
Fred W.,  1 1/2 miles south of East Concord
*     Hubbard A., gen store, East Concord
Irving W.,  laborer,  East  Concord
*     Loren E., granite dealer
M. H. Rev., pastor M. E. church and town auditor
Southworth Richard N., laborer and town auditor, Concord rfd 1
Wesley C., farmer, East Concord
William, farm hand, East Concord
William R., farmer, p o East Concord
Spaulding Mark J., farmer Royalston Cor, rfd 1
Spencer Percis Mrs., widow
Stacey Curtis L., carpenter
Steere Clark H., farmer, East Concord, rfd 1
Merrill B., farmer. East Concord, rfd 1
Stewart John R., farmer 
Stockwell Helen S., widow Emmons B.
Lewis, farmer, rfd 1
Story George W., stone cutter
Streeter. Charles N., farmer, rfd 1
Harry, farmer, rfd 1
Preseott B., farmer, rfd 1
STREETER William P., farmer, h Royalston Cor, rfd 1
Sturtevant J. V., prin high school
Sylce Frank O., farmer, East Concord
George, laborer, East Concord
TATRO M. M., sewing machine agt
*TELEPHONE PAY STATION  (Passumpsie Tel. Co.)  at Cutting's Drug Store   (see p  329).
Tessea Rose Miss
Thomas Harry, laborer, rfd. 1
Scuyler W., farm hand, rfd 1
T. Wilbur, farm hand, rfd 1
*Tilton C. H. & Son (Charles H. and Haskell A.), furniture and undertakers
*      Haskell A.  (C. H. Tilton & Son)
Towne Edmund P., farmer, p o North Concord
TROUT. BROOK CREAMERY (inc 1896, capital $5000) W. T. Reed, pres; M. B.  Carpenter, treas and mgr (see page 228)
True William H., mill hand
Tulip William, laborer
Turner Frank H., farmer, 1 1/2 m west of North Concord
Irving, farmer, h North Concord
VACHON ALEX L., laborer, North Concord
Van Blarcom Grant, pastor Universalist church
Vance Joseph V., laborer, h East Concord
Herbert,  laborer,  East  Concord
Jane R. Mrs.. East Concord
Virtue James A., farmer
Wallace James B. Hon., justice of the peace, h E Concord
Ward Hiram Q., fruit farm, Miles Pond, p o No Concord
Warne Charles V., granite cutter
Webb E. I., farmer, rfd. 1
Lewis, farmer, rfd 1
William H., h East Concord
WEIR Archie, farmer, h 2 1/2 miles west of East Concord, p o East Concord
*West Concord House, P. R. Joslyn, prop
*Whipple E. Rice, farmer and cooper, rfd 1
George E., farmar, rfd 1
*White Carl C., farmer and carpenter
Frank, farmer, North Concord
William W., farmer North Concord
*Whitney Emma Miss, groceries
Williams Charles, farmer, North Concord
Daniel W., carpenter, rfd 1
Ellsworth J., laborer
Mabel Miss, houeskeeper William Williams
Robert, laborer, Miles Pond
William, laborer
William Jr., farmer, rfd 1
* Williamson Harry (Concord Granite Co.)
Wood Fred R., farmer
Woodbury Benjamin F., farmer
Hardie E., farmer, rfd 1
Harvie E., laborer, rfd 1
Lot G., farmer, rfd 1
Philip S., agt Grand Union Tea Co., bds B. F. Woodbury
YOUNG GEORGE M., farmer, p o Miles Pond

ab, above; agt, agent; ave or av, avenue; b or bds, boards; bel, below;
bet, between; bldg, building; com, commission; do, ditto; E, east;
ex, express; F V, Fairbanks Village; ins, insurance; h, house; n, near;
N, north; opp, opposite; prop, proprietor; P V, Paddock's Village; r, rear;
RR, railroad; S, south; sq, square; st, street; S, Sommerville;
W, west; MCRR, Maine Central Railroad;

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