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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
Vermont Northeast
Kingdom Genealogy

St. Johnsbury, Vt Genealogy
St. Johnsbury, VT
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The figures following the letter r indicate the number of the road on which the party resides, and will be found by reference to the map in the back part of this work. Where no road number is given the party is suppossed to reside in the village.

Figures placed after the occupation of acres owned or leased.

The word street is implied.
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Note. --- Petitions are under consideration at the Postoffice Department for mail route from Canaan, via Wallace Pond and Averill to Norton. If it is established an office will be opened at the mills near Wallace Pond, probably under that name, which will then be the address of most persons located on roads 1 and 1 1/2.
Aldrich Arthur R., carriagemaker for Charles Green.
Allen Charles, r 15, son of Levi H.
Allen L. Harrison, r 15, farmer 185.
Bean Silas F., r 7, teamster.
Beecher Nathan, r 10, farmer 175.
Bell Francis, r 13, farmer 200.
Biglow George, laborer.
Blodgetr Albert, r 13, farmer 196.
Blodgett Eugene E., r 13, farmer 100.
Blodgett Hazen B., r 5, farmer.
Blodgett Irena T., r 5, owns land 200.
Blodgett Thomas B., r 5, farmer.
Brackett Charles W., (Colebrook, N. H.) r 5, farmer 400.
Brackett George W., r 7, peddler.
Brown William M., r 5, farmer 170.
Brunell Prosper, r 1, carpenter and joiner.
Brunell Samuel T., r 1, farmer 43.
Bryant Charles H., r 5, 14 acres.
Bryant Daniel, r 5, farmer 150.
Rrynnt Henry, r 5, farmer 100.
Buffington Charles H., (Colbrook, N. H.) r 15, farmer with J. C. Haynes.
CANAAN HOTEL. C. H. Weeks, lessee.
Capen Alfred. (Colebrook. N. H.) r 15. farmer 240.
Capen Edward A., (Colebrook, N. H.) r 15, farmer 110.
Carbee Eugene, laborer with John.
Carbee Frank D., r 7, laborer, h and lot.
CARBEE JOHN, r 9, deputy sheriff, furniture dealer, undertaker and blacksmith.
Chamberlin George, r 3 n 4, farmer 100.
Chamberlin Moses B., r 6 n 5, farmer 45.
Chase J. Sullivan, (Colebrook, N. H.) r 17, selectman, farmer 185.
Clark Thomas H., r 11, sawyer, h and lot.
Cole Damon L., r 1, farmer 100.
Collins Thomas W., laborer at Canaan House.
Cook Wheatley B., r 8, farmer 100.
Davis Alonzo.
Dean Levi R , (Colebrook, N. H.) r 15 n 16, with M. S. farmer 200.
Dean Micah S., (Colebrook, N. H.) r 15, with L. R. farmer 200.
Dennett Fay I., r 15, 12 cows, 30 sheep, farmer 400.
Diette Cyrien, r 1, farmer 67.
DUNNING WILLIAM, resident, owns 161 acres.
Dyer George, r 1, farmer 50.
Edmands Alonzn, r 10, farmer, leases of J. P. Moore.
Edmarrds Charles F., (Colebrook, N. H.) r 17, farmer 425.
Edmands James W., (Colebrook, N. H.) r 17, farmer.
Elliott Charles, r 1, farmer 140.
FARNHAM CYRUS E., r 8, retired farmer 320.
Farnham George F., r 7, farmer 246.
Farnham Perkins, off r 7, farmer 100.
Fellows Edgar, r 1 1/2, farmer with Henry.
Fellows Henry J., r 1 1/2, farrner 50.
Finley Charles, r 1, farmer with John.
Finley John, r 1, farmer 100.
Flanders Kdd., laborer.
Flanders Frank, laborer.
FLANDERS JOHN G., postmaster, barber and dealer in groceries and provisions.
FLANDERS WILLIAM J., carriage, wagon and sleigh maker and repairer, painter, shop and lot.
Fletcher Charles M., student, bds Canaan Hotel.
Fletcher Marvin, estate, Canaan Hotel stand and farm 400.
Fountain Medos, r 1 1/2, farmer 102.
French Joseph, r 4 n 3, carpenter, h and lot.
French William, (Colebrook, N. H.) farmer 200.
FRIZZELL, ADDISON E., r 15. justice of the peace, manuf. of rough and dressed lumber, clapboards, shingies and butter tubs, owns 185 acres.
Frizzell Amasa (Colebrook, N. H.) r 17, farmer with R. N.
Friezell Eugene M., (Colebrook, N,. R.) r 17, farmer 280.
Frizzell Mary P., (Colebrook, N. H.) r 17, widow --, farm 170.
Frizzell Rurick N., (Colebrook, N. H.) r 17, selectman, farmer with Amasa.
Gay Peter, r 1, farmer 70.
Gilman John, (Colebrook, N. H.) r 15, member of school board, farmer 320.
Gonyea Joseph, r 1, farmer 70.
Gould Loren A., r 11, farmer 60.
Gray Charles E., r 4, owns 5 acres.
Green Carlos H., r 7, livery, h and lot.
GREEN CHARLES, r 7, manuf. of carriages.
Green Charles H., r 1, lumberman, manuf. of coarse lumber, prop. of sawmill, owns timber land 1,384 acres.
Green Edwin, owns farm in Canada, son of Charles.
Hadley John A., r 9, prop. Line Hotel, and farmer 14.
Hammond George A., miller at W. Stewartstown. N. H.. h and lot.
Harriman Cyrus G., r 7, town treasurer New England Protective Union, dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes and hardware.
Harriman Florin, r 1, farmer.
Harriman Gilbert, r 8, farmer 700.
Harriman Walter, r 1, teamster, farmer in Canada.
Harris Albert, r 3 n 5, owns 165 acres.
HARRIS JOHN, (Colebrook, N. H.) r 17, farmer 40.
Hartshorn Frank J., r 11, laborer.
HARTSHORN GEORGE W., justice of the peace, lawyer, owns in Averill 1,500 acres timber land.
Harvey Hiram M., notary public, pension agent.
Haynes Fred C., (Colebrook, N. H.) r 15, farmer with J. C.
HAYNES JOHN C., (Colebrook, N. H.) r 15 n 16, justicr of the peace, farmer 210.
HEATH DANIEL, r 8, merchant at West Stewartstown, N. H., farmer 325.
Heath Nathan, r 8, carpenter and joiner.
HOLTON CHARLES 0 , town clerk, dealer in jewelry, watches, clocks and plated ware, drugs and medicines.
Hunt Austin, r 1, farrner 100.
Hunt Jesse, r 1, manuf. of clapboards and shingles, farm 53.
Huntoon George W., r 7, carpenter, h and lot.
Hutchinson Lucius E , (Colebrook, N H.) r 17, clerk for C. Colby & Co., at Colebrook, N. H.
Hutson Charles N., (Colebrook, N. H.) r 15, farmer.
Hutson J. William, r 13, farmer 200.
HUTSON WILLIAM B., r 17, farmer 180.
Ingalls John L., r 10, farmer 90.
Ingalls John L., Jr., r 10, farmer with J. L.
Ingalls Satchel C., off r 10, h and lot.
James Fred J , r 1 1/2, justice of the peace, farmer 50.
Johnson Harry, teamster.
Johnson Thomas, r 7, laborer.
Jones Carrie E., widow of Dr. Sylvester P., resident with H. W. Lund.
Judd Thomas P., r 8, farmer 605.
Labonty LOUIS, r 1, farmer 65.
Ladue Philip, r 1, sawyer, h and 1 acre.
Lang Charles, r 7, farmer 240.
LEONARD FRANK E., M. D., dentist, physician and surgeon, ofice and h near bridge.
Leonard Reuben, laborer.
LORD C. HERBERT, shocmaker, owns 100 acres.
Lovelly Fred, r 1, farmer 50
Lovelly John, r 1, farmer with John B.
Lovelly John B., r 1, farmer 80.
Lucas Harvey H., r 5, justice of the peace, farmer 196.
Lucas Jared W., r 4 n 3, owns 100 acres.
LUND HENRY W.: chairman of school board, attorney and counselor at law, office Custom House building, h r 7.
McGAFFEY STEPHEN R., U. S collector and insnector of customs, bds Canaan House, owns h and lot and 50 acres in Lyndon.
McHarg Joseph, (Colebrook, N. H.) r 17, farmer 56.
MOORE JAMES P., r 10, town representative, breeder of Holstein cattle, 30 cows, 70 head cattle, 2,000 sugar trees, farmer 870.
Merrill Charles E., off r 3, with William.
MORRILL WILLIAM, r 3, selectman, farmer 310.
Morrison David, (Colebrook. N. H.) r 17, with H. Chase, farmer 70,
Morrison Irving A., r 15, farmer 200.
Morrison Herbert S , (Colebrook, N. H.) r 17, farmer 248 1/2.
MORRISON WILLIAM, r 15; farmer 132.
Morrison William D., (Colebrook, N. H.) r 15, farmer 200.
Mousseau Alexander, r 1, farmer 100.
Newman Charles H., r 5, farmer 150.
Newman Lewis A., r 5, laborer.
Niles Alonzo, r 2, mill hand, farmer 50.
Niles Wright, laborer for T. B. Blodgett.
Pearson Fred W.. r 1 1/2. farmer.
Penn Alonzo C., r 1 1/2, farmer 100.
Piper Fred, laborer.
Piper William, resident, boarding-house.
Polly John S., tailor.
Provoncial Thomas, r 1, farmer 63.
Quimby Irving E., general blacksmith and horseshoer, prop. of "Canadian Lion" stallion.
Rousseau Napoleon, painter, h and lot.
Rousseau Thomas, r 11, wheelwright, h and lot.
Royal Ernest T., (Colebrook, N. H.) r 5, farmer 160.
Russell Charles, r 6, farmer 135.
Russell Horace, r 6, farmer 400.
Sartwell Bradley T., laborer.
Sears John, r 1, farmer 125.
SHOFF HIRAM A., r 8, 800 sugar trees, farmer 300.
SHAW SILAS P., boot and shoe dealer, h W. Stewartstown, N. H.
Silver Bernice, r 15, farmer 200.
Smith Adonio D., off r 4. farmer 64.
Smith Gardner W., r 13, famer 100.
Story Robert, r 7, tailor.
Swain Henry, r 10, laborer.
Tebo Thomas, r 1, farmer 83
Thomas Asa. r 5, farmer.
Trask Guy B., r 15, farmer 160.
Vancor Horace, laborer, h n toll bridge.
Wadleigh Osmond Lee, carriage painter.
WARD ARTEMAS, physician and surgeon, oftice and h n School.
Watkins George, r 2. farmer 200.
Watkins Henry J., r 2, farmer with George.
WEEKS CHARLES H.. r 11, prop. Canaan Hotel, farmer 820.
WEEKS ELIZABETH H., (Mrs. Charles H.)
Weeks James A., r 14, member of school board, farmer 400.
WEEKS SAMUEL, r 7, retired farmer, and real estate owner.
Weeks Stephen E., r 15, farmer 400.
Welch Jacob, r 14, manuf. of potato starch, farmer 260.
WELLS MARTIN B , r 14, magnetic physician, farmer 212.
WRIGHT JOHN C., M. E. clergyman.
Young Augustus, r 1, farmer.

ab, above; agt, agent; ave or av, avenue; b or bds, boards; bel, below;
bet, between; bldg, building; com, commission; do, ditto; E, east;
ex, express; F V, Fairbanks Village; ins, insurance; h, house; n, near;
N, north; opp, opposite; prop, proprietor; P V, Paddock's Village; r, rear;
RR, railroad; S, south; sq, square; st, street; S, Sommerville;
W, west; MCRR, Maine Central Railroad;

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