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ABBOTT N. KNIGHT, (E. Cabot) r 48 cor. 49, 46 head cattle, farmer 60, and in Peacham, Caledonia Co., 100. |
Abbott Walter I., (E. Cabot) farmer with N. K. |
Adams Azro K., r 17, farmer 27. |
Adams Charles T., (E. Cabot) r 50, 14 cows, 7 horses, farmer 168. |
Adams Ella L. Mrs., r 27, 600 sugar trees, farm 100. |
Adams Elvira, r 19, widow of William, farm 83. |
Adams George P., r 20. laborer, lives with Levi P. |
Adams John L., r 19, (John L. & Will Adams). |
Adams John L. & Will, r 19, 12 cows, 4 yoke oxen, 400 sugar trees, farmers 300 |
Adams Laura K. Mrs., r 19, owns farm 115. |
Adams Levi P., r 20, farmer 50. |
Adams Will, r 19, (John L. & Will Adams). |
Ainsworth Albert C., r 16, farmer 100. |
Ainsworth Nancy, h and lot Main. |
Atkins Henry, (Marshfield) r 62, laborer and farmer. |
Atkins Mary L., r 41, widow of William S., 100 sheep, farm 160. |
Austin John, r 53, 22 head cattle, 700 sugar trees, farmer 190. |
AVERILL HENRY L., (S. Cabot) r 67, cooper, postmaster, dealer in groceries, boots and shoes, served in Co. L, 1st Vt. Cav. |
Burnham Edwin, farmer 11, served in Co. H, 4th, and Co. I, 11th VT. Vols. |
Babcock Abbie P., (Lower Cabot) widow of Isham, h and 14 acres Main. |
Bacon William W., r 19, farmer 54, served three years in 1st VT. Bat. |
BADGER CHARLES A., (E. Cabot) r 48 cor. 49, farmer 25. |
Baker Addison W., r 39, veterinary dentist, owns 37 1/2 acres of land, winter residence Boston, Mass. |
Baker William A., farm laborer, h and lot Elm. |
Barnett Elbridge W., (W. Danville, Caledonia Co.) r 34, farm laborer. |
Barnett George W., (W. Danville, Caledonia Co.) r 33, farm laborer. |
Barnett John, (W. Danville, Caledonia Co.) r34 cor. 32, farmer 60. |
Barnett Moses, mail carrier from Cabot to Walden, Caledonia Co., h Main. |
Barr Robert S., (E. Cabot) r 49, 35 head cattle, 7 horses, 87 sheep, farmer 100, and in Peacham, Caledonia Co., 160. |
Barr William H., r 29, 40 head cattle. 150 sheep, farmer 421. |
BARRETT ORRILL F., r 44, 9 cows, 1 yoke oxen, farmer 125. |
Batchelder Bert, (Marshfield) r 62 cor. 67, prop, hay press, and farmer 100. |
Batchelder Ira, (Plainfield) r 58, prop, saw-mill, joiner, owns 30 acres land. |
Batchelder Joshua, (Lower Cabot) r 39 cor. 55, cooper, lives with his son Matthew. |
Batchelder Matthew, (Lower Cabot) r 39 cor. 55, farmer, h and lot. |
Beedle Josie M, school teacher, taught 32 terms, h and lot. |
Benton Albert E., r 9, farm laborer for William. |
Benton William, r 9, 800 sugar trees, farmer 83. |
Bickford Martha, h and lot Main. |
Bigelow Rufus, (Lower Cabot) farm laborer, h and lot Main. |
Biladeau Napoleon, r 27, farm laborer, bds. with Mrs. Eliza M. Rudd. |
Blake Daniel W.. (S. Cabot) r 67, farm laborer. |
Blodgett Stephen B.. (Lower Cabot) r 40, 6 cows, 500 sugar trees, farmer 60. |
BOLTON JOHN, (W. Danville, Caledonia Co.) r 34, 7 cows, 35 head young cattle, 3 yoke oxen, 5 horses, prop, stock horse " Young Morrill," or " Bolton Boy," farmer 250, at the head of Joe's pond 110, in Walden, Caledonia Co., 400, in Peacham. Caledonia Co., 120, pasture land 73, served in Co. E, 9th Vt. Vols., and 2d Vt. Bat. |
Bouldry Charles B., (S. Cabot) r 67, farm laborer. |
Bouldry Harriet S.. (S Cabot) r 66, widow of Welcome, h and lot. |
BOULDRY JAMES W., (Marshfield) r 69, 14 head cattle, 6 horses, 600 sugar trees, farmer 100. |
Boyles Benjamin, r 37, lives with Henry Hills, aged 80. |
Boyles Mahala Mrs., (Lower Cabot) r 40, wool carder for L. F. Haines, h and lot. |
Boyles Orvis P., r 45, 6 cows, farmer 60. |
BRUCE ROLAND B., (Lower Cabot) r 55, 6 cows, 2 yoke oxen, 1,000 sugar trees, farmer 100, on r 23 farm 75, and in Woodbury 82. |
Burnap Eben T., r 55, 21 grade Jersey cows, 9 head young cattle, 1,000 sugar trees, farmer 360, pasture and woodland in Woodbury 50. |
Burnham Albert L., r 62, farm laborer for Chandler E. |
Burnham Chandler E., r 62, 5 cows, 2 yoke oxen, 575 sugar trees, farmer 123. |
Cameron Bemis, (Marshfield) r 62, laborer for Oscar Morrill. |
CARPENTER GEORGE N., (Lower Cabot) r 57, 15 cows, 1 yoke oxen, 1,000 sugar trees, farmer 205, served 3 years as sergeant of Co. I, 9th Vt. Vols., was 1st lieut. when discharged. |
CATE JOSHUA C, (Walden, Caledonia Co.) r 31, 20 head cattle, farmer |
Chandler Frank, (S. Cabot) r 66, teamster, farmer 100. |
Chandler George D., (W. Danville, Caledonia Co.) blacksmith and carriage ironer, farm 40. |
Chandler Samuel B., (E. Cabot) r 50, 10 cows, 2,000 sugar trees, farmer 110. |
Clark Carlos E., wheelwright in Cabot carriage shop. |
Clark Charles, (S. Cabot) r 63, (Charles & L. L. Clark). |
Clark Charles & L. L., (S. Cabot) r 63, 20 cows, 30 head young cattle, 6 horses, 1,400 sugar trees, farmers 350. |
Clark Emory H., (E. Cabot) 54 head cattle, 7 Holstein cattle, reg., 100 sheep, 9 horses, farm 300, postmaster, and dealer in farm implements. |
Clark Harry W., house, carriage, and sign painter. |
Clark Harvey N., (S. Cabot) r 67, prop, saw-mill, dealer in hard and soft wood lumber, clapboards, and shingles. |
Clark Loresta L., (S. Cabot) r 63, farmer with Charles H. |
Clark Moses, (S. Cabot) r 66, h and 25 acres. |
Clark Noah A., h and 10 acres. Main. |
Clark Olin J., (S. Cabot) r 51, 8 cows, farmer 130. |
Clark Sarah K., (S. Cabot) r 51, widow of Ora, owns farm with Olin J. 130. |
Coburn Elihu F., (Lower Cabot) r 60, 8 horses, 1 stock horse " Black Hawk," 250 sheep, 1 yoke oxen, farmer 400. |
Cole Levi P.. prop, grist-mill on Winooski river, dealer in flour, feed, salt, grass seed, etc. |
Collins Orman R., undertaker, dealer in harness, buffalo robes, whips, roadcarts, wagons, and sleighs. |
CONNER ORVIS W., r 21, 18 head cattle, 5 horses, 2 yoke oxen, 700 sugar trees, farmer 160. |
Cook Edward, r 35, summer resident, winter residence in Arlington, Mass. |
Corliss Andrew G. S., (Marshfield) r 67, road commissioner, 1 yoke oxen, farmer 100. |
Corliss Fred J., r 54, 7 cows, farmer 96. |
Corliss Theron, (Marshfield) r 67, farm laborer. |
Crane John H., r 28, 22 head cattle, 1,000 sugar trees, farmer 150. |
Cunningham David, r 2, 800 sugar trees, 6 cows, 1 yoke oxen, farmer 80. |
DAMON JOHN H., farmer 14, h Main. |
Davis Frank, (Lower Cabot) blacksmith, h Main. |
Dow Emily C., (Lower Cabot) r 60, h and 50 acres, and 60 acres on r 40. |
Dow George, r 25, 15 cows, 2 yoke oxen, 1,000 sugar trees, farmer 180. |
Dow Henry A., (S. Cabot; r 66, 2 yoke oxen, farmer 125. |
Dow VVinslow, (E. Cabot) r 48, cooper and farmer 30, aged 80. |
Drew James T., tinsmith, dealer in hardware, tin and hollow ware and stoves, bds. with N. B. Rogers. |
Drown Enoch, (S. Peacham, Caledonia Co.) r 50, h and 4 acres. |
Duncan Frank J., blacksmith and horseshoer, h Elm. |
Durant John T., (Lower Cabot) r 60, 6 cows, 63 sheep, farmer 225. |
Durgan Alvin D., (E. Cabot) 10 head cattle, farmer 66½. |
Durgan Prudence, (E. Cabot) r 47, widow of Darius, aged 82. |
Eastman Loren, (S. Cabot) r 67, farm laborer, h and lot. |
Elmer Ella Mrs., (Lower Cabot) r 60, milliner at Cabot. |
Elmer George, r 29, farm laborer for G. M. Webster. |
Elmer Palmer B., (Lower Cabot) r 60, printer, carpenter and joiner, h and lot. |
Everette Hugh M., carriagemaker and repairer. |
Farr Fanny, h and lot Main. |
Farr Roswell, r 62 cor. 61, farm laborer for H. H. Whittier. |
Farrington David G., retired farmer, h and lot Main. |
Farrington Edward W., retired farmer, aged 84. |
FARRINGTON JOHN A., pres. Caledonia National Bank, of Danville. Caledonia Co., general merchant, prop. Cabot carriage shop, 10 head cattle, 8 horses, prop, sawmill at Lower Cabot, farm 200. |
Finley John, (W. Danville, Caledonia Co.) r 12, 12 head cattle, fanner 60. |
Fisher John M. Hon., (Lower Cabot) r 26, 20 head cattle, 500 sugar trees, farmer 75. |
Fisher Luke C, r 25, farmer; refused to give further information. |
Folsom Leonard, (Marshfield) r 61, 25 head cattle, farmer 188. |
FORD FOWLER S., (Lower Cabot) r 60, manuf. of butter boxes and prints. |
Foster Alonzo M., r 27, 14 head grade Jersey cattle, 2,000 sugar trees, 200 apple trees, farmer 160. |
FOSTER CHARLES D, r 35, 10 head cattle, farmer 100. |
Foy Delinda, widow of Ichabod, h and lot Main. |
Fitts Orvis, retired station agent on P. & O. R. R., h Main. |
Freeman Kelsey P., served in Co's H and E, Vt. Regt., h and lot Main. |
French Charles H., (Lower Cabot) r 69, farmer 16. |
FRENCH EUGENE M., (S. Cabot) r 63, carpenter and joiner, 15 cows, farmer 100. |
French George A., (S. Cabot) r 67, laborer for A. G. S. Corliss. |
GALE FRED P., physician and surgeon. Main, h do. |
Gardner Hiram, farmer 80, h Main. |
Garney Phineas K., r 26, 350 sugar trees. 1 1 head cattle, fanner 100. |
Gibson George, r 43 cor. 44, laborer for George Gould. |
Gile Fred, r 15, farmer, leases of George C. Smith 125. |
Gilman John A., farm laborer, h and lot Church. |
Goodale George H., stone polisher at St. Johnsbury, Caledonia Co., h and lot Main. |
GOODALE WILL L., physician and surgeon, bds. Winooski House. |
Goodell Francis, (W. Danville, Caledonia Co.) r 35 cor. 31, 15 head cattle. farmer 100. |
Goodwin Rebecca, r 2, widow of Jotham, h and lot. |
GOULD GEORGE, r 43 cor. 44, 25 grade Durham cows, 1 full blood Holstein bull, 10 horses, farmer 300. |
Graves Hyram, (Marshfield) r 69, farmer 38. |
GRAVES JOHN B., (Marshfield) r 69. sawyer for his father, Jonathan C. |
Graves Jonathan C, (Marshfield) r 69, prop, saw-mill, manuf. of chair stock and dressed lumber, h and 100 acres. |
Graves William .A, (Marshfield) r 69, straw manuf. in Massachusetts. |
Gray Joshua C, (W. Danville, Caledonia Co.) 20 head cattle, 9 horses, farmer 150. |
Growse George, r 27, farmer and laborer. |
Haines Emily C, widow of Edward, h and lot Church. |
Haines Ezra W., stage driver and mail carrier from Cabot to Marshfield, has carried mail thirteen years, h and lot Main. |
HAINES IRA F., (Lower Cabot) r 41, prop, cloth dressing and wool carding-mill. |
Haines Julia M., (Lower Cabot) r 41, teacher, bds. with Ira F. |
Haines Lelia Miss, (Lower Cabot) h and lot Main. |
HAINES MOSES S., (Lower Cabot) r 41, 12 cows, 700 sugar trees, farmer 170. |
Hall Benjamin, (Lower Cabot) r 39, farmer. |
Hall Dean S., (S. Cabot) r 67, blacksmith, manuf. of cant dogs and lumbermen's tools, apiarist 50 colonies. |
Hall Emma A., (S. Cabot) r 67, widow of Mason, farm 90. |
Hall Eugene E., (E. Cabot) carpenter and joiner, h and lot. |
Hall John, (S. Cabot) r 64, farmer 70. |
HALL MARK P., (S. Cabot) r 64, 11 cows, farmer, leases of G. & F. Wooster, of Marshfield, 140, served in Co. G, 4th Vt. Vols. |
Hamilton James, (VV. Danville, Caledonia Co.) r 13, 8 head cattle, farmer 65. |
Hanson Warren, (S. Cabot) r 67, millwright, h and lot. |
Hatch Gonsalvo C, (Lower Cabot) dealer in West India goods, groceries, flour, feed, hardware, glass, lard, butter, and butter tubs. Main. |
Hatch Hellen M., (S. Cabot) postmaster, Main. |
Hathaway Lois B. Mrs., (S. Cabot) r 66, farmer 150. |
Haws George E., (S. Cabot) r 69, laborer for J. C. Graves. |
Heath Clarence, r 10, painter, h and 10 acres. |
Heath George, r 10, farmer with his father, John. |
HEATH GEORGE W., (E. Cabot) r 46, mail carrier from W. Danville, Caledonia Co., to Marshfield, 12 head cattle, farmer 108. |
Heath John, r 10, aged 80, farmer 90. |
Heath Orlando, laborer, h Main. |
Herrick Lucius, r 27, 5 grade Jersey cows, 225 sugar trees, farmer 50. |
Hickie James, r 17, 16 grade Jersey cattle, 50 sheep, 6 horses, 2,000 sugar trees, farmer 235. |
Hill Gilbert, (E. Cabot) r 47, 12 cows, farmer 80. |
Hill Lewis B , (E. Cabot) r 47, 23 head cattle, farmer 148. |
Hills Henry M., r 37, teamster, and farmer 40. |
Hooker Almira E. Mrs., (S. Cabot) r 67, 10 cows, farm 90. |
Hopkins Alonzo A , (Marshfield) r 59, 14 cows, 5 horses, 550 sugar trees, farmer 150. |
HOPKINS EASTMAN T., r 20, 15 full blood Jersey cows, 1 Jersey bull, 30 sheep, 10 horses, 1 yoke oxen, 15 head young cattle, 1 stock horse " Duke Alexis," 700 sugar trees, farmer 147, in Woodbury 300. |
Hopkins Lewis A., r 55, 17 head cattle, apiarist 8 colonies, farmer, leases of James Patterson 160. |
Hopkins Samuel L., r 21, mason, 6 cows, 400 sugar trees, farmer 100. |
Houghton Herbert L., (E. Cabot) r 50, farmer, leases of B. F. Rollins, of St. Johnsbury, Caledonia Co., 240. |
HOYT ENOCH, r 37 cor. 43, (Enoch & George W. Hoyt). |
HOYT ENOCH & GEORGE W., r 37 cor. 43, 13 cows, 1 yoke oxen, farmers 115, on r 62 farm 31, and in Woodbury 35. |
HOYT GEORGE W.. r 37, cor. 43, (Enoch & George W. Hoyt). |
Ide Dexter, (Marshfield) r 57, 12 cows, 1 yoke oxen, farmer 150. |
Ide Milton C, (Marshfield) r 57, laborer, lives with his father, Dexter. |
Ide Ralph R., (Marshfield) r 57, 7 cows, 400 sugar trees, farmer 100. |
Jackson Frank H., r 29, farm laborer. |
Jackson Mary C, r 45, widow of Almon, h and 10 acres. |
Jacobs Don L., r 20, 300 sugar trees, farmer 50. |
Jacobs Hosea B., r 5, 7 cows, farmer 110. |
Johnston Thomas J., (E. Cabot) r 46, 17 head cattle, fanner 100, and in Peacham, Caledonia Co , 25. |
Kenaston William, r 3, 600 sugar trees, farmer 100. |
Kimball Alphonso D., (Lower Cabot) r 20, farmer 80. |
Kimball Edward F., r 19, farm laborer, lives with John L. Adams. |
Kimball George O., r 19, 12 cows, 2 yoke oxen, 2,000 sugar trees, fanner 260, and in Woodbury 100. |
Kimball Jennett L., (Lower Cabot) r 21, widow of Isaac N., h and lot |
Kimball Orson, r 21, farmer 38, and in Woodbury woodland 12. |
King Frank, laborer for E. & G. W. Hoyt, h Main. |
KNAPP FRANCIS L., r 2, 1,000 sugar trees, 6 cows, 3 horses, farmer 130, soldier in Co. D, 6lh Vt. Vols. |
Knapp James E., pastor Methodist church, h Elm. |
Knights James B., goldsmith, dealer in jewelry, plated ware, watches and clocks, manuf. of and dealer in fire arms, bds. with M. B. Rogers. |
Laird Addison, r 29, 18 cows, 24 head young cattle, farmer 200. |
Laird Frank L., r 19, farmer, leases of Mrs. Laura K. Adams 115. |
Laird Roswell, r 2, farmer 68. |
Lamberton Cassius, (S. Cabot) r 51, farmer 50. |
LAMSON JOSEPH P., r 25,att'y and counselor at law, master in chancery, justice of the peace, and practitioner in U. S. courts, 6 full blood Jersey cows, 6 oxen, 25 head cattle, 10 horses, farm land 230, and in Hardwick, Caledonia Co., 280. |
LANCE BYRON J., prop, shingle-mill on r 38, h and lot Elm. |
Lance Clyde L., r 26, farm laborer, lives with Theron H. |
Lance Cynthia M. Mrs., r 38, h and 6 acres. |
Lance Paul, (Lower Cabot) r 39, 12 cows, 500 sugar trees, farmer 100, and in Marshfield 22½. |
Lance Theron H., town treasurer, dealer in wool and farm produce, farm 100, wood and pasture land 50. |
Lang Joseph, r 40, 6 cows, 2 yoke oxen, farmer 100, and in Peacham, Caledonia Co., 75. |
Lawson Betsey, r 3, widow of Rollins, resides with her son Edgar R. |
Lawson Charles C, clerk for J. A. Farrington, bds. with Mrs. P. B. |
Lawson Edgar R., r 3, 400 sugar trees, farmer 50. |
Lawson Henrietta, widow of Phineas B., h and lot Main. |
Lilley Olive Mrs., bds. with Dr. F. P. Gale. |
Lintan John, (Marshfield) r 68, tin peddler. |
Lyford George W., (Lower Cabot) r 20, 14 head cattle, farmer 160. |
Lyford Harry L., r 36, farmer 10. |
Lyford Laura A., widow of W. W., h and lot Main. |
Lyford Lucinda, (Lower Cabot) leases h of Mrs. Abbie P. Babcock, Main. |
Lyford William M., (Lower Cabot) r 57, 8 cows, farmer 85, in Woodbury 40. |
Mack Asa B., r 34, farmer 80, served in Co. G, 4th Vt. Vols., was in Andersonville prison 5 months and 19 days; weight when taken 200 lbs., when discharged 86 lbs. |
MARSH ALFRED M., r 27, 3d selectman, farmer with James. |
Marsh James, r 27, 6 cows, 400 sugar trees, farmer 140. |
Marsh William R , r 27, 6 cows, 5 horses, farmer 155. |
Martin Catherine, (Lower Cabot) r 39 cor. 55, owns h and lot. |
Mason Nathaniel J., (Walden, Caledonia Co.) r 33, 6 cows, 5 horses, farmer 100, and in Walden 40. |
McAllister Lyndan, r 8, 8 grade Jersey cows, farmer 100. |
McCormac John, (W. Danville, Caledonia Co.) r 14, 14 head cattle, farmer 80. |
Morse Joshua O., retired stage driver, h Main. |
McDaniels M. W. Mrs., (Lower Cabot) general merchant, owns 10 acres of land on r 40. |
McDuffey Frederick, h and lot Main. |
McLean John, farm laborer, h Main. |
McLean Samuel E., (Lower Cabot) r 39, painter, owns h and 85 acres. |
Meader George E., roof painter, dealer in Metcalf's fire-proof paint, h and lot. |
Meader Samuel, roof painter, h Main. |
Merrill Francis W., r 2, farmer 40. |
Metcalf Samuel, (Lower Cabot) r 60, h and lot. |
Miers Lafayette, blacksmith, horse and ox-shoer, and carriage ironer. Main. |
Morrill Edwin J., (Lower Cabot) r 60, farmer, lives with his father, Oscar F. |
MORRILL OSCAR F., (Marshfield) r 60, 25 cows, 2 yoke oxen, 25 head young cattle, 8 horses, farmer 337. |
Morris Ceylon A., (Marshfield) r 62, 10 cows, 1 yoke oxen, 800 sugar trees, farmer 100. |
Morse Clara G., widow of Jesse, h and 30 acres Main. |
Morse Edward C, r 7, farm laborer, lives with Nelson. |
Morse George W., r 7, bds. with Nelson. |
Morse Harry F., (S. Cabot) r 67, farmer, leases of Mrs. Emma C. Hall, 90. |
MORSE HENRY, (E. Cabot) r 46, 16 head cattle, farmer 115. |
Morse Horace H., tin peddler, h and lot Main. |
Morse Nelson, r 7, 9 cows, 1 yoke oxen, farmer 220. |
Moulton Thomas, (E. Cabot) r 46, laborer. |
Nelson Olney, r 35, 12 cows, farmer 100. |
Nelson Stephen A., r 37, 9 cows, 400 sugar trees, farmer 80. |
Nownes Benjamin, (Marshfield) r 60, 9 cows, farmer, leases of G. & F. Wooster, of Marshfield, 160. |
Noyes Albert W., r 24, (Noyes & Phelps) owns in Woodbury 140 acres land. |
Noyes George, (Lower Cabot) r 39, farm laborer. |
Noyes James, (Lower Cabot) h and 2½ acres Main. |
Noyes Miranda T. Mrs., r 25 cor. 19, 10 cows, farmer 120. |
Noyes & Phelps, (Albert W. N. and Charles O. P.) props, saw-mill, and dealers in lumber. |
Oderkirk Charles E., (W. Danville, Caledonia Co.) r 33, 20 head cattle, 11 horses, farmer 100, in Danville, Caledonia Co., 48. |
Osgood Albert, r 29 cor. 45, farmer with Benjamin F. |
OSGOOD BENJAMIN F., r 29 cor. 45, 18 head cattle, farmer 145. |
Osgood George W., retired farmer, h and lot Main. |
Osgood Herman, (Lower Cabot) r 60, carpenter and joiner, h and lot. |
Osgood John B , r 54 cor. 42, farm laborer, lives with Solomon W. |
Osgood Solomon W., r 54 cor. 42, farmer 100. |
Osgood Walter H., r 41, laborer for Mrs. M. L. Atkins. |
Page George L., r 52, 18 head cattle, farm 116. |
Paquin Frank, r 31, farmer. |
PATTERSON JAMES, (E. Cabot) r 47, 8 cows, farmer 130, at Lower Cabot 4, in Ryegate, Caledonia Co., 116, and in Walden, Caledonia Co., 160. |
Paine George W., r 29, farmer, aged 80. |
Paine Herbert, r 25, farm laborer. |
Peck Edgar C, (Lower Cabot) r 41, laborer for M. S. Haines. |
Peck Horace D., r 20, veterinary surgeon, prop, stock horse "Black Jim," and owns 15 acres land. |
Peck Oren D., r 25, veterinary surgeon, and owns 25 acres of land. |
Perkins Charles, (Lower Cabot) r 40, farmer 10. |
Perkins Charlotte, h and lot Main. |
Perkins Nathaniel, farmer 75, aged 88, h Main. |
PERRY ALLEN, dealer in produce, 8 head cattle, farmer. |
Perry Lucy, r 36, widow of A. P., h and lot. |
Perry Martha, widow of Elijah, h and lot Main. |
PERSONS GEORGE B.. r 26, farmer, leases of George W. Webster 100. |
Phelps Charles O., r 20, (Noyes & Phelps). |
Pike Bemis, (Lower Cabot) r 40, 7 cows, 1 yoke oxen, farmer 35. |
Pike John G., r 10, 13 head cattle, farmer 108. |
Pitkin William, leases of Mrs. Mary Stone h and lot Main. |
Powers William H., r 16 cor. 17, 8 head cattle, farmer 100. |
Preston Asa L., r 35, farmer 108. |
Preston William. (Lower Cabot) r 60, carpenter and joiner, h and 10 acres. |
Putnam Rives W., (Lower Cabot) r 20, road commissioner, 10 head cattle, farmer 102. |
Reed Dexter W., r 35, 14 cows, farmer 155. |
Reed Ira D., r 52, farmer, leases of George L. Page 116. |
Reed Levi H., r 35, seedsman, dealer in phosphates, and farm laborer. |
Rogers Beauman G., (Wells & Rogers) telegraph operator. |
Rogers Daniel W, r 2, 13 grade Jersey cows, 1,200 sugar trees, farmer 187. |
Rogers George, aged 83, works for Mrs. W. Adams, h Main. |
Rogers Heman A., r 2, farmer with Daniel W. |
ROGERS NAPOLEON B., deputy sheriff, 10 head cattle, 600 sugar trees, farmer 30. |
Rogers Robert H., r 15, 8 head cattle, 6 horses, farmer 120. |
Rudd Eliza M., r 27, widow of William, owns h and 20 acres. |
Russell Henry A., pastor Cong. church, h and lot Main. |
Russell Henry O., r 20, farm laborer, lives with Hiram L. |
RUSSELL HIRAM L., r 20, farmer 30, served in Co. I, 11th Vt Vols. |
Russell Wallace H., r 28, laborer. |
Severance Hannah L., r 28, (Sarah D. & Hannah L. Severance). |
Severance Sarah D., r 28, (Sarah D. & Hannah L. Severance). |
Severance Sarah D. & Hannah L., r 28, 18 head cattle, farmers 116. |
SHORTT LEE, (Lower Cabot) r 60, laborer, h and 10 acres. |
Simons John N., (Lower Cabot) r 60, farm laborer, h and lot. |
Smith Daniel H., r 27, 6 cows, farmer 100. |
Smith Donald A., r 35, 7 cows, farmer 82½. |
SMITH DONALD D., r 35, quarryman in Hardwick, Caledonia Co. |
Smith Eben C, (Lower Cabot) r 24, 10 cows, 11 head young cattle, 1 yoke oxen, butcher and prop, meat market, runs meat cart, farmer 100. |
Smith Edward F., (Lower Cabot) r 39, stock and produce broker, and prop. stock horse "Black Prince." |
Smith George C, r 15, book agent, and farmer 125. |
Smith Henry D., r 45, 12 cows, 18 head young cattle, farmer 140. |
Smith Irwin H., r 27, laborer for Daniel H. |
SMITH JOSEPH V., (Marshfield) r 71, 13 head cattle, farmer 100. |
Smith Lorenzo, r 6, 8 grade Jersey cows, 1 yoke oxen, 1,000 sugar trees, farmer 165. |
Somers Woodward W., (W. Danville, Caledonia Co.) r 33, 12 cows, farmer 123. |
Southwick John M., r 42, 9 cows, 500 sugar trees, farmer 124. |
SOUTH WICK WILLIAM O., (S. Cabot) r 67, farm laborer, h and lot. |
Spencer Jesse L., (Marshfield) r 69, laborer for J. C. Graves. |
Stevens George W., r 27, stone mason, owns h and 52 acres, resides in Massachusetts. |
STEVENSON JAMES, (S. Cabot) r 66, prop, saw-mill), farmer 100, and in Peacham, Caledonia Co., 400. |
Stevenson William S., (S. Cabot) r 51, farmer 100. |
St. John Lewis, r 17, keeper town poor farm 100. |
Stone Eli H. B., r 29, 9 cows, 25 head young cattle, 2 yoke oxen, 2,100 sugar trees, farmer 155. |
Stone Harvey, prop. Winooski House and summer boarding-house, livery connected, Main. |
STONE JOHN M., (Lower Cabot) r 55, 500 sugar trees, farmer 50, soldier in the civil war. |
STONE JUSTIN I., (Lower Cabot) r 55, lives with Matthias J. |
Stone Matthias J., (Lower Cabot) r 55, 9 cows, 500 sugar trees, farmer 130. |
Stone William S., (Lower Cabot) r 55, farmer, leases of Nelson Morse 40. |
Sulham Bert, (Lower Cabot) laborer, h Main. |
TIBBETS JOHN, (Marshfield) farmer. |
TIBBETTS WILLIAM R., (S. Cabot) r 66, farm laborer. |
Thomas John, (S. Cabot) r 67, farm laborer, h and lot. |
Tibbitts Edward J., (Lower Cabot) r 56, 10 cows, 2 yoke oxen, farmer, leases of Eben T. Burnap about 100. |
Tibbitts George N., (Lower Cabot) r 56, 7 cows, 1,000 sugar trees, farmer 130. |
Tice Dorotha, (E. Cabot) r 48, widow of William. |
Voodry Florence C. Mrs., (Sedgwick C. Voodry & Co.) resides with her son Sedgwick C. |
VOODRY SEDGWICK C. & CO, (Mrs. Florence C.) dealers in standard groceries, fruit, salt, fish, farming tools, drugs and proprietary medicines, physicians' prescriptions carefully compounded, telephone in store. Main. |
VOODRY SEDGWICK C., (S. C. Voodry & Co.) owns h and lot. |
Walbridge E. Payson, r 29, laborer for John W. |
Walbridge John W., r 29, 13 cows, farmer 220. |
Walbridge Leander L., r 7, 7 cows, 1 yoke oxen, 125 apple trees, farmer 128. |
Walbridge Levi J., r 16, 2d selectman, overseer of the poor, 20 cows, 27 head young cattle, 1 yoke oxen, 48 sheep, 5 horses, 1,100 sugar trees, farmer 190. |
Walbridge Lyman, (S. Cabot) r 51, 7 cows, farmer 145. |
Walbridge Robert, r 7, farm laborer, lives with Leander L. |
Walbridge Susan, h and lot Main. |
WALDO ERASMUS D., pension agent, owns 16½ acres of land, served in Co. D, I St Vt. Cav., h Main. |
Waldo Willie E., laborer for Eben C. Smith, h Main. |
Walker William C, r 62, 8 cows, 400 sugar trees, farmer 100. |
WARDEN L. H., farm laborer. |
WARREN MIAL D,, physician and surgeon. Main, h do. |
Waterman George, r 21, farm laborer for O. W. Conner. |
Webster Byron G., r 16, lives with George M. |
Webster George M., r 16, 10 cows, 8 horses, 1,000 sugar trees, 100 apple trees, farmer 100, and on Cabot Plain 100. |
Wallace Matthew P., r 25, retired physician, aged 75, h and lot at Lower Cabot, resides with L. C. Fisher. |
WELLS HIRAM, (Wells & Rogers) town representative 1886, and town clerk. |
Wells Merton D., clerk for Wells & Rogers, lives with Hiram. |
Wells & Rogers, (Hiram W. and Beauman G. R.) general merchants, and managers telegraph office. |
Wheeler Zelando L. C. (Lower Cabot) r 23, farmer, leases of R. B. Bruce 75. |
Whitcomb Benjamin H., r 17, 20 head cattle, farmer 250. |
Whitehill Myra Mrs., (Groton, Caledonia Co.) r 28, h and 11 acres |
Whittier Harry H., r 62 cor. 61, 12 cows, 1,000 sugar trees, farmer 150. |
Whittier William P., postmaster, 8 head cattle, farmer 47, h Main. |
Willey Chester A., retired miller, h and lot Elm. |
Williams Herbert G., dentist, over J. A. Farrington's store, h Main. |
Wilson Joseph, (Marshfield) r 68, carpenter and joiner, farmer 65. |
Wilson Nathaniel L., (E. Cabot) r 50, 12 head cattle, farmer 86. |
Wilson William P., (Marshfield) r 70, 15 head cattle, 700 sugar trees, farmer 100. |
Winooski House, Harvey Stone, prop., livery connected, Main. |
Wiswell L. Gertrude, bds. With Sherburne L. |
WISWELL SHERBURNE L., physician, member of Montpelier board of examining surgeons and consulting physicians, Main, h do. |
Woodard Thomas E., (S. Cabot) carpenter and joiner, farm 55. |
York Edson, carpenter, joiner and mason, h Elm. |
The figures following the letter r indicate the number of the road on which the party resides,
and will be found by reference to the map in the back part of this work.
Where no road number is given the party is suppossed to reside in the village.
Figures placed after the occupation of acres owned or leased.
The word street is implied.