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Highlight keywords:
ab, above; agt, agent; ave or av, avenue; b or bds, boards; bel, below; |
bet, between; bldg, building; com, commission; do, ditto; E, east; ex, express; |
F V, Fairbanks
Village; h, house; ins, insurance; n, near; N, north; opp, opposite; |
prop, proprietor; P V, Paddock's Village; r, rear; RR, railroad; S, south; |
sq, square; st, street; S, Sommerville; W, west. |
address is; Danville, unless otherwise designated in parenthesis.) |
A |
Adams James, (S. Danville) r 87, farmer. |
Adams Loren S., (W. Danville) r 65 n 64, 400 sugar trees, farmer
100. |
Adams Mark, (S. Danville) r 64, farmer 85. |
Adams William, (S. Danville) r 87, farmer 78. |
Ainsworth Homer, r 27, laborer. |
Armstrong William, (W. Danville) r 65, farmer about 100. |
Atwood Mark, (N. Danville) r 18 cor. 29, pastor Freewill Baptist
church. |
Atwood Willie B.. (N. Danville) r 18 cor. 49, agent F. R.
Spaulding & CO.s medicines. |
Ayer Abbie, widow of Dr. Royal M. (Died June 13, 1886) |
AYER JAMES M., physician and surgeon, h Court. |
B |
BABBITT PUTNAM P., harnessmaker, dealer in horse furnishing
goods, Railroad. |
Bncon David C., (S. Danville) off r 69, farmer 110. |
Bacon Eliakim C., (S. Danville) r 90, carpenter, and farmer 32. |
Bacon John A., (S. Danville) off r 69, farmer, son of David C. |
Badger Asher R , r 50, 900 sugar trees, farmer 190. |
Badger Benjamin, r 39, farmer with Frank. |
Badger Charles F., (St. Johnsbury) r 57, farmer about 200. |
BADGER CHARLES W., (W. Danville) off r 68, farmer with H. C.
& H. T. |
Badger Frank, r 39, farmer, leases of Phillip 132. |
BADGER HARVEY C., (W. Danville) off r 68, (H. C. & H. T.
Badger.) |
BADGER H. C. & H. T., (W. Danville) off r 68, stock growers,
1,500 sugar trees, 12 cows, farmers 310. |
BADGER HENRY T., (W. Danville) off r 68, (H. C. & H. T.
Badger.) |
Badger Jonathan F., r 50, farmer with A. R. |
Badger Levi F., r 61, laborer. |
Badger Nathan, r 40. farmer 45. |
Badger Oliver M., (S. Danville) r 71, laborer. |
Badger Phillip D , expressman, Main. |
BADGER SOLOMON S., (St. Johnsbury) r 57, farmer 100. |
Badger Willie O., r 50, farmer, son of Asher R. |
Bagly George R., (S Danville) r 71, laborer, h and lot. |
Bailey George, (St. Johnsbury Center) off r 18, farmer 100. |
Bmdy Charles V., (N. Danville) r 25, laborer. |
Baudy John, (N. Danville) r 25 farmer, Ieases of Horace
Wakefield, of St. Johnsbury, 200. |
Bandy Joseph, (N. Danville) r 25, laborer. |
Bandy William, (N. Danville) r 25, laborer. |
Barber Jennie E., widow of Charles E., Jail. |
Barker Newell J., (St. Johnsbury) r 55, machinist, 400 sugar
trees, farmer 130. |
Baker Wiliis H., (St, Johnsbury) r 55, farmer, son of Newell J. |
Barnes Mary Miss, resident, Main. |
Barron James B., (W. Danville) prop. of W. Danville grist-mill,
dealer in flour, grain, meal and feed. |
Bartlett Harley W., r 63, painter. |
Bartlett William G., r 63, painter, 1,000 sugar trees, and
farmer 180. |
BATCHELDER EDWIN, (N. Danville) r 13. ( J. & E. Batchelder.) |
BATCHELDER FRANK C., (W. Danville) r 46, assistant postmaster,
dealer in general merchandise. |
BATCHELDER ISAAC W., practical watchmaker and jeweler, gold and
silver plater and engraver, Railroad, served in 17th Vt. Vols. |
BATCHELDER JONATHAN, (N. Danville) r 13, (J. & E.
Batchelder.) |
BATCHELDER J, & E., (N. Danville) r 13, hop growers, 12
cows, 700 sugar trees, farmers 260, and in St. Johnsbury 65. |
Batchelder Moses M., (N. Danville) r 20, justice of the peace,
1,600 sugar trees, farmer 230. |
Bates Josiah S., r 47, farmer 35. |
Baxter Charles, resident main. |
Bean Chester L., (W. Danville) r 66, farmer for M. Craig. |
Brickford Joseph W., (N. Danville) r 33 cor. 32, 1,000 sugar
trees, farmer 230. |
Blake William H. (S. Danville) r 89, farmer, leases of Mrs. Mary
Hooker, 100. |
Blanchard Allen r 48, resident. |
Blodgett Charles S., (N Danville) r 6, farmer 70. |
Blodgett Novatus, (N. Danville) r 1, retired farmer, owns 70
acres. |
BLODGETT THOMAS G., (N. Danville) r 1, painter and paper hanger,
and farmer 174. |
Borland James, h Main, farmer 30. |
Borland Robert, r 40, farmer 10. |
Bovee Moses, r 48, farmer 65. |
Bovee Silas K., r 48, farmer 2, also leases of William M. Dole
88. |
BRAINERD CHARLES D., state senator, town agent, justice of the
peace, farmer with Hiram 150, Jail. |
Brainerd Hiram, farmer with C. D. 150, Jail. |
Bray Thomas E., (N. Danville) r 1, farmer 140. |
Brickett John H , (W. Danville) h 43 cor. 45, section hand. |
Brock Andrew, (W. Danville) r 43, farmer 55. |
Brooks William, (N. Danville) r 31, farmer 65. |
BROWN EZRA H., r 70, carpenter and joiner, and R. R. bridge
builder, and farmer 12. |
Brown Walter A., (S. Danville) r 70, farmer. |
Buchanan John, (W. Danville) r 46, farmer 15. |
Buel Lucas, r 64, general mechanic, and farmer 100, served in
Co. A, 8th Vt. Vols. |
Burbank George W., (W. Danville) r 46, farmer son of Harvey |
BURBANK HARVEY, (W. Dnnville) r 45, 400 sugar trees, farmer 125. |
Burdick Frank G., clerk Elm House. |
Burdick Mary J,, widow of Jerome B. |
Burdick Noah W., blacksmith, and farmer 17, h Railroad. |
Burnham George W. Rev., pastor M. E. church. |
Burnham Herbert H.. (N. Danville) r 25, farmer. |
C |
CALEDONIA NATIONAL BANK, James W. Simpson, of Craftsbury,
Orleans Co., pres.; James B. Mattocks, cashier, Main. |
Carpenter Clinton, (N, Danville) r 11, laborer. |
Carr Timothy, (N. Danville) r 23, farmer 140. |
Carrick Andrew, (W. Danville) r 45, farmer 57. |
CARTER OSCAR E., (N. Danville) r 18, physician and surgeon,
graduate of medical department of University of Vt., class of 84. |
Caswell Abbie J., widow of William T., Main. |
Cate Orson A., (St. Johnsbury) r 52, farmer 23. |
Chase Albert J., (S. Danville) r 71, peddler. |
Chase Daniel P., (N. Danville) r 18, postmaster, shoemaker, h
and lot. |
Chickering Hattie, (N. Danville) r 2, widow of Edmond, farmer 9. |
Chickering Lafayette, (N. Danville) r 36, farmer on farm of
Buckley Holton 138. |
Chickering Orville E., (N. Danville) r 19, carpenter and farmer. |
Chickering Roxanna Miss, (N. Danville) r 30, farmer about 148. |
CHOATE DAVID W., 2d, (W. Danville)r 66, lister, carpenter and
builder, and farmer 10. |
Choate William S., (W. Danville) r 66, section hand at Hardwick,
owns farm 6. |
Church Abram, (N. Denville) r 30, farmer. |
Church John W., (N. Danville) r 30, farmer. |
Church William H., (N. Danville) r 30, mail carrier from N.
Danville to St. Johnsbury. and farmer 152. |
Clark George P., (St. Johnsbury) r 58, (L. & G. P. Clark.) |
Clark Lathrop, (St. Johnsbury) r 58, (L. & G. P. Clark.) |
Clark L. & G. P., (St. Johnsbury) r 58, farmers 125. |
Clement William, (St. Johnsbury) r 54, 700 sugar trees, 18 cows,
farmer 250. |
Clifford Adna S., (N. Danville) r 38, farmer 50. |
Clifford Amos P., r 47, farmer 60. |
Clifford Benjamin F., (N. Danville) r 20 cor. 19, farmer about
250. |
Clifford Charles T., (N. Danville) r 31, farmer 250. |
Clifford James M.: (St. Johnsbury) r 80, 500 sugar trees, 10
cows, farmer 175. |
Clifford Leo, laborer. |
Clifford Marshall, (St Johnsbury) r 52, 800 sugar trees, farmer
175. |
Colby Oscar N., r 47, butter buyer, hop grower 500 hills, 8
cows, farmer 100. |
COLE BYRON P., r 46, (J. Cole & Sons.) |
COLE JASON. r 46, (J. Cole & Sons.) |
COLE J. & SONS, r 46, (Jason, R. J. aud B. P.) breeders and
dealers in Daniel Lambert and Hambletonian horses, props. stock horse
"Ned, breeders of thoroughbred Jersey cattle, 20 cows, farmers 300. |
COLE RUSH J., r 46, (J, Cole & Sons) |
Coleman Daniel, (St. Johnsbury) r 50, farmer 60. |
Conner David, veterinary surgeon. |
Cook Cahsta E., widow, h Court. |
COOK ELVIRA, widow of Henry S., h Court. |
COOK GEORGE W., (W. Danville) r 46, section foreman B. & L.
R. R., Vt. Div., dealer in poultry, eggs, etc. |
COOK HENRY S., justice of the peace, farmer 20, Court. (Died
Oct. 31, 1885.) |
Coveny Abigail, r 83 cor 84, widow of Timothy. |
Coveny Bernard, r 59, farmer aged 72. |
COVENY DANIEL P., r 58, 12 cows, 100 sugar trees, farmer 40. |
Coveny Francis N., r 83 cor. 84, farmer 100 . |
Craig John N., (N. Danville) h and lot on r 9, farmer 100. |
Craig Matthew, (W. Danville) r 66, 800 sugar trees, 15 cows,
farmer 230. |
CRANE CHARLES, r 48, farmer 200. |
Crane Edwin E., r 61, 800 sugar trees, farmer 100. |
Crane Frank A., r 48, farmer, son of Charles |
Crane George, r 31, 680 sugar trees, farmer 140. |
Crane Nelson H., r 48, farmer, son of Charles. |
Craven Hannah H., (N. Danville) r 6, widow of George, h and 2
acres. |
Cumming Loren L., (Passumpsic) r 80, root and herb doctor. |
Cunningham Patrick, (S. Danville) r 89, 1,200 sugar trees, 13
cows, farmer 165. |
Currier Fred M., (S. Danville) r 91, farmer, son of Moses T. |
CURRIER JOHN, dealer in groceries, provisions, confectionery,
stationary, notions, &c., and farmer 2, Main. |
CURRIER MOSES T., (S. Danville) r 91, 11 cows, farmer 105. |
D |
DANFORTH ALBERT G., r 73, 600 sugar trees, farmer 100. |
DANFORTH HARRY M., r 73, mason and farmer, son of A. G. |
DANFORTH HENRY C , r 48, stone mason, farmer 2. |
Danville Woolen Mills, see John Spencer. |
Darling Thomas W., pastor Congregational church, Court. |
Davis Catharine M., (S. Danville) r 70, widow of Amos, owns 5
acres. |
Davis Ernilv, resident, h and lot. |
DAVIS GEORGE B.. dealer in mowing machines, horse rakes, hay
tedders, wheel harrows, cultivators, feed cutters and all kinds of
agricultural implements, Dradleys phosphate, etc., breeder of Devon cattle
and farmer 240, Jail. |
Davis Walter, r 62, farmer 150. |
Davison Cyrus, (W. Danvllle) r 65, farmer 20. |
DEARBORN FREDERICK W., general blacksmithing and carriage
ironer, shop and lot. |
DOLE BROTHERS, (W. F. and C. S.) dealers in dry goods,
groceries, boots, shoes. jewelry, watches and general mxchandise. Court. |
DOLE CHARLES S., (Dole Brothers) bds. Elm House. |
Dole Eleazer J., r 49, stone mason, sugar orchard 500 trees,
farmer 130. |
Dole Harvey, r 38, son of Joel K. |
Dole J. Murray, r 61, farmer 218. |
Dole Joel R., r 38 cor. 3r, stone mason, 1,600 sugar trees, 70
sheep, farmer 500. |
Dole Lyman S., r 61, farmer, son of J. M. |
Dole Nelson A., r 38 cor. 31, butcher. |
DOLE WILLIAM F., (Dole Brothers) farmer 5, h Court. |
DOLE WILLIAM M., carpenter and joiner, farmer 315, Main. |
Douglass Guy, resident, aged 87, h and lot Main. |
Drew Erastus, (N. Danville) r 21, farmer, son of Francis. |
Drew Francis, (N. Danville) r 21, 450 sugar trees, farmer 240. |
Drew George M., (N. Danville) r 15, farmer, son of George R. |
Drew George R., (N. Danville) r 15, homeo. physician and
surgeon, 18 cows, farmer 375. |
DREW ORA N., (N. Danville) r 5, 800 sugar trees, 15 cows, 75
sheep, prop. of stock horse Young Dew, farmer 600. |
Drew Wilbur F., (N. Danville) r 21, farmer, son of Francis. |
Drown John F., off r 58, manager town farm 100. |
DURANT JAMES S., physician and surgeon, farmer 7, Court. |
E |
Eaton Chester C., (W. Danville) r 64, farmer about 80. |
ELM HOUSE, El. Woodward, prop., livery connected, Jail cor
Railroad. |
Emmons Alfred, (N. Danville) r 23, farmer 40, also leases of
Timothy Carr 140. |
Emmons Alfred, Jr., (N. Danville) r 23, farmer. |
Emmons Henry V., (N. Danville) r 23, farmer, sun of Fred. |
ESTABROOKS SAMUEL D., r 59, 1,300 sugar trees, farmer 240. |
F |
Farr Hosea, farmer 11, Railroad, aged 76. |
Farrington Dan C., (W. Danville) r 46, general merchant. |
Farrington George E., (W. Danville) r 46, farmer, son of George
W. |
Farrmgton George W., (W. Danville) r 46, 25 cows, farmer 325. |
Fellows George T., (N. Danville) r 25, farmer. |
Fellows Portus A., (N. Danville) r 25, farmer 160. |
Finley Azro A., (N. Danville) r 19, farmer 150. |
FISHER JOEL. H, r 50, lister, 500 sugar trees, farmer 215. |
FISHER JOEL H., Jr., r 50, farmer with Joel H. |
Fisher John A.. r 61, 900 sugar trees, 12 cows, farmer 225. |
FISHER LEWIS W., r 84. prop. saw and grist-mill, manuf. of
coarse lumber, dealer in grain, flour and feed. |
Fisher William P., r 50, farmer, son of J. H. |
Fisher Winfield S., r 50, carpenter and joiner. |
Fitzgerald Andrew, (N. Danville) off r 9, farmer 10. |
Fitzgerald Andrew J , (N. Danville) off r 9, farmer 200. |
Fitzgerald John, (N. Danville) off r 9, farmer with A. J. |
Flint Orrin B., (W. Danville) r 45, farmer. |
Foster George, (W. Danville) r 46, laborer. |
Frye Fred J., farmer with J. C. |
Frye John C., farmer 120, Main. |
FRYE JOHN L., (S. Danville) r 90, justice of the peace, lister,
member of town school board, auctioneer, prop. of Bovee farm, manuf. of print
butter, 20 cows, farmer 200. |
Fuller Joseph C., retired merchant, h and lot Main. |
G |
Gadepee Peter, (N. Danville) r 29, farmer 40. |
Gadepee Trefflin, (N. Danville) r 14, laborer. |
GAGE DANIEL C., (N. Danville) r 13, agent for Walter A. Woods
mowers and reapers, horse-rakes, wheel harrows and other agricultural
implements, Bay State and Buffalo phosphates, farmer 120. |
Gannon Henry O., (N. Danville) r 12, farmer 25. |
GATES ELGIN, (N. Danville) r 18, general blacksmith, wheelwright
and repair shop, h and lot. |
Gilbert Carlos M., (S. Danville) r 71, prop. grist-mill, farmer
70. |
Gilbert Harry C., (S. Danville) r 71, with C. M., farmer. |
Gillis Archibald L., r 61, farmer 90. |
GILMAN GEORGE D., (N. Danville) r 18 cor. 13, carpenter and
joiner, h and lot, served in Co. K, 8th Vt. Vols. |
Goodnough Mary, widow of Asa, h and lot Main. |
Goodnough Warner W., r 39, farmer 150. |
Goodnough Warner W.. Jr., r 39, farmer with Warner W. |
GOOKIN DANIEL O., (S. Danville) r 69 cor. 63, agent Vt. Mutual
Insurance Co., with Orson V., farmer 25. |
Gookin Orson V., (S. Danville) r 69 cpr. 63, with David O,
farmer 25. |
Gould Henry D , shoemaker, Main. |
Gove Leonard M., (W. Danville) r 64, farmer for James Northrop. |
Green Charles E., (N. Danville) r 18, farmer 90. |
Green Frederick W., (N. Danville) r 18, prop. grist-mill. |
GREEN GEORGE I., carpenter and joiner, manuf. butter tubs,
general repair shop, farmer 7, Jail. |
Green Isaac W., r 64 cor. 63, farmer 45. |
Green James, laborer. |
Green Walter, farm laborer, h and lot Jail. |
GREENBANK BENJAMIN, (S. Danville) r 70 cor. 71, postmaster,
prop. woolen-mill and planing-mill, manuf. of repellents, cassimers,
doeskins, flannels, etc., also manuf. of lumber, dealer in general
merchandise, and farmer 275. (Mills burned December 14, 1885. Moved to
Enfield, N. H.) |
Greenbank B. Frank, (S. Danville) r 71, weaver Greenbanks mill.
(Moved to Franklin, N. H.) |
Greenbank George W., (S. Danville) r 86, overseer Greenbanks
mill, h and lot, (Moved to Enfield. N. H.) |
Greenhank Matthew B , (S. Danville) r 70 cor. 71, assistant
postmaster, general merchant, owns farm 70. |
GUILD ALFRED, (N. Danville) r 18, dealer in hides and pelts,
produce, etc., and farmer 190. |
Guild Clarissa, (W. Danville) r 65, widow of John. |
H |
Hale Orvis E. r 62, farmer 60. |
Hall Dana D., r 49, carpenter and joiner, 1,000 sugar trees,
stock grower, farmer 263. |
Hammel David, (St. Johnsbury) r 58, farmer 79. |
Hancock Henry E., (W. Danville) r 66, farmer, leases of Eben
Woodward 150. |
Harris Abner, r 73 cor. 61, resident. |
Harris Charles N., (N. Danville) r 18, laborer. |
Harris John D., (N. Danville) r 19, 1,000 sugar trees, farmer
190. |
Harris John M., r 48, wheelwright and general repair shop, owns
farm 38. |
Harris Levi H., farmer 54, Main. (Died. 1886.) |
Harris Thomas K., (St. Johnsbury) r 37 cor. 51, farmer 57. |
Harris Timothy V., r 48, wheelwright, farmer 1. |
HARRIS WILLIAM H. Col., retired farmer, h Main. |
Hartshorn Abel, farmer 280, Main. |
HARTSHORN BENJAMIN D., (N. Danville) r 12, 1st selectman,
carpenter and joiner, breeder of thoroughbred Cotswold sheep, 350 sugar
trees, farmer 300. |
Hartshorn Charles C. P., (N. Danville) r 12, retired farmer, 87
years of age. |
Hartshorn Ephraim, farmer, Main. |
Hastings Benjamin L., (W. Danville) r 65 cor 66, dealer in live
stock and produce, manuf. of last blocks. |
Hatch Charles P., r 64, farmer 150. |
HAVILAND BENJAMIN F., prop. stock horse " Duke Alexis,
dealer in horses, farmer 16, Jail. |
Haviland Flora E., widow of Harvey K., dressmaker, Main. |
Haviland Walter S., r 26, farmer 300. |
Hawkins George, r 70. laborer. |
Hawkins Payson T., (W. Danville) r 46, section hand. |
Heath Eben, (Passumpsic) r 80, carpenter and joiner, farmer 15. |
Heath George W., (N. Danville) r 18, laborer. |
Heath Hial, (Passumpsic) r 80, farmer 20. |
Heath Levi, (Passumpsic) r 82, farmer 80. |
Heath William, r 38, farmer 7. |
Higgins Leroy, laborer. |
Hill Ithamer P., (St. Johnsbury) r 53, 700 sugar trees, 12 cows,
farmer 260. |
Hodgdon Augustin G., laborer, Main. |
Hodgdon George R., farmer 70, Main. |
Hodgdon Jonathan, resident, Main. |
HOLT JOHN, (W. Danville) r 46, postmaster, cooper, manuf. of
butter tubs, h and lot. |
HOOKER GEORGE W., (S. Danville) r 88, 250 sugar trees, farmer
100, served in Co. E, 6th Vt. Vols. |
Hooker Mary, (S. Danville) r 89, widow, farm 100. |
Houghton Abel, (St. Johnsbury) r 80, farmer 50. |
HOYT ANSON B., editor and prop. North Star, dealer in
stationery, farmer 40, Main. |
Hoyt William A., resident, Main. |
Hoyt William L. G., r 48, R. R. employee and farmer 26. |
Hubbard Daniel W., (N. Danville) r 18, farmer 65. |
HUBBELL SYLVANUS N., (N. Danville) r 6, prop. of saw and
planing-mill and butter tub factory, manuf. of coarse lumber, shingles,
butter tubs, etc., farmer 15, and timber land 100. |
Hunt Cynthia, (S. Danvllle) r 70, widow of Hiram, h and lot. |
Hunt Nelson, (W. Danville) r 44 cor. 45, laborer. |
I |
Ingalls Albert L., (W. Danville) r 46, sign and carriage
painter. |
INGALLS CHARLES, deputy sheriff, dealer in all kinds of wagons,
carriages, etc., mowing machines, horse rakes, etc., farmer 300, Court. |
Ingalls Samuel N., student, son of Charles, Court. |
J |
Jansen Fred C., (N. Danville) r 25, farmer 82. |
Johnson George, carpenter and joiner, Main. |
K |
Kelley Andrew K., r 63, dealer in Yankee notions, and farmer 2. |
Kelley George M., r 63, painter. (Died October 16, 1885.) |
Kelley Isaac S., (N. Danville) r 20, carpenter and joiner. |
Kelley Reuben E., (N. Danville) r 19, laborer. |
Kelsey Harvey E., (N. Danville) r 13, 400 sugar trees, 9 cows,
farmer 275. |
KELSEY HIRAM A., (N. Danville) r 13, 1,000 sugar trees, 10 cows,
and farmer 150. |
Kemptnn Jasper H., carpenter, wheelwright, undertaker, general
repair shop, Main. |
Kerr George M., (Passumpsic) r 56, farmer, leases of Mrs.
Mehitable Lawrence. of Passunmsic, 160. |
King Charles B., (E. Barnet) r 85, 700 sugar trees, 9 cows,
farmer 135, |
King William H., (E. Barnet) r 85, farmer, son of Charles B. |
KITTREDGE CARRIE, r 43, (Mrs. Uri B.) |
Kittredge Charles F., r 42, farmer, leases of Uri B. 60. |
KITTREDGE FRANK K., leader North Danville band, dealer in
watches, clocks, jewelry, etc., Main. |
KITTREDGE URI B., r 43, farmer 160. |
Kittredge Zenas T., r 43, farmer 90. |
L |
Lacourse Hector, (St. Johnsbury) r 37, farmer 60. |
Ladd Mary S., widow of Seneca, h and lot, Main. |
Ladies Library Association, Miss Willametta A, Preston,
librarian, a circulating library of 100 volumes. |
LAMORA LEWIS, (W. Danville) r 65, general blacksmith, farmer 28. |
Lane Robert C., (W. Danville) r 65, carpenter and joiner. |
Langmaid Albert A., (N. Danville) r 21, farmer, son of W. K. |
Langmaid Dickson A., (N. Danville) r 20, farmer 4. |
Langmaid Lincoln S., (N. Danville) r 23 car 25, farmer 120. |
LANGMAID WILLARD K., (N. Danville) r 21, 400 sugar trees, prop.
stock horse Iowa Champion, breeder of Morrill Norman horses, farmer 400. |
Lavley George, (S. Danville) r 70, laborer. |
Lawrence Ira C.. (St. Johnsbury) r 56. farmer 180. |
Lawson Elisha B., (S. Danville) r 70, farmer, h and lot. |
Leighton Harrison W., laborer, h and lot Main. |
Leighton Hiram K., emp. Elm House. |
Livingston Wheaton, r 47, 12 high grade Jersey cows, and farmer
140. |
Lowell Henry H., (S. Danville), r 71, farmer 30. |
Lowell William H., (S. Danville) off r 69, laborer, farm 6. |
Luce Alfred E., (Passumpsic) r 84, farmer, son of Charles H. |
LUCE CHARLES H., (Passumpsic) off r 83, 700 sugar trees, farmer
180. |
M |
MARDEN ALBION S., physician and surgeon, graduate of Dartmouth
college, Railroad. |
Massey Erwin M., (N. Danville) r 14, R. R. bridge builder,
farmer, leases estate of V. H. Massey 60. |
Massey George H., (N. Danville) r 12, 14 cows, farmer, works for
T. C. Fletcher, of St. Johnsbury, 150. |
Massey Rosalie, (N. Danville) r 14, widow of J. C. |
Matava Charles, (W. Danville) r 64, farmer 80. |
MATTOCKS JAMES B., cashire Calidonia National Bank, town clerk,
treasurer and representative, owns farm 100, Main. |
Maxwell John A, (N. Danville) r 18, blacksmith and horse shoer. |
McCosco Abel S , r 43, farmer 15. |
McCosco Charles P., (W. Danville) off 43, farmer 65. |
McCosco John, (W. Danville) off r 44, farmer 50. |
McDonald Harvey B., r 48, 400 sugar trees, farmer about 200. |
McEwen James, (S. Danville) r 63, farmer 35. |
McGill James, r 64, 600 sugar trees, farmer 100. |
McKillop James, (W. Danvllle) r 45, farmer 40. |
McKillop Patrick, r 64, farmer 44. |
McLean Alexander C , laborer, Main. |
Meader Calista, milliner, Court. |
Meader Robert A., restdent, Court, owns 5 acres. |
MERRILL AUGUSTUS W., (W. Danville) r 65 cor 66, (George Merrill
& Son.) |
MERRILL GEORGE, (W. Danville) r 63 cor. 66, (George Merrill
& Son.) |
MERRILL GEORGE & SON, (W. Danville) r 65 car 66, (George and
Augustus W.) carpenters and builders, manuf. of sash, doors, and blinds,
planing, matching and general repair shop, dealers in glass, coffins,
caskets, trimmings, etc., also dealer in butter and eggs, agents Vt. Mutual
and other insurance companies, and farmers 36. |
Merrill John, (Passumpsic) r 78, laborer. |
Merritt John, (S. Danville) r 90, resident, h and lot. |
Miller John, (N. Danville) r 18, laborer. |
Mills John, (S. Danville) r 71 , laborer. |
Moore Mahlon E , (S. Danville) r 70, rnanager of saw.mill and
farm 250 for B. Greenbank. |
MORRILL CHARLES L., (N. Danville) r 20 cor 29, 13 cows, farmer
300. |
Morrill Chastina T. Miss, r 62, farmer 20. |
Morrill Corliss W., (N. Danville) r 20 cor. 29, farmer, son of
Charles L. |
Morrill Elbert, r 38, farmer 150. |
Merrill Isaac A., laborer, h Main. |
Morrill James, r 38, farmer. |
Morrill Luther, r 38, 500 sugar trees, farmer 140. |
Merrill William A., (W. Danville) r 45, laborer. |
Morrison Patriciano, r 63, farmer, leases of William G. Bartlett
180. |
Morse Amos, (N. Danville) r 22, retired farmer, aged 85. |
Morse Amos C., (S. Danville) r 73, machinist, general repair
shop, farmer 35. |
MORSE CHARLES E., (G. H. & C. E. Morse) farmer 150. |
Morse David W., r 84, 2,000 sugar trees, 18 cows, farmer about
400. |
Morse Everett A., (S. Danville) r 73, son of Amos C. |
MORSE FRANK A., r 73, 900 sugar trees, 13 cows, farmer 200. |
MORSE GEORGE H.,, (G. H. Sr C. E. Morse) h Main. |
MORSE G. H. & C. E., dealers in dry goods, groceries,
provisions, boots, shoes, hardware, patent medicines, etc., Main cor. Court. |
Morse Harvey K., (S. Danville) r 88, farmer 35. |
MORSE JOSEPH WESLEY, (Passumpsic) r 78 n 76, 350 sugar trees,
farmer 140. |
Morse Julia M.; (Passumpsic) r 78 n 76. |
Morse Lucinda, (Passumpsic) r 78 n 76, widow of Walter. |
MORSE MARSHALL J., r 85, 1,200 sugar trees: 8 cows, farmer 140. |
Morse Miranda R., r 74, widow of John H., farmer 77. |
Morse Sereno A., r 74, farmer 120. |
Morse Stephen D . r 84, farmer, son of David W. |
MORSE STEPHEN D., r 87, 500 sugar trees, farmer 100. |
Morse Wallace L., (N. Danville) r 22, 700 sugar trees, farmer
150. |
N |
Nay Alvin M., r 84, laborer. |
Newell Frank L., r 31, 10 cows, farmer 160. |
NEWELL HENRY F., r 34, 1,200 sugar trees, farmer 166. |
NORTH STAR, A. B. Hoyt, publisher. |
Norris Orville, (N. Danville) r 19, farmer 175. |
NORTHROP JAMES, (W. Danville) r 64, 9 cows, farmer 150. |
Nunn John N., r 40 1/2, farmer 10. |
Nutting Samuel H., mechanic, h and lot, Jail. |
Nutting William H., carpenter, Jail. |
O |
Oakley Charles, (N. Danville) r 10, laborer. |
Oderkirk Aurelius J , r 40, farmer 35. |
Oderkirk Moses B , r 40, farmer 20. |
Oderkirk William B, r 40, farmer with M. B. |
Osgood John S., r 71, 14 cows, 700 sugar trees, farmer, leases
of Frank R. Palmer about 285. |
P |
Page George F., r 48, laborer, h and lot. |
Page Henry A., cooper, h and lot, off Main. |
Page Nathan B., farmer 40, off Main. |
PAGE NEHEMIAH H., r 42, 300 sugar trees, farmer 100. |
PAGE WILLIAM P., r 42, selectman, 500 sugar trees, farmer 150. |
Palmer Abial C., resident, Court, h aud lot. |
PALMER FRANK R., (N. Danville) r 33, 2,000 sugar trees, farmer
715. |
Palmer John L., farmer 10, Jail. |
PALMER WILLIAM P., retired merchant, bds. Court, owns store and
lot. |
Parker George, (S. Danville) r 71, cooper. |
Paquin George W.. (N. Danville) r 22, farmer 68. |
Pearce Samuel E., (N. Danville) r 19, farmer 3. |
Peck Charles, r 71, farmer about 70. |
Peck Henry, r 73, farmer 70 |
Peck Jared L., (St. Johnsbury) r 38, dealer in hay, straw, etc.,
farmer 35. |
Peck Walter, r 73, farmer. |
Perkins Charles, (N. Danville) r 29, farmer 21. |
Pettengill Frank W., (Passumpsic) r 83, manuf. of cider, 1,000
sugar trees, farmer on E. & M Pettingills estate, 150. |
PETTENGILL GEORGE, r 84, 1,200 sugar trees, farmer 180. |
Pettengill James M., r 73 cor. 61, 500 sugar trees, farmer 146. |
Pettengill Jane Miss, r 83, resident. |
Pettengill Peter E., (Passumpsic) r 83, carpenter and joiner. |
Picket George, r 25, laborer. |
Picket William G., r 27, farmer 23, and in Walden 4. |
Pierce Ella C., (Mrs. Harvey E.) music teacher. |
Pierce Ephraim S., dealer in stoves and tinware, and farmer 10,
Main. |
Pierce Harley E., tinsmith with E. S., h Railroad. |
Porter Esther M., (W, Danville) r 68, widow of Rufus, farmer 15. |
Porter Jabez S., r 47, (J. S. & M. E. Porter) aged 77. |
Porter J. S. & M. E., r 47, farmers 140. |
Porter Moses E., r 47, (J. S. & M. E.) |
Prescott Freedom D., (N. Danvllle) r 1, farmer 87. |
PRESTON FRED J,, postmaster, dealer in drugs, medicines,
groceries, provisions, cigars, confectionery, fishmg tackle, etc., Main. |
PRESTON JULIETTE H., widow of Addison W., farmer 160, Main. |
R |
Randall Asa, (N. Danville) r 18 cor. 19, manuf. of threshing
machines, general repair shop. |
RANDALL FRANK J., (W. Danville) r 64, 12 cows, farmer 180. |
Randall Samuel B., (N. Danville) r 18, farmer. |
Randall Thomas, (N. Danville) r 29, resident, h and lot. |
Rankin Horatio, (W. Danville) r 46, prop. saw-mill, and farmer
172. |
Ranney Charles S., r 63, station agent, h and lot. |
Ransom James, carpenter and joiner, Main. |
Richards William B., r 42, farmer 60. |
Rickaby Henry J., (Summerville) r 37, farmer 144. |
Rollins George, h and lot. |
Rollins James M., (N. Danville) r 1, farmer about 50. |
Rnllina William H. H., (N. Danville) r 4, farmer 15. |
Rowe Horace E., stone cutter, h and lot, Main. |
Ruiter Thomas C., r 63, mason, farmer 50. |
Ruslow Alexander, (N. Danville) r 18, farmer 170. |
Ruslow William, (N. Danville) r 13, farmer 150. |
Russell Alonzo M , barber and hair dresser, Court. |
S |
Sanborn Charles H., (N. Danville) r 32, runs saw-mill owned by
Alice M. Wells, farmer 45. |
Sanborn Charlotte, (N. Danville) r 18, widow of Joel R. |
Sanborn Gardner J., (N. Danville) r 13, prop. of grist-mill,
wheelwright and general repair shop, farmer, h and 4 acres. |
Sanborn George C., (N. Danville) r 30, carriage painter, and
farmer 15. |
Sanborn Jonathan H., (N. Danville) r 18, blacksmith. |
Sanborn Warren, r 59, farmer 160. |
Sanderson Dsniel, (W. Danville) r 45, resident, h and lot. |
SARGENT MARTIN V. B., (S. Danville) r 71, justice of the peace,
breeder Spanish Merino sheep, 2,000 sugar trees, 17 cows, farmer 500, in 1885
manufactured 7,600 pounds of sugar. |
Saultes William, (W. Danville) r 65, farmer 5. |
SAUNDERS DANIEL J., shoemaker, Main |
Shanty Frederick, r 25, farmer 100. |
Shattuck William O., (N. Danville) r 2, farmer 175. |
SHAW CHARLES W, (N. Danville) r 17, molder, farmer 95. |
SHIPMAN JAMES F., r 74, 650 sugar trees, 8 cows, farmer 210. |
Shurtleff Abiel, moulder, farmer 5, Railroad. |
SIAS JOHN, justice of the peace 8 years, keeps summer boarders,
farmer 12. |
Sizen James E., (N. Danville) r 11, laborer. |
Smith Aaron D., farmer 75, also leases of Aaron H. 40, Court. |
Smith Aaron H.. farmer 40, Court. |
Smith James, (N. Danville) r 6, laborer, h and lot. |
Snelling Elmore .L, (N. Danville) r 1, carpenter and joiner,
farmer 20. |
Solomon Joseph, dealer in dry goods, clothing, etc., Court. |
Somers Sarah, (W. Danvllle) r 66, widow of Moses. |
Sprague George W., (N. Danville) r 8 cor. 9, farmer 195, and in
Walden 100. |
Sprague Silas J., (N. Danville) r 9, farmer, son of Silas W. |
Sprague Silas W., (N. Danville) r 9, 17 cows, aud farmer 600,
and in Walden 100. |
SPENCER JOHN, r 63 cor. 69, prop. Danville Woolen Mills, manuf.
cadet greys, doeskins, and all wool repellants, dealer in dry goods,
groceries, patent medicines, &c. |
Stanton Betsey M., (N. Danville) r 10, widow of Jeremiah B. |
Stanton Erastus A., (N. Danville) r 9, sugar orchard and farmer
260. |
STANTON FRED G., (N. Danville) r 18, (J. S. and F. G. Stanton.) |
Stanton George A., (N. Danville) r 9, farmer, son of William B). |
Stanton Henry W., (N. Danville) r 13, farmer 100. |
STANTON JACOB S., (N. Danville) r 18, (J. S. and F. G. Stanton.) |
STANTON J. S. & F. G., (N. Danville) r 18, (Jacob S. and
Fred G.) 1,000 sugar trees, farmers 260, and in Stannard 60. |
Stanton Lucian C., (N. Danville) r 10, 600 sugar trees, farmer
180, and in Walden 100. |
Stanton Lydia, (N. Danville) r 18, widow of Hezekiah. |
Stanton Rose, (N. Danville) r 32, widow of John A, farmer 175. |
Stanton Walter P., (N. Danville) r 9, farmer, son of Ernstus A. |
Stanton William B., (N. Danville) r 9, farmer 260. |
Stanton William H., (N. Danville) r 18. farmer about 100. |
STANTON WlLLlAM J, (N. Danville) r 13, justice of the peace,
lister, town grand juror, and farmer 20. |
STEVENS CHARLES L., (N. Danville) r 13, breeder of Hambletonian
horses and thoroughbred Devon cattle, 11 cows, farmer 200, and in St.
Johnsbury 20. |
STEVENS JAMES D., r 35, 400 sugar trees, 10 cows, farmer 214. |
STEVENS LYMAN, r 34, 1,000 sugar trees, 12 cows, farmer 300. |
Stevens Moses Capt., (N. Danville) r 13, veterinary surgeon and
farmer, aged 81 years. |
Stevens Orum H., r 34, farmer, son of Lyman. |
Stocker Brothers, r 63, (Fred B. and Frank D.) dealers in flour,
feed, fertilizers, etc., and farmers 600. |
Stocker Cynthia M., r 63, widow of Newell, resident with F. B.
and F. D. |
Stocker Frank D., r 63. (Stocker Bros.) |
Stocker Fred B., r 63, (Stocker Bros.) |
Stocker George N., blacksmith, farmer 12, Court. |
Stocker Nathaniel M., general blacksmith, Court, aged 78. |
Stone Nancy P., r 47, widow of William H., farmer 60. |
Sulham Ayer N.. (W. Danville) laborer. |
Swazy H. P., (W. Danville) r 26, farmer 50. |
Swett Benjamin H., (St. Johnsbury) r 54, (B. H. Swett &
Son.) |
Swett B. H. & Son, (St. Johnsbury) r 54, 12 cows, farmers
150. |
Swett George K., (St. Johnsbury) r 54, tinsmith. |
Swett Warren I,., (St. Johnsbury) r 54, (B. H. Swett & Son)
breeder of fancy fowls. |
T |
TAYLOR EDWARD, r 27, carpenter and joiner, 1,000 sugar trees,
farmer 95, served in war of Rebellion. |
Taylor Frank L., (Passumpic) r 75, farmer 62. |
Taylor Frank L., (S. Danville) r 86, with Orange. |
Taylor George E., r 27, farmer with Edward. |
Taylor Orange W., (S. Danville) r 86 n 88, laborer. |
THURBER CHARLES W., liveryman and entertains travelers at the
Dr. Aler dwelling. |
Tice Charles, farmer 59, Main. |
Tilton John S., r 48, laborer, h and lot. |
Tolman C. S., r 74, emp. S. A. Morse. |
Tousant Joseph, (N. Danville) r 19, farmer 90. |
Tousant Sevar, (N. Danville) r 1, farmer 12. |
Tyler Henry H., r 64, 350 sugar trees, farmer 100. |
V |
Vance Cordelia. (N. Danville) r 12, widow of Franklin. |
Vance F. W. & F. P., (N. Danville) r 12, (Fred W. and Frank
P.) 1,000 sugar trees, farmers 175. |
Vance Vernon V., (N. Danville) off r 13, farmer 150. |
VARNEY CHARLES, (N. Danville) r 15, farmer 150. |
Varney George W., (N. Danville) r 18, farmer, son of Charles. |
Varnum Byron G., (N. Danville) r 35, farmer 157. |
W |
WAKEFIELD DANIEL K., r 62, farmer 170. |
Walbridge Lysander E., r 27, farmer 270 |
Walker Philo T., r 73, 600 sugar trees, farrner 190. |
Ward Frank, (St. Johnsbury) r 50, farmer, son of S. H. |
Ward Herbert B., (N. Danville) r 4, farmer, son of T. J. |
Ward Horace B., (N. Danville) r 4, farmer. |
Waril Samuel, (N. Danville) r 4, 400 sugar trees, farmer 90, and
in Wheelock 40. |
Ward Samuel H., (St. Johnsbury) r 50, farmer 140. |
Ward Thaddeus, (N. Danville) r 2, farm 40. |
WARD THOMAS J., (N. Danville) r 4, carpenter, farmer 100, and in
Wheelock 50. |
Ward Wesley, (St. Johnsbury) r 50, farmer. |
Webb Alfred, (N. Danville) r 31, farmer, leases of Edwin about
117. |
Webb Charles, r 38, farmer 100. |
Webb Edwin, (N. Danville) r 3, farmer 117. |
Webb James W., (N. Danville) r 9, farmer. |
Webb Matthew, r 38, farmer 25. |
Webster Edwin M., r 40, farmer 7. |
Webster Genrge W., resident, h and lot, Jail. |
WEBSTER JOHN A., (N. Danville) r 24, farmer 200. |
Webster Mark C., r 40, 11 cows, farmer 250. |
WEEKS CHARLES, (N. Danville) off r 5, 300 sugar trees, farmer
60. |
Weeks Harrison, (N. Danville) off r 5, farmer 200. |
Weeks John P., (N. Danville) r 18, dealer in groceries, dry
goods, boots and shoes, crockery, hardware, etc. |
Weeks Laura A., widow of J. S. H., dealer in millinery, fancy
goods, etc., farm 10. |
Weeks Mary, widow of Ezra. |
WEEKS PETER A., (N. Danville) r 4, breeder of Clay horses,
farmer 165. |
Weeks Phileman: (W. Danville) r 68, laborer. |
Weeks Sarah, widow of William, Railroad. |
Wells Alice M., (N. Danville) r 18. widow of Joseph A., owns
saw-mill. |
Wells Arad, (N. Danville) r 18, farmer 133. |
Wells George D.. (N. Danville) r 18, farmer, con of Arad. |
WESSON MOSES, (S. Danville) r 90, 400 sugar trees, farmer 200. |
Wesson Peter, farmer about 50, Jail. |
West Julia A , widow of Andrew. H and lot. |
WHITCHER JAMES A, (W. Danville) station agent, telegraph
operator, express agent, bds D. W. Choates. |
Willey Charles N.. (S. Danville) r 87. farmer. |
Willey Clark, (S. Danville) r 87, farmer, |
Williams Henry J., r 63, farmer 75. |
Williams Newell S., r 63, farmer 80. |
Wilson Charles, 2d selectman, overseer of the poor, farmer 20,
Jail. |
Wilson Charles H., clerk for F. J. Preston. |
Wilson David, (Passumpsic) r 81: 2,000 sugar trees, farmer I 20. |
Wilson James H., (Passumpsic) r 81, farmer with David 120. |
Winn Asher H., (St. Johnsbury) r 78, farmer 150. |
Winn Frank C., (St. Johnsbury) r 78, farmer, son of A. H. |
Winn Fred C., (Passumpsic) r 81, farmer 51. |
Winn Rachel H., (St. Johnsbury) r 38, farmer 50. |
Winslow Romeo W., (N. Danville) r 10, 15 cows, 2,500 sugar
trees, farmer, leases of B. F. Rollins, of St. Johnsbury, 400. |
Wood George D., (St. Johnsbury) r 56, farmer on estate of Daniel
L. 140. |
WOODCOCK MILO H., r 40 1/2, 250 suqar trees, and farmer 100. |
WOODWARD CALVIN, homeo. physrcian and surgeon, Jail. |
Woodward Eben s , (W. Danville) r 66, farmer 150, aged 73, |
Woodward Edmund E., (W. Danville) r 66, farmer 80, and in
Peacham 40. |
Wootlward Edward A.. (N. Danville) r 6, laborer. |
Woodward Ellsworth C.. with Dr. C. |
Woodward Isaac P., (W. Danville) r 44, carpenter, farmer 100. |
Woodward James L., (S. Danville) r 91, 500 sugar trees, dairy 12
cows, and farmer 170. |
Woodward John T., r 42, laborer. |
Woodward Newell, (N. Danville) r 6, laborer. |
Woodward Stephen J., (W. Danville) r 66, farmer 50. |
Woodward William, (S. Danville) r 91, son of J. L. |
The figures following the letter r indicate the number of the road on which the party resides,
and will be found by reference to the map in the back part of this work.
Where no road number is given the party is suppossed to reside in the village.
Figures placed after the occupation of acres owned or leased.
The word street is implied.