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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
Vermont Northeast
Kingdom Genealogy

St. Johnsbury, Vt Genealogy
St. Johnsbury, VT
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The 1989 deaths were ommited from the annual town report, the information was obtained from the Barton Town Clerks office in order to complete this list.
Name Residence Age or Birth Date of Death
Abbott, Grace Gates Orleans, VT 6/24/1888 5/5/1959
Abbott, Harold E. Orleans, VT 9/29/1887 5/24/1958
Abbott, Rita R. Barton, VT 57 7/27/1985
Abell, Lepha Marie Barton, VT 90 10/23/1985
Abell, Rodney O. Orleans, VT 75-9-24 7/20/1929
Adams, Elaine DuBois Newport Center, VT 80 11/28/2001
Adams, Esther M. Barton, VT 74 4/25/2001
Adams, George P. Orleans, VT 71-8-9 3/15/1931
Aiken, Edna Barton, VT 74-4-23 2/8/1943
Aiken, Geneva L. Barton, VT 95 10/15/1983
Aiken, Sarah Newport, VT 8/7/1904 1/29/1989
Akley, Geraldine Elizabeth Orleans, VT 83 9/28/1997
Akley, Sarah Jane Orleans, VT 70-3-12 9/1/1927
Alberghini, Lucy Orleans, VT 83 7/31/1983
Alberghini, Mando Orleans, VT 84 11/30/1978
Alberici, Joseph Barton, VT 9/27/1913 1/25/1966
Alden, Bertha Rodmond Orleans, VT 10/29/1878 4/25/1959
Alden, Raymond M. Westmore, VT 85 10/8/1979
Aldrich, Ann C. Derby, VT 94 8/4/1998
Aldrich, Francis Dewey Brownington, VT 83 7/25/1981
Alexander, Lucretia Barton, VT 71-1-15 5/7/1933
Alexander, Marjorie Mae Barton, VT 83 9/29/1992
Alger, Gertrude Barton, VT 92 1/28/1981
Allaire, Wilfred J. Barton, VT 72 2/24/1973
Allard, Henri Barton, VT 8/9/1874 9/13/1954
Allard, Hollis Edgar Barton, VT 79-8-9 11/14/1933
Allen, Clementine Akley Orleans, VT 12/31/1880 5/30/1962
Allen, Harley Eugene Barton, VT 4/12/1896 11/13/1964
Allen, Hiram Orleans, VT 10/25/1873 1/15/1953
Allen, Isabell Eva Albany, VT 12-2-13 7/28/1929
Allen, Kathleen C. Lafoe Barton, VT 44-10-13 4/1/1945
Allen, Leslie Dean Orleans, VT 1/30/1916 10/20/1964
Allen, Mary Jane Beede Orleans, VT 66-11-23 7/16/1945
Allen, Olive W. Barton, VT 71 7/2/1984
Allen, Wallace I. Orleans, VT 9/26/1874 3/6/1954
Aller, Anna Walter Orleans, VT 11/25/1863 3/13/1954
Amey, James Norman Barton, VT 78 11/14/1996
Amidon, Carolyn Scott Barton, VT 84 7/28/1998
Anderson, Anna Mahlik Barton, VT 12/25/1888 6/1/1959
Anderson, Frank Drew Viking, Minn 61 10/11/1967
Anderson, Hattie Maud Lyndonville, VT 3/6/1876 1/27/1961
Anderson, Helen Barton, VT 87 2/27/1979
Anderson, Rudolph J. Sr. Barton, VT 2/1/1898 4/11/1989
Andrews, Herbert James Barton, VT 76 9/14/1970
Andrus, Delone C. Orleans, VT 81 7/27/1969
Andrus, Frank M. Orleans, VT 66-7-22 1/19/1929
Andrus, May Monroe Mrs. Orleans, VT 65-3-15 11/5/1932
Andrus, Nellie Orleans, VT 79 2/25/1968
Annis, Alex M. Barton, VT 77-2-8 11/24/1944
Annis, Angie Eastman Barton, VT 8/24/1873 3/17/1956
Annis, Ellen E. Mrs. Barton, VT 85-10-10 10/25/1931
Annis, George H. Barton, VT 91-5-27 9/1/1932
Annis, Gerald Eastman Barton, VT 78 12/26/1974
Annis, Kathleen May Barton, VT 0-0-1 8/27/1935
Arbuckle, Eunice Barton, VT 73 10/24/1972
Archambault, Bernadette Orleans, VT 70 1/20/1971
Archambault, Hazel E. Barton, VT 84 3/19/1996
Archambault, Jean Paul Orleans, VT 5-6-21 3/16/1931
Arel, Leopold L. Barton, VT 61 2/16/1987
Armstrong, Clarence Benoie North Troy, VT 2/2/1886 7/11/1961
Armstrong, Orfice Troy, VT 78 5/16/1987
Ash, Howard John Barton, VT 0-11-0 9/26/1937
Ashe, Harry E. Barton, VT 67-11-3 2/26/1945
Ashe, Merton Barton, VT 79 2/29/1988
Ashe, Myrtle Arlene Barton, VT 5/11/1908 1/13/1956
Asselen, Emma Barton, VT 88 2/3/1972
Atherton, Phineas Alger Glover, VT 67 9/24/1974
Atkins, Cora Mae Glover, VT 86 2/6/1967
Atkins, Perley C. Barton, VT 2/6/1890 4/27/1959
Aubin, Fernand A. Derby, VT 68 1/5/2000
Auclair, Adolphe J. Barton, VT 83 10/19/1987
Auger, Jean C. Barton, VT 49 2/26/1982
Auger, Raoul D. Barton, VT 74 6/7/2000
Austin, Arthur Orlo Orleans, VT 10/15/1880 1/30/1964
Austin, Brian Gordon Orleans, VT 31 12/14/1993
Austin, Gordon W. Orleans, VT 84 12/11/1988
Austin, Hattie Mrs. Orleans, VT 72-0-8 7/11/1935
Austin, Ida Eva Orleans, VT 70 7/25/1979
Austin, Roberta Phostine Orleans, VT 3/29/1921 2/10/1989
Austin, William W. Barton, VT 75-10-1 5/24/1939
Babcock, Frank Armour Barton, VT 72 8/8/1992
Bachelder, Allyn A. Orleans, VT 43 3/21/1976
Bacon, Lillian Clara Barton, VT 83 11/29/1986
Badger, Henry Irving Orleans, VT 9/28/1864 3/20/1952
Badger, Joyce Cynthia Orleans, VT 0-0-27 6/17/1936
Badger, June Eva Orleans, VT 80 12/31/1966
Badger, Merton Orleans, VT 83 5/20/1973
Badger, William Watson Orleans, VT 10/30/1875 12/15/1955
Bailey, Charles Albert Barton, VT 84-0-6 10/22/1942
Bailey, Marjorie Pauline Barton, VT 91 7/20/1997
Bailey, Max Clarence Brighton, VT 3/7/1883 10/31/1960
Bailey, Roy C. Island Pond, VT 88 4/9/1974
Bailey, Sophy Albany, VT 83 1/17/1973
Bailey, Walter Joseph Barton, VT 80 11/14/1988
Baird, Ethel W. Barton, VT 85 8/5/1974
Baird, Gertrude Green Barton, VT 57-1-5 7/31/1944
Baird, Mary Elizabeth Johnson Barton, VT 73-6-28 6/9/1930
Baker, Dorothy May Rutland, VT 90 5/20/1992
Baker, Gordon Page Barton, VT 71 11/6/1973
Baker, Mildred C. Barton, VT 87 5/13/1992
Baldwin, Charles C. Barton, VT 1/17/1874 4/15/1950
Baldwin, Emily Stebbins Barton, VT 68-11-28 6/13/1938
Baldwin, Henry Orleans, VT 80-10-2 12/28/1948
Baldwin, Lena Dewey Barton, VT 1/24/1873 7/15/1965
Baldwin, Paul E. Barton, VT 20-0-24 10/3/1929
Baldwin, Royal Nelson Irasburg, VT 12/20/1879 11/2/1958
Ball, Henry J. Barton, VT 17-10-7 4/4/1927
Ball, James F. Barton, VT 78-1-19 2/19/1926
Bapp, Charles F. Sr. Brownington, VT 66 6/24/2001
Baraw, Almeda Wescott Barton, VT 87 2/25/1999
Baraw, Charles Nelson Newport, VT 75 9/16/1992
Baraw, Lena A. Orleans, VT 76 7/14/1973
Barbaresco, Louis Barton, VT 5/26/1883 11/25/1959
Barber, Fidelia L. Barton, VT 74-2-24 10/26/1935
Barber, Henry A. Barton, VT 83-9-7 12/25/1938
Barber, Shirley Elizabeth Barton, VT 82 4/15/1991
Barber, William Henry Barton, VT 66 5/1/2001
Barker, Blain Albert Barton, VT 87 4/11/1996
Barker, Charles J. Barton, VT 83-1-19 11/17/1928
Barker, Eva Blanche Barton, VT 85 10/1/1995
Barlow, Vera Coventry, VT 81 2/25/1978
Barnard, Clara K. Barton, VT 78-2-25 9/10/1927
Barnard, Leon Barre, VT 79 2/9/1998
Barnes, George Albert Brighton, VT 73 3/9/1997
Barnett, Cecil Guy Derby, VT 89 5/1/1990
Barnett, Eleanor Carlene Barton, VT 78 2/28/1996
Barney, Earl Thorncroft Orleans, VT 75 3/2/1986
Barney, Grace Edythe Orleans, VT 94 11/2/1978
Barney, Ledora O. Orleans, VT 57 7/7/1971
Barney, Vernal Orrin Orleans, VT 76 11/15/1980
Barras, Ellwood Lyndon, VT 93 3/5/1994
Barras, Lillian Irene Lyndon, VT 94 2/4/1997
Barrett, David Merrill Cabot, VT 40-7-7 7/21/1935
Barrett, Myrtle Freeman Cabot, VT 46-10-23 7/21/1935
Barrey, Christie Belle Orleans, VT 79 7/9/1974
Barron, Edwin Wayland Barton, VT 73-3-28 1/2/1928
Barron, Harley Roy Barton, VT 45-11-30 4/26/1933
Barron, Minnie Kitty Barton, VT 6/30/1888 3/31/1962
Barron, Nellie L. Young Barton, VT 79-9-3 12/31/1935
Barrows, John Wright Barton, VT 0-0-2 3/2/1934
Barrows, May Louise Barton, VT 65-9-6 12/3/1927
Barrows, Virginia Rives Barton, VT 79 2/2/1983
Barrows, William Parker Barton, VT 83 3/4/1972
Barry, Jacquehue Thomas Orleans, VT 0-3-1 7/17/1943
Bartholomew, Peter J. Island Pond, VT 85 8/30/1986
Bartlett, Howard Carlyle Orleans, VT 83 5/3/1980
Bartlett, John Howard Barton, VT 66-5-27 2/1/1936
Bartlett, Vieva Maude Orleans, VT 9/16/1870 3/9/1954
Bartlett, William E. Barton, VT 72-8-12 6/19/1935
Barton, VT, Alice Damon Barton, VT 70-9-14 3/17/1939
Barton, VT, Angus W. Barton, VT 67 3/11/1975
Barton, VT, Eva Levina Barton, VT 74 4/28/1978
Barton, VT, George G. Barton, VT 40-5-14 11/12/1935
Barton, VT, Irene Blanche Barton, VT 63 2/20/1983
Barton, VT, Joseph Barton, VT 75-1-13 9/25/1936
Barton, VT, Mary C. Barton, VT 70 9/19/1980
Barton, VT, Roger Orleans, VT 64 12/8/1972
Bascom, Katherine B. Greensboro, VT 84 2/11/1978
Basford, Bessie Louisa Bowman Barton, VT 60-6-29 1/5/1934
Basford, Charlotte Tufts Sheffield, VT 24-8-5 2/20/1941
Bassett, Eleanor Lowell, VT 54 8/9/1972
Bassett, Harold Henry Orleans, VT 10/24/1890 4/30/1954
Bassett, Henry Carlos Orleans, VT 81-5-11 7/16/1932
Batchelder, Alvah G. Orleans, VT 17-0-20 5/14/1929
Batchelder, J. Wesley Barton, VT 82-8-1 10/29/1929
Batchelder, John F. Barton, VT 64-8-25 11/29/1929
Batchelder, Mae Robinson Barton, VT 59-4-20 11/8/1929
Batchelder, Mildred Barton, VT 86 6/4/1974
Batchelder, Preston Watertown, MA 85-8-4 7/26/1937
Bates, Hattie Green Sheffield, VT 62-3-19 5/11/1945
Bathgate, Helen Barton, VT 87 10/15/1987
Baton, Helen Newport Center, VT 72 10/9/1981
Baton, Walter Angus Newport Center, VT 87 12/12/1969
Bayley, Cordelia B. Barton, VT 80 11/1/1939
Bayley, Frank Barton, VT 1/1/1884 6/18/1960
Bean, Addie Reed Barton, VT 10/18/1882 5/10/1950
Bean, Edward W. S. Orleans, VT 87 9/12/1996
Bean, Frederick O. Barton, VT 58-2-23 6/10/1946
Bean, Grace R. Orleans, VT 67-8-17 7/21/1945
Bean, Nora Mae Orleans, VT 3/16/1893 2/23/1966
Beane, Rhoda H. Newport, VT 75 7/25/1995
Beauchesne, Arcelia H. Derby Line, VT 101 7/20/1995
Beaudry, Rudolph J. Barton, VT 66-7-9 1/18/1948
Beauregard, Eleonore J. Derby Line, VT 93 4/6/2001
Beauregard, Florence Emma Barton, VT 82 10/7/1994
Becker, Mildred Barton, VT 90 7/12/1988
Becket, Alan Lamplough Barton, VT 68 8/25/1967
Bedard, Dolores A. Orleans, VT 77 2/11/1980
Beer, Francis Edward Barton, VT 84 3/10/1991
Begin, Denis E. Magon, Que. 68 9/5/1984
Belanger, Alfred J. Berkshire, VT 97 10/5/1996
Belanger, Felix Orleans, VT 10/28/1898 4/16/1961
Belanger, James Simon Orleans, VT 11/24/1878 6/29/1957
Beliveau, Doremo Barton, VT 65-5-7 12/26/1940
Beliveau, Philomene Barton, VT 68-7-23 9/28/1945
Bell, William Hinesburg, VT 81 1/10/1968
Bellville, Belinda Derby, B222 7/12/1883 9/17/1955
Belrose, Lilla M. Morgan, VT 91 11/19/1969
Belval, Exlie Pacard Mrs. Barton, VT 41-0-14 4/2/1927
Belval, Mary Ann Barton, VT 9h 3/27/1927
Bemis, Edith Flanders Newport, VT 1872 12/22/1955
Bemis, Elias S. Barton, VT 82-1-14 12/26/1937
Bemis, Kate Pierce Barton, VT 69-5-11 8/24/1935
Bengston, Oscar Elmer Barton, VT 64 3/24/1974
Bennett, Carleton F. Newport, VT 9/27/1926 1/9/1989
Bennett, David G. Concord, NH 55 8/25/1969
Bennett, Earl Carlton Barton, VT 85 9/18/2000
Bennett, Ernestine Mae Orleans, VT 0-0-1 10/31/1932
Bennett, Ethel Irene Barton, VT 74 2/20/1997
Bennett, Fred Augustus Orleans, VT 3/16/1893 2/10/1958
Bennett, Gardner Mahlon Sutton, V+B236 8/17/1874 9/30/1958
Bennett, Johanna Donaldson Orleans, VT 82 10/4/1978
Bennett, Luna Josephine Barton, VT 8/3/1871 5/13/1965
Bennett, Mabel Barton, VT 8/14/1885 1/1/1966
Bennett, Michael Robert St Johnsbury, VT 45 7/11/1997
Bennett, Robert W. Orleans, VT 78 5/11/2001
Bennett, Simon E. Barton, VT 78-1-21 3/16/1931
Benway, Alfred Russell Barton, VT 43 11/10/1999
Berard, Ernest Joseph Barton, VT 86 6/17/1991
Berard, Herbert Barton, VT 0-9-19 11/25/1934
Berard, Yvonne Mederise Barton, VT 55 8/3/1967
Bergeron, Alberta T. Orleans, VT 75 12/13/1973
Bergeron, Bertha D. Barton, VT 89 12/30/1997
Bergeron, Lydia Sutton, VT 85 2/1/1974
Bergeron, Verla Lucille Lyndon, VT 79 9/29/1997
Bernstein, Mary S. Barton, VT 87 10/2/1992
Berry, Albert E. Barton, VT 2/17/1862 10/30/1956
Berry, Augusta Grace Serena Orleans, VT 74 1/6/1994
Berry, Elaine Ruth Sheffield, VT 0-0-4 3/20/1946
Berwick, John Westmore, VT 63-6-22 12/8/1935
Besaw, Elden J. Newport, VT 11/22/1881 12/13/1965
Besaw, Maurice Richard Orleans, VT 0-3-7 2/28/1937
Bickford, Arthur K. Barton, VT 67 4/23/1986
Bickford, Carroll Lane Barton, VT 10/9/1873 11/27/1949
Bickford, Edith Carol St Johnsbury, VT 8/21/1877 11/5/1957
Bickford, Elizabeth Mary Barton, VT 78 1/16/1967
Bickford, Flora Barton, VT 66-7-28 10/29/1927
Bickford, Ira Barton, VT 67-7-20 8/16/1929
Bickford, Marjorie Saphronia Barton, VT 88 11/2/1997
Bickford, Maude Eleanor Orleans, VT 12/8/1875 4/10/1961
Bickford, Newell Stephen Barton, VT 91 9/11/1991
Bickford, Schuyler M. Barton, VT 87-4-19 8/3/1944
Billado, Carroll S. Morrisville, VT 3/24/1927 12/14/1988
Billado, Irene Ethel Barton, VT 69 7/3/1994
Bingham, Amy Leona Orleans, VT 79-9-21 4/20/1927
Birchard, Harold Edson Newport, VT 76 3/11/1998
Birchard, Margaret Barton, VT 83 7/14/2000
Birk, Ida May Orleans, VT 98 11/21/1990
Black, Melvina Brooks Barton, VT 94-7-13 2/20/1937
Blackman, Juliette Rosa Westmore, VT 92 11/22/1998
Blair, Alfred Barton, VT 73-2-17 7/6/1938
Blair, Elsie M. Newport, VT 82 6/14/1986
Blair, Juliette Barton, VT 17-11-8 7/3/1927
Blair, Mary L. Orleans, VT 78 9/30/1973
Blair, Mary Peck Sheffield, VT 73-7-24 7/22/1940
Blaisdell, Margaret Eileen Barton, VT 87 3/17/1999
Blake, Abbie A. Orleans, VT 79-7-28 11/29/1927
Blake, Harley Raymond Orleans, VT 85 7/31/1994
Blake, Harry I Orleans, VT 79-5-11 3/20/1945
Blake, Jennie M. Barton, VT 6/3/1865 10/7/1951
Blake, Leo J. Lebanon, NH 7/7/1895 10/2/1950
Blake, Mary Ellen Orleans, VT 8/21/1872 4/28/1950
Blake, Maynard Woodsville, NH 78 4/21/1977
Blake, Melda A. Orleans, VT 83 7/28/1979
Blanchard, Annette Orleans, VT 74 8/22/1991
Blanchard, Betty Olive Orleans, VT 78 8/21/1998
Blanchard, Doris H. Orleans, VT 70 5/14/1978
Blanchard, Edward E. Orleans, VT 68-3-13 1/19/1928
Blanchard, Grace Orleans, VT 83 7/11/1969
Blanchard, Harrison Orleans, VT 43-0-28 1/2/1933
Blanchard, Howard Russell Orleans, VT 70 10/25/1981
Blanchard, Robert M. Orleans, VT 63 4/24/1986
Blanchard, Ruth Drown Orleans, VT 2/2/1917 12/10/1989
Blanchard, Wilfred Uldege Orleans, VT 70 11/19/1969
Blanchard, William Earle Orleans, VT 64 12/27/1976
Blay, Alfred P. Barton, VT 10/15/1892 11/25/1959
Blay, Edward Barton, VT 6-8-6 9/5/1928
Blay, Eugene Willie Willoughby, VT 68 6/15/1969
Blay, Mary Malvina Barton, VT 2/24/1874 1/11/1949
Blodgett, Della Sargent Orleans, VT 44-7-28 7/10/1931
Blodgett, Donald Lee Barton, VT 72 6/30/1996
Blodgett, Grace Elizabeth Barton, VT 2-4-6 1/6/1929
Blodgett, Jeddie Joseph Barton, VT 86 10/1/1979
Blodgett, Laura Della Barton, VT 30-1-9 4/27/1935
Blodgett, Lida Barton, VT 78 6/3/1971
Blodgett, Lucien D. Barton, VT 30 10/28/1983
Blodgett, Mary Orleans, VT 85 3/16/1977
Blodgett, Napoleon P. Barton, VT 5/1/1863 11/30/1956
Blodgett, Rena Mae Barton, VT 71 11/8/1995
Blodgette, Victoria M. Barton, VT 1/23/1866 6/3/1952
Blois, Mary Annie Houghey Barton, VT 64-7-24 11/21/1935
Blondin, Madeline Barton, VT 57 2/3/1983
Blood, Clarence Elbridge Barton, VT 78-0-9 1/2/1933
Blood, Stella Lang Barton, VT 84-10-23 10/2/1943
Blossom, George Barton, VT 75 1/3/1985
Blouin, Addie Mabel Barton, VT 79 3/18/1976
Blouin, Agnes Rosanna Barton, VT 12-1-4 10/12/1932
Blouin, Dwane Robert Irasburg, VT 42 8/26/2000
Blouin, Fred G. Orleans, VT 53 9/3/1982
Blouin, George F. Barton, VT 4/17/1882 1/4/1958
Blouin, Judy Lynn Barton, VT 9/23/1959 11/29/1959
Boisvert, Emile Joseph Barton, VT 1/20/1907 1/4/1966
Boisvert, Gedeon Joseph Barton, VT 68-8-12 1/20/1943
Boisvert, J. B. Rolland Barton, VT 35-1-23 8/16/1935
Boivin, Marie E. Orleans, VT 63 4/11/1968
Boivin, Raymond Edward Barton, VT 29 2/2/1970
Bosley, George Montgomery, VT 90 9/16/1967
Bouchard, Lucille Bella North Troy, VT 76 12/12/1995
Bouchard, Marie Louise Island Pond, VT 67 12/27/1969
Boucher, Elise Barton, VT 87 1/7/1969
Boucher, Emma C. Barton, VT 4/3/1876 10/1/1951
Boucher, Ernest N. Barton, VT 84 4/4/1983
Boucher, Hervey Joseph Barton, VT 74 2/22/1969
Boucher, Louis Barton, VT 75-9-10 7/4/1946
Boucher, Vitaline Barton, VT 89-4-25 11/16/1926
Boudreau, Elroy W. St Johnsbury, VT 8/29/1898 9/24/1966
Boulanger, Evelyn Owen Orleans, VT 11/21/1900 1/1/1961
Boulanger, Joseph Louis Orleans, VT 76 12/18/1973
Boulanger, Paul Allen Newport, VT 74 3/3/1996
Bouler, Hugh J. Orleans, VT 16 days 4/16/1970
Bourgeois, Oscar V. Barton, VT 2/5/1906 4/30/1952
Bousquet, (unnamed) Barton, VT 0 5/5/1934
Boutin, Antonio Barton, VT 48 3/19/1970
Boutin, Joseph Barton, VT 81 4/22/1972
Boutin, Rose Marie Barton, VT 6/7/1891 11/16/1963
Bouton, Adrella Barton, VT 86 10/12/1932
Bowen, Carrie Newport, VT 2/19/1879 9/26/1958
Bowen, Erastus Barton, VT 76-0-12 11/26/1939
Bowen, Lawrence Patrick Barton, VT 80-8-0 2/15/1940
Bowen, Madge B. Barton, VT 49-10-22 5/2/1932
Bowen, Wallace Orleans, VT 76 12/28/1984
Bowman, Flora Gaskell Orleans, VT 67-5-15 4/12/1928
Bowman, Velma Clara Barton, VT 62 7/1/1995
Bowman, Walter W. Orleans, VT 75 1/9/1975
Bowman, Winston V. Barton, VT 44 1/19/1975
Boylan, Marion Spaulding Island Pond, VT 82 12/17/1998
Bradford, Lois M. Barton, VT 89 5/24/1998
Bradshaw, Velma Naomia Barton, VT 75 10/9/1986
Breason, Joseph M. Lyndonville, VT 94 3/25/1970
Breault, Harold Earl Sr. Barton, VT 72 8/12/1999
Breault, Neil Allen Orleans, VT 17 7/13/1974
Breault, Vitalis Orleans, VT 55-3-14 1/25/1944
Brennan, Ella L. Orleans, VT 73-6-0 6/28/1929
Brennan, John W. Orleans, VT 62-3-9 11/8/1926
Brennan, Maurice L. Orleans, VT 32-7-11 6/4/1926
Bresse, Oliver C. Barton, VT 62 9/30/1970
Bresson, Alfred Joseph Orleans, VT 87 5/15/1973
Brewer, Harold George Barton, VT 81 9/26/1978
Brewer, Ruth G. Barton, VT 96 4/8/1994
Britch, Marilyn Ann Barton, VT 0 3/22/1944
Brittain, Rosel W. Troy, VT 92 10/16/1998
Brooks, Arnold Milton Barton, VT 55 8/14/1977
Brooks, Ernest Edgar Barton, VT 77 6/7/1968
Brooks, George Joseph Barton, VT 59-7-5 1/4/1943
Brooks, Joseph Noah Barton, VT 72-6-20 6/18/1931
Brooks, Judah Barton, VT 82-2-10 6/21/1935
Brooks, Lydia Paquette Barton, VT 71-4-13 11/19/1933
Brooks, Lyman Harold Barton, VT 68 2/28/1967
Brooks, Mary Jane Barton, VT 69-0-13 12/9/1927
Brooks, Nary J. Barton, VT 95 12/15/1984
Brooks, Paul Wheeler Sr. Barton, VT 72 9/1/1973
Brooks, Pearl E. Barton, VT 75 4/7/1981
Brooks, Sophia Valley Barton, VT 76-0-16 6/2/1932
Brooks, Winifred Amy Orleans, VT 12/10/1895 6/8/1963
Broome, Marion Wilmer Glover, VT 82 8/7/1990
Broome, Zelda Kimball Orleans, VT 1/11/1865 2/20/1950
Brosseau, Albertine A. Orleans, VT 71 2/25/1974
Brosseau, Emilien Bloomfield, VT 93 7/9/1974
Brosseau, John Claude Lyndonville, VT 71 1/10/1998
Brouillette, Edith Amelia Foster Traver Orleans, VT 6/26/1880 2/17/1950
Brown, Archie Calvin Newport Center, VT 103 2/14/1991
Brown, Edgar Merriman Barton, VT 83 4/19/1993
Brown, Effie Paterson Orleans, VT 82-3-1 10/25/1947
Brown, Erton Clarence Barton, VT 74 8/27/1978
Brown, Ferdinand Melvin Irasburg, VT 6/26/1871 9/4/1958
Brown, Fred Comings Barton, VT 5/9/1884 4/4/1955
Brown, Frederick C. Orleans, VT 79-6-26 7/19/1930
Brown, George E. Orleans, VT 82 1/16/1986
Brown, Grace Duffy Newport, VT 33-5-27 3/5/1928
Brown, James Patrick Barton, VT 93 6/4/1988
Brown, Kenneth C. Derby Line, VT 87 5/20/1995
Brown, Marjorie Evelyn Barton, VT 66 11/20/1977
Brown, Merle Adline Barton, VT 86 8/26/1992
Brown, Reta Barton, VT 76 8/10/1978
Brown, Shirley Saunders Barton, VT 35-7-1 9/27/1946
Brown, Vivian D. Barton, VT 47 9/30/1970
Browning, Fred C. Barton, VT 68-6-18 2/22/1936
Brunning, Adra Mabel Barton, VT 97 6/16/1980
Brunning, Martin H. Barton, VT 64-11-19 2/15/1932
Bruno, Charles William Barton, VT 59 5/25/1974
Bryant, Elizabeth Ann Orleans, VT 89-3-4 11/26/1932
Buchanan, Eva L. Orleans, VT 79-6-0 11/22/1938
Buchanan, Lola M. Orleans, VT 67 12/29/1976
Buck, Effie Louise Newport, VT 74-9-29 11/20/1942
Buck, Erastus Newport, VT 79-8-24 5/12/1943
Buck, Grace Pierce Dow Barton, VT 76 8/17/1973
Buck, Percy E. Barton, VT 86 5/31/1977
Buck, Wesley Edgar Westfield, VT 7/12/1893 9/3/1950
Buckland, William F. Barton, VT 81-4-19 5/21/1934
Buckley, Cornelius Barton, VT 8/31/1872 12/30/1949
Buckley, Elizabeth Barton, VT 50-8-25 8/30/1930
Buckley, Timothy Wheelock, VT 71-10-12 9/29/1947
Buckman, Harvey Glover, VT 2/26/1884 11/26/1959
Bullard, Alvin H. Orleans, VT 74-6-21 3/30/1934
Bullard, Evelyn Sherdick Orleans, VT 73-4-8 1/7/1940
Bullis, Grace L. Newport Center, VT 105 11/22/1988
Bullock, Bernice J. Orleans, VT 70 6/12/1980
Burbank, Clayton Robert Barton, VT 59 12/2/1988
Burbank, Moses Barton, VT 76-3-4 6/28/1926
Burden, Harold Edward Newport, VT 11/17/1921 9/25/1989
Burdick, Frank G. Barton, VT 86-1-3 4/14/1937
Burdick, Gustavus Orleans, VT 78 1/20/1974
Burdick, Leonie J. Orleans, VT 87 10/14/1983
Burdick, Willard S. Orleans, VT 63 2/12/1984
Burgess, Clara Louise Barton, VT 8/1/1882 10/24/1953
Burnett, Armond Barton, VT 78 4/12/1983
Burnham, George Barton, VT 76 4/14/1991
Burnham, George Asa Barton, VT 66-9-11 9/29/1941
Burnham, Newell Barton, VT 77 1/26/1929
Burns, Glenn Curtis Barton, VT 11 10/31/1969
Burns, Tharon Cordelia Barton, VT 51 4/15/1975
Burroughs, Belle Myrtie Orleans, VT 51-9-28 1/13/1928
Burroughs, Leon H. Morgan, VT 2/2/1866 7/26/1961
Burroughs, Rudolph Julian Derby, VT 82 10/10/1998
Burt, Orange Taylor Jeffersonville, VT 10/12/1882 8/16/1963
Buskey, Abner H. Ferdinand, VT 9/23/1880 9/23/1962
Buskey, Janice Ann Barton, VT 0-2-24 2/12/1941
Buskey, Ruby Alice Barton, VT 0 6/1/1935
Buskey, William Lewis Barton, VT 57-8-5 6/16/1945
Buswell, Arthur W. Barton, VT 45-8-23 8/29/1927
Buswell, Charles E. Barton, VT 73-11-28 8/15/1927
Butler, Bernice Mae Barton, VT 76 4/30/1995
Butler, Grace (Wells) Albany, VT 78 11/15/1969
Butler, Janice King Barton, VT 77 6/14/2001
Butler, Shirley K. Barton, VT 76 11/9/1997
Butler, Stanley R. Irasburg, VT 48 12/17/1987
Buzzell, Glen Richard Barton, VT 88 1/1/2000
Cabana, Floyd Reginald West Burke, VT 3/27/1912 1/27/1950
Calacci, Carlo J. Concord, VT 68 1/13/1980
Calkins, Edna Libby Barton, VT 52-9-19 2/1/1948
Calkins, Mary E. Westmore, VT 68-3-17 1/14/1938
Cameron, Belle Barton, VT 70-1-1 2/7/1929
Cameron, Lizzie M. Orleans, VT 82-10-24 11/24/1934
Campbell, Arthur George Orleans, VT 76 5/8/1968
Campbell, Donat Orleans, VT 98 2/21/1997
Campbell, Edna Marie Barton, VT 91 4/1/1986
Campbell, Elisha Glover, VT 72 12/12/1988
Campbell, Hugh Barton, VT 79-7-23 3/20/1930
Campbell, Ida Orleans, VT 59 2/24/1971
Campbell, Orilla M. Orleans, VT 85 3/18/1999
Card, Ida Mae Orleans, VT 61-7-21 12/23/1940
Card, Robert George Orleans, VT 78-0-22 12/18/1942
Cargill, Clifton E. Morgan, VT 81 8/7/1985
Carl, Beatrice Priscilla Newport, VT 4/14/1904 4/8/1989
Carl, Leigh Orleans, VT 81 12/6/1978
Carl, Theodore Hazen Orleans, VT 3/30/1866 3/7/1953
Carleton, Charles W. Stinson Lake, NH 69-6-4 10/16/1934
Carlson, Natalie W. Barton, VT 69 12/19/1984
Caron, Amedee Joseph Barton, VT 74 10/11/1990
Caron, Azarias Raoul Orleans, VT 4/22/1913 4/20/1989
Caron, Celia Belle Barton, VT 75 3/20/1980
Caron, Dimion Canada 35 3/17/1927
Caron, Frank J. Orleans, VT 86-4-18 7/22/1944
Caron, Fulbert J. Island Pond, VT 83 12/2/1981
Caron, Harold J. Barton, VT 79 1/15/1983
Caron, Jean Paul Barton, VT 0-0-9 10/8/1931
Caron, Marie Barton, VT 11/1/1880 4/4/1960
Caron, Mary Jane Paquette Barton, VT 77-2-18 7/28/1935
Caron, Nelson J. Barton, VT 78-9-25 3/25/1933
Carpenter, Bertha K. Barton, VT   8/  /1979
Carpenter, Carl Addison Barton, VT 55-4-29 6/15/1931
Carpenter, Eddie Maurice Brownington, VT 89 7/5/1974
Carpenter, Harvey C. Brownington, VT 75 11/5/1987
Carpenter, Ila G. Barton, VT 93 1/12/1998
Carr, Olive Rollins Barton, VT 86 4/30/1991
Carrier, Louis Cookshire, Que. 70 12/24/1977
Carrol, Mary Larocque Barton, VT 44-6-25 9/1/1939
Cartee, Madeline Claire Barton, VT 79 4/16/1997
Carter, Charles Erwin Westfield, VT 83-1-30 7/30/1940
Carter, Dorothy Ethel Barton, VT 59 6/12/1997
Carter, Jared Alvin Lowell, VT 12/5/1897 9/30/1965
Case, Laura B. Barton, VT 64-4-2 8/10/1938
Cass, Ernest Charles Barton, VT 94 3/12/1969
Cass, Harold A. Barton, VT 84 8/24/1968
Cass, Larry T. Barton, VT 47 1/14/2000
Cass, Robert N. E. Orleans, VT 5/27/1903 9/23/1955
Cass, William Orleans, VT 1/13/1870 3/22/1952
Castonguay, Julia Marie Barton, VT 10/6/1885 6/27/1963
Centebar, Easter Barton, VT 80 10/31/1983
Centerbar, William Burlington, VT 86 10/17/1969
Chabot, Celestin Orleans, VT 75-0-18 6/12/1943
Chadburn, Charles Wilmont Barton, VT 93 1/10/1990
Chadburn, Ethel E. Barton, VT 10/9/1879 3/1/1964
Chadburn, Gerald C. Barton, VT 89 6/16/1995
Chadburn, Iris K. Orleans, VT 82 3/9/1999
Chaffee, Eric Fay Barton, VT 7 hrs 23 mi 6/2/1974
Chalefaux, Alton Frank Orleans, VT 0-11-14 3/14/1929
Chalifaux, Edward Barton, VT 67 11/15/1944
Chalifaux, Joe Jr. Barton, VT 28 8/31/1969
Chalifaux, Joseph Orleans, VT 0-0-2 10/29/1926
Chalifaux, Pauline Orleans, VT 5-8-27 8/3/1926
Chalifour, Mary Jeanne Barton, VT 82 9/10/1992
Challifoux, Frances Alice Orleans, VT 7-6-22 6/16/1927
Chalmers, Eri M. Barton, VT 75 1/12/1973
Chamberlain, Max Barton, VT 78 8/26/1972
Chamberlin, Frances L. Charleston, VT 81-2-13 10/21/1945
Chamberlin, Linnie M. Barton, VT 86 9/15/1981
Chamberlin, Mollie Blake Barton, VT 102 2/1/2000
Champagne, Madeline Josephine Barton, VT 5-0-21 3/14/1935
Champagne, Rosa Barton, VT 96 3/21/1928
Chandler, Abigail Drake Orleans, VT 97-3-4 1/26/1927
Chapdelaine, Ruth G. Barton, VT 6/14/1909 5/3/1961
Chapman, Carrie Hester Barton, VT 85-8-15 2/22/1943
Chappell, Winona L. Barton, VT 4/27/1888 4/5/1954
Chase, Emma D. Mrs. Wilbraham, MA 65-8-9 9/16/1933
Chase, Flora Buzell Orleans, VT 47-8-11 11/29/1929
Chase, Frank John Barton, VT 84-1-22 10/1/1942
Chase, James Lewis Barton, VT 0-5-13 2/13/1942
Chase, Louise Myranda Orleans, VT 81-7-7 4/23/1927
Chase, Myra D. Barton, VT 86-1-8 10/23/1947
Chase, Osro J. Orleans, VT 6/19/1877 1/2/1961
Chase, Ralph E. Stowe, VT 78 11/20/1984
Chase, Samuel E. Barton, VT 11/1/1874 7/18/1959
Chayer, Bertha P. Barton, VT 90 6/18/1997
Cheney, Katherine Orleans, VT 88-0-25 1/4/1941
Chesley, Jennie Mae Barton, VT 90 9/4/1977
Chicoine, Josephine Orleans, VT 67-3-12 2/13/1940
Chicoine, Pierre Orleans, VT 77-1-0 8/19/1945
Chicoine, William P. Orleans, VT 80 1/20/1979
Chilafoe, Glenna Powers Barton, VT 27-7-4 12/11/1946
Chilafoux, Joseph A. Barton, VT 60 12/31/1974
Choiniere, Conrad Andre Orleans, VT 73 6/1/1975
Choiniere, Ida M. Orleans, VT 74 11/1/1975
Choiniere, Joseph Albert Barton, VT 65 3/7/1969
Choiniere, Louise J. Barton, VT 82 12/31/1984
Choquette, Claire Gilbert Barton, VT 76 12/22/1994
Choquette, Ephraim Joseph Orleans, VT 39-1-15 7/5/1928
Choquette, Eveline Orleans, VT 36 11/2/1928
Choquette, Letitia Desanges Barton, VT 90 11/4/1996
Choquette, Raymond Thomas Barton, VT 78 6/12/1994
Christie, Jessie R. Barton, VT 62-1-4 5/20/1926
Church, Elmeda M. Barton, VT 94-3-2 1/15/1931
Churchill, Franklin Howard Orleans, VT 78-10-17 3/29/1936
Churchill, Lucy Ermina Paige Orleans, VT 74-8-1 6/13/1938
Chutter, Gladys Tarry Barton, VT 5/23/1880 8/14/1951
Chutter, Herbert Eli Walter Barton, VT 66-3-28 6/26/1936
Ciechanowicz, Antoni Barton, VT 82 1/27/1993
Ciechanowicz, Geraldine K. Orleans, VT 70 12/20/1988
Clapp, Donald Quentin Barton, VT 71 3/13/1992
Clark, Allen M. Barton, VT 41-1-25 8/11/1926
Clark, Allen Mansel Orleans, VT 69 12/23/1979
Clark, Carlton Lee Barton, VT 34-8-8 9/2/1929
Clark, Edith C. Barton, VT 68 5/20/1988
Clark, Everett Alfred Barton, VT 10/4/1888 7/20/1957
Clark, Everett William Barton, VT 54-9-13 3/13/1946
Clark, George William Barton, VT 86-3-11 8/25/1932
Clark, Gladys M. Barton, VT 96 3/23/1994
Clark, Ivers Gilbert Jr. Island Pond, VT 0-0-11 11/30/1945
Clark, James Richard Orleans, VT 12/21/1883 8/26/1951
Clark, Jeanne B. Orleans, VT 65 2/9/1984
Clark, Margaret Isabel Barton, VT 90 1/6/1982
Clark, Margaret Wylie Barton, VT 88-6-4 8/21/1946
Clark, Maude E. Barton, VT 90 4/28/1975
Clark, Nancy Ann Orleans, VT 87-9-4 1/6/1933
Clark, William E. Barton, VT 59 1/8/1983
Cleasby, Ernest Milo Orleans, VT 9/20/1879 8/18/1952
Cleasby, Virginia Atwood Orleans, VT 8/1/1911 8/10/1949
Cleveland, Harlan A. Barton, VT 74-0-6 7/5/1940
Cleveland, Margaret Miller Barton, VT 3/4/1883 6/13/1963
Cleveland, Winifred Barton, VT 64-3-2 3/4/1932
Clifford, Catherine Clara Barton, VT 89 1/8/1981
Clifford, John P. Barton, VT 77-2-29 3/22/1947
Clifton, Emmaline Izor Barton, VT 69 9/24/1995
Clogston, Lou Watkins Barton, VT 71-3-22 1/26/1946
Clogston, Luella G. Barton, VT 82-9-5 4/10/1928
Clough, Arthur Mayland Irasburg, VT 12/13/1871 7/14/1955
Clough, Harry Ray Orleans, VT 77 12/17/1969
Cloutier, Ernest J. Barton, VT 11/4/1869 4/3/1959
Cloutier, J. Raoul Barton, VT 83 11/27/1995
Cloutier, Selfide Boisvert Barton, VT 56-4-5 2/8/1938
Cloutier, Severin Samuel Barton, VT 11/29/1896 3/7/1966
Cloutier, Victor Barton, VT 22 8/26/1932
Coapland, Clarence Arthur Coventry, VT 11/13/1874 1/14/1959
Coapland, Clifford Carl Orleans, VT 72 6/15/1978
Coapland, Howard Orleans, VT 85 2/1/1982
Coathup, Albert William Orleans, VT 69 5/12/1982
Coburn, Daniel C. Barton, VT 66-3-0 12/1/1941
Cochrane, George Edward Barton, VT 95 12/28/1999
Coffey, Ethel June Orleans, VT 72 11/16/1980
Coffey, Hazel Heath Orleans, VT 91 3/29/1987
Coffey, Margaret Mae Orleans, VT 5/19/1873 1/31/1955
Coffin, Lena M. Barton, VT 74 8/4/1983
Colburne, Clara Ida New York, NY 68-2-6 8/26/1933
Colby, Ethel May Orleans, VT 94 1/23/1990
Colby, Julia J. Barton, VT 71 3/26/1928
Colby, Wesley Carleton Barton, VT 87 9/17/1977
Cole, Alice L. St Johnsbury, VT 12/17/1868 9/17/1951
Cole, Eva Eastman North Troy, VT 5/3/1874 7/25/1958
Collette, Laura R. Barton, VT 87 11/23/1988
Collins, Augusta H. Orleans, VT 69-0-23 1/23/1926
Collins, Curtis Tyler Barton, VT 76-4-1 11/12/1933
Collins, George Barton, VT 80 10/14/1967
Colliston, Addie Barton, VT 82-4 9/30/1928
Colliston, Lucy P. Barton, VT 86-0-2 4/18/1927
Colton, John B. Orleans, VT 74-11-8 7/9/1945
Colton, John Malcom Orleans, VT 89 10/14/1991
Colton, Mary Edith Orleans, VT 4/13/1876 10/4/1962
Columb, Marion M. Barton, VT 86 5/1/1996
Comeau, Verney J. Barton, VT 88 12/19/1992
Comer, Charles Francis Barton, VT 67 4/20/1969
Compton, Sanford J. Barton, VT 54 9/18/1997
Comstock, Barbara Willis Barton, VT 68 2/25/1999
Comstock, Bessie Barton, VT 64-5-9 9/24/1932
Comstock, Frederick Barton, VT 69-10-6 8/20/1937
Comstock, Leigh Page Barton, VT 12/4/1902 4/25/1965
Comstock, Leona B. Barton, VT 97 1/27/2001
Comton, Nathan Hart Barton, VT 81 12/29/1996
Conley, Charles R. Sutton, VT 2/13/1867 6/18/1957
Conley, Myrtle Belle Barton, VT 9/6/1873 11/8/1955
Conley, William Henry Barton, VT 0 4/28/1942
Conly, John Raymond, Sr. St Johnsbury, VT 81 10/15/1994
Conner, Harry R. Barton, VT 77 12/9/1968
Connolly, Mary A. Barton, VT 41-3-11 7/20/1937
Conroy, Ann Barton, VT 93 2/12/1993
Converse, Hazen Eugene Orleans, VT 3/4/1898 10/30/1961
Converse, Jennie M. Orleans, VT 86 9/23/1972
Converse, Mary Clemma Thornton  Orleans, VT 53-1-3 11/4/1927
Cook, Alice Ida Barton, VT 89 8/19/1978
Cook, Charles B. Orleans, VT 51 8/10/1976
Cook, Edward R. Barton, VT 71-2-19 6/19/1927
Cook, Edwin A. Orleans, VT 81-0-24 12/15/1937
Cook, Grace E. Stewartstown, NH 80 1/11/1974
Cook, Velma A. Orleans, VT 83 6/1/2000
Coolbeth, Arthur Silas Barton, VT 35-5-3 12/15/1929
Coolbeth, Eben Newport, VT 84 4/25/1968
Coomer, Wendell Harvey Barton, VT 69 11/17/1974
Corkins, Alan Donald Barton, VT 43 2/4/1995
Corkins, Julian Leroy Derby, VT 80 10/31/1995
Corley, John Dean Orleans, VT 4/28/1892 4/1/1955
Corlis, Frank P. Barton, VT 1/16/1889 6/19/1960
Corliss, Lillian Barton, VT 85-8-0 3/17/1943
Corliss, Sarah Myrtie  Orleans, VT 65-1-11 6/29/1929
Corrow, Francis Leigh Barton, VT 51 11/6/1987
Corrow, John Joseph Sutton, VT 5/30/1869 4/12/1952
Corrow, Paul Clarence Barton, VT 0-0-40 3/14/1941
Cota, Agnes Exzoria North Troy, VT 82 2/19/1990
Cota, Doris Corrine Barton, VT 65 5/1/1991
Cota, John Barton, VT 82 3/30/1970
Cota, Madlyn Phillipa Barton, VT 94 7/31/1992
Cota, Mary Victoria Barton, VT 83 4/5/1972
Cote, Alphonsine Blais Barton, VT 7/9/1872 1/4/1950
Cote, Eliza Pauline Orleans, VT 7/13/1885 2/8/1961
Cote, Henry Orleans, VT 69 1/6/1974
Cote, Marshall Napoleon Orleans, VT 4/3/1884 5/31/1951
Cote, Raymond N. Orleans, VT 61 6/20/1972
Cote, Sylvia B. Barton, VT 68 5/26/1985
Cotnoir, Alfred Barton, VT 0 6/11/1942
Cotnoir, Hercule Arthur Barton, VT 10/1/1870 9/1/1952
Cotnoir, Yvonne Susanne Barton, VT 0-3-12 3/28/1945
Couchaine, Vitiline Barton, VT 78-0-8 10/28/1931
Counter, Carrie Bennett Newport, VT 6/13/1873 5/31/1963
Courchaine, Charles Barton, VT 79-11-21 10/16/1937
Cournoyer, Arthur Barton, VT 4/8/1881 11/9/1953
Couture, Francis St Johnsbury, VT 69 5/25/2000
Couture, Hermeline M. North Troy, VT 8/5/1874 9/5/1961
Cowles, Harriet E. Barton, VT 74-11-27 4/11/1926
Cowles, Percy William Barton, VT 67-5-4 8/23/1947
Coyne, Arthur A. Derry, NH 80 1/30/1985
Craft, Josephine Blanche Newport, VT 6/27/1881 5/11/1958
Craig, Robert B. Barton, VT 90 4/13/1986
Crandall, Elmo Erwin Barton, VT 75 7/4/1977
Crandall, Gertrude Mae Derby, VT 1/15/1879 1/23/1949
Crane, William J. Barton, VT 81 7/1/1980
Craven, James Ernest Barton, VT 53 1/4/1993
Craven, Robert Ernest Barton, VT 12/13/1959 8/28/1961
Crawford, Eloise Turner Coolbeth Newport, VT 74 11/18/1970
Crawford, Rose Mae Newport, VT 10/30/1870 3/30/1965
Crawshaw, Mabel M. Orleans, VT 58 5/13/1971
Crawshaw, Thomas Orleans, VT 78 1/25/1969
Crites, Fred Barton, VT 44 8/2/1972
Croteau, Absalon J. Barton, VT 10/10/1882 12/17/1956
Croteau, Frederick A. Orleans, VT 92 3/10/2001
Crowley, Ermina Catherine Barton, VT 5 h 4/2/1927
Crowley, Owen T. Barton, VT 58-6-24 2/4/1938
Cullity, Viola St. Onge Barton, VT 24-1-15 4/18/1927
Cummings, Kathleen H. Mrs. Barton, VT 90-6-20 9/26/1933
Cummings, Owen Currier Millersburg, PA 73 6/12/1981
Currier, Colby C. Sr. Jay, VT 79 3/25/1994
Currier, Gladys Evelyn Island Pond, VT 92 8/2/1999
Currier, Joseph Jr. Orleans, VT 77-7-11 6/26/1928
Currier, Marian M. Barton, VT 72-8-9 12/16/1941
Currier, Melvina Barton, VT 88 10/26/1982
Currier, Paul J., T/Sgt. Orleans, VT 7/19/1916 5/22/1945
Currier, Roland E. Island Pond, VT 97 12/1/1999
Currier, Susan Barton, VT 87-2-10 1/31/1934
Curtis, Alice Marie Orleans, VT 10/13/1883 7/22/1958
Curtis, Florence R. Barton, VT 89 7/11/1997
Curtis, Homer C. Barton, VT 94 12/6/1985
Cushing, Kate Bernard Wallace Newport, VT 2/11/1888 8/14/1962
Cushing, Lester Barton, VT 78-10-13 4/7/1938
Cushman, Thelma A. Newport City, VT 84 4/16/1985
Cutler, Foster Jiles Barton, VT 71-2-25 3/23/1928
Cutler, Harriet L. Barton, VT 84-6-18 2/4/1929
Cutler, Henry Miles Barton, VT 2/27/1901 3/9/1965
Cutler, Henry R. Barton, VT 85-1-16 1/17/1946
Cutler, Ida Miles Barton, VT 95 1/12/1969
Cutler, Mabel C. Barton, VT 98 4/4/1981
Cutting, Francis W. Barton, VT 69-1-18 5/18/1933
Cutting, Hattie Louise Brown Irasburg, VT 91 3/29/1970
Cyr, Jaques Robert Barton, VT 0-0-6 9/20/1928
Cyr, Marie Suzanne Jacqueline Barton, VT 0-0-7 5/22/1927
Daignault, Claude Leopold Orleans, VT 45 9/14/1975
Daigneault, Edith Ida Barton, VT 11/30/1907 6/1/1989
Dale, Murray Weymouth, MA 57 7/25/1992
Daley, Mary Ellen Mills Albany, VT 7/6/1872 12/1/1963
Dalphe, Alma Holland, VT 93 1/26/1984
Damon, Arthur J. Barton, VT 58 7/31/1968
Damon, Aurilla Barton, VT 99 9/4/1985
Damon, Clarence Barton, VT 76-6-16 5/8/1930
Damon, Fred W. Barton, VT 98 2/28/1974
Damon, Gerald C. Barton, VT 89 6/20/1995
Damon, Howard Harold Barton, VT 73 4/12/1995
Damon, Isabel (Lizzie P.) Barton, VT 93 12/28/1981
Damon, Leo Barton, VT 61 9/29/1971
Damon, Lillian May Barton, VT 52 11/19/1967
Damon, Olive Barton, VT 83-10-23 8/6/1928
Damon, Peter W. Barton, VT 3/9/1879 12/26/1949
Daniell, Paul Edward Barton, VT 36 12/13/1997
Daniels, Michael James Westmore, VT 28 11/20/1985
Dansereau, Wilfred Orleans, VT 7/12/1872 7/26/1950
Darby, Eva O. Westfield, VT 93 1/7/1988
Darling, Charlie J. Barton, VT 71-1-2 10/22/1933
Davies, Arthur William Brownington, VT 91 2/22/1986
Davies, Lillian A. Brownington, VT 90 2/16/1996
Davies, William Harry Barton, VT 58 6/11/1985
Davignon, Henry Orleans, VT 73 11/24/1973
Davio, Dorothy Lorraine Fahy Barton, VT 78 11/23/1990
Davis, Bernice H. Barton, VT 2/6/1890 2/1/1949
Davis, Charlotte Island Pond, VT 94 7/1/1967
Davis, Clarence Harrison Orleans, VT 4/25/1904 6/25/1965
Davis, Dalton Sherley Danville, VT 75 1/9/1981
Davis, Earl Raymond Orleans, VT 7/11/1906 2/28/1954
Davis, Eugene Barton, VT 78-0-23 5/28/1928
Davis, Fred Leslie Barton, VT 65-1-23 9/4/1932
Davis, Gertrude May Orleans, VT 85 7/27/1969
Davis, Iola Baraw Orleans, VT 23-7-20 8/16/1929
Davis, Marjorie Gertrude Barton, VT 13-10-29 3/5/1929
Davis, Murray Bernard East Burke, VT 84 9/23/1995
Davis, Nora J. Barton, VT 94 12/23/1975
Davis, Silas Derby, VT 82 3/18/1983
Davison, Irving Merrill Orleans, VT 4/9/1893 11/20/1957
Dawber, Alexander England 77 5/29/1975
Dawber, Gladys Barton, VT 76 3/19/1979
Dawson, Carroll H. Orleans, VT 6/23/1890 2/16/1951
Dawson, Gerald C. Orleans, VT 84 12/23/1990
Dawson, Hester M. Orleans, VT 63 2/10/1972
Dawson, Larry Alman Orleans, VT 0-1-16 11/18/1929
Dawson, Lyman Francis Orleans, VT 0 10/2/1929
Dawson, Ransom Alson Orleans, VT 67-8-2 3/12/1941
Dawson, Roy Ernest Barton, VT 87 8/18/1990
Dawson, Sarah Orleans, VT 100 2/26/1976
Day, Clara May Orleans, VT 71 11/11/1980
Day, Electa A. Orleans, VT 79-6-29 4/5/1926
Dean, Burt Orleans, VT 12/29/1897 2/2/1966
Dean, Dorothy E. Barton, VT 85 1/6/1999
Dean, Eltheda M. Orleans, VT 95 3/24/1984
Dean, Fred Madeson Orleans, VT 78-4-30 12/31/1943
Dean, Jeffrey Peter Barton, VT 1/5/1950 5/10/1950
Dean, Lyle A. Orleans, VT 77 2/2/1986
Dean, Mae Orleans, VT 73 8/27/1975
Dean, Ray Edward Barton, VT 38 3/6/1968
Dean, Terry Frederick Barton, VT 15 6/8/1975
Dean, Viola Althea Orleans, VT 85-6-14 5/30/1929
Deane, Richard Frank Barton, VT 95 5/10/1997
Decker, Marguerite Orleans, VT 0-2-3 11/17/1926
Decker, Marjorie Newport, VT 4/25/1896 1/18/1989
Decker, Maurice H. Orleans, VT 73 10/29/1970
DeGoosh, Thomas Curtis Barton, VT 73-7-24 1/27/1935
Degreenia, Mary Barton, VT 56-2-23 9/3/1926
DeGuise, Eva Ann Barton, VT 74 8/2/1978
Delano, Katherine McCaffrey Barton, VT 70-1-28 12/24/1928
DeLeat, Kathryn Barton, VT 87 7/15/1980
Demick, Ida May Barton, VT 12/3/1880 8/7/1949
Derick, Kathleen O. Orleans, VT 88 4/11/1984
Derick, Mack M. Orleans, VT 85 12/25/1982
Dermody, Duana Kathleen Orleans, VT 12/14/1948 2/7/1949
Derusha, Charles J. Jr. Barton, VT 70-5-14 5/25/1928
Derusha, Ruth Barton, VT 9/4/1864 1/8/1959
Descheneau, Irene C. North Troy, VT 62 11/1/1988
Desjardins, Emile Leo Orleans, VT 38 12/31/1983
Desjardins, Lucien Armond Orleans, VT 67 7/22/1976
Desmarais, Beatrice Lida Orleans, VT 79 8/23/1994
Desmarais, Roland Joseph Barton, VT 67 9/28/1983
Desmarais, Rose Barton, VT 68 6/2/1984
Desreuisseau, Octave Albert Barton, VT 62 5/18/1967
Desroches, Joseph R. Barton, VT 88 4/3/1986
Desroches, Raymond J. Newport, VT 62 7/29/1974
Devenger, Myrtle Willard Sutton, VT 101 10/14/1994
Devereaux, Eda Wilson Barton, VT 39-11-8 5/28/1927
Dewing, Leo Edward Orleans, VT 71 8/22/1967
Dewing, Lila M. Orleans, VT 96 1/16/1998
Dewing, Mary Barton, VT 75 10/18/2000
Dexter, Arthur Leroy Barton, VT 77 1/8/1978
Dhu, Burton Lawrence Irasburg, VT 1/23/1876 12/18/1964
Dhu, Ivy Ethel Derby, VT 88 8/14/1968
Diette, Arthur Felix Barton, VT 74 2/19/1968
Diette, Paul Francis St Johnsbury, VT 1/26/1925 5/23/1989
Dobson, Minnie Belle Powers Orleans, VT 10/12/1884 2/13/1965
Dodge, Bertha M. Waterman Barton, VT 24-1-14 8/24/1930
Dodge, Elma Twombly Orleans, VT 87-7-22 4/5/1936
Dodge, Glen Salmon Orleans, VT 1/13/1873 4/16/1951
Dodge, Lillian Robbins Orleans, VT 4/15/1870 10/13/1951
Dodge, Noah S. Barton, VT 85 5/16/1974
Dodge, Ormel Berkley Orleans, VT 81 5/19/1931
Doe, Elmer Ellsworth Orleans, VT 70-7-10 3/10/1933
Doe, Max Eldred Orleans, VT 75 9/23/1971
Doherty, Zebadee (Eben) Barton, VT 1873 4/27/1954
Domina, Harold R. Orleans, VT 95 4/26/1984
Domina, Mary Edith Orleans, VT 1-11-24 12/9/1926
Domina, Mattie Rushford Orleans, VT 52-2-25 12/27/1932
Donaghey, Ralph Barton, VT 75 6/2/1988
Donaldson, William Henry Lyndon, VT 1/22/1886 8/18/1963
Donaldson, William Lawrence Orleans, VT 66-11-6 1/23/1929
Doncaster, Winifred Phyllis Derby, VT 87 12/1/1982
Dopp, David Barton, VT 76 3/5/1974
Dopp, Pearl G. Barton, VT 83 2/8/1987
Dopp, Robert David Lyndonville, VT 8/26/1937 5/30/1964
Dorlen, Roland Orleans, VT 0-4-16 12/23/1943
Dorman, Eleanor R. Barton, VT 89 2/2/1997
Dorman, Helen Ruth Orleans, VT 87 12/8/1977
Dorman, Robert Stevens Orleans, VT 8/21/1909 11/9/1954
Douglas, Elmer J. Barton, VT 69-6-0 3/15/1935
Douglas, Jennie Barton, VT 84 1/7/1944
Dow, Arthur Norman Barton, VT 67-3-12 12/4/1948
Dow, Dale Estelle Orleans, VT 84 2/8/1997
Dow, Samira Victoria Orleans, VT 72 1/29/1990
Dowding, Alyce S. Barton, VT 77 9/14/1998
Doyle, Genie G. Barton, VT 60 6/29/1988
Doyle, Mabel Emma Irasburg, VT 6/2/1883 11/27/1966
Doyle, Wesley W. Orleans, VT 63-3-3 6/24/1944
Drake, Lorena Tice Barton, VT 83 3/6/1973
Drake, Philip Scott, Sr. Derby, VT 75 2/17/1996
Drake, Phyllis Hovey Coventry, VT 82 7/31/2000
Drayton, Florence Evelyn Barton, VT 89 7/19/1999
Dresser, Everett L. Barton, VT 75-5-4 3/3/1937
Drew, Arthur S. Barton, VT 74-2-3 1/11/1938
Drew, Blanche S Burlington, VT 83 1/13/1981
Drew, Ida Ruggles Barton, VT 70-11-0 3/11/1938
Drew, Leonard P. Barton, VT 6/13/1902 6/28/1951
Drew, Mae K. Barton, VT 4/29/1866 6/28/1956
Drew, Noah H. Burke, VT 81-7-1 12/12/1947
Drohan, Dennis Westmore, VT 6/9/1873 9/15/1951
Drown, Chauncey Grosvenor Barton, VT 78-0-14 1/20/1947
Drown, Della Mrs. Orleans, VT 75-7-27 4/14/1933
Drown, Elvira L. Willoughby, VT 91-0-12 3/13/1938
Drown, Emma Dexter Barton, VT 80-8-4 7/7/1936
Drown, Grosvenor Irving Barton, VT 7/29/1916 1/24/1964
Drown, Herbert Vinson Barton, VT 71-0-30 1/23/1935
Drown, Ida A. Barton, VT 82-8-26 4/5/1945
Drown, Julia A. Mrs. Barton, VT 80-5-5 9/27/1927
Drown, May Sutton, VT 12/27/1891 1/16/1953
Dubois, Delores Jeanne North Troy, VT 68 11/10/1996
Dubois, George Albert Barton, VT 4/1/1882 11/18/1949
Dubois, Polidore Island Pond, VT 72 11/9/1972
Ducharme, Albert Leo Coventry, VT 71 1/16/1978
Duchesneau, Euclide C. Orleans, VT 5/30/1873 7/25/1951
Duchesneau, Eugene Rosaire Orleans, VT 86 5/26/1992
Duckless, Doris M. Orleans, VT 71 12/29/1990
Dudley, Alfred Eugene Orleans, VT 68-8-23 1/4/1948
Dudley, Bertha Madge Smith Orleans, VT 52-11-19 3/2/1935
Dudley, Ellen Louise Orleans, VT 98-3-20 12/17/1941
Dudley, Irene Ruth Orleans, VT 85 5/11/1996
Dudley, Orene Effie Orleans, VT 100 6/7/1994
Dudley, Rawlston Orleans, VT 54 7/13/1975
Duff, Archie Barton, VT 82-10-0 7/3/1932
Duff, Harriet Sarah Island Heights, NJ 91 6/13/1988
Dufresne, Amelia  * Canada 72 7/16/1965
Dufresne, Edras  * Canada 79 10/9/1966
Dugan, Theodore Francis Albany, VT 87 5/13/1987
Duke, Jane Forrest Willoughby, VT 86-7-28 1/12/1944
Dunbar, Arline St Johnsbury, VT 80 2/16/1993
Dunham, Arthur M. Barton, VT 3/1/1875 5/24/1949
Dunham, Cora A. Traner Orleans, VT 74-1-24 11/2/1938
Dunham, Cora Emma Barton, VT 79 12/25/1970
Dunham, Mae M. Barton, VT 7/3/1858 2/8/1952
Dunham, Oliver Perry Orleans, VT 88-4-21 9/20/1928
Dunham, Tillie Leland Orleans, VT 55-10-3 10/20/1929
Dunn, Daniel M. Brattleboro, VT 1/28/1869 7/4/1959
Dunn, Herbert Barton, VT 3/10/1930 8/24/1930
Dunn, Patricia Ann Orleans, VT 54 10/28/1997
Dunsmore, Alice Orleans, VT 97 12/3/1976
Dunsmore, William Walker Orleans, VT 88 12/3/1971
Duquette, Anatole M. Barton, VT 90 8/10/2001
Duquette, Auguste H. Barton, VT 1/13/1867 1/9/1953
Duquette, Beatrice M. Barton, VT 65 4/18/1971
Duquette, Benoit Viator Barton, VT 77 3/8/1993
Duquette, Gratia C. Barton, VT 65 2/21/1982
Duquette, Jean Anthony Barton, VT 6/24/1909 4/21/1962
Duquette, Lionel Orleans, VT 41-7-9 10/13/1945
Duquette, Rachel F. Orleans, VT 82 3/28/1997
Duquette, Virginia G. Barton, VT 1/24/1872 5/30/1958
Durant, Lynda Julia Barton, VT 8/4/1943 2/7/1949
Durgin, Austin H. Morgan, VT 87 10/24/1988
Durivage, Arlan Orleans, VT 85 5/1/1987
Durivage, Dorothy S. Orleans, VT 59 9/16/1970
Durivage, Vivian Anita Barton, VT 49 7/17/1984
Durkin, James H. Barton, VT 47 3/22/1975
Durkin, John Edmund Barton, VT 6/28/1892 3/14/1953
Durkin, Martin Barton, VT 79-6-7 5/14/1926
Dutchburn, Tamarae Elizabeth-Lyn St Johnsbury, VT 2 8/13/1997
Dutton, Edna Elmine Mrs. Orleans, VT 78-6-9 10/14/1934
Dutton, Mark E. Morgan, VT 77 1/16/1981
Dutton, Sadie Belle Orleans, VT 2/13/1892 7/9/1954
Dutton, Winnifred Nettie Morgan Ctr., VT 93 3/12/1995
Duval, Edward Randolph, VT 69 4/11/1984
Dwelle, Eleanor Elizabeth Barton, VT 84 1/25/1992
Dwinell, Dean Noel Lebanon, NH 1/4/1882 9/17/1949
Dwyer, Lisa C. Orleans, VT 23 12/10/1982
Earnest, Rebecca Lee Barton, VT 4/2/1975 12/2/1989
Eastman, Laura Whipple Barton, VT 81 1/16/1976
Eastman, Mildred Edwina Springfield, MA 10/9/1890 1/10/1964
Eccles, Nellie S. Orleans, VT 76-1-5 11/11/1945
Eccless, Frederick C. Orleans, VT 12/19/1863 5/14/1957
Eddy, Nancy Barton, VT 77-0-11 12/12/1926
Edmonds, Gertrude E. Derby Line, VT 1863 1/17/1955
Edmunds, A. Joseph Barton, VT 81-0-30 6/7/1941
Edsen, Dorothy S. Craftsbury Common, VT 94 8/23/1998
Edwards, Cora Barton, VT 73 5/12/1972
Edwards, Homer Barton, VT 65-2-0 7/18/1930
Edwards, Rosetta Orleans, VT 82-6-20 3/17/1931
Edwards, Ruth Selina Brighton, VT 91 9/10/1995
Egleston, Frederick Nelson Barton, VT 5/21/1896 9/3/1949
Eirich, Ruth E. Barton, VT 93 9/8/1990
Eldridge, Wallace John Orleans, VT 88-11-19 1/1/1944
Eley, Mary Sabrina West Charleston, VT 10/18/1878 4/4/1965
Elie, Ernest Robert Barton, VT 80 10/20/1969
Elie, Frederick James Barton, VT 50 12/23/1969
Elie, Hattie Bell Barton, VT 100 5/12/1991
Elkins, Homer Barton, VT 63-10-25 4/19/1928
Ellam, Irwine R. Morgan, VT 68 6/6/1994
Elliot, Edna Rowell Barton, VT 91 7/14/1996
Elliot, Graham B. Barton, VT 54-11-19 2/7/1939
Elliot, Minnie Belvidere, VT 2/2/1892 5/27/1963
Elliott, Betty A. Barton, VT 52 3/20/1988
Elliott, Clayton C. Barton, VT 78 3/29/1984
Elliott, Edward Alexander Orleans, VT 74-11-13 5/20/1929
Elliott, Elvin C. Barton, VT 79-2-23 12/5/1937
Elliott, Herbert Alvin Barton, VT 81 9/28/1976
Elliott, James Wesley Barton, VT 77-3-4 4/21/1941
Elliott, Jan Stryker Barton, VT 51 9/13/1992
Elliott, Jennie Barton, VT 83-0-4 5/13/1930
Elliott, Lawrence John Morgan, VT 89 1/29/1994
Elliott, Selina A. St Johnsbury, VT 80-0-7 11/5/1941
Elliott, Stanley Hayes Coventry, VT 1/1/1880 9/23/1962
Elliott, Wilbert D. Barton, VT 75-8-25 10/19/1948
Ellis, Arthur B. Barton, VT 10/9/1879 8/25/1957
Ellis, Dorothy F. Barton, VT 9/11/1904 7/15/1957
Emerson, Alice Margaret Barton, VT 84-10-28 3/31/1944
Emerson, Arthur Frank Barton, VT 42-9-11 6/11/1939
Emerson, Dorothy Mary Barton, VT 88 12/28/1991
Emerson, Flora Alice Barton, VT 84 2/9/1986
Emerson, Katherine Herman Greensboro Bend, VT 79 1/23/1975
Emerson, Lee Earle Barton, VT 77 5/21/1976
Emerson, Lewis Clinton Orleans, VT 6/21/1893 2/6/1953
Emerson, Lula M. Orleans, VT 75 3/11/1971
Emerson, Rose E. Barton, VT 75-5-24 2/26/1941
Emerson, Russell Benjamin Barton, VT 72 12/29/1967
Emerson, Ruth G. Barton, VT 67 11/30/1987
Emery, Lucy Clark Barton, VT 63-10-4 8/29/1938
England, Clifton Paterson Orleans, VT 11/5/1916 6/25/1966
England, L. Bernice Patterson Orleans, VT 81 1/7/1967
Erickson, Alice L. Barton, VT 96 11/10/1987
Estabrook, Marion J. Barton, VT 79 2/8/1976
Fairbanks, Benjamin H. Barton, VT 63-2-7 3/4/1930
Fairbanks, Harvey P. Barton, VT 54 12/7/1998
Fairbrother, Marion Elizabeth Barton, VT 76 7/29/1987
Fairbrother, Pliny Barton, VT 71 1/10/1985
Fairbrother, Pliny Jr. Barton, VT 0 10/15/1939
Fairbrother, Rodney M. Barton, VT 64-9-9 7/6/1927
Fairbrother, Theresa S. Barton, VT 48 3/1/1969
Fairbrother, unnamed male Barton, VT 0 1/16/1948
Farr, Hazel Lillian Davis Albany, VT 105 12/10/1998
Farr, Jesse Clark Albany, VT 5/3/1892 6/28/1953
Farrar, Alan Newton Orleans, VT 79 2/5/1998
Farrar, Harry Ulyssus Barton, VT 79 3/23/1973
Farrar, Joyce Frazier Orleans, VT 72 10/23/2001
Farrar, Raymond Lester Newport Ctr., VT 83 3/16/1986
Farrell, Richard Joseph Orleans, VT 42 7/30/1980
Farrow, Richard S. Barton, VT 69 8/8/1970
Fauchs, Fred F. Orleans, VT 75 4/24/1971
Fauchs, Jessie Barton, VT 2/23/1898 12/30/1988
Fauchs, Maude North Troy, VT 87 1/27/1981
Fauchs, Viva A. Orleans, VT 77 10/6/1971
Faust, Anna S. Orleans, VT 78 1/31/1976
Faust, Joseph H. Barton, VT 48-2-19 2/8/1930
Faust, Romeo Sr. Orleans, VT 74 6/24/1970
Ferrari, Emma M. Derby Line, VT 90 7/5/1996
Ferrin, Brenda Jean Barton, VT 0-1-16 12/22/1944
Ferrin, Ernest O. Barton, VT 61-11-14 3/8/1948
Ferrin, Kermit Ernest Barton, VT 60 3/20/1990
Ferrin, Thelma Barton, VT 83 8/1/1983
Fielder, George E. Orleans, VT 1/12/1871 4/5/1961
Fields, Nelson Newport, VT 9/  /1879 8/1/1962
Fifield, Forrest S. Barton, VT 6/6/1872 3/11/1953
Fillier, Gladys B. Morrisville, VT 87 2/10/1986
Findlay, Floyd William Barton, VT 9-0-0 6/10/1929
Findlay, Harold George Barton, VT 4/22/1895 10/16/1965
Findsen, Elmer William Barton, VT 80 8/11/1992
Fisher, Annie May Irasburg, VT 90 4/28/1975
Fisher, Leola May Barton, VT 80 7/10/1999
Fisher, Lucinda Columbia Orleans, VT 2/1/1857 10/12/1949
Fisher, Philip Clarence Barton, VT 76 9/18/2001
Fisk, Amy Owen Barton, VT 84 1/20/1983
Fisk, Earl W. Barton, VT 72 6/27/1967
Fisk, George S. Barton, VT 86-1-12 3/28/1948
Fisk, Harry Seymour Barton, VT 81-4-19 12/12/1945
Fisk, Louella Smith Barton, VT 77-10-4 8/21/1942
Fiske, Blanche Barton, VT 86 6/16/1967
Fiske, Ruth Ellen Barton, VT 72 10/9/1994
Fiske, William Norman Barton, VT 65 6/29/1982
Fitzgerald, Verona Myrtle Morristown, VT 82 5/25/2001
Flanagan, Patrick R. Orleans, VT 53 6/16/1985
Flanders, Frederick E. West Charleston, VT 81 7/17/2000
Flanders, Jennie Myhill St Albans, VT 88 4/23/1995
Flanders, William Oliver Newport, VT 3/23/1866 7/18/1961
Fleming, Howard Robertson Barton, VT 86 3/19/1996
Fletcher, Addison W. Orleans, VT 11/28/1875 1/23/1960
Fletcher, Almond William Barton, VT 76 1/19/1996
Fletcher, Burleigh Wyllys Orleans, VT 3/28/1892 6/4/1964
Fletcher, Carrie Ellen Orleans, VT 76-8-9 1/5/1933
Fletcher, George A. Orleans, VT 82-7-19 2/14/1929
Fletcher, Guy Ralph Brownington, VT 9/27/1882 9/10/1963
Fletcher, Josiah Barton, VT 78-3-13 6/11/1926
Fletcher, Lewis Erwill Barton, VT 80 11/20/1974
Fletcher, Lila Mildred Orleans, VT 2/1/1898 8/27/1964
Fletcher, Lillian Marion Orleans, VT 1/4/1878 2/3/1964
Fletcher, Martha Maria Orleans, VT 81-2-18 3/1/1934
Fletcher, Maude L. Orleans, VT 4/13/1876 10/1/1954
Fletcher, Rubie Orleans, VT 94 3/23/1984
Fleury, Barbara Helen Barton, VT 76 11/4/2001
Flint, Luna V. Troy, VT 1/5/1877 11/16/1962
Foley, John Joseph Orleans, VT 2/21/1873 11/20/1953
Folsom, Catherine Curtin Barton, VT 92-11-25 3/21/1937
Folsom, Charles David Barton, VT 9/10/1871 5/25/1955
Folsom, Gertrude Merrill Readville, MA 78-7-18 5/10/1945
Folsom, Harry Alphonso Barton, VT 81-0-4 2/19/1935
Fontain, John A. West Burke, VT 10/1/1870 8/27/1958
Fontaine, Albini Lionel Barton, VT 67 4/10/1982
Fontaine, Arthur Island Pond, VT 7/15/1891 12/6/1964
Fontaine, Jeanne Mance Barton, VT 73 8/2/1992
Fontaine, Leonard O. Barton, VT 5/12/1944 6/13/1966
Fontaine, Michael Alan Barton, VT 28 9/13/1991
Fonteyn, Lenore Adel St Johnsbury, VT 1/4/1926 6/1/1989
Forand, Telesphore Orleans, VT 63-0-20 9/12/1947
Forbes, Donald T. St Johnsbury, VT 1/6/1871 7/26/1951
Ford, Eva Barton, VT 61-5-10 5/20/1935
Forest, Pauline North Troy, VT 65 12/31/1984
Fortin, Roland Irasburg, VT 65 8/30/1994
Fortin, Rolland A. Newport Ctr., VT 85 3/27/1997
Forty, Robert H. Barton, VT 79 2/23/1999
Foss, Stanley A. Barton, VT 73 11/2/1983
Foss, Wilma Edna Barton, VT 85 4/12/1999
Foster, Donald Alton Bloomfield, VT 63 10/5/1970
Fountain, Flora Mae Shattuck Barton, VT 98 7/14/2001
Fournier, Germain A. Orleans, VT 69 4/23/1975
Fox, Caroline B. Mrs. Orleans, VT 79-11-9 10/22/1929
Fox, Charles A. Barton, VT 76-5-13 3/19/1934
Fox, Elmira Isabell Orleans, VT 86 5/28/2001
Fox, Gaylord H. Orleans, VT 76-7-26 2/1/1944
Fox, Glyde Orleans, VT 81 9/26/1975
Fox, Helena F. Barton, VT 76 3/23/1974
Fox, Jennie Orleans, VT 51 9/12/1926
Fox, Lizzie Orleans, VT 64-11-18 8/30/1930
Fox, Pauline Orleans, VT 19 9/12/1926
Fox, Preston Everett Orleans, VT 60 6/26/1973
Fox, Robert Lary Orleans, VT 0-1-27 2/29/1932
Foy, Esther Annette Orleans, VT 44 9/19/1970
Fraiser, Ella E. Barton, VT 83-4-18 6/5/1937
Frasier, Fred H. Orleans, VT 76-8-5 6/18/1936
Frechette, Edward D. Barton, VT 79-3-27 9/6/1929
Frechette, Effie M. Barton, VT 80 11/26/1973
Frechette, Olivier D. Barton, VT 3/30/1894 12/20/1958
Freehart, Alexander Barton, VT 50-4-27 10/7/1929
Freehart, Betsy Orleans, VT 83 2/18/1977
Freehart, Edgar Joseph Barton, VT 71 1/24/1991
Freehart, Emma Mrs. Orleans, VT 78 11/8/1929
Freehart, Leo Alfred Barton, VT 71 7/5/1977
Freehart, Roland Joseph Jr. Orleans, VT 0-1-7 2/21/1937
Freeheart, Leona Mildred Barton, VT 85 3/23/1996
French, Annie R. Orleans, VT 71-6-19 7/29/1942
French, Carl D. Orleans, VT 1/23/1866 5/13/1953
French, Evelyn Frank Barton, VT 78-6-7 6/24/1938
Friend, George E. Barton, VT 12/18/1873 10/1/1956
Friend, Josephine D. St Johnsbury, VT 92 4/17/1985
Fugere, Josephine Victoria Barton, VT 93 1/21/1983
Fuhrer, John George Brooklyn, NY 79 4/14/1997
Fuller, Doris T. Barton, VT 72 4/5/1976
Fuller, Erwin O. North Troy, VT 12/11/1878 7/18/1965
Fuller, Fred Erwin Barton, VT 6/16/1868 8/9/1952
Fuller, Howard B. Barton, VT 91 1/8/1998
Fuller, Joseph S. Orleans, VT 80-5-14 3/13/1927
Fuller, Lillian May Brownington, VT 87 5/29/1967
Fuller, Madeline P. Barton, VT 82 11/25/1998
Fulton, Kenneth F. Barton, VT 54 9/10/1984
Fushey, Charles E. Glover, VT 70-0-19 11/22/1935
Gage, Fred Robinson Barton, VT 84 1/17/1969
Gage, Hannah M. Orleans, VT 87 6/7/1981
Gage, Joyce H. Orleans, VT 75 5/19/1999
Gage, Nicholas Peter Orleans, VT 17 3/2/1998
Gage, Patricia Hill Orleans, VT 65 12/6/1994
Gage, Raymond V. Orleans, VT 88 12/17/1979
Gage, Terrance F. Orleans, VT 59 11/14/1980
Gagne, Roland J. Barton, VT 72 5/22/1982
Gaines, Edward Barton, VT 5/5/1860 12/24/1950
Gallagher, Elizabeth Jane Barton, VT 75-11-20 3/20/1943
Gallup, Deborah Davison Orleans, VT 66 11/4/1996
Gamache, Helen E. Barton, VT 69 7/28/1983
Gardner, Calvin E. Orleans, VT 87 10/1/1969
Gardner, Carolyn Esther Orleans, VT 6-1-8 4/22/1930
Gardner, Eleanor Priscilla Barton, VT 81 12/28/1983
Garey, Thomas Barton, VT 76-11-5 11/5/1927
Gaskell, Mabel Abbie West Burke, VT 8/27/1875 9/17/1954
Gaskill, Elizabeth M. Barton, VT 92 6/2/1991
Gaspardino, Mary Shelburne, VT 84 10/26/1970
Gates, Albert Adelord Barton, VT 72 5/2/1997
Gates, Dorothy Jessie Barton, VT 19-3-24 4/16/1927
Gates, Elmer Vaness Orleans, VT 79 5/11/1980
Gates, Emma Chaffee West Burke, B1157 83-4-4 12/30/1942
Gates, Marilyn Barton, VT 54 6/2/1985
Gaudry, Edith Allen Concord, NH 2/13/1872 12/27/1951
Gauvin, Edna F. Orleans, VT 60-11-13 2/24/1948
Gauvin, Henry L. Orleans, VT 79-10-27 1/21/1936
Gauvin, Joseph Orleans, VT 0-0-8 8/23/1933
Gauvin, Mary Orleans, VT 83-1-11 5/11/1946
Gauvin, Nora A. Orleans, VT 71-10-29 3/10/1945
Gay, Bryan Porter Barton, VT 0-2-10 5/6/1939
Gay, George R. Barton, VT 63-9-6 5/26/1944
Gay, Henry C. Barton, VT 80-4-22 7/16/1933
Gay, Mary Jane Barton, VT 80-10-16 12/24/1930
Gaylor, Robert Newport, VT 11/6/1876 2/4/1956
Geer, Rupert Orleans, VT 72 11/29/1971
Gelo, Amy Leona Barton, VT 63-7-25 11/29/1939
Gendron, Oscar Richford, VT 88 11/18/1970
Geraw, Charles Mitchell Orleans, VT 6/12/1926 7/12/1989
Gibeault, Eugene   2/28/1878 3/20/1951
Gigante, Biaso C. Barton, VT 69 4/1/1991
Gilbert, Caroline Tilton, NH 83-8-17 4/17/1932
Gilbert, Mildred E. Barton, VT 74 4/19/1978
Gile, Agnes Eldora Irasburg, VT 84 12/3/1998
Gile, Lorey Newport, VT 92 9/18/1980
Giles, Hazel Orleans, VT 74 2/5/1987
Gilfillan, Frank D. Barton, VT 48 5/6/1968
Gilfillan, Frank Lunell Barton, VT 82-4-8 1/27/1937
Gilfillan, Hester Olive Barton, VT 69 2/18/1969
Gilfillan, Pauline M. Barton, VT 45 10/29/1975
Gilfillan, Shirley Mae Orleans, VT 62 8/11/1998
Gilles, Florence E. Orleans, VT 72-3-26 11/27/1939
Gillis, Charles C. Barton, VT 57-2-18 2/7/1926
Gillis, Marie Island Pond, VT 88 8/7/1988
Gilman, Estella L. Barton, VT 76-5-20 8/20/1940
Gilmour, Elizabeth Barton, VT 82-2-8 9/20/1930
Gilmour, Robert Miller Barton, VT 65-1-11 2/28/1938
Gilpin, Eva Abbie Barton, VT 85 2/22/1974
Gilpin, Laura G. Barton, VT 61-0-19 4/22/1942
Gilson, Flora Pope Barton, VT 87 8/8/1998
Gingras, Alice E. Newport, VT  3/26/1875 2/17/1954
Girard, Edward A. Orleans, VT 57-9-6 5/28/1930
Girard, Loretta M. Barton, VT 76 10/2/1995
Girardin, David R. Orleans, VT 41 6/19/1983
Girouard, Cecile E. Orleans, VT 70 9/28/1991
Girouard, Lorenzo J. Barton, VT 87 9/4/1994
Girouard, Marcel Barton, VT 0 2/13/1948
Girouard, Philip J. Barton, VT 74 1/20/1988
Girouard, Rosilda A. Barton, VT 72 1/16/1986
Glasson, Bernice M. Orleans, VT 61 5/7/1980
Glasson, Blanch E. Orleans, VT 55 10/15/1972
Gleason, Albert Lorenzo Barton, VT 68-6-17 3/11/1943
Gleason, Arthur Malcolm Barton, VT 33-9-29 11/8/1942
Gleason, Dora Lydia Coventry, VT 84 11/7/1999
Gleason, Edward Reed Orleans, VT 0 3/25/1933
Gleason, Lottie May Barton, VT 11/9/1881 11/29/1953
Gleason, Madeline Leona Barton, VT 7-6-3 9/10/1938
Gleason, Murton Leon Barton, VT 21-1-21 11/1/1935
Gleason, Olen Malcolm Barton, VT 55 9/4/1982
Gleason, Olin Milo Barton, VT 39-4-14 3/29/1941
Glenn, Ernest B. Brighton, VT 71 10/3/1995
Glenn, Ernest G. Barton, VT 80 5/11/1971
Glidden, Wright L. Barton, VT 93-1-20 9/5/1947
Glodgett, Adelaide B. Orleans, VT 59-10-0 6/18/1933
Glodgett, Augustus Dennis Orleans, VT 57-3-11 3/15/1929
Glodgett, Jacob Orleans, VT 72 4/28/1976
Glodgett, Junior Orris Orleans, VT 0-2-5 3/1/1933
Goad, Avis S. Albany, VT 69 4/14/1973
Gobrick, Elizabeth Barton, VT 81 1/2/2001
Gochie, Tina Rose Barton, VT 0 9/4/1942
Godfrey, Jessie F. Barton, VT 69 1/30/1975
Going, Ernest A. Brownington, VT 84 2/21/1969
Going, George Albert Orleans, VT 85-8-16 7/30/1945
Golden, William H. Barton, VT 75 1/19/1971
Gonyaw, Ferdinand J. Barton, VT 74 12/28/1988
Gonyaw, George L. Barton, VT 1/5/1884 8/11/1964
Gonyaw, Myrtle Barton, VT 91 12/22/1973
Gonyaw, Raymond Alton Albany, VT 83 6/23/1991
Gonyaw, Rita Jean Barton, VT 2/1/1966 2/1/1966
Gonyaw, Samuel J. Hardwick, VT 71-5-15 10/5/1948
Goodall, Mildred B. Barton, VT 99 8/9/2000
Goodfellow, Ellen Orleans, VT 71-11-17 3/7/1948
Goodfellow, George D. Irasburg, VT 94 5/10/1969
Goodnough, Mary J. Orleans, VT 87-11-8 5/10/1930
Goodnough, Zalmon Dutton Orleans, VT 81-11-14 5/3/1935
Goodnow, Frederick R., Sr. Orleans, VT 64 4/15/1988
Goodrich, Earl Joseph Orleans, VT 85 9/28/1992
Goodro, Frank E. Barton, VT 70-1-15 8/16/1937
Goodrow, George Francis Barton, VT 65 2/21/1972
Goodwin, Fred H. Albany, VT 75 6/12/1975
Goodwin, Royal Bernie Craftsbury, VT 85 9/6/1984
Gosley, Elsie Marie Lyndonville, VT 77 6/4/1967
Gosnell, Elizabeth Barton, VT 86 3/21/1992
Goss, Glendon R. Orleans, VT 72 10/20/1973
Gosselin, Blandine Adele Barton, VT 58 12/26/1989
Gosselin, Jeannette Barton, VT 77 12/24/1999
Gosselin, Joseph Barton, VT 79 3/27/1985
Gott, Ellen Barton, VT 68-10-7 1/21/1933
Gould, Annie Isabelle Lyndonville, VT 94 6/20/2000
Goupee, Vera Annie Island Pond, VT 81 2/12/2001
Goupie, Lawrence Island Pond, VT 88 6/10/1974
Gove, Raymon Henry Barton, VT 86 12/25/1990
Govro, Alden Glendon Orleans, VT 0-3-16 7/10/1927
Govro, Nellie M. Barton, VT 7/21/1861 9/29/1950
Govro, Velma Irma Barton, VT 4-8-13 4/26/1930
Graham, Agnes Mrs. Glynn, GA 80 5/12/1932
Graham, William Barton, VT 84 8/7/1970
Grammo, Adore E. Littleton, NH 2/1/1871 8/30/1951
Grandy, Carl Clifton Orleans, VT 10/7/1878 8/15/1952
Grandy, Katherine Hessey Orleans, VT 46-1-22 2/16/1928
Grant, Albert H. Barton, VT 81-9-14 6/19/1942
Grant, Allen J. Orleans, VT 65-8-2 12/28/1929
Grant, Everett E. Barton, VT 70-8-3 9/15/1936
Grant, Mary Louise Barton, VT 72 11/24/1971
Grant, Minnie A. Milton, VT 7/16/1881 8/18/1966
Grant, Raymond J. Barton, VT 72 10/28/1983
Graveline, Lucy Sarah St. James Coventry, VT 1/26/1874 1/15/1958
Graves, Flinda Lina Barton, VT 6/13/1887 6/6/1959
Graves, Fred Barton, VT 75-5-22 11/7/1943
Graves, Jean Telfer West Glover, VT 73-0-5 11/8/1927
Graves, Joanna Power West Burke, VT 55-1-15 10/1/1928
Graves, Silas Hubbard Barton, VT 89 6/4/1967
Gray, Albertine (Patty) Barton, VT 79 4/1/1973
Gray, Bessie Ruth Pierce Barton, VT 85 1/5/1967
Gray, Catherine Wilder Orleans, VT 43-10-0 4/19/1947
Gray, Cecil W. Morgan, VT 87 7/15/1993
Gray, Donald Ronald Newport, VT 3/23/1903 2/25/1989
Gray, Edward Kendrick Orleans, VT 86-3-29 7/17/1936
Gray, Edyth Mariam Orleans, VT 85 8/28/1991
Gray, Elsie Jane Barton, VT 75 1/22/1967
Gray, Elsie M. Barton, VT 54 4/20/1988
Gray, Emma Augusta Glover, VT 75-11-14 6/4/1927
Gray, Ira Alonzo Orleans, VT 72-11-4 12/16/1947
Gray, Millard Barton, VT 77 5/22/1970
Gray, Robert Edward W. Charleston, VT 1/17/1888 11/16/1963
Gray, Sue Gertrude Barton, VT 8/10/1873 1/20/1963
Green, Annie Barton, VT 71 6/1/1974
Green, Carl Edmund Orleans, VT 75 6/24/1976
Green, Dayton Noel Orleans, VT 10 hrs 12/26/1928
Green, Edward S. Barton, VT 12/25/1870 4/7/1954
Green, Harley Barton, VT   7/12/1972
Green, Mary Armanda Barton, VT 4/3/1878 3/28/1963
Green, William Barton, VT 63 10/30/1993
Greene, Harriett Rosetta Orleans, VT 71-1-14 4/18/1942
Greene, William S. Orleans, VT 83-10-17 10/29/1944
Greenwood, Adrienne Marie Barton, VT 81 1/8/1995
Greenwood, Elsie Louise Orleans, VT 74 5/19/1999
Greenwood, George A. Orleans, VT 70 11/23/1983
Greenwood, Kevin L. Barton, VT 17 3/18/1988
Greenwood, Rose Flora Newport, VT 66 10/6/1970
Gregory, Alta Elosia Orleans, VT 64-11-21 9/29/1948
Gregory, Delia L. Orleans, VT 66 7/2/1968
Gregory, Lulu J. Mrs. Orleans, VT 64-9-18 1/9/1934
Greves, Alice May Orleans, VT 91 3/10/1967
Grey, (Gray) Norman Barton, VT 81 10/28/1980
Griffin, Etta Bowley Barton, VT 97 4/13/1997
Griffin, Florence Ethel Barton, VT 88 5/19/1978
Griffin, Gerald Orleans, VT 71 5/30/1971
Griffin, Grace Rogers Barton, VT 81 7/11/1968
Griffin, Harold Will Barton, VT 84 11/2/1978
Griffin, Joseph M. Montpelier, VT 87 9/1/2000
Griffin, Ray Elwin Barton, VT 57-5-0 7/20/1939
Griffin, Westervelt Barre, VT 85 6/2/2001
Griggs, Arlin Orleans, VT 64-4-12 2/10/1935
Griggs, Eugene Burton Brownington, VT 35 5/17/1988
Griggs, Ora Barton, VT 2/13/1887 4/11/1963
Griggs, Percy V. Albany, VT 89 5/27/1987
Grondin, Calixte Francis Barton, VT 78-7-4 5/25/1933
Grondin, Charles Frederick Barton, VT 8/17/1885 12/5/1956
Grondin, Clara Alice Barton, VT 7/4/1892 1/18/1963
Grondin, Mary Jane Barton, VT 80-0-11 3/26/1943
Gross, Gilbert Jothre Orleans, VT 85 10/21/1929
Gross, Jennie L. Orleans, VT 82-3-4 3/5/1943
Grow, Wilber Ernest Newport, VT 3/7/1871 12/5/1955
Guertin, Patrick Joseph Barton, VT 44-4-1 6/9/1930
Guild, Flora A. Wells Orleans, VT 81-1-8 5/4/1931
Guild, Susan Morse Orleans, VT 80-11-8 12/12/1927
Guiotbourg, Richard Albert Montreal 9/17/1949 8/6/1966
Guyer, Raymond Leo Lyndonville, V+B1329 11/7/1925 1/9/1958
Guyette, Carl E. Barton, VT 76 10/8/1984
Hadlock, Basil M. Orleans, VT 78 10/14/1973
Hadlock, Helen M. Barton, VT 82 8/9/1984
Hagar, Edna R. Barton, VT 84-10-16 3/23/1945
Hagar, Ella L. Barton, VT 77-10-11 6/2/1928
Hagar, Grace Mae Barton, VT 82 11/4/1971
Hagar, Marion Louisa Barton, VT 75 7/8/1986
Haley, Mamie L. Island Pond, VT 86 5/22/1979
Hall, Carielette Cornelia Croft Orleans, VT 63-6-24 11/26/1928
Hall, Edward C. Orleans, VT 69-6-3 6/14/1943
Hall, Frank L. Orleans, VT 79-0-25 1/9/1940
Hall, Fred Burton Orleans, VT 61-4-4 9/13/1928
Hall, Harriet Elizabeth Orleans, VT 87 6/12/1978
Hall, Henry Hill Barton, VT 90 10/21/1999
Hall, Jennie Catherine Orleans, VT 12/25/1874 3/3/1956
Hall, Lillian Rose Barton, VT 65 11/5/1992
Hall, Raymond Barton, VT 64 7/22/1994
Hall, William V. Barton, VT 48-5-21 8/23/1948
Halsall, Ronald Derby Line, VT 85 8/28/1993
Hamblet, Alice Mabel Barton, VT 64-1-13 9/7/1926
Hamblet, Carl Clark Barton, VT 40-1-3 9/1/1926
Hamblet, Charles E. Barton, VT 73-8-21 8/25/1931
Hamel, Alexana Barton, VT 47-1-5 3/9/1933
Hamel, Cyril Joseph Barton, VT 86 9/7/2001
Hamel, Marc Alan Orleans, VT 19 3/28/1981
Hamel, Victor Barton, VT 54-11-25 3/20/1937
Hammond, Earl Stanley Newport Center, VT 97 10/17/1993
Hammond, Lyle William Newport Center, VT 79 10/15/2001
Hampton, Grover (alias Grover Hemmings)   0 11/29/1930
Hance, Matilda L. Plattsburgh, NY 80 11/19/1970
Hanlon, Frances W. Westmore, VT 88 10/16/1987
Hanlon, William Adrian Orleans, VT 76 8/5/1973
Hanson, Dale M. Barton, VT 47 2/4/1984
Hanson, Grace Charlotte   1/19/1907 6/25/1989
Hanson, Jeannette Babcock Barton, VT 81-4-26 1/16/1943
Hanson, Mamie McClary Barton, VT 73-6-1 11/8/1946
Hanson, Merrick W. Barton, VT 63 8/21/1967
Hanson, Wallace ST Johnsbury, VT 71 6/27/1977
Harbec, Adrien O. Barton, VT 80 10/17/1988
Harbec, Germaine Theresa Orleans, VT 11/20/1913 7/19/1966
Hardie, Alma O. Orleans, VT 94 11/3/1999
Hardie, Phoebe Mae Orleans, VT 80 4/7/1994
Hardie, Reginald James Orleans, VT 72 5/25/1977
Hardy, Ada Jenks Orleans, VT 55-7-23 3/3/1930
Hardy, Ethel Orleans, VT 95 8/29/1982
Hardy, Forrest R. Orleans, VT 85 4/30/1999
Hardy, Henry Herbert Orleans, VT 62-11-15 9/21/1939
Hardy, Nellie Hannah Orleans, VT 10/5/1882 5/2/1965
Harmon, Robert Barton, VT 60-2-18 11/24/1936
Harpell, M. Lorraine Lyndon, VT 86 9/7/1994
Harper, Alexander Robertson Barton, VT 77 2/4/1991
Harper, Michele M. Barton, VT 41 12/10/1984
Harrington, Thomas C. Barton, VT 52-6-8 4/26/1944
Harris, Charles Asa Orleans, VT 3/26/1888 12/19/1954
Harris, Frank Barton, VT 84 9/17/1968
Harris, Guy Lewis Orleans, VT 85 12/6/1979
Harris, Julia Esther Barton, VT 90 11/4/1976
Harris, Theodore Vail Orleans, VT 7/1/1879 2/10/1951
Hartman, Betty C. Barton, VT 75 3/26/2001
Hartson, Florence Myrtle Petterson Orleans, VT 88 11/9/1968
Hartwell, Myrtle Orleans, VT 77 11/16/1983
Hartwell, Thelma Fay Charleston, VT 78 12/5/1996
Hartwell, Warren Philemon East Haven, VT 88 6/18/2001
Hartwell, William H. Orleans, VT 91 9/24/1987
Harvey, Nellie May Newport, VT 1/18/1868 4/30/1964
Hastings, Dorothy Grace Barton, VT 68 12/24/1979
Hastings, Isabel Hamilton Barton, VT 8/4/1871 2/1/1950
Hastings, Loren Albert Orleans, VT 1/13/1933 7/22/1962
Hastings, Louisa Barton, VT 81-8-0 12/14/1926
Hauver, Elizabeth Anne Payne Holland, VT 89 3/31/1967
Hawkins, Anna Schuh Barton, VT 82-0-25 3/29/1946
Hay, Gordon Thompson Sr. Barton, VT 8/8/1895 7/27/1989
Hayes, James St Johnsbury, VT 90 10/26/1987
Hayes, Margaret Fyfe Barton, VT 56-1-15 7/31/1931
Hayes, Simonne Barton, VT 20-11-15 7/15/1940
Hayford, James Hight Barton, VT 79 6/21/1993
Healey, Lawrence Barton, VT 0-1-20 2/5/1926
Healey, Lucretia DeGreenia Barton, VT 69-1-24 10/23/1932
Healy, Edward Eugene Barton, VT 40 4/23/1982
Healy, Edward J. Barton, VT 79 11/9/1990
Heary, Ervin East Albany, VT 74 4/22/1991
Heath, Carrie Seavey Orleans, VT 10/31/1861 4/21/1951
Heath, Charles Collins  Barton, VT 68-6-20 6/27/1934
Heath, Elsie Viola Hardwick, VT 89 4/25/1979
Heath, Harold W. Orleans, VT 82 5/5/1976
Heath, Helen D. Orleans, VT 83 9/2/1977
Heath, Leon C. Orleans, VT 42-4-28 1/2/1940
Heath, Lizzie Mary Clark Barton, VT 8/31/1872 8/31/1961
Heath, Marian Wood Cabot, VT 40-9-13 7/21/1935
Heath, Mildred A. Barton, VT 87 10/23/2000
Heath, Nelson Harlow Cabot, VT 15-1-20 7/21/1935
Heath, Willie John Albany, VT 74-8-1 11/20/1941
Hebard, Irma Mills Barton, VT 77 4/11/1992
Helmke, Catherine R. Barton, VT 93 2/6/1998
Hemmings, Josephine Barton, VT 74-8-18 1/28/1933
Hemmings, Roy Albert Barton, VT 45-2-19 5/17/1936
Hemmings, William Barton, VT 74-6-15 7/17/1926
Hemmings, William Alfred Barton, VT 54-5-29 2/11/1931
Hendy, Agnes S. Barton, VT 4/15/1882 12/14/1966
Hendy, Anthony E. Barton, VT 9/28/1906 10/23/1963
Hendy, Joseph Elias Barton, VT 10/20/1871 8/9/1958
Hendy, Rena Marie Barton, VT 64 3/21/1982
Henrichon, Alfred J. W Charleston, VT 82 8/21/1981
Herman, Willard C. Barton, VT 69-4-16 12/13/1930
Hildreth, Ruby Irene Island Pond, VT 100 1/28/1968
Hill, Aldis Spencer, Sr. Barton, VT 85 3/5/1995
Hill, Fay Katherine Barton, VT 70 8/23/1993
Hill, Priscilla U. Newport, VT 84 8/23/1985
Hillard, Greta Luella Orleans, VT 9/27/1897 2/12/1966
Hilliard, Charles Reynolds Orleans, VT 77 4/23/1969
Hilliard, Clayton Arthur Orleans, VT 68 8/27/1990
Hilliard, Doris Arlene Burke, VT 77 4/16/1993
Hilliard, Elmer Arthur Orleans, VT 72 11/18/1967
Hilliard, Marvin E. S/Sgt  Orleans, VT 8/17/1925 1/16/1945
Hilliard, Violet Virginia Barton, VT 4/20/1910 4/27/1989
Hilliker, Ronald Watkins Barton, VT 59 2/4/1969
Hillmann, Olivine D. Windsor, VT 90 7/13/1998
Hinton, Bruce Earl Barton, VT 1-5-23 7/30/1930
Hinton, Clayton E. Barton, VT 86 6/21/1988
Hinton, Earlton Barton, VT 54 4/16/1976
Hinton, Henry L. Glover, VT 6/30/1875 12/18/1959
Hinton, Sadie Louise Glover, VT 1/22/1879 1/22/1962
Hislop, Lucy Belchertown, MA 87 7/19/1991
Hisman, Charles Willis Barton, VT 88 9/6/1996
Hitchcock, Arley B. Macomber Brownington, VT 86 10/24/1977
Hitchcock, Homer B. Newport, VT 9/26/1870 1/31/1959
Hitchcock, Maggie May Barton, VT 50-6-23 11/5/1928
Hitchcock, Myrtie May Barton, VT 5/11/1867 12/1/1951
Hitchins, Elizabeth Davies Barton, VT 4/7/1866 12/17/1955
Hoadley, Alvina M. Orleans, VT 12/2/1888 7/1/1952
Hoadley, Earl Philip Orleans, VT 0-0-6 4/19/1927
Hoadley, Orison Robert Barton, VT 63 11/29/1977
Hodgdon, Esther Mrs. Orleans, VT 64-8-22 7/6/1936
Hodgdon, James Paddock Orleans, VT 65-2-8 9/26/1930
Hodgdon, Mary Cobb Barton, VT 0-9-15 8/19/1926
Hodgdon, Mildred Barton, VT 77 8/11/1970
Hogaboon, Caroline Winch Mrs. Barton, VT 85 2/15/1929
Holbrook, Stanley L. Barton, VT 95 4/6/2001
Holden, Fred Hanibal Orleans, VT 4/1/1890 12/4/1949
Holland, Mary Alethea (Ellery) Barton, VT 86 8/7/2001
Holmes, Mary Anna Barton, VT 88 7/18/1986
Hood, James Henry Barton, VT 59 4/26/1975
Hoover, Lucia R. Barton, VT 90 12/17/1990
Hope, Edna Eva Orleans, VT 26-3-11 6/26/1929
Horne, Arthur E. West Charleston, VT 10/20/1883 3/20/1959
Houghaboom, Joanne E. Orleans, VT 39 9/7/1993
Houghaboom, Lloyd Burton Orleans, VT 71 1/13/1992
Houle, Ernest Wilfred Orleans, VT 86 2/24/1980
House, Hazel Mae Orleans, VT 18-3-19 7/31/1926
House, Jennie Orleans, VT 67-3-2 4/25/1944
Houston, Beatrice Orleans, VT 77 11/21/1991
Houston, Merton Marshall Orleans, VT 70 2/9/1986
Houston, Nellie M. Barton, VT 74 5/10/1969
Hovey, Blanche M. Barton, VT 1/25/1885 11/23/1956
Howland, Maude D. Barton, VT 88 9/8/1972
Howland, Sherman I. Barton, VT 96 8/14/1971
Hoyt, Eva Lena Orleans, VT 69-8-6 8/15/1940
Hoyt, George Orleans, VT 75-3-4 2/14/1934
Hrisikos, Thimistokles G. Orleans, VT 91 5/22/1970
Hubbard, Lucy Ann Weed Barton, VT 87-0-20 12/26/1936
Hubbard, Ora Allen Barton, VT 59-7-8 4/21/1929
Hubbard, Vida Virginia Barton, VT 86 5/7/1995
Huckins, Lawrence R. Sr. Derby, VT 88 2/14/1999
Hudson, Alwyn Winslow East Haven, VT 84 8/2/1993
Hughes, Thomas Barton, VT 71-1-29 1/21/1926
Humphrey, Russell Louis Barton, VT 89 12/3/2001
Hunt, Clarence Winthrop Barton, VT 93 9/21/1998
Hunt, Effie Orleans, VT 89 12/6/1978
Hunt, Gertrude Barton, VT 69 11/18/1984
Hunt, Lilla Belle Barton, VT 85 2/5/1967
Hunt, Maude Eleanor Porter Orleans, VT 60-1-0 9/24/1938
Hunt, Orange Clifton Barton, VT 4/26/1909 10/11/1959
Hunt, Richard Henry Lowell, VT 75 5/24/1986
Hunt, Seymer Barton, VT 70-7-8 11/29/1926
Hunt, Warwick Evans Barton, VT 70 1/29/1981
Hunter, Victor Frank Orleans, VT 69-6-5 3/26/1944
Huntington, Dana J. Barton, VT 75-2-20 12/20/1935
Huntington, Ella Quilliams Barton, VT 76-1-18 12/22/1936
Huntington, Olin Dana Barton, VT 5/18/1889 1/30/1966
Huntoon, Jennie Agnes Holland, VT 6/2/1880 12/26/1966
Hurlbutt, Edson A. Groveton 3/28/1885 2/24/1959
Hussey, Roberta Irene Orleans, VT 0-1-1 2/15/1942
Hutchins, Charles L. Barton, VT 7/12/1866 6/3/1950
Hutchins, Emma L. Barton, VT 1/12/1870 7/15/1949
Hutchins, Rollin Shirl Barton, VT 75 11/25/1967
Hutchins, Ruth F. Barton, VT 81 10/30/1986
Hyland, Annie M. Orleans, VT 74-7-30 2/21/1937
Hyland, Bert Orleans, VT 9/15/1876 1/9/1952
Ingalls, Earl B. Barton, VT 74 7/26/1974
Ingalls, Fred O. Barton, VT 1/13/1883 11/8/1955
Ingalls, Nettie Morrill Barton, VT 51-8-26 10/24/1941
Ingersoll, Hazel E. Barton, VT 73 11/2/1968
Ives, Sarah Ann Orleans, VT 94 1/25/1970
Jack, Genia M. Orleans, VT 66-0-2 5/16/1943
Jackson, John Willard Barton, VT 40 10/15/1988
Jacobs, Brandon Alan Barton, VT 14 days 10/19/1995
Jacobs, Merton D. Orleans, VT 61-8-18 12/29/1940
Jacobs, Sylvia Baker Barton, VT 81 9/25/1993
Jacques, Glen A. Newport, VT 69 11/5/1998
Jarvis, Donat Lucien Barton, VT 2/18/1881 2/27/1958
Jarvis, Mary Helen Barton, VT 81 11/23/1972
Jarvis, Sarah Barton, VT 75-6-12 8/13/1926
Jenkins, Carroll Estey Orleans, VT 8/29/1885 3/7/1961
Jenkins, Juline E. Orleans, VT 87 2/7/1972
Jenne, Leland Charles Barton, VT 74 7/19/1972
Jenness, Elwin Zeno Orleans, VT 61-3-23 6/12/1939
Jenness, George H. Barton, VT 71-11-19 11/2/1936
Jenness, Luella Christie Barton, VT 63-7-11 1/19/1930
Jenness, Oliver H. Barton, VT 76-3-8 12/29/1935
Jennings, George E. Barton, VT 71-6-20 5/1/1942
Jennings, Kate Lathe Barton, VT 63-1-0 2/21/1935
Jerome, Helen Barton, VT 84-11-11 12/20/1933
Jessup, Cornelia M. Barton, VT 84 5/12/1994
Jewett, Alice Barton, VT 71 9/9/1988
Jewett, Everett Arthur Barton, VT 17 3/31/1988
Jewett, Gertrude Delia Barton, VT 71 10/9/1998
Jewett, Robert W. Barton, VT 18 8/12/1992
Jewett, Tiffany Marie Orleans, VT 1 hour 7/17/1976
Jewett, Unnamed male Barton, VT 0 8/15/1944
Jipner, Edna Helmie Irasburg, VT 8/14/1884 11/27/1965
Jock, David E. Wells River, VT 80 6/11/1971
John, Eva Couture Brighton, VT 76 4/18/1968
John, Napoleon Barton, VT 82 9/13/1969
Johns, Minnie Ada Hill Barton, VT 60-1-0 7/19/1933
Johnson, Clara B. Barton, VT 70-6-24 6/28/1927
Johnson, Florence Gleason Barton, VT 22-10-25 7/30/1930
Johnson, Grace N. Barton, VT 7/18/1892 7/19/1963
Johnson, Harriet B. Barton, VT 83 10/1/1998
Johnson, Hiram Perley Barton, VT 4/16/1884 8/19/1958
Johnson, Mark Wallace Glover, VT 76-11-11 5/2/1947
Johnson, Perley George Orleans, VT 86 1/17/1972
Johnson, Viola G. Orleans, VT 81 7/20/1987
Jolin, Marie Rosalie Lyndonville, VT 99 10/15/1972
Jolin, Rose Barton, VT 92 6/21/1988
Jones, Eleanor Goss Orleans, VT 68-9-17 11/24/1942
Jones, Fern Cortis Orleans, VT 67-7-2 3/29/1942
Jones, Hazel (Bonnie) Edith Newport, VT 62 10/6/1981
Jones, Marie J. Westmore, VT 84 4/23/2001
Joseph, Mamie Hendy Barton, VT 66 6/13/1971
Joslyn, Lillian Martha Orleans, VT 89 6/20/1994
Joslyn, Perley Freddie Orleans, VT 64 9/7/1983
Joslyn, Ruby D. Orleans, VT 81 3/14/1975
Joslyn, Wilder Josiah Orleans, VT 69-9-14 1/4/1928
Joslyn, Wilder S. Orleans, VT 62-1-8 1/30/1936
Judd, Albert L. St Johnsbury, VT 11/1/1874 12/5/1952
Judd, Arthur Leon Newport, VT 6/14/1892 6/3/1960
Judd, Roswell Elmer Barton, VT 79 10/10/1969
Jutras, Marie Frechette Barton, VT 77-0-26 6/30/1932
Kambour, Theodore Barton, VT 47-8-22 8/22/1942
Kane, Priscilla R. Island Pond, VT 67 8/6/1988
Kastorsky, Velma Lance Barton, VT 78 12/23/1981
Katen, George Barton, VT 78-10-23 9/12/1930
Katen, Ida M. Barton, VT 74-7-29 11/4/1928
Katz, Richard Orleans, VT 37 5/2/1990
Kaufman, Dell A. Barton, VT 81-4-14 5/15/1947
Kautz, Susan Ann Barton, VT 51 10/31/2001
Keeler, John Lewis Orleans, VT 93 1/14/1982
Keeler, Pearl I. Orleans, VT 79 8/25/1972
Keenan, Eva Mae Derby, VT 90 8/17/1998
Kelley, Cora Mae Hill Hall Newport, VT 5/10/1890 12/15/1955
Kelley, Coy Barton, VT 90 2/25/1993
Kelley, Deborah A. Barton, VT 50 11/19/2001
Kelley, Gordon Reginald, Sr. Barton, VT 74 11/2/1995
Kelley, Leslie Henry Brownington, VT 86 12/2/1978
Kelley, Rena C. Barton, VT 66 9/9/1976
Kelley, Susan Scott Barton, VT 10/17/1881 1/6/1952
Kelly, Stanley Robert Walden, VT 78 6/16/1997
Kelty, Gertrude E. Barton, VT 88 4/1/1991
Kendrick, Katherine Barton, VT 44-6-21 4/7/1926
Keniston, George Nathan Barton, VT 73-6-12 4/15/1931
Keniston, Harry Arthur Barton, VT 88 2/13/1993
Keniston, Mildred Lois Barton, VT 8/2/1903 7/1/1964
Kenneson, Dorothy M. Barton, VT 90 1/15/2001
Kenneson, Gordon W. Orleans, VT 58 11/21/1973
Kenneson, Ralph Skinner Barton, VT 82 6/25/1993
Kennison, Arie C. Orleans, VT 76 4/2/1972
Kennison, Viola M. Mrs. Orleans, VT 48-8-5 7/14/1935
Kent, Iris Allen Barton, VT 9/10/1906 7/20/1989
Kent, Samuel Sherrill Barton, VT 85 1/2/1983
Kerwin, Clarence Malcolm Barton, VT 80 3/3/1974
Kettle, John Orleans, VT 97-6-27 8/11/1941
Kettle, Maurice Orleans, VT 65 5/11/1977
Keyes, Isaac Barton, VT 78-6-10 6/24/1928
Keys, Emily Thrasher Orleans, VT 94-11-17 3/11/1947
Kidman, Jessie May Orleans, VT 87 12/23/1967
Kilby, William John Barton, VT 64 4/22/1973
Kilgallen, John Albany, VT+B1616 72-8-17 3/27/1935
Kilgallen, Mary Johnson Orleans, VT 96 2/16/1929
Kilgallen, Patrick W. Barton, VT 77-5-27 9/13/1938
Kimball, Alice M. Barton, VT 6/18/1868 1/14/1958
Kimball, Charles H. Barton, VT 78-4-0 11/12/1929
Kimball, Edward C. Barton, VT 76-10-16 4/17/1938
Kimball, Emma Jane Barton, VT 83-7-15 2/15/1933
Kimball, Fred Barton, VT 74-1-5 2/6/1931
Kimball, Jesse James Barton, VT 1 mo 26 d 2/11/1984
Kimball, John H. Barton, VT 84 7/3/1984
Kimball, Mary Winchester Willoughby, VT 81-5-10 7/19/1938
Kimball, Philemon Barton, VT 10/7/1894 6/24/1962
Kimball, Richard Barton, VT 0-0-16 8/30/1932
King, George Orleans, VT 77-10-29 12/26/1943
King, Herbert Joseph Orleans, VT 2-10-0 10/7/1928
King, William Clyde Barton, VT 90 11/11/1976
Kinne, Elsie E. Orleans, VT 87-8-27 6/6/1940
Kinney, Elgie M. Orleans, VT 73-10-27 8/9/1948
Kinney, Foster J. Orleans, VT 69-2-17 6/6/1944
Kinsley, Dale Carpenter Barton, VT 81 9/3/1991
Kinsley, Grace Elliott Barton, VT 4/20/1881 6/22/1949
Kinsley, Lucy Belle Stewart Orleans, VT 48-11-18 1/12/1932
Kipp, Archie M. Orleans, VT 80 1/1/1969
Kipp, Brooke H. Barton, VT 17 3/2/1998
Kipp, Richard F. Barton, VT 67 3/2/1988
Kipp, Sarah Jeanette Orleans, VT 86-1-27 9/10/1947
Kiser, Clara Orleans, VT 4/10/1877 2/13/1953
Kiser, Donald Francis Orleans, VT 72-9-6 12/5/1948
Kittredge, Beatrice Glenna   5/22/1918 5/5/1989
Kittredge, Bessie Mae Orleans, VT 90 9/5/1992
Kittredge, Effie Newport, VT 4/24/1895 1/15/1989
Kittredge, Erastus Harvey Orleans, VT 11/4/1874 3/2/1953
Kittredge, Gilbert Erastus Orleans, VT 0-0-6 1/5/1932
Kittredge, Leigh Hidger Barton, VT 64 6/2/1982
Kittredge, Lula Brownington, VT 9/27/1884 5/28/1966
Kittredge, Paul Patrick Sr. Orleans, VT 66 7/20/2001
Kittredge, Peter John Brownington, VT 0-0-2 8/21/1945
Kittredge, Preston W. Orleans, VT 63 5/20/1971
Knight, Elma O. Barton, VT 87 11/26/1974
Knight, Herbert George Barton, VT 2/23/1884 9/10/1966
Knight, Reginald Carter Barton, VT 82 12/22/2001
Knowles, Elwin F. Barton, VT 93 11/29/1980
Koester, Jessie Bethia Sutton, VT 76 9/9/1995
Kramer, Milton Charles Barton, VT 86 12/7/1994
Krochak, Stella Anastasia Barton, VT 86 2/11/2000
Kubic, Catherine Agnes Barton, VT 88 12/9/1996
Kwiatowski, Mary Barton, VT 77 4/28/1967
Labbe, Ambrose Jr. Barton, VT 0-1-8 10/3/1928
Laberee, Charles L. Orleans, VT 90 11/21/1970
Laberee, Minnie Mae Orleans, VT 78 1/25/1973
Labor, Adelaide M. Bowden Evansville, VT 94 1/12/1977
Labor, Carl Barton, VT 83 8/12/1990
Labor, Gilbert Fred Orleans, VT 85 8/17/1996
Labor, Gladys Julia Barton, VT 52 7/31/1971
Labor, Harry Curtis Orleans, VT 38-4-4 9/3/1948
Labor, Mary Theresea Barton, VT 87 6/16/1967
Labor, Merton Barton, VT 70 1/16/1986
LaBounty, Alfred Orleans, VT 48-9-25 5/4/1931
Labounty, Annette Barton, VT 68 12/5/1986
LaBounty, Arthur A. Barton, VT 40-8-2 12/24/1940
Labounty, Arthur Wilfred Barton, VT 72 6/30/1978
LaBounty, Bruno Dolphis, Sr. Barton, VT 59 1/31/1977
Labounty, Clifford A. Orleans, VT 82 9/4/1967
Labounty, Dora V. Barton, VT 87 2/11/1969
LaBounty, Ellen Irasburg, B1680 82-10-17 6/1/1940
LaBounty, John Norbert Barton, VT 79 6/14/1969
Labounty, Julia Susan Orleans, VT 90 3/20/1978
LaBounty, Juliette Barton, VT 83 10/31/1969
LaBounty, Julius Timothy Newport, VT 8/27/1893 2/13/1959
Labounty, Luce Newport, VT 2/23/1909 1/14/1989
Labounty, Ludolphe Barton, VT 91 9/15/1999
Labounty, Mabel G. Barton, VT 77 3/28/1980
Labounty, Maurice Joseph Newport, VT 78 9/3/1973
Labounty, Norbert A. Barton, VT 9/13/1885 6/11/1966
LaBounty, Patricia Ann Barton, VT 0-1-22 4/8/1942
LaBounty, Rachel Barton, VT 68 2/12/1991
LaBounty, Reginald Sr. Barton, VT 75 5/21/1990
Labrecque, Jeremie Barton, VT 85 3/31/1985
Labrecque, Marie Ann Barton, VT 78 7/5/1970
Labrecque, Zoe Rayer Barton, VT 78-2-21 2/24/1943
Lackey, Donald D. Albany, VT 48 6/29/1971
Lackey, Henry Merton Orleans, VT 9/9/1919 4/10/1966
Lackey, Ira Holland, VT 2/1/1884 1/31/1964
Lackey, Jay E. Holland, VT 83 1/29/1970
Lackey, Mary D. Barton, VT 67 3/6/1981
LaClair, Charles Orleans, VT 85 5/5/1975
LaClair, Dennis Eugene Barton, VT 71 6/18/1986
LaClair, Frank Lyndonville, VT 81 6/30/1967
LaClair, Ida Rae Orleans, VT 70 5/13/1967
LaClair, James Andrew Sutton, VT 84 11/14/1967
LaClair, Jeannette Pauline Barton, VT 11/18/1880 8/26/1950
LaClair, John Claremont, NH 80 5/24/1967
LaClair, Julia Barton, VT 82-7-1 11/14/1930
LaClair, Lewis John Barton, VT 5/14/1866 2/27/1954
LaClair, Mable V. Barton, VT 82 4/13/1984
Lacoss, Albert Orleans, VT 50-11-14 5/21/1929
LaCoss, Archie Joseph Orleans, VT 77 4/23/1981
LaCoss, Carlton Benjamin Brownington Ctr., VT 76 6/10/2000
LaCoss, Katherine T. Orleans, VT 68 10/7/1983
LaCoss, Olive Orleans, VT 72-8-27 12/13/1948
LaCoss, Sophia Barton, VT 86 12/22/1939
LaCourse, Alfred Elmer Orleans, VT 11/23/1890 10/29/1956
LaCourse, Catherine R. Barton, VT 78 7/22/1977
LaCourse, Donna Marie West Burke, VT 10/15/1950 11/3/1950
Lacroix, Esther Barton, VT 58 2/17/1995
Lacross, Homer Westmore, VT 88 1/3/1998
Ladd, Blanche Lowell, VT 1/2/1877 7/21/1963
Ladeau, Edwin Otis Barton, VT 9/18/1890 6/2/1957
Ladeau, Joseph Cornelius Barton, VT 64-1-12 9/22/1933
Lafayette, Agnes S. Barton, VT 82 12/12/1998
Laflam, Dean E. Barton, VT 82 6/8/1992
LaFlam, Josephine Bernier Orleans, VT 78-9-23 7/9/1929
LaFleur, Albert Joseph Barton, VT 71 8/6/1971
Lafleur, Donalda Agnes Barton, VT 96 7/12/1995
Lafleur, Jean Paul Orleans, VT 68 4/1/1996
LaFleur, Michael A. Barton, VT 49 3/14/1979
Lafoe, Carroll Ernest St Johnsbury, VT 79 2/23/1971
Lafoe, Harold Orleans, VT 65 6/18/1976
LaFoe, Harriett Alice St Johnsbury, B1734 7/8/1869 11/4/1952
Lafoe, Larry Alfred Orleans, VT 8/19/1955 4/17/1958
Lafoe, Leonard W. Irasburg, VT 84 3/12/1978
Lafoe, Marjorie Edith Barton, VT 78 9/22/1992
Lafoe, Naomi Lucilla Barton, VT 5/9/1904 5/16/1989
Lafoe, Raymond Eugene Orleans, VT 76 6/1/1977
Lafoe, Sharon Gwen Barton, VT 0-0-10 1/5/1947
LaFonatine, Leonard Louis Barton, VT 61 3/20/2000
Lafont, Orrin Leo West Glover, VT 76 1/30/1968
LaFontaine, Louis L. Barton, VT 92 9/1/1987
LaFountain, John W. Barton, VT 72-4-21 10/7/1941
LaFountain, Nellie Jenness Barton, VT 78 11/22/1973
Lague, Anthony C. E. Barton, VT 73 9/13/1996
Lahar, Mabel Florence Newport, VT 10/6/1881 1/25/1956
Lahue, Chester Barton, VT 62-6-2 3/25/1933
Lahue, Maynard Barton, VT 35-1-25 1/6/1948
LaMadeleine, Albert Barton, VT 75 12/6/1983
LaMadeleine, Andre Marcel Barton, VT 60 5/3/1991
LaMadeleine, Camille Joseph Barton, VT 69 11/5/1974
Lamadeleine, Clement Albert Barton, VT 64 4/4/1995
LaMadeleine, Germaine Philomene Newport, VT 5/2/1909 7/1/1989
Lamadeleine, Marie-Ann Cecile Barton, VT 29 1/17/1972
Lamar, Lou Barton, VT 88 3/13/1983
LaMarche, Elzear Adelard Barton, VT 54-3-25 8/29/1946
Lambert, Corinne Beauregard Orleans, VT 5/16/1897 11/21/1960
Lambert, Emma Maria Newport, VT 79-5-4 2/11/1943
Lambert, Fred B. Barton, VT 69-6-21 4/25/1926
Lambert, Marie Valeda Orleans, VT 50-5-12 1/11/1939
Lamonda, Arlene G. Irasburg, VT 84 4/7/1997
Lamont, Winona Lemere Barton, VT 74 5/15/1997
Lamoureux, Daniel Arthur Barton, VT 22 11/30/1999
Lamphere, James Charles Barton, VT 22 5/4/1976
Lancaster, Elizabeth M. Orleans, VT 66 12/30/1985
Lance, Carroll Dean Barton, VT 67 2/21/1996
Lance, Olive Esther Barton, VT 83 9/4/1993
Lanctot, Elizabeth Lois Peacham, VT 75 9/12/1996
Lane, Charlotte Dillingham Newport, VT 5/5/1867 8/25/1964
Lane, Ethel G. Hardwick, VT 79 10/21/1969
Lane, Jessie Elizabeth Barton, VT 86 11/28/1995
Lane, Kenneth P. Barton, VT 83 3/18/1988
Lane, Roy O. Orleans, VT 79 4/9/1987
Lang, George C. Barton, VT 60-8-14 2/9/1927
Lang, Minnie M. Barton, VT 68-6-9 10/23/1940
Langdeau, Ademard J. Barton, VT 94 5/7/1978
Langdeau, Lionel W. Barton, VT 87 2/17/2000
Langevin, Joseph Homer Barton, VT 78 5/24/1971
Langevin, Napoleon George Barton, VT 53-9-0 4/7/1928
Lanou, Joseph Moses Irasburg, VT 5/2/1891 10/13/1954
Lanoue, Elsinore Isabelle Orleans, VT 56 7/11/1986
Lanoue, Euclide Newport, VT 88 12/27/1972
Lanoue, Leo Paul Orleans, VT 5/8/1949 4/12/1950
Lanoue, Maurice V. Barton, VT 61 1/22/1983
Lanoue, Romeo R. Orleans, VT 68 9/4/1986
Lanoue, Victor Joseph Barton, VT 64 3/27/1987
Lanphear, Frederick Leonard Orleans, VT 62-11-29 7/27/1938
Lanpher, Myrtle Idella Stark Newport, VT 5/27/1883 6/15/1957
Lanphere, Bessie Lowell, B1796 10/25/1886 3/28/1959
Lapan, Verla Beatrice Brandon, VT 87 3/2/1997
Lapell, Earl Peter Shoreham, VT 94 3/6/1991
Lapell, Nina Barton, VT 93 5/22/1990
Lapierre, Alice Newport, VT 12/18/1901 5/18/1989
LaPierre, Edah Grow Orleans, VT 2/17/1869 5/10/1961
Lapoint, Celia Barton, VT 64-6-5 12/4/1938
Lapre, Ephrem T. Orleans, VT 68 5/6/1977
Larabee, Albert B. Newport, VT 7/7/1883 9/4/1966
Larabee, Albro A. Barton, VT 71-10-29 3/24/1942
Larabee, Alvah Barton, VT 80 10/15/1992
Larabee, Amelia L. Barton, VT 86-9-25 2/17/1927
Larochelle, Marie Anna Concord, NH 94 6/8/1993
Larocque, Alice Barton, VT 87 8/4/1997
Larocque, Genevieve Irene Barton, VT 67 10/28/1991
Larocque, Henry Francis Barton, VT 2/12/1897 6/8/1960
Larocque, Kenneth M. Barton, VT 27 10/25/1988
Larocque, Ralph Barton, VT 66 6/22/1998
Larose, Francis Joseph Orleans, VT 84 10/1/1996
Larrabee, Susan Augusta Barton, VT 94 4/18/2001
Lasnier, Nazaire Montreal, Que 62-11-23 1/21/1945
Lassonde, Arsene Troy, VT 85 3/4/1980
Lathe, Charles Orleans, VT 68-2-22 5/20/1931
Lathe, Eva Gertrude Barton, VT 79-11-29 4/10/1947
Lauderbaugh, Lillian M. Bethlehem, NH 70 6/16/1985
Laurencelle, Marie Ange Barton, VT 91 1/30/2001
Lavalette, Katherine F. Orleans, VT 73 1/24/2001
Lavoie, Ellen Mary Orleans, VT 1/30/1880 3/4/1953
Lavoie, John Alex Barton, VT 82 6/24/1970
Lavoie, Louis W. Orleans, VT 9/10/1879 10/10/1949
Lavoie, Madeline E. Orleans, VT 74 7/27/1992
Lawrence, George Roland Albany, VT 89 12/29/1998
Lawson, Leon A. Newport Center, VT 2/25/1888 3/4/1962
Lawson, Marion Madeline Newport Center, VT 81 1/29/1999
Lawson, Walter Curtis Coventry, VT 60 4/15/1972
Laythe, Charles Henry Albany, B1825 9/18/1879 8/23/1951
Leach, John Glendon Barton, VT 85 7/12/1992
Leach, Wilmer Adelbert Orleans, VT 84 12/9/1976
Leaman, Dorothy Barton, VT 91 2/8/1986
Leavitt, Drew Clyde Orleans, VT 59-7-22 10/13/1942
Leavitt, Greta Marion Orleans, VT 95 8/10/1992
LeBeau, Henry J. Barton, VT 88 5/6/1978
Lebeau, Louise Orleans, VT 86 2/1/1979
LeBlanc, Dorilla Barton, VT 88 10/29/1980
Leblanc, Flora P. Orleans, VT 88 12/2/1983
Leblanc, Gabriel Gerard Barton, VT 74 1/21/1997
LeBlanc, George H. Barton, VT 4/12/1887 11/16/1966
LeBlanc, Gertrude Ida Orleans, VT 69 10/28/1992
LeBlanc, Napoleon L. Barton, VT 92 3/9/1986
LeBlanc, Roland Alexander Barton, VT 72 3/23/1996
Leblond, Joseph N. Barton, VT 83 1/28/1986
LeClair, Alfred Barton, VT 39-11-25 3/27/1936
LeClair, Mary Ellen Brahana Orleans, VT 2/2/1855 12/9/1953
Leclerc, Agatha Marie St Johnsbury, VT 87 2/16/1994
LeClerc, Georgina W. Warwick, RI 69-3-8 1/24/1946
LeClerc, John Baptiste Orleans, VT 20-4-17 2/17/1939
LeClerc, Marjorie Hawkins Newport, VT 5/11/1910 12/6/1989
Ledeau, Peter Joseph Newport, VT 10/30/1881 1/2/1952
Lee, Charles H. Orleans, VT 71-9-27 6/25/1932
Lee, Eunetta Florinda Orleans, VT 3/13/1879 2/8/1963
Lee, Frank Lyndon, VT 74 8/12/1984
Lee, Harry W. Orleans, VT 97 2/16/1968
Lee, Hattie Louise Dudley Orleans, VT 77-6-23 8/16/1942
Lee, Herbert Edgar Barton, VT 71-1-0 9/3/1932
Lee, Vanessa Barton, VT 65 2/6/1974
Lefebre, Marie Exodena Barton, VT 32-11-7 5/7/1931
Lefebvre, Theodore Donald Island Pond, VT 91 3/11/1997
Legacy, Joseph Barton, VT 10/12/1867 3/3/1953
Legrove, Carol Ann Montreal, Que. 25 8/4/1985
Lehouillier, Jeanne M. Indian Orchard, MA 22 10/6/1984
Leland, Beatrice I. Barton, VT 5/25/1913 11/28/1989
Leland, George Harley DMD Orleans, VT 69 6/1/1994
Leland, Harold Coleman Newport, VT 6/14/1907 5/10/1989
Lemieux, Placide Barton, VT 65-8-15 6/19/1946
Lemieux, Romeo North Troy, VT 19-10-22 10/27/1929
Leonard, Elmer Levi Barton, VT 74-11-27 3/14/1937
Leonard, Florence Mabel LaClair Newport, VT 79 5/1/1967
Leonard, Florence Metevia Glover, VT 76-5-24 5/4/1940
Leonard, Francis Barton, VT 72 9/4/1986
Leonard, Grace Lois Orleans, VT 79 1/2/1983
Leonard, Kate Orleans, VT 100 3/8/1982
Leonard, Leona Ruth Barton, VT 82-6-23 8/2/1945
Leonard, Roland Barton, VT 70 2/11/1982
Leonard, Roy Barton, VT 85 7/17/1983
Lepine, Amanda B. Orleans, VT 9/17/1868 1/25/1958
Lepine, George A. Barton, VT 82 3/17/1988
Lepine, Joseph Orleans, VT 8/27/1874 3/3/1955
Leroux, Baby Girl Barton, VT 28 min 6/24/1976
Leroux, Irene Yvonne Barton, VT 88 2/25/2001
Leroux, Paul Barton, VT 8-5-14 10/25/1927
Leroux, Raymond Barton, VT 4-9-24 8/31/1927
Leroux, Rita Emilea Barton, VT 2-9-25 8/12/1927
Leroux, Rose Alba Barton, VT 9/26/1880 6/14/1949
Leroux, Salvani Barton, VT 68-1-19 9/9/1940
LeRoy, James Lawrence Barton, VT 0 6/29/1942
LeRoy, Myrna Joyce Barton, VT 0-2-10 9/25/1940
Leslie, Wilfred Avery Orleans, VT 95 6/3/2001
L'Esperance, Edward Barton, VT 63-1-0 10/25/1935
Letourneau, Alan P. Barton, VT 63 5/29/1988
Letourneau, Mary Aurelia Lucille Barton, VT 0-0-10 6/15/1932
Letourneau, Mary Emma Orleans, VT 79-11-12 5/24/1943
Letourneau, Norman Geo Joseph Orleans, VT 1-10-1 2/18/1932
Letourneau, Oscar Joseph Orleans, VT 63 2/26/1968
Letourneau, Rachel Dodier Orleans, VT 6/29/1907 10/4/1963
Lewis, Avis Dorothy Barton, VT 1/6/1900 12/31/1988
Lewis, Bertie (Bert) Eugene Barton, VT 80 12/27/1969
Lewis, Henry F. Barton, VT 66-9-25 12/31/1935
Lewis, Ida C. Barton, VT 78-2-23 10/16/1938
Lewis, Irma M. Barton, VT 82 3/13/1999
Lewis, June Rose Barton, VT 68 4/13/1994
Lewis, Libbey Roy Barton, VT 49-3-27 11/17/1930
Lewis, Theodora J. Barton, VT 75 12/27/1983
Libbey, Josiah Barton, VT 81-6-20 4/2/1945
Libby, Bertha Barton, VT 65 6/30/1984
Libby, Carlos J. Barton, VT 70 2/25/1973
Libby, Clinton A. Barton, VT 75 10/11/1971
Libby, Dorcas Melissa Barton, VT 7/23/1877 2/24/1953
Libby, Flora D. Barton, VT 81 12/11/1991
Libby, Helen Barton, VT 71 10/23/1974
Libby, Lilla Parker Orleans, VT 3/11/1876 2/2/1964
Libby, Milo Myron Barton, VT 62 12/25/1970
Libby, Myron Barton, VT 73-5-4 10/19/1937
Libby, Sarah Katherine King Barton, VT 84-9-5 3/31/1936
Lindquist, Marguerite Barton, VT 78 3/4/1995
Lindsay, Charles Crown Orleans, VT 75 6/15/1969
Lindsay, Hannah Eileen Orleans, VT 88 2/23/1998
Litchfield, Clayton Barton, VT 75 3/7/1991
Lithanstanski, Peter W. Westboro, MA 56 3/21/1970
Little, Dale Stewart Barton, VT 63 12/5/1990
Little, Howard Roland Wheelock, VT 86 8/2/1998
Little, Lura B. Barton, VT 72 3/31/1999
Littlefield, Clara Elizabeth Brighton, VT 68 8/9/1995
Locke, Clarence C. Barton, VT 65-0-15 7/12/1946
Locke, Edgar Charlton City, MA 87 12/17/1987
Locke, Edna Elizabeth Taylor Orleans, VT 76-1-15 6/22/1929
Locke, Gertrude J. Orleans, VT 70-2-18 9/17/1938
Locke, Lucinda Lucy Barton, VT 9/14/1882 8/19/1966
Locke, Lydia E. Barton, VT 80-8-24 8/18/1940
Locke, Margaret M. Albany, VT 95 12/10/1988
Locke, Roland Edward Barton, VT 71 3/13/1993
Locke, Theresa Mae Barton, VT 3-6-22 10/6/1941
Locke, Vernon Carl Barton, VT 64 2/15/1979
Lombard, John Francis Barton, VT 80 1/16/1981
Longevin, Doris Gertrude Barton, VT 12-6-8 11/3/1931
Longeway, Lyman Russell Barton, VT 74 6/8/1993
Longeway, Marcella Jane Barton, VT 75 6/10/1995
Lontine, Alice J. Barton, VT 94 1/26/1988
Loomis, Clara Barton, VT 66-7-15 10/19/1929
Loomis, Ruth Evelyn Barton, VT 46 2/28/1969
Lorden, Etta N. Lancaster, NH 68-9-8 9/24/1929
Lothian, Marion Gladys Brownington, VT 75 9/14/1984
Lothrop, Edith Orleans, VT 56-6-10 12/2/1930
Lothrop, Hannah Julia Drew Orleans, VT 4/8/1875 8/30/1956
Lothrop, Levi A. Orleans, VT 67-10-14 2/29/1940
Lothrop, Lucy Orleans, VT 7/5/1884 11/3/1963
Lotze, Karl Gunther Brooklyn, NY 49 8/16/1967
Loukes, Alden W. Orleans, VT 72 3/27/1988
Louks, Oriole F. Barton, VT 81 5/1/1987
Loveland, Victor Asa Barton, VT 10/10/1878 5/4/1958
Lucas, Donald Thomas Orleans, VT 55 3/7/2001
Lucien, Dorothy Barton, VT 0-0-4 12/7/1928
Lukasovitch, William Barton, VT 65 4/10/1940
Lumbra, Bernard Barton, VT 91 4/11/1977
Lumbra, Charles Maynard Richford, VT 82 9/4/1970
Lund, Maretta Carpenter Orleans, VT 85-7-27 3/24/1928
Lund, Virginia May Orleans, VT 2 mos 14 d 2/1/1967
Luneau, Theophile Orleans, VT 5/5/1871 2/3/1957
Lunge, Raymond J. Orleans, VT 79 4/2/1982
Lunt, Edith Barton, VT 81 6/30/1968
Lunt, Orrin Lester Barton, VT 59-8-20 2/13/1936
Lussier, Georgiana Orleans, VT 92 12/6/1977
Lussier, Leonard Gaston Orleans, VT 82 12/4/1994
Lussier, Linda D. Orleans, VT 43 10/10/1994
Lussier, Marcel Emile Orleans, VT 0-0-26 11/25/1942
Lussier, Marie Ann Barton, VT 75 11/25/1970
Lussier, Rose B. Orleans, VT 64 6/28/1980
Lussier, Terry Edward Orleans, VT 6/14/1951 2/3/1953
Lyman, Forrest Vance Barton, VT 69 12/3/1984
Lyman, John Carroll Barton, VT 64-6-0 6/7/1928
Lyon, Annie Augusta Barton, VT 54-8-20 5/5/1937
Lyon, Eva P. Island Pond, VT 93 12/28/1999
Lyon, George Francis Orleans, VT 67-6-1 11/6/1947
Lyon, Myrtie Matilda Derby Line, VT 89 9/30/1995
MacDonald, Beryl Francis Barton, VT 73 4/6/1993
MacDonald, Elsie Maybelle Newport, VT 7/8/1897 4/13/1989
Maciver, Mary St Johnsbury, VT 79 4/24/1993
Mack, Bernice Evelyn Barton, VT 90 2/28/1999
Mack, Ernest E. Orleans, VT 78 5/16/1987
Mack, Mary A. Orleans, VT 11/24/1876 4/7/1960
MacLeod, Edmund Barton, VT 78 10/11/1981
MacLeod, Harold Newport, VT 11/4/1922 6/21/1989
MacLeod, Verna Mae Orleans, VT 62 1/16/1970
MacPherson, Adna P. Barton, VT 82-0-7 10/19/1939
Macpherson, Wilda W. Barton, VT 91 12/9/1985
MacRae, Harriet Herrick Merrill Newport Center, VT 9/12/1879 8/14/1962
Macy, Alden Russell Irasburg, VT 0-0-21 11/24/1943
Maddocks, Margaret C. Barton, VT 69 9/9/1979
Maffee, Margaret P. Nashua, NH 45 2/27/1995
Magoon, Carolyn T. Barton, VT 64 11/13/1970
Magoon, Carroll Nelson Barton, VT 65-2-25 5/28/1938
Magoon, George W. Barton, VT 80-4-4 7/7/1937
Magoon, Jennie S. Glover, VT 6/9/1886 6/3/1957
Magoon, Mary Ella Orleans, VT 88 1/6/1948
Magoon, Roland Carroll Barton, VT 61 2/25/1970
Magoon, Willard Morris Barton, VT 84-8-22 9/22/1929
Mailhot, Anna Mae Marshfield, VT 82 8/2/1969
Mailhot, Paul Colebrook, NH 82 7/27/1999
Main, Charles Johnson, VT 84 3/20/1995
Major, Eugene J. Island Pond, VT 87 11/9/1982
Major, Gerard Roland Barton, VT 74 10/16/1998
Malczyk, Laura Lynn Orleans, VT 10/11/1966 11/18/1966
Maloney, Sadie Annie Barton, VT 6/6/1895 11/18/1989
Malshuk, Margaret E. Orleans, VT 79 6/2/1998
Malshuk, Natalie Orleans, VT 80 3/10/1971
Malshuk, Philip Alex Orleans, VT 7/17/1911 6/12/1989
Malshuk, Stephen Alex Orleans, VT 78 12/11/1994
Mandigo, Joseph B. Barton, VT 92 11/24/1997
Manley, Eva Angela Metcalf Coventry, VT 6/6/1883 12/25/1959
Mann, Leo Wallace Dustin St Johnsbury, VT 4/7/1870 9/5/1951
Manning, Marilla Charlotte Barton, VT 88 9/28/1998
Manosh, Flora M. Orleans, VT 70-4-23 12/5/1940
Marceau, Joseph Greensboro, VT 95 10/29/1979
Marckres, Karen Sue Orleans, VT 0 5/30/1982
Marco, Albert B. Barton, VT 1-3-26 8/20/1930
Marcotte, Elizabeth Marilyn Barton, VT 72 7/1/1998
Marcotte, Joseph S. Newport, VT 3/24/1885 6/15/1964
Marcotte, Neil Eric Barton, VT 52 12/4/1999
Marcotte, Roland R. Barton, VT 2-5-10 2/24/1944
Marcou, Geneva Ida Barton, VT 37-6-8 5/8/1941
Marcou, George Albert Barton, VT 0-1-22 8/15/1927
Marcou, Israel Bernie Barton, VT 45 6/26/1970
Marsh, George Stanley Brownington, VT 82-3-16 2/14/1948
Marsh, Myra Clifford Barton, VT 48-4-10 7/26/1930
Marsh, Norine Abby Orleans, VT 63 1/23/1994
Marsh, Robert Wells Orleans, VT 70 3/1/1973
Marshall, Bernice Ernestine Bloomfield, VT 71 6/8/1996
Marshall, Carrie Orleans, VT 89 11/7/1977
Marshall, George A. Barton, VT 93 7/5/1972
Marshall, Ila B. Orleans, VT 88 9/8/1971
Marshall, Irene C. Barton, VT 81 9/3/2000
Marshall, Lettie N. Orleans, VT 96 9/4/1982
Marshall, Lewis Silas Barton, VT 77 1/15/2001
Marshall, Nora R. Barton, VT 81 12/31/1971
Marshall, Vernon George Orleans, VT 90 4/4/1972
Marston, Ellen Orleans, VT 93-7-27 9/8/1933
Marston, Ida L. Orleans, VT 75-7-20 1/2/1931
Marston, Pauline A. Barton, VT 61 5/14/1992
Martel, Alfred Joseph Barton, VT 80-0-25 12/30/1941
Martel, Delia Courchaine Barton, VT 60-11-22 2/4/1944
Martel, Eleanor E. Orleans, VT 63 7/2/1985
Martel, Madrise E Charleston, VT 11/12/1868 3/11/1958
Martel, Paul Andrew Orleans, VT 8 mos 5 da 7/27/1973
Martel, Pauline Claire Barton, VT 39 1/18/1980
Martel, Theophile Barton, VT 51-10-17 9/5/1937
Martell, Adolphus Joseph Barton, VT 12/8/1888 6/2/1964
Martell, Mary C. Barton, VT 1/15/1884 5/13/1958
Martin, Caroline Hardwick, VT 86 7/9/1970
Martin, Donald Arlen Barton, VT 66 10/10/1998
Martin, E. Ray Orleans, VT 78 6/7/1969
Martin, Elmer Bloomfield 86 10/24/1992
Martin, Frederic Orrin Orleans, VT 0-0-1 4/3/1941
Martin, Gladys E. Craftsbury, VT 87 3/21/1998
Martin, Marcel Jenks Albany, VT 8/23/1889 1/25/1964
Martin, Roland D. Barton, VT 86 2/24/1978
Martin, William Leon Albany, VT 8/7/1885 8/31/1958
Mason, Abner Joseph Orleans, VT 84 8/13/1974
Mason, Adolphus Benjamin Albany, VT 3/18/1878 8/7/1965
Mason, Aime J. Derby Line, VT 7/21/1880 2/5/1957
Mason, Anders G. Orleans, VT 83 1/19/1986
Mason, Casie L. Barton, VT 18 10/16/1999
Mason, Edith Mae Barton, VT 65 3/17/1971
Mason, Frank A. Newport, VT 7/10/1884 1/4/1961
Mason, Frank Edward Barton, VT 36 5/28/1967
Mason, Gerald Maurice Orleans, VT 55 9/11/1977
Mason, Hale Barton, VT 9/4/1881 1/26/1956
Mason, Harold Edward Orleans, VT 68 10/13/1967
Mason, Kimberly Ellen Orleans, VT 9 days 12/6/1967
Mason, Merton M. Barton, VT 12/5/1900 5/22/1952
Mason, Minnie Walcott Barton, VT 76-6-6 5/22/1944
Mason, Napoleon Barton, VT 71 9/9/1969
Mason, Reuben F. Barton, VT 8/6/1864 8/22/1956
Mason, Roland Edward Orleans, VT 67 11/26/2001
Massey, David J. Barton, VT 3/8/1889 7/29/1954
Massey, Julia D. Barton, VT 78 12/22/1970
Massi, Amedee J. Barton, VT 67-1-28 3/7/1947
Massie, Benjamin J. Barton, VT 91 4/7/1986
Massie, Mildred A. Barton, VT 86 3/25/1986
Masten, Gertrude M. Lyndon, VT 98 8/25/1988
Mathews, Eva May Orleans, VT 94 6/15/1980
Mathieu, Ernest Joseph Barton, VT 74 1/8/1972
Mathieu, Marjorie Mae Barton, VT 67 7/18/1970
Matteson, Burton T. Orleans, VT 74 10/1/1979
Matthews, Ellsworth Douglas Orleans, VT 11/30/1893 6/27/1989
Matthews, Ralph A. Orleans, VT 88 6/24/1994
Matthews, Theresa Mary Orleans, VT 77 6/4/1998
Matthews, Vera M. Barton, VT 86 6/24/1987
Maxfield, Archie James Barton, VT 81 5/15/1967
Maxfield, Estella M. Barton, VT 96 11/26/1984
Maxwell, Chester Erwin Barton, VT 0-4-8 4/5/1928
May, Abby Gertrude Barton, VT 7/10/1874 7/2/1959
May, Beatrice B. Barton, VT 74 10/8/1988
May, Frank H. Barton, VT 1/14/1879 9/7/1954
May, Frederic Barton, VT 62-6-14 5/6/1939
May, Harold F. Barton, VT 83 6/4/1992
May, Ralph H. Barton, VT 65 2/10/1970
May, Raymond Owen San Antonio, TX 65 12/24/1970
May, Virginia C. Tibbitts Barton, VT 69-9-5 1/25/1939
May, William S. Barton, VT 66-1-7 1/13/1936
Maynard, George David Barton, VT 46-0-27 9/29/1936
Maynard, George Joseph Sr. Barton, VT 2/13/1913 5/20/1960
Maynard, Mabel Mildred Barton, VT 76 7/12/1994
Mayo, Charles Arthur Derby Line, VT 10/27/1885 8/22/1957
McCormick, Ellen Forrestine Barton, VT 95 4/2/1996
McCormick, Myron Alan, Jr. Orleans, VT 38 4/11/1987
McCoy,  Raymond Alfred Willoughby, VT 0-0-9 11/29/1930
McCoy, Glenola Barton, VT 61 12/12/1979
McCoy, Ray A. Barton, VT 74 4/21/1977
McCoy, Richard Alfred Willoughby, VT 0-0-2 11/22/1946
McCrea, Gerald A. Barton, VT 9/26/1888 12/11/1957
McDonald, Beulah Alice Barton, VT 79 5/13/1990
McDowell, Hugh Walter Orleans, VT 78 4/23/1981
McElroy, Marguerite Barton, VT 70 12/10/1973
McFarland, Jane Mrs. Orleans, VT 78-2-2 1/15/1926
McGee, Ida C. Barton, VT 95 10/11/1996
McGuire, Clarence Dana Barton, VT 6/9/1867 7/7/1959
McGuire, Susan May Albany, B2115 2/9/1874 1/5/1956
McKay, Clifford Gordon Barton, VT 75 10/31/1984
McKay, Florence E. Barton, VT 53 3/9/1967
McKee, Edith Mary Barton, VT 9/21/1875 7/1/1963
McKenna, Catherine Bonac Orleans, VT 74-4-18 2/25/1932
McKinney, John Orleans, VT 11/24/1888 7/4/1966
McKinney, Maybelle May Orleans, VT 72 5/31/1976
McKinnon, Matilda May Barton, VT 91 8/15/1982
McLaughlin, Celia Louise Barton, VT 91 12/3/1998
McLellan, Etta Dean Orleans, VT 11/19/1867 2/11/1950
McLellan, John Barton, VT 65-2-13 5/15/1928
McMullan, Annie D. Mrs. Orleans, VT 64-2-9 11/2/1932
McMullen, Christopher R. Orleans, VT 71-7-13 1/3/1941
McNamara, Frederick A. Barton, VT 74 2/25/1987
McNamara, Susan Barton, VT 52 6/21/2001
McNaughton, Donald St Johnsbury, VT 80 2/11/1986
McRitchie, Donald Barton, VT 76-4-10 9/30/1934
Meacham, Isabel H. Harris Barton, VT 75 12/1/1975
Meehan, Irving John Barton, VT 75 6/15/1995
Meilleur, Gerald E. Orleans, VT 64 5/14/1974
Melcher, Susan West Burke, B2135 12/22/1865 6/10/1954
Menard, Jane Rachel Barton, VT 1-10-26 2/2/1941
Menard, Simonne R. Barton, VT 11/28/1915 9/29/1958
Mercier, Arthur J. Orleans, VT 74-8-7 6/6/1937
Mercier, Margaret Orleans, VT 72-7-6 2/7/1939
Merrill, Edward John Newport, VT 12/30/1862 4/18/1955
Merrill, Harry E. Barton, VT 69-4-21 6/20/1933
Messier, Ada W. Barton, VT 86 4/22/1988
Messier, Keith Alan Orleans, VT 23 12/27/1984
Messier, Mary Jean Orleans, VT 49 8/22/1984
Messier, Truman George Orleans, VT 86 7/13/1978
Metcalf, Ada Olive Barton, VT 68-3-16 9/1/1943
Metcalf, Earle Samuel Barton, VT 77 7/27/1974
Metcalf, George E. Barton, VT 74-1-27 11/15/1945
Metcalf, Mary A. Barton, VT 82 4/22/1978
Metivier, Joseph Louis Barton, VT 0-5-0 3/1/1929
Meunier, Maria Brunelle North Troy, VT 8/9/1886 2/8/1957
Michaud, Jeannette Mae Orleans, VT 64 4/(6) /1981
Michaud, Norman Theodore Orleans, VT 68 8/30/1981
Miles, Ellen M. Barton, VT 84-5-17 10/19/1938
Miles, Sadie Marie Barton, VT 78 10/21/1978
Miles, Willard W. Barton, VT 83-3-7 5/13/1926
Millar, John W. Barton, VT 71-7-23 8/23/1936
Miller, Alice M. Westfield, VT 89 8/24/1984
Miller, Ernest Louis Barton, VT 79 8/12/1995
Miller, Genevieve A. Barton, VT 68 6/4/1983
Miller, John Alvah Barton, VT 84 7/16/1976
Miller, Katherine Barton, VT 11/5/1889 12/26/1965
Miller, Ryle Leonard Jr. Barton, VT 76 9/17/1999
Miller, Susie Barton, VT 89 12/3/1974
Milligan, Lydia Barton, VT 88-4-26 9/22/1927
Mislick, Marty M. Barton, VT 63 7/15/1976
Mislick, Olivia C. Barton, VT 64 10/9/1972
Mitchell, Alfred W. Orleans, VT 77-7-23 3/14/1936
Mitchell, Bernice Marsh Newport, VT 4/18/1891 6/12/1955
Mitchell, David A. Lyndonville, VT 19 1/27/1973
Mitchell, Katherine Barton, VT 84-0-9 7/3/1931
Mitchell, Lewis Herbert West Burke, VT 4/4/1897 5/21/1965
Mitchell, Lillian B. Orleans, VT 77-3-5 1/24/1943
Mitchell, Samuel Oliver Barton, VT 80 10/3/1972
Mitchell, Wesley F. Barton, VT 69-10-16 9/27/1933
Moffett, Harry Wakefield Barton, VT 68 12/1/1976
Moffett, Julia E. Island Pond, VT 98 3/11/1999
Monette, Rene Archie Barton, VT 81 2/4/1992
Monfette, Bernice Lillian Barton, VT 86 11/16/1995
Mongeon, Inez May Orleans, VT 11/3/1881 4/30/1952
Montague, Earl Oral Orleans, VT 82 1/21/1978
Monteith, Arthur Tench Jr. Barton, VT 0 3/3/1948
Monteith, Ina Orne North Troy, VT 7/24/1882 5/28/1963
Montgomery, Dorothy F. Barton, VT 71 7/14/1993
Moody, James B. Barton, VT 84-7-1 11/10/1934
Mooney, Gerald C. Barton, VT 10/28/1889 6/29/1959
Moore, Albert Sanford Barton, VT 70-8-16 1/5/1946
Moore, May Ellen Bullet Orleans, VT 2/5/1891 11/2/1962
Moore, Ralph S. Barton, VT 79 2/16/1985
Moore, Robert Barton, VT 84 12/1/2000
Moquin, Anna Barton, VT 86 10/9/1969
Moquin, Charles A. Orleans, VT 57 2/27/1969
Moquin, Hector Julian Barton, VT 1/26/1882 6/11/1949
Moquin, Victor H. Barton, VT 79 10/18/1985
Moran, Charles Francis Orleans, VT 87 12/26/1974
Moran, Charles Frost Orleans, VT 5/18/1951 1/29/1966
Moran, Florence B. Orleans, VT 84 12/1/1969
Moreau, Ernest Albert Joseph Jr. Irasburg, VT 0-0-4 4/19/1945
Morey, Raymond Clifford St Johnsbury, VT 41 1/17/1999
Morin, Eugene Suel Barton, VT 61-0-27 10/29/1941
Morin, Frederick J. Barton, VT 2/21/1871 6/12/1959
Morin, Gervaise O. Barton, VT 83 9/22/2000
Morin, Jane Maria Barton, VT 3/26/1881 1/25/1963
Morin, Leslie James Barton, VT 74 8/4/1995
Morin, Malvina Adeline Barton, VT 8/13/1875 9/25/1962
Morin, Marie Rose Barton, VT 2/18/1868 8/3/1956
Morissette, Ruth Alice W Charleston, VT 69 2/7/1994
Morley, Elizabeth Margaret Orleans, VT 57 1/26/1976
Morley, John Maynard Sr. Orleans, VT 71 2/25/1994
Morley, Pauline E. Barton, VT 59 3/15/1987
Morley, Zella L. Orleans, VT 90 7/2/1984
Morrill, Arthur Edwin Barton, VT 74 6/24/1995
Morse, Eva Moody Barton, VT 75-4-17 5/8/1942
Morse, Gladys Swett Lowell, VT 7/24/1900 8/9/1963
Mosher, Lawrence R. Newport City, VT 88 11/6/1986
Mosher, Marie Stuart Reeve Brighton, VT+B2216 4/15/1876 6/7/1959
Mossman, Waldo Barton, VT 77-9-11 1/29/1927
Moulton, Alvin O. East Charleston, VT 11/6/1876 4/29/1965
Moulton, Harry J. Barton, VT 68-1-24 12/11/1939
Moulton, Lena Bishop Barton, VT 51-9-2 12/30/1933
Moulton, Mary E. Orleans, VT 83-11-25 9/13/1938
Moulton, Myrtle R. Barton, VT 90 5/18/1988
Moulton, Philip S. Orleans, VT 11/3/1895 9/12/1956
Moultroup, Evelyn C. Island Pond, VT 96 1/28/1986
Mowry, Leonard Eldridge Orleans, VT 57-8-26 1/5/1941
Moxley, George W. Barton, VT 70-6-19 8/19/1929
Mudgett, Curtis J. Barton, VT 8/12/1868 4/13/1953
Muiry, John A. Southboro, MA 1/15/1890 5/29/1966
Mulligan, Julia A. Murphy Barton, VT 46-0-22 4/27/1927
Murdock, Marrilla Marie Barton, VT 75-5-3 9/17/1931
Murphy, Fred Lowell, B2231 5/18/1870 2/3/1958
Murphy, James Derby Line, VT 78 9/9/1971
Myott, Levi Daniel Georgia, VT 93 3/3/1991
Nadeau, George E. Orleans, VT 6/21/1860 5/21/1953
Nadeau, Louis E. Coventry, VT 51 11/24/1980
Nadeau, Marcel Bedford, Que 32 6/22/1968
Nadeau, Ola Barton, VT 76 12/27/1967
Nadeau, Roger Barton, VT 0-1-17 8/8/1933
Natole, Lettie Clark Barton, VT 70-5-9 3/24/1946
Nault, Arthur E. Barton, VT 64-10-1 4/7/1942
Nault, Charlie Barton, VT 7/4/1869 3/25/1951
Nault, Dorothy Barton, VT 75-3-13 7/31/1938
Nault, Eva Senora Barton, VT 87 5/18/1990
Nault, Exilda Barton, VT 79-2-22 5/2/1947
Nault, Frances Twombly Barton, VT 69-0-8 3/17/1939
Nault, Frank Joseph Barton, VT 79 6/2/1976
Nault, Henry Barton, VT 79-2-2 3/20/1945
Nault, Isabel Mary Barton, VT 24-11-26 11/4/1930
Nault, Jeffrey Barton, VT 78-7-9 11/23/1936
Nault, Joseph Barton, VT 72-10-16 6/16/1927
Nault, Mary Huard Barton, VT 11/10/1868 12/2/1950
Nault, Ruth Ella Barton, VT 71 4/5/1985
Nault, Wilfred Barton, VT 3/12/1872 11/22/1952
Neddow, Ernest W. T. Barton, VT 89 3/17/1981
Nelson, Charles F. Barton, VT 53 4/23/1968
Nelson, Flora Blanche Barton, VT 6/15/1882 10/2/1960
Nelson, Irene F. Barton, VT 78 5/16/1993
Nelson, Laura Lucinda Albany, VT 6/10/1877 12/18/1956
Nelson, Samuel B. Barton, VT 74-5-3 1/10/1941
Newton, Carolyn Orleans, VT 88 12/4/1980
Nichols, Elwin Milton Barton, VT 56-7-16 5/3/1929
Nichols, Ethel Irene Lunenburg, VT 85 11/25/1970
Niles, Ethel M. Barton, VT 88 12/28/1993
Niles, Julia Norton Barton, VT 52-4-4 4/6/1935
Niles, June Newport Center, VT 92 1/26/1983
Niles, Mildred Barton, VT 64 6/11/1985
Niquette, Joseph Young Brownington, VT 59-6-10 3/13/1927
Noble, Louise O. Barton, VT 73 9/25/2001
Nolan, Burton James Jr. Orleans, VT 12/29/1951 7/8/1952
Nolan, John A. Barton, VT 86 4/29/1993
Norman, William Barton, VT 66-4-13 8/25/1941
Norris, Howard Barton, VT 50 3/30/1994
Norris, Mary A. Barton, VT 8/5/1876 6/15/1960
Norton, Alfred Burton Orleans, VT 76-8-4 2/18/1944
Norton, Lydia Sophia Hunt Barton, VT 77-9-12 12/4/1927
Norton, Mina Ella Barton, VT 4/8/1875 6/19/1964
Norton, Ralph Newport, VT 83 10/29/1982
Nowell, Gustavus I. Barton, VT 83 6/2/1974
Nugent, Edna S. Barton, VT 83 9/30/1994
Null, Constance H. Barton, VT 83 2/28/1983
Nute, Charles A. Barton, VT 68-11-14 10/24/1938
Nute, Rosa M. Bundy Barton, VT 1/17/1884 11/17/1950
Nye, Clara Elizabeth Barton, VT 6/6/1889 8/23/1952
Nye, Ina Norma Barton, VT 78 10/31/2000
Nye, Irene Ann Barton, VT 82-3-23 7/6/1935
Nye, William Percy Barton, VT 76 12/3/1997
O'Dell, Rita P. Derby, VT 74 3/11/1996
O'heere, Thomas Gordon Orleans, VT 77-6-2 3/6/1946
Okuszki, Alvina Ann Barton, VT 68 1/8/1986
Okuszki, Michael Barton, VT 73 5/14/1990
Orcutt, Althea Thompson Barton, VT 92-0-17 1/19/1927
Orcutt, Edna C. Barton, VT 89 7/4/1971
Orcutt, Herbert Bela Barton, VT 2/11/1867 1/7/1958
Ordway, Arthur Edwin Orleans, VT 78-2-4 12/18/1933
Ordway, Mary A. Orleans, VT 85-4-8 10/26/1934
Ormsbee, Forest C. Barton, VT 83 3/25/1969
Orne, Horace James Barton, VT 81 4/21/1986
Osgood, Gertrude D. Barton, VT 1/31/1879 3/3/1961
Osgood, Thomas Herbert Orleans, VT 8/31/1876 2/8/1962
Ovitt, Eva Mae Enosburg Falls, VT 93 11/8/1969
Owen, Aldis Milo Barton, VT 11/11/1881 4/28/1954
Owen, Altie Paine Barton, VT 75-9-0 3/13/1944
Owen, Bertha Diana Barton, VT 26-0-16 10/23/1927
Owen, Elizabeth Mae Barton, VT 0-1-3 7/20/1933
Owen, George Milo Barton, VT 0-1-8 9/19/1932
Owen, George W. Barton, VT 71-2-21 10/15/1929
Owen, Hazel Dell Barton, VT 76 4/16/1969
Owen, Mary Josephine Barton, VT 80-11-13 8/3/1935
Owen, Milo J. Barton, VT 81-2-23 4/18/1928
Packard, Elvira Ruggles Barton, VT 74 9/12/1997
Paddleford, Carl R. Barton, VT 66 12/22/1975
Paddleford, Carrie Jay St Johnsbury, VT 79 12/9/1968
Paddleford, William Morris Barton, VT 8/29/1886 10/29/1966
Page, Della Susan Newport, VT 2/6/1885 11/4/1966
Page, Esther M. Willey Orleans, VT 82-10-7 5/23/1929
Page, Karl Woodman Sr. Newport, VT 8/5/1900 3/20/1963
Page, Lois Mrs. Barton, VT 89-2-24 9/16/1927
Page, Rosanna Barton, VT 81-5-0 1/7/1926
Pagels, John C. Orleans, VT 85-4-25 11/20/1928
Paige, Martha Barton, VT 70-5-5 10/23/1928
Palmer, Edna Lillian Orleans, VT 57-8-13 3/23/1934
Palmer, William Lester Barton, VT 88 5/16/1979
Paquette, Alvina M. Barton, VT 12-9-23 5/11/1926
Paquette, Andre Joseph Barton, VT 63 5/24/1967
Paquette, Ella May Belfast Barton, VT 77-1-26 9/3/1934
Paquette, Freeland A. Sr. Glover, VT 11/24/1902 7/17/1989
Paquette, George J. Barton, VT 5/28/1886 4/15/1952
Paquette, Helena Swanton, VT 77 6/5/1983
Paquette, Howard D. Barton, VT 1-10-0 12/4/1938
Paquette, Joseph Barton, VT 79-11-0 7/26/1932
Paquette, Joseph P. Orleans, VT 88 7/31/1978
Paquette, Joseph Raymond Barton, VT 0 2/9/1936
Paquette, Katherine S. Brighton, VT 7/6/1883 9/1/1959
Paquette, Marie Louise Orleans, VT 9/21/1883 5/6/1966
Paquette, Mildred Lytie Barton, VT 80 3/6/1980
Paquette, Philemon Barton, VT 71-4-4 6/23/1942
Paquette, Rose Amand Orleans, VT 6/3/1895 6/23/1964
Paquin, Angenor Joseph Barton, VT 73 6/2/2000
Paquin, Leonelle J. Barton, VT 86 4/30/1980
Paradis, Kenneth Harvey Sr. Brighton, VT 75 5/21/1994
Paradis, Wilfred Joseph Barton, VT 2/17/1891 2/17/1961
Paris, Mabel Gero Barton, VT 94 12/17/1992
Paris, Robert Paul East Haven, VT 5/20/1869 3/1/1956
Pariseau, Barbara Jean Barton, VT 39 12/6/1994
Parker, Angeline D. Orleans, VT 55 11/28/1974
Parker, Carlos Alfred Barton, VT 10/20/1877 12/18/1952
Parker, Claude Bernard Newport, VT 85 7/15/1975
Parker, Doris Evelyn Brownington, VT 57 8/6/1985
Parker, Evalyn Joslyn Orleans, VT 83-0-14 6/29/1929
Parker, George Orleans, VT 89-7-6 12/19/1940
Parker, Maurice Webster Irasburg, VT 76-1-20 8/30/1944
Parker, Ollie K. Orleans, VT 63-6-19 3/1/1931
Parks, David Grant Barton, VT 11/12/1949 11/12/1949
Parlin, Amos, MD Island Pond, VT 9/21/1874 8/27/1960
Parlin, Anna Mrs. Orleans, VT 60-6-18 2/2/1935
Parlin, Frank Justice Orleans, VT 54-11-29 10/25/1930
Parlin, Lizzie Almira W Charleston, VT 74-10-22 1/27/1933
Parlin, Minnie May Orleans, VT 70-9-29 7/6/1932
Paronto, Walter Lewis Lowell, VT 8/31/1882 7/26/1955
Patenaude, Andre J. Barton, VT 59 1/9/1988
Patrick, Glenn Martin Orleans, VT 31 7/26/1980
Patrick, Harold Eugene, Sr. Barton, VT 68 8/26/1980
Patrick, Linda Lee Barton, VT 35 12/30/1981
Patrick, Olive Mae Martin Orleans, VT 59 6/17/1974
Patten, Albert Asa Orleans, VT 80-7-9 7/28/1934
Patten, Alfreda M. Orleans, VT 54 11/12/1981
Patten, Clara Idel Orleans, VT 74-1-23 4/24/1936
Patten, Frederick Joseph Barton, VT 73 4/22/1995
Paul, Grace Rosanna Barton, VT 68 3/8/1990
Paul, William Francis Barton, VT 88-9-5 11/25/1933
Paul, William Mitchell Barton, VT 83 6/10/1992
Paye, Inez Swett Orleans, VT 64-11-0 2/14/1940
Pearl, Nettie Ford Mrs. Sheffield, VT 72-3-14 8/8/1937
Pearson, Annie M. Barton, VT 12/17/1867 6/3/1951
Pearson, Josiah A. Barton, VT 71-5-28 9/22/1926
Pearson, Susan Philena Copp Newport, VT 3/12/1869 11/18/1960
Peck, Freedom Henry Danville, VT 2/27/1885 8/30/1966
Pelkey, Gwendoline Derby, VT 61 8/26/1987
Pelletier, Jean Baptiste Barton, VT 12/17/1903 4/13/1989
Pepin, Omer W. Orleans, VT 8/5/1884 6/3/1962
Percy, Ora Faye Glover, VT 34 12/22/1978
Perkins, Alvah Dennis Orleans, VT 48 8/23/1982
Perkins, Lawrence Barton, VT 61 1/28/1981
Perkins, Raymond Clifton Barton, VT 61 7/27/1993
Perley, Albert H. Barton, VT 75-3-17 9/21/1935
Perley, Arthur Merrill Orleans, VT 82-0-10 3/2/1940
Perley, Harold G. Barton, VT 63-6-25 6/2/1937
Perley, May Rowell Barton, VT 75-3-19 3/16/1943
Perras, William Orleans, VT 57-7-23 11/24/1941
Perrault, Doris Albert Orleans, VT 67 4/17/1968
Perron, Marie Anne Glover, VT 93 9/27/1985
Perry, David J. Brownington, V+B2392 48-6-26 11/19/1941
Perry, Florence Morin Barton, VT 9/25/1889 6/7/1951
Perry, Martin Charles Barton, VT 85 1/21/1987
Peters, Morton Irasburg, VT 66 3/5/1967
Peters, Nellie May Barton, VT 79 2/23/1978
Phelps, Michele-Anne Barton, VT 19 3/7/1967
Phenix, Bernadette A. Barton, VT 90 10/22/1985
Phenix, Emile H. Barton, VT 12/14/1888 4/24/1959
Phillips Hyman D. Barton, VT 84-4-3 12/9/1937
Phillips, Aden Dana Barton, VT 91 2/13/1976
Phillips, Clarence Leo Glover, VT 5/1/1887 8/23/1953
Phillips, George Richard Barton, VT 64 8/24/1970
Phillips, Hiram J. Glover, VT 79-8-11 1/13/1944
Phillips, Lulu Hanson Glover, VT 63-6-22 3/23/1941
Phillips, Nettie Mrs. Barton, VT 75-3-8 3/30/1928
Pichette, Cordelia Barton, VT 95 10/4/1976
Pierce, Alice Parker Orleans, VT 54-0-1 8/2/1929
Pierce, Florence K. Barton, VT 99 3/14/1982
Pierotti, Joseph Arthur Orleans, VT 67 2/23/1991
Pierotti, Mary I. Newport, VT 2/15/1914 3/18/1989
Pierson, Lawrence E. Barton, VT 82 2/18/1988
Pilcer, Helen S Burlington, VT 71 8/28/1997
Pilotte, George F. Barton, VT 64 7/19/1986
Piper, Theophilus B. Barton, VT 80-11-29 4/26/1932
Pitt, Horace Louis Barton, VT 75 3/23/1970
Pitt, Martha Emilie Barton, VT 93 1/24/1995
Place, Flossie B. Orleans, VT 85 11/18/1981
Place, Jessie Mathilda Orleans, VT 80 12/31/1989
Place, Raymond H. Orleans, VT 82 3/10/1988
Place, Walter Glover, VT 87 9/22/1995
Placey, Edward E. Island Pond, VT 73 10/5/1986
Plante, Joseph Leo Derby Line, VT 75 12/3/1970
Ploof, Charlotte Mable Newport, VT 90 12/2/1968
Ploof, Ernest James Franklin, VT 79 4/30/1971
Plouff, Arthur Barton, VT 88 11/14/1987
Poginy, Laura Barton, VT 87 5/28/1998
Poginy, Leon Andre Barton, VT 90 10/3/1998
Poirier, Gerard E. Barton, VT 70 2/12/1999
Poirier, Wallace Barton, VT 64-11-25 7/21/1941
Pollander, Stanley Francis Barton, VT 79 4/20/1977
Poole, Florence L. Barton, VT 66 8/21/1970
Porter, Addie M. Barton, VT 11/24/1866 11/12/1952
Porter, Alice Julia Orleans, VT 12/29/1876 10/29/1955
Porter, Dorothy Orleans, VT 76 2/3/1983
Porter, Florence S. Orleans, VT 88 1/2/1972
Porter, George Crandall Orleans, VT 9/1/1885 4/2/1951
Porter, Jennie Norris Derby Line, B2438 7/18/1880 10/8/1960
Porter, Vernon Mason Barton, VT 1/24/1903 6/14/1965
Potter, Clyde U. Barton, VT 78 8/25/1968
Potter, Dotie Mary Barton, VT 84 10/4/1967
Potter, Frances Hannah Orleans, VT 11/4/1873 1/20/1954
Potter, Homer C. Orleans, VT 70-5-18 1/15/1943
Potter, Laura E. Downey Barton, VT 73-6-26 10/7/1930
Potter, Leon Lewis Barton, VT 74-2-9 1/8/1948
Potter, Marjorie Orleans, VT 92 11/12/2000
Potter, Thirza Jane Barton, VT 72-9-11 2/15/1945
Potter, Viva Mildred Orleans, VT 97 8/19/1994
Potter, Waldo Nelson Albany, VT 85-0-1 12/6/1945
Poutre, Henry Barton, VT 6/23/1885 11/28/1955
Poutre, Maria A. Troy, VT 79 9/1/1970
Powell, John William, Jr. Barton, VT 59 8/8/1997
Powers, Aurilla Orleans, VT 84 5/4/1968
Powers, Donald Orleans, VT 55 10/22/1978
Powers, Lena Cutler So. Albany, VT 50-1-20 2/3/1939
Powers, Richard Arnold Orleans, VT 0-0-23 1/26/1933
Powers, Roland E. Barton, VT 5/15/1907 8/8/1954
Powers, Sylvia Elvine Barton, VT 1/21/1904 10/15/1989
Pray, Herbert Lyle Albany, VT 83 2/3/1991
Prescott, Ceylon R. Barton, VT 87-1-27 6/9/1947
Prescott, Herman Barton, VT 76-11-3 2/15/1934
Prescott, Mabel Glover, VT 83 11/19/1969
Prescott, Martha Barton, VT 78-4-29 4/11/1938
Prescott, Walter B.   11/16/1868 12/7/1956
Preston, Margaret Barton, VT 80-6-12 2/12/1939
Prevost, Simone A. Barton, VT 92 10/27/2001
Priest, Annie Barton, VT 85-8-21 12/11/1926
Priest, John Alfred Highbridge, NJ 62-7-22 12/3/1929
Proctor, Evelyn Belle Barton, VT 4/8/1877 4/11/1958
Proctor, Fletcher (Sherman James) Barton, VT 64 7/29/1973
Proctor, Marie J. Barton, VT 81 9/9/1991
Proctor, William Burton Barton, VT 4/25/1875 2/14/1954
Proper, Robert Wendell Barton, VT 46 7/5/1980
Prouix, Douglas Wendall Orleans, VT 15-6-26 6/2/1941
Provencher, Alfred Barton, VT 73 9/3/1970
Provencher, Raymond Barton, VT 45 1/1/1967
Prue, Flora M. Barton, VT 86 7/10/1982
Pudvah, Edward John Glover, VT 84 3/24/2000
Pudvah, Harold James Barton, VT 86 6/22/1990
Pudvah, John Baptist Brownington, VT 9/15/1874 9/30/1956
Pudvah, John Richard Barton, VT 54 5/25/1998
Pudvah, Mary Dezotell Barton, VT 80-6-0 10/12/1926
Puffer, Ida Cora Barton, VT 1/14/1866 12/30/1955
Purcell, Ella Blood Barton, VT 91 4/13/1997
Putney, Bernice Evelyn Barton, VT 84 9/22/1990
Putney, Elmer Barton, VT 73-10-23 9/24/1946
Quimby, Alpha Willard Orleans, VT 88 5/29/1977
Quimby, Effie Sarah Orleans, VT 10/4/1872 2/11/1963
Quimby, Ralph Gilmer Orleans, VT 2/26/1881 11/11/1960
Quintin, Anita Mae Barton, VT 88 5/12/1998
Quintin, Ernest M. Barton, VT 85 5/29/1986
Quirion, Peter R. Orleans, VT 33 11/16/1985
Rabida, Leo E. Island Pond, V+B2493 87 2/16/2001
Racicot, Victor Troy, VT 91 4/11/1992
Racine, Achsah Marian Orleans, VT 84 8/16/1991
Racine, Paul Orleans, VT 78 6/18/1978
Racine, Paula Jean Orleans, VT 20 min 6/10/1968
Randall, Eva Anne Barton, VT 88 12/1/1997
Randall, George Robert West Burke, VT 94 5/2/1997
Ranney, Ellsworth H. Sheffield, VT 11/26/1863 3/28/1954
Ranney, George Charles ST Johnsbury, VT 82 9/15/1976
Ranney, Saie E. Orleans, VT 80-11-21 6/17/1938
Rash, Alston Isaac Barton, VT 11/5/1911 3/8/1949
Rash, Elwood Frank Barton, VT 5/3/1887 1/23/1957
Rasmussen, Teresa Barton, VT 88 3/8/1995
Ray, Florence  Barton, VT 58-2-20 1/5/1942
Ray, Hilda F. Barton, VT 75 7/30/1985
Raymond, Leon F. Orleans, VT 71 6/30/1971
Ready, Myrtle Laura Newport City, VT 93 6/5/1986
Redfield, Lillian E. Barton, VT 83-10-13 11/6/1944
Redfield, Marion Gray Barton, VT 78 7/13/1968
Redington, Charles Frederick Barton, VT 55 3/17/1975
Redington, Isabelle Alma Derucha Barton, VT 83 12/16/1967
Redington, Thomas William Barton, VT 11/5/1882 3/5/1966
Reed, George F. Barton, VT 80-2-1 10/1/1933
Reed, John George Barton, VT 51-5-19 12/13/1929
Reed, Lynn Marie Barton, VT 4 9/25/1982
Reed, Sarah Janet Meserve Barton, VT 84-9-3 1/3/1929
Reed, Verna Margaritte St Johnsbury, VT 79 3/16/1996
Reese, Alice M. Barton, VT 83 3/10/1998
Reinstein, Robert G. Barton, VT 57 5/11/1998
Reirden, May A. Barton, VT 69-3-17 12/14/1946
Reirden, William W. Barton, VT 49 5/5/1926
Renaud, Gedeon J. Barton, VT 80-1-14 11/26/1940
Renault, Alice Celina Rivarre Barton, VT 84-9-23 7/23/1945
Renault, Alma S. Barton, VT 7/28/1891 7/1/1959
Renault, Irene Marion Barton, VT 49 4/25/1973
Renault, Roland S. Barton, VT 61 3/30/1987
Renault, Simeon Gideon Barton, VT 77 4/15/1976
Revoir, Blanche Barton, VT 76 5/19/1993
Revoir, Harold H. Orleans, VT 69 7/13/1971
Revoir, James J. Barton, VT 12/22/1879 12/13/1949
Rexford, Forest H. Barton, VT 82 7/4/1988
Rexford, Mildred L. Orleans, VT 86 9/17/1994
Reynolds, Michael Barton, VT 11/22/1876 2/15/1951
Riccio, Harry Barton, VT 68 3/15/1983
Rice, Amelia Mae Orleans, VT 88 10/15/1975
Rice, Daniel Newark, VT 7/26/1876 2/13/1962
Rice, Lettie B. Barton, VT 44-4-5 2/24/1931
Rice, Reynolds D. St Johnsbury, VT 55 11/18/1967
Rice, Wayne A. Orleans, VT 67 11/4/1987
Richard, Hilario J. Barton, VT 63 9/3/1972
Richard, Leda Rita Barton, VT 2/23/1910 8/10/1989
Richardson, Carlton Paul Richford, VT 21-1-0 7/21/1935
Richardson, Mae Ellen Orleans, VT 66-3-25 12/20/1927
Richardson, Myrtie R. Barton, VT 10/19/1869 9/16/1957
Richardson, Tyler Eugene Barton, VT 7/15/1899 9/12/1962
Richardson, Verne Hodges Newport, VT 4/10/1900 12/23/1951
Richmond, Irene Frances Barton, VT 72 4/6/1991
Richmond, Ruth Emily Orleans, VT 71-9-20 10/15/1944
Riendeau, Oliva Orleans, VT 73 8/3/1973
Rivard, Exelia M. Newport, VT 74 1/17/1984
Rivers, Leonard Joseph Barton, VT 66 4/29/1979
Rivers, Minnie J. Albany, VT 90 10/9/1972
Rives, Delia King Barton, VT 9/28/1879 9/5/1954
Rives, Gladys Emily Barton, VT 84 6/1/1993
Rives, Percy G. Barton, VT 33-9-23 2/25/1931
Robbin, Winifred Ryder Griffin Fitchburg, MA 7/18/1871 4/9/1963
Roberge, Henry Stanley Orleans, VT 67 6/28/1967
Roberge, John Barton, VT 0-0-2 3/23/1939
Robert, Frederick I. Orleans, VT 80 9/30/1971
Robert, Leodile Orleans, VT 96 10/9/2000
Robert, Paul Barton, VT 84 10/23/1987
Roberts, Alice D. Barton, VT 85 11/1/2001
Roberts, Della E. Orleans, VT 75 4/13/1968
Roberts, Donna Sue Barton, VT 62 3/25/2001
Roberts, Dwight A. Orleans, VT 83 8/23/1999
Roberts, Edward Philip Orleans, VT 12/22/1879 6/22/1952
Roberts, Forest Barton, VT 18-0-4 9/20/1931
Roberts, Frederick Joseph Orleans, VT 56-0-6 2/2/1937
Roberts, Lillian Violet Orleans, VT 100 6/29/1997
Roberts, Lizzie May Orleans, VT 88 5/14/1973
Roberts, Maurice Arnold Orleans, VT 2/13/1917 5/12/1964
Roberts, Rita Marie Orleans, VT 0-3-10 4/24/1947
Roberts, Sherman Edson Barton, VT 19-3-30 10/4/1931
Roberts, Sylvia Mary Barton, VT 4/6/1900 3/13/1962
Roberts, Vernon E. Orleans, VT 81 7/20/1983
Robillard, Felix A. Orleans, VT 84 7/4/1971
Robinson, Charles Percival Barton, VT 78 5/30/1973
Robinson, Eleanor Power Barton, VT 89 2/22/1990
Robinson, Frank E. Barton, VT 96 3/17/1994
Robinson, Glendon Barton, VT 5-2-27 6/17/1926
Robinson, Ina Harriet Barton, VT 11/12/1877 6/30/1965
Robinson, Lucy Barton, VT 86-6-4 2/11/1943
Robinson, Rogean Elvine Barton, VT 83 12/9/1981
Robitaille, Rene L. Barton, VT 72 7/3/1979
Rock, Alice G. Barton, VT 67 1/28/1988
Rock, Alice Paquette Barton, VT 8/11/1880 1/3/1953
Rock, Earl Joseph Barton, VT 62 1/10/1968
Rock, Helen M. Barton, VT 4/3/1906 5/27/1989
Rock, Millie Barton, VT 50-8-25 9/25/1940
Rock, Ronald Joseph Barton, VT 67 5/25/1990
Rockwell, Charles Newell Barton, VT 73 8/24/1994
Rogers, Fred Sutton, VT 68-3-19 2/26/1946
Rogers, Grace Bartlett Orleans, VT 78 9/2/1967
Rogers, Henry M. Barton, VT 71 10/31/1985
Rogers, Jesse B. Orleans, VT 90-2-20 5/14/1932
Rogers, Louise Prouty Barton, VT 70 4/29/1987
Rogers, Mildred Claire Barton, VT 80 12/27/1996
Rogers, Oloff Lester Orleans, VT 12/13/1877 12/27/1960
Roland, Fred Barton, VT 8/  /1886 6/28/1957
Rollins, Alfred Cecil Newport, VT 80 12/28/1977
Rollins, Caroline Jane Barton, VT 95-7-7 2/13/1937
Rollins, Cora Susan Johnson Newport, VT 9/24/1879 2/16/1964
Rollins, James Barton, VT 0-7-19 8/21/1934
Rollins, Leah Grace Barton, VT 70 7/3/1976
Rollins, Mark P. Barton, VT 87 8/6/1987
Rollins, Mildred McFarlin Barton, VT 82 10/21/1997
Rollins, Nicolette Faith Barton, VT 41 10/3/1997
Rollins, William George Barton, VT 67 2/3/2000
Root, Theophilus H. Westmore, VT 72-6-2 4/16/1933
Rose, Hugh Adrian Barton, VT 0 7/10/1935
Rosebrook, Joel H. Orleans, VT 72-4-0 6/21/1926
Ross, Alvina A. Newport, VT 1/27/1874 2/17/1956
Ross, Frank Russell Barton, VT 67-9-7 1/8/1926
Ross, William Orleans, VT 72--4-14 5/26/1945
Rossi, Alice Lameri Barton, VT 4/13/1889 7/17/1965
Rossier, Bernard Barton, VT 52 3/2/1969
Rossier, Patricia Mae Barton, VT 64 11/14/2001
Rounds, William Barton, VT 71 1/30/1968
Rowan, Emma Hall Orleans, VT 68-7-6 12/14/1927
Rowden, Betty Mae S. Barton, VT 70 12/10/1994
Rowe, Annie Flora Barton, VT 96 8/30/1971
Rowe, May Ellen Derby, VT 85 12/29/1968
Rowell, Ardelle Juliet Orleans, VT 78-2-29 1/26/1929
Rowell, Esther Rowan Grant Orleans, VT 10/5/1867 9/8/1952
Rowell, Maynard Nick Orleans, VT 69 4/3/1998
Rowland, Carolin Dow Orleans, VT 68 8/5/1986
Roy, Michael Joseph Barton, VT 1 hr 20 min 6/4/1968
Roy, Richard L. Barton, VT 52 12/26/1979
Roy, William Herbert West Burke, VT 5/11/1881 3/3/1962
Royce, Edward W. Orleans, VT 85 1/5/1968
Royer, Burton M. Orleans, VT 47 3/15/1972
Royer, Marie Ann P. Orleans, VT 91 9/14/1986
Royer, Melina Mary Orleans, VT 7/8/1893 1/30/1952
Royer, William R. Glover, VT 66 7/29/1971
Ruggles, Cortland A. Barton, VT 77 12/13/1984
Runde, Herbert G. Walden, VT 97 10/15/1997
Rusaw, Richard Charles Barton, VT 0-0-8 12/17/1933
Rushlow, Beryl V. Barton, VT 78 7/27/1987
Rushlow, Francis Edwin Barton, VT 85 9/8/1997
Russ, William Brownington, VT 9/12/1887 1/8/1959
Russell, Darrell Lynford Orleans, VT 57 6/13/1992
Russell, Eva Pearl Barton, VT 76 3/3/1970
Russell, Jerome Downer Barton, VT 8/5/1917 12/4/1989
Russell, Karlene Verna Barton, VT 66 3/18/1985
Russell, Madeline Velma Barton, VT 80 9/30/1995
Russell, Wallace Clayton III Barton, VT 42 10/27/1998
Russell, Wallace Clayton Sr. Barton, VT 82 10/17/1971
Russell, Wallace Clayton, Jr. Barton, VT 67 1/7/1996
Ryan, Bernard J. Barton, VT 2/5/1897 5/8/1959
Ryan, Blanche H. Barton, VT 6/11/1902 2/18/1952
Ryan, Jennie Augusta Barton, VT 3/7/1874 9/25/1951
Ryan, Michael Barton, VT 81-10-25 6/1/1939
Ryan, Richard Barton, VT 62-10-5 4/11/1938
Ryder, Emmeline Barton, VT 94-7-6 4/26/1928
Ryder, Frank Barton, VT 61-10-4 1/19/1934
Sabin, John William Zepherhills, FL 2/9/1908 9/27/1956
Salisbury, Isabella Elizabeth Barton, VT 78-6-5 5/3/1928
Sample, Richard H. Barton, VT 38 4/27/1973
Sanborn, Barbara Elizabeth Barton, VT 1-2-28 6/18/1931
Sanborn, Dorothy May Lyndonville, VT 58 4/12/1979
Sanborn, Ernest Eldridge Barton, VT 41-2-9 1/22/1935
Sanborn, Grace Adeline Barton, VT 74 2/25/1986
Sanborn, Idella Julia Willis Newport, VT 7/11/1878 8/10/1960
Santaw, (Lewis) Henry Barton, VT 79 3/15/1979
Sanville, Bernie Ellery Orleans, VT 77 5/22/2000
Sanville, Elizabeth June Orleans, VT 0-9-5 4/9/1942
Sanville, Grace Orleans, VT 17-2-18 3/24/1936
Sanville, Harvey D. Irasburg, VT 76 7/5/2000
Sanville, Mary Anna Barton, VT 29-8-11 9/13/1928
Sanville, Raymond Bernard Orleans, VT 20 11/6/1970
Sarazin, Alcide Orleans, VT 80 4/1/1969
Sarazin, Willie Barton, VT 12/11/1875 4/4/1950
Sargent, Amanda L. Danville, VT 11/8/1858 11/6/1951
Sargent, Carrie I. Orleans, VT 77-6-14 8/9/1935
Sargent, Elsie Ann Barton, VT 74-9-10 11/2/1931
Sargent, Hazelton Buster Lowell, VT 81 5/22/1995
Sargent, May Miller Albany, B2679 6/12/1874 7/14/1957
Sargent, Silas F. Orleans, VT 76-8-1 12/31/1930
Sawin, Helen M. Mrs. Barton, VT 85-8-0 3/23/1932
Sawin, Stephen Barton, VT 94-5-29 12/3/1936
Sawyer, Carroll Barton, VT 0-10-19 12/28/1926
Sawyer, Ferdinand F. Barton, VT 77-9-2 12/26/1936
Sawyer, Jeannette Louise Barton, VT 51 4/6/1978
Sawyer, Laise M. Barton, VT 71 7/4/1968
Sawyer, Raymond Melvin Barton, VT 70 7/26/1993
Schmitz, Grace K. Barton, VT 82 1/23/1992
Schneider, Samuel Barton, VT 7/14/1879 2/2/1961
Schneps, Jacob Barton, VT 79 4/18/1994
Schoenemann, Henry T. Barton, VT 70 2/28/1993
Schreiter, Ernest Max Newport, VT 1/3/1901 11/4/1989
Schreiter, Genevieve Sylvia Barton, VT 84 2/21/1997
Schreiter, Virginia Barton, VT 57 5/26/1976
Scott, Burton A. Orleans, VT 74-4-25 12/31/1938
Scott, Charles R. Orleans, VT 85 6/21/1979
Scott, Ellen Crawford Barton, VT 84-4-1 5/5/1944
Scott, Emmaline R. Mrs. Orleans, VT 86-3-15 5/14/1935
Scott, James Martin Barton, VT 0 4/13/1905
Scott, James Willington Barton, VT 88-7-26 12/11/1946
Scott, Leander Orleans, VT 82-6-23 2/25/1929
Scott, Wilbur F. Orleans, VT 71-5-1 2/17/1940
Scott, Willie E. Orleans, VT 1/22/1884 10/24/1958
Scott, Yvette Leonie Barton, VT 82 8/6/1999
Sealey, Phoebe A. Barton, VT 76-7-11 9/27/1930
Searles, Elias Bridges Albany, VT 12/7/1875 5/18/1963
Searles, Olive Elizabeth Albany, VT 88 4/15/1970
Sears, Mildred Brown Rowell Barton, VT 2/8/1895 12/24/1989
Selan, Mark John Barton, VT 54 4/3/1995
Shannon, George F. Barton, VT 73-0-12 4/22/1940
Shannon, William Henry Orleans, VT 81-3-16 7/4/1936
Shatney, Elmer Ellsworth Barton, VT 8/7/1948 2/24/1952
Shatney, Wayne Ralph Barton, VT 0-0-6 3/2/1927
Shattuck, Flora Murray Brownington, VT 86-5-9 10/2/1939
Shaw, Alga Mae Barton, VT 90 5/10/1977
Shaw, Lois E. Orleans, VT 69 10/23/1973
Shedrick, George H. Barton, VT 85 11/14/1997
Sheehan, Arabelle Violet Barton, VT 57 7/30/1981
Sheldon, Edna Agnes Baker Newport, VT 4/25/1865 11/14/1953
Sheltra, Cecile L. Craftsbury, VT 88 9/1/2001
Sheltra, Mary Jane Shover Orleans, VT 91 10/5/1967
Sheltra, Robert Clyden Orleans, VT 57 11/25/1976
Shepard, Clarence E. Morgan, VT 8/12/1898 7/16/1962
Shepard, Guy J. Orleans, VT 75-7-10 1/25/1945
Shepard, Mary Isabella Barton, VT 71-0-6 4/30/1930
Shepard, Stanley Marshall Orleans, VT 2/21/1900 9/19/1963
Sheperd, Floyd Malcolm Orleans, VT 67 1/29/1970
Sheperd, James Ross Orleans, VT 0-0-2 4/3/1938
Sheperd, Ornan Jay Orleans, VT 1/22/1867 11/1/1960
Sheperd, Preston Guy Orleans, VT 94 2/27/1991
Sheperd, Vivian Luna Orleans, VT 89 3/5/1991
Sherbert, Lena B. Newport, VT 73 1/12/1968
Sherlaw, Wesley M. Irasburg, B2733 5/14/1882 4/5/1963
Sherman, Alfred P. Orleans, VT 65 8/1/1975
Sherman, Catherine May Orleans, VT 84 9/14/1998
Shippee, Wallace Ruthvin Orleans, VT 72-1-5 6/1/1941
Shores, Charles F. Barton, VT 73 1/5/1926
Shores, Josephine Minerva Barton, VT 71-5-0 10/20/1934
Shufelt, Annie E. Barton, VT 94 6/22/1995
Shufelt, Donald Edward Barton, VT 70 7/21/1998
Shuflet, Dorothy May Orleans, VT 60 7/29/1992
Sias, Grace Barton, VT 87 9/5/1971
Sicard, Alfred Barton, VT 66-8-20 4/4/1944
Sicard, Mary Elizabeth Barton, VT 1-2-16 3/14/1934
Sicard, Roger Paul Barton, VT 57 7/18/1982
Siedle, Edith Jane Orleans, VT 79 4/12/1977
Silver, Gerald Lee Barton, VT 54 3/1/1980
Silver, Lila Rose Barton, VT 74 5/5/1972
Simard, Joseph John Barton, VT 21-11-6 7/24/1943
Simard, Marie Anne Barton, VT 11/15/1883 8/30/1966
Simard, Napoleon O. Barton, VT 9/10/1871 5/7/1954
Simino, Earl Solomon Irasburg, VT 69 7/31/1969
Simino, Frederick Orleans, VT 74-7-26 4/28/1944
Simino, Madeline R. Barton, VT 75 8/19/1986
Simons, Jean Harriett Barton, VT 67 7/18/1975
Simons, John J. Barton, VT 60-7-25 9/25/1934
Simons, Judith Anne Barton, VT 0-11-22 6/12/1945
Simons, Mary Victoria Barton, VT 4/13/1880 3/22/1953
Simons, Norman David Barton, VT 89 12/1/1996
Simons, Olin G. Essex Jct., VT 69 5/4/1972
Simons, William Barton, VT 64 3/2/1970
Simons, William Sidney Barton, VT 49 11/28/1994
Simpson, Delores Margaret Newport, VT 66 5/2/1996
Simpson, Gladys Velma Pearl Glover, VT 67 10/12/1969
Sims, John Barton, VT 3/24/1888 10/14/1966
Sinon, Elizabeth Viola Barton, VT 79 4/7/1977
Sinon, Frederick William Maplewood, NJ 7/27/1889 9/5/1955
Sinon, John Dennis Albany, VT 0-0-5 12/21/1940
Sisco, Annie E. Barton, VT 83-4-1 3/23/1947
Sisco, Carrie W. Barton, VT 75-7-26 1/15/1948
Sisco, Charles E. Barton, VT 80-1-11 1/10/1928
Sisco, Don Eston Barton, VT 45-4-3 4/2/1947
Skinner, Carlos P. Orleans, VT 80-6-18 12/16/1942
Skinner, Ernest St Johnsbury, VT 93 10/21/1978
Skinner, Henry H. Barton, VT 4/20/1874 5/20/1959
Skinner, Julia M. Orleans, VT 73-11-23 1/11/1943
Skinner, Katherine M. Barton, VT 91 8/14/1975
Skinner, Minnie E. Orleans, VT 71-6-6 8/17/1938
Skinner, Preston C. Orleans, VT 80 5/15/1973
Skinner, Ralph Alexander Brownington, B2780 9/25/1882 11/17/1950
Skinner, Rusty Flint Barton, VT 2 4/12/1980
Skinner, Stacey Mindy Barton, VT 1 4/12/1980
Skinner, Wesley Barton, VT 89 1/11/1968
Slade, Gordon W. Morgan, VT 82 5/17/1986
Sleeper, Margaret East Charleston, VT 96 10/19/1978
Slicer, Chester Arthur Barton, VT 65 5/9/1974
Slicer, Yvonne Marie Barton, VT 71 4/20/1983
Smead, Elsie A. Barton, VT 83-2-24 1/24/1938
Smith, Addison Hiram Barton, VT 11/15/1882 1/17/1957
Smith, Annie Grace Bean Orleans, VT 10/15/1876 7/19/1953
Smith, Arthur L. Barton, VT 87 10/28/1983
Smith, Bertha Canaan, VT 72 7/19/1979
Smith, Carrie Belle Barton, VT 84 1/31/1968
Smith, Charles Fulton Barton, VT 80 6/11/1995
Smith, Chattie G. Orleans, VT 85-1-14 3/14/1945
Smith, Clyde Orleans, VT 2/17/1887 10/4/1949
Smith, Daniel Bennett Barton, VT 0-0-5 1/31/1941
Smith, Dealia Rash Barton, VT 80-7-28 8/26/1937
Smith, Della Coventry, VT 89 10/8/1995
Smith, Edna I. Barton, VT 74 9/29/1985
Smith, Ellen Packer West Burke, VT 73-8-2 1/22/1940
Smith, Ellison Elwood Barton, VT 57 9/11/1970
Smith, Emily B. Orleans, VT 83-2-1 9/3/1929
Smith, Ernest Johnson Orleans, VT 74-2-18 8/8/1947
Smith, Floyd C. Barton, VT 67 10/29/1970
Smith, Frances K. Orleans, VT 54 10/14/1969
Smith, Frank P. Barton, VT 79-9-22 8/6/1933
Smith, Fred J. Barton, VT 84-6-22 5/2/1936
Smith, Freda C. North Troy, VT 77 4/3/1986
Smith, Frederick Ronald Barton, VT 42 1/15/1968
Smith, Gertrude A. North Troy, VT 96 1/11/1970
Smith, Gertrude M. Orleans, VT 52-10-12 4/4/1930
Smith, Gladys Ayer Barton, VT 97 4/13/1978
Smith, Gladys Vera Barton, VT 98 12/11/2000
Smith, Glenna McDonald Barton, VT 3/20/1887 3/29/1954
Smith, Hazel S. Barton, VT 67 12/1/1972
Smith, Henry Oliver Orleans, VT 69 11/28/1974
Smith, Jennette Lewis Barton, VT 76-5-6 8/23/1943
Smith, Kathleen Harris Newport, VT 3/4/1894 3/21/1965
Smith, Kenneth H. Barton, VT 71 3/5/1983
Smith, Lucy P. Barton, VT 66 3/6/1987
Smith, Mildred D. Barton, VT 90 3/20/1985
Smith, Minnie H. North Troy, VT 88 6/1/1985
Smith, Murray Elmer East Burke, VT+B2847 5/8/1882 7/21/1956
Smith, Myrtle Irene Barton, VT 77 3/6/1971
Smith, Nellie O. Barton, VT 67-2-16 10/27/1930
Smith, Perley M. Orleans, VT 75 1/22/1986
Smith, Sarah E. Orleans, VT 12/7/1868 3/1/1953
Smith, Shawn Michael Newport, VT 19 8/24/1997
Smith, Stella T. Orleans, VT 82 10/2/1968
Smith, Thelma K. Barton, VT 71 3/1/1983
Smith, Vera E. Barton, VT 89 6/10/1988
Smith, Wallace Harran Orleans, VT 9/28/1866 1/1/1962
Snay, Eva Nault Mrs. Newport, VT 45-9-9 4/18/1933
Snay, Joseph Manuel Newport, VT 4/1/1885 4/5/1963
Snow, Mary McAdam Orleans, VT 76-11-24 11/9/1931
Sockol, Lottie Barton, VT 83 3/20/1984
Souliere, Eugene Rosaire Orleans, VT 7/23/1960 9/18/1960
Souliere, Joseph Roland Orleans, VT 64 2/17/1988
Souliere, Marie Louisa Barton, VT 90 12/7/1984
Souliere, Ovila C. Barton, VT 80 3/27/1972
Souliere, Reginald Paul Newport, VT 48 8/13/1991
Southerland, Nancy Barton, VT 82 12/11/2000
Southworth, Elbridge Lynn, MA 75-10-0 4/4/1930
Spaulding, Bernard Alvin Barton, VT 66 10/3/1996
Spencer, Barbara Ann Orleans, VT 55 3/16/1980
Spencer, Blanche Emma Evansville, VT 78 5/30/1969
Spencer, Gordon Forrest Orleans, VT 60 2/23/1980
Spiller, Alvin Barry Barton, VT 78 9/28/1974
Spiller, Elvin C. Barton, VT 72 11/3/1968
Spiller, Helen Marjorie Barton, VT 86 10/18/1992
Spiller, Mervin Alfred Barton, VT 0-0-20 2/11/1931
Spitzer, Daniel H. Barton, VT 85 5/12/1970
Spotswood, Evelyn E. Barton, VT 49 10/9/1996
Springer, Harold Bernard Orleans, VT 2/10/1906 8/20/1962
Squires, Lawrence C. Barton, VT 71 8/21/1983
Squires, Lloyd Henry Orleans, VT 67 2/11/1976
St Cyr, Alphonse Joseph Barton, VT 30-5-18 6/17/1936
St Martin, Gabriel Jos. St. Simond Orleans, VT 0-1-8 1/25/1947
St Martin, Lucille Anna-Marie-Jeanne Orleans, VT 11/15/1947 1/1/1951
St Onge, Alfred W. Barton, VT 75-11-18 12/6/1945
St Pierre, Theresa Barton, VT 1-10-14 12/20/1936
St. Amand, Arcade Orleans, VT 75 10/2/1969
St. Amand, Georgianna R. Orleans, VT 79 10/26/1972
St. Laurent, Jeanne Barton, VT 84 10/12/2001
St. Onge, Colette North Troy, VT 71 10/4/1988
St. Onge, George O., Rev. Orleans, VT 59 11/21/1970
St. Onge, Roy Joseph Barton, VT 55-10-4 6/17/1947
St. Pierre, Jean Leon Orleans, VT 79 3/13/1979
Stafford, Edwin Dennison Orleans, VT 86-3-11 12/24/1932
Stannard, Harry James Orleans, VT 69-5-11 10/13/1939
Stannard, Minnie Orleans, VT 92 5/20/1977
Stannard, Sadie Ann Rick Orleans, VT 55-2-20 2/11/1937
Ste. Marie, Roseanna Breault North Troy, VT 91 5/17/1968
Steady, Melinda Greensboro, VT 12/31/1847 12/31/1957
Stearns, Carroll Frank Orleans, VT 59-0-20 2/24/1928
Stearns, Coralea E. Orleans, VT 74-1-28 4/3/1947
Stearns, Evelyn May Orleans, VT 89 9/18/1993
Stearns, Freda Brown Orleans, VT 84 8/21/1982
Stearns, Harland Carroll Orleans, VT 89 11/23/1988
Stearns, Persis L. Orleans, VT 9/29/1895 8/5/1966
Stearns, Walter Wheelock, VT 88 1/15/1969
Stebbins, Hubert W. Hartford, VT 78 3/10/1996
Steinle, Erika H. Greenwich, CT 78 4/21/1992
Stevens, Alice Janette Orleans, VT 86-7-26 3/24/1936
Stevens, Annette I. Orleans, VT 76 3/8/1978
Stevens, Charles Alfred Barton, VT 84-1-5 10/6/1941
Stevens, Ernest Lawrence Barton, VT 80 2/25/1967
Stevens, Esther W. Island Pond, VT 88 8/23/1984
Stevens, Gael C. Barton, VT 63 4/23/1987
Stevens, George Herbert Barton, VT 86 10/7/1973
Stevens, George R. Barton, VT 77-6-22 11/14/1929
Stevens, Harley W. Barton, VT 72 10/15/1969
Stevens, Hattie Waterman Barton, VT 67-4-2 9/9/1930
Stevens, Henrietta Degoosh Barton, VT 79 10/7/1930
Stevens, Howard R., Sr. Island Pond, VT 80 3/23/1983
Stevens, Judson T. Barton, VT 57-9-5 2/6/1931
Stevens, Katherine Orleans, VT 81 1/29/1969
Stevens, Leonard Newport, VT 2/16/1890 7/24/1960
Stevens, Madeline M. Orleans, VT 71 12/2/1998
Stevens, Maybelle Lyndonville, VT 5/11/1899 8/31/1988
Stevens, Mona Barton, VT 85 9/5/1983
Stevens, Nelson Cheney Barton, VT 68-11-17 5/25/1930
Stewart, Mina Hannah Lyndon Corner, VT 8/21/1874 1/15/1961
Stewart, Peter Irasburg, VT 3/31/1868 9/25/1958
Stickles, George Edward Derby Line, VT 72 9/10/1996
Stiles, Jennie Young Barton, VT 59-10-23 7/7/1945
Stiles, Roy Garfield Barton, VT 91 6/21/1972
Stimpson, Nathan Lewis Orleans, VT 84-6-5 2/22/1927
Stockbridge, Mary Cheney Barton, VT 94 3/30/1974
Stoddard, Charles M. Barton, VT 80 6/18/1986
Stoddard, Edith Fletcher Orleans, VT 55-10-9 11/29/1937
Stoddard, Geraldine Helen Orleans, VT 4/8/1905 6/17/1954
Stone, A. Allyn Orleans, VT 15-11-8 7/18/1938
Stone, George H. Orleans, VT 48-7-10 7/1/1938
Stone, Robert Raymond Wheelock, VT 12/15/1951 12/16/1951
Storjohann, Louis Anthony Barton, VT 68 7/24/1976
Stott, Agnes Brighton, VT 5/4/1872 12/28/1960
Stowell, Emory Belser Lyndon, VT 7/4/1870 11/21/1965
Stratton, Gladys L. Barton, VT 84 10/16/1977
Strobridge, Carlena M. Barton, VT 91 11/15/1988
Sullivan, Nellie Barton, VT 79-11-7 1/31/1926
Swanson, Edmund Charles Orleans, VT 69 8/29/1976
Swanson, Edward A. Orleans, VT 75 10/6/1984
Swanson, Pearl W. Newport, VT 4/6/1907 1/6/1989
Swanson, Rita H. Barton, VT 55 12/9/1967
Sweatt, Shirley H. Barton, VT 82 1/3/1977
Sweeney, Avis I. Barton, VT 66 10/26/1987
Sweeney, Dolphis C. Barton, VT 72 8/11/1987
Sweeney, Rena Lida Barton, VT 80 2/21/2000
Sweet, Moses Bethel, VT 88 3/20/1984
Swell, Zaidee Esther Orleans, VT 1-4-15 3/15/1929
Swett, Alvah Howard Orleans, VT 49-2-29 12/5/1929
Swett, Clarence H. Orleans, VT 41-3-26 12/1/1929
Swett, Elsie E. Orleans, VT 93 10/28/1988
Swett, George Daniel Danville, VT 87 3/8/1997
Swett, Ida M. Davis Orleans, VT 75-1-30 12/11/1928
Swett, Leon E. Orleans, VT 2/26/1886 7/17/1949
Switzer, Helen Westmore, VT 77-4-16 12/31/1945
Sylvester, Althea Almedia Derby, VT 77 11/25/2001
Sylvester, Benjamin Orleans, VT 9/11/1890 10/13/1953
Sylvester, Emma Barton, VT 87-1-6 12/11/1936
Sylvester, Margaret Mary Irasburg, VT 10/9/1893 9/27/1956
Sylvester, Percy L. Orleans, VT 62 12/20/1985
Sylvester, William George Orleans, VT 7/12/1878 12/20/1964
Sypher, Bessie Adell Holland, VT 4/27/1888 8/8/1962
Tabor, Carroll Ernest Barton, VT 83 6/7/1971
Talamo, Lili Barton, VT 78 4/8/2000
Talbot, Leo J. Barton, VT 50 11/3/1973
Talbot, Roger Edward Barton, VT 74 1/9/1994
Tallman, Vera Evelyn Hyde Park, VT 84 9/6/1998
Tanguay, Emilien Newport, VT 84 10/31/1991
Tanguay, Norman Joseph Orleans, VT 10 11/26/1976
Tanguay, Tami Lynn Barton, VT 46 min 5/28/1969
Tangue, Burton F. Barton, VT 5/17/1906 12/29/1988
Taplin, Merrick Mansfield Orleans, VT 80-0-21 6/29/1931
Taplin, Susie Rogers Orleans, VT 76-1-4 12/23/1935
Tarbox, Milton Walter Orleans, VT 57 5/4/1975
Tate, Albian Almont Barton, VT 88 1/9/1993
Tate, Jennie Lillian Barton, VT 88 2/15/1999
Tatro, Edward F. Barton, VT 81 6/1/1986
Taylor, Bertha F. Wheelock, VT 6/24/1880 4/13/1955
Taylor, Collan K. East Charleston, VT 9/7/1924 1/4/1960
Taylor, Eliza Lincoln Barton, VT 81-10-11 8/25/1948
Taylor, Ezra Orleans, VT 2/26/1870 3/9/1953
Taylor, Joseph Barton, VT 8/6/1953 8/7/1953
Taylor, Lena B. Troy, VT 85 3/19/1984
Taylor, Lottie Barton, VT 82 2/19/1995
Taylor, Mary Emma Barton, VT 76 12/28/1976
Taylor, Mildred Patricia Barton, VT 77 11/23/1995
Teachout, Ella J. Montpelier, VT 76 4/15/1988
Telford, Sidney B. Derby Line, VT 9/17/1870 10/18/1956
Terrien, Christine B. Barton, VT 84 5/4/1973
Terrien, Valorous C. Barton, VT 7/15/1888 8/4/1956
Terries, Joseph Barton, VT 83-6-1 10/15/1939
Tessier, Albert Barton, VT 12/1/1902 10/24/1951
Tessier, Leo R. Barton, VT 40 6/19/1987
Tessier, Lucien M. Barton, VT 77 8/16/1988
Tessier, Mary Louise Barton, VT 12/4/1871 7/6/1952
Tetreault, Marie F. West Glover, VT 83 11/21/1971
Tetreault, Pierre Arthur Barton, VT 12/1/1883 10/27/1963
Therrien, Paul H. Orleans, VT 55 12/19/1981
Thomas, Emma Florence Newport, VT 3/11/1916 4/15/1989
Thomas, Robert E. Orleans, VT 63 2/13/1985
Thompson, Allen Orleans, VT 76-7-14 3/26/1932
Thompson, Clara Barton, VT 64-4-14 4/17/1930
Thompson, Dean Newport, VT 7/20/1912 11/13/1989
Thompson, Dorothy B. Barton, VT 73 7/8/1993
Thompson, Earl Walter Peacham, VT 88 12/1/1968
Thompson, Frank A. Orleans, VT 73 1/22/1973
Thompson, Frank Dutton Barton, VT 64-2-3 6/12/1940
Thompson, John Orrin Orleans, VT 69-2-11 8/17/1932
Thompson, Mabel Miles Barton, VT 65-1-22 10/30/1940
Thompson, Roland Fred Orleans, VT 63 12/12/1991
Thompson, Thomas Earl Orleans, VT 66 2/24/1981
Thompson, Warner E. Orleans, VT 66 6/24/1985
Thompson, William Joseph Orleans, VT 12/31/1878 1/14/1949
Thornton, Lewis Edward Westmore, VT 88 7/24/1997
Thorp, Herbert Clarence Joseph Shelburne, VT 60 5/8/1979
Thurston, Jennie Gertrude Burke, VT 11/4/1868 10/3/1952
Tibbetts, Ervie Crawford North Troy, VT 85 8/12/1968
Tibbitts, Albert Henry Barton, VT 87-7-25 6/21/1930
Tierney, James H. Brighton, VT 3/7/1884 5/20/1957
Tift, Cordelia Pauline Orleans, VT   1930
Tillotson, Edith Grace Potter Lowell, VT 68-5-6 11/25/1937
Tillotson, Marion A. Elmore, VT 92-3-10 10/22/1927
Timm, Lorraine Ruth Montgomery Ctr., VT 75 4/17/1992
Tinker, Allyn Rolfe Orleans, VT 33 6/9/1972
Tinker, Clara Barton, VT 8/25/1872 9/15/1952
Tinker, Otis Everett Orleans, VT 1/31/1890 9/26/1951
Tinker, Richard Glen Barton, VT 67 4/18/1996
Todd, LeRoy Theodore Barton, VT 67 9/30/1973
Tomlinson, Marie Frances Barton, VT 70 9/18/1995
Toombs, Marjorie Mary Lyndonville, VT 79 8/18/2001
Tougas, Rance Robert Orleans, VT 20 min 3/4/1968
Towne, Richard Barnes Barton, VT 75 1/7/1999
Townsend, Charles Edward Barton, VT 68-3-6 10/8/1935
Tracy, Albert Edgar Barton, VT 83-10-28 4/24/1942
Tracy, Stella Ann Benoit Orleans, VT 66-2-8 3/11/1931
Tracy, Vera Carpenter Orleans, VT 31-6-19 7/4/1931
Trefethen, Loren L. Barton, VT 69 1/16/1987
Trembley, Carrie Ellen Danville, VT 76 11/15/1995
Trenholme, Edward Norman Barton, VT 55-2-4 1/8/1932
Trenholme, Robert Benedict Barton, VT 0-1-25 1/18/1927
Trescott, Henry Hyde Park, VT 8/16/1890 12/8/1954
Trescott, Nettie E. Barton, VT 63-10-9 3/2/1928
Trevits, Marion S. Barton, VT 71 3/22/1987
Tribul, Anthony John Orleans, VT 75 1/19/1994
Tripp, Frank Orleans, VT 72 10/2/1929
Tripp, Mary Ellen Barton, VT 54 3/13/1978
Tripp, Susie Gray Lyndonville, VT 10/6/1876 12/29/1957
Trotier, Leopold Ernest Orleans, VT 96 3/19/1978
Trotier, Maurice Andre Orleans, VT 0-1-20 6/2/1933
Trucott, Donald George Barton, VT 41 1/5/1994
Trudeau, Florence Coventry, VT 10/11/1884 1/8/1964
Tucker, Alvaro Benjamin Orleans, VT 72-5-15 6/14/1936
Tulip, Lewis Percy Orleans, VT 3-9-28 11/14/1927
Turcotte, Zoel Joseph North Troy, VT 76 1/9/1968
Turgeon, Hazel Willoughby, VT 0 4/26/1937
Turgeon, Jane Willoughby, VT 0 4/26/1937
Turnbull, Beatrice Laura Orleans, VT 45-10-26 4/8/1943
Turnbull, Leon D. Orleans, VT 42-3-27 12/21/1934
Turner, Frank Harry Barton, VT 3/24/1924 7/14/1989
Tweed, Goldie Woodward Newport, VT 1/27/1888 4/10/1966
Twombly, Lydia Adella Barton, VT 64-10-17 4/21/1926
Twombly, William C. Orleans, VT 97-9-3 5/11/1948
Underwood, Alexander Perkins Barton, VT 80-8-12 1/12/1934
Underwood, Alice Coe Barton, VT 78-3-1 10/15/1940
Urie, Armour L. Barton, VT 54-2-1 3/26/1942
Urie, Belle Gertrude Barton, VT 77 1/9/1972
Urie, Ernest James Barton, VT 91 2/9/1986
Urie, George H. Barton, VT 70-2-8 7/2/1937
Urie, John Park Barton, VT 79-11-8 12/21/1941
Utterback, Grace Louise Barton, VT 89 12/3/1999
Uttin, Arthura Abbie Barton, VT 63 4/28/1993
Uttin, Artie R. Barton, VT 1/15/1877 4/17/1956
Uttin, Beulah Arzilie Barton, VT 58 7/18/1990
Utton, Ernestine Willson Barton, VT 77 12/21/1971
Utton, Esther Orleans, VT 74 7/9/1985
Utton, Robert Campbell Orleans, VT 77 4/10/1990
Vachon, Rosina Barton, VT 94 5/18/1969
Vadnais, William J. North Troy, VT 64 5/2/1986
Vallee, Cordelia Mrs. Barton, VT 90-5-0 3/22/1945
Vallee, Israel N. Barton, VT 5/25/1869 3/4/1951
Valley, (Unnamed) Barton, VT 0 2/4/1934
Valley, Adolphus J. Barton, VT 7/9/1893 4/19/1956
Valley, Adolphus Oliver Barton, VT 71-5-7 7/2/1945
Valley, Aurore I. Barton, VT 2/4/1897 5/24/1960
Valley, Catherine Barton, VT 59-9-14 3/28/1939
Valley, Edgar Joseph Barton, VT 88 4/3/1973
Valley, Edith Duby Barton, VT 9/15/1882 10/6/1952
Valley, Euphemia Nault Barton, VT 85-0-4 11/5/1945
Valley, Geneva Dorothy Barton, VT 84 7/21/1996
Valley, Joseph Barton, VT 0 5/25/1927
Valley, Joseph A Barton, VT 78-6-22 2/8/1938
Valley, Lawrence Randall Barton, VT 50 9/13/1981
Valley, Leon Edgar Barton, VT 65 2/9/1974
Valley, Mary Georgia Barton, VT 2/1/1888 12/28/1952
Valley, Perley J. Orleans, VT 69 1/20/1970
Valley, Ralph Woodrow Barton, VT 20-2-26 12/10/1935
Valley, Richard Dean Westmore, VT 0-0-2 6/18/1945
Valley, Roger Raymond Barton, VT 60 5/17/1993
Valley, Rosabel May Barton, VT 9/12/1905 10/6/1963
Valley, Rosalie Miss Barton, VT 81-10-20 9/30/1934
Valley, Rosanna Mary Barton, VT 62-7-6 4/24/1946
Valley, Therese Barton, VT 0-0-2 11/3/1939
Valois, Felix Barton, VT 83 4/24/1980
Valois, Laurence Florence Barton, VT 79 6/26/1967
Vance, Earl A. South Albany, VT 95 4/18/1985
Vance, Orlo C. Barton, VT 76 1/4/1970
Vanier, Earl Emerson Orleans, VT 54 6/12/1979
Veilleux, Charles E. Barton, VT 5/24/1892 3/15/1957
Veit, Mildred Amelia Barton, VT 88 12/18/1990
Veit, Robert C. Barton, VT 93 6/1/1997
Verge, Albert Elee Barton, VT 8/9/1916 12/25/1989
Verge, Cecile M. Coventry, VT 81 4/14/1994
Verge, Wilfred Clarence North Troy, VT 70 6/11/1990
Vezina, Alice Marie Orleans, VT 74 11/15/1980
Vezina, Alma M. Barton, VT 83 9/23/1988
Vezina, Armi Ernest Barton, VT 78 12/10/1990
Vezina, Arthur A. Orleans, VT 85 10/24/1986
Vezina, Beatrice Jane Barton, VT 75 10/6/1995
Vezina, Leo H. Barton, VT 82 1/30/1987
Vezina, Paul Henry Orleans, VT 6-2-5 10/26/1939
Vigario, Margaret Elizabeth Barton, VT 9/22/1916 11/29/1964
Vigneau, Eugene M. Orleans, VT 84 9/15/1967
Vinton, Alice Barton, VT 87 1/21/1996
Vinton, Henry Harry Coventry, VT 88 7/11/1980
Wadleigh, Emma V. Barton, VT 69-6-27 11/21/1930
Wagner, Eleanor O'Brien Barton, VT 69 8/30/1969
Wahl, Jennie Mary Butterfield Barton, VT 71-10-7 8/2/1940
Wakefield, John Stephen Orleans, VT 11/11/1949 2/3/1958
Wakeman, Alice Leona Bailey Barton, VT 65-9-1 10/8/1935
Wakeman, Hugh Barton, VT 64 6/20/1973
Walcott, Marjorie Mary Barton, VT 89 4/10/1992
Walker, Blanche Newport, VT 82 3/24/1990
Walker, Edward E. Orleans, VT 8/26/1867 5/9/1950
Walker, Fred B. Glover, VT 9/4/1902 8/11/1959
Walker, Preston A. Barton, VT 54 9/11/1999
Walker, Rose Mary Barton, VT 60 2/3/1981
Walker, Sadie Orleans, VT 87 12/21/1977
Wallace, Albert W. Barton, VT 77 7/22/1998
Wallace, Tawja Jo Orleans, VT 1 5/6/1971
Waller, Fletcher C. Barton, VT 71 4/5/1983
Walsh, Donald Joseph Barton, VT 72 6/3/1995
Walter, John O., Jr. Barton, VT 75 12/26/1986
Walton, Rose Orleans, VT 85 10/26/1983
Walton, Stanley Orleans, VT 69 9/20/1986
Ward, Caroline C. Barton, VT 62 9/13/1980
Ward, Clinton C. Barton, VT 67 9/18/1977
Ward, Grace Bessie Sutton, VT 86 1/30/1997
Ware, Lucy Amanda Orleans, VT 12/6/1872 12/3/1966
Warner, Elma May Barton, VT 4/30/1872 7/27/1950
Warner, Newell D. North Troy, VT 93 8/29/1999
Warner, Urban Francis Orleans, VT 10/1/1894 4/22/1949
Warner, Vernonica M. Orleans, VT 69 10/28/1996
Waterman, Albion Edgar Orleans, VT 65 1/11/1980
Waterman, Catherine Kimball Barton, VT 53-5-25 12/17/1937
Waterman, Ella Farona Barton, VT 8/31/1874 11/26/1950
Waterman, Frank Barton, VT 68 6/24/1935
Waterman, Joseph E. Barton, VT 77-7-4 10/28/1929
Waterman, Nora L. Orleans, VT 1/12/1862 3/21/1950
Waterman, Winifred Mosher Orleans, VT 80 7/15/1975
Watson, Sophia Hunt Barton, VT 94-11-29 1/27/1937
Watts, Lillian C. Troy, VT 89 8/19/1985
Webster, Charles Franklin Barton, VT 84-1-25 6/8/1931
Webster, Ellen Barton, VT 89-9-5 4/4/1942
Webster, Emily Barton, VT 87-9-29 10/14/1933
Webster, Esther S. Irasburg, VT 89 9/22/1994
Webster, Ferol Alberta Irasburg, VT 92 2/9/1990
Webster, George Washington Orleans, VT 3/24/1871 12/30/1954
Webster, Henry William Duxbury, VT 92 2/26/1981
Webster, Jennie Alice Orleans, VT 69-6-7 5/26/1932
Webster, Julia Anna Orleans, VT 83-10-0 2/17/1947
Webster, Marjorie Glover, B3174 9/29/1905 6/10/1989
Webster, Melba Smith Barton, VT 61 5/28/1978
Webster, Ray P., Jr. Barton, VT 69 8/29/1986
Webster, Theresa Ann Orleans, VT 68-10-9 6/8/1938
Webster, Vera M. Barton, VT 56-4-25 5/27/1936
Webster. Henry S. Orleans, VT 86-7-22 8/3/1945
Wedge, Glenn H. Orleans, VT 69 11/15/1971
Wedge, Nettie Louise Orleans, VT 76-7-1 2/13/1944
Weed, Elsie Harriet Orleans, VT 83 2/10/1977
Weed, William E. Orleans, VT 66 8/13/1971
Weeks, Dorothy Meta Northfield Falls, VT 66 12/7/1971
Welch, Edna C. Burke, VT 83 12/16/1980
Welch, Pauline Isabel Barton, VT 99 8/16/2000
Wells, Arthur Eugene Orleans, VT 81 12/8/1992
Wells, Charles J. Derby Line, VT 82 12/9/1987
Wells, Edward G. Orleans, VT 75-8-16 12/11/1938
Wells, Eliza Hancock Orleans, VT 70-3-13 12/13/1927
Wells, Erwin O. Orleans, VT 83-7-19 1/6/1941
Wells, Heman Joseph Orleans, VT 90 5/4/1970
Wells, Henry Harry Orleans, VT 35-10-7 2/2/1929
Wells, Lena M. Orleans, VT 93 10/6/1972
Wells, Mattie Louella Barton, VT 95 6/10/1996
Wells, Mercy A. Orleans, VT 38-10-15 2/2/1928
Wells, Pearlie Hazen Irasburg, VT 79 3/11/1977
Wells, Robert Orleans, VT 16-2-10 10/18/1931
Wells, Robert Moore Orleans, VT 54-5-13 7/11/1932
Werst, Winifred M. Newport, VT 12/18/1903 7/15/1989
Wessell, Arthur Lewis Barton, VT 1/7/1875 1/18/1959
West, John Macgregor Irasburg, VT 84 3/1/1996
Weston, Esther St Johnsbury Ctr., VT 90 10/9/1987
Wharton, Mabel Q. Barton, VT 89 6/30/2001
Wheeler, Beatrice Mae Orleans, VT 84 8/18/1982
Wheeler, Claude Barton, VT 74 7/10/1973
Wheeler, Dorothy H. Barton, VT 79 3/6/1977
Wheeler, Elwin H. Orleans, VT 12/5/1875 12/3/1951
Wheeler, Esther F. Barton, VT 18-10-30 3/28/1926
Wheeler, Ethel Ardele Orleans, VT 91 10/16/1967
Wheeler, Ethel Luna Orleans, VT 72 12/23/1969
Wheeler, Evelyn Ellen Holland, VT 83 10/25/1990
Wheeler, Frances B. Glover, VT 91 4/26/1994
Wheeler, George E. Orleans, VT 78-6-2 8/5/1929
Wheeler, Minnie Emily Sprague Orleans, VT 75 4/6/1968
Wheeler, Perry Berry Orleans, VT 74 7/13/1976
Wheeler, Philip G. Lyndonville, VT 49 7/17/1980
Wheeler, Royce F. Westmore, VT 74 10/15/1984
Wheeler, Vern Orleans, VT 89 2/12/1973
Wheeler, Warren S. Orleans, VT 70 8/16/1969
Wheelock, Lillian M. North Troy, VT 1/19/1866 2/9/1959
Whipple, Harvey M. Orleans, VT 64-6-22 4/29/1927
Whitcher, Frederick S. Barton, VT 71-9-25 3/1/1939
Whitcomb, Gertrude Beatrice Barton, VT 80 6/25/1977
Whitcomb, Ralph Gordon Barton, VT 5/31/1892 10/20/1965
White, Ada Barton, VT 11/24/1870 8/31/1958
White, Andrew Russell Barton, VT 61 4/14/1967
White, Annie Majora Tillotson Barton, VT 94 12/17/1998
White, Dana J. Barton, VT 79-9-9 1/12/1943
White, Edward James Barton, VT 77-6-18 1/28/1942
White, Emma Nault Barton, VT 71-7-20 4/2/1943
White, Frances F. Barton, VT 80-7-26 10/6/1929
White, Grant Barton, VT 65-8-21 8/1/1934
White, Leona Barton, VT 63 9/2/1994
White, Melvina Lina Barton, VT 59 6/12/1970
White, Orra Austin Barton, VT 89-9-21 9/8/1929
White, Orra M. Middlesex, VT 10/20/1873 4/15/1953
White, Orra W. Barton, VT 76 3/16/1999
White, Raymond Cecil Barton, VT 68 4/25/1982
White, Shirley Eva Orleans, VT 63 7/28/1976
White, William L. Barton, VT 76-10-6 10/16/1942
Whitehill, Alona Hardwick, VT 84 9/5/1983
Whitehill, Grace Elfrieda Barton, VT 95 5/8/1996
Whitehill, Laura Brownington, VT 90 2/10/1976
Whitehill, Lucien Joel Morgan, VT 98 5/5/1996
Whitehill, Raymond M. Hardwick, VT 86 10/25/1982
Whiting, Albert Henry Orleans, VT 83-10-18 6/29/1934
Whiting, Dora Agusta Orleans, VT 5/7/1886 12/8/1951
Whiting, Henry Orleans, VT 5/18/1882 2/20/1966
Whiting, Hilda Mae Orleans, VT 13-7-24 6/16/1934
Whiting, Lona Melissa Norton Orleans, VT 10/5/1890 1/30/1965
Whiting, Timothy Milton Orleans, VT 3/19/1956 7/20/1962
Whiting, Vera M. Orleans, VT 81 11/19/2001
Whiting, Violet E. Orleans, VT 85 8/5/1992
Whitney, Lee Charles Barton, VT 0-2-0 7/17/1944
Whittemore, Emma Moulton Washington, VT+B3237 79-6-0 1/24/1935
Whittemore, Margaret Barton, VT 93 7/31/1993
Whittemore, Phyllis A. Barton, VT 87 12/9/1999
Wiggin, Jane M. Orleans, VT 88-0-15 2/16/1935
Wilbur, Pauline Wells Mrs. Barton, VT 83-9-22 7/15/1935
Wilcox, Florence May Orleans, VT 79 11/21/2001
Wilcox, Kenwood Coventry, VT 79 11/25/1994
Wilcox, Ray A. Orleans, VT 47-10-20 8/11/1934
Wilcox, Wendell Richard, Jr. Orleans, VT 51 10/23/2000
Wild, David Baker Barton, VT 85 5/2/1980
Wild, Grace P. Barton, VT 74 6/23/1982
Wilder, Horace Orleans, VT 63-8-3 11/4/1930
Wilkie, Celia A. Graveline Barton, VT 75-5-15 12/23/1927
Wilkie, Edwin Charles Barton, VT 81-4-21 7/27/1938
Wilkie, Flora Edith Orleans, VT 63-8-1 12/15/1928
Wilkie, Joanna Gerry Barton, VT 4/15/1858 8/22/1951
Willard, Hazel Jennie Barton, VT 95 4/26/1992
Willey, Clyde C. Orleans, VT 64-1-21 5/5/1946
Willey, Effie L. Barton, VT 11/28/1879 1/16/1959
Willey, Floyd Barton, VT 84 1/13/1988
Willey, Frank Irasburg, B3257, V 12/3/1869 7/15/1950
Willey, George H. Barton, VT 86 5/5/1973
Willey, Geraldine Avis Barton, VT 83 11/16/1993
Willey, Hazel Ann Orleans, VT 10/6/1888 4/3/1952
Willey, Kenneth Twombly Orleans, VT 16-6-17 11/2/1933
Willey, Lydia Orleans, VT 86-10-7 9/16/1930
Willey, Olive A. Barton, VT 81 7/18/1983
Willey, Olive J. Barton, VT 67 3/12/1971
Willey, Reginald E. Barton, VT 88 12/28/2000
Willey, Verne Lewis Barton, VT 0 3/15/1940
Willey, Vernon Lawson Barton, VT 79 6/18/1981
Williams, Alexander W. Barton, VT 84-11-24 6/19/1938
Williams, Fred R. Albany, VT 75 9/10/1969
Williams, Geraldine Mae Orleans, VT 55 8/7/1970
Williams, Joseph E. Orleans, VT 83 2/5/1968
Williams, Laura Paquette Orleans, VT 4/24/1896 12/19/1956
Williams, Wilma R. Barton, VT 90-0-11 4/2/1947
Williamson, Sarah H. Barton, VT 8/23/1864 5/14/1949
Willis, Aldin E. Barton, VT 82-11-19 3/15/1934
Willis, Brianna Morgan Barton, VT 7 12/5/1998
Willis, Geneva Mae Barton, VT 5/2/1907 10/21/1989
Willis, Jayne J. Barton, VT 86 11/24/1973
Willis, Melvin Barton, VT 87 3/29/1977
Willis, Michael Timothy Barton, VT 3 12/5/1998
Willson, Della Barton, VT 72-6-25 9/8/1933
Wilson, Annie Lee Derby, VT 3/30/1877 2/25/1962
Wilson, Herbert C. Orleans, VT 74-3-2 8/10/1947
Wilson, Lula B. Barton, VT 11/28/1881 6/10/1958
Wilson, Mabel Barton, VT 73 2/7/1982
Wilson, Minnie Orleans, VT 88 5/12/1968
Wing, Gordon F. Orleans, VT 46-7-9 9/29/1935
Wing, Mae Edna West Charleston, VT 11/3/1884 4/30/1959
Winget, Ethel Avis Orleans, VT 79 3/16/1970
Winget, John B. Orleans, VT 65-9-11 3/31/1934
Winget, Ruth Cordelia Barton, VT 87 4/16/1991
Witt, Dorothy  Orleans, VT 20-11-29 8/17/1929
Wolcott, Grace N. E. Charleston, VT 79 1/27/1982
Wolfgram, Richard Allen Barton, VT 46 3/27/1974
Wood, Maud Johnson Orleans, VT 6/16/1875 12/19/1951
Wood, Musette Maud Barton, VT 1/14/1874 1/17/1958
Woodard, (Unnamed) Barton, VT 0 3/28/1937
Woodard, Charles L. Barton, VT 56 6/5/1970
Woodard, Harriet Dora Barton, VT 79-3-29 9/18/1945
Woodard, Jennie Coventry, VT 80-0-21 10/7/1948
Woodard, Lemuel Rankin Barton, VT 70-1-2 3/3/1937
Woodard, Ned Dwight Barton, VT 5/27/1904 3/25/1965
Woodard, Viola Matilda Westmore, VT 62-11-28 6/19/1934
Woodbury, Milo Irasburg, VT 1/12/1877 11/25/1950
Woodward, Darrel Garth Barton, VT 11/28/1949 2/1/1952
Woodward, Dorothy D. Glover, VT 88 9/28/1985
Worth, M. Elise Brighton, VT 87 5/9/2000
Wright, Annie Barton, VT 59-5-29 5/8/1936
Wright, Carroll Lester Barton, VT 75 5/2/1970
Wright, Charles F. Albany, VT 81-1-1 12/28/1947
Wright, Elmer Glover, VT 9/29/1868 10/3/1955
Wright, Elwin E. Orleans, VT 3/18/1862 10/4/1952
Wright, Emma G. Orleans, VT 71-8-16 6/1/1946
Wright, Ira Walter Westfield, VT 5/19/1861 1/11/1964
Wright, Joel Fitz Orleans, VT 85-11-28 10/12/1931
Wright, Lucy E. Barton, VT 80-11-6 9/4/1929
Wright, Mabel B. Barton, VT 8/23/1871 4/23/1949
Wright, Margaret M. Orleans, VT 78 8/10/1984
Wright, Nettie Ella Barton, VT 62-1-8 5/8/1935
Wright, Ross Theodore Barton, VT 77 4/16/1979
Wright, Susie E. Morgan, VT 95 7/15/1983
Wright, Wayne Delno Orleans, VT 61 7/6/1992
Wright, Willard Miles Barton, VT 1868 5/3/1954
Wynn, Robert Duncan Jr. Barton, VT 70 11/14/2001
Yaddow, Alice Nora Orleans, VT 79 9/17/1996
Yankson, Ethel Barton, VT 69 1/29/1991
Yaw, Lucy Hyde Park, VT 83-9-8 1/31/1942
Young, Agnes D. Glover, VT 69 9/26/1991
Young, Archie Barton, VT 86 3/1/1972
Young, Charles Joseph Barton, VT 78 8/20/1979
Young, Elaine Porter Barton, VT 60 1/23/1981
Young, Florence Lucy Glover, VT 82 9/2/1984
Young, Irma L. Island Pond, VT 76 10/3/2001
Young, Louis Barton, VT 85 11/9/1977
Young, Mabel Edith Barton, VT 70-11-27 5/19/1947
Young, Mabel Wilkie Barton, VT 76 10/19/1975
Zagorodni, Olga Orleans, VT 92 12/7/2000

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