Saint Johnsbury Trade School
Listing of students with nicknames & pictures
Academic Year Ending June 1956
Saint Johnsbury, Caledonia Co., Vermont

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St. Johnsbury, Vt Genealogy
St. Johnsbury, Vt

Saint Johnsbury Trade School
Copied from Trade Winds year book
click on a name to see their class picture
School Board
Dr. William H. Robinson, Ch Hazel Wright
Dorothy C. Cramton, Clerk B. Clark Johnson
Edwin Lenton Frank R. Adams, Supt. Of Schools
Mr. Lewis J. Streeter Principal Math 3-4, Civics Mr. Gordon G. Woods Mechanical Drawing and Drafting
Mrs. Cecille M. Carlson Vice Principal English 1, 2, 3, 4 Mr. Harold D. McBride General Shop
Mr. William E. Anderson Radio & Electricity Mr. Ethan A. R. Ladd Automotive
Mr. Alfred E. Burrows Machine Shop Mr. Thomas R. Ingram Math 2, General Science History, Coach
Mr. Herbert C. Wormwood Building Trades Mr. Edward A. O'Bryan Math 1, Physics, Social Problems, Physical Ed., Coach
Class of 1956
Allard, Walter Grover "Brother Allard" Leclerc, Charles Ernest "Charles"
Benoit, Alan Richard "Big Al" Lewis, Donald Marshall "Don"
Brown, Rodney Wayne "Rod" Levesque, Leopaul Charles "Leo"
Burke, Robert David "Trigger Burke" Lillicrap, James Jethro "Jim"
Coburn, Larry Watson "Larry" Mulliken, Bernard Merle "Bernie"
Coryea, Peter Francis "Pete" Perkins, Marvin Hill "Perky"
Delaney, Carroll Franklin "Carroll" Perry, Carlton Edmond "Kelly"
Derosier, Roland Eugene "Pete" Potter, Kenneth Wilson "Ken"
Donna, Robert Joseph "Doan" Quimby, Bruce Michael "Bruce"
Dwinell, Richard Dale "Scratch" Reed, Walter Ed "Bud"
Easter, Donald Francis "Luke" Robinson, Henry Bancroft "Hank"
Gammell, Richard Charles "Dick" Taylor, Norman Charles "Dead Eye"
Guyer, Leo Herbert "Hotrod" Tillson, Dow Leonard "Tilly"
Hatch, Howard Samuel "Handsome" Trush, Paul Nickolas "Paul"
Kenyon, Richard Andrew "Dick" Wheeler, Stanley George "Stan"

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Last edited on May 23, 2005