The Saint Johnsbury Academy
List of Students 1934-1938
From the 1935 Yearbook
Alumni Notes - Class of 1919, 1924, 1931-34
Saint Johnsbury, Caledonia Co., Vermont

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St. Johnsbury, Vt

Saint Johnsbury Academy
Copied from the 1935 Academy Student.
Commencement, May and February Issues.
An Old New England Academy
St. Johnsbury Academy was founded in 1842 by three brothers, Erastus, Thaddeus, and Joseph P. Fairbanks. For forty years they provided buildings, equipment, and arrears of expenses. Then they established an endowment. The aim of the founders was to secure for boys and girls high mental discipline and the development of a sound and wholesome character. "It is intended," said the founders, "to make the course of study pursued in the school a means of thorough intellectual discipline--such discipline as will develop the capacities of the student, and make him acquainted with himself. Such training can only be accomplished by a continued and systematic course of study, in which whatever is undertaken shall be thoroughly investigated and understood before it is dismissed." When the school was founded the enrollment was twenty-three pupils. The maximum number of four hundred and forty-five students was reached this year. (1935)
A Picture of the Founders (click here) Joseph, Thaddeus, and Erastus
James Kelsey Colby (1842-1866) First Principal
Class Picture
Baseball Team
Track Team
Editorial Board
Winter Sports Team
The Spirit of St. Johnsbury Academy
From its foundation the Academy has always emphasized character and scholarship. Two other goals are kept steadily in mind. One is to improve health through athletic sports and physical training and the other is to help boys and girls by guidance and self-direction, to learn to adjust themselves happily and usefully in their relations with other people.
When its founders designed and established an Academic Institution for “a thorough and systematic mental training, united with a correct moral and religious culture,” it was further specified that it should be “for the youth of both sexes”; time has repeatedly proved the wisdom of this course; to attend school together is natural and sensible for normal boys and girls; more and more in business and social life are men and women meeting and working together on a basis of fellowship and equality; it is well to have their school life under similar circumstances; each sex is helpful to the other under right conditions and with adequate guidance. While both boys and girls have separate sports and special activities, all meet together in school work and various social activities, and are thereby better mannered, and better prepared for the duties of adult life. St. Johnsbury Academy affords an opportunity for brothers and sisters to attend the same school.
Perley F. Hazen St. Johnsbury  
Joseph Fairbanks, President Washington, D.C.  
Frank E. Farmer, Vice-President St. Johnsbury  
Arthur Fairbanks Hanover, N.H.  
Charles W. Steele St. Johnsbury  
James P. Richardson Hanover, N.H.  
Charles A. Shields St. Johnsbury  
Henry J. Fuller New York City, N.Y.  
Walter E. Jones Waitsfield  
H. Philip Patey Boston, Mass  
Jonas H. Brooks St. Johnsbury  
George Hinman, Treasurer St. Johnsbury  
Elwin A. Silsby, Secretary St. Johnsbury  
Walter W. May Concord, N.H.  
Alfred H. Bousfield Brooklyn, N.Y.  
Dale S. Atwood St. Johnsbury  
Faculty Other Officials
Stanley R. Oldham, Principal (English) Edward Baldwin Farmer (Mathematics) Mrs. Fred R. Furbush (Matron of Charlotte Fairbanks Cottage)
Carl Herman Ranger, Asst. Principal (Science) Marguerite Gertrude Hills (Secretarial Subjects) Mrs. Harvey E. Johnston (Matron of Brantview)
Mary Hanson Bailey, Dean of Girls (History) Newell Dean Rowe (English, Social Sciences, Athletics) Samuel James Somerville (Janitor)
Agnes Walbridge Carter (Secretarial Subjects) Lloyd Eugene Batchelder (Director of Physical Education, Science) Ernest Eager (Janitor)
Winifred Gladys Ellis (English) Fredrika Alexander Burrows (Social Studies, Physical Education) George Stearns (Custodian at Brantview)
Bertha Octavia Stilson (Latin) Jean Stanley Goodrich (Orchestra)  
Isabel Mae Willey (Mathematics, Athletics) John Lincoln Steele (Vocational Guidance)  
Mary Catherine Root (Science) Alfred W. Hubbard (Social Studies)  
Annie Page Stevenson (Music) Mrs. Bernette Trafton (Home Economics)  
Bernard Kalijarvi (Social Sciences, Athletics) Mr. G. Maynard Trafton (Mechanical Drawing)  
Rosa Yeranian (French) Annabelle Leicht (Band)  
Margaret Audrey Estes (English, Dramatics) Ernestine May Brown (Secretary)  
Hester Grover (English, Athletics)    
Alumni Co-operating Committee
Calvin E. Brown St. Johnsbury Term expires June 1935
Dale S. Atwood St. Johnsbury Term expires June 1936
Students 1934-1935
Post Graduates
Aiken, Paul Miner Coombs, Rita Frances (#8) Roy, Ralph Lucien
Baldwin, Willard Homer (#6) (#9) Exley, Karlene Taplin, Robert Goodrich
Bedard, Robert William Johnson, Maurice James Tillotson, Henry Lottimer
Bell, William Ralph McKenzie, Melvin Almon (#10)  
Class of 1935 (Seniors)
Banks, Dolly Walsh Harrington, Alice Betsy (#7) Perkins, June Beulah
Beck, Esther Augusta (#6) (#9) Healey, Alice Esther Pierce, Louis (#7) (#10)
Bigelow, Ruth Annis (#2) (#6) (#9) Horton, Charles Henry, Jr. (#7) Priest, Alfretta Lois (#2) (#7)
Boucher, Eugene Raymond (#6) (#9) Hoye, Catherine Margaret "Kay" (#10) Rattigan, Frances Margaret
Burns, Robert Wesley Johnson, Raymond Thompson "Red" (#10) Renfrew, Clinton Alexander
Butler, George Julian "Julie" LeBlanc, Beatrice Cordelia "Bea" (#7) (#10) Revoir, Ameta Mary (#10)
Carpenter, Irving Francis, Jr. (#7) Lynaugh, Flossie May (#9) Rogers, Edward Jackson "Jack"
Carpenter, Roger Wentworth Marshall, Grace Ruth (#10) Sherrer, Paul Leon (#6)
Cowling, Dorothy Elizabeth (#6) (#9) McGill, Marion Diana Spader, Stoddard Greenwood (#6) (#10)
Cuthbertson, Hugh Ephraim McGill, Merton Crawford "Philo" Spader, Vanderbilt Reginald (#3) (#7) (#10)
Delaney, Kathleen Marie McGinity, Edward James "Eddie" Swan, James Boynton
Dolgin, Arnold Lewis McGuire, Thomas Carroll "Tom" Swett, Alpa Louise
Drew, Arlene Clara (#7) McLean, Gordon Kerr Ward, Maxine Haynes (#7)
Dubuque, Virginia Delvina Celia Montgomery Ward, Sheila Rosemary (#10)
Farnham, Helena Margaret McRae, Nelson Chesley (#2) (#6) (#10) Wheelock, Evelyn Ruth (#6) (#9)
Fournier, Oliva Eugene Murphy, Harold Albert (#10) White, Elizabeth Sarah
Goldstein, Arnold Lewis Parker, Clayton Osborn "Clayt" (#10) Willard, Merriman Daniel
Goodrich, Claudia (#3) (#6) (#8) Peake, Marjorie Rose (#6) (#10) Yantz, Hilda Catherine
  Penniman, Howard Francis "Penn" Young, Philip Cleland (#6)
Class of 1936 (Juniors)
Anderson, Leslie Edmund "Les" (&&) (#7) (#10) Hagan, George Michael Rivers, Carlisle Wilbur
Aron, Rose Ruth "Rosie" (&&) Hawkins, Lottie Isabell (&&) Roberts, Doris Helen
Atwood, Norman Roundy (#4) Healey, Emily Augusta (#6) (#10) Roy, Fleurette Emma
Bahrt, Albert Edgar (#3) (#6) (#10) Higgins, Dorothy Lee Roy, Woodrow Wilson
Bailey, Stanley Russell "Stan" (&&) Hildreth, Donald Vail Safford, Ida Mae
Benoit, Louis Paul Hill, Francis Anthony (#7) Sanborn, Anna Luella (#10)
Black, Donald John Hooper, Gordon Everett Smith, Kathleen Margaret (#3) (#6) (#8)
Blodgett, Aileen Gertrude (#7) Howland, Norma Irene (#6) Sprague, Margaret Elizabeth
Blodgett, Barbara Katherine Hudon, Ronald Eugene Stanton, Harriette Marie (#7) (#10)
Bovee, Donald Ernest Irwin, Mildred Louis Stell, Dorothy Ethel
Brock, Helen Simpson (&&) Jenne, Ruth Elizabeth (#7) (#10) Stevens, Marjorie Isabell (#7)
Brough, Edward Elliott Kearney, Ruth Eleanor Stiles, Faye
Brown, Elsinore Lucile (&&) Kilburn, Dorothy Jane Stuart, Homer Howland
Brown, Joseph Edward (#3) (#6) (#9) Kipp, Ralph Slayton Sylvester, Priscilla Ardeline
Canning, Maxine Beryl Ladd, Wilma Arlene Tilden. Anna Ethelyn (#7)
Castonguay, Lucille Ernestine (&&) Lindsley, Lillian Abbott Towers, Frank Winchester
Chase, Arthur Elmore Lumbra, Marion Louise Tripp, William Frederick
Chase, Ralph Fisher MacDowell, Donald Tripp, Verona Mertie
Clifford, Bruce Wendell (&&) Mac Donald, Randall Angus Turner, Reginald Wilfred, Jr.
Conly, Ralph Armstrong (#3) (#10) MacIver, Mildred Sarah Veilleux, Loretta Diana
Cordeau, Mary Sheila Marshall, Frances Rachel Warrell, Merlin Edmund
Cosgrove, Kevin Michael McFarland, Althea Mary Weiner, Samuel David
Dahlbergh, Eleanor Celia (#7) (#9) McGuire, Dorothy Lillian Wells, Lucy Fontaine (&&) (#10)
Delworth, Theda Helen (&&) Melhman, Fred Gordon Weymouth, Jeannette Marie (#9)
Domey, Richard Gilbert Millett, Lois Rose Wheelock, Clarence Allen
Dow, Barbara Ona (#10) Miltimore, Jack Clifton White, Robert Hastings (#3) (#6) (#9)
Dresser, Robert Duane Montgomery, Celia Mary Widger, Evelyn Esther
Drown, Muriel Utilda (#10) Nolin, June Gratia Wilbur, Alan Whitney
Firestone, Myrtle Harriet (#10) Olliver, George Edmund (#10) Wilkie, Paul Irwin (#7)
Fournier, Delina Cecilia Orcutt, Helen Fay Williams, Pauline Laura (&&)
Fuller, Henry Holder Parker, Bessie Mar (&&) (#7) Witters, Betty Lou (#3) (#6) (#10)
Funkhouser, Richard Nelson "Dick" (&&) Perkins, Llewellyn Robinson Woods, Gordon Glenn (#10)
Goldstein, Beatrice Potter, Milton Everett Woods, Sherman Parkhurst (&&) (#10)
Granger, Martin Clifton Pratt, Madalin Louise (&&) Young, Lucille Margaret (&&)
Graves, Edmund Samuel Renfrew, Isabell Harriet Zabarsky, Maurice
Hafner, Arthur Henry, Jr. Renfrew, Maybell Elizabeth (#10)  
(&&) = Are listed in the commencement issue as graduating in 1935
Class of 1937 (Sopomores)
Albiser, Louis Frederick Fortin, Marcelle Marie Ovitt, Margaret Mary
Austin, Mildred Isabel Friend, Eleanor Mary Page, Lucy Newton (#10)
Babcock, Robert Henry Gaffney. Edward Matthew Parker, Lauris Sanford
Bacon, Charles Canning Hadley, Vernon Howe Peake, Lilla May (#7)
Barrett, Alfred Leon Hafner, Nancy Peake, Theodore Albert
Bean, Beverly Irene Hale, Eleanor Julia Penniman, Marjorie Ione
Bean, Frederick Roberts Hall, Charlotte Agnes Pierce, Angela Frances
Beattie, Margaret Mary (#4) (#6) Handy, Netcy Dean Pierce, Melverda
Beck, Marion Lucy Hanes, Eleanor Madeline Poole, Helen Priscilla
Bedard, Raymond Albert Harris, Mabel Ruth Proia, Albert
Bennett, Paul Leo Harvey, Olive Radford, Marion Jennie
Berry, James George Hayes, Harry Theodore Ralston, Vera Mae
Blair, Francis Raymond Heath, Amelia Ella Rattigan, Charles Fred
Blodgett, Frank Mortimer Holmes, Esther Margaret Relation, Marguerite Lucile
Bradley, Leighton Parker (#7) Johnson, Alice Elizabeth Richmond, Elizabeth Ross (#10)
Bradley, Walter Carl Keneson, Carrie Ellen (#10) Rousseau, Joseph Edward
Brickett, Anna Frances Kittredge, Marion Irene Safford, Lilla
Burbank, Christine Agnes Kittredge, Theodora Hazel Schneider, Victor F.
Burrington, Olive Mae (#7) (#10) Knapp, Milton Frederick Sherrer, Marjorie Lilla
Calderwood, Harriett Stoker Ladd, Mildred Elizabeth (#10) Simpson, Catherine Emma (#4) (#7) (#10)
Carter, Isabelle Margaret (#4) (#7) (#9) Lapanne, Laurence Leo Simpson, Ola
Castonguay, Elvita Viola-Anne Lavature, Hazel Alice (#4) (#5) (#8) Smith, Marion Isabelle (#4) (#7) (#9)
Clifford, Anna Lane LaBlanc, Irene Amanda Smythe, Edward Harris
Clothey, Richard Doliber Leclerc, John Lucien Stearns, Martha Jane
Corliss, Valora Jeannette Leonard, Edward Thomas (#10) Stetson, Mary Harriet
Cunavelis, James Peter (#7) Lindsley, Muriel Luella Stetson, Paul Gilman
Cushman, Lillian Densis Macey, Fern Sylvester, Wanda Marjorie
Daigneault, Norman Joseph MacPherson, Keith Wells Sumner, Barbara Elieen
Daniels, Lucille Alice Mathews, Floyd Wendell Thompson, Alice Pansy
Darling, Philip Thornton McFarland, Leon Stephen Tousant, Arlene Ruth
Deforge, Maurice Thomas McGill, Margaret Agnes Twombly, Julia May
Delaney, Edmund Francis McGinity, Paul Joseph Veileux, Jeannette Evelyn (#7) (#10)
Delaney, George Charles McGuire, Anna Katherine Warrell, Mildred Ada
Denonville, Ruth Elizabeth McLean, Theodora Evelyn Warren, Howard Lorenzo (#10)
Deoss, Beatrice Etta McLeRoy, Allan Vanaid Wells, Dwight Loomis
Devereaux, Scott Nearing Moffett, Hazel Louise Wheelock, Edelbert George
Dow, Dorothy Ellen Mollica, Ralph John Wheelock, Eldon Eugene
Downer, Marion Helen Moore, Helen Whitehill, Helen Christina (#10)
Drown, Eleanor Ruth Morrison, Portia Ida Wilkie, Lindol Shastony
Drummond, Dorothy Clara Mumford, George Nathen Williamson, Murrium Leah
Eager, Irene Ethel Murphy, Kenneth Francis Wilson, Howard (#7) (#10)
Eastman, Evelyn Ruth Noyes, John Sinclair (#4) (#6) (#10) Willson, Dean Harold
Eastman, Neva Ann Oldham, Kathrine Hershey Young, Lois Violet
Filgate, Marion Adelaide (#7)    
Class of 1938 (Freshmen)
Amell, Delor Drew, Morris Emerson Mercier, Evelyn Claire
Aron, Louie (#7) (#9) Dubuque, Irving Timothy Messier, Ernest Nelson
Ayer, Arthur Morgan Emmons, Francis Arthur Moffett, Arthur
Barney, Albert Wilkins (#6) (#8) Fisher, Beverly P. Morency, Rosario Alcide
Bassett, Dean Blair Fournier, Raymond Albert Morin, Marion Elizabeth
Bean, Ethwyn Winnie Gagnon, Gilbert Edward Morrison, Emerson Andrew
Beck, Lloyd Eugene Gibson, Dale Homer Moulton, Arlene Belle (#6) (#10)
Bernier, Roland Gerald (#7) (#9) Goldstein, Israel Murphy, Raymond James (#7) (#9)
Bigelow, Austin Hamilton Greene, Leon James Osgood, Donald (#7) (#10)
Bovee, Hazel Elsie Greenwood, James Albert Ouellet, Fernand Louis (#9)
Bovee, Howard Ralph Greenwood, Jeanette Ovitt, Richard Henry
Bradley, Beverly May (#7) (#10) Hamilton, Floy Jeanette Paine, Marion Edith
Bragg, Dean Sherman Hamilton, John Albert Penniman, Edward Harold
Brickett, Franklin William Hansen, Barbara Shirley Placey, Erma E.
Briggs, Harold Enos Harvey, Elmore Wilfred Porter, Ruth Elizabeth
Brock, Leonard Jackson Hawkins, William Bernard Rapp, Karl Ward
Brown, Barbara Otis Hess, Dorothy Vail Reed, James Ronald
Brown, Hazel Nellie Higgins, Barbara Lindsley Reed, Paul Emerson
Brown, Marjorie Adeline Higgins, Howard Houghton Rivers, Winona Elizabeth
Buck, Ethel May Hill, Harold Thomas Roberts, Joel Albert
Butterfield, Millicent Hoyt (#7) (#10) Hopper, Norman Thomas (#6) (#9) Roberts, Louise Evelyn
Campion, Phyllis Regena Howard, Edith May Russell, Richard Dean
Carr, Neil Allen Howland, Herman Ashley Seymour, George Charles
Carrick, Catherine Elizabeth Hoye, Frederick A. Sherry, Barbara Leet (#7) (#10)
Castonguay, Aline Cecile Hunt, Gordon William Somers, Arlrnr Rebecca
Chapman, Anna Mae Ingersoll, Robert Clark Spaulding, Gordon
Charette, Lillian Theriser Irwin, George Washington Stetson, Jeanette (#10)
Chase, Elizabeth Lord Jeanjaquet, Lorraine Gladess Stuart, Robert R.
Chouinard, Noella Jenks, Charles Robert Sumner, Bernard Lloyd
Clark, Theodora June Johnson, Ida Ellen Tann, Dorothy Delight
Clark, Lawrence Cyrus (#10) Johnston, Katherine J. Vance, Laine Carroll
Clifford, Francis John Keneson, Iona Esther Ward, Katherine (#7) (#10)
Colburn, Elbridge Kennison, Wellington Wilmer Wells, Elizabeth Watson
Coleman, Bernard Michael Kimball, Alice Louise Wells, Paul Joseph
Collins, th Lafoe, Philip Ernest Wells, Pauline Eva
Cook, Clinton Dana, Jr. (#9) Lang, Milton Harding Wesley, Marian Danforth (#7) (#9)
Corliss, Evelyn Gates (#7) LeBlanc, Valmor Narcess Wheeler, Floyd S.
Cox, Beverly Helen (#10) Legendre, Lawrence Frank Whitney, Louise Colby (#7)
Cross, Edith Mary Lindsley, Gayla Katherine S. (#7) (#10) Whitney, Marion Enid
Cuthbertson, Phyllis Ada Little, Lyle Delworth Wilcomb, Barbara Ann
Davio, Mary Elizabeth (#7) (#9) Lord, Priscilla Elizabeth (#10) Willey, Bernard
Delaney, Veronica Belle Lowrey, Evelyn Louise Williams, Beatrice Lorena
Delworth, Milton Murray Lyster, Theodore Carl (#10) Witters, Chester Wellington (#7) (#9)
Desrochers, Francis Joseph MacPherson, Stanley L. (#7) (#9) Woods, Kenneth
Desrochers, Leo Joseph Mathews, Locke Raymond Woodworth, Donald Chester
Dinsmore, John Everett McCaffrey, Francis N. Worthen, June Orma
Douglas, Raymond Luther McRae, Mildred Arline (#9)  
Burroughs, Mariam Moore
Graduates of the Class of 1934
Louise Eleanor Abbott Christian Gronbeck Doris Helrn Pratt
Paul Miner Aiken Winona Mae Hall Jules Aimee Prevost
Barbara Elizabeth Babcock John Charles Henault Russell Adams Reed (#4)
Dennisin David Bean Ruth Helen High Ruth Isabel Reed
Robert William Bedard Archie Walsh Hill Ralph Lucien Roy
William Ralph Bell Hugh Eldridge Impey Claire Elizabeth Schoppe (#1)
Reginald Wayne Blair John William Irwin Priscilla Mae Searles (#1)
Adrienne Lorraine Blais William Herbert Jenks Leslie Robert Somers
Beverly Buttler Gilbert Day Johnson Ruth Elizabeth Sparrow
Virginia Mary Caldbeck Joseph Eldridge LeBlanc Harris Wertheim Stahl
Fillmore Caldwell Louise Ellen McGill Marion Ethel Suitor
Marjorie Ruth Campbell Ralph Bert MacIver Robert Goodrich Taplin
John Parks Chandler Edna Mary Mercier Cecile Francine Therien
Mary Katherine Clifford Helen Elizabeth McKelvey Ruth Ellen Thorpe
Rita Frances Coombs Marguerite Elizabeth Mooney Helen Anna Towle
Dermot Cosgrove Paul Allen Munkittrick Gerald Otho True
George Miner Crosby Jules Alphonse Nolin Ethel Alice West
Wynona Anna Dearborn Laurence Bernard O'Neil Clark Austin Willard
Helen Norma Donahue (#4) Helen Alice Parker James Frederick Willey
Maurice Elwin Drown Marguerite Morrison Pearl Felix Joseph Woods
Annette Marie Filgate Leonard Russell Penniman Walter Roy Young
Helen Margaret Fraser Gloria Kay Pierce (#2) Sylvia Hilda Zabarsky (#1)
Elmer Newton Funkhouser, Jr. Earnest Frederick Placey  
Honor Students
#1 = Has received no final mark below 85% for four years.
#2 = Has received no final mark below 85% for three years.
#3 = Has received no final mark below 85% for two years.
#4 = Has received no final mark below 85% for this years.
Holtei, Antony (#3) - (listed as a honor student, but not listed in the class of 1936.)
Duff, Stella (#4) - (listed as a honor student, but not listed in the class of 1937.)
Averages for First-Half Year of 1935
as reported in the May 1935 issue "The Academy Student"
#5 = High Honors - No mark below A
#6 = Honors - No mark below B+
#7 = Honorable Mention - No mark below B
Honors List for the Fifth Marking Period
as reported in the May 1935 issue "The Academy Student"
#8 = High Honors - No mark below A
#9 = Honors - No mark below B+
#10 = Honorable Mention - No mark below B
Alumni Notes - Class of 1919
as reported in the February 1935 issue, "The Academy Student"
Walter Husband guest speaker at commencement, from class of 1898. Became a reporter on the Caledonian Record, became 2nd assistant secretary of labor at Washington, D.C.
Dr. Ernest H. Lines Class of 1878, has given $100 towards prizes to be awarded to the best English pupils.
Howard Pierce a sophomore at the University of Vermont.
Christian Gronbeck of E. Barnet, is a sophomore at the University of Vermont.
Paul Munkittrick a student at Bay Path Institute in Springfield. Massachusetts.
James Willey a freshman at the University of Maine.
Harold C. Wells Member of the student board of 1919, is teaching in the Montclair, N.J. high school.
Sigrid H. Eklof Member of the student board of 1919, is married to Mr. William Bornefield.
Raymond O. Lougee Member of the student board of 1919, attended Bentley School of Accounting.
Langdon S. Cummings Member of the student board of 1919, is living in Canaan, Vermont
Violet G. Darling is married to Mr. John R. Taylor. They are living in St. Johnsbury.
R. Estelle Slack has graduated from University of Vermont in 1924. She now has a position in Montpelier with the National Life Insurance Company.
Harriet Vernon graduated from University of Vermont in 1924. She is living in Brooklyn, N.Y.
J. Allan Hunter graduated from Middlebury College in 1924. He is now supervisor of Phoenix Mutual Life Insuarance Co. in Detroit, Michigan.
Doris O. Perry graduated from University of Vermont in 1923. She taught in School for Blind until she was married to Mr. Donald Morrison. They are living in Lekonsha, Michigan.
Sherburne R. Graves went to Pratt Normal School of Arts. He is living in N. Woodstock, VT
Alumni Notes - Class of 1924
Lucille Brunelle was valedictorian.
Helen Randall was salutatorian.
Alumni Notes - Class of 1931
Karl Anderson is employed at Goss' Garage.
Bertha Banks is employed at Purina Mills.
Angus Brooks is a junior at Middlebury College.
Mildred C. Brown is training in Littleton Memorial Hospital.
Mary Lee Chase is a senior at Smith College.
Kathleen Coombs is a secretart at the Passumpsic Bank.
Ruth Cowling is teaching at Pierce's Mills.
Olive B. Darling is married to Mr. John W. Marsland and is living in East Corinth.
Sidney Eastman is at his home in St. Johnsbury.
John Ford is teaching at Night School.
Marguerite Gero is employed at F.W. Woolworth Co.
John Granger is at his home in Passumpsic.
Donald Gregg is a senior at the University of Vermont.
Velma Hall is at home.
Claire Horton is dietitian at Brightlook Hospital.
Evelyn Morris is married to Charles Garvin, of East Barnet.
Louise Remick is spending the winter in Arizona.
Dorothy Schaefer is employed at Cumberland Mills, Maine.
Kathleen Skerry is teaching.
Ruth Skinner is employed in the Caledonian office.
William Sprague is a junior at Harvard College.
Helen Hastings is training at Children's Hospital in Boston.
Lorraine Hodge is at home.
Kathleen Twombly is a junior at Smith College.
Lynwood Whitehill is a senior at Dartmouth College.
Dorothy Woods is at her home in St. Johnsbury.
Alumni Notes - Class of 1932
Evelyn Blodgett is at her home in St. Johnsbury Center.
Sybil Blodgett is working in Hanover, New hampshire.
Eldrid Gallagher is living in Hartford, Connecticut.
Maida Louise Hethrington is at her home in Danville.
Donald S. Holland is married to Theresa Seams and is employed at Cary Maple Sugar Co. in St. Johnsbury.
John Elsmore Kilburn is at the C.C.C. camp in East Burke.
Verna Mackay is studying at the Chandler School in Boston.
Lawerence Ouimet is a freshman at the University of Michigan.
Arline A. Porter is at her home on the Danville Road.
Carlyle Reed is at his home in St. Johnsbury.
Yvette Roy is married to Mr. Washington Reeves and is living in St. Johnsbury.
Mary Helen Skerry is attending the University of Vermont.
Leonard M. Stenson is at his home in St. Johnsbury.
Bernice M. Wheeler is married to Donald Wilson and lives in Waterford.
Ronald R. Wilkie is at his home in St. Johnsbury.
Ella J. Wright is married to James Williams and is living in Stillville, New York.
Alumni Notes - Class of 1933
Thorne Spalding is in Norwich University.
Barbara Twombly is at Simmons College.
Dorothy Stetson is at home.
Alvin Whitehill ois in Dartmouth.
Sylvia Zabarsky is at the University of Vermont.
Evelyn Woods is working for the Swan Construction Company in St. Johnsbury.
Howard Willard is at the University of Alabama.
Faylene Roderick is at home.
Ruth Verna Aiken is at her home in St. Johnsbury.
Esther Jean Baker is living in Detroit, Michigan.
Leona E. Bennett is employed be Caldbeck-Cosgrove Company.
Loretta M. Bona is living in Barton, Vermont.
Paul G. Brown is employed by F. W. Woolworth Company.
Marjorie Caldwell is at home.
Albert Canning is employed by LaPoint Market in town.
Anna Chaffee is at home.
John Chandler is at home.
Evelyn R. Chickering is at home.
Merrick Counsell is a sophomore at Northeastern University.
Ernest Cross is at home in St. Johnsbury.
Myrtle Cross is working in Maine.
Arthur Dahlburg is at home.
Iris Drouin is staying in Miami, Florida for the winter.
David Drummond is working at the Log Cabin Filling Station.
Lloyd Drummond is working at the Masonic Temple in town.
Collins Farr is working at Citizens Savings Bank in town.
John Farnham is employed in the office at Purina Mills in town.
Elizabeth Fuller is at home.
Marion Galbraith is at home.
James George is a freshman at Amherst College.
Howard Guganig is at his home in Barnet.
Ralph Hastings entered Bay Path Institute on January 3 to take a course in accounting.
Edith High is at her home.
Marion Humphrey is at home.
Dorothy Irwin is married to Irving Pierson and is living in East Corinth, Vermont.
John Irwin is attending the State Agricultural School in Randolph Center, Vermont.
Natalie Kittredge is married to Myron A. Bracey and is living in Littleton, New Hampshire.
Thomas McGuire is taking a post graduate course at the Academy.
Charles Leclere is working for his father.
Elsie Howard is employed at Lyndon Corner.
Addie Downing is married to David Drummond.
Margaret Stillman is at Boston University.
Virginia Witters is at the University of Michigan.
Alumni Notes - Class of 1934
Margaret Barnett is married to Gifford Owen and is living in Barre, Vermont.
Norma Belden is now Mrs. William J. Paton and is living in Newport, Vermont.
Francis Caldbeck is at Holy Cross.
Beatrice Clark is now a resident of Quincy, Massachusetts.
Mary Legasy is married to Clayton Phelps.
Edward McGinity is taking a post graduate course at the Academy.
John Moore is in Berlin, New Hampshire.
Charles Olliver is employed by the Fairbanks Company in St. Johnsbury.
Donald Percy is working in Gilman, Vermont.
Eleanor Rattigan ia a nurse in Brightlook Hospital.
Hazel St.Louis is at home.
Avis Simpson is in training at Brightlook Hospital.
Laura Taft is at home.
Henry Lackie is at home.
Walter Ladd is at home.
Frederick Laughton is a sophomore at Dartmouth College.
Lillias Moore is taking a Teachers' Training Course at Lyndon.
Margaret Orcutt is employed in Dr. Edward Cramton's office in town.
Emerson Peake is employed by F. W. Woolworth Company.
Howard Pierce is a sophomore at University of Vermont.
Ernest Placey is at his home in St. Johnsbury.
Doris Pratt is at her home in St. Johnsbury.
Leonard Penniman is at home.

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Last edited on January 4, 2006