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1962 Primary
Front Row (left to right):
         Daniel Bailey, Maurice Benoit, Sharon Lamothe, Bonnie Knight,
         Gary Dunbar, Donald Hale, John Ainsworth
2nd row (left to right):
         Cynthia Bailey, Ruth Peacock, Richard May, Glenn May, Robert Peacock,
         Dawn Robbins, Danny Dunbar, Mrs. Davis (teacher)
3rd row (left to right):
         Steven deCseznak, Flora Cormier, Susan Lamothe, ---,
         Martina Ainsworth, Lynda Filgate
Back row (left to right):
         Janet Desrochers, Barbara Young, Linda Robins, Stanley Denio,
         Richard Morey, Robert Morey
Front Row (left to right):
         Sandra Knight, William Filgate, ---, Karen Lapoint, ---,
         Rose Cormier, Richard Ovitt, Ann Cormier
2nd row (left to right):
         Bruce Filgate, David Morey, Henry Morey, ---, Cheryl Brown,
         Linda Hale, ---, ---, Keith Brown
Back row (left to right):
         Wayne Randall, David Young, Rockey Bunell, Rose Derochers, ---,
         Judy Derochers, Dwayne Dunbar, Jay Derochers
Front Row (left to right):
         Brenda Robinson, Richard Ovitt, Marie Desrochers, Jane Minshull,
         Gary Burnham, Gary Quatrini, Henry Morey, Ann Cormier,
         Rose Cormier, David Morey
2nd row (left to right):
         Iris Rutledge, William Filgate, Rocky Bunell, Thomas Davis,
         Andy Robinson, Clayton Robinson, Bruce Filgate,
         Diane Farrar
Back row (left to right):
         Judy Desrochers, Loraine Johnson, Rose Desrochers, Linda Somers,
         Jane Zarbrosky, Gloria Robinson, Brian Quatrini, Carol Petri,
         Linda Pateneaude
Front Row (left to right):
         ---, Clayton Robinson, ---, Rose Desrochers, Lorrain Johnson,
         ---, Henry Morey, ---
2nd Row (left to right):
         Judy Desrochers, ---, ---, ---, Brian Quatrini, ---, ---
3rd Row (left to right):
         ---, ---, ---, ---, ---, ---
Back Row (left to right):
         ---, ---, ---, ---, ---
1949 Primary
Front Row (left to right):
         ---, ---, ---, Maryanne Desrochers, Mary Elizabeth Somers,
         ---, ---, ---
2nd Row (left to right):
         Mary Patenaude, Susan Urie, Bruce Denio, Stephen Wheelock,
         ---, ---, Sylvanis Denio, ---, ---, ---
         Heather Hamilton, Jean Whitehill, Edith Salt, Donald Harron,
         Miss Dorothy Bennett (teacher)
Back Row (left to right):
         Loreetto Fassett, Mabel Moffet, Freddie Fasset, Larrian Patenaud
1949 Secondary
Front Row (left to right):
         Teresso Fassett, Gail Whitehill, Joyce Patenaude, Paulene LaFlame,
         Jane Drew, Charles Fasset
2nd Row (left to right):
         Donald Bech, Nancy Wright, Irene Lamoth, Lear Fassett,
         Rose Marie Irwin, Mary Whitehill, Wayne Page
Back Row (left to right):
         Barbara Walling, Roberta Harpin, Armando Bona, George Urie
Front Row (left to right):
         Mona Hevey, Norma Wilder, Irene Basset, Jean Whitehill, Dorothy Bovee,
         Francis Burdette
2nd Row (left to right):
         Heather Hamilton, Elaine Corvett, Carol Drew, Hazel Simpson,
         Bruce Harpin, Kent Scruton
Back Row (left to right):
         George Urie, Donald Grady, Nelson Rash, Ray Morrison, Cleavland Basset
1941 - Class dressed in costume
Front Row (left to right):
         Jane Drew, Glendon Corrow, Dorthy Bovee, Carol Drew,
         Norma Wilder, Jean Whitehill
2nd Row (left to right):
         George Urie, Kent Scruton
3rd Row (left to right):
         Bruce Harpin, Nelson Rash, Heather Hamilton, Donald Grady,
         Bernard Urie
Back Row (left to right):
         Gordon Friend, Donne Harroan, Edith Salt, Pauline Jalbert,
         John Whitehill
Front Row (left to right):
         Newell (Stub) Somers, Ferdnand Roger Jalbert,
         Betty Urie, Cristie Whitehill, Gloria Hunter,
         Viola Betty Rash
Middle Row (left to right):
         Marnel Harron, Priscilla Amell, Earl Stetson, Joyce Salt, Mae LaFlam,
         Mary LaFlam, Reginald Lamothe
Back Row (left to right):
         Vernon Alger, Janet Urie, Iona Blair, Joanne Hamilton,
         Miss Lila Fisher (teacher), Chester Quimby, Margaret Whitehill,
         Patricia Hamilton
1940 - Two room school house
Front Row (left to right):
         Glendon Corrow(sp?), Dorothy Bovee, Donald Grady,
         Bernie Urie, John Whitehill, Jean Whitehill, Gordon Friend,
         Nelson Rash
2nd Row (left to right):
         Don Harran, Heather Hamilton, Edith Salt,
         Pauline Jalbert, Della Amile, George Lamothe
Back Row (left to right):
         (first name?) Blair, Miss Dorothy Bennett (teacher)
Front Row (left to right):
         Walter Neil, Dorothy Bovee, Gendon Corrow, Marilyn Deblois,
         Viola Betty Rash, George Lamothe, --- Buxton, Gordon Friend,
         Viola Lynaugh, Dale Deblois
Middle Row (left to right):
         Donald Grady, John Whitehill, Delia Amel, Patty ---,
         Heather Hamilton, Jean Whitehill, Edith Salt, Donald Harron,
         Miss Dorothy Bennett (teacher)
Back Row (left to right):
         Merle Buxton, Archie Lynaugh, Marnel Harron, Joyce Salt,
         Patricia Hamilton, Jeanette Buxton, Gloria Hunter, Betty Urie
1934 - Primary Room (grades 1 - 4)
Front Row (left to right):
         Vernon Alger, Marjorie Warren, Lydia Wemmelman, Carol Hachett,
         Rosalie Welch, Reginal Lamothe, Christie Whitehill
Middle Row (left to right):
         Priscilla Amell, Sherman Warren, Chester Quimby, (unidentified)
         as of 2012 ( possibility is Elwin Otto 'Pete' Wemmelmann ),
         Joanne Hamilton, Catherine Rash, Thomas Welch, Earl Stetson
Back Row (left to right):
         Murial Welch, Robert Hall, Albert Salt, Miss Dorothy Bennett
         (teacher), Robert Smith, (unidentified as of 2012), Germaine
We need your help with identifying these students.
Front Row (10th from left) Dorena
2nd Row (6th from left) Eva, (11th from left) Frank
front - 3rd from left:
         Frederick Lenton
2nd row - 2nd from left:
         Harry Rash
3rd row - on the left:
         Walter Rash
Back row - 2nd from right: Effie Rundle
Front Row (left to right):
         ---, ---, ---, ---, Frederick Lenton, Effie Rundle,
2nd Row (left to right):
         ---, ---, Walter Rash,
Back Row (left to right):
         Harry Rash,
Front Row (far right):
         Millicent Lenton
Front Row (2nd from right):
         Harry Rash
2nd row (sixth from right):
         leaning on next studen, Millicent Lenton
3rd row
Back row
Standing in Back

Grades Unknown      Click to enlarge

Grades Unknown      Click to enlarge