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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
Vermont Northeast
Kingdom Genealogy

St. Johnsbury, Vt Genealogy
St. Johnsbury, VT
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Lyndon Institute
Mathewson, Ozias D., A.M., PD D. Principal & Political Science
Fisher, Clayton E., B.S. Science
Lewis, Robert K. History & Director of Physical Education for Boys
Elliott, Arthur B., A. B. Mathematics & General Science
Wright, Charles W., B. S. History, Mathematics & Agriculture
Collins, Harold C., B. S. Social Science, Commercial Geography & Arithmetic
Eastman, Clara A., A. B. English
Baker, Theta Helen, A. M. English & Latin
Campbell, May A., Ph. B. English & Latin
Sherman, Edith B., A. B. English & Biology
Fuller, Evelyn, A. B. French
Miles, Mildred M. Bookkeeping & Stenography
Langley, Florence, B. S. Home Economics
Dexter, Helen M. Director of Physical Education for Girls
Blaine, Ruby A., B. S. Director of Music
Pillsbury, Florence C. Piano
Pride, Helen E. Secretary
Lyndon Normal School
Bole, Rita L., A. B. Principal
Drew, Florence E.  
Hoffman, Elizabeth C.  
Fernow, Alice, A. M.  
Frisby, Lora A., A. M.  
Smelker, Edith R., A. M.  
Students 1934 - 1937  
Post Graduates  
Allard, Viola B. Eaton, Elizabeth E.
Allen, Garnetta E. Elliott, Herbert P.
Bassett, Alcide J. Nutting, Mildred A.
Butterfield, Jackson B. O'Neil, William F.
Chase, Barbara M. Perkins, I. Marguerite
Cowles, Dorothy A. Porter, Viola M.
Daigle, Maurice L.  
Seniors - Class of 1934  
Abar, Everett P. Heath, Theron R.
Akley, Clarence V. Holtham, Vinson R.
Andross, Elgin D. Johnson, Maurice J.
Bassett, Janet C. King, Judith A.
Brill, Isabelle M. Lang, Charles B.
Brown, Foster R. Laplant, Kenneth A.
Bundy, Thelma J. Leach, Eva A.
Carter, R. Davis Libbey, Geraldine F.
Chester, Ermalene P. Liggett, Kenneth J.
Cole, Nylene D. Locklin, Ruth A.
Cox, Ruth E. McDowell, B. Lucille
Dresser, Lura L. McFarland, Alice M.
Drown, Elizabeth A. McGinnis, Edna A.
Dusseault, Lucienne M. McHarg, John W.
Dwinell, Alice E. McHarg, Sarah E.
Eaton, Julius L. Newell, Maurice C.
Edmunds, Norris S. Peck, Roland C.
Emery, Pauline N. Phillips, Merle E.
Emery, Perkins S. Shaw, Hildred A.
Fairbrother, Raymond M. Smith, Mahlon A.
Findlay, Ethelyn L. Smith, Monford A.
Forrest, Albert P. Smith, A. M. Olin
Gardner, Elizabeth M. Somers, Kenneth C.
Gilbert, Persis C. Squires, Lyndon H.
Gilman, Naomi M. Temple, Barbara M.
Goulding, Lloyd J. Wallace, Dorothy E.
Gour, Maurice D. Watson, Irving P.
Gray, Ruby K. Wheaton, Eleanor W.
Harvey, Ruth E. Whitcomb, Merton H.
Harvey, Thelma Wilton, Helen M.
Hazard, Howard D. Winter, Helen A.
Ahern, Eleanor D. McFarland, Blanche B.
Allard, Arnold L. McGennis, Robert C.
Allard, James L. Magill, Grafton E.
Annis, Ruth L. Masure, Phyllis V.
Berwick, Ethel I. Merriam, Harland C.
Boardman, Gordon E. Morse, Priscilla C.
Bradley, Alvah C. Paquette, Lawrence J.
Bresette, Wendell A. Peak, Irving W.
Collins, Wallace E. Pelow, Reginald F.
Davis, W. Earl Pierce, Beatrice E.
Deos, Harland M. Randall, Catherine E.
Donaldson, Arlene E. Rexford, Maurice P.
Donaldson, Madeline D. Richardson, H. Erma
Elliott, Wilfred T. Russell, Eleanor C.
Ford, Henry W. Selby, Lloyd O.
Gardner, Lois O. Simpson, E. Harriette
Garron, Wilma M. Simpson, Marion H.
Goodwin, Lois M. Smith, Alfred E.
Goodwin, Raymond F. Smith, Arline E.
Gould, John W. Smith, Marjorie G.
Gray, Austin E. Smith, Shirley M.
Gray, Charles H. Somers, Melvin F.
Heath, Lewis C. Stahler, Beverly G.
Hebert, Olivine M. Stone, Harland J.
Hoffman, Kenneth E. Sutton, Margaret E.
Hovey, Marguerite A. Taylor, Betty E.
Hussey, Roy L. Therriault, Solomon G.
Jesseman, Phyllis E. Thompson, Irene C.
Johnson, Madeline G. Watson, Dorothy E.
Lang, William P. Wheeler, Walter C.
Lanpher, Lawrence E. Williams, Louise I.
Larabee, Shirley C. Wilson, Thomas L.
Leonard, Lois K. Wood, Evelyn R.
Lynch, Jack P. Wyman, Beulah M.
Ahern, Marguerite E. Learmouth, Gordon F.
Akley, Eula M. Lynaugh, Elsie E.
Aldrich, Erwin R. Lynaugh, Glenn O.
Alger, Ethel L. MacDonald, W. Gordon
Allard, Marjorie L. McClellan, Kenneth E.
Angell, John T. Masten, Wendell N.
Baker, Beulah M. Miles, Maynard K.
Ball, Maurice C. Moulthroup, Benjamin L.
Bassett, Andrew H. Mullaney, Crawford M.
Beattie, Lloyd C. Norcross, Clarence T.
Berwick, Willey J. Perkins, Everett S.
Bickford, W. Harland Perrault, Gerald J.
Blanchard, Marion F. Phillips, Carl E.
Brill, George H. Pillsbury, John N.
Brown, Phyllis Z. Player, Phyllis C.
Chapman, Abbie M. Prefontaine, Raymond A.
Chase, Rachel L. Rich, Philip W.
Chester, Eric L. Robbins, Maxine M.
Corson, Robert E. Rousseau, Arthur M.
Cutting, Clarence H. Sherrer, Gail H.
Darrell, George B. Simpson, Clyde N.
Davis, Arthur I. Simpson, Delma G.
Davis, Ralph E. Simpson, Reginald W.
Dilley, Olive M. Simpson, Roland L.
Donaldson, Persis E. Smith, Elsie L.
Dresser, Eleanor C. Smith, Howard H.
Drown, Harley L. Smith, Mearl V.
Fairchild, George H. Snelling, Burton R.
Fisher, Delilah E. Spellacy, M. Duggan
Gale, Bernard H. Stanhope, Myrtle G.
Gardner, Earl A. Sternbergh, Phillip S.
Gonyaw, Curtis T. Stuart, Carolyn
Gour, George L. Sylce, Harry R.
Graves, Ruth E. Twombly, Arlene V.
Gray, Merrick A. Twombly, Fordyce E.
Hartwell, Helen M. Wheeler, Claude A.
Hovey, Phyllis I. Whitcomb, Clarence A.
Johnson, Rebecca P. Willey, Florence E.
Kimball, Nelson R. Wishart, James L.
Krewet, Anna L. Wood, George R.
Lamoureux, Archille E. Wood, Lucile I.
Lang, Erma E. Young, George E.
Lawson, Frances E.  
Allard, Dolores M. Hartwell, Robert F.
Barber, Neil M. Hebert, Leona M.
Barber, Wendell F. Hebert, Lillian I.
Batchelder, Harold R. Hopkins, Ruth E.
Bickford, Verla A. Howe, Reta M.
Blodgett, David W. Hubbard, Emily L.
Boulrisse, Lysle J. Hubbard, Emma L.
Brown, Erma H. Krewet, Louis M.
Brown, Glenna L. Larabee, Charles M.
Burrington, Frank T. Libbey, Cedric P.
Carpenter, Leonard C. Lynaugh, Barbara O.
Chamberlain, Fred J. McDonald, George F.
Chamberlain, June A. Nelson, Elizabeth B.
Charron, Paul R. Noyes, Rena B.
Chester, Fenton W. Nutting, Beulah A.
Cox, Zelda F. Perrault, Roger J.
Craig, Harold R. Prefontaine, Maurice R.
Croft, Walter H. Rexford, Verla L.
Daigle, Arthur J. Rice, Harold J.
Duford, Angelina H. Richardson, Ross C.
Edmunds, Barbara H. Ronan, Robert H.
Emery, James W. Shorey, Winston K.
Farmer, Gertrude I. Smith, Beatrice M.
Fletcher, Harriet F. Smith, Floy E.
Fournier, Norman H. Smith, Harold M.
Francis, Lawrence L. Smith, Hazel M.
Gale, Kenneth E. Somers, Carleton G.
Gaskin, Jennie I. Taylor, Frank L.
Gilman, Alton E. Wade, Raymond L.
Gorham, Albert E. Webster, Dorothy M.
Gorham, Aldis F. Wilson, W. Lawrence
Gray, Leah C. Wyman, Basil K.
Normal School Classes
Chase, Marjorie J. House, Marion A.
Cutting, Zora E. Smith, Esther P.
Duke, Hazel R. McDade, Nellie G.
Greenslade, Irene A. Welch, J. Clarence
Higgins, Francis A.  
Bagley, Mary L. Lyon, Annie E.
Carter, Cecil M. McLam, Doris A.
Clark, Mildred M. Merriam, Ruth I.
Davidson, Myrtie B. Moulton, Esther J.
Davis, Olive P. Newell, Earline E.
Foster, Cecile L. Palmer, Rena F.
Goodhue, Marion H. Pearce, Glennice R.
Hall, Harriet E. Rodgers, Avis I.
Hinkley, Marjorie E. Royce, Rachel E.
Jeffords, Lillian M. Smith, E. Birdene
Jenkins, Goldie E. Spencer, Doris U.
Jewell, Dorothy G. Tillotson, Bethleen E.
Judd, Evelyn J. Turcotte, Verna R.
Keniston, Marion R. Walbridge, Laura
LaCross, Lucille E. Warner, Lucille E.
Lindsay, June E. Wright, Alice E.
Aldrich, Myrtle R. Page, Elmer C.
Allbee, Guyla M. Page, Lois E.
Allen, Agnes E. Plummer, Pearl E.
Carpenter, Dorothy L. Pomeroy, Josie K.
Carroll, Marguerite M. Renfrew, Margaret E.
Chaffee, Phyllis M. Schoolcraft, Thelma M.
Copp, Evelyn H. Smith, Edith P.
Davis, Barbara M. Stanton, Elizabeth B.
Eastman, Lucille A. Tarbox, Arlene M.
Joseph, Mamie M. Taylor, Lue E.
Kinsman, Ruth M. Towne, Edwina A.
Lackie, Irene E. Welch, Seth E.
Moore, Lillias C. Wheeler, Gladys E.
Morrison, Clara S. Wilson, W. Edward
Blaisdell, Harold F. Pedley, Edith G.
Graduating Class - 1933 Lyndon Institute
Allard, Viola B. Henderson, Doris E.
Albee, Guyla M. Hoffman, E. Francis
Allen, Garnetta E. Hunter, Charles L.
Aubin, Gerald C. Hunter, John E.
Baraw, Shirley R. Jesseman, Malcolm I.
Bassett, Alcide J. Johnson, Homer C.
Beattie, Donald R. Jones, Naomi I.
Bedard, Theodore L. Lang, Thelma R.
Blood, Dale E. Lizotte, Albina C.
Bowen, Marjorie E. McGennis, Elizabeth M.
Brown, Hollis C. Merriam, Bion R.
Burns, Madeline E. Merriam, Rodney L.
Butterfield, Jackson B. Morrison, Clara S.
Caldwell, Clarence H. Mulcahy, Richard S.
Campbell, Francis E. Mullancy, Mary E.
Chapman, Frederick E. Mulry, E. John
Chapman, Helen D. Neagle, Francis H.
Chase, Barbara M. Norris, John L.
Chase, Beulah G. Nutting, Mildred A.
Chester, Graydon B. Peck, Stanley W.
Cutting, Robert J. Perkins, I. Marguerite
Deblois, Ila M. Poirier, Cecilia D.
Duval, Geneva H. Porter, Viola M.
Edmunds, Lucy M. Robbins, Elmond H.
Elliott, Herbert P. Ross, Henry E.
Gero, Glen H. Sanborn, Emma M.
Gilman, Edwin R. Simpson, Leland J.
Gorham, Carolyn F. Sleep, Marjorie F.
Gour, Carolyn H. Smith, Earl F.
Grant, Kenneth C. Soule, S. Allen
Gray, Olive G. Stuart, Marjorie T.
Greene, Ellsworth C. Taylor, Arthur C.
Greenwood, Clifford T. Walter, Mary E.
Hartwell, Doris A. Webster, Ellery C.
Hartwell, Marjorie E. Wendler, Norman L.
Harvey, Emily M. Wood, Harland C.
Harvey, Elizabeth M.  
Norman Training  
Andross, Nellie M. Larmie, Doris E.
Austin, Genevieve A. Lynaugh, Shirley R.
Bartlett, Edith M. MacKenzie, Christina B.
Brunning, Genevieve S. McAllister, Rachel H.
Bushor, Susan E. McDonald, Pearl M.
Chamberlain, Cora F. Main, Bernice I.
Chamberlain, Grace M. Manson, Maida M.
Chase, Arlene H. Marsh, Lila A.
Chase, Marjorie J. May, Sylvia
Clark, Alice E. Miner, Beulah L.
Cowling, Ruth E. Moulton, Minnie L.
Cutting, Zora E. Pepin, Anna D.
Dennison, Daisy L. Powers, Phoebe M.
Dill, Dorothy E. Rexford, Gladys E.
Duke, Hazel R. Rhoades, Marion A.
Eastman, Carrie E. Rich, Eva M.
Emery, Doris A. Riford, Clara E.
Fahy, Dorothy L. Ronan, Anna E.
Gardner, Ruth Runnels, Evelyn H.
Goodfellow, Emily M. Sallies, Ruth M.
Goodhue, Ola L. Sheldon, Pearl A.
Graham, Catherine M. Stearns, Dorothy M.
Gray, Rose L. Thurber, Elizabeth A.
Griggs, Ruth N. Tripp, Lillian M.
Hoar, Marjorie R. Walker, Laura V.
Higgins, Francis A. Walker, Mary
Hunt, Eleanor E. Whitehill, Myrtie M.

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