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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
Vermont Northeast
Kingdom Genealogy

St. Johnsbury, Vt Genealogy
St. Johnsbury, VT
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Orleans Liberal Institute
Glover, Vermont
1851 - 1852
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Male Department Residence Rooms   Female Department Residence Rooms
Atherton, Sandford A. Glover Mrs. Atherton's Allen, Julia Ann South Troy M. Goodwin's
Belden, Lemuel Burke A. A. Williams' Atherton, Areannah C. Glover Mrs. Atherton's
Bickford, Harvey P. Glover H. S. Chaplin's Armington, Sophronia B. St. Johnsbury Centre J. H. Dwinell's
Bradley, Warren Sheffield Wm. Carter, Jr.'s Armington, Olive A. St. Johnsbury Centre J. H. Dwinell's
Brunning, Benjamin Glover O. French's Bean, Phebe P. Glover Mrs. Bean's
Burroughs, Charles Glover W. Burroughs' Bean, Harriet S. Glover A. P. Bean's
Chase, T. Abel Jay G. French's Berry, Susan H. Concord Rev. T. J. Tenney's
Cheney, Nelson Glover Mrs. Atherton's Bickford, Sarah C. Glover H. S. Chaplin's
Clarke, Sandford A. Glover Mrs. Cook's Burr, Nancy M. Stanstead, C. E. Wm. Carter's
Cook, Dana E. Glover A. Cook's Clark, Abby R. Glover Mrs. Cook's
Cook, Denison Glover A. Cook's Colburn, Eliza Ann Glover H. S. Chaplin's
Cook, Martin V. B. Glover A. Cook's Cook, Laura C. Glover Mrs. Cook's
Crane, Aaron M. Glover J. Crane's Cobleigh, Elizabeth P. Sutton W. Leonard's
Davis, M. Warner Newark L. French's, 2nd Dailey, Helen M. Coventry Rev. T. J. Tenney's
Dwinell, J. E. Glover J. H. Dwinell's Drew, Elvira T. Sheffield J. H. Dwinell's
Dwinell, Charles H. Glover J. H. Dwinell's Drew, Delphine R. Glover Mrs. Cook's
Dwinell, Frank T. Glover J. H. Dwinell's Dwinell, Adelaide H. East Calais Esq. Holbrook's
Dwinell, Daniel L. Glover J. H. Dwinell's French, Helen L. Glover H. S. Chaplin's
Farman, Hector Lowell G. French's Frost, Lydia Ann Glover D. Frost's
Fleming, Ira M. Compton, C. E. G. French's Gray, Lovina M. Sheffield M. Goodwin's
French, Oscar F. Glover L. French's, 2nd Guilford, Harriet E. Craftsbury J. S. Ayers'
French, Olin L. Glover G. French's Hayward, Maria A. Barton C. Williams'
Gates, Clark S. Glover Union House Hill, Charlotte Glover H. S. Chaplin's
George, Josiah A. Morrisville M. Goodwin's Heath, Hannah S. Glover S. Heaths'
Gray, Edwin S. Glover O. L. Gray's Hitchcock, Cordelia Westfield G. French's
Grout, William W. Kirby C. Williams' Houston, Vamelia South Troy M. Goodwin's
Hayward, Theodore L. Westmore L. French's, 2nd Kimball, Eliza E. Glover Mrs. Kimball's
Hill, Hiram W. Fletcher W. Burroughs' Jenness, Martha A. H. Sheffield Mrs. Cook's
Leonard, Prentice C. Glover W. Leonard's Leonard, Mary A. Glover W. Leonard's
Leonard, Henry H. Glover W. Leonard's Leonard, S. Almeda Glover W. Leonard's
Nelson, B. M. R. Wheelock W. Carter's McLellan, Sarah Glover Mrs. McLellan's
Page, Rufus B. Sutton M. Goodwin's McLellan, Martha Glover Mrs. McLellan's
Parsons, Henry C. Fletcher C. Williams' McNeal, S. Randilla Sutton H. S. Chaplin's
Randall, Daniel B. Lyndon G. French's McNeal, Alwilda A. Sutton H. S. Chaplin's
Robertson, Silas F. Glover E. Frost's McNeal, Isabel E. Glover J. Hoffman's
Roberts, Luman St. Johnsbury C. Williams' Richardson, Frances H. Sutton H. S. Chaplin's
Sherburne, Charles T. Glover W. Leonard's Sherburne, Julia Ann Glover W. Leonard's
Tibbetts, William M. Sutton A. A. Williams' Smith, Anna P. West Charleston I. B. Smith's
Webster, Henry C. Cabot C. Williams' Smith, Philura P. Glover M. Goodwin's
Williams, Azro A. Glover C. Williams' Stebbins, Lucene A. Westfield G. French's
Williams, Orange L. Glover A. A. Williams' Stoddard, Albina M. Sutton Esq. Holbrook's
Wood, Mathison J. Greensboro W. Burroughs' Stoughton, S. Jennette Westfield G. French's
Wooster, Francis Walden M. Goodwin's Tenney, S. Adnah Glover Rev. T. J. Tenney's
  Trull, Susan Burke H. Humphrey's
Walworth, Jane E. Coventry Rev. T. J. Tenney's
Williamson, Philena St. Johnsbury C. Williams'
Williams, Arville M. Glover A. A. Williams'
Orleans Liberal Institute
Glover, Vermont
1854 - 1855
Crane, J. Glover President   Tabor, Rev. L. H. West Charleston  
Hardy, C. C. Glover Vice President Cook, Q. Cabot  
McLellan, H. Glover Secretary Kay, R. Troy  
Dwinell, J. H. Glover Treasurer Albee, S. Morgan  
Bickford, H. S. Glover   Woodhouse, Rev. C. St. Johnsbury  
Williams, C. Glover   Dwinell, J. H.   Executive Committee
Walworth, D. P. Coventry   Bickford, H. S.   Executive Committee
Merriam, W. Glover   Hardy, C. C.   Executive Committee
French, G. Glover   Parker, Isaac A., A.B. Principal  
Smith, I. B. Glover   Labaree, Miss Sarah A. Preceptress  
Goodwin, M. Glover   Grout, W. Wallace Assistant  
French, N. Glover   Smith, Miss Lorane M. Teacher of Music  
Norton, N. Glover   French, Miss Phebe B. Teacher of French,  Winter Term
Smith, I. N. Charleston   Davis, Miss Julia M. Teacher Primary Dept.  
Hibbard, D. Concord   Hill, Miss Emilie A. Teacher Primary Dept.  
Houghton, P. Lyndon        
Male Department  Residence Rooms Female Department  Residence Rooms
Aldrich, Levi Sutton I. Dwinell's Armington, Olive A. St. Johnsbury Centre I. B. Smith's
Allbee, Andrew J. Derby Mr. Kimball's Atherton, Areannah C. Glover Mrs. Atherton's
Allen, John St. Johnsbury Centre Mrs. Phillips' Ayers, Caroline A. Greensboro S. Ayers'
Ayer, Horace W. St. Johnsbury   L. H. Nye's Bean, Charlotte Glover E. B. Simonds'
Bean, Andrew J. Glover A. Drew's Bean, Elvira S. Glover E. B. Simonds'
Bean, Martin V. B. Glover E. B. Simonds' Bean, Harriette S. Glover E. B. Simonds'
Beckwith, Charles West Burke I. Dwinell's Bean, Louisa A. Glover E. B. Simonds'
Bennett, Deloss L. Glover N. Bennett's Beane, Mary Hatley, C.E. L. H. Nye's
Bickford, Harvey P. Glover A. A. Williams' Bemis, Katie D. Lyndon D. Bickford's
Bickford, Owen Sheffield A. A. Williams' Bemis, Lucy E. Lyndon D. Bickford's
Burt, George W. Albany, NY Mr. Kimball's Bemis, Mary P. Lyndon D. Bickford's
Buswell, Clark S. Barton E. B. Simonds' Bickford, Sarah C. Glover A. A. Williams'
Cate, Putnam M. E. Montpelier I. Dwinell's Bickford, Emily S. Glover A. A. Williams'
Cheney, Nelson Glover Mrs. Phillips' Brown, Alice Westfield Rev. N. W. Scott's
Clark, Thomas J. Glover W. H. Barker's Cheney, Celestia Glover M. Goodwin's
Cobb, Ellis A. Barton B. Hancock's Cheney, Sarah M. Glover Mrs. Phillips'
Cobb, Frederick W. Barton J. Crane's Clark, Abby R. Glover Mrs. Cook's
Cole, Nathaniel C. Salem J. W. Aiken's Critchett, Susan J. Glover S. S. Blanchard's
Cook, Martin V. B. Glover S. S. Blanchard's Cumings, Helen M. Salem O French's
Crane, A. Martin Glover J. Crane's Cutler, Lois Glover J. H. Dwinell's
Critchett William B. Glover S. S. Blanchard's Davis, Julia M. Bath, NH O. French's
Crosby, Alfred R. Glover J. W. Aiken's Drew, Delphine R. Glover W. Drew's
Doe, Ovid G. Hardwick G. French's Drew, E. Viola Sheffield Mr. Drew's
Dwinell, Daniel L. Glover J. H. Dwinell's Dwinell, Adelaide H East Calais H. S. Chaplin's
Dwinell, Frank T. Glover J. H. Dwinell's Dwinell, Ellen C. Glover E. B. Simonds'
Eaton, Arthur G. Danville L. H. Nye's Farnham, Charlotte Lowell J. Crane's
Eaton, Charles H. Danville L. H. Nye's Fenton, Ellen L. St. Johnsbury J. H. Dwinell's
French, Dean C. Glover J. Crane's Flint, Mary S. St. Johnsbury Centre Mrs. Phillips'
French, Oscar F. Glover L. French 2d's Foss, Celenda E. Barton M. Goodwin's
French, Olin L. Glover G. French's Foss, Emily J. Barton M. Goodwin's
Frost, George H. Smith's Falls, C. W I. B. Smith's French, N. Irene Glover G. French's
Grout, W. Wallace St. Johnsbury East I. B. Smith's French, Phebe B. Glover O. French's
Hackett, Truman F. Newport J. Crane's Frost, Lydia A. Glover D. Wright's
Hatch, Elias W. East Craftsbury I. Dwinell's Gray, Pamela R. Glover S. D. Gray's
Hibbard, Samuel E. Glover Mr. Hibbard's Halloway, Hannah E. Walden E. B. Simonds'
Huntington, Frederick A. Hatley, C. E. Mr. Kimball's Hatch, Angeline C. Craftsbury J. Simonds'
Joslin, James W. Concord J. W. Aiken's Heath, Helen F. Glover Mrs. Heath's
Joslyn, Joseph S. East Hardwick Mrs. Phillips' Hibbard, Anna M. Glover Mr. Hibbard's
Kimball, Frederick M. Glover Mr. Kimball's Hill, Cynthia E. Greensboro M. Goodwin's
Kimball, Jefferson L. Glover A. Kimball's Hill, Emilie A. Greensboro M. Goodwin's
Leonard, Chapin Glover W. Leonard's Holmes, Julia A. Albany S. S. Blanchard's
Leonard, Henry H. Glover E. B. Simonds' Kimball, Adaline M. Glover A. Kimball's
Leonard, Prentiss Glover W. Leonard's Kimball, Eliza E. Glover Mr. Kimball's
Metcalf, Simeon Glover J. Metcalf's Knapp, Mary J. St. Johnsbury Mrs. Phillips'
McFarland, Robert W. Cambridge J. Buswell's Lane, Alma M. Hardwick J. Crane's
Moulton, Andrew J. Greensboro Rev. N. W. Scott's Magoon, Faustina M. Marshfield H. S. Chaplin's
Nye, Elbert H. Glover L. H. Nye's Mason, Sarah E. Barton L. H. Nye's
Owen, Clarence P. Glover Mr. Owen's McFarland, Emily Cambridge J. Buswell's
Page, Rufus B. Lawrence, MA J. W. Aiken's McNeal, Isabel E. Glover J. Hoffman's
Page, Henry C. Glover L. H. Nye's Merriam, Clara A. Glover Rev. N. W. Scott's
Phillips, Henry F. Glover Mrs. Phillips' Merriam, Josephine D. Glover Rev. N. W. Scott's
Phillips, S. Sewall Glover J. Phillips' Metcalf, Orpha P Glover J. Metcalf's
Roberts, Luman St. Johnsbury Centre J. Crane's Parker, Eliza H. Lennoxville, CE E. B. Simonds'
Robinson, J. Owen Barton S. D. Gray's Patterson, Jennette W. E. Craftsbury J. Simonds'
Robinson, J. Prentiss Barton S. D. Gray's Phillips, Annette M. Glover Mrs. Phillips'
Sanborn, Albert J. Craftsbury Mrs. Phillips' Phillips, Mary C. Glover H. Phillips'
Seaver, Clarendon S. Glover L. H. Nye's Robinson, Ellen E. Brownsville, Mich. A. Kimball's
Sherburne, Enoch W. Glover Mr. Sherburne's Sanborn, Augusta E. Albany S. S. Blanchard's
Sias, B. Franklin Glover Dr. Sias' Scott, Dorothy A. Glover Rev. N. W. Scott's
Skinner, Richard B. Barton B Hancock's Sherburne, Julia A. Glover Mr. Sherburne's
Smith, Ezra L. Glover J. Crane's Sherburne, Rosette Glover Mr. Sherburne's
Spaulding, Reuben St. Johnsbury Mrs. Phillips' Simpson, Ann M. Greensboro H. S. Chaplin's
Spencer, Joseph H. Barton G. French's Simpson, Eliza C. Greensboro H. S. Chaplin's
Stanton E. Loomis Glover C. Williams' Smith, Laura B. Craftsbury O. French's
Stanton, H. Eugene Glover C. Williams' Smith, Lorane M. Glover I. B. Smith's
Tate, William A. Glover J. Tate's Smith, Mary E. Barton Rev. N. W. Scott's
Way, Abel Charleston I. Dwinell's Soper, Almira M. Coventry B. Hancock's
Wetherby, Homer F. Cambridge J. Buswell's Stark, Sarah E. St. Johnsbury Rev. N. W. Scott's
Williams, Azro A. Glover C. Williams' Stebbins, Lucene A. Westfield B. Hancock's
Williams, Orange S. Glover A. A. Williams' Strong, Cynthia L. Glover I. Strong's
  Strong, Ellen J. Glover I. Strong's
Wadleigh, Alice J. Hatley, CE. J. W. Aiken's
Warren, Elsie Calais Mrs. Phillips'
Webber, Alma Glover Mrs. Cook's
Webber, Eliza R. Glover Mrs. Cook's
Williams, Arville M. Glover A. A. Williams'
Williams, Rosette Glover A. A. Williams'

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