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LUNENBURG – Albert James “Bert” Morin ....show

WHITEFIELD, NH – Anna Lou Holman ....show

LANCASTER – Arthur D. Collins ....show

LANCASTER – Barbara A. Luckey ....show

PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL - Barbara Caroline Willey ....show

MANCHESTER – Bert J. Howe ....show

LANCASTER - Betty-Anne Sunderman ....show

JEFFERSON – Carroll E. Ingerson ....show

MANCHESTER, CT - Catherine (Boyle) Brown ....show

LANCASTER - Cecile Renaud Dubois ....show

DALTON – Charles B. Falkenstrom Jr ....show

LANCASTER – Charles J. Huntington ....show

DALTON – Charles J. Packard ....show

GUILDHALL. - Charles (Charley) Schwirzer ....show

LANCASTER – Charlotte M. Scott ....show

LANCASTER – Clarence Scott ....show

LUNENBURG - Clyde W. “Bucky” Gonyer ....show

LANCASTER, NH – Daniel Ben Craig ....show

GROVETON – David Frederick Peel ....show

JEFFERSON, NH – Denise C. Deery (Lafortune) ....show

DALTON – Dennis Carroll Rexford ....show

GILMAN – Diana Parker ....show

LANCASTER - Doris M. Johnson ....show

DALTON – Earline J. Walter ....show

SALEM, NH - Edgar LaForest Robbins Jr. ....show

LANCASTER - Edward C. Smith Sr. ....show

LANCASTER – Edward J. Samson Sr. ....show

LANCASTER – Everett W. “Hooper” Rexford ....show

GUILDHALL – Fred D. Shannon ....show

DALTON – Frederick G. Mason ....show

LANCASTER – Gary M. Ploss ....show

LUNENBURG – Gary W. Damiani ....show

JEFFERSON – George W. Jordan ....show

LANCASTER – Georgia I. Libby Fraser ....show

Hazel Savage 89 of Lancaster ....show

Helen Carter Goodwin ....show

Helen K. Gessner ....show

LITTLETON – Jacqueline L. Benson ....show

HOWELL, MI - Jean M. Anderson ....show

WHITEFIELD – Joan M. Kopp ....show

LANCASTER – John C. "Jackie" Kenney ....show

LANCASTER – John S. Cardinal ....show

GILMAN – Josephine Helen Cantin Ball ....show

GILMAN – Joseph Roch Rodrique Bourbeau ....show

GOFFSTOWN, NH – Judy A. Elgin ....show

LANCASTER – Kevin J. Truland ....show

JEFFERSON – Lee E. “Skip” Eastman Jr. ....show

DALTON - Leo G. Richard ....show

LANCASTER - Leola I. Sheptor ....show

GROVETON - Leon G. Dupuis ....show

GUILDHALL, VT – Leslie B. Menzies ....show

TWIN MOUNTAIN, NH – Louis A. Dubois ....show

JEFFERSON – Louise J. Lauzon ....show

Louise Placey ....show

LANCASTER – Maidabelle S. Fortin ....show

LANCASTER - Margarete A. Clapp ....show

LANCASTER – Margaret E. “Peggy” Guilmette ....show

Margaret Carr ....show

GUILDHALL – Marie Stevens Judge ....show

LANCASTER - Marita L. Campbell-Meacham ....show

LANCASTER – Marlene K. Cocchi ....show

Mary Brown ....show

LUNENBURG, VT – Mary C. Peavey ....show

LANCASTER – Mary E. Tillotson ....show

SANDSTON, VA - Mary Jane Donnelly (Hicks) Boner ....show

WHITEFIELD, NH – Myrna Vermeersch ....show

LANCASTER - Nancy Bee (Laine) West ....show

LANCASTER – Norma E. Roberts ....show

JEFFERSON - Patricia A. Angelicola ....show

Lancaster, NH - Paul Richardson ....show

LUNENBURG – Phyllis G. Mosher ....show

Rabbi Joyce E. Meinhardt ....show

JEFFERSON – Raymond Everett Mardin ....show

TWIN MOUNTAIN – Raymond J. Ouellette ....show

Reginald Hervey Abbott ....show

Richard A. Birt ....show

LANCASTER - Robert A. Bresnahan ....show

Rosemary Ann Martin ....show

JEFFERSON – Ruth A. Walker ....show

Ruth S. Couture ....show

LANCASTER – Sally White Carter ....show

LANCASTER – Sharon A. Foss ....show

DALTON – Sheilah Mae Raynor ....show

LANCASTER – Sonja L.M. Ingerson ....show

NORTH PORT, FLORIDA - After a long battle of illness, Stephen "Steve" Douglas Kipp ....show

WILTON, NH/PORT RICHEY, FL – Stephen J. Mudgett Sr. ....show

LANCASTER, NH – Terrill-Ann Sargent Theroux ....show

TWIN MOUNTAIN - Watkins, Thomas Charles ....show

Lancaster, NH - Todd Jason-Gilbert Leavitt ....show

DALTON - Vera F. Smith ....show

HYDE PARK, NY – Viola Y. Marvin ....show

GROVETON – Virginia A. “Ginnie” Crawford ....show

LEBANON - Virginia Mary Alden ....show

LANCASTER – Wendell Albert Burke ....show

DALTON – William C. Bolduc ....show

LANCASTER – William D. Thompson II ....show

William J Fischang ....show

GILMAN – William T. Sullivan Jr. ....show

LANCASTER – Yvonne Boucher “GG” ....show


BOUCHER, YVONNE LANCASTER – A graveside service for Yvonne Boucher “GG”, 84, who died January 18, 2014 will be held Friday May 16 at 10:00 AM in Summer Street Cemetery, Lancaster. . Life Cycle celebrant Wendy MacDonald of Randolph will officiate. The family has requested that you wear casual and colorful dress attire.

BRESNAHAN, ROBERT LANCASTER – A graveside committal service with military honors for Robert A. Bresnahan, 61, who died January 29, 2014 will be held Saturday morning May 17 at 10:00 AM in Summer Street Cemetery, Lancaster. Reverend Matthew Mason, pastor of the Gate of Heaven Parish will officiate.

CARTER, SALLY LANCASTER – A graveside committal service for Sally White Carter, 84, of Stebbins Hill Road, who died Sunday March 30, 2104 will be held Monday morning May 19 at 10:00 AM in Summer Street Cemetery, Lancaster. Rev. Matthew Mason, pastor of the Gate of Heaven Parish, will officiate.

COLLINS, ARTHUR LANCASTER – A graveside service for Arthur D. Collins, 92, who died February 2, 2014 will be held Saturday May 17 at 11:30 AM in the Forest Vale Cemetery, Jefferson.

COUTURE, RUTH MERIDEN, CT - A visiting hour for Ruth S. Couture, 91, died on Friday, Dec. 13, 2013 will be held will be held Saturday May 10th at 10:00 AM at the Funeral Home followed by a graveside committal service at 11:00 AM in Calvary Cemetery, Lancaster.

FOSS, SHARON LANCASTER – A graveside committal service for Sharon A. Foss, 64, who died March 19, 2014 will be held Friday morning May 23 at 11:00 AM in the Calvary Cemetery, Lancaster. Reverend Matthew Mason, pastor of the Gate of Heaven Parish will officiate.

FRASER, GEORGIA LANCASTER – A graveside committal service for Georgia I. Libby Fraser, 95, of Lancaster who died December 30, 2013 will be held Monday morning May 12 at 11:30 AM in Summer Street Cemetery. Reverend Brendan Whittaker of Brunswick, VT will officiate.

HUNTINGTON, CHARLES Services will be held at the convenience of the family.

INGERSON, CARROLL JEFFERSON – A graveside committal service Carroll E. Ingerson, 86, who died March 12, 2014 will be held Friday May 23 at 2:00 PM in Summer Street Cemetery, Lancaster. Reverend Jay Dexter, pastor of the New Life Assembly of God in Bethlehem will officiate.

LUCKEY, BARBARA Services will be held at the convenience of the family.

MARDIN, RAYMOND JEFFERSON – A graveside committal service with military honors for Raymond Everett Mardin, 88 of Wheeler Drive, who died March 17, 2014 will be held Friday May 16 at 3:00 PM in the Center Cemetery, Landaff, NH. Reverend Lyn Winters will officiate.

MASON, FREDERICK DALTON – A graveside committal service for Frederick G. Mason, 74, who died February 1, 2014 will be held Friday May 16 at 11:30 AM in the Cushman Cemetery, Dalton. Life Cycle celebrant Wendy MacDonald of Randolph will officiate.

MENZIES, LESLIE GUILDHALL, VT – A graveside service for Leslie B. Menzies, 100, who died December 22, 2012 will be held Saturday May 3 at 11:30 AM in Ridgwell Cemetery, Guidhall. Reverend Brendan Whittaker of Brunswick, VT will officiate.

SHANNON, FRED GUILDHALL – A graveside committal service with military honors will be held for Fred D. Shannon, 77, of North Road, who died March 3, 2014, will be held Saturday afternoon May 17 at 1:30 PM in the Northumberland Cemetery, Groveton. Reverend Gerry Piper, pastor of the United Methodist Church in Springfield, VT will officiate.

SHORES, BEVERLY To be announced

STERLING, HARRIETT EAST CONCORD, VT – A graveside service for Harriett A. Sterling, 91, who died December 7, 2013 will be held Saturday May 31 at 11:00 AM in the Overlook Cemetery, East Concord. Reverend John Sleeper, pastor of the Gilman and Lunenburg Methodist Churches will officiate.

THOMPSON, WILLIAM LANCASTER – A graveside service with military honors will be held for William D. Thompson II, 86, who died February 11, 2014 will be held Saturday morning May 31 at 11:00 AM in Summer Street Cemetery, Lancaster.

SULLIVAN, WILLIAM GILMAN – A graveside service with military honors for William T. Sullivan Jr. 88, who died April 17, 2014 will be held Thursday May 15 at 11:00 AM in Riverside Cemetery, Lunenburg. Reverend Bernard Gaudreau, pastor of Saint John the Evangelist Church in St. Johnsbury will officiate.

Copyright © 2016      Paul DesTroismaisons      All Rights Reserved

Last edited on October 23, 2017
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NEKG of Vermont does not own copyright to the information on this page. Each obituary on this page belongs to the originator. Obituaries are created by the deceased or relatives of the deceased with the help of funeral homes and are published with the intent of informing the public of its content.

NEKG (NorthEast Kingdom Genealogy) of Vermont does own this particular collection, transcription and the presentation of these materials.