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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
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Constance (Hathaway) Young ....show

Dean "Dino" Edward Wells ....show

Tim A. Sanville ....show

Nancy Currier Percy ....show

Thelma Jean LaCoss ....show

Timothy J. Harrington ....show

Carlton Dean Bickford ....show

Lorna C. Beaulieu ....show

Paul Arthur Curtis ....show

Arthur Palmer French ....show

Priscilla "Patty" T. Huntington ....show

Norma Creart Belway ....show

Slayton Robert Marsh ....show

Katherine Virginia Anne (Speckels) Cummings Proctor ....show

Leo "Lee" C. Trombly Jr. ....show

Sarah L. Wiggin ....show

Frank A. Baraw ....show

Donald C. Bean ....show

Robert L. Butterfield Sr. "Bud" ....show

Robert Harrison Cassidy Sr. ....show

Anna Lee Eppler ....show

Anna B. Janci ....show

Dale Reginald Lamere ....show

Katherine V. Speckels Proctor ....show

Richard R. Vallieres ....show

Colin Campbell Drown Sr. ....show

Mary A. Killian ....show

Harriet Olive Limlaw ....show

Joyce Miles Martin ....show

Robert B. Neumayer ....show

David F. Sicard ....show

Constance H. Young ....show

Copyright © 2016      Paul DesTroismaisons      All Rights Reserved

Last edited on September 28, 2016
Site design by 3houses


NEKG of Vermont does not own copyright to the information on this page. Each obituary on this page belongs to the originator. Obituaries are created by the deceased or relatives of the deceased with the help of funeral homes and are published with the intent of informing the public of its content.

NEKG (NorthEast Kingdom Genealogy) of Vermont does own this particular collection, transcription and the presentation of these materials.