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EAST MONTPELIER - Franklin C. Jillson ....show

Montpelier, VT - Frederick William Johnson ....show

Middlesex: Edith Joslin ....show

MONTPELIER: Susanna M. Keller ....show

MONTPELIER: Catherine (Kay) La Porte ....show

Calais, VT - Robert Alfred LaFountain, II ....show

EAST MONTPELIER - Edward G. Lane Sr. ....show

Berlin: Master Sargeant James W. Lane ....show

Montpelier, VT - Cynthia Ann Lawton ....show

Middlesex, VT - Charles Edward Maranville ....show

Potlatch, Washington - Margaret Anne Marr ....show

EAST MONTPELIER: Lois R. McKnight ....show

MONTPELIER: Mary K. McLeod ....show

Montpelier, VT - William Louis "Bill" Meyer ....show

Alice "Frances" Tirrell Mielke ....show

Montpelier, VT - Marion F. Morency ....show

Lawrie Byron Morrison ....show

GROTON - Richard Jose Ortiz, Sr. ....show

North Montpelier, VT - Lorraine M. Papineau ....show

Waterbury, VT - Mary Ellen Parks ....show

Montpelier, VT - Alexander Shipman Parr ....show

Montpelier - Verna Annette Pelletier ....show

Florence H. Pinard ....show

Worcester, VT - Cyril George Polchies ....show

Plainfield, VT - John W. Potthast ....show

Montpelier, VT - Mabel F. Prince ....show

Tyler William Pryce ....show

Paulette Lila Pulsifer ....show

Montpelier, VT - Ann A. Redpath ....show

Elizabeth (Betty) Shaw Wood Reed ....show

Ascutney, VT - George Walbridge Reynolds ....show

Montpelier, VT - James Meyers Ritvo ....show

Montpelier, VT - Arthur Joseph Rochefort ....show

Montpelier, VT - Patience (Patty) Gray Rosebery ....show

June E. Saari ....show

Montpelier, VT - Ann J. Schmidt ....show

Barre, VT - Robert G. Shambo ....show

Greensboro, VT - Audrey Harmon Smith ....show

Barre - Roger L. Sprague ....show

Barre, VT - Marcia St. Cyr ....show

Berlin, VT - Edith Stewart (White) ....show

Berlin, VT - Esther M. Swash ....show

BARRE - Paul Roger Sweet ....show

Barre, VT - Nicholas A. Therrien ....show

South Burlington, VT - George Wayne Thomas ....show

Marshfield, VT - John D. Tibbetts ....show

Woodbury, VT - Linda M. Tucker ....show

WEST BERLIN: Barbara Dorothy Viens ....show

Roberta A. Viens ....show

Middlesex - Marianne (Baumann) Walsh ....show

Barre, VT - Chandler G. Warren ....show

Montpelier, VT - Lawrence R. Weeks ....show

WORCESTER: Lila A.Wilder ....show

The death occurred on February 3, 2011 of Lorna Elizabeth (MacMillan) Williams ....show

East Calais, VT - Louis P. Wilson ....show

Raymond Bert Witham ....show


Irene B. Wyman ....show

Montpelier, VT - Adele M Yeagle ....show

Burlington and South Hero, VT - Catherine F. Young ....show


Copyright © 2017      Paul DesTroismaisons      All Rights Reserved

Last edited on January 20, 2017
Site design by 3houses


NEKG of Vermont does not own copyright to the information on this page. Each obituary on this page belongs to the originator. Obituaries are created by the deceased or relatives of the deceased with the help of funeral homes and are published with the intent of informing the public of its content.

NEKG (NorthEast Kingdom Genealogy) of Vermont does own this particular collection, transcription and the presentation of these materials.