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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
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Dalton C. Gray ....show

Elizabeth "Betty" Prescott Timmins Stone ....show

Winnifred Mary Ellam ....show

Gordon J. Summers ....show

Clara O'Day Godbout ....show

Mary Louise Peters ....show

Jane E. Donna ....show

Cecil J. "Satch" Neill ....show

Lawrence B. Ramsdell ....show

Mary Ann (Stevens) Chesbrough ....show

Leslie Robert Somers ....show

Corinne M. (Loring) Surette ....show

Shirley I. (Lee) Maltby ....show

Jeannette Bernadette Battis ....show

Norma A. Kepler ....show

Lois H. DeFreest Beattie ....show

Ellen Sadie (Jesseman) Frizzell ....show

Norma Ann Kepler ....show

Ila M. Sylce ....show

Lois H. DeFreest ....show

Amelia E. Rexford ....show

Raymond Erwin Grimes ....show

Warner Marandola ....show

Barbara Baker Ward ....show

Gerald R. Boardman Sr. ....show

Gerald R. Boardman Sr. ....show

Lois Ada Brill ....show

Lawrence "Larry" Arthur Littlefield ....show

Sandra Mae (Fox) Carpenter ....show

Richard Hale ....show

Raymond Robert Hodge ....show

Harold J. Haynes ....show

Earle E. "Ed" Adams Jr. ....show

Virginia (Gray) Hamburger ....show

Alan G. Hodges ....show

Hamilton T. Ford ....show

Margaret Evaline Park Wilson ....show

Hamilton Thomas Ford ....show

Ila M. Sylce ....show

Robert J. Donna ....show

Roydon Stanley Hudson ....show

Ruth M. Miller ....show

Edna Oakes Flanders ....show

Harding Schofield ....show

Marilyn Urie ....show

Andrew J. Lefebvre ....show

Barbara Rose Fyfe ....show

Harding Schofield ....show

Andrew J. Lefebvre ....show

Rita L. Niles ....show

Murray Bookchin ....show

John R. Hungerford ....show

Edward Douglas ....show

Mary Joan (Riordan) Laboe ....show

Elwin "John" Brown ....show

Copyright © 2017      Paul DesTroismaisons      All Rights Reserved

Last edited on January 20, 2017
Site design by 3houses


NEKG of Vermont does not own copyright to the information on this page. Each obituary on this page belongs to the originator. Obituaries are created by the deceased or relatives of the deceased with the help of funeral homes and are published with the intent of informing the public of its content.

NEKG (NorthEast Kingdom Genealogy) of Vermont does own this particular collection, transcription and the presentation of these materials.