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BURLINGTON - Virginia Anne (O’Brien) Fayette ....show

ENOSBURG FALLS - Margaret C. Grant ....show

PORTSMOUTH, VA. - Fred William Hawley ....show

ENOSBURG FALLS - Linda M. LaCoste ....show

WATERBURY - Janice A. Lowell ....show

JEFFERSONVILLE - Jewel Elizabeth and Merryk Christian Stone ....show

WATERBURY CENTER - Devon Anne Brown ....show

SOUTH BURLINGTON - Sheila K. Dunleavy ....show

BRISTOL - Emily M. Hansen ....show

BURLINGTON - Thelma Irene LaFountaine ....show

BURLINGTON - Catherine Cecile McCann ....show

WATERBURY CENTER - Shirley M. Marshall ....show

PHOENIX, Ariz. – Patricia V. Payne ....show

HUNTINGTON - Frederick Joseph Ross, Jr. ....show

NORTHFIELD - Quinn Sullivan Tetzlaff ....show

BURLINGTON - Ruth L. Medeiros ....show

INVERNESS, FLA. - Mr. J. Maurice Moreau ....show

ESSEX JUNCTION - Constance M. Provost ....show

CHESAPEAKE, VA./STOWE - A long-time resident of Stowe, Bill Deveney ....show

WINOOSKI - Thelma L. Rivers Lauzon ....show

RICHFORD, VT/ FAYETTEVILLE, NY - Robert Charles Shipway ....show

SOUTH BURLINGTON - Joseph S. Zajchowski ....show

ESSEX JCT - Raymond H. Grenley ....show

ORWELL - Edward C. Barry ....show

WEYBRIDGE - Antoinette Salvator Bilodeau ....show

MONTPELIER - Henry C. Miles ....show

WATERBURY CENTER - Jerretta Clara Mulvey ....show

WINOOSKI - Norma Jean (Vanslette) Ritchie ....show

CROTON-ON - HUDSON, N.Y./MIDDLEBURY, VT. - C. Brian Crosbie-Foote ....show

BURLINGTON - Sarah Anne Forkas ....show

WESTFORD - Bertha M. Foster ....show

Copyright © 2016      Paul DesTroismaisons      All Rights Reserved

Last edited on November 25, 2016
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NEKG of Vermont does not own copyright to the information on this page. Each obituary on this page belongs to the originator. Obituaries are created by the deceased or relatives of the deceased with the help of funeral homes and are published with the intent of informing the public of its content.

NEKG (NorthEast Kingdom Genealogy) of Vermont does own this particular collection, transcription and the presentation of these materials.