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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
Vermont Northeast
Kingdom Genealogy

St. Johnsbury, Vt Genealogy
St. Johnsbury, VT
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Groom Bride Town & Date Issue Date
Adams, Cephas MD of E. Charleston Cobb, Miss Sarah of Morgan Morgan  4th inst 11/7/1856
Aldrige, George W. of Morgan Kelsey, Miss Martha Jane of Derby Morgan  July 14 7/31/1856
Alston, Gowin of Greensboro Campbell, Mrs. Margaret of Morgan Morgan    Nov 7 11/11/1854
Applebee, Jeremiah T. of Charleston (M)ack, Miss Martha M. of Charleston Charleston 6/10/1854
Atkins, Henry A. of Charleston Williams, Lydia of Charleston Westmore  Nov 30 12/9/1854
Ayer, Loren Bennett, Miss Fanny C. Concord  March 25 3/31/1855
Bacon, Zadec M. of Boston Richardson, Miss Emilie A. of Boston NY    1st inst 1/6/1855
Badger, George of Irasburgh Grimes, Mrs. Louisa of Irasburgh Irasburgh     9/22/1855
Bean, Andrew of Charleston Hubbard, Miss Martha M. of Charleston Charleston  June 4 6/9/1855
Bean, Silas G. of Coventry Newland, Mrs. Orpha C. of Irasburgh Irasburgh  May 22 6/9/1855
Bemis, Adna D. of Westmore Young, Miss Ellen M. of Concord W. Charleston  1st inst 1/3/1856
Bemis, E. H. of Norway, ME Bennett, Miss (F.) A. of S. Paris, ME S. Paris, ME  Oct 30 11/4/1854
Blaisdell, John T. of Minneapolis, Minn Gates, Miss Isabella L. of Albany Albany  1st inst 7/14/1855
Blake, Charles of Salem Mansur, Miss Abiah of Morgan Morgan  March 18 3/24/1855
Blake, Horatio of Derby Holmes, Miss Annah M. of Derby Charleston  6th inst 6/17/1854
Blanchard, Sidney J. of Potton, CE Abbott, Miss Lucy M. of North Troy North Troy  10th inst 7/24/1856
Brainard, George of Danville Hale, Miss Martha L. of Danville Danville  May 31 6/17/1854
Brewster, George B. of Irasburgh Leonard, Miss Mary A. of Glover Montpelier  Sept 26 10/6/1855
Broakway, Harrison MD of St J Ctr Blake, Miss Mary of St J Ctr Sutton  June 1 7/8/1854
Brown, Harvey D. of Manchester, VT Little, Miss Jerusha C. of Morgan Morgan  July 4 7/14/1855
Brown, James of Shefford, CE Addison, Miss Mary J. of Brownington Brownington  Aug 19 8/21/1856
Bush, Samuel G. of Irasburgh Pope, Miss Mary A. of Irasburgh Derby Line  6 th inst 6/24/1854
Carpenter, Dr. H. H. of Derby Carpenter, Miss Susan A. of Providence Providence, RI June 4 6/26/1856
Chamberlain, P. B.  Abbott, Miss Alice E. of Derby Derby?     Aug 17 9/1/1855
Chamberlin, Samuel Spaulding, Mrs. Anna  Barton  May 2(1) 6/10/1854
Cheney, Nelson of Glover McLellan, Miss Sarah of Glover Charleston  3d inst 3/10/1855
Clarke, G. W. of Charleston Brown, Miss Laura A. of Holland Holland  16th inst 5/19/1855
Cobb, William Morse, Miss Harriet Charleston  June 27 7/1/1854
Coe, Malachi R. of Brighton Rosebrook, Miss Abigail P. of Brighton Brighton  July 1 7/14/1855
Cowen, Z. H. of Holland Marsh, Miss H. H. of Holland Newport  July 4 7/7/1855
Curtis, Francis of Newburyport, MA Senter, Miss Laura A. of Charleston Charleston 8/26/1854
Cutting, Hiram A. of Lunenburg Haskell, Miss Maranda E. of Lennoxville Lunenburg  Feb 3 3/20/1856
Davis, Albert of Potton, CE Fuller, Miss Barbary of Bolton, CE North Troy  18th inst 7/10/1856
Davis, H. C. of Keene, NH French, Miss S. Saphira of Glover Glover  Sept 24 9/30/1854
Day, Luke P. of Coventry Clark, Miss Lydia Ann of Barton Brownington 10/28/1854
Dolloff, Russel of Newark (B)all, Miss Lorenda A. of Newark Westmore   6/10/1854
Doying, Francis of Irasburgh Badger, Miss Sarah of Irasburgh Irasburgh  Nov 4 11/10/1855
Drown, Gilbert J. of Brownington Kimball, Miss Clarissa S. of Glover Barton  27th ult 12/6/1855
Fish, Lewis A. of Derby Field, Miss Lorinda O. of Newport Newport  Dec 13 12/16/1854
Fisher, N. H. of St Johnsbury Eastman, Miss Annette of N. Troy Derby   5th inst 9/15/1855
Flood, William P. of Sheffield Clark, Miss Abba B. of Glover Glover  16th inst 12/20/1855
Foster, Stephen of Derby Brunswick, Caroline of Duty Evans Esq. New York  Dec 11 1/3/1856
Frost, William of Lewiston, ME Gibson, Miss Sarah of Charleston Windsor  March 30 4/10/1856
Gilman, Peter of Westmore Drown, Miss Arvilla of Sheffield Newark  16th ult 10/6/1855
Gleason, William B. of Westfield Mann, Miss Malintha of Charleston Charleston  March 10 3/20/1856
Goodwin, William H. of Stanstead Eastman, Miss Amelia J. of Stanstead Charleston  20th inst 11/21/1856
Gray, Joseph Jr. of Charleston Bartlett, Miss Abigail C. of Morgan Westmore  March 13 3/20/1856
Gray, Selden Humphrey, Miss Mary A. Brownington  April 11 4/17/1856
Guyer, Earl of Wolcott Trow, Miss Matilda F. of Wolcott Greensboro  Dec 25 1/3/1856
Hamblet, Josiah L. of Morgan Campbell, Mrs. Martha F. of Salem Salem  19th inst 7/22/1854
Hamilton, B. F. of Charleston Bean, Miss M. J. of Charleston Charleston  5th inst 3/20/1856
Hastings, Elias C. of Danville Dunton, Miss Martha K. of Lyndon Lyndon  June 27 7/8/1854
Herrick, Seth of Troy Hines, Miss Elizabeth E. of Troy North Troy  Dec 20 12/27/1855
Hildreth, F. N. of Charleston Fuller, Miss Eliza of Charleston Brownington  June 12 6/19/1856
Hill, Merrill J. of Derby Bates, Miss Jane of Hon. Jacob Bates Derby  Nov 29 12/6/1855
Hinman, Isaac Esq. of Derby Hamilton, Miss Mary of Dalton, NH Holland  Nov 13 11/22/1855
Hovey, Orange of Albany Hidden, Mrs. Louisa of Craftsbury Craftsbury  Dec 13 12/27/1855
Hoyt, Charles A. of Craftsbury Mason, Miss Harriet of Craftsbury Craftsbury  Nov 21 11/29/1855
Huntress, William D. of Danville Haviland, Miss Jane A. of Danville Danville  July 4 7/22/1854
Jenne, Elisha of Orleans Cty Merry, Miss Matilda C. of Magog, CE Magog, CE  28th inst 3/20/1856
Jenne, Harvey of Derby Hopkins, Miss Harriet of Derby Derby?    Aug 22 9/1/1855
Johnson, Rev. of Waitsfield Griswold, Miss Ann of Charleston Randolph  Dec 2(6) 12/30/1854
Kelley, Charles L. of Sheffield Phelps, Miss Stella D. of Troy Newport  Oct 2 10/7/1854
Kent, Stephen P. of Danville Cushman, Miss Mary Jane of St J. Danville  July 3 7/22/1854
Kilborn, Daniel of Charleston Hinman, Miss Rachel A. of Derby Derby  Feb 1 2/17/1855
Knapp, Joseph C. of Columbia, NH Elliott, Miss Lavina of Morgan Morgan  Nov 11 11/22/1855
Knight, George W. of Richford Tabor, Mrs. Cornelia F. of Morgan Morgan 6/10/1854
Lang, Allec C. of Charleston Handy, Miss Angelia of Charleston Charleston  18th inst 11/21/1856
Lang, Andrew J. of Charleston Doloff, Miss Janette S. of Charleston Charleston  Jan 28 2/3/1855
Leonard, Charles S. of Glover French, Miss Serocia of Glover Charleston 26th inst 6/30/1855
Lyon, Edson of Charleston Warren, Betsey of Charleston Charleston  June 12 6/19/1856
Mann, Henry E. of Charleston Brown, Miss Harriet P. of Charleston Charleston?  March 10? 3/20/1856
Manser, William H. of Morgan Moon, Miss Lucina B. of Holland Morgan  Nov 30 12/9/1854
Marsh, C. A. J. of Craftsbury Damon, Miss C. R. of Glover Glover  Dec 20 12/30/1854
Marsh, Isaac H. of Holland Hinman, Miss Clara R. of Jason Hinman Esq. Charleston  Jan 1 1/6/1855
Marsh, Simon of Morgan Whitehill, Miss Emma Ann of Morgan Morgan  15th     7/31/1856
Marshall, C. G. of St J. Clarke, Miss Mary J. of St J. St Johnsbury  July 5 7/15/1854
McGaffy, George W. of Sutton French, Miss Helen L. of Glover W. Charleston 6/10/1854
Morrill, William Esq. of Canaan Badger, Mrs. Sarah of Waterford Waterford  July 2 7/15/1854
Morse, John of Charleston Varnum, Mrs. Hannah L. of Morgan Morgan  15th inst 3/31/1855
Morse, Peter of Derby Hinman, Miss Phebe S. of Derby Derby  Dec 13 12/16/1854
Morse, Rev. Charles F. of Salem Winter, Eliza D. of Aaron E. Winter Esq. W. Boylston   9/4/1856
Northrop, Harman Jr. of Fairfield Adams, Miss Ann E. of Derby Derby  10th  9/15/1855
Nutter, Joel of Barnet Caswell, Miss Lodema L. of Seth Caswell Stanstead   11th inst 6/10/1854
Nye, L. H. of Charleston Applebee, Miss Laura Ann of Charleston W. Charleston Oct 24 10/27/1855
Oredtt, Charles A. of Burlington Russell, Miss Adaline of Danville Danville  May 31 6/17/1854
Parker, Charles L. of Bangor, ME Houghton, Miss Ruth J. of ST J. Lyndon  May 21 6/10/1854
Percival, Solon G. of Coventry Bean, Miss Elzada of Coventry Derby  Aug 8 9/1/1855
Phillips, Dr. John of Stevens Pt., Wisc Hall, Miss Ellen E. of Rev. S. R. Hall Brownington  5th inst 10/14/1854
Powers, Rev. Mark of Washington Cole, Miss Fanny M. of Charleston Charleston  14th inst 10/20/1855
Randall, Fernando of Glover Colby, Miss Elizabeth A. of Burke W. Charleston  1st inst 1/3/1856
Randall, John of Barnet Mason, Miss Mary Jane of Barnet Barnet  June 21 7/8/1854
Randall, Peter B. of Craftsbury Babcock, Miss Lucy N. of Albany Craftsbury  July 8 11/29/1855
Rawdon, Horace L. of Craftsbury Grow, Miss Jane of Craftsbury Craftsbury  Feb 13 3/6/1856
Reed, George M. of Northfield Howes, Miss Lizzie of Northfield Montpelier  May 14 5/29/1856
Rice, O. F. of Sutton Gilman, Miss Minerva of Hardwick S. Hardwick  Aug 14 9/1/1855
Rosebrook, William R. of Brighton Coe, Miss Harriet R. of Burke Burke  March 29 4/7/1855
Ross, Henry of Newton, MA Start, Emily Jane of Daniel Start Esq. of B. Brunswick, NY  26th ult 1/6/1855
Rowell, Henry of Troy Sanborn, Miss Almira of Troy North Troy  10th ult 7/17/1856
Rowell, K. W. of Albany Rowell, Miss Lois P. of Albany Greensboro  Nov 29 12/13/1855
Russell, Luther Jr. of Lyndon Parker, Miss Marilla of Lyman, NH St Johnsbury  July 4 7/22/1854
Ryder, Orasmus of Derby Field, Miss Hellen E. of Derby Newport  March 2 3/20/1856
Scott, Dr. C. W. of Irasburg Colton, Miss Martha of Lyndon Lyndon  May 29 6/17/1854
Seaver, Salina D. of Wilton, IL Patterson, Miss Janette W. of Craftsbury Craftsbury  Feb 7 3/6/1856
Senter, George W. of Charleston McCurdy, Miss Mary Jane of Charleston Charleston  Aug 17 8/26/1854
Shelden, Stephen of Potton, CE Dennis, Miss Harriet A. of Potton, CE North Troy  10th inst 7/24/1856
Smith, Oliver of Salem Danforth, Mrs. Lucretia of Holland Holland  Aug 7 8/21/1856
Spaulding, Hiram of Island Pond Titus, Miss Malona of Island Pond Charleston  June 27 7/7/1855
Stevens, Dea. F. of Troy West, Miss Hannah of Troy North Troy  Feb 26 3/20/1856
Streeter, Carlos C. of Charleston Stoddard, Ellen E. of Charleston Charleston  Jan 1 2/14/1856
Strong, Lewis J. of Hartford, VT Boyd, Miss Diana E. of Hartford, VT Hartland  Jan 12 1/31/1856
Swett, Alpheus of Derby Emery, Miss Ann of Derby West Derby  Sept 10 10/20/1855
Titus, Lewis of Charleston Collins, Miss Mary of Charleston W. Charleston  Aug (54) 9/1/1855
Towland, Jeremiah of Newark Arland, Miss Mercy E. of Newark Morgan  Oct 29 11/4/1854
Trull, David of Burke Jenness, Miss Cornelia of Burke Lyndon  April 8 5/1/1856
Trull, Justus of Lyndon Newton, Miss M. A. of Barton Charleston  10th inst 9/11/1856
Underhill, John S. of Charleston Barney, Miss Eleanor M. of Charleston Charleston 20th inst 3/27/1856
Wakefield,  A. W. of Lowell, VT Roberts, Miss Eliza E. of Waterville Fletcher  Dec 6, 1855 1/3/1856
Waterman, Charles of Albany Harriman, Miss Rosamond of Craftsbury Craftsbury  Oct 21 11/29/1855
Watson, John of Derby Day, Miss Eveline M. of Coventry Derby  Dec 2 1/3/1856
Webster, L. D. of Keysburg, KY Blasdell, Miss Cynthia E. of Craftsbury Craftsbury  Oct 9 12/5/1856
West, Erastus of Troy Marsh, Miss Maria of Troy North Troy  30th ult 12/13/1855
Wheeler, E. E. G. of Charleston Tucker, Miss Julia J. of Irasburg Derby   9/1/1855
Wiggins, Frank E. of Barton Barnard, Miss Stella K. of Charleston Osage, Iowa  May 3 5/22/1856
Wolcott, Hiram of Charleston Spaulding, Miss Laroda of Island Pond Charleston ?  June 27? 7/7/1855
Wolcott, James of Charleston Clough, Miss Chastina of Charleston Charleston ?  June 27? 7/7/1855
Woodruff, G. W. of Burke Bemis, Miss Octavia D. of Burke Charleston  5th inst 11/14/1856
Young, David of Magog, CE Clough, Miss Mary Ann of Charleston Derby  6th inst 9/15/1855

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