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The vital records contained herein were transcribed from index cards found in two
drawers of a filing cabinet at the Vermont Historical Society. They consist of items relating to
Vermont deaths and marriages in the early part of the 19 th century. These records were compiled
by John Elliott Bowman from various newspapers, chiefly dated between 1802-1838, with a
single reference to a 1796 issue of the Keene, N.H., Rising Sun, and one of the same year to
Spooner’s Vermont Journal. It is not clear whether all issues within the various time periods
were searched. However, a list of the newspapers from which information was apparently
derived, and time spans represented, are as follows:
Name of newspaper - Dates of issues
Boston Advertiser, Boston, Mass. 1813 through 1822
Boston Record, Boston, Mass. 1819
Boston Recorder, Boston, Mass. 1814 through 1838
Columbian Centinel, Boston, Mass. 1817
Freeman’s Press, Montpelier, Vt. 1810 through 1811
Green Mountain Patriot, Peacham, Vt. 1804
Political Observatory, Walpole, N.H. 1803 through 1806
Rising Sun, Keene, N.H. 1796
Rutland Herald, Rutland, Vt. 1802
Salem Register, Salem, Mass. 1802
Spooner’s Vermont Journal, Windsor, Vt. 1796 through 1806
Trumpet & Universalist Magazine, Boston, Mass. 1838
Vermont Chronicle, Westminster, Vt. 1821 through 1827
Vermont Federal Galaxy, Brattleboro, Vt. 1802
Vermont Gazette, Windsor, Vt. 1802
Vermont Republican, Windsor, Vt. 1809 through 1810
Washingtonian, Windsor, Vt. 1811
Windsor Gazette, Windsor, Vt. 1803
Worcester National Aegis, Worcester, Mass. 1802
Whereas Bowman’s card file often contained duplicate cards (one entry for the bride and
one for the groom for some marriages, for instance), this transcription has endeavored to
eliminate unnecessary duplicate entries. An all-name index follows the transcriptions.
As with all transcriptions, errors can and do occur; interpretation of sometimes difficult to
read handwriting is always a possible source of error. The researcher wishing to check on
reliability of the information contained herein may view the original cards prepared by Bowman
at the Vermont Historical Society. A better check would be to refer to the original newspaper if a
copy can be located.
Robert M. Murphy