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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
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Long List of Former Students Deceased During the Year 1918 / 1919
Military Service Committor in Continue
Work Report Presented
Officers were elected for the coming year, as reported by the nominating commlttee, made up of Frank R. Wells, '93, chairman, James D. Tanner, '91, and Thomas J. Mulcare, '09.
The new officers are: President, F. H. Clapp, '86; vice-president. Charles C. Farnham, '86; secretary, R. I. Patrlck '90 treasurer, F. W. Kehoe, '89; obituary commlttee, W. B. Gates, '81, the Rt. Rev. George Y. Bliss, '89, Robert Roberts, '69, E. S. Isham, '89, athletlc committee, E. S. Towne, '86, Lymon Allen, '93, R. W. Collins '09; trustee nominating committee, the Rt. Rev. Georgo Y. Bliss, 'S9, J. H. Macomber, '90; executive commlttee, H. E. Gray, '03, J. O. Baxendale, '12. A. H. Grout, '01, Edward S. Abbott, '09, and W. H. Wilson, '09; breakfast committee, H. R. Watklns, '92. M. L. Powell, '89, Mrs. H. E. Gray, 'Of., and F. B. Wright, '05

To the University of Vermont Alumni Association:
The war in Europe and the epidemic of influenza in the United States last fall have made the obituary record of this  association for the last year by far the longest In Its history. Not including graduates of the college of medicine, who are reported by the obituary committee of the Medical Alumni association, news of the death of 59 former students at the
University of Vermont has reached your committee during the year! Of this number six were killed In action on the battlefields of France, two were killed by accident while in the service, one died of wounds received in action, one met with foul play In France, six died of disease while In military servlce in this country, and eight died of disease while members of tho Student Army Training Corps at this University.
The list is as follows:
1852 Dean Adams Fletcher, born Essex, N. V., 18 May 1831, died Maquokota, Iowa, 19 December 1918. 
1833 Hobart Hamilton, born Jericho, Vt.,  20 June 1831, died Petersburg, Ill., 9 August 1918.
1855 Benjamin Franklin Fifield, born Orange, Vt., 18 November 1832, died Montpelier, Vt., 23 July 1918.
1859 Mllo Latimer Templeton, born East Montpelier, Vt., 16 June 1836, died San Francisco, Cal.,, 9 May 1918.
Ex 1860 Edgar Woodward Pierce, born Jay, N.Y., 6 March 1836, died Mooors, N.Y. 18 July 1918.
1863 Rev. Samuel Ingersoll Briant, born Beverly, Mass., 28 July 1839, died Westboro, Mass., 7 January 1919.
1863 Rev. George Phelps Byington, born Hinesburg, Vt., 17 August 1838, died Ballardvale, Mass., 17 August 1918.
1867 Henry Orson Wheeler, born Williston Vt., 7 October 1811, died San Dlmas, Cal., 17 July 1918.
1867 William Foote Marsh, born Burlington Vt., 19 February 1850, died Brattleboro, Vt., 4 March 1919.
1874 Wlllard Norris Armlngton, born Waterford, Vt., 9 November 1850, died Oshkosh, Wis., 19 September 1918.
Ex 1881 Edward Grenville Benedict, born Brooklyn, N. Y., 5 October 1859, died Burlington, Vt.. 10 September 1918.
1884 Klrby Flower Smith, born Pawlet, Vt., 6 December 1862, died Baltimore, Md., 6 December 1918.
1891 Edgar Hiram Adams, born Rutland Vt.,  21 July 1867, died Brooklyn, N.Y., 29 June 1918.
1891 Don Carlos Hawley, born Cambridge, Vt., 12 October 1867, died Charlotte. N. C. 11 May 1918.
1891 Mamas Kevork Santikian, born Kharpert, Armenia, November, 1859, died Fresno, Cal., sometime in July 1918
Ex 1896 Clarence Newton Arnold, born Providence, R. I., 15 October 1873, died Providence, R. I., 4 February 1919.
Ex 1897 Anna Laura Lawrence, born Burlington, Vt., 14 September 1871. died Reisterstown, Md,, 4 December 1918.
1900 Orville Gould Wheeler, born Burlington, Vt., 19 October 1877, died Brooklyn, N. Y., 16 October 1918.
Ex 1905 Clyde Dee Gilbert, born Cambridge, Vt., 14 Feburary 1881, died Allentown, Pa., 18 October 1918.
1907 Charles Willard Ingalls, born Fairhaven, Vt., 5 December 1885, died Camp Humphrey, Va., 8 October 1918.
1908 Mrs. Lelia Bridgman Estes Holton, born Riverglade, New Brunswick, 9 January1883, died Boston, Mass., 6 July 1919
Ex 1908 Roy Albert Huse, born Moristown, Vt., 11 May 1885, died Windsor, Vt., 20 October 1918
Ex 1919 William Strong Wright, born South Hadley, Mass., 28 November 1886, died Buffalo, N.Y., 10 October 1918
1911 Vernon Chester Buxton, born Underhill Vt., 20 August 1889, killed in action in France 15 October 1918..
1913 Raymond Glenwood Cobb, born Provincetown, Mass., 25 August 1890, died Medway, Mass, 29 September 1918.
1913 Mary Elizabeth Windslow, born South Royalton, Vt., 6 May 1891, died South Royalton 11 April 1919.
1914 Karl Albert Emmerson, born Hardwick, Vt., 2 April 1892, died Montreal, P.Q., 18 October 1918
1914 Harold Partridge Gaylord, born Brookfield, Vt., 8 February 1892, died Orange, N. J., 12 October 1918
1915 Perry Henry Aldrich, born West Kill, N. Y., 27 November 1891, died in Evacuation Hospital One, France, 29 October 1918, of wounds received in action.
1915 Mrs. Irene Ballou Balch, born Uxbridge, Mass., 12 August 1892, died Burlington, Vt., 13 January 1919.
1915 Jason Solon Hunt, born Johnson, Vt., 31 January 1894, Killed in action in France about 1 August 1918
1915 Everett Keith Swasey, born Barre, Vt., 4 April 1893, died Waterbury, Vt., 22 October 1918
1915 Lucille Thompson White, born Rutland, Vt., 11 November 1892, died Chelsea, Mass., 21 october 1918 
1916 Frank Parker Corley, born Barton Vt., 3 May 1890, died Silverton, Colo., 9 November 1918.
Ex 1916 Ira Leroy Morse, born Wolcott, Vt., 16 September 1891, died Jeffersonville, Vt., 24 October 1918
Ex 1916 Truman Solomon Riley, born Brandon, Vt., 19 May 1890, died Brandon, Vt., 12 October 1918.
1917 Clarence Merrill Collord, born Corning, N. Y., 15 January 1893, killed in action in France 11 October 1918
1917 George Wallace Foster, born Cuttingsville, Vt., 15 April 1894, killed in action in France 25 October 1918
1917 Laurence Louis St. Cyr, born Woodstock, Vt., 9 November 1894, died Philadelphia, Pa., 8 October 1918
Ex 1918 Harold Verne Adams, born Dover, Vt., 31 December 1896, killed by falling in an airplane, Millington, Tenn., 20 February 1919
Ex 1918 Charles Whiting Baker, Jr., born Montclair, N. J., 22 October 1895, died Washington, D.C., 8 October 1918
Ex 1918 Guy Russell Chamberlin, born Burlington, Vt., 26 August 1896, killed in action in France 27 September 1918
Ex 1918 Willard James Freeman, born Newton Lower Falls, Mass., 4 December 1894, killed in France 4 December 1918
Ex 1919 Leslie Edwin Billings born Middlebury, Vt., 3 June 1895, died Hampton Roads, Va., 9 October 1918
Ex 1919 Stafford Leighton Brown, born Newton, Mass., 25 October 1895. killed while operating monoplane in France 28 Sepember 1918
Ex 1919 Philip Durkee Noble, born Bethel, Vt., 1 January 1897, died Camp Devens, Mass., 21 September 1918
Ex 1919 Melville Keene Palmer, born Chicago, Ill., 27 March 1895, killed in action in France about 1 November 1918
Ex 1920 Elmore Defoe Croft, born Groton, N. Y., 2 March 1897, died New Haven, Conn., 11 October 1918
Ex 1920 Frederic Moore Forbush, born Grand Rapids, Mich., 11 August 1896, died Philadelphia, Pa., 6 October 1918
Ex 1920 Henry Billings Furber, born Woodstock, Vt., 21 March 1898, died Charleston, S. C., 21 October 1918
1920 John Alfred Morrissey, born Bennington, Vt., 25 Febuary 1899, died Bennington, Vt., 21 April 1919
Ex 1920 Clinton Everett Smith, born Willamstown, Mass., 1 December 1896, died Burlington, Vt., 6 December 1918
Ex 1920 Harold Robert Whalen, born Burlington, Vt., 31 March 1896, died Burlington, Vt., 16 October 1918
Ex 1921 Dana Bicknell Goodrich, born Essex, Vt., 5 October 1898, died Fort Ethan Allen, Vt., 24 November 1918
1922 Graydon Curtis Aines, born Orwell, Vt., 2 February 1900, dide Burlington, Vt., 5 December 1918
1922 Evan Frank Harvey, born Taftsville, Vt., 30 May 1899, died Burlington, Vt., 6 December 1918
1922 Roy Goodwin Howard, born Fairfax, Vt., 15 January 1900, died Fort Ethan Allen, Vt., 29 November 1918
1922 Harry Smith Robinson, born Plattsburg, N. Y., 7 November 1898, died Burlington, Vt., 7 December 1918
1922 Raymond Seymour Rublee, born East Berkshire, Vt., 23 May 1899, died Fort Ethan Allen, Vt., 30 November 1918
1922 John Harold Whitton, born Williston, Vt. 26 January 1900, died Burlington, Vt., 7 December 1918.
60 - Kent, Prentiss J., died at Montpelier May 4, 1010
73 - Packard, Frank A., Kearney, Neb., died June 27, 1918, age 65
75 - Crowell, Homer C. died October 25, 1918, aged 66 years
76 - Miller, Abram C., died October 18, 1918, aged 70 
78 - Morey, Gustavus R., of Manchester, N. H., died April 29, 1918, aged 79
80 - Houghton, Fred H., of Roulette, Pa., died of influenza November 2, 1918
80 - Howe, Herbert H., of Yantic, Conn., died February 4, 1918, aged 65
80 - Phelps, Samel H., died May 1, 1919
81 - Caverly, Charles S., of Rutland, died October 16, 1918, aged 62
84 - Anzal, Ernest, William of New York city, died October 1918, aged 58
87 - Beattie, Franklin T., West Hebron, N. Y. died august 18, 1918
88 - Pilon, Edward, died of nephritis October 14, 1918, aged 54
88 - Williamson, Walter D., of Portland Me., died June 2, 1918
89 - Maynard, Louise A., of Worcester, Mass., died of pulmonary hemorrage, December 5, 1898, aged 58
89 - Wellington, William T., of Terryville, Conn., died of pneumonia, October 7, 1918, aged 59
90 - Claflin, Alphonse A., of St. Albans died January 16, 1919, of pneumonia, following influenza, aged 61
90 - Haskell, Charles N. of Bridgeport, Conn., died March 5, 1919 of angine pectoris, aged 57
90 - Reynolds, Henry H., of Malone, N. Y., died July 27, 1918, aged 56
94 - Kelly, Charles D., of Mt. Vernon, N. Y., died July 27, 1918, aged 59 of Heart Disease.
96 - Congdon, William O., of Cuba, N. Y., died October 18, 1898, aged 69
97 - Baylies, Frederic W., died of influenza October 23, 1918
99 - Trudeau, Marc Aurele, of Lowell, Mass., died September 2, 1918.
01 - Shea, Dennis M. of Nashua, N. H., died September 29, 1918. He was 48
01 - Wasson, Watson L., of Waterbury Hospital for the Insane, died of pneumonia, November 24, 1918, aged 44.
04 - Shaw, Charles J., of Stony Creek, N. Y., died October 19, 1918, aged 40
09 - Phelan, Edward F. Lieut., of North Brookfield, Mass., aged 32, reported dead in the Casualty list of February 1919.
07 - Parker, Harry R., Lieut. M. C. U. S. A. died on duty, December 23, 1918 of pneumonia.
10 - Watts, Walter A, Pawtucket, R. I., died of influenza, October 7, 1918, aged 38
13 - Coffee, Vincent H., died in Orwell, October 8, 1918 of pneumonia, following influenza, aged 29
13 - William, H., of Buffalo, N. Y., died April 9, 1919, of bronchitis. He was 37.
14 - Ennis, Francis J., died in Burlington of influenza October 27, 1918.
14 - Grace, Edward S., of New Britain, Conn., died October 8, 1918 of influenza, aged 29
20 - Freeman, Willard J. Was a lieutenant in France. Was murdered on December 24, 1918, age 24.

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