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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
Vermont Northeast
Kingdom Genealogy

St. Johnsbury, Vt Genealogy
St. Johnsbury, VT
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This cemetery was transcribed and compiled by

She has generously donated this listing
to the Northeast Kingdom Genealogy web page.

The term "Freeman" in Colonial days had nothing to do with servitude or bondsmen. Simply it meant you were
a full citizen of the Colony. Under the first Massachusetts charter, only Freemen had the right to hold public
office or vote in town meetings. Indentured servants and bonded servant were not eligible.

To be admitted a freeman you must first fulfill the requirements.
- Must of Sworn Allegiance to the Crown.
- Must be a Male over 21 years of age.
- Membership in a duly recognized church.
- Own personal property generally valued at 40 pounds or 40 shillings per year.
- Must be of a quiet and peaceful manner.
- Other Freemen in the area endorsed him.

If all of the requirements are met then they were allowed to
take the Freemen's Oath at a meeting of the town's selectmen.
Being a Freeman brought certain duties and rights among others
- The right to vote in town meetings.
- The right to hold public office.
- The right to elect deputies to the General Assembly.
- Required to pay taxes.

Today, to register to vote in Vermont, you must be a U.S. citizen, be a resident of Vermont, and at least 18 years of age, and have taken the Freeman's Oath. On September 2, 1794, St. Johnsbury was administering its first Freeman's Oaths. According to the Vermont Constitution, every man 21 years or older who had resided in Vermont for one year and was a respectful citizen could take the Freemen's Oath and become an equal Vermont citizen. And so on this day, eleven men took the oath in St. Johnsbury, promising to take part in Vermont affairs with each agreeing to vote their conscience in the best interest of the state and her people.

Freeman's Oath

I, __________, being by God's providence an inhabitant and freeman within the jurisdiction of this Commonwealth, do freely acknowledge myself to be subject to the government thereof, and therefore do here swear ... that I will be true and faithful to the same.... Moreover, I do solemnly bind myself in the sight of God, that when I shall be called to give my voice touching any matter of the State ... I will give my vote and suffrage, as I shall judge in mine own conscience may best conduce and tend to the public weal of the body without respect of persons or favor of any man. So help me God...

Although modified slightly, today's Freeman's Oath can be taken by men and women at 18 years of age.
The current Vermont "Voter's Oath" echoes these sentiments in plainer language:

[I] solemnly swear ... that whenever [I] give [my] vote or suffrage, touching any matter that concerns the state of Vermont, [I] will do it so as in [my] conscience [I] shall judge will most conduce to the best good of the [state]
Highlight keywords:
Microfilm of early freeman lists from Troy, VT Town Clerk's office.
Microfilm available at Middlesex Vital Records office, film F1549
August 20, 1814 Pg 24
Brown, Stephen Hovey, James
Chamberlin, Asher Hovey, James
Chamberlin, Oliver Hovey, Sam[ue]l H.
Chamberlin, Sam[ue]l Lyon, Jonah [prob Josiah]
Chesemane, Daniel Phelps, John
Chesemone, Josiah Porter, Eleazer
Chesemone, W[illia]m Sisco, Richard
Cory, Henry Thomas, Aram
Currier, Ezekiel Wells, Thomas
Currier, Ezekiel Whitcomb, Charles
Currier, Thomas Whitcomb, Elijah
Elkins, Jonah Whitcomb, Josiah
Fuller, Simeon White, Eli
Hardy, Edmond  
September 6, 1814 Pg 25
Brown, Stephen Hardy, Edmond
Camp, Henry Hovey, James 
Chamberlin, Asher Hovey, James Jun.
Chamberlin, Oliver Hovey, Sam[ue]l H.
Chamberlin, Sam[ue]l Porter, Eleazer
Chesemane, Daniel Sisco, Richard
Chesemane, W[illia]m Thomas, Aram
Chesemone, Jacob Wells, Thomas
Currier, Ezekiel Whitcomb, Charles
Currier, Thomas Whitcomb, Elijah
Elkins, Jonah Whitcomb, Jonah
Fuller, Simeon White, Eli
August 17, 1824 Page 61
Adams, Hallet Fuller, Hezekiah
Aldrich, Roswell Fuller, Hezekiah - took oath
Aldrich, Roswell - took oath Garland, Geo[rge] W.
Allen, Harry  [Harvy prob] Garland, Jacob
Angier, Silas Grant, Isaac
Baily, (Laird?) Hall, James
Baily, Ira Hall, James Jr.
Bell, W[illia]m N. Hamilton, Peletiah
Blodget, Joseph Hand, Charles
Blodget, Joseph - took oath Hardy, Jefse
Brown, Ammi Hauxhurst, Walter
Brown, Stephen Hayward, Harry
Burnham, Alanson Hayward, Harry
Caldwell, W[illia]m A. Hovey, James Jr.
Chamberlin, Franklin Hovey, Sam[ue]l H.
Chamberlin, Joshua Johnson, Ezra
Chamberlin, Levi Keith, James
Chamberlin, Oliver Kennedy, Michael
Chamberlin, Oliver Jr. Livingston, Farrand
Chamberlin, Ralph Miller, Harry
Chamberlin, Sam[ue]l Morse, W[illia]m
Chamberlin, Seth Parker, James
Chesemore, Stephen Perkins, Nuland [Newland]
Chisimore, Sam[ue]l Porter, Benj[ami]n
Conant, Charles Porter, Eleazer
Cook, Giles Porter, Horace
Corey, David Powers, Walter
Corliss, P. M. Robinson, Peter
Courser, Jefse Sisco, Richard
Cutting, Chester Stoughton, Luke
Elkins, Curtis Thomas, Aram F.
Elkins, Harvey Thomas, Erastus
Elkins, Josiah Upton, Elisha
Elkins, Josiah Jr. Walker, Leonard P.
Flint, George Washburn, Reuben
Flint, John Whitcomb, Charles
Fuller, Dauphin Whitcomb, Elijah
Fuller, Frederick Whitcomb, Tho[ma]s
December 4, 1825 page 70
Adams, John Garland, Geo[rge] W.
Bell, John Garland, Jacob
Bell, John - took oath Grant, Isaac
Bell, W[illia]m N. Hadlock, Hiram
Bixby, Asa Hadlock, Hiram - took oath
Bixby, Daniel Hall, James Jr.
Brown, Ammi Hamilton, Peletiah
Brown, Levi Hand, Charles
Brown, Stephen Hovey, Sam[ue]l H.
Bull, W[illia]m Johnson, Ezra
Chamberlin, Franklin Keith, Bela
Chamberlin, Levi Keith, James
Chamberlin, O., Jr. Kennedy, Michael
Chamberlin, Oliver Kindel, John
Chamberlin, Ralph Mory, W[illia]m L.
Conant, Charles Phelps, Curtis
Cook, Giles Phelps, John
Cory, David Porter, Francis
Cory, Henry Porter, Francis - took oath
Craigue, James Pratt, Jona[than] H.
Craigue, Joseph Stoughton, Guy
Craigue, W[illia]m Stoughton, Luke
Cummings, Brigham Stoughton, Thomas
Elkins, Curtis Thomas, A. D.
Farman, Herod Thomas, Erastus
Flint, Geo[rge] Upton, Elisha
Flint, John 2d Washburn, Reuben
Fuller, Dauphin Williams, Henry
Fuller, Frank  
September 4, 1827 Page 76-77
Adams, John Gleason, Levi
Aldrich, Roswell Grant, Isaac
Angier, Silas Hall, James
Bailey, Ira Hall, James Jr
Be[a]dle, Amos Hamilton, Peletiah
Beadle, Amos - took oath Hand, Charles
Bell, (Tom) N. Hardy, Jefse
Bixby, Asa Hayward, Harry
Bixby, Daniel Hovey, James
Blanchard, Stephen Howe, Ezra
Brown, Ammi Hunt, John
Brown, Levi James, Jonathan
Brown, Stephen Johnson, Ezra
Burnham, Alanson Kennedy, Michael
Chamberlin, Franklin Kirk, Reuben
Chamberlin, Joshua Lake, S[h]erburn
Chamberlin, Levi Levingston, Farrand
Chamberlin, Oliver Lilly, William
Chamberlin, Oliver Jr. Morse, Ira F.
Chamberlin, Ralph Morse, William
Chamberlin, Samuel Perkins, Newland
Cheseman, Stephen Porter, Benjamin
Conant, Charles Porter, Eleazer
Cook, Giles Porter, Francis
Corey, David Porter, Horace
Craigue, James Powers, Stephen
Craigue, Joseph Powers, Walter
Craigue, William Pratt, Jonathan H.
Cummings, Brigham Putnam, Fletcher
Currier, Alphaus Remick, Isaac
Currier, John W. Robinson, Peter
Cutting, Chester Sawtell, Silas P.
Elkins, Curtis Scales, Cyrus
Elkins, Harvey Scales, Cyrus - took oath
Elkins, Jonah Si[sco], Richard
Elkins, Josiah Sisco, Richard H.
Farman, Herod Strobridge, Tully
Farman, Safford Thomas, Erastus
Farman, Safford - took oath Walker, Leonard P.
Flint, George Washburn, Reubin
Flint, John 2d? Whitcomb, Charles
Fuller, Dauphin Whitcomb, Thomas
Fuller, Frederick Williams, Henry
Garland, G. W. Wing, Joseph
Garland, Jacob Wing, Joseph
Gelpin [Gilpin], Charles  
Aug 11, 1829 page 91
Brown, Anson - took oath Scales, Luther - took oath
Calkins, John - took oath Stoughton, John - took oath
Grant, Peter - took oath Whitcomb, Elijah - took oath
Hamilton, John - took oath Whitman, Ed(win?) - took oath
November 10, 1840 Page 320-323
Abbott, Adams Hamilton, James
Adams, J. C. Hamilton, John
Adams, John Hardy, Stephen
Allen, Cyrus Hastings, H.
Angier, Silas Hayward, S.
Angier, Silas Hibbard, Joel
Atwell, J. Hitchcock, A. C.
Bailey, Heaton Hovey, Chester
Bailey, I. A. Hovey, Chester
Bailey, J. P. Hovey, F. H.
Bailey, J[onathan] B. Hovey, Jam[e]s
Bailey, J[onathan] B. Howe, S.
Bailey, Jacob C. Humphrey, Ira
Bailey, Sam[ue]l Humphrey, Ira
Bailey, Solomon Hunt, Eli
Ball [Bell], N. Y/T Hunt, Eli
Bard, D. H. Hunt, J. B.
Bard, D. H. Hunt, Nathan
Bard, I. C. Johnson, David
Beadle, J. G. Johnson, Ezra
Bell, W. N. Johnson, John
Billings, W[illia]m Johnson, M.
Bixby, Moses Keith, Bela
Boardman, N. Keith, James
Booth, E[rastus] Keith, James
Booth, E[rastus] Kenady [Kennedy], Michael
Bradley [Braley], Carnot Kimball, Isaac
Braley, Carnot Kirk, Reubin
Brown, Hos Kirk, Reubin
Brown, J. C. Knight, Tho[ma]s N.
Brown, L. C. Lake, Sherburn
Brown, Levi Lane, George R.
Brown, S[imon] P. Lawrence, Lyman
Bull, W[illia]m Ma(ozy?), L. C.
Bullock, S. J. Manuel, Chandler
Burnham, Alan Manuel, Gardner
Burnham, Joseph Marsh, Charles
Cary [& Corey], Franklin Marsh, H. K.
Chamberlin, (   ) b/r/?? Mason, [Stil]man
Chamberlin, R. Morse, W[illia]m
Chandler, J. G. Paddock, Haran
Chisamore, W[illia]m Page, L. B.
Chiseman, Stephen Paine, G. W.
Chiseman, W[illia]m Paine, W[illia]m
Cluff, D. M. Parker, S.
Coburn, Chester Parkhurst, L. M.
Corey, David Perkins, Alonzo
Corey, Franklin Perkins, N.
Craigue, James Phelps, Curtis
Crane, N. A. Phelps, Curtis
Culver, J. M. Porter, Ben[jami]n
Currier, Alphras Porter, Charles
Currier, J. W. Porter, Eleazer
Currier, J. W. Porter, Eleazer Jr?
Curtis, Mark Porter, Francis
Curtis, Mark Porter, Horace
Cutting, Chester Powers, Walter
D(earborn), Herman Powers, Walter
Davidson, C. H. Pratt, J. H.
Davis, Ray Pratt, J. H.
Dix, Sam[ue]l Ramsdale, Isaac
Dix, Sam[ue]l Reciter, Joseph
Dodge, Moses Reed, (Sam'l?)
Dodge, P. Ricker, James
Downs, Ben[jami]n R. Robinson, Alden
Downs, Nathan Robinson, Austin
Dudley, L. D. Sartle, S. P.
Dudley, S. C. Sartwell, T. J.
Durkee, Sheldon Shindall, C. P.
E(lkins?), Jonas Sisco, Calvin
Eastman, V. O. Smith, Sabin
Elkins, Curtis Smith, Sabin
Elkins, Harvey Squire, John
Elkins, Jonathan Stebbins, Jarius
Farman, David Stebbins, Madison
Farman, Harvey Stebbins, Madison
Fifield, Andrew Stephens, A. T.
Flint, Charles Stephens, Ed[war]d
Flint, Francis Stone, George
Flint, John 2d Stoughton, George
Flint, M. V. Stoughton, George
Foster, Hiram Stoughton, Tho[ma]s
Foster, Moses Sumner, Sam[ue]l
Fuller, Dauphin Thomas, Aram
Fuller, Francis Thomas, Caleb
Fuller, Frederick W. Townsend, S. S.
Fuller, Joshua Washburn, Reuben
Fuller, Joshua Wells, Francis
Gilman, W[illia]m C. West, Dudley
Grant, Isaac West, Erastus
Grant, O. West, Sam[ue]l
Gregory, J. Whitcomb, Charles
Gregory, John Whitcomb, Joel
Gregory?, Augustus Whitman, Eben[eze]r
Hale, R. Willey, M. A.
Haley, James  

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