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Concord, Vermont Town Charter list Sept 15, 1781 |
Tax List
Oct 2, 1813 pg 187 |
Jones, Doct. Reuben |
Hurd, Abijah |
Ames, Tho[ma]s E. |
Morse, Nathan |
Woods, Joseph |
Hurd, Truman |
Adams, Bulkley |
Morse, Sam[ue]l |
Walbridge, Ebenezer |
Carter, Ephraim |
Ball, Levi |
Mathews, Jona[than] |
Aiken, Edward |
Hall, Benj[amin] |
Ball, Joseph |
Morton, Alex[ande]r |
Spafford, Moses |
Blake, Nathan Junr. |
Badcock, Solo |
May, James |
Tiffany, Gideon |
Durnnet, Jonathan |
Badcock, Jason |
May, Elisha |
Gilkey, W[illia]m |
Tiffiny, Sylvester |
Beal, Jos |
May, Oliver |
Smith?, John of Chester |
Prescott, Jonas |
Balch, Sylv. |
May, Silas |
White, John |
Gale, Abijah |
Bingham, W. |
May, Benj[ami]n |
White, Walter |
May, Seth |
Bingham, T. |
Meed, Theo. |
White, John Junr. |
Wetherbee, Samuel |
Booty, Jos |
Nichols, Solom. |
How, Uriah |
Wetherbee, Susannah |
Buckman [Buckminster], Jos |
Nichols, John |
Ward, W[illia]m of Poultney |
Wetherbee, Jason |
Bugbee, Alp |
Putnam, Seth |
Smith, Elisha |
Wetherbee, Sam[ue]l Junr. |
Barker, Sam[ue]l |
Putnam, Thom |
Meril, Obediah |
Wetherbee, James |
Colburn, Benj[amin] |
Page, Enos |
Willard, Jopah |
Wetherbee, Azor |
Coruth, Sam[ue]l |
Perry, Oliver |
Willard, Prentice |
Freeman, Jonathan |
Chase, Moses |
Parker, Amos |
White, Josiah |
Freeman, Otis |
Cheney, Ben |
Reed, Hinds |
Galusha, Elijah |
Webb, Joshua |
Cheney, Elias |
Reed, Nath'l |
Chittenden, Noah |
Webb, Charles |
Cumings, Thos |
Richardson, Lot |
Putnam, Thomas |
Robinson, Nathaniel |
Cutting, Oliver |
Richardson, Timo[thy] |
Putney, Levi |
Davis, Nathaniel |
Carpenter, Aaron |
Streeter, Benj[amin] |
Wymen, Isaac |
Holton, Jonathan |
Collington, Jno |
Streeter, David |
Hodge, Edmund |
Clark, Timothy |
Durlam, Jon [John] |
Spalding, And. |
Smith, (Hial) |
Ellis, Joseph |
Darling, John M. |
Slyfield, And. |
Chase, Moses |
Ellis, Simeon |
Ellis, Arch. |
Slyfield, W[illia]m |
Beach, John |
Ellis, Benj[amin] |
Fry, John, Jr. |
Smith, Fran. |
Chittenden, Thomas |
Davis, Daniel |
Fry, Jona[than] |
Taggard, Robert |
(Ila?), Abraham |
Willard, Mofes |
Fry, Joseph |
Taggard, Arch. |
Beach, James E. |
Lincoln, Levi |
Fitts, Marg |
Thayer, Charles |
Uffatt, Samuel |
Green, Benj[amin] |
Graves, P. L. [I. P.] |
Thayer, Pres. |
Beach, Barney |
Carter, W[illia]m |
Graves, Rich[ardso]n |
Thayer, Gard'n |
Ives, Jotham |
Garfield, Arts |
Turner, Henry |
Proprietors Names 1785 - Concord pg 30-1 |
Grout, Reuben |
Turner, Sam[ue]l |
Robinson, Nathaniel |
Wetherbe, Jafon [Jason] |
Gregory, Dan |
Underwood, Amos |
Wetherbee, Samuel Jr. |
Clark, Timothy |
Gregory, Josiah |
Underwood, David |
Holton, Jona[than] |
Brigham, Mofes [Moses] |
Hawes, Nathan |
Vilas, Noah |
Davis, Nathaniel |
Putnam, Thomas |
Hardy, Manning |
Williams, Aza[rias] |
Merril, Obadiah |
Chittenden, Noah |
Holton, Bulkley |
Williams, John |
Carter, Ephraim |
Ellis, Benjamin |
Holton, Adol |
Woodbury, Jefse [Jesse] |
Beach, Barney |
Davis, Daniel |
Holton, Bela |
Woodbury, Jefse [Jesse], Jr. |
Freeman, Otis |
Ives, Abel [Abraham] |
Holton, Jona[than] |
Woodbury, Lot |
Ellis, Simeon |
Lincoln, Levi |
Hill, Elijah |
Woodbury, Jona[than] |
Atkins, Ed[w]ard |
Hurd, Abijah |
Hill, Isaac |
Woodbury, Benj[amin] |
Willard, Prentice |
We[bb], Jofhua [Joshua] |
Hibbard, Da[vid] [Jr.] |
Woodbury, Rufus |
Howe, Uriah |
Willard, Mofes [Moses] |
Hi[bbard], David |
Wetherbe, Sam[ue]l |
Hall, Benjamin |
White, [Jos]iah |
Hibbard, Dyer |
Wetherbe, Sam[ue]l, Jr. |
Spafford, Mofes [Moses] |
Tiffeny, [G]ideon |
Hall, Ziba |
Wetherbe, James |
Wetherbe, James |
Wood, Jofeph [Joseph] |
Hutchinson, Amos |
Wetherbe, John |
Moffet, Samuel |
White, Walter |
Hutchinson, Sam[ue]l |
Wallis, Robert |
Gilkey, William |
Wetherbe, Azor |
Hamilton, Robert |
Wallis, John |
Smith, Elifha [Elisha] |
Jones, Ruben |
Hunter, Jona[than] |
Wyman, Elij |
Morse, [Se]th |
Beach, James E. |
Hudson, Amasa |
Walker, Jabish [Jabez] |
Blake, [Na]than, Jr. |
Hurd, Truman |
Isham, Benj[amin] |
Walker, John |
Ives, [Jotham] |
Ward, William |
Johnson, John S. |
Whipple, Jona[than] |
Putnam, [Lev]i |
White, John |
Jeudevine, Cor. |
W[etherbe], Jason |
Wetherbe, [Sus]anna |
Wetherbe, Samuel |
Jeudevine, Jos[eph] |
Willard, James |
Chittenden, [Th]omas |
Willard, Jofiah [Josiah] |
Little, Isaac |
Webb, Ora, Jr. |
Tiffeny, Sylvester |
Smith, Steel |
Gragor [Gregory], Dan[ie]l M. |
Wilkins, Uriah |
Green, Benjamin |
Walbridge, Ebenezer |
Morse, David |
Willis, Ezra |
Ellis, Jofeph [Joseph] |
Prescot, Jonas |
Morse, James |
Carter, William |
Galusha, Elijah |
Tax List
Nov 1814 pg 193-4 |
Gale, Abijah |
Wyman, Ifaac [Isaac] |
Ames, Elijah |
Morton, A. |
Freeman, Jonathan |
Webb, Charles |
Adams, Sam[ue]l |
May, J. |
Smith, John |
White, John Jr. |
Ball, Levi |
May, E. |
Beach, John |
Dwinel, Jonathan |
Ball, Jos[eph] |
May, O. |
Hodges, Edman |
Badcock, S. |
May, S. |
Proprietors - Second division - pg 37 |
Badcock, J. |
May, B. |
Galusha, Elijah |
Walbridge, Ebenezer |
Beal, Joseph [Josiah] |
Meed, T. |
Smith, John |
Freeman, Otis |
Balch, S. |
Nichols, J. |
Wetherbe, Azor |
White, John |
Bingham, W. |
Nichols, W[illia]m 2d |
Propragation Right |
Blake, Nathan |
Bingham, T. |
Nichols, R. |
Clark, [Tim]othy |
Ward, William |
Booty, Jos[eph] |
Nichols, A. |
Wetherbe, [Jas]on |
White, Walter |
Buckminster, J. |
Putnam, S. |
Chittenden, Thomas |
Putnam, Levi |
Bugby, A. |
Page, E. |
Wetherbee, [Sa]muel, Jr. |
Wetherbe, Susannah |
Barker, S. |
Perry, O. |
Chittenden, Noah |
White, Jofiah [Josiah] |
Ball, Ebn [prob John] |
Parker, A. |
Ministers Right |
Freeman, Jona[than] |
Bennet, B. |
Reed, H. |
Smith, Elisha |
Carter, W[illia]m |
Brockway, R. |
Reed, N. |
Hurd, (Cus)man |
Hurd, Abijah |
Colburn, B. |
Richardson, T. |
Prescot, Jonas |
White, John Jr. |
Carruth, S. |
Richardson, L. |
College Right |
Wetherbe, Samuel |
Chase, M. |
Rawson, J. |
Town School Right |
Beach, Barney |
Cheney, E. |
Rogers, R. |
Beach, James E. |
County School Right |
Cummings, T. |
Streeter, B. |
Robinson, Nathaniel |
Willard, Prentice |
Cutting, O. |
Streeter, D. |
Tiffeny, Gideon |
Moffett, Samuel |
Carpenter, A. |
Spalding, A. |
Beach, John |
Tiffeny, Sylvester |
Collington, J. |
Slyfield, A. |
Wetherbe, James |
Ives, Jotham |
Chase, A. |
Slyfield, W[illia]m |
Proprietors - Third division - pg 37 |
Cheney, T. |
Taggard, A. |
Prescot, Jonas |
Ellis, Benja[min] |
Durlam, J. |
Thayer, C. |
Ministers right |
Ives, Abraham |
Darling, J. M. |
Thayer, P. |
White, John Jr. |
Walbridge, Ebenezer |
Darling, D. |
Thayer, G. |
Wetherbe, Jason |
Dwinnell, Jona[than] |
Fry, J., Jr. |
Thatcher, J. G. |
Wood, Jofeph [Joseph] |
Davis, Nathaniel |
Fry, Jon[athan] |
Turner, H. |
Ellis, Simeon |
Wetherbee, Samuel |
Fry, Jo[seph] |
Underwood, A. |
Spofford, Moses |
Chittenden, Noah |
Fitts, M. |
Underwood, D. |
Beach, John |
Davis, Daniel |
Graves, R. |
Vilas, N. |
Hodges, Edmun |
Smith, John |
Graves, I. P. |
Willis, E. |
Beach, James E. |
Atkins, Edward |
Garfield, A. |
Williams, J. |
Holton, Jona |
Wetherbee, Azor |
Gregory, D. |
Woodbury, J. |
Propragation Right |
Wetherbe, James |
Holton, B. |
Woodbury, J., Jr. |
Willard, Mofes [Moses] |
Wetherbe, Susannah |
Holton, A. |
Woodbury, L. |
Ellis, Jofeph [Joseph] |
Hurd, Freeman |
Holton, Bela |
Woodbury, J. 2nd |
Carter, William |
Smith, Steel |
Holton, J. |
Woodbury, B. |
Putnam, Levi |
Webb, Charles |
Hill, E. |
Woodbury, R. |
Brigham, Mofes [Moses] |
Chittenden, Thomas |
Hill, I |
Woodbury, I. |
Gale, Abijah |
Robinson, Nathaniel |
Hibbard, D. |
Wetherbe, S. |
Merrill, Obediah |
Gilkey, W[illia]m |
Hibbard, [D. Jr.] |
Wetherbe, S., Jr. |
Hall, Benja[min] |
White, Walter |
Hibbar[d], [D]yer |
Wetherbe, J. |
Lincoln, Levi |
Howe, Uriah |
Hall, Ziba |
Wallis, R. |
Tiffeny, Gideon |
Willard, Prentice |
Hutchinson, A. |
Wallis, J. |
Galufha, Elijah |
Wetherbee, Samuel |
Hamilton, R. |
Wyman, E. |
Morse, Seth |
Blake, Nathan Jr. |
Hunter, Jona[than] |
Whipple, J. |
Uffett [Moffett?], Samuel |
Beach, Barney |
Hudson, A. |
Wheeler, J. |
Smith, Elisha |
Ward, William |
Haywood, W[illia]m |
Whipple, (S.) [Ed prob] |
Putnam, Thomas |
Green, Bena |
Isham, B. |
Willard, J. |
College right |
Town School right |
Johnson, J. S. |
Wilkins, U. |
Tiffany, Sylvester |
Carter, Ephraim |
Jeudevine, Cor[nelius] |
Williams, A. |
White, John |
County School right |
Jeudevine, J. |
Hardey, A. |
Cl[arke], Timothy |
Jones, Reuben |
Little, Isaac |
Scott, A. |
Ives, Jotham |
White, Jofiah [Josiah] |
Graghor, D. M. |
Poor, B. |
Freeman, Jona[than] |
Willard, Jofiah [Josiah] |
Gregory, Josi[ah] |
Williams, G. |
Freeman, Otis |
Hurd, Abijah |
Gregory, D., Jr. |
Ballou, O. |
Wyman, Ifaac [Isaac] |
Webb, Jofhua [Joshua] |
Morse, J. |
Page, P. |
Proprietors - Fourth division - pg 38 |
Morse, N. |
Hudson, S. |
College Right |
Holton, Jona |
Morse, S. |
Holton, J. J. |
Willard, Prentice |
Ives, Jotham |
Mathews, J. |
Walker, B. |
Carter, Ephraim |
Galusha, Elisha |
Tax List 1815 pg 257-8 |
County School Right |
Chittenden, Thomas |
Ames, Elijah |
May, Oliver |
Ives, Abraham |
Morse, Seth |
Adams, Sam[ue]l |
May, Elisha |
Smith, [S]teel |
Spafford, Mofes [Moses] |
Ball, Levi |
May, Silas |
Dwinel, [Jonathan] |
Beach, John |
Ball, Joseph |
May, John |
Wetherbe, [Samuel] |
Ellis, Simeon |
Ball, John |
May, Steph[en] |
Howe, [Uriah] |
Propagation right |
Badcock, Sol. |
Meed, Theod[ore] |
Robinfon [Robinson], Na[tha]niel |
Lincoln, Levi |
Badcock, Jas[on] |
Mo[u]lton, David |
Blake, [Nath]an Jr. |
Webb, Charles |
Beal, Josiah |
Nichols, John |
White, [Joh]n |
Ellis, Jofeph [Joseph] |
Balch, Sylv[anus] |
Nichols, W[illia]m 2d |
Tiffeny, [Gid]eon |
Wetherbe, James |
Bingham, Warn[er] |
Nichols, Rob. |
Green, [Be]nj |
Wetherbe, Jason |
Graves, Reub[in] |
Nichols, Alph |
Freeman, [Otis] |
Putnam, Thomas |
Booty, Jos[eph] |
Page, Enos |
Jones, [Reu]ben |
Smith, John |
Buckminster, Jos |
Perry, Oliver |
Hurd, ___man [Freeman or Truman] |
Merrill, Obadiah |
Bugbe, Alph |
Parker, Amos |
Willard, [Jo]fiah [Josiah] |
White, Jofiah [Josiah] |
Barker, Sam[ue]l |
Reed, Hinds |
Ellis, Benja[min] |
Hurd, Abijah |
Bennet, Benj[amin] |
Reed, James |
Freeman, Jona[than] |
Putnam, Levi |
Colburn, Benj[amin] |
Reed, Nath[anie]l |
Beach, Barney |
Walbridge, Ebenezer |
Carruth, Sam[ue]l |
Richardson, Timo[thy] |
White, Walter |
White, John Jr. |
Chase, Moses |
Richardson, Lot |
Wetherbee, Azor |
[Wetherbe], Susannah |
Cheney, Elias |
Rawson, Josiah |
Wyman, Ifaac [Isaac] |
Wetherbe, Samuel |
Cheney, Joel |
Streeter, Benj[amin] |
Gale, Abijah |
Hodges, Edmun |
Cumings, Jona[than] |
Streeter, David |
Uffett [Moffet?], Samuel |
Gilkey, William |
Cutting, Oliv[er] |
Spalding, And. |
Smith, Elisha |
Ministers right |
Carpenter, Aaron |
Slyfield, And. |
Wood, Jofeph [Joseph] |
Town School Right |
Chase, Arch. |
Slyfield, W[illia]m |
Clarke, Timothy |
Ward, William |
Cheney, Thom[as] |
Taggard, Arch. |
Willard, Mofes [Moses] |
Prescot, Jonas |
Durlam, John |
Taggard, W[illia]m |
Brigham, Mofes [Moses] |
Webb, Jofhua [Joshua] |
Darling, John M. |
Thayer, Pres. |
Chittenden, Noah |
Davis, Daniel |
Darling, David |
Thayer, Gard. |
Carter, William |
Davis, Nathaniel |
Fry, John, Jr. |
Turner, Hen. |
Tiffeny, Sylvester |
Beach, James E. |
Fry, Jos[eph] |
Underwood, Am. |
Hall, Benjamin |
Atkins, Edward |
Fitts, Marg |
Underwood, David |
Tax List - Oct 1794 - pg 43 |
Graves, Rich |
Vilas, Noah |
Badcock, Solomon |
Underwood, Amos |
Graves, Reub[in] |
Willis, Ezra |
Hutchinson, Jona[than] |
Streeter, Zebulon |
Graves, I. P. |
Woodbury, Jefse [Jesse] |
Hudson, Samuel |
Flicker [Fletcher], Sam[ue]l |
Garfield, Art. |
Woodbury, Jefse [Jesse] Jr. |
Lewis, Jona[than] |
Caswell, Ozas |
Gregory, Dan. |
Woodbury, Lot |
Morfe [Morse], James |
Caswell, Ezra |
Gregory, Jos[iah] |
Woodbury, Jona[than] 2nd |
Morfe [Morse], Amafa [Amasa] |
Caswell, Anthorp [Apthorp] |
Gregory, Dan., Jr. |
Woodbury, Benj[amin] |
Scott, Andrew |
Hudson, Amafa [Amasa] |
Holton, Buck [Bulkley] |
Woodbury, Rufus |
Streeter, Benjamin |
Hoyt, Sam[ue]l |
Holton, Adol. |
Woodbury, Isaac |
Gregory, Daniel |
Ames, Thomas |
Holton, Bela |
Woodbury, Jona[than] |
Ball, Joseph |
Woodbury, Jefse [Jesse] |
Holton, John |
Wetherbe, Sam[ue]l |
Ball, Levi |
Wetherbe, Capt. Sam[ue]l |
Hill, Elijah |
Wetherbe, James |
Woodbury, Jona[than] |
Spafford, Elijah |
Hill, Isaac |
Wetherbe, Sam[ue]l Jr. |
Powel, Joseph |
Hibbard, David |
Wallis, Robert |
Tax List Sept 25, 1795 - pg 46 |
Hibbard, Dav[id], Jr. |
Wallis, John |
Morfe [Morse], Amasa |
Fry, John |
Hibbard, Dyer |
Wyman, Elij |
Morfe [Morse], James |
Hudson, Sam[ue]l |
Hall, Ziba |
Whipple, Jona[than] |
Chafe [Chase], Mofes [Moses] |
Underwood, Amos |
Hutchinson, A. |
Whipple, (Tim) [Ed prob] |
Streeter, Benja[min] |
Woodbury, Jefse [Jesse] |
Hamilton, Rob. |
Wheeler, John |
Gregory, Daniel |
Ball, Levi |
Hunter, Jona[than] |
Willard, James |
Ball, Joseph |
Billing, Benjamin |
Hudson, Ama[sa] |
Wilkins, Uriah |
Scott, Andrew |
Hudson, Amasa |
Haywood, W[illia]m |
Williams, Azarias |
Lewis, Jona[than] |
Powers, Whitcomb |
Hardy, And. |
Williams, John |
Hutchinson, Jona[than] |
Caswell, Anthorp [Apthorp] |
Isham, Benj[amin] |
Williams, George |
Woodbury, Jona[than] |
Holton, Jona[than] |
Johnson, John S. |
Ballou, Otis |
Hutchinson, David |
Holton, Bela |
Jeudevine, Cor[nelius] |
Brown, W[illia]m |
Badcock, Solomon |
Caswell, Ozias |
Jeudevine, Jos[eph] |
Lilly, Joshua |
Eames [Ames], Thomas |
Fletcher, Samuel |
Little, Isaac |
Poor, Benj[amin] |
Ames, Jona[than] |
Morfe [Morse], Widow Jemima |
Lewis, Jona[than] |
Streeter, Jos[eph] |
Weatherbe, Capt. Sam[ue]l |
Ladd, Edward |
Stacey, Abner |
Tax List Sept 6, 1796 - pg 50 |
Morse, James |
Sergent, Amos |
Powers, Whitcomb |
Wetherbe, Capt. Sam[ue]l |
Morse, Nathan |
Adams, Edward |
Caswell, Anthorp [Apthorp] |
Wetherbe, Sam[ue]l Jr. |
Morse, Sam[ue]l |
Nichols, Isaac |
Billing, John |
Eames [Ames], Thomas |
Morse, David |
Page, Peter |
Ames, Jona[than] |
Morse, Sam[ue]l, 2d |
Lewis, Jona[than] |
Woodbury, Jona[than] |
Mathews, Jona[than] |
Holton, Bela |
Hunter, Jon[athan] |
Morton, Alex |
Holton, Jona[than] |
May, James |
May, James |
Holton, Dolfus [Adolphus] |
Scott, Andrew |
Tax List
Oct 1816 pg 263-4 |
Holton, Buckley |
Ball, Joseph |
Adams, Sam[ue]l |
May, John |
Fry, John |
Gregory, Daniel |
Balch, Sylv. |
May, Steph. |
Parry, Oliver |
Streeter, Benja[min] |
Barker, Sam[ue]l |
May, Elisha |
Ball, Levi |
Chase, Mofes [Moses] |
Ball, Jos[eph] |
May, Oliver |
Underwood, Amos |
Morfe [Morse], Amafa [Amasa] |
Ball, John |
Morton, Alex. |
Woodbury, Jesse |
Streeter, Benja[min] |
Ball, Levi |
Mathews, Jona |
Billing, Benj[amin] |
Streeter, Joseph |
Ball, Levi, Jr. |
Mo[u]lton, Dav. |
Hudson, Sam[ue]l |
Streeter, Zebulon |
Badcock, Jas[on] |
Nichols, Rob. |
Badcock, Solomon |
Fry, David |
Badcock, Sol. |
Nichols. Wm |
Hutchinson, Jona[than] |
Morfe [Morse], Luther |
Booty, Jos[eph] |
Nichols, J. |
Hutchinson, David |
Hardy, Benja[min] |
Beal, Josiah |
Nichols, [Isaac] |
Hutchinson, Sam[ue]l |
Cutting, Oliver |
Buckminster, J. O. |
Nichols, Alph. |
Tax List 1797 - pg 53-4 |
Bingham, War. |
Perry, Oliv. |
Streeter, Joseph |
Badcock, Solomon |
Bennet, Benj[amin] |
Parker, Amos |
Streeter, Zeb[ulo]n |
Hudfon [Hudson], Sam[ue]l |
Bugbee, Alp. |
Page, Enos |
Streeter, Benja[min] |
Hudfon [Hudson], Amos [Amasa] |
Chase, Moses |
Poor, Benj. |
Temple, Richard |
Underwood, Amos |
Carpenter, A. |
Rawson, Josi[ah] |
Morfe [Morse], James |
Billing, Benja |
Cumings, J. |
Reed, Nath. |
Morfe [Morse], Widow Jemima |
Ball, Levi |
Colburn, B. |
Reed, Jam. |
Chafe [Chase], Mofes [Moses] |
May, Dexter |
Cutting, Ol |
Reed, Hinds |
Streeter, Benja Jr. |
May, James |
Cheney, Tho. |
Richardson, T. |
Gregory, Daniel |
Fry, John |
Carruth, Sam[ue]l |
Richardson. L. |
Ball, Joseph |
Bingham, Elifha [Elisha] W. |
Chase, Arch. |
Sergent, A. |
Williams, Azerias |
Hunter, Jona[than] |
Darling, John |
Slyfield, Wm |
Scott, Andrew |
Holton, Bela |
Durlam, John |
Spaulding, A. |
Williams, William |
Holton, Jona[than] |
Fry, John, Jr. |
Stacey, A. |
Williams, William Jr. |
Holton, Adolphus |
Fry, Jos[eph] |
Streeter, B. |
Woodbury, Jona[than] |
Holton, Buckley |
Gregory, Dan. |
Streeter, D. |
Ames, Thomas |
Beal, Jofiah [Josiah] |
Gregory, J. D(an)., Jr. |
Taggard, A. |
Ames, Jona[than] |
Wetherbe, Sam[ue]l Jr. |
Graves, Rich[ardso]n |
Temple, J. |
Wetherbe, Capt. Sam[ue]l |
Caswell, Anthorp [Apthorp] |
Graves, I. P. |
Thayer, P. |
Wetherbe, James |
Billing, John |
Graves, Reub. |
Thayer, G. |
Woodbury, Jefse [Jesse] |
Page, Peter |
Garfield, Art. |
Turner, H. |
Hutchinson, David |
Cutting, Oliver |
Hill, Isaac |
Underwood, A. |
Hutchingfon [Hutchinson], Sam[ue]l |
Walker, John |
Hill, Elijah |
Underwood, D. |
Hardy, Benja |
Walker, Benj |
Hardey, And. |
Vilas, Noah |
Parry, Oliver |
Holton, Joshua |
Holton, Bela |
Whipple, Ed. |
Hutchingfon [Hutchinson], Jona[than] |
Lewis, Jona[than] |
Holton, Adol. |
Whipple, J. S. |
Tax List 1798 - pg 57 |
Hibbard, David |
Woodbury, I. |
Ames, Thomas |
Streeter, Joseph |
Hibbard, David, Jr. |
Woodbury, L. |
Ames, Jona[than] |
Scott, Andrew |
Hibbard, Dyer |
Woodbury, Jon 2nd |
Billings, John |
Streeter, Zebulon |
Hall, Ziba |
Woodbury, J. |
Bingham, Eliphalet |
Temple, Richard |
Hamilton, R. |
Woodbury, J. |
Ball, Joseph |
Underwood, Amos |
Hutchinson, A. |
Woodbury, J., Jr. |
Ball, Levi |
Vilas, Noah |
Hunter, Jon |
Woodbury, Ruf. |
Badcock, Solomon |
Walker, John |
Hunter, Jon Jr. |
Woodbury, Jo. 3rd |
Bugbe, Oliver |
Willard, James |
Johnson, J. S. |
Woodbury, B. |
Fry, John |
Williams, Azarias |
Jeudevine, C. |
Williams, A. |
Fifher [Fisher], Nathan |
Williams, William |
Isham B. |
Williams, G. |
Hutchingson, Jona[than] |
Williams, William, Jr. |
Lewis, J. |
Wheeler, J. |
Hardy, Benja[min] |
Wetherbe, Sam[ue]l |
Lilley, Josh. |
Willard, J. |
Hunter, Jona[than] |
Wetherbe, Sam[ue]l, Jr. |
Lilley, Aar[on] |
Willis, Ezra |
Holton, Bela |
Wetherbe, James |
Morse, N. |
Wyman, E. |
Holton, Dolpha [Adolphus] |
Woodbury, Jona[than] |
Morse, Jam. |
Wetherbe, S. |
Hutchinson, Sam[ue]l |
Woodbury, Jefse |
Morse, Saml |
Wetherbe, J. |
Hutchingson, David |
Chafe [Chase], Mofes [Moses] |
Morse, Dav. |
Williams, J. |
Hudson, Sam[ue]l |
Cutting, Oliver |
Morse, Saml 2nd |
Wilkins, U. |
Hudson, Amafa [Amasa] |
Wil[lder], Nathan |
May, James |
Hudson, A. |
Fry, John Jr. |
Beal, Josiah |
Tax List Nov 1817 pg 267-8 |
Gregory, Daniel |
Olcutt, Simeon |
Adams, Sam |
May, Steph. |
Lewis, Jona[than] |
May, James |
Bingham, Eli |
Morton, Alex. |
Morfe [Morse], James |
May, El[isha] |
Balch, Sylv. |
May, Silas |
Page, Peter |
May, D[exter] |
Badcock, Ja[son] |
Mathews, Jona |
Page, Peter Jr. |
[Streeter], Benja |
Ball, Levi |
May, Oliver |
Perry, Oliver |
Richardfon [Richardson], Graves |
Buckminster, Joseph |
Morse, David |
Streeter, Benja 2d |
Beal, Josiah |
May, James |
Tax List 1799 - pg 60 |
Bugbee, Alph. |
Moulton, David |
Ball, Joseph |
Hibbard, David |
Barker, Sam. |
Nichols, John |
Perry, Oliver |
Bingham, Elifha [Elisha] W. |
Ball, Jos. |
Nichols, Rob. |
Streeter, Benja[min] 2d |
Billings, John |
Ball, John |
Nichols, Alph |
Morfe [Morse], James |
May, Dexter |
Booty, Jos. |
Poor, Benj. |
Chafe [Chase], Mofes [Moses] |
Woodbury, Jona[than] |
Badcock, Sol. |
Page, Enos |
Cutting, Oliver |
Holton, Bela |
Ball, Levi, Jr. |
Parker, Amos |
Scott, Andrew |
May, Benja[min] |
Bingham, W. |
Pike, Daniel |
Streeter, David |
Wetherbe, Sam[ue]l Jr. |
Ballou, Ira |
Richardson, Lot |
Temple, Richard |
May, Oliver |
Cumings, Jon |
Reed, Nath'l |
Gregory, Daniel |
Williams, William |
Carpenter, A. |
Richardson, Timo. |
Vilas, Noah |
Wetherbee, Sam[ue]l |
Cutting, Oliv. |
Sergants, Amos |
Streeter, Joseph |
Wil[der], Nathan |
Coruth, Saml |
Streeter, David |
Hardy, Benja[min] |
Lewis, Jona[than] |
Colburn, Benj |
Slyfield, Wm. |
Ball, Levi |
Page, Peter Jr. |
Chase, Mos[es] |
Stacy, Abn'r |
Hopkins, John |
Page, Peter |
Durlam, John |
Streeter, Benj. |
Hutchinfon [Hutchinson], Sam[ue]l |
Cobb, Amafa [Amasa] |
Cheney, Tho. |
Spaulding, Andrew |
Hunter, Jona[than] |
Basty [Booty], Joseph |
Fry, Jos. |
Thayer, Gardner |
Fifher [Fisher], Nathan |
Hill, Mofes [Moses] |
Fry, John, Jr. |
Thayer, Preston |
Fry, John |
Beal, Josiah |
Gregory, D. |
Taggard, Archebald |
Badcock, Solomon |
May, Benja[min] Jr. |
Gregory, Jos & Dan. |
Temple, Jos. |
Underwood, Amos |
May, James |
Garfield, Art. |
Turner, Hen. |
Hutchinfon [Hutchinson], Jona[than] |
Chafe [Chase], Frances |
Graves, I. P. |
Underwood, Amos |
Holton, Dolphus [Adolphus] |
Hudson, Amafa [Amasa] |
Graves, R[ichardson] |
Underwood, David |
Holton, Joshua |
Williams, William Jr. |
Hibbard, D. Jr. |
Velos [Vilas], Noah |
Graves, Richardson |
Watkins [Wilkins], Arkalus [Archelus] |
Hibbard, Dyer |
Woodbury, Jona |
Hutchinfon [Hutchinson], David |
Townsend, Thomas |
Hill, S[amuel] ( ) Jr. |
Nichols, Jona [prob Isaac] |
Ames, Thomas |
Wetherbe, James |
Holton, Ado |
Whipple, Jona |
Ames, Jona[than] |
Streeter, Benja[min] |
Hibbard, D. |
Williams, Azarias |
Willard, James |
Fry, John, Jr. |
Hall, Ziba |
Whipple, Edward |
Grout, Theophilus |
Hamblet, William |
Hill, Elijah |
Woodbury, Jona 3rd |
Olcutt, Simeon |
Williams, Azarias |
Hutchinson, Amos |
Woodbury, Jefse [Jesse] Jr. |
Walker, John |
Harvey, Isa |
Wyman, Elijah |
Tax List 1800 - pg 64 |
Hamilton, Robert |
Wetherbe, James |
Streeter, Benja[min] |
Hibbard, David |
Hardy, And. |
Williams, John |
Morfe [Morse], James |
Powers, Jona[than] |
Hill, Isaac |
Woodbury, Jona 2nd |
Morfe [Morse], Amafa [Amasa] |
May, James |
Hunter, Jona |
Woodbury, Lot |
Temple, Richard |
Woodbury, Jesse |
Hunter, Jona Jr. |
Woodbury, Jefse [Jesse] |
Chase, Mofes [Moses] |
Olcott, Simeon |
Hunter, John F. |
Woodbury, Benja |
Hudson, Amafa [Amasa] |
Billing, John |
Isham, Benj. |
Woodbury, Isaac |
Streeter, David |
Page, Peter, Jr. |
Jeudevine, Cor. |
Wheeler, John |
Streeter, Joseph |
Willard, James |
Jeudevine, Jos. |
Darling, John M. |
Streeter, Ben |
Lewis, Jona[than] |
Johnson, John S. |
Morison, Stephen |
Hamblet, William |
Scott, Andrew |
Lilley, Aaron |
Perry, Oliver |
Gregory, Daniel |
Holton, Bela |
Little, Isaac |
Wallis, Robert |
Ball, Joseph |
Hutchinson, Jona[than] |
Lewis, Jona Jr. |
Wallis, John |
Woodbury, Jona[than] |
Hill, Isaac |
Morse, Saml |
Willis, Ezra |
Vilas, Noah |
Hunter, Jona[than] |
May, John |
Chase, Arch. |
Cutting, Oliver |
Booty, Joseph |
Morse, Saml 2nd |
Reed, Hind |
Walkins [Wilkins], Archalus |
Underwood, Amos |
May, Elisha |
Hill, Danl |
Perry, Oliver |
Hopkins, John |
Morse, Nath. |
Lilley, Joshua |
Ames, Tho[mas] |
Ball, Levi |
Morse, James |
Nichols, Wm |
Ames, Jona[than] |
Wilder, Nathan |
Tax List Sept 1818 pg 272-3 |
Wetherbe, Sam[ue]l |
Hutchinson, Samuel |
Adams, Saml |
May, John |
Wetherbe, James |
Fry, John Jr. |
Booty, Jos[eph] |
Morse, Sam[ue]l |
Chafe [Chase], Frances |
May, Oliver |
Ball, L |
May, James |
Hutchinfon [Hutchinson], David |
[T]aggard, Robert |
Badcock, S. |
Morse, Nath. |
Fry, John |
[Williams], W[illia]m |
Ball, L, Jr. |
Morrison, S. |
Badcock, Solomon |
Walker, John |
Balch, Nath'l |
May, Oliv. |
Graves, Richardson |
Holton, Adolphus |
Bingham, Elisha |
Morse, James |
May, Benja[min] |
Holton, Buckley |
Barker, Saml |
May, Silas |
May, Benja[min] Jr. |
Tow[n]send, Thomas |
Bugbee, Alph. |
Morton, A. |
Hutchinfon [Hutchinson], Amos |
Hardy, Benja[min] |
Badcock, Jas. |
Morse, David |
Beal, Josiah |
Wetherbe, Sam[ue]l Jr. |
Bingham, W. |
May, Elisha |
[May], Eli[s]ha |
Williams, Azarias |
Ball, John |
Moulton, Dav. |
Tax List 1801 - pg 68 |
Balch, Sylv. |
Nichols, Wm |
Ball, Joseph |
Woodbury, Jesse |
Buckminster, J |
Nichols, Sol, Jr. |
Morfe [Morse], Amafa [Amasa] |
Williams, [Azaras] |
Brown, Sol |
Nichols, Alph |
Perry, Oliver |
May, Benja[min] |
Beal, Josiah |
Nichols, Rob. |
Scott, Andrew |
May, Oliver |
Ball, Jos. |
Nichols, Isaac |
Streeter, Benja[min] |
May, Elifha [Elisha] |
Cheney, Tho. |
Nichols, John |
Hamblet, William |
Hutchinfon [Hutchinson], David |
Carruth, Saml |
Parker, Amos |
Gregory, Daniel |
Wetherbe, Samuel Jr. |
Chase, Arch. |
Parry, Mica[h] |
Scott, Andrew |
Fry, John |
Cutting, O. |
Poor, Benj. |
Vilas, Noah |
Bingham, Elifha [Elisha] |
Carpenter, A. |
Page, Enos |
Cutting, Oliver |
Billings, Charles |
Chase, Moses |
Richardson, T. |
Streeter, David |
Powers, Jona[than] |
Durlam, J. |
Reed, Nath'l |
Streeter, Ben[jamin] |
Hunter, Jona[than] |
Darling, J. M. |
Reed, Hinds |
Temple, Richard |
Hill, Isaac |
Fry, J., Jr. |
Richardson, L. |
Morfe [Morse], James |
Holton, Bela |
Fry, Jos. |
Streeter, D. |
Streeter, Joseph |
Olcott, Simeon |
Gregory, J. & N. |
Soper, Sam[ue]l |
[Towns]end, Thomas |
May, James |
Graves, I. P. |
Streeter, Sam[ue]l |
Wilkins, Arepalus [Archelus] |
Fry, John |
Garfield, A. |
Stacey, Abel |
Chafe [Chase], Mofes [Moses] |
Walker, John |
Gregory, D. |
Streeter, Benj. |
Woodbury, Jona[than] |
[Hudson], Amafa [Amasa] |
Graves, Reub. |
Sargent, A. |
Badcock, Solomon |
Holton, Dolphus [Adolphus] |
Graves, Rich |
Spaulding, A. |
Wetherbe, Samuel |
Holton, Buckley |
Hunter, John F. |
Stacey, Abner |
Wetherbe, James |
Morton, Alexander |
Hibbard, D., Jr. |
Slyfield, Wm |
Booty, Joseph |
Beal, Joseph [Josiah] |
Hutchinson, A |
Thayer, G. |
Underwood, Amos |
Judevine, Joseph |
Hibbard, Dyer |
Taggard, A. |
Hardy, Benja[min] |
Hibbard, David |
Hibbard, Dav. |
Temple, Jos |
Fifher [Fisher], Nathan |
Lewis, Jona[than] |
Hill, Danl |
Thayer, [Preston] |
Ball, Levi |
Willard, James |
Hall, Zeba |
Turner, H. |
Hutchinfon [Hutchinson], Samuel |
Oaks, Thomas |
Hamilton, R. |
Underwood, A. |
Hutchinfon [Hutchinson], Amos |
Wetherbe, Azer |
Holton, Adol. |
Underwood, D. |
Hutchinfon [Hutchinson], Jona[than] |
Smith, Ezra |
Harvey, Isa |
Vilas, N. |
Graves, Richardfon [Richardson] |
Spenfrs [Spencer], Tayler |
Hill, Isaac |
Wetherbe, Ja |
Knight, Joseph |
Wyman, Elijah |
Hill, Saml |
Woodbury, Benj |
Ames, Thomas |
[Tagg]ard, Robert |
Hardey, A. |
Woodbury, Jefse |
Ames, Jona[than] |
Chafe [Chase], Frances |
Huntley, J. |
Woodbury, Lott |
Whipple, Edward |
Williams, William |
Hunter, Jona |
Whipple, Ed. |
Whipple, Edmond |
Hill, Elij |
Wallis, John |
Tax List 1802 - pg 72 |
Isham, Benj |
Whipple, Timo [Jona prob] |
Ames, Thomas |
May, Dexter |
Jeudevine, Cor |
Wallis, Rob |
Ames, Jonathan |
May, James |
Jewett, C. |
Woodbury, Isaac |
Allin, Jofiah [Josiah] J. |
May, Oliver |
Johnson, J. S. |
Willis, Ez. |
Ball, Jofeph [Joseph] |
May, Elifha [Elisha] |
Lewis, Jona |
Woodbury, Jefse |
Badcock, Solomon |
Morton, A[lex]ander |
Lilley, Josh |
Wheeler, John |
Badcock, Jafon [Jason] |
Olcott, Simeon |
Little, Isaac |
Woodbury, Jon 2nd |
Bingham, Sarah |
Perry, Oliver |
Morse, Sam[ue]l |
Woodbury, Jona |
Ball, Levi |
Page, Enos |
May, Steph |
Williams, John |
Booty, Joseph |
Page, Eli |
Mathews, Jona |
Williams, Aza |
Beal, Jofiah [Josiah] |
Puchingson, Wyman |
Haywood, W[illia]m |
Chafe [Chase], Mofes [Moses] |
Powers, Jona[than] |
Tax List Oct 15, 1819 pg 276 |
Chafe [Chase], Francis |
Streeter, Ben |
Adams, Sam[ue]l |
May, Elisha |
Cutting, Oliver |
Streeter, Benjamin |
Balch, Nath'l |
Morse, David |
Collington, John |
Streeter, David |
Booty, Jos. |
Morse, Sam[ue]l |
Bailey, John |
Smith, Ezra |
Bugbe, Alph |
Morse, James |
Bailey, Abijah |
Spencer, Taylor |
Balch, Sylv. |
Morton, Alex |
Durlam, John |
Temple, Richard |
Ball, Jos |
May, James |
Fisher, Nathan |
Taggard, Robert |
Badcock, Sol. |
Morse, Sam[ue]l |
Frye, John |
Townfend [Townsend], Thomas S. |
Ball, Levi |
May, Silas |
Frye, John, Jr. |
Hibbard, David Jr. |
Ball, John |
Nichols, John |
Gregory, Daniel |
Underwood, Amos |
Ball, L., Jr. |
Nichols, Rob. |
Graves, Richardson |
Vilas, Noah |
Brown, Sol. |
Nichols, Alph |
Hardy, Benjamin |
Weatherbe, Sam[ue]l |
Barker, Sam[ue]l |
Nichols, Isaac |
Hutchinson, Jona[than] |
Weatherbe, Sam[ue]l Jr. |
Badcock, Jas. |
Nichols, W[illia]m |
Hutchinson, David |
Weatherbe, James |
Buckminster, Jos |
Nichols, Solo[mon] |
Hutchinson, Sam[ue]l |
Weatherbe, Azor |
Bingham, Elisha |
Perry, [Oliver estate prob] |
Hutchinson, Amos |
Williams, Azarias |
Bingham, [Erastus] |
Perry, M. |
Hopkins, John |
Williams, John |
Bingham, War. |
Parker, Amos |
Hunter, Jon[athon] |
Willard, James |
Cutting, Oliv. |
Poor, Benja |
Billings, Charles |
Walker, John |
Chase, Arch. |
Page, Enos |
Hibbard, David |
Woodbury, Jesse |
Carpenter, A. |
Pike, D. |
Hudfon [Hudson], Amafa [Amasa] |
Woodbury, Benj[amin] |
Clay, Sam[ue]l |
Pike, B. |
Hamblet, W[illia]m |
Wyman, Elijah |
Carruth, S. |
Richardson, T. |
Hill, Isaac |
Whipple, Edward |
Chase, J. J. |
Reed, Hin[ds] |
Holton, Bela |
Whipple, Edmund R. |
Darling, J. M. |
Richardson, L. |
Holton, Adolphus |
Wilkins, Uriah |
Fry, John, Jr. |
Reed, Nath'l |
Holton, Buckley |
Wilkins, Anpelus [Archelus] |
Fry, Jos. |
Streeter, Benja |
Holton, David |
Woodbury, Jona[than] |
Gregory, J. |
Streeter, Jos |
Gaskill, Samuel |
Woodbury, Jona |
Gregory, D. |
Stacey, Abel |
Lewis, Jonathan |
Judevine, Joseph |
Garfield, A. |
Spaulding, A. |
Morfe [Morse], James |
Graves, Reub. |
Slyfield, W[illia]m |
Tax List 1805 - pg 76 & 77 |
Graves, I. P. |
Soper, Sam[ue]l |
Ames, Thomas |
Judevine, Cornelius |
Gregory, Dan. |
Streeter, Dav. |
Ames, Jonathan |
Judevine, Joseph |
Gregory, Eph. |
Streeter, Sam[ue]l |
Allard, Shadrack |
Lewis, Jona[than] |
Graves, Rich |
Stacey, Abner |
Allard, Samuel |
Morse, James |
Hunter, Jona Jr. |
Sargent, Amos |
Blanchard, Peter |
May, Oliver |
Hill, Sam[ue]l |
Slyfield, Benja |
Ball, Levy |
May, James |
Hall, Ziba |
Temple, Jos |
Blanchard, David |
May, Dexter |
Hutchin[son], Amos |
Temple, John |
Badcock, Solomon |
Morton, Alexander |
Hardy, And. |
Taggard, Arch |
Badcock, Jason |
Nichols, John |
Hill, Isaac |
Thayer, Gard. |
Beal, Josiah |
Nichols, Abner |
Hamilton, R. |
Thayer, Pren |
Bingham, Sarah |
Olcot, Simeon |
Haywood, W[illia]m |
Turner, Hen. |
Bugbe, Stephen |
Perry, Oliver |
Holton, Ad. |
Vilas, Noah |
Ballou, Aaron |
Powers, Jonathan |
Hibbard, Dyer |
Underwood, A. |
Basty [Booty], Jofeph [Joseph] |
Page, Enos |
Hill, Elijah |
Underwood, D. |
Baley, Abijah |
Read, Nath |
Hibbard, David, Jr. |
Whipple, Jona |
Chase, Moses |
Richardson, Lot |
Hibbard, David |
Whipple, Edw. |
Craney, William Jr. |
Streeter, Benjamin |
Hunter, Jona |
Wetherbe, Ja |
Cutting, Oliver |
Streeter, Ben |
Hunter, J. F. |
Williams, Aza |
Collington, John |
Streeter, David |
Harvey, Isa |
Woodbury, Jona 2nd |
Dunton, Ebenezer |
Streeter, Daniel |
Isham, Benja |
Woodbury, Benja |
Ellis, Archelas |
Smith, Ezra |
Johnson, J. S. |
Willis, Ezra |
Durlam, John |
Temple, Richard |
Jewett, C. (L.) |
Williams, John |
Ellis, Abel |
Tagar[d], Robert |
Jeudevine, C. |
Woodbury, Jona |
Fry, John |
Thayer, [C]harles |
Lilley, Josh |
Woodbury, Jefse |
Fry, John, Jr. |
Underwood, Amos |
Little, Isaac |
Woodbury, Isaac |
Fry, Jona[than] |
Vilas, Noah |
Lewis, Jona, Jr. |
Woodbury, Lot |
Fisher, Nathan |
Wetherbe, Samuel |
May, Steph. |
Wallis, John |
Graves, Rich[ardson] |
Wetherbe, Samuel, Jr. |
May, John |
Woodbury, J., Jr. |
Graves, Jona[than] T. |
Wetherbe, James |
Morse, Nathan |
Wheeler, John |
Gregory, Daniel |
Williams, Azarias |
Mathews, Jona |
Williams, Geo. |
Hutchinson, Jona[than] |
Woodbury, Jonathan Esq. |
Moulton, Dav |
Webber, John |
Hutchinson, Amos |
Walker, John |
May, Oliver |
Hutchinson, David |
Woodbury, Jonathan Jr. |
Tax List Oct 1820 pg 284-5 |
Hutchinson, Sam[ue]l |
Wheeler, John |
Adams, Sam[ue]l |
May, Elisha |
Holton, Bela |
Wyman, Elijah |
Adams, Bulk |
Nichols, Alph |
Holton, David |
Williams, John |
Adams, Jona |
Nichols, Rob |
Holton, Buckley |
Wilkins, Uriah |
Barker, S. |
Nichols, John |
Holton, A[dol] |
Woodbury, Jefse [Jesse] Jr. |
Balch, Sylv |
Nichols, [Wm] 2d |
Hardy, Benj[amin] |
Woodbury, Benjamin |
Buckminster, J. |
Nichols, [Solomon], Jr. |
Hill, Isaac |
Woodbury, Jefse [Jesse] |
Badcock, Sol |
Nichols, [Isa]ac |
Hunter, Jonathan |
Whipple, Edmon |
Bingham, [Elisha] |
Pike, [Da]n[ie]l B. |
Hudson, Brooks |
Wilkins, Archales |
Bingham, [Erastus] |
Page, Enos |
Hudson, Amasa |
Wilder, Nathan |
Ball, Jos |
Perry, Mic[ah] |
Hamblet, William |
Richards, Jonathan |
Bingham, War |
Parker, Reub |
Hibbard, David |
Craney, Gad |
Booty, Jos |
Parker, Amos |
Hibbard, David, Jr. |
Little, Isaac |
Barnet, J. |
Richardson, T. |
Hibbard, Dyer |
Williams, George |
Badcock, Jas |
Richardson, T., Jr. |
Hopkins, John |
Willington, Josiah |
Bugbee, Alph |
Richardson, L. |
Hill, Elijah |
Whipple, Joel |
Cutting, Oliv. |
Reed, Hinds |
Isham, Benjamin |
Carpenter, A. |
Reed, Nath'l |
Tax List 1804 - pg 92 |
Clay, S. |
Streeter, S. |
Ames, Thomas |
May, Oliver |
Clay, R. |
Streeter, Jos |
Ames, Jona[than] |
May, Elifha [Elisha] |
Carruth, Sam. |
Spaulding, A. |
Allard, Daniel |
May, Dexter |
Chase, Moses |
Stacy, Abel |
Allard, Shadrick |
May, James |
Darling, J. M. |
Stacy, Abner |
Allard, Sam[ue]l |
Morfe [Morse], James |
Durlam, F. |
Streeter, Benj |
Badcock, Solo[mon] |
Morton, Alex[ande]r |
Fry, Jos. |
Slyfield, W[illia]m |
Badcock, Jafon [Jason] |
Nichols, John |
Fry, Jona |
Streeter, Dav |
Blanchard, Peter |
Olcott, Simeon |
Fry, J., Jr. |
Slyfield, Benj |
Blanchard, David |
Perry, Oliver |
Fry, H. G. |
Turner, Hen. |
Burrows, Zeb[ulo]n |
Powers, Jona[than] |
Graves, Rich |
Temple, John |
Beal, Jofiah [Josiah] |
Page, Enos |
Graves, Reub |
Temple, Jos. |
Bingham, Sara |
Page, Ely |
Graves, Rich |
Taggard, A. |
Ballou, Aaron |
Reed, Nathan |
Gregory, Danl |
Thayer, G. |
Ball, Levy |
Richardfon [Richardson], Lot |
Gregory, D |
Thayer, P. |
Baley, Abijah |
Streeter, Benja[min] |
Gregory, J. |
Underwood, A. |
Baley, ( )folom |
Streeter, Ben |
Gregory, Eph |
Underwood, D. |
Booty, Jofeph [Joseph] |
Streeter, David |
Godard, Sam[ue]l |
Vilas, N. |
Chafe [Chase], Mofes [Moses] |
Smith, Ezra |
Garfield, A. |
Woodbury, B. |
Cutting, Oliver |
Temple, Richard |
Hunter, Jona |
Woodbury, J |
Craney, W[illia]m |
Underwood, Amos |
Hunter, Jona, Jr. |
Woodbury, A. H. |
Durlam, John |
Vilas, Noah |
Hunter, John F. |
Woodbury, Isaac |
Fry, John |
Wetherbee, Sam[ue]ll |
Hunter, Ira |
Woodbury, Jona |
Fry, John Jr |
Wetherbee, James |
Hutchinson, [Amos] |
Wetherbe, J. |
Fry, Jona[than] |
Wetherbee, Sam[ue]ll Jr. |
Hamilton, Rob |
Woodbury, Jona |
Fifher [Fisher], Nathan |
Wilkins, Uriah |
Hall, Ziba |
Whipple, Jona |
Graves, Richardfon [Richardson] |
Williams, John |
Hill, Elijah |
Woodbury, Jefse |
Graves, Porter |
Wilkins, Archelus |
Hibbard, Dyer |
Whipple, E. |
Gregory, Daniel |
Williams, George |
Hibbard, D., Jr. |
Willis, E. |
Hutchinfon [Hutchinson], Jona[than] |
Williams, Azarias |
Hibbard, David |
Wheeler, J. |
Hutchinfon [Hutchinson], Amos |
Woodbury, Jona[than] [Esq.] |
Hawes, David |
Woodbury, Lott |
Hutchinfon [Hutchinson], Sam[ue]l |
Whipple, Edmon |
Haywood, W[illia]m |
Webber, John |
Hardy, Benja[min] |
Holton, Mofes [Moses] |
Holton, Adol. |
Wallis, J. |
Hutchinfon [Hutchinson], David |
Willin[g]ton, Jofiah [Josiah] |
Hutchinson, David |
Wallis, R. |
Hunter, Jona[than] |
Wiman [Wyman], Elijah |
Hill, Isaac |
Ball, Levi |
Hibbard, David |
Whipple, Joel |
Harvey, [Isaiah] |
Ball, Levi, Jr. |
Hopkins, [John] |
Wilder, Nathan |
Isham, Benj |
Williams, John |
Hudfon [Hudson], [Brooks] |
Woodbury, Jefsee [Jessee] |
Jeudevine, C. |
Williams, G. |
H[uds]on, [Amasa] |
Woodbury, Benja[min] |
Johnson, J. S. |
Hardy, A. |
Hamblet, W[illia]m |
Woodbury, Jefsee [Jessee] Jr. |
Jewett, C. |
Hardy, N. |
Hibbard, David Jr. |
Woodbury, Jona[than] 2nd |
Lewis, J., Jr. |
Morrison, S. |
Hill, Ifaac [Isaac] |
Walker, John |
Little, Isaac |
Wetherbe, S. Estate |
Holton, Bela |
Collington, John |
McGragor, D. |
Barker, James |
Holton, Adolphus |
Hill, Elijah |
Morse, David |
Grout, Theo |
Holton, Bulkey |
Judevine, Jofeph [Joseph] |
Morse, James |
Melendy, W[illia]m |
Holton, David |
Morfe [Morse], Luthar |
Morse, S., 2nd |
Ball, John |
Lewis, Jona[than] |
Parks, W[illia]m |
Morse, S., 1st |
Williams, Az |
Land( ), Jofeph [Joseph] |
Taggard, Robar |
Mathews, Jona |
Soper, S. |
Tax List Oct 17, 1806 pg 98 - 99 |
Moulton, D. |
Richardson, S. |
Ames, Thomas |
Morse, Nathan |
Morse, N. |
Godard, I. |
Ames, Jonathan |
May, Oliver |
Morse, J. M. |
Wetherbe, Oz (?) |
Allard, Shadrak |
May, Elisha |
May, Oliv. |
Poor, B. |
Blanchard, Peter |
May, James |
Morton, A. |
Wetherbe, James |
Ball, Levi |
May, Dexter |
May, Jas. |
Harvey, I. |
Badcock, Solomon |
Morton, Alexa[nder] |
May, John |
Page, Enos |
Badcock, Jason |
Nichols, John |
May, Stephen |
Beel [Beal], Josiah |
Nichols, Abner |
Tax List 1821 pg 291-2-3 |
Bingham, Sarah |
Olcott, Simeon |
Adams, Samuel |
May, Oliver |
Bugbe, Alpheus |
Parry, Oliver |
Adams, Bulkley |
May, Elisha |
Ballou, Aaron |
Powers, Jona[than] |
Adams, Jeremiah |
May, John |
Booty, Joseph |
Page, Enos |
Barker, Samuel |
May, Stephen |
Baley, Abijah |
Page, Ely |
Barker, Daniel |
Morton, Alex'r |
Buckminster, Joseph |
Read, Nath |
Barker, James |
Nichols, Alpheus |
Blanchard, Andrew |
Richardson, Lot |
Balch, Sylvanus |
Nichols, W[illia]m 2nd |
Chase, Moses |
Streeter, Benjamin |
Badcock, Solomon |
Nichols, Robert |
Cutting, Oliver |
Streeter, Ben |
Badcock, Jason |
Nichols, Soloman, Jr. |
Collington, John |
Streeter, Daniel |
Bingham, Warner |
Nichols, Asa |
Durlam, John |
Smith, Ezra |
Bingham, Elisha |
Nichols, Isaac |
Darling, John |
Thayer, Charles |
Bingham, Erastus |
Nichols, John |
Ellis, Archalus |
Underwood, Amos |
Ball, Joseph |
Pike, Daniel 2nd |
Fry, John |
Vilas, Noah |
Booty, Joseph |
Page, William |
Fry, John Jr. |
Wetherbee, Samuel |
Buckminster, Jos |
Page, Enos |
Fry, Jona[than] |
Wetherbee, Samuel Jr. |
Barnett, John |
Perry, Micah |
Fifher [Fisher], Nathan |
Williams, Azarias |
Bugbee, Alpheus |
Parker, Amos |
Graves, Rich[ar]d |
Woodbury, Jona[than], Esq. |
Brown, Solan |
Parker, Reuben |
Graves, Ichabod |
Walker, John |
Ball, Levi |
Richardson, Timo |
Gregory, Daniel |
Woodbury, Jona[than] Jr. |
Ball, Levi, Jr. |
Richardson, Lott |
Grout, Rubin |
Wheeler, John |
Cutting, Oliver |
Richardson, Stephen |
Hutchinson, Jona[than] |
Wyman, Elijah |
Carpenter, Aaron |
Reed, Hinds |
Hutchinson, Amos |
Williams, John |
Clay, Sam[ue]l |
Reed, Nathaniel |
Hutchinson, David |
Wilkins, Uriah |
Clay, Roby |
Streeter, Benja |
Hutchinson, Samuel |
Woodbury, Jefse [Jesse] |
Chapin, Warner |
Streeter, Joseph |
Holton, Bela |
Woodbury, Benj[amin] |
Carpenter, George |
Streeter, Sam'l |
Holton, David |
Woodbury, Jefse [Jesse] Jr. |
Carruth, Samuel |
Streeter, Ezekiel |
Holton, Bulkley |
Whipple, Edmon |
Chase, Moses |
Spaulding, Andrew |
Holton, Adolphus |
Wilkings [Wilkins], Archelus |
Chase, Jos. |
Stacy, Abner |
Hill, Isaac |
Wilder, Nathan |
Darling, John M. |
Stacy, Abel |
Hill, Elijah |
Little, Isaac |
Durlam, Frederick |
Slyfield, William |
Hunter, Jona[than] |
Williams, George |
Fry, John, Jr. |
Slyfield, Benja |
Hudson, Brooks |
Whipple, Joel J. |
Fry, Jona |
Streeter, David |
Hudson, Amasa |
Willington, Josiah |
Fry, Joseph |
Turner, Henry |
Hibbard, David |
Ball, Joseph |
Fry, Harvey G. |
Temple, John |
Hibbard, David |
Johnson, John S. |
Fry, John for David Fry |
Temple, Joseph |
Hibbard, Dyer |
Ames, Elijah |
Graves, Richardson |
Taggard, Arch'd |
Hibbard, Lyman |
Willard, James |
Graves, Ichabod P. Estate |
Thayer, Preston |
Hopkins, John |
Fletcher, Ely |
Graves, Reuben |
Thayer, Gardner |
Isham, Benja[min] |
Berry, Benj[amin] |
Gregory, Daniel |
Underwood, Amos |
Judevine, Cor[nelius] |
Bowen, Peley |
Gregory, Daniel |
Underwood, David |
Judevine, Joseph |
Hutchinson, Daniel |
Gregory, Josiah |
Vilas, Noah Estate |
Morse, James |
Gregory, Daniel, Jr. |
Wilson, Alex'r |
Tax List
1807 pg 102 - 103 |
Gregory, Ephraim L. |
Woodbury, Benja |
Ames, Elijah |
Morse, Joseph |
Godard, Samuel |
Woodbury, Jefse R. |
Ames, Jona[than] |
Saffield, Artemas |
Godard, Austin |
Woodbury, Jona |
Ames, Thomas |
Carruth, Samuel |
Godard, Ira |
Wetherbe, James |
Allard, Shadrick |
Grimes, Joseph |
Garfield, Artemas |
Woodbury, Jona 3rd |
Blanchard, Peter |
May, Oliver |
Hunter, Jona |
Woodbury, Lot |
Ball, Levi |
May, Elifha [Elisha] |
Hunter, John F. |
Woodbury, Jona 2nd |
Ball, Joseph |
May, James |
Hunter, Ira |
Whipple, Jona |
Badcock, Solomon |
Nichols, John |
Hunter, William |
Woodbury, Jefse Jr. |
Badcock, Jason |
Nichols, Abner |
Hutchinson, Amos |
Whipple, Edward |
Beel [Beal], Josiah |
Nichols, Solomon |
Hutchinson, David |
Willis, Ezra |
Bingham, Sarah |
May, Silas |
Hamilton, Robert |
Wheeler, John |
Bugbee, Alpheus |
Perry, Oliver |
Hall, Ziba |
Webber, John |
Ballou, Gale |
Powers, Jona[than] |
Hill, Isaac |
Wallis, Robert |
Booty, Joseph |
Page, Enos |
Hill, Elijah |
Wallis, John |
Baley, Abijah |
Page, Ely |
Hibbard, David |
Williams, John |
Buckminster, Joseph |
Read, Nath |
Hibbard, David, Jr. |
Williams, Azarias |
Chase, Francis |
Richardson, Lot |
Hibbard, Dyer |
Williams, George |
Chase, Moses |
Streeter, Benjamin |
Howes, David |
Wetherbe, Sam[ue]l Estate |
Cutting, Oliver |
Streeter, Ben |
Haywood, William |
Grout, Theoph. Agt J Arms |
Collington, John |
Streeter, David |
Hayward, Abner |
Hardy, Andrew |
Durlam, John |
Streeter, Daniel |
Holton, Adolphus |
Hardy, Nathan |
Darling, John M. |
Smith, W. |
Harvey, Isaiah |
May, James agt Stephen Morison |
Ellis, Archalus |
Tagard, Roban A. |
Hudson, Azarias |
Melendy, William |
Fry, John |
Thayer, Gardner |
Isham, Benja |
Ball, John |
Fry, John, Jr. |
Thayer, Charles |
Ide, Joseph |
Soper, Samuel |
Fry, Jona[than] |
Underwood, Amos |
Jeudevine, Cors. |
Page, Enos tenant Jona Baker heirs |
Graves, Rich[ar]d |
Vilas, Noah |
Johnson, John S. |
Snell, John |
Graves, Ichabod |
Wetherbe, Samuel |
Jewett, Charles |
Fisher, Samuel B. |
Gregory, Daniel |
Wetherbe, Samuel Jr. |
Lewis, Jona Jr. |
Hill, Sam[ue]l Jr. |
Grout, Rubin |
Wetherbe, James |
Little, Isaac |
Smith, Orange |
Hutchinson, Jona[than] |
Wetherbe, Azer |
Morse, James |
Symonds, Silas |
Hutchinson, Amos |
Williams, Azarias |
Morse, David |
McCurdy, John |
Hutchinson, David |
Williams, George |
Morse, Samuel 2d |
Pratt, Joseph |
Hutchinson, Samuel |
Williams, John |
Matthews, Jona |
Oaks, Henry |
Hutchinson, Daniel |
Woodbury, Jona[than] |
Moulton, David |
Hutchinson, Amos tenant John Hutchinson |
Holton, Bela |
Woodbury, Jona[than] Jr. |
Morse, Nathan |
Nichols, Ethan |
Holton, David |
Walker, John |
Morse, Samuel 1st |
Streeter, Daniel |
Holton, Bulkley |
Wheeler, John |
May, James |
Holton, Adolphus |
Wyman, Elijah |
Tax List 1822 pg 302-5 |
Hill, Isaac |
White, Jacob |
Adams, Samuel |
Morse, Sam'l 1st |
Hill, Elijah |
Woodbury, Jefse [Jesse] |
Adams, Bulkley |
Morse, Nathan |
Cheney, John |
Woodbury, Jefse [Jesse] Jr. |
Adams, Jeremiah |
Moulton, David |
Hunter, Jona[than] |
Woodbury, Benj |
Balch, Sylvanus |
May, James |
Hudson, Amasa |
Whipple, Edmon |
Ball, Levi |
May, Elisha |
Hibbard, David |
Wilder, Nathan |
Ball, Levi Jr. |
May, Stephen |
Hibbard, David, Jr. |
Little, Isaac |
Buckminster, Jos |
May, John |
Hibbard, Dyer |
Willard, James |
Barker, Samuel |
Nichols, Alph's |
Hibbard, Lyman |
Woodbury, Ruphus |
Barker, Dan'l |
Nichols, Ethan H. |
Hopkins, John |
Woodbury, Benajah |
Barker, Sam[ue]l W. |
Nichols, W[illia]m 2nd |
Isham, Benj |
Willard, John [James prob] |
Bingham, Warner |
Nichols, Robert |
Judevine, Cornelious |
Walker, Benj |
Bingham, Elisha |
Nichols, Isaac |
Judevine, Joseph |
Walker, Jabesh [Jabez] |
Badcock, Solomon |
Nichols, Solomon Jr. |
Morse, James |
Whitney, Solomon |
Badcock, Jason |
Nichols, John |
Morse, Nathan |
Putnam, Seth |
Bugbee, Alpha |
Oaks, Henry |
Morse, Amasa |
May, Benjamin |
Brown, Solon |
Pike, Daniel 2nd |
Morse, Jotham |
Ball, Joseph |
Page, Enos |
Tax List Sept 15, 1808 pg 109 |
Barnett, John |
Page, W[illia]m |
Ames, Thomas |
Judevine, Jos[ep]h |
Booty, Joseph |
Perry, Micah |
Ames, Jona[than] |
Morse, James |
Cutting, Oliver |
Parker, Amos |
Allard, Shadrick |
Morse, Nathan |
Chase, Moses |
Parker, Reuben |
Ames, Elijah |
Morse, Joseph |
Clay, Roby |
Pratt, David |
Adams, Ed[ward] Saul |
Morse, Jotham |
Carruth, Samuel |
Pratt, John |
Blanchard, Peter |
May, Oliver |
Carpenter, Aaron |
Richardson, Timo. |
Ball, Levi |
May, Elifha [Elisha] |
Carpenter, George |
Richardson, Stephen |
Ball, Joseph |
May, James |
Carpenter, Arial |
Richardson, Lott |
Badcock, Sol |
May, Benj |
Darling, John M. |
Reed, Nath'l |
Badcock, Jason |
Morton, Alex'r |
Durlam, Frederick |
Reed, Hinds |
Beal, Josiah |
Mathews, Jona[than] |
Fry, John Jr. |
Streeter, Benja |
Bingham, Sarah |
Nichols, John |
Fry, Joseph |
Streeter, Daniel |
Bugbee, Alpa |
Nichols, Abner |
Fry, Jona |
Soper, Samuel |
Booty, Joseph |
Nichols, Solo[mon] |
Graves, Rich[ardso]n |
Streeter, David |
Buckminster, Jos |
Putman, Seth |
Graves, I. P. Estate |
Spaulding, Andrew |
Blake, George |
Perry, Oliver |
Gregory, Josiah |
Streeter, Sam'l |
Chase, Moses |
Powers, Jon |
Gregory, Daniel Jr. |
Stacy, Abner |
Cutting, Oliver |
Page, Enos |
Gregory, Daniel |
Stacy, Abel |
Collington, John |
Page, Eli |
Gregory, Eph'm L. |
Stacy, Abel of Stodard |
Cheney, John |
Little, Isaac |
Gregory, Daniel |
Johnson, J. S. |
Chase, Fran[ci]s |
Read, Nath |
Garfield, Artemas |
Streeter, Ezekiel |
Carruth, Sam[ue]l |
Richardson, Lot |
Godard, Sam[ue]l |
Slyfield, W[illia]m |
Cook, James |
Streeter, Benj |
Hardy, Nathan |
Slyfield, Benja |
Durlam, John |
Streeter, Ben |
Hill, Isaac |
Turner, Henry |
Darling, John |
Streeter, David |
Hill, Elijah |
Thayer, Preston |
Davis, Roswell |
Streeter, Daniel |
Hill, Sam[ue]l Jr. |
Thayer, Gardner |
Ellis, Arch's |
Spalding, And[re]w |
Hibbard, David |
Temple, Joseph |
Fry, [John] |
Taggard, Robt |
Hibbard, David, Jr. |
Temple, John |
Fry, John Jr. |
Thayer, Charles |
Hibbard, Dyer |
Taggard, Arch |
Fry, Jona[than] |
Thayer, Preston |
Hunter, Jona |
Underwood, Amos |
Graves, Richardson |
Underwood, Amos |
Hunter, James |
Underwood, David |
Graves, [Ichabod prob] |
Vilas, Noah |
Hutchinson, Amos |
Woodbury, Lott |
Gregory, Daniel |
Wetherbe, Sam[ue]l |
Holton, Adolphus |
Woodbury, Jona 2nd |
Grout, Rubin |
Wetherbe, Sam[ue]l Jr. |
Hayward, Abner |
Woodbury, Jona |
Garfield, Arch |
Wetherbe, James |
Hamilton, Robert |
Williams, Lee |
Grimes, Joseph |
Wetherbe, John |
Heywood, W[illia]m |
Webber, John |
Gr[egory], Dan[ie]l M. |
Williams, Azarias |
Hunter, John F. |
Wetherbe, James |
Hutchins[on], Amos |
Woodbury, Jon Esq. |
Hunter, Ira |
Wetherbe, Sam'l Estate |
Hutchinson, Samuel |
Woodbury, Jefse [Jesse] |
Hutchinson, David |
Whipple, Jona |
Hutchinson, David |
Woodbury, Jefse [Jesse], Jr. |
Hudson, Azarias |
Whipple, Edward |
Hutchinson, Daniel |
Woodbury, Benj |
Hall, Ziba |
Woodbury, Jefse |
Holton, Belea |
Woodbury, Lot |
Ide, Joseph |
Williams, John |
Holton, David |
Walker, John |
Isham, Benja |
Wallis, John |
Holton, Bark [Bulkley] |
Walker, Benj |
Jeudevine, Cor. |
Woodbury, Benja |
Holton, Adolf |
Walker, Jabish [Jabez] |
Jewett, Charles |
Woodbury, Jefse Jr. |
Hill, Isaac |
Wallis, [Rob] |
Lewis, Jona |
Wilson, Alex |
Hill, Elijah |
Wallis, John |
Lewis, Truman |
Wheeler, John |
Hunter, Jona[than] |
Wright, Jacob |
Little, Isaac |
Williams, Azarias |
Hudson, Amasa |
Wheeler, John |
Kellogg, Benja |
Scott, Andrew |
Hibbard, David |
Williams, John |
Morton, Alex'r |
Wallis, Robert |
Hibbard, David Jr. |
Wyman, Elijah |
McCurdy, John |
Morison, Stephen |
Hibbard, Dyer |
Willard, James |
Mathews, Jona |
Ball, John |
Hibbard, Lyman |
Whipple, Joseph [prob Jonathan] |
Melendy, W[illia]m |
Whitten, [Joshua] |
Hopkins, John |
Williams, George |
Morse, James |
Vilas, N. Estate |
Heald, Timo[thy] |
Wilkins, Uriah |
Morse, David |
Williams, George |
Heald, not listed [prob Joseph] |
Woodbury, Bena'h |
Morse, Sam'l 2nd |
Isham, Benj |
Woodbury, Ruphus |
Tax List 1823 pg 313-4 |
Judevine, Corn[elu]s |
Adams, Sam'l |
Morse, Seth |
Tax List Oct 31, 1809 pg 118 - 119 |
Adams, Bulkley |
Morton, Alex'r |
Ames, Thomas |
Kindall, Nathan |
Adams, Jeremiah |
May, Elisha |
Ames, Elijah |
Morse, James |
Balch, Sylvanus |
May, James |
Allard, Shadrick |
Morse, Nathan |
Balch, Nath'l |
May, Stephen |
Adams, Edward Saul |
Morse, Joseph |
Ball, Levi |
May, John |
Ball, Levi |
May, Oliver |
Ball, Levi, Jr. |
McCurdy, John |
Badcock, Solomon |
May, Elisha |
Ball, Nathan |
McCurdy, John, Jr. |
Ball, Joseph |
May, James |
Ball, Joseph |
Darling, J. M. |
Badcock, Jason |
Meed, Theodore |
Ball, John |
Moulton, David |
Beel [Beal], Josiah |
Morton, Alex |
Buckminster, Jos. |
Morse, Nathan |
Bingham, Sarah |
Matthews, Jona[than] |
Barker, Sam'l |
Morrison, Stephen |
Bugbee, Alp |
Nichols, John |
Badcock, Solomon |
Morse, Sam'l 1st |
Booty, Joseph |
Nichols, Abner |
Badcock, Jason |
Mathews, Jona |
Buckminster, Jos[eph] |
Nichols, John, Jr. |
Brown, Solon |
Melendy, W[illia]m |
Blake, George |
Nichols, Sol |
Bingham, Elisha |
Nichols, A. |
Bowker, Samuel |
Putnam, Seth |
Booty, Joseph |
Nichols, Isaac |
Chase, Moses |
Perry, Oliver |
Bingham, Warner |
Nichols, John |
Carruth, Samuel |
Powers, Jona[than] |
Barnett, John |
Nichols, W[illia]m |
Cutting, Oliver |
Page, Enos |
B[arker], Dan'l |
Nichols, Solon, Jr. |
Collington, John |
Little, Isaac |
B[arker], Sam'l |
Nichols, Asa |
Cheney, John |
Read, Nath |
Kellogg, Benja |
Page, Enos |
Cook, James |
Richardson, Lot |
Bugbee, Alph |
Perry, Micah |
Durlam, John |
Streeter, Benj |
Chase, Loring [prob Joseph] |
Pike, Dan'l 2nd |
Darling, John M. |
Streeter, David |
Cutting, Oliver |
Pratt, David |
Ellis, Arch |
Streeter, Daniel |
Cutting, George |
Pratt, David, Jr. |
Fry, John |
Smith, A(ndrew) Spldwin |
Chase, Moses |
Pratt, John |
Fry, John, Jr. |
Sevey, Joseph |
Carruth, Sam'l |
Parker, Amos |
Fry, Jonathan |
Tagar[d], Rob[er]t |
Carpenter, Royal |
Parker, Calvin |
Graves, Rich[ardson] |
Thayer, Charles |
Carpenter, Aaron |
Parker, Reubin |
Graves, [Ichabod prob] |
Thayer, Preston |
Carpenter, George |
Page, W[illia]m |
Gregory, Daniel |
Underwood, Amos |
Carpenter, Jedadiah |
Reed, Nath'l |
Grout, Rubin |
Vilas, Noah |
Clay, Sam'l |
Reed, Willard |
Gaffield, Autemos |
Wetherbe, Sam[ue]l |
Clay, Robie |
Richardson, Stephen |
Gregory, Daniel M. |
Wetherbe, Sam[ue]l, Jr. |
Crofs [Cross], George W. |
Richardson, Timy |
Gliddon, John |
Wetherbe, James |
Dewey, L. F. |
Richardson, Lott |
Hutchinson, Amos |
Wetherbe, Azer |
Durlam, Frederick |
Reed, Hinds |
Hutchinson, David |
Williams, Azarias |
Fry, John, Jr. |
Streeter, Ezekiel |
Hutchinson, Daniel |
Woodbury, Jona[than] |
Fry, H. G. |
Spaulding, A. |
Hutchinson, Samuel |
Woodbury, Jona[than] |
Fry, John, 3rd |
Slyfield, W[illia]m |
Howard, Cla[ud] |
Woodbury, Jefse [Jesse] |
Fry, Jona |
Streeter, Benja |
Holton, Belea |
Woodbury, Lot |
Fry, Jos. |
Streeter, David |
Holton, David |
Woodbury, Jefse [Jesse] Jr. |
Fry, David |
Slyfield, Benja |
Holton, Bulkley |
Woodbury, Benj |
Garfield, A. |
Streeter, Daniel |
Holton, Adolphus |
Willard, James |
Greenfield, Moses |
Scott, Andrew |
Hunter, Jona[than] |
Wright, Jacob |
Graves, Reuben |
Streeter, Sam'l |
Hill, Isaac |
Walker, Benj |
Gregory, Dan'l Jr. |
Soper, Sam'l |
Hill, Elijah |
Williams, George |
Godard, Sam'l |
Soper, Leonard |
Hudson, Amasa |
Williams, John |
Graves, Rich[ardso]n |
Stacy, Abel |
Hibbard, David |
Whipple, Jona[than] |
Gregory, Dan'l |
Stacy, Abner |
Hibbard, David Jr. |
Walker, Jabez |
Gregory, J. ( ), Jr. |
Stacy, Abel of Stodard |
Hibbard, Dyer |
Wallis, Rob |
Graves, I. P. Estate |
Taggard, W[illia]m |
Hibbard, Lyman |
Wallis, John |
Hibbard, David |
Thayer, Preston |
Hopkins, John |
Wheeler, John |
Hibbard, D., Jr. |
Turner, Henry |
Heald, Joseph |
Walker, John |
Hibbard, Dyer |
Taggard, [Arch] |
Carpenter, Aaron |
Johnson, John S. |
Hall, Ziba |
Temple, Joseph |
Isham, Benj |
Wyman, Elijah |
Hill, Isaac |
Thayer, Gardner |
Judevine, Con's |
Holton, Belea |
Hill, Elijah |
Temple, John |
Judevine, Joseph |
Allard, Shadrick |
Hardy, Nathan |
Wetherbe, Sam'l Estate |
Tax List Oct 8, 1810 pg 125 |
Hunter, Jona |
Williams, George |
Ames, Thomas |
Morse, Nathan |
Hunter, James |
Wilson, Alex'r |
Ames, Elijah |
Morse, Samuel |
Hunter, Ira |
Underwood, A. |
Allard, Shadrick |
May, Oli[ver] |
Hunter, John F. |
Underwood, D. |
Adams, E. S. B. |
May, Elisha |
Holton, Adolphus |
Vilas, N. Estate |
Ball, Levi |
May, James |
Haywood, W[illia]m |
Watson, Nath'l |
Ball, Joseph |
May, Benjamin |
Hayward, Abner |
Wetherbe, James |
Badcock, Sol |
Morton, Alex |
Hutchinson, David |
Woodbury, Jefse |
Badcock, Jason |
Matthews, Jona[than] |
Hutchinson, Amos |
Wheeler, John |
Beel [Beal], Josiah |
Nichols, John, Jr. |
Hamilton, Robert |
Woodbury, Jefse, Jr. |
Bingham, Perry |
Nichols, David |
Hutchinson, Benja |
Winslow, John |
Bugbee, Alp |
Nichols, Solo |
Hall, Sam'l R. |
Whitten, Joshua |
Booty, Jos |
Nichols, Abner |
Johnson, J. S. |
Woodbury, Lot |
Buckminster, Jos |
Putnam, Seth |
Jeudevine, Con. |
Woodbury, Jona |
Blake, George |
Perry, Oliver |
Isham, Benja |
Whipple, Jona |
Barker, Sam[ue]l |
Powers, Jona[than] |
Jewett, Charles |
Whipple, Edward |
Cummings, Tho[ma]s |
Page, Enos |
Lewis, Jona, Jr. |
Woodbury, Jona |
Caswell, Daniel |
Little, Isaac |
Lewis, Truman |
Woodbury, Benja |
Crofs [Cross], Dan[ie]l |
Read, Nath |
Little, Isaac |
Williams, A. |
Chase, Moses |
Richardson, Lot |
Morse, Joseph W. |
Wallis, Robert |
Cutting, Oliver |
Streeter, Benja[min] |
Metcalf, Zenus |
Wallis, John |
Collington, John |
Streeter, David |
Morse, James |
Williams, John |
Cheney, John |
Streeter, Daniel |
Morse, David |
Willis, Ezra |
Cheney, Elias |
Spalding, And[re]w |
Morse, Sam'l 2nd |
Woodbury, Lott, Jr. |
Carruth, Sam[ue]l |
Smith, Francis |
Tax List 1824 pg 322-3-4 |
Durlam, Jo[hn] |
Taggard, Rob[er]t |
Adams, Samuel |
Melendy, W[illia]m |
Darling, Jon M. |
Taggard, Arch |
Adams, Bulkley |
Morse, Seth |
Ellis, Arch's |
Thayer, Charles |
Barnett, John |
Morse, James |
Fry, John |
Thayer, Porter [Preston] |
Buckminster, Jos. |
Morse, Sam[ue]l |
Fry, Jona[than] |
Underwood, Amos |
Badcock, Jason |
Moulton, David |
Fry Jr., John |
Vilas, Noah |
Bingham, Warner |
May, Stephen |
Graves, Rich[ard]s[on] |
Wetherbe, Sam[ue]l |
Bingham, Elisha |
Morse, David |
Graves, [Ichabod prob] |
Wetherbe, Sam[ue]l Jr. |
Balch, Nath'l |
Morton, Alex'r |
Gregory, Da[nie]l |
Wetherbe, Ja[mes] |
Booty, Joseph |
Morse, Nathan |
Grout, Rubin |
Williams, Azarias |
Badcock, Solomon |
Metcalf, Zenas |
Gafield, Arte |
Williams, Geo |
Ball, Joseph |
Morse, Sam'l, 2nd |
Hutchinson, Amos |
Woodbury, Jona[than] |
Barker, Daniel |
Mathews, Jona |
Hutchinson, David |
Woodbury, Jona[than], Jr. |
Barker, S. W. |
Newton, Solomon |
Hutchinson, Da[nie]l |
Woodbury, Jefse [Jesse] |
Barker, Sam'l |
Nichols, Isaac |
Hutchinson, Samuel |
Woodbury, Lot |
Ball, Levi |
Nichols, W[illia]m |
Howard, C[laud] D. |
Woodbury, Jefse [Jesse] Jr. |
Ball, Levi, Jr. |
Nichols, Ethen H. |
Hall, Ziba |
Woodbury, Ben |
Graves, Rich[ardso]n guardian of Franklin Graves |
Nichols, Alpheus |
Holton, Belea |
Willard, James |
Balch, Sylv. |
Nichols, John |
Holton, Adolph |
Wright, Jacob |
Carruth, Sam'l |
Nichols, Soloman, Jr. |
Holton, Bulkley |
Wright, W[illia]m |
Courser, Friend |
Pratt, David |
Hunter, Jona[than] |
Williams, John |
Graves, Widow Eliza |
Perry, Micah |
Hill, Isaac |
Whipple, Jona[than] |
Carpenter, Aaron |
Pike, Daniel, 2nd |
Hill, Elijah |
Walker, Jabez |
Carpenter, G. & J. |
Parker, Amos |
Hudson, Amasa |
Wallis, Rob[ert] |
Cutting, George |
Parker, Reuben |
Hibbard, David |
Wallis, John |
Clay, Sam'l |
Pratt, John |
Hibbard, D., Jr. |
Wheeler, John |
Carpenter, Ariel |
Page, Enos |
Hibbard, Dyer |
Walker, John |
Clay, Robee |
Page, John |
Hibbard, Lyman |
Wyman, Eli[jah] |
Constantine, John |
Slyfield, W[illia]m |
Hopkins, John |
Slyfield, An[drew] |
Chase, Jos. |
Richardson, Stephen |
Heald, Joseph |
Slyfield, (Jon) |
Cutting, Oliver |
Richardson, Lot |
Ifham [Isham], Benj |
Slyfield, W[illia]m |
Chase, Moses |
Richardson, Luther |
Judevine, Corn[elius] |
Wilkins, Uriah |
Crofs, George W. |
Reed, Nath'l |
Judevine, Joseph |
Willis, Ezra |
Darling, John M. |
Reed, Willard |
Johnson, John |
Parker, Amos |
Durlam, Frederic |
Reed, Hinds |
Kindall, Nathan |
Grager [Gregory], Dan'l M. |
Fry, John, Jr. |
Streeter, David |
Morse, F(rancis) |
Fry, Harvey, Jr. |
Smith, Simeon |
Tax List Sept 30, 1811 pg 130 - 131 |
Fry, H. G. |
Stacy, Abner |
Ames, Thomas |
Johnson, John S. |
Fry, John, 3rd |
Soper, Leonard |
Ames, Elijah |
Judevine, Co[rnelius] |
Fry, Joseph |
Symonds, Silas |
Allard, Shadrack |
Judevine, Jos[eph] |
Fry, Jona |
Slyfield, Benja |
Bottand, E. S. |
Kindall, Na[tha]n |
Graves, Richardson |
Streeter, Benja |
Ball, Levi |
Kindall, Timo[thy] |
Graves, Nathan J. |
Stacy, Abel |
Ball, Joseph |
Little, Isaac |
Garfield, Artemas |
Spaulding, Andrew |
Ball, John |
Morse, James |
Gregory, Josiah |
Streeter, Daniel |
Badcock, Solomon |
Morse, Nathan |
Gregory, Daniel |
Soper, Sam'l |
Badcock, Jason |
Morse, Sam[ue]l |
Goodale, James |
Taggard, W[illia]m |
Beal, Josiah |
Mathews, Jona[than] |
Greenfield, Moses |
Thayer, Preston |
Bingham, Perry |
Morton, Alex |
Gregory, Daniel |
Taggard, Archibald |
Bingham, Warner |
May, James |
Gregory, Ephraim L. |
Temple, John |
Booty, Joseph |
May, [O.] E. |
Hunter, Ira |
Temple, Joseph |
Buckminster, Jos[eph] |
Meed, Theo |
Hutchinson, Amos |
Turner, Henry |
Bugbee, Alps |
May, Benj[amin] |
Hill, Elijah |
Thayer, Gardner |
Blake, George |
Nichols, Sol'm |
Heywood, W[illia]m |
Underwood, Amos |
Barker, Samuel |
Nichols, Abn[er] |
Hardy, Nathan |
Underwood, David |
Carruth, Samuel |
Nichols, John |
Holton, Adolphus |
Vilas, Curtis |
Chase, Moses |
Putnam, Seth |
Hibbard, David |
Woodbury, J. |
Cheney, John |
Page, Enos |
Hibbard, G. A. |
Woodbury, R. H. |
Cheney, Elias |
Parry, Oliver |
Hibbard, David, Jr. |
Woodbury, Lot |
Caswell, Daniel |
Parker, Amos |
Hibbard, Dyer |
Woodbury, Jona 2nd |
Crofs [Cross], Daniel |
Reed, Hind |
Hall, Ziba |
Woodbury, Lot, Jr. |
Cutting, Oliver |
Reed, Nath[anie]l |
Hall, Sam'l R. |
Woodbury, Jona |
Carpenter, Aaron |
Richardson, Lot |
Hamilton, Robert |
Woodbury, Benja |
Collington, [John] |
Streeter, Benj[amin] |
Hill, Isaac |
Woodbury, Jefse Jr. |
Durlam, J[ohn] |
Streeter, [David prob] |
Hunter, W[illia]m |
Wheeler, John |
Darling, J[ohn] M. |
Spau[lding], [Andrew] |
Isham, Benja |
Whipple, Edward |
Emerson, John S. |
Slyfield, Andrew |
Ide, Joseph |
Wetherbe, James |
Ellis, Arc[halus] |
Taggard, Rob[er]t |
Joslin, Otis |
Winslow, John |
Fry, John |
Taggard, Arch |
Jewett, Charles |
Watson, Nath'l |
Fry, Jona[than] |
Thayer, Charles |
Johnson, J. S. |
Whipple, Jona |
Fry, Joseph |
Thayer, Preston |
Jeudevine, Cors |
Wilson, Alex'r |
Fry, John, Jr. |
Turner, Henry |
Kellogg, Benja |
Williams, John |
Fitz, Margt |
Underwood, Amos |
Little, Isaac |
Whitten & Barker |
Flint, Amos |
Williams, Azarias |
Lewis, Jona, Jr. |
Williams, Azarias |
Graves, Ich[abod] |
Williams, Geo[rge] |
Lewis, Truman |
Plumley, Daniel |
Graves, Rich[ardso]n |
Williams, J. |
May, John |
Streeter, Sam'l |
Garfield, [Arte]ma[s] |
Woodbury, Jona[than] Esq. |
May, Elisha |
Hutchinson, David |
Grout, Reuben |
Woodbury, Jefse [Jesse] |
Morrison, Stephen |
Williams, George |
Gregory, Daniel |
Woodbury, Benj[amin] |
May, James |
Gregory, Daniel, Jr. |
Holton, Bulkley |
Woodbury, Lot |
McCurdy, John, Jr. |
Graves, Reuben |
Holton, Adolphus |
Woodbury, Jona[than] Jr. |
McCurdy, John |
Holton, Bela |
Wetherbe, Sam |
Tax List 1825, pg 330-5 |
Hill, Elij |
Wetherbe, Samuel Jr. |
Adams, Sam'l |
McCurdy, John, Jr. |
Hill, Isaac |
Wetherbe, James |
Adams, Bulkly |
Melendy, Wm |
Hopkins, John |
Wetherbe, John |
Barnett, John |
Morse, James |
Hibbard, David |
Wallis, Rob |
Buckminster, Jos |
Morse, David |
Hibbard, Dyer |
Wallis, John |
Badcock, Jason |
Morse, Sam'l 2nd |
Hibbard, David Jr. |
Wyman, Elij |
Bingham, Warner |
Morse, Seth |
Hall, Zeba |
Walker, Jabish [Jabez] |
Bingham, Elisha |
Morse, Sam'l 1st |
Hutchinson, Amos |
Walker, Benj[amin] |
Buck, W[illia]m |
May, Stephen |
Hutchinson, Sa[muel] |
Walker, John |
Buck, Wilson |
Morton, Alex'r |
Hutchinson, David |
Wright, Jacob |
Balch, Nath'l |
Morse, Nathan |
Hamilton, Rob |
Wright, William |
Booty, Jos |
Metcalf, Zenus |
Hunter, Jona[than] |
Whipple, Edro |
Badcock, Sol. |
Mathews, Jona |
Haywood, C. B. |
Whipple, Jona[than] |
Ball, Joseph |
Nason, John |
Hutchinson, Dan[iel] |
Wheeler, John |
Barker, D. |
Nichols, Isaac |
Hudson, Amasa |
Willard, James |
Barker, S. W. |
Nichols, Wm |
Blifs [Bliss], Sylves [Sylvester] |
Slyfield, Johnpas? |
Ball, Levi, Jr. |
Nichols, Alpheus |
Isham, Ben |
Ball, Levi |
Nichols, John |
Tax List
Oct 3, 1812 pg 136 - 137 |
Ball, John |
Nichols, Robert |
Ames, Tho[ma]s |
Judevine, Cor[nelius] |
Brown, Solon |
Pratt, David |
Ames, Elija |
Judevine, Jos[eph] |
Balch, Sylas |
Pratt, John |
Allard, The[o]d[ore] |
Kindall, Nathan |
Carruth, Sam'l |
Perry, Micah |
Adams, Edward |
Little, Isaac |
Courser, Friend |
Pike, Dan'l 2nd |
Adams, Bulkley |
Morse, James |
Carpenter, Aaron |
Parker, Amos |
Ball, Levi |
Morse, Nath[a]n |
Carpenter, J. |
Parker, Amos, Jr. |
Ball, Jos[eph] |
Morse, Sam[ue]ll |
Carpenter, G. |
Page, Enos |
Ball, Jona |
Matthews, Jona[than] |
Cutting, Oliver |
Richardson, Lot |
Badcock, Sol[o]m[on] |
Morton, Ale[xande]r |
Cutting, George |
Richardson, Luther |
Badcock, Jason |
May, James |
Clay, Sam'l |
Reed, Nath'l |
Beal, Josiah |
May, O. |
Clay, Robie |
Reed, Willard |
Bingham, War[ner] |
Meed, Theo |
Carpenter, Ariel |
Reed, Hinds |
Bingham, Tylor |
May, Benj[amin] |
Constantine, Jno. [John] |
Slyfield, Wm |
Booty, Joseph |
May, Silas |
Chase, Moses |
Slyfield, Benja |
Buckminster, Jos |
Nichols, Sol |
Chase, Joseph |
Graves, Widow B. |
Bugbee, Alpa |
Nichols, W[illia]m |
Crofs, Geo. W. |
Streeter, David |
Blake, George |
Nichols, John |
Darling, J. M. |
Stacy, Abner |
Barker, Sam[ue]ll |
Putnam, Seth |
Durlam, Fred |
Soper, Leonard |
Brown, John |
Page, Enos |
Fry, John, Jr. |
Stacy, Abel |
Coruth, Sam[ue]ll |
Parry, O. |
Fry, Harvey G. |
Streeter, Dan'l |
Chase, Moses |
Parker, Amos |
Fry, John 3rd |
Streeter, Benja |
Chaney, Roswell |
Reed, Hinds |
Fry, David |
Spaulding, Andrew |
Chaney, Elias |
Reed, Nath |
Fry, Jona |
Soper, Sam'l |
Cumings, Tho's |
Richardson, Lot |
Fry, Harry B. |
Taggard, Wm |
Cutting, Oliver |
Streeter, Benj[amin] |
Fry, Joseph |
Thayer, Preston |
Carpenter, Aaron |
Streeter, David |
Farrington, Thomas |
Taggard, Arch |
Collington, Jona |
Spalding, Andrew |
Graves, Rich[ardso]n |
Temple, John |
Durlam, Jona |
Slyfield, And |
Graves, N. J. |
Temple, Joseph |
Darling, Jo[hn] M. |
Slyfield, W[illia]m |
Graves, Reuben |
Turner, Henry |
Colburn, Benj[ami]n |
Taggard, R. |
Garfield, Art. |
Underwood, Amos |
Emerson, John |
Taggard, Arch |
Gregory, Dan'l |
Underwood, David |
Ellis, Arch |
Thayer, Charles |
Gregory, Josiah |
Vilas, Curtis or N. Vilas Estate |
Fry, John |
Thayer, P. |
Gregory, [Danie]l, Jr. |
Woodbury, J. A. R. H. |
Fry, Jona[than] |
Turner, Henry |
Gregory, Ephm. |
Woodbury, Lot |
Fry, Joseph |
Vilas, Noah |
Gregory, Ch[arle]s |
Woodbury, Jona 2nd |
Fry, John, Jr. |
Underwood, Am[os] |
Greenfield, Moses tenant to A. Stacy |
Woodbury, Lot, Jr. |
Fitts, Mogrell |
Williams, A. |
Goodale, Jas. |
Woodbury, Jona |
Graves, I. P. |
Williams, Geo[rge] |
Hunter, Ira |
Woodbury, Benja |
Graves, Rich[ardso]n |
Williams, Timo[thy] |
Hunter, W[illia]m |
Woodbury, Jefse, Jr. |
Garfield, Art |
Woodbury, Jesse |
Hunter, Royal |
Wheeler, John |
Grout, R. |
Woodbury, James Esq. |
Hyndman, Alex'r |
Whipple, Edward |
Gregory, Dan[ie]l |
Woodbury, Jesse, Jr. |
Hutchinson, Amos |
Wetherbe, James |
Holton, Buck [Bulkley] |
Woodbury, Ben |
Hutchinson, David |
Winslow, John |
Holton, Adol |
Woodbury, Lot |
Hill, Elijah |
Watson, Nath'l |
Holton, Bela |
Woodbury, Jono[than], Jr. |
Hill, Isaac |
Wilson, Alex'r |
Hill, Elij |
Woodbury, Rufus |
Heywood, W[illia]m |
Williams, John |
Hill, Isaac |
Wetherbe, Sam |
Hardy, Nathan |
Whitten & Barker |
Hopkins, John |
Wetherbe, Sam[ue]ll, Jr. |
Holton, Adolph |
Williams, Azarias |
Hibbard, D. |
Wetherbee, James |
Hibbard, David |
Williams, George |
Hibbard, D., Jr. |
Wallis, Rob[er]t |
Hibbard, David, Jr. |
Plumley, Daniel |
Hall, Zeba |
Wallis, John |
Hibbard, Dyer |
Young, John |
Hutchinson, Amos |
Wyman, Elij |
Hall, Sam'l A. |
Davis, John |
Hutchinson, Sam |
Walker, Jabez L. |
Hall, Ziba |
Moulton, David |
Hamilton, Rob |
Walker, Benj[amin] |
Hamilton, Rob't |
Nichols, Solo. |
Hunter, Jona[than] |
Walker, John |
Isham, Benja |
Streeter, Ezekiel |
Hutchinson, Dan |
Wright, Jacob |
Ide, Jos |
Wait, Joseph |
Hudson, Amasa |
Whipple, Jona[than] |
Joslin, Otis |
Williams, Lee |
Isham, Benj[amin] |
Wheeler, John |
Johnson, J. S. |
Easty, Daniel |
Johnson, John S. |
Willard, Ja[me]s |
Jeudevine, Cors |
Wallis, John |
Gregory, [Josiah] |
Kellogg, Benja |
Wallis, Robert |
Little, Isaac |
Mefser [Messer], Fred'r |
Graves, R. guardian to Franklin Graves |
McCurdy, Thom[as] |
Lewis, Jona, Jr. |
Bugbee, Alpheus |
May, John |
Mason, Wm |
May, Elisha |
Balch, Abner |
May, James |