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The following Berkshire freeman lists are located at the Vermont Historical Society in Barre, Vermont
Call numbers MSA 156 (4 & 5 & 6)
In attempting to translate the old handwriting
I have compared the names to each other, the 1820, 1830 and 1840 Federal census |
Berkshire, VT
1820 Federal Census
Head of household only |
List of persons names who ________________ representation to the assembly Sept 5th, 1826 |
Berkshire, VT
1830 Federal Census
Head of household only |
A list of persons names who voted for a Representative to the Congrefs of the U.S. of the 6th day of Dec. AD 1830. |
Berkshire, VT
1840 Federal Census
Head of household only |
At a freemans meeting legally warned and holden at Berkshire Nov 7th, 1848 the following persons had the numbers of votes annexed to their names respectively for the offices mentioned for representatives to Congress. |
At a freemans meeting legally warned and holden at Berkshire Sept 8th, 1851 the following persons voted for representation to the General Assembly of the State of Vermont. |
At a freemans meeting legally warned and holden at Berkshire in the State of Vermont on the 7th day of Sept. AD 1852 voted for a representative to represent this town in the General Assemlby of the State of Vermont. |
At a freemans meeting legally warned and holden at Berkshire in the State of Vermont on the 7th day of Sept. AD 1852 the following persons voted for a representative to represent this state in the Congress of the United States. |
At a meeting legally warned and holden at Berkshire on the second Tuesday of Nov 1852 the following persons voted for a representative to represent this state in the Congress of the United States. |
Berkshire February 2nd Tuesday, 1853
At a town meeting legally warned and holdon at Berkshire, the following persons gave their vote for and against the liquor law.
Anson Hull Moderator |
____ps, Cromwell |
juintly?? Geo. |
Adams, Darius |
Adams, Darius |
Adams, Chas. L. |
Abell, I. H. |
Abell, I. H. |
(costy), L. M. C. Carty? |
Adams, C. S. |
Adams, C. S. |
Anderson, I. |
Adams, Darius |
Adams, Darius |
Ames, Calvin |
Anderson, Robert |
Allen, Henry |
Algar, J. |
Adams, C. S. |
Adams, C. S. |
Algar, Jerome |
Allen, C. |
Anderson, J. P. |
Anderson, Robert |
Adams, Joseph |
Anderson, Seth P. |
Andros, Harden |
Amel, Francis |
Allen, C. |
Alger, J. |
Alger, J. |
Allen, Charles |
Anderson, L. |
Anderson, R. S. |
Austin, Benj |
Andres, James |
Andrews, Hardie |
Andrus, Arza |
Anderson, Ira |
Ames, W. |
Allen, C. |
Allen, C. |
Anderson, G. S. |
Anderson, P. |
Andrus, J. B. |
Austin, Oliver |
Andrews, H. |
Andrews, Josiah |
Austin, Benjamin |
Anderson, Seth |
Anderson, S. P. |
Anderson, I. |
Ames, W. |
Anderson, Ira |
Anderson, S. B. |
Arms, W. |
Austin, Raymond |
Austin, B. |
Armstrong, Edward |
Austin, Raymond |
Andrus, Asa |
Anderson. I. |
Anderson, R. |
Anderson, I. |
Anderson, R. |
Anderson, W. W. |
Armstrong, G. |
Bailey, Nathan |
Austin, Oliver |
Austin, Benjamin |
Babcock, Elias Jr. |
Andrus, Harden |
Andrus, H. |
Anderson, R. S. |
Anderson, I. S. |
Anderson, S. P. |
Andras, J. B. |
Austin, B. |
Bingham, Daniel M. |
B(rown), D. (Bowen?) |
Austin, Oliver |
Bayley, Phinehas |
Armstrong, Robert |
Andrus, J. B. |
Anderson, S. P. |
Anderson, R. |
Anderson, Stephen |
Andras, W. |
Austin, H. N. |
Bond, Nero |
Babcock, Elias, Jr. |
Austin, Raymond |
Beard, Elijah |
Austin, Apollos |
Austin, B. |
Anderson, W. W. |
Anderson, S. P. |
Anderson, W[illia]m W. |
Arms, W. |
Austin, H. P. |
Bradley, Brainard |
Barber, Caleb |
Babcock, Elias |
Blakely, D. B. |
Austin, Benjamin |
Austin, H. N. |
Andrus, J. B. |
Anderson, S. R. |
Andrus, J. B. |
Armstrong, G. |
Austin, N. C. |
Bradley, Cyrus |
Barber, Loomis |
Bailey, Phinehas |
Bowen, Cromwell |
Austin, Oliver |
Austin, H. P. |
Andrus, N. |
Anderson, W. W. |
Andrus, Hardin |
Austin, B. |
Ayer, W. J. |
Brewer, David |
Be(nson), S. F. |
Barber, Caleb |
Brewer, S. L. |
Austin, Powell |
Austin, N. |
Austin, B. |
Andres, J. B. |
Andrus, W[illia]m |
Austin, H. B. |
Babcock, B. |
Brown, Simeon |
Blakesley, (L.) |
Barber, Job |
Burleson, John |
Austin, Raymond |
Austin, O. |
Austin, H. N. |
Andrus, H. |
Armes, W[illia]m |
Austin, H. N. |
Babcock, E. |
Brown, Wm |
Bullen, A. |
Beard, Elijah |
Burleson, Stephen |
Ayres, William |
Austin, R. |
Austin, H. P. |
Andrus, W. H. |
Armstrong, Geo[rge] |
Austin, N. C. |
Barton, A. W. |
Butler, Samuel S. |
Burlison, D. |
Benjamin, Dan H. |
Burlison, Daniel |
Bar(era), Gregwire |
Ayer, W. J. |
Austin, N. C. |
Armstrong, G. L. |
Armstrong, Samuel |
Austin, O. |
Bowman, H. |
Cactus, Corbal |
Burlison, John |
Blakeley, David B. |
Butler, L. L. |
Babcock, Elias |
Babcock, E. |
Austin, O. |
Armstrong, S. |
Austin, Benj[amin] |
Ayer, W. J. |
Bowman, H. H. |
Campbell, Joshua |
Burlison, S. |
Bowen, Cramwell |
Campbell, James B. |
Babcock, Lyman |
Bailey, P. |
Austin, O. E. |
Austin, B. |
Austin, H. N. |
Babcock, B. |
Bradley, H. |
Car, Daniel |
Callen, M. J. |
Bradley, Brainard |
Campbell, Jno. L. |
Baker, Jos |
Barton, A. W. |
Ayer, W. J. |
Austin, H. N. |
Austin, H. P. |
Babcock, E. |
Brewer, S. G. |
Car, Silas |
Campbell, G. L. |
Bradley, Cyrus |
Catlin, M. J. |
Baker, Leonard |
Beard, E. |
Babcock, E. |
Austin, H. P. |
Austin, O. E. |
Barton, A. W. |
Brooks, C. |
Chafey, Reuben |
Campbell, J. B. |
Brazu, John |
Chaffee, Aaron |
Baptiste, Jos |
Bowman, H. |
Beard, E. |
Austin, N. C. |
Austin, Oliver |
Beard, E. |
Burlison, C. |
Chaffee, Joshua |
Carr, Silas |
Brewer, David |
Chaffee, Jasper |
Barber, Ashael Jr. |
Bowman, H. H. |
Bigelow, H. |
Austin, O. |
Austin, Raymond |
Bigelow, P. |
Burlson, O. |
Chaffee, Warren |
Chadwick, Philander |
Brewer, Sheldon L. |
Chaffee, Reuben |
Barber, Job |
Bradley, H. |
Bradley, H. |
Austin, O. E. |
Austin, W. C. |
Blake, B. |
Butler, S. S. |
Chaffey, Comfort |
Chaffee, Aaron |
Brice, Alexandria |
Chaplin, Jason |
Barber, Loomis |
Bradley, H. |
Brewer, G. G. |
Austin, R. |
Ayers, N. J. |
Bowman, H. |
Chaffee, A. |
Chaffey, John |
Chaffee, E. |
Bright, Leonard |
Clark, Guy |
Bard, Erastus |
Burlison, O. |
Brewer, R. |
Babcock, B. |
Brewer, S. S. |
Bowman, H. |
Chaffee, A. B. |
Chaffey, Nathaniel |
Chaffee, Jasper |
Brooks, Antoine |
Clark, Harvey |
Bashaw, Baptiste |
Butler, S. D. |
Brewer, S. L. |
Babcock, E. |
Brewer, G. G. |
Bowman, H. H. |
Chaffee, A. S. |
Chaplin, Aaron |
Chaffee, John |
Burlison, Daniel |
Clark, Luman |
Bashaw, Francis |
Butler, S. S. |
Burlson, O. |
Barber, G. |
Babcock, Br(uind) |
Bradley, H. |
Chaffee, H. S. |
Chaplin, Elijah |
Chaffee, L. |
Burlison, Stephen |
Cobin, David |
Beach, Nathan |
Ca(flin), M. J. |
Butler, S. D. |
Barton, A. W. |
Babcock, Elias |
Brewer, S. S. |
Chaffee, J. |
Clap, Otis |
Chaffee, W. |
Butler, Samuel |
Comings, Samuel |
Berry, Francis |
Carpenter, O. |
Butler, S. S. |
Beard, E. |
Baird, E. |
Burlison, C. |
Chaffee, Jas. |
Clarke, Harvey |
Chaplin, Aaron |
Calhoon, Isaac |
Cook, Benjamin, Jr. |
Bigelow, Horace |
Chaffee, (G.) |
Chaffee, (?) |
Bigelow, H. |
Barber, G. |
Butler, S. L. |
Chaffee, S. L. |
Colburn, Daniel |
Clap, Otis |
Campbell, James B. |
Cramton, Augustus |
Birge, (E.) C. |
Chaffee, A. |
Chaffee, A. |
Bigelow, I. W. |
Barton, A. W. |
Caltin, M. J. |
Chaffee, W. |
Cooke, Allen |
Clark, Harvey |
Campbell, Joshua |
Cramton, Gurden |
Bradley, Brainerd |
Chaffee, A. S. |
Chaffee, A. S. |
Bigelow, W. H. |
Bigalow, J. W. |
Chaffee, A. B. |
Chaplin, A. |
Crampton, Agustus |
Coburn, David |
Carpenter, Enos |
Crandall, Joseph |
Bradley, Cyrus |
Chaffee, H. |
Chaffee, H. |
Boswer, G. G. |
Bigelow, Horace |
Chaffee, A. S. |
Chaplin, G. |
Crampton, Backus |
Cramton, Augt. |
Carpenter, Stephen |
Danforth, Jno. |
Brewer, Danforth |
Chaffee, I. S. |
Chaffee, J. |
Bowe(n), J. P. |
Bigelow, W. H. |
Chaffee, E. |
Clark, G. |
Crampton, Judson |
Cramton, B. |
Chaffee, Aaron |
Dean, Levi R. |
Brewer, David |
Chaffee, J. |
Chaffee, Jos(h) |
Bowen, H. |
Bowen, H. |
Chaffee, H. |
Coburn, A. H. |
Crane, Wm |
Cramton, Gordon |
Chaffee, Elijah |
Deming, Alonzo D. |
Brewer, Jno G. |
Chaffee, J. Jr. |
Chaffee, R. |
Bower, S. S. |
Bowen, R. |
Chaffee, J. |
Comings, A. |
Cummings, Samuel |
Danforth, Jona. |
Chaffee, Jasper |
Dingman, John |
Brewer, Sheldon S. |
Chaffee, Jas. |
Chaffee, S. |
Bowers, A. |
Bradford, H. |
Chaffee, J. Jr. |
Comings, A. C. |
Cuttin, (Wm?) |
Daw___, W[illia]m |
Chaffee, John |
Dingman, Uriah T. |
Brill, Alexander |
Chaffee, R. |
Chaffee, W. |
Bradley, H. |
Bradley, Homer |
Chaffee, Jas |
Cramton, B. |
D(orser?), Arthur |
Dingman, D. |
Chaffee, Reubin |
Draper, Lyman |
Bromley, Chancy |
Chaffee, Wash. |
Chaplin, A. |
Burleson, O. |
Brewer, J. G. |
Chaffee, R. |
Cramton, W. |
Danforth, Wm |
Ellsworth, W[illia]m C. |
Chaffee, Warren |
Drew, Benjamin |
Brown, Cromwell |
Chaffee, Wm. |
Chaplin, G. |
Burlison, D. |
Brooks, C. |
Chaplin, A. |
Cramton, C. |
Davis, John |
Ewens, Josiah |
Chaplin, Hosea |
Eastman, Saml. |
Burlison, C. (G.) (T.) |
Chaplin, (G.) |
Chaplin, H. |
Butler, S. D. |
Burlison, Orshan |
Chaplin, H. |
Danforth, J. |
Davis, Timothy |
Ewens, William |
Chapman, Aaron |
Ewins, Horace |
Burlison, Dan[ie]l |
Child, J. A. |
Chaplin, R. |
Butler, S. S. |
Butler, S. D. |
Clapp, W. |
Darling, H. |
Ellsworth, Wm C. |
French, A. |
Clapp, Otis |
Ewins, Lewis |
Burlison, Stephen |
Clapp, O. |
Clapp, W. |
Carr, D. |
Butler, S. S. |
Clark, G. |
Dingman, D. |
Ewings, Josiah |
Fuller, Jacob |
Clark, Guy |
Ewins, William |
Bushee, Fred[eric]k |
Clark, (S.) |
Clark, G. |
Catlin, M. J. |
Carr, Dinsmore |
Clarke, H. |
Dingman, F. P. |
Farewell, John |
Furnald, J. |
Clark, Harvey |
Flagg, J. |
Bushee, Jno |
Clark, H. |
Clark, H. |
Chaffee, (G.) L. |
Chaffee, A. B. |
Coburn, A. |
Dingman, H. |
Farewell, Moses |
Glass, Jona |
Clark, Lucian |
Fletcher, Isaac |
Butler, Sam[ue]l S. |
Comings, S. |
Colcord, H. C. |
Chaffee, A. |
Chaffee, A. S. |
Crampton, B. |
Downey, W. |
Fletcher, Joshua |
Graves, D. J. |
Clendenning, John |
Fletcher, Joseph |
Buzzel, Jno |
Comings, A. C. |
Collins, P. |
Chaffee, A. B. |
Chaffee, Albert |
Crampton, W. B. |
Eastman, S. |
Gifford, Wm |
Green, Jonas |
Colburn, David |
Furnald, John |
Carpenter, Orson |
Comings, A. C. |
Collins, R. |
Chaffee, A. S. |
Chaffee, Elijah |
Cummings, A. |
Eastman, H. |
Graves, David J. |
H(ar)dy, E. |
Cole, Peter |
Grant, William |
Chaffee, Aaron S. |
Comings, Wm |
Collins, T. |
Chaffee, E. |
Chaffee, H. S. |
Cummings, A. C. |
Ellsworth, W. C. |
Gray, Isaiah |
Hall, F. M. |
Cook, Benjamin |
Graves, D. J. |
Chaffee, Elijah |
Cramton, B. |
Comings, A. |
Chaffee, H. |
Chaffee, Harmon |
Currier, H. |
Ellsworth, W. H. |
Green, James |
Hall, Pearley |
Crampton, Augustus |
Hall, Alvin |
Chaffee, Jasper |
Cramton, C. A. |
Comings, A. C. |
Chaffee, H. S. |
Chaffee, J. Jr. |
Danforth, J. |
Fay, E. |
Hall, Friend |
Hamilton, N. |
Crampton, Backhus |
Hall, F. M. |
Chaffee, Jno |
Cushman, L. L. |
Comins, W. A. |
Chaffee, Jas. |
Chaffee, Jasper |
Danforth, W. |
Ferand, A. |
Hall, John |
Hoadley, Aaron |
Crampton, Gorden |
Hall, Horton |
Chaffee, Reuben |
Danforth, J. |
Cramton, B. |
Chaffee, John |
Chaffee, John |
Darling, H. |
Foster, J. |
Hall, Perly |
Hinkley, W[illia]m |
Crandall, Joseph |
Hamilton, Nathan |
Chaffee, Reubin Jr. |
Danforth, Wm. |
Cramton, W. |
Chaffee, John Jr. |
Chaffee, John Jr. |
Darling, L. |
Foster, N. |
Hamilton, Nathan |
Irekson, W[illia]m |
Crane, Anna M. |
Hart, Lyman M. |
Chaffee, Sam[ue]l |
Darling, H. |
Danforth, J. |
Chaffee, R. |
Chaffee, Rubin |
Davis, O. |
Furnald, E. |
Hamilton, Wm. |
Jeffords, W[illia]m |
Cumins, Samuel |
Hawelly, James |
Chaffee, Warren |
Davis, O. |
Danforth, W. |
Chaffee, S. |
Chaffee, S. L. |
Davis, W. H. |
Furnold, J. |
Haseltine, Simeon |
Jeffords, W[illia]m, Jr. |
Cumins, Sherman |
Hawley, James |
Chaffee, Washington |
Demars, P. |
Darling, H. |
Chaffee, War |
Chaffee, Stephen |
Dingman, A. |
Graham, R. |
Higgins, Luk(us) |
Jewett, Jared |
D(aions), William |
Hill, Amasa B. |
Chamberlain, Hubbard |
Deming, A. |
Dingman, D. |
Chaffee, Wash |
Chaffee, Warrin |
Dingman, D. |
Green, C. K. |
Higgins, Patrick |
Jewett, Jona. |
Danforth, Jonathan |
Hill, Daniel |
Chamberlin, Baptiste |
Dingman, D. |
Dingman, F. R. |
Chambers, J. |
Chaffee, Washington |
Dingman, J. A. |
Green, L. L. (or S. S.) |
Howe, Alexander |
Jones, L. |
Darling, Levi |
Hill, E. W. |
Chaplin, Alvin |
Dingman, F. R. |
Dingman, J. |
Chaplin, A. |
Chambers, Jacob |
Downy, W. |
Green, N. |
Hunt, John |
Kellogg, Enos |
Darling, Simeon |
Hill, W[illia]m |
Christmas, Lewis |
Dow, B. |
Dingman, J. |
Chaplin, G. |
Chaplin, A. |
Eastman, C. |
Green, T. |
Jackson, Wm |
Larabee, G. W. |
Darrow, Arthur |
Huntington, John |
Clapp, Otis |
Draper, L. |
Eastman, C. |
Chaplin, H. |
Chaplin, Hosea |
Ellsworth, George |
Hall, A. |
Jaquith, Josiah |
Larabee, W[illia]m |
Davis, John |
Jackson, William |
Clapp, W[illia]m |
Eastman, C. |
Eastman, S. |
Chaplin, R. A. |
Chaplin, R. A. |
Ellsworth, W. C. |
Hall, A. |
Jewett, Geo |
Leavens, Pennuel |
Davis, Jonathan |
Jeffords, Stephen |
Clark, (Varnum) |
Eastman, J. |
Ewins, D. |
Clapp, W. |
Clapp, W[illia]m |
Elsworth, N. H. |
Hall, F. M. |
Jewett, Jared |
Leavins, L. |
Deming, Alonzo |
Jewett, George |
Clark, Guy |
Eastman, S. |
Ewins, H. |
Clark, G. |
Clark, Guy |
Ewens, P. |
Hall, H. R. |
Jewett, Jeremiah |
Leonard, Alfred |
Deming, Asahel |
Jewett, George Jr. |
Clark, Harvey |
Ellsworth, Wm |
Ewins, L. |
Colcord, H. C. |
Clark, H. |
Ewins, H. |
Hall, M. B. |
Johnson, Abel |
Leonard, John |
Dingman, Frederick |
Jewett, Jared |
Cleaveland, Solomon P. |
Ellsworth, Wm H. |
Ewins, P. |
Comings, A. |
Col(tin), M. |
Fassett, O. F. |
Hall, M. D. |
Jones, Liberty |
Lions, John |
Dingman, John |
Jewett, Survarnard |
Coburn, David |
Ewins, D. |
Ewins, W. |
Comings, A. C. |
Colcord, H. C. |
Fay, E. |
Hamilton, H. |
Kendall, Seth |
Martin, John |
Dingman, Uriah |
Johnson, Cafsander |
Cota, Jeremy |
Ewins, H. |
Fay, E. |
Comings, H. |
Comings, (Woodard) |
Foster, H. |
Hamilton, N. |
Kimball, James |
Noble, Robert |
Draper, Lyman |
Johnson, Philander |
Cota, Lewis |
Ewins, L. |
Ferrald, B. |
Comings, W. |
Comings, A. C. |
Foster, N. |
Hammond, J. |
Knowland, John |
Nutting, Jefse |
Eastman, Samuel |
Lawster, Stephen |
Cote, Jno |
Ewins, Wm |
Ferrand, A. |
Cramton, B. |
Comings, Henry |
Furnald, E. |
Hammond, N. |
Ladd, Avery |
Nutting, John |
Ellsworth, William C. |
Leach, Orrin |
Crampton, Bacchus |
Fay, E. |
Fisk, J. |
Cramton, W. |
Comings, W[illia]m |
Furnald, J. |
Haseltin, J. M. |
Lamb, Silas |
Nutting, Nahum |
Emerson, Samuel |
Leavens, Linus |
Crampton, Chester A. |
Ford, (L.) |
Foster, E. S. |
Danforth, J. |
Crampton, B. |
Greene, N. |
Hawley, I. |
Larabee, Wm |
Parson, John |
Evens, John |
Leavens, Penuel |
Cummings, Henry |
Foster, N. |
Foster, N. |
Danforth, W. |
Crampton, W[illia]m |
Hall, A. |
Hill, E. E. |
Leavens, Reynold |
Paul, D. |
Ewins, Josiah |
Leavins, P. P. |
Cummings, Sam[ue]l |
Furnald, J. |
Furnald, E. |
Darling, H. |
Danforth, Jonathan |
Hall, F. M. |
Hogaboon, W. R. |
Lewis, John |
Pete(rson), John S. |
Ewins, Lewis |
Lester, John |
Cummins, Andrew |
Gaines, J. |
Furnald, J. |
Davis, O. |
Danforth, W[illiam] |
Hall, M. B. |
Holmes, M. |
Morey, Chester |
Phelps, E. |
Ewins, William |
Lewis, John |
Cushman, Levi |
Galusha, Wm |
Gaines, J. |
Dingman, A. |
Darling, H. |
Hall, M. D. |
Ingalls, D. |
N(ogel), Truman |
Purington, Josiah |
Fernal[d], John |
Lewis, Milo |
Dagle, Antoine |
Green, S. S. |
Green, A. |
Dingman, D. |
Davis, O. |
Hart, S. M. |
Jenne, C. S. |
Noble, Robert |
Rounds, R. |
Fletcher, Isaac |
Linden, David |
Danforth, Jon[atha]n |
Green, A. |
Green, C. K. |
Dingman, F. R. |
Davis, W[illia]m H. |
Harvey, C. N. |
Jewitt, B. |
Nutting, Jesse |
Royce, S. |
Fletcher, Joseph |
Meeker, Cephas |
Darling, Hiram |
Green, C. K. |
Hall, W. |
Dingman, J. A. |
Dingman, Abner |
Hawley, I. |
Johnson, N. |
Nutting, David R. |
Rublee, Alva |
Foster, Jacob |
Mott, Carlton |
Darling, Simon |
Gross, W. |
Hall, A. |
Dingman, U. T. |
Dingman, Darius |
Haynes, A. |
Johnson, W. B. |
Nutting, John |
Rublee, F. |
Foster, Nathaniel |
Nutting, Geo. F. |
Darrow, Arthur |
Hall, F. M. |
Hall, F. M. |
Downey, W. |
Dingman, F. R. |
Hazelton, J. H. |
Kelly, H. N. |
Parsons, John |
Rublee, Hiram |
Fuller, Jacob |
Nutting, John |
Davis, Willard |
Hall, H. |
Hall, H. |
Eastman, C. |
Dingman, J. A. |
Hazelton, J. M. |
Kendall, G. W. |
Paul, Adolphus |
Rublee, J. B. |
Gallahel, Patrick |
Page, John |
Deane, Silas P. |
Hall, M. B. |
Hall, M. B. |
Eastman, S. |
Dingman, U. T. |
Hendrick, T. |
Kilburn, J. |
Phelps, Elijah |
Rublee, M. |
Galusha, William |
Pearsons, W[illia]m |
DeMany, Jos |
Hamilton, H. |
Hall, M. D. |
Ellsworth, G. |
Downy, Wm |
Hill, E. E. |
Lamb, J. |
Pond, Ezekiel |
Samson, Dennis |
Ganes, Joel |
Perley, John |
Deming, Ashael |
Hamilton, N. |
Hamilton, H. |
Ewins, G. D. |
Eastman, C. E. |
Hill, W. |
Larabee, G. W. |
R(--)osonlly, Stephen |
Samson, Jona |
Goff, David |
Pond, Ezekiel |
Dickinson, Nancy |
Hart, L. M. |
Hamilton, N. |
Ewins, L. |
Eastman, Sam |
Hogaboon, W. R. |
Larabee, H. |
Ric(---)d, Samuel B. |
Searle, B. |
Graves, David F. |
Pond, Theophilus P. |
Dingman, Fred[eric]k R. |
Hawley, I. |
Hammond, J. |
Fassett, O. F. |
Ellsworth, Geo[rge] D. |
Holt, A. |
Lawrence, S. |
Richards, John R. |
Searle, B. B. |
Green, Naham |
Rawsley, David |
Dingman, Uriah |
Hendrick, T. A. |
Hart, L. M. |
Fay, E. |
Ellsworth, W. C. |
Hull, A. |
Leavins, J. W. |
Richardson, John |
Searle, Oran |
Green, Nelson |
Rice, Thomas |
Eastman, Sam[ue]l |
Hill, E. E. |
Harvey, C. N. |
Ferrand, A. |
Ewans, G. D. |
Ingalls, D. |
Leavins, L. |
Roun[d]s, Reubin |
Searles, John |
Hall, Alvin |
Rofs, Richard |
Elsworth, W[illia]m C. |
Holmes, N. W. |
Haseltin, H. |
Foster, E. S. |
Ewen, Horace |
Jakeways, W. C. |
Leavins, P. P. |
Royce, Stephen |
Shaw, Charles |
Hall, Friend M. |
Rublee, Alanzo |
Espene(p)er, Peleg |
Hull, A. |
Hawly, I. |
Foster, H. |
Ewins, Lewis |
Janes, A. J. |
Lewis, J. |
Royer, Elihu |
Shaw, C. |
Hall, Orton |
Rublee, Alavh |
Ewings, Horace |
Hurlbut, C. M. |
Hazeltin, J. M. |
Foster, J. |
Farrin, Andrew |
Janes, N. S. |
Lewis, S. H. |
Rublee, Andrew |
Shaw, B. |
Hamilton, Nathan |
Rublee, Andrew |
Ewings, Josiah |
Jaqauyes, D. P. |
Hendrick, T. A. |
Furnald, E. |
Fassett, O. F. |
Jenne, C. S. |
Livingston, S. W. |
Rublee, Francis |
Shaw, E. |
Hastins, Polly |
Rublee, Hiram |
Ewings, Lewis |
Jeffords, S. |
Hill, W. |
Furnald, John |
Fay, Edwin |
Jewitt, B. |
Lusk, H. A. |
Rublee, Hiram |
Shepherd, Elisha |
Hawley, James Junr. |
Samson, Alanson |
Ewings, Sally |
Jenne, C. |
Hogaboon, W. R. |
Gains, J. |
Foster, E. S. |
Kendall, G. W. |
Marvin, G. B. S. |
Rublee, John B. |
Shepherd, M. |
Hendrick, Thomas |
Samson, Denis |
Ewings, W[illia]m |
Jewett, J. C. |
Holmes, M. |
Galer, J. |
Foster, H. |
Kilborn, P. |
McCarty, S. |
Sampson, Abigail |
Sinclear, Tho. |
Hill, Amasa B. |
Samson, E. D. |
Farrand, Andrew |
Jewett, Wm |
Holt, A. |
Galusha, W. |
Foster, Jacob |
Kindall, W. |
Miller, H. R. |
Sampson, Dennis |
Smith, Almon |
Hill, Daniel |
Samson, Jno. |
Farrar, Stephen |
Johnson, L. |
Hull, E. E. |
Green, F. B. |
Furnald, Ezra |
Ladd, P. |
Mitchell, E. B. |
Sampson, Jonathan |
Stone, James |
Hill, Francis |
Shane, Charles |
Fassett, Elisha |
Johnson, N. |
Hurlburt, C. M. |
Green, A. |
Galusha, W[illia]m |
Lamb, J. |
Mitchell, S. M. |
Sampson, Rodney |
Stone, M. |
Hill, Moses |
Shannon, Benjamin F. |
Fay, Jno |
Jones, N. S. |
Ingalls, D. |
Green, C. K. |
Graham, Ro(ss) |
Larabee, G. W. |
Moore, A. A. |
Searl, Benj |
Stetson, Anson |
Hoadley, Aaron |
Shepard, E. |
Fenell, Matthew |
Kendall, S. W. |
Jackson, A. |
Hall, A. |
Green, Amos |
Lawrance, S. |
Mudget, S. M. |
Searl, Benjamin B. |
Stetson, A. |
Hoy, Patrick |
Shepard, Moses |
Fernald, Jno |
Kendall, Wm |
Jaques, W. C. |
Hall, A. |
Green, C. K. |
Leavens, L. |
Mudget, S. M. |
Searl, Orrin |
Stewart, F. |
Hunter, John |
Smith, Almond |
Ferre(ff), Peter (Fenuff?) |
Kendrick, M. |
Jenne, C. S. |
Hall, F. M. |
Green, F. B. |
Leavins, J. W. |
Noble, W. |
Shaw, Barton |
Stiles, S. |
Hunter, William |
Smith, Chauncy |
Fletcher, Isaac |
Kiser, H. |
Jenne, F. |
Hall, H. R. |
Hall, F. M. |
Leavins, P. P. |
Nutting, J. |
Shaw, Elijah |
Stone, A. |
Huntington, John Junr. |
Smith, Doct J. |
Follett, Henry |
L? Louis???? |
Jerome, E. B. |
Hall, M. B. |
Hall, I. A. |
Lewis, J. |
Nutting, N. |
Shepard, Elisha |
Stone, Silas |
Hurlburt, Horace |
Smith, Ira |
Foster, Nath[anie]l |
Ladd, P. |
Jones, N. S. |
Hall, M. D. |
Hall, M. B. |
Livingston, S. |
Paul, D. Jr. |
Sikes, Asa |
Stutson, H. |
Jackson, William |
Smith, Joseph |
French, Freedom |
Lamson, E. D. |
Kelly, S. N. |
Hamilton, H. |
Hall, M. D. |
Lusk, H. |
Pearsons, (E.) |
Simons, Seth |
Sweatland, P. |
Jaquith, Josiah |
Stanhope, Samuel |
Gaines, Joel |
Learned, J. |
Kendall, G. M. |
Hammond, J. |
Hamilton, H. |
McKinstry, W. |
Persons, J. |
Smith, Ira |
Sykes, Asa |
Jaquith, Josiah Junr. |
Stanley, Oliver |
Galusha, W[illiam] |
Learned, J. A. |
Kendall, W. |
Hammond, N. |
Hammond, John |
Mitchel, E. B. |
Pitcher, J. |
Stickney, John |
Thayer, Jona |
Jeffords, Stephen |
Stone, James |
Ga(udro), Julius |
Leavens, P. P. |
Kenison, S. |
Hart, L. M. |
Harmond, Nath |
Moore, A. A. |
Pollard, J. |
Stone, Benj |
Thayer, Jona |
Jeffords, William |
Stone, James C. |
Goff, David |
Leavins, J. W. |
Ladd, H. |
Harvey, C. N. |
Harvey, C. N. |
Noble, S. A. |
Pond, J. F. |
Stone, James |
Thayer, O. |
Jewett, George |
Stone, Lee |
Goosey, Leo |
Leetch, N. [Leach prob] |
Ladd, J. A. |
Haseltine, J. H. |
Hasilton, J. H. |
Noble, W. |
Pond, T. P. |
Stone, John |
Thomson, F. |
Jewett, Jared |
Sykes, Asa |
Green, Amos |
Lewis, J. |
Ladd, P. |
Haseltine, J. M. |
Hawley, Ira |
Nutting, J. B. |
Purrington, G. W. |
Stone, Silas |
Trowbridge, D. |
Jewett, Jeremiah |
Temple, Erastus |
Green, Nahum |
Lewis, S. H. |
Lamb, J. |
Hawley, I. |
Haynes, A. |
Ovitt, (S. or L.) H. |
Randall, T. |
Stratton, Amos |
Varney, Eli |
Jewett, Savannah |
Thayer, Anson |
Green, Peter |
Livingston, J. |
Larabee, G. W. |
Haynes, A. |
Hendrick, Thomas |
Ovitt, W. C. |
Rogers, W. C. |
Taplin, John |
Wheeler, A. |
Johnson, Braman |
Thayer, Jno. |
Green, Stephen H. |
Livingston, S. W. |
Larabee, H. |
Hendrick, T. A. |
Hewitt, L. M. |
Paul, D. |
Rublee, W. S. |
Temple, Erastus |
Wheeler, Josiah |
Jones, Liberty |
Thayer, Timo. |
Greene, Nelson |
Lusk, A. |
Lawrence, T. |
Hill, E. E. |
Hill, E. E. |
Paul, D. Jr. |
Samson, W. |
Thayer, Timothy |
Wheeler, L. H. |
Kent, Charles |
Thomas, Stephen W. |
Hall, Alvin |
Moore, A. |
Leach, N. |
Hill, W. |
Hill, W[illia]m |
Pearsons, J. |
Seam(ied), J. |
Thomas, Franklin |
Whitman, E. |
Kent, James |
Thompson, Enos |
Hall, Friend M. |
Noble, S. W. |
Leavens, J. W. |
Hoadley, A. |
Hoadley, Aaron |
Peck, G. |
Shepard, M. |
Thompson, Joel |
Willoughby, A. |
Ladd, James |
Thompson, Franklin |
Hall, Horton |
Noble, S. A. |
Leavens, P. P. |
Hogaboon, W. R. |
Holmes, Moses |
Perly, E. |
Shuman, B. F. |
Trowbridge, Daniel |
Wood, Benj. |
Lamb, Francis |
Thurber, Rufsel |
Hall, Jno. |
Nutting, A. B. |
Leonard, J. |
Holmes, M. |
Holmes, N. H. |
Perly, J. |
Sinclair, G. |
Trowbridge, Stephen |
Woodworth, F. A. |
Larabee, George W. |
Tolk, Jno. |
Hall, Perley |
Oliver, M. |
Lewis, R. H. |
Holmes, N. W. |
Hall, Alvin |
Perly, J. S. |
Sinclear, T. |
Trowbridge, Wm |
Leach, Nathan L. |
Towle, Theophilus |
Hamilton, Hannibal |
Olmsted, E. H. |
Lewis, S. H. |
Holt, A. |
Holt, Amos |
Persons, A. |
Smith, B. B. |
Wadsworth, Frederic |
Leicester, John |
Towli, Reubin |
Hamilton, Nathan |
Paul, D. |
Livingston, S. W. |
Hull, J. A. |
Hull, Anson |
Philips, P. |
Smith, J. |
Wadsworth, Wm. S. |
Leonard, Alfred |
Waterhouse, Ira |
Hart, Lyman M. |
Paul, D. Jr. |
Magoon, John |
Hurlburt, S. (or L.) |
Hurlburt, (Sam) |
Pitcher, L. |
Stanhope, S. |
Wells, Mehitabel |
Leonard, John |
Waterman, David |
Harvey, Barney |
Pearlis, O. (G.) |
Magoon, W. |
Ingalls, D. |
Jackson, Arnold |
Pond, A. |
Stevens, E. S. |
Wheeler, Joseph |
Levings, Linus |
Webster, Jno. L. |
Haseltine, Jno |
Pearons, A. |
Miller, H. R. |
Jackson, A. |
Jaquay, W[illia]m C. |
Pond, J. F. |
Stone, B. |
White, Antone |
Levings, Newel |
Wheeler, Artemas |
Heath, Jas |
Pearsons, C. |
Moore, A. A. |
Jayays, W. G. |
Jenna, N. |
Powers, S. C. |
Stone, J. R. |
White, David |
Levins, John |
Wheeler, Josiah |
Hendrick, Tho[ma]s A. |
Pearsons, J. |
Morrison, H. |
Jenne, C. S. |
Jenne, B. F. |
Pratt, L. |
Stone, M. C. |
Will, Moses |
Marvin, Frances |
Wheeler, L. H. |
Hicks, Sam[ue]l |
Perley, (G.) |
Morse, A. |
Jenne, F. |
Jenne, Charles S. |
Rand, J. |
Stone, S. A. |
Willouby, Amherst |
McVernon, James |
Whitman, Edward |
Hill, W[illia]m |
Perley, E. |
Mudget, L. |
Jewett, B. |
Jewett, Bran |
Randall, T. |
Stone, L |
Winch, Nathan |
Mitchell, John |
Willoughby, A. |
Hoadley, Aaron |
Perley, J. |
Mudgett, F. Jr. |
Johnson, H. |
Johnson, Homar |
Reynolds, S. |
Stutson, A. |
Woodworth, John M. |
Moore, John |
Wing, John |
Hoffman, Jno |
Perley, J. H. |
Mudgett, F. M. |
Johnson, L. |
Johnson, Leander |
Ross, R. |
Stutson, C. |
Murphey, Thomas |
Wood, Benjamin C. |
Hurlburt, Horace |
Perry, J. |
Mudgett, O. K. |
Johnson, N. |
Johnson, Nath |
Royer, H. E. |
Stutson, H. |
Noble, Robert |
Wood, E. |
Isbell, Bishop |
Pitcher, J. |
Noble, S. A. |
Johnson, W. |
Jones, N. S. |
Royer, L. |
Sykes, A. |
Nutting, Fanny F. |
Woodruff, John |
Jones, Liberty |
Pond, T. P. |
Nobles, W. P. |
Kelly, S. N. |
Kelly, M. |
Rubee, Mi |
Sykes, H. |
Nutting, George |
Woodworth, J. M. |
Jefford, Stephen |
Powers, S. |
Nutting, J. |
Kendall, W[illia]m |
Kendall, W[illia]m |
Rubin, M. |
Taylor, A. |
Nutting, Jefsee |
Jenny, Gilbert (E.) |
Pratt, A. |
Nutting, N. |
Keneson, H. D. |
Kennison, Calvin |
Rublee, W. L. |
Taylor, D. |
Nutting, John |
Jenny, Nath[anie]l |
Pratt, L. |
Paul, D. |
Kenison, S. |
Kennison, H. D. |
Sagar, F. |
Thayer, A. |
P[u]rrington, Stephen |
Jewett, Brasman |
Purington, G. W. |
Paul, D., Jr. |
Kennison, S. |
Kennison, Sam[ue]l |
Sagar, T. J. |
Thompson, C. N. |
Page, John |
Jewett, George |
Rand, J. |
Peck, G. |
Kilburn, I. S. |
Kennison, Stephen |
Sampson, W. |
Thompson, F. |
Paul, Adolphus |
Jewett, Sar(verned) |
Randall, T. |
Perley, E. |
Killey, B. M. |
Kilbourn, J. L. |
Sawyer, T. |
Thompson, J. |
Pednaugh, Lewis |
Jewett, Nelson |
Ross, R. |
Perley, J. |
Ladd, P. |
Ladd, P. |
Scalls, R. B. |
Wallace, C. (or G.) |
Pendleton, Mason |
Jewett, Sam[ue]l |
Ross, R. |
Philips, P. |
Lamb, J. |
Lamb, J. |
Schoolcraft, C. |
Welch, A. B. |
Perley, John |
Jewitt, Jerod O. |
Royce, H. (G.) |
Pitcher, J. |
Larabee, G. W. |
Larabee, Geo[rge] W. |
Searl, E. S. |
Weld, C. |
Perry, Allen |
Johnson, Leander |
Royee, H. E. |
Pollard, J. |
Larabee, H. A. |
Larabee, H. A. |
Searls, C. W. |
Wells, P. |
Persons, John |
Jones, W[illia]m B. |
Rublee, M. |
Pond, J. F. |
Lawrence, S. |
Larned, John |
Shanon, M. |
Wheeler, H. |
Phelps, Elijah |
Kelly, Shadrach |
Rublee, W. |
Pond, T. P. |
Leach, S. N. |
Larue, J. A. |
Shanon, P. |
Wheeler, H. E. |
Pond, Ezekiel |
L(oveon), Jos |
Sagar, T. |
Purrington, G. W. |
Learned, J. A. |
Leach, L. N. |
Sheppard, M. |
Wheeler, L. H. |
Richardson, Augustus |
Labor, Jos |
Sager, F. |
Rand, J. |
Leavens, J. W. |
Leavens, J. W. |
Sikso, A. |
White, J. |
Roguewell, James [Rockwell prob] |
LaBouta, Eusta |
Sawyer, T. |
Randell, T. |
Leavens, P. P. |
Leavens, L. |
Smith, A. |
Willard, E. |
Row(ns), Reuben [Rounds prob] |
Lamb, Francis |
Sayles, E. H. |
Rogers, W. C. |
Leonard, J. |
Leavens, P. P. |
Smith, B. B. |
Willard, J. |
Royce, Stephen |
Lamb, Judson |
Searles, B. |
Royer, H. E. |
Lewis, S. H. |
Lewis, S. H. |
Smith, J. P. |
Williams, H. A. |
Rublee, Alvah |
LaPlant, Felix |
Searles, E. (G.) |
Rublee, Milton |
Livingston, S. W. |
Livingston, S. W. |
Smith, O. J. |
Willoughby, A. |
Rublee, Andrew |
Larabee, Cha[rle]s |
Sh(ane), B. |
Runnells, S. |
Lusk, H. A. |
Marvin, S. B. |
Stanhope, S. |
Woodard, J. |
Rublee, Francis |
Larabee, Geo[rge] W. |
Shepard, M. |
Sager, F. |
Marvin, G. B. S. |
McCarty, Stephen |
Stevens, E. S. |
Woodworth, A. H. |
Rublee, Hiram |
Larned, Jno |
Shufeldt, R. |
Sager, T. |
McKinstay, W[illia]m |
McKinstry, W[illia]m |
Stone, L. |
Woodworth, B. |
Rublee, John W. |
Laughlin, Peter |
Shufeldt, S. |
Samson, E. D. |
Miller, H. P. |
Mil(es), Chester |
Stone, J. R. |
Woodworth, H. R. |
Rublee, Milton |
Lavelett, Cha[rle]s |
Sinclear, G. |
Samson, W. |
Millington, J. H. |
Miller, H. R. |
Stone, M. C. |
Woodworth, J. H. |
Samson, Alonzo |
Lavelett, Jno |
Smith, H. M. |
Sawyer, T. |
Mitchell, S. M. |
Millington, J. H. |
Stone, T. S. |
Samson, Dennis |
Leach, Nath[anie]l |
Smith, I. |
Sayles, E. H. |
Moore, A. A. |
Mitchell, S. M. |
Stone, O. H. |
Samson, Erasmus D. |
Leadbetter, Andrew |
Smith, J. |
Sayles, P. M. |
Morrison, H. |
Moore, A. A. |
Stone, S. |
Samson, Jonathan |
Leavens, Linus |
Stanhope, S. |
Searle, B. |
Mudget, L. |
Morrison, H. |
Studson, H. |
Searle, Benjamin |
Leavens, P. P. |
Stanley, O. A. |
Searle, G. W. |
Mudget, L. |
Mudget, Levi |
Swan, P. (F.) |
Searle, Benjamin B. |
Leavens, Penuel |
Stanley, S. |
Seven, P. (V.) |
Noble, W. |
Noble, Silas A. |
Taylor, A. |
Searle, John L. |
Leicester, Jno |
Stevens, D. |
Shepard, J. |
Nobles, S. A. |
Noble, W[illia]m |
Taylor, D. |
Searle, Orin |
Leonard, Romeo |
Stone, A. W. |
Shepard, M. |
Nutting, J. |
Nutting, Jesse |
Thayer, A. C. |
Seg(ar), David M. |
Leros, Lewis |
Stone, J. R. |
Shufelt, R. |
Oliver, B. |
Nutting, N. |
Thayer, C. G. |
Shannon, Moses |
Lewis, Jno |
Stone, S. |
Sinclear, G. |
Ovitt, W. C. |
Oliver, Benj[amin] |
Thayer, J. M. |
Shaw, Barton |
Lewis, Milo |
Stowe, L. |
Skinner, B. F. |
Paul, D. |
Ovitt, W[illia]m C. |
Thayer, O. |
Shaw, Charles |
Lewis, Silas H. |
Stutson, C. |
Smith, B. B. |
Paul, D. Jr. |
Paull, D., Jr. |
Thompson, C. N. |
Shepard, Elisha |
Livingston, Jas |
Sykes, A. |
Smith, H. M. |
Pearsons, C. |
Pearley, E. |
Thompson, J. F. |
Sinclair, David |
Livingston, Sam[ue]l W. |
Sykes, H. |
Smith, I. |
Peck, G. |
Pearley, John |
Towle, J. C. |
Smith, Almond |
Lorimer, Louis D. |
Temple, O. |
Smith, J. P. |
Perley, E. |
Pearson, Charles H. |
Ward, A. |
Smith, Ira |
Mafse, Jno |
Thayer, C. S. |
Stone, M. C. |
Perley, J. |
Peck, Gordin |
Ward, O. |
Spicer, Sally |
Mafse, Jno |
Thayer, O. |
Stone, S. |
Perley, J. L. |
Pollard, J. |
Welch, A. B. |
Stikes, Asa [Sykes] |
Maloria, Dennis |
Towele, J. C. |
Stow, O. H. |
Pitcher, J. |
Pond, A. |
Weld, E. |
Stone, Benjamin |
Manause, Jno |
Towle, T. |
Stutsen, H. |
Pollard, J. |
Pond, T. P. |
Weld, C. |
Stone, James |
Marchant, Dor(soy) |
Town, E. |
Stutson, C. |
Pond, A. |
Powell, D. |
Weld, N. |
Stone, James C. |
Mears, Amherst |
Var(na), E. |
Sykes, A. |
Pond, J. F. |
Powell, G. N. |
Wheeler, E. |
Stone, Mitchell |
Merchant, Alex[ande]r C. |
Weld, E. |
Sykes, H. |
Pond, T. P. |
Powell, I. F. |
Wheeler, L. H. |
Stow, Silas |
Morey, Alex[ande]r S. |
Weld, N. |
Temple, O. |
Powell, G. N. |
Pratt, Lorenzo |
White, L. |
Stutson, Anson |
Morrow, W[illia]m |
Wheeler, E. |
Thayer, A. |
Powell, J. F. |
Puffer, Benjamin |
Whitehead, M. |
Stutson, Anson Junr. |
Mott, Carlton |
White, A. |
Thayer, J. |
Pratt, L. |
Purrington, G. |
Willey, W. F. |
Swetland, Chauncy |
Myratt, Lewis |
White, J. L. |
Thayer, O. |
Puffer, B. |
Rand, Jasper |
Willis, W. |
Temple, Erastus |
Noble, Rob[er]t |
Willey, W. F. |
Thompson, C. |
Purinton, G. |
Randall, T. |
Willoby, A. |
Thayer, Jonathan |
Nutting, Geo. |
Willoughby, A. |
Thompson, F. |
Rand, J. |
Ree(d), W[illia]m C. |
Wires, A. |
Thayer, Timothy |
Nutting, Jackson |
Wing, J. |
Thompson, J. |
Rogers, S. |
Richer, J. |
Woodworth, A. H. |
Thomas, Dana |
Nutting, Jesse |
Woodworth, A. H. |
Towle, J. C. |
Rogers, W. C. |
Rodgers, Samuel |
Woodworth, H. R. |
Thompson, Franklin |
Nutting, Nahum |
Woodworth, H. R. |
Truax, B. |
Royce, H. E. |
Rodgers, W[illia]m C. |
Woodworth, J. B. |
Thurber, Rufsell [Russell] |
O'Connell, Jno |
Woodworth, J. B. |
Tyler, M. |
Rublee, Milton |
Royce, H. E. |
Trobridge, Daniel |
Oliver, Benj[amin] |
Woodworth, J. H. |
Welch, A. B. |
Runnells, S. |
Rublee, Milton |
Trobridge, Stephen |
Ovitt, Dennis |
Weld, N. |
Sager, F. |
Rublee, Miron |
Varney, Ebenezer |
Parault, Dennis |
Wheeler, E. |
Sager, T. |
Rublee, W. S. |
Wallace, Joshua |
Paul, Adolphus |
Wheeler, E. |
Samson, W. |
Rublee, W. S. |
Wallace, Leicester |
Paul, Adolphus Jr. |
Wheeler, L. H. |
Sanders, J. |
Runnalls, J. B. |
Waterhouse, Ira |
Pearsons, Jno |
White, J. |
Sawyer, T. |
Runnels, Samuel |
Wead, Ezra |
Peck, Roswell |
Willard, H. |
Searle, B. |
Rusay, J. L. |
Weld, Newton (Wells?) |
Peck, W[illia]m |
Willard, J. |
Searles, C. W. |
Sager, Fred |
Wheeler, Artemus |
Per(once), E. B. |
Willey, B. M. |
Sevan??, P. A. Swan? |
Sager, Thomas |
Wheeler, Lucius |
Perley, Edw[ar]d |
Willey, B. N. |
Shanon, B. F. |
Sampson, W[illia]m |
White, Anthony |
Perley, Jno |
Willey, W. F. |
Shepard, M. |
Sanders, John |
White, Perces |
Perry, Cyrus |
Willis, W. R. |
Shufelt, P. |
Sawyer, T. |
Whitmore, Edward |
Pollard, Jno |
Willoughby, A. |
Shufelt, R. |
Sc(ulinng) |
Willard, James |
Pond, Ezekiel |
Woodworth, A. H. |
Simpson, I. R. |
Searle, Benjamin |
Willey, Benjamin (W. or M.) |
Pond, Thes[ ]e P. |
Woodworth, H. R. |
Sinclear, G. |
Searle, C. W. |
Willoughby, Amherst |
Purinton, Josiah |
Woodworth, J. B. |
Smith, B. B. |
Searles, E. S. |
Wing, John |
Rand, Jasper |
Woodworth, J. H. |
Smith, J. |
Shepherd, M. |
Woodruff, John |
Raymond, Jos (G.) (T.) |
Smith, J. P. |
Shufelt, R. |
Woodruff, John M. |
Reynolds, Enoch |
Smith, O. J. |
Shufelt, Rob[er]t |
Reynolds, Sam[ue]l |
Stanhope, L. |
Sikes, Herman |
Rice, Benedict |
Stevens, E. S. |
Simpson, J. B. |
Ripley, Benj[amin] |
Stone, B. |
Sinclair, G. H. |
Rogers, Sam[ue]l |
Stone, J. R. |
Smith, B. B. |
Rogers, W[illia]m C. |
Stone, M. C. |
Smith, J. |
Royce, Stephen |
Stone, T. S. |
Smith, J. P. |
Rublee, Alonzo |
Stone, O. H. |
Smith, Joseph |
Rublee, Fanny |
Stutson, C. |
Smith, O. J. |
Rublee, Harmon |
Stutson, H. |
Stanhope, Samuel |
Rublee, Milton |
Sykes, A. |
Stevens, E. S. |
Rublee, Myron |
Sykes, H. |
Stone, L. A. |
Runnels, Sam[ue]l |
Taylor, A. |
Stone, B___ |
Russell, Jno |
Taylor, D. |
Stone, J. R. |
Safford, Silas |
Temple, O. |
Stone, J. R. |
Sager, Frederick |
Thaler, J. |
Stone, M. C. |
Sampson, Alanson |
Thayer, A. C. |
Stone, T. S. |
Sampson, E. D. |
Thayer, C. G. |
Stutson, Charles |
Sawyer, Gabriel |
Thayer, J. M. |
Stutson, Hiram |
Sawyer, Tim[oth]y |
Thayer, O. |
S(wan), P. (V.) |
Searle, Benj[amin] |
Thompson, C. N. |
Sykes, A. |
Searle, Benj[amin] B. |
Thompson, F. |
Taylor, A. L. |
Searle, Loretta |
Thompson, J. F. |
Taylor, David |
Searles, Jno L. |
Towle, J. C. |
Temple, Orimel |
Shannon, Benj[amin] F. |
Towle, T. |
Thayer, A. C. |
Shaw, Barton |
Town, M. B. |
Thayer, C. G. |
Shaw, Elisha |
Tyler, M. |
Thayer, J. M. |
Sheppard, Elisha |
Wallace, J. |
Thayer, Orsin |
Shetler, Francis |
Welch, A. B. |
Thompson, Frank |
Shoefelt, Jno |
Weld, C. |
Thompson, P. F. |
Shoefelt, Philip |
Weld, N. (M?) |
Towle, Theo |
Shover, Lewis |
Wellington, G. B. |
Towles, J. C. |
Shover, Newell |
Wellington, L. H. |
Town, A. B. |
Sinclair, George |
Wheeler, C. |
Tyler, Major |
Smith, Experience |
Wheeler, E. |
Welch, A. B. |
Smith, Geo[rge] B. |
Wheeler, H. E. |
Weld, C. |
Smith, Ira |
Whitehead, T. |
Weld, Morton |
St John, Gabriel |
Willard, G. |
Wellington, G. B. |
Stanhope, Sam[ue]l |
Willard, H. |
Wellington, N. H. |
Stevens, Nathan |
Willard, J. |
Wheeler, J. |
Stevens, Studman |
Willey, B. |
Wheeler, C. (M or H.) |
Stone, Albert |
Willey, W. |
Wheeler, H. E. |
Stone, Jas |
Willis, W. R. |
Wheeler, L. H. |
Stone, Jas. C. |
Willoughby, A. |
Whitehead, Truman |
Stone, Lee |
Woodworth, A. H. |
Willard, Geo[rge] |
Stone, Mitchell |
Woodworth, H. R. |
Willard, James |
Stowe, Silas |
Woodworth, J. B. |
Willey, B(arna) (prob Benj.) |
Stowe, Silas A. |
Woodworth, J. H. |
Willey, B. M. |
Studson, Anson |
Willey, Harry |
Studson, Anson |
Willey, W[illia]m |
Studson, Hiram |
Willis, W. R. |
Sweatland, Lucy |
Willoughby, Amherst |
Sykes, Asa |
Woodworth, A. W. |
Taylor, David |
Woodworth, H. R. |
Thayer, Orson |
Woodworth, I. H. |
Thomas, Cha[rle]s |
Woodworth, J. B. |
Thomas, Corlis |
Thompson, Franklin |
Thompson, Ralph |
Trobridge, Daniel |
Truax, Benj[amin] |
Twion, Alexander |
Vaughan, Carlton |
Wallace, Joshua |
Warren, W[illia]m |
Wells, Newton |
Wheeler, Lucius |
White, Anthony |
White, Jasper |
White, Lyman |
Whitmore, Edw[ar]d |
Willard, Jas. |
Willard, Solomon |
Willey, Benj[amin] |
Willoughby, Amherst |
Wing, Jno |
Woodworth, Harmon R. |
Woodworth, Jas H. |
Woodworth, Jno M. |
Young, James |