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Northeast Kingdom Genealogy
Vermont Northeast
Kingdom Genealogy

St. Johnsbury, Vt Genealogy
St. Johnsbury, VT
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B&M Railroad Map
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Railway Veterans
List of deceased railway veterans of Newport, Vermont who were employed by the following railway companies: Canadian Pacific, Boston and Maine and the Quebec Central. List compiled in 1968 by Ray Carpenter from personnel records, old seniority rosters and memories of some of the senior veterans.
Abbott, Walter Glover, Wm. Newcity, Robert
Adams, Chester Godfrey, Wm. Newton, George
Adams, Irving R. Goni, E. D. Niles, Charles D.
Addison, Dave Gokey, John Niles, F. N.
Aiken, Cortis Gorham, Ed. Nourie, E. A.
Aiken, Dewey Goss, S. E. Oakely, J.C.
Aiken, James Gosselin, Adelord Orchid, Herb
Aiken, Wm. Gosselin, Albert Orcutt, Herbert
Aiken, W. S. Gosselin, Alphees Ouillette, Joe
Akley, G. V. Gosselin, Homer Ouillette, Oliver
Alger, Carl Gosselin, R. Ouimet, T. Harry
Alger, Roy R. Gould, C. S. Page, Collins
Allbee, Homer Goyette, Ludger A. Page, Penn
Allbee, Lem. Grandell, James Parker, P. N.
Allen, Charles Grant, - - Parker, Sam
Allen, V. Greene, Don D. C. Paquin, Armand
Alberghini,W.L. Greenwood, Jedson Paquin, Arthur
Ames, Fritz Greer, John Paquin, Henry
Anderson, Morten Grenier, Alfred Peacock, M.A.
Armstrong, Ed. Gregory, F. L. Pearce, M.A.
Armstrong, H. Griffin, H.E. Pelkey, Joe
Ashton, M. J. Griggs, Ara Pennison, Henry (Magog)
Austin, Burt Griggs, Elwin Percy, George A.
Austin, H.C. Griggs, John Percy,W. K.
Austin, James Gaffney, Robert Percy, Wm.
Avery, Elmer Griggs, Ray Perkey, Arthur
Ayers, Fred Griggs, Stuart Perkins, Fred A.
Azur, Dan Grow, Archie R. Perry, Fred C.
Badger, D. A. Guyer, Archie Philips, G.E.
Badger, Earl W. Hackett, Earl (operator) Pickle, Harper
Badger, Merton Hackett, George Pickle, Max
Bailey, Ed. Hackett, Howard Pierce, M. E.
Bailey, Forrest A. Hackett, Luther Piper, Lee
Baldwin, Richard Hall, Fred Pinney, Elmer L.
Barber, Addison Hamel, Frank Place, A. U.
Barber, Charles Hamel, Joseph Potter, H.
Barber, Ralph Hamer, John Powers, Beede M.
Barbin, Joe Haney, Theodore Powers, G. D.
Barbin, Phil Haney, Cyril Pratt, J. P.
Bean, George Hanson, E. F. Price, Wm.
Beattie, Charles Hanson, Harry Prinn, Theodore
Beattie, Thomas C. Hanson, Oscar Prinn, Vic
Beattie, A. E. Hannett, Dana Provencher, Lucius
Beck, F. S. Hardy, O.G. Provencher, Ray
Beck, H. W. H. Harper, John Prue, C.
Bedor, N. E. Harriman, Arthur Prue, D. E. Jr.
Bedor, Poly Harris, Joseph Prue, D.E. Jr.
Before, Cyril Hart, Charles Putney, Charles
Before, Eugene Hartley, E. E. Quackenboss, Leon
Before, Louis Hartshorn, L.W. Rand, Will
Belanger, J. Hauver, Howard Rann, James
Berard, Joe Hayes, Charles Ranney, Clyde S.
Berrick, Wm. Henrichon, Fred Ranney, E. O.
Bickford, Arthur Henrichon, Leon Rash, Peter
Bickford, Elisha Hendricks, Harvey Reed, Bernie
Bilodeau, Joe Hern, A. Reed, Etienne
Bisbee, Mat Hern, John A. Reese, Ed.
Bishop, Wm. Hickey, Dan Reilly, M. E.
Blair, John Hicks, Guy Rexford, Francis
Blair, J.E. Hildreth, Arthur Rhodes, Charles
Blair, Henry Hill, Fred Ricard, Maurice
Blake, Maurice Hill, Franks O. Richardson, George
Blake, Zene Hill G. L. Richardson, James E.
Blanchard, Carroll Hill H. R. Riches, Chauncy
Blay, Joe Hill, Jerry Riches, John
Blodgett, Lemuel Hill, John Riches, W. E.
Boright, Arthur Hill, O. Rickerby, Arthur
Boright, G. Hinman, B. C. Rickerby, E. H.
Boulet, Hector Hinman, Walt Rickerby, E. P.
Boucher, Adelord Hinton, R. W. Riley, B. J.
Boynton, Homer Hitchcock, Theodore Riley, Martin
Boynton, J.O. Holbrook, Sam Riley, Perley
Bowley, Eugene Holden, Fred Rivard, Claude J.
Bowen, H.A. Holden, Rudolph Rivard, Poly
Bowen, Melvin Hommel, P. C. Rivard, Ted
Brainard, Alonzo Hoyt, Melvin W. Rivard, Thomas
Breason, Fred Howe, L.S. Roberts, Benjamin R.
Bresse, H. J. Humphrey, Herbert Robinson, Mathew
Bridges, Wm. Hunt, W. Robinson, Nat
Burns, R.B. Hunter, Charles Rock, Earl
Burrington, George Hunter, Harry Rogers, A. L.
Burt, J.A. Hunter, Wm. D. Rogers, H.S.
Buskey, Atone Huntley, - (conductor) Rogers, Henry
Cadieux, Armand Huntington, Elijah Rollins, C. A.
Cantel, Lucius Hurst, Dick Rollins, Burt
Cantel, Nelson B. Hutchins, Lyle Rollins, Frank
Cardwell, F.J. Hutchinson, Gilbert Rollins, Wm.
Carty, George Hutchinson, R. Rollins, W.
Caswell, Ed. Hyatt, Will Roy, Wm.
Caswell, Henry Ives, Robert Royea, Jesse
Camber, John Jenne, Elmer Rowe, Joe
Campbell, W. E. Jenness, Burt E. Rublee, Phil
Carr, Alfred Jock, E. E. Russ, W. W.
Carr, L. D. Johnson, Harry Russell, W.A.
Carr, Frank Johnson, Oscar H. Ryther, W. J.
Carter, Clarence Johnson, R. J. Sanborn, S. R.
Carter, Ed. Johnson, Wm. Sanborn, L.C.
Carter, E. G. Kellaway, Albert Santaw, E.
Cass, Ralph Kelly, Fred S. Sargent, H. E.
Chaffee, Walter Kendall, George Sargent, Maurice
Chaffee, W. S. Kendall, M. H. Sargent, Stanley
Chalifoux, Wm. Kendall, Tom Satulay, E. L.
Chapman, C. H. Kennerson, F. S. Saucier, Henry
Chase, Fred Kennerson, Ai. Dana Savage, E. W.
Chase, Guill Kennerson, W. W. Sawyer, Ernest
Chaput, Joseph Kenison, A. I. Schofield, J. W.
Cheney, Charles Kimball. F. J. Schoolcraft, Marvin
Cin, John Kimball, G. G. Scott, Newton
Clapp, Fred King, Cliff Seguin, Joseph
Clark, Robert King, C. Shattuck, R. V.
Clark, C. Kirk, Harold Shanty, Joseph
Clark, James (MIC) Knapp, Harry Shanty, W. Fred
Clark, James R. Knapp. Robert E. Shearer, Doc
Clesson, C. E, Lacourse, Alfred Shearer, Howard
Cleveland, James Lacourse, Wm. Sheldon, Guy
Clough, Ed. Labounty, Eugene Sheldon, Ernest
Clouthier. Sam E. Labounty, George (bunham) Sheltra, Howard
Cobleigh, A. E. Labounty, Julius Sheltra, N.H.
Coburn, Dan Labounty, Wm. Sheppard, Angus
Coburn, G. Glen Labonte,George A. Shepherd, Welland C.
Coburn, J. Percy Lafarier, Frank Shepherd, G.
Coburn, James Lafond, Napoleon Shover, Homer
Coburn, Raymond Lafrance, E.S. Sisco, Harrison
Coburn, Rodney Lafrance, Wm. Skinner, Roy P.
Coffin, R. F. Lafrance, W. A. Sleeper, L. H.
Coleman, George Lalime, A. P. Smith, Garfield
Comeau, Eusebe Lalime, Napoleon Smith, Enoch
Conley, Ed Lamay, Peter Smith, H.C.
Conors, George Lambert, Joe Smith, Harry J.
Cook, Poli Lamere, Ed. Smith, L.C.
Corbeil, Miles Lamothe, P.S. Smith, Loran
Corey, D. C. Lamothe, Wilbur Smith, Wm. V.
Corey, Richard T. Lamoureaux, Charles B. Snay, Albert
Cote, C. W, Lamoureaux, Oscar Snay, Joe
Cote, Eugene Lamoureaux, Phil Solomon, Herman
Cote, Wm. Lanpher, Harold E. Somers, G. S.
Courteau, Charles C. Lanpher, Walter W. Souliere, O.
Crandall, Austin J. LaPlante, Henry Spaulding, O, M.
Craft, N. L. Laythe, Clayton Spauding, O.O.
Cramer, R. Lawson, Luther Spenser, J.G.
Crawford, Lyle H. Lantagne, J. Alexander Spencer, John
Creaser, Osmond W. Lantagne, Josepj Spencer, Percy
Creaser, Sam Leach, Robert Stark, Herb
Crosby, Harry Leboeuf, Eugene Stephens, Fred
Crosby, R. Leclair, F. E. Stephens, Norman
Croft, Harry G. LeClair, D. Stephens, J.L.
Cummings, C. C. LeClair, F. Stenson, Joe
Cunningham, Ernest Leavitt, Elijah R. Stetson, Dan J.
Cunningham, George Leavitt, H. C. Stevens. Thad
Cunningham, John Leavitt, John L. Stevenson, H.M.
Cunningham, Vivian Lemere. Joe Stewart, Thomas
Currier, J. J. Leonard, L.D. Stockwell, Robert
Cushing, Alfred F. Lepine, Louie Stone, Albert
Cushing, Fred Leroux, Ernest Stone, Diedo
Cusson, Armand J. Lewis, - ( Dingbat) Stone., Frank
Cusson, John B. Libby, C. H. Stone. George
Cusson, R. J. Libby, E. E. Stone, Sheldon
Cyr, R. S. Liggette, J. J. Story, Arthur
Cyr, Joseph Lippens, Alphonse Story, Fred
Daigle, George Lippens, Edmond H. Story, L.W.
Dailey, Roy L. Linquest, Fred St. Peter, Alfred
Daniels. E. J. Lontine, Charles Sweat, Will
Daniels, John Lontine, Ed. Sweet, Arthur
Daniels, Joe Lontine, Leon Tabors, C. E.
Daniels, R. J. Lorimer, Archie Talbot, Leon
Daniels, Dewey Lothrop, Fred B. Taylor, Archie
Damon, Arthur Lyford, Ed. Taylor, Ben H. A.
Damon, Henry Lyman, James M. Taylor, Harry A.
Damon, Joe MacGuire, Wm. Taylor, Robert A.
Davio, Henry MacKay, Ken Tarlton, C. A.
Davidson, David W. MacLeon, C.M. Temple, -
Davis, H. E. MacPherson, N. W. Temple, Robert
Davis, George MacPherson, Wm. Terrien, O.G.
Davis, W. E. Magoon, Fred Thomas, Rex
Day, Clinton A. Magoon, Guy Thompson, James
Day, Van Maillheux, Wm. Thompson, Roy
Dean, Homer Manning, Athol Tiedeman, George
Dean, George Manning, W. J. Toby, Ed
Decker, George Marquis, A. F. Treffrin, Harvey
Decker, L. Arthur Marshal, A. T. Tripp, R. F.
Decker, Louis Martel, Homer Trudell, George I.
Derm, Jack Martin, James Turcotte, Ted
Devens, George Martin, Homer Turner, C. E.
Dilley, George Sr. Martin, Rupert Turner, W. A.
Dodge, Ed. Massey, Frank Vague, Charles
Doran, Benjamin Massey, George Valley, D. D.
Dorman, Clifton Mayo, C. A. Valley, Israel
Dubois, Arthus Mayo, Charles Vancour, Frank
Dubray, Clarence Mayo, Ike Vancour, Wm E.
Ducharme, Ernest McCaffrey, Wm. Vanier, Olin O.
Duffy, Charles McCarty, Charles E. Vanier, Ovide O.
Duncan, Charles McCauley, Parker Vigneault, Ernest
Dundin, Arthur McEwen, John G. Villeneuve, Gene
Dwire, O.E. McKinney, Hiram Vincent, Frank
Eggleston, John McLackinn, W. C. Vitty, C. E.
Elie, Lucien Merrill, Albert Ward, Dennis
Elliot, S. H. Merrill, E. J. Ward, Guy
Eliot, James Milbury, Wm. Ware, Elmer P.
Ellis, Pat Millard, Walter Waldron, Clarence
Ellsworth, Clarence J. Miller, Richard Walker, T.B.
Ennis, Avi Miller, Rufus Walker, Walter W.
Faneuf, H. Mills, Frank Wallace, M.
Farnham, Milo Mizzo, Arthus Watkins, Burt
Farrell, Alvin Mizzo, Elric Webb, B. T.
Fauch, Henry Montievier, Adelord Webb, Homer
Fee, Percival, Mooney, Willie Webster, H.
Findley, Harold Moore, R. Weed, Ivan
Fisher, Arthur Moore, Robert Weeks, -
Fisher, Charles Moore, W. E. Weeks, Ed.
Fisher, Emerson Morehouse, George Weeks, Walter
Fitzpatrick, John Moranville, Wm. Wells, Arthur
Flanders, Ed. Morin, Archie Wells, Frank
Flanders, Lucius Morin, Alfred Wells, Lewis
Flint, K. B. Morin, Arthur West, Arthur
Folsom, Gib Morin, Fred Wheeler, G. A.
Folsom, Joe Morrill, J.F. Wheeler, J. M.
Folsom, L. E. Morrow, J. J. Wheeler, John
Fordice, C. Morse, Amos (section) Whitcomb, Bert
Forrest, E. Morse, George White, W. M.
Fuller, Pa. A. H. Mosher, Benjamin Whitehead, Orin
Foster, George Mosher, George Whitehill, L. J.
Foster, Raymond Mossa, Augustus J. Wilcox, Thad
Foster, Wm. Mossa, Fred Wilkinson, C. D.
Fountain, A. Mossa, Henry Wilson, Booth
Fountain, Archie O. Mossa, James Willey, Quincy
Fountain, Hawley Moulton, - Williams, Donald M.
Frappier, John Mulcahy, John Williamson, Clark James
Gammell, Roy Mullavey, Joe Worth, Wallace
Gard, A. B. Mullavey, John F. Wood, George
Gaskell, James Murdock, Charles Woods, Richard
Gaylor, Percy Murphy, Charles Woodard, M.E.
Gerry, Bernard L. Jr. Murray, Dan Woodard, Royal E.
Gerry, Bernard L. Sr. Neal, J.R. Woodbury, Henry
Gervais, J.C. Neal, W.P. Woodbury, Howard
Gibson, Walter Neal, Wm. Worth, Wm.
Gilman, Earl Nelson, Carlos (Stub) Wright, Cecil
Glover, Lyle Nelson, Clinton Wright, Burt
Glover, M.K. Nelson, F. C. Young, C. Alden

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