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Microfilm of early church records from Lowell, VT Town Clerk's office.
Microfilm available at Middlesex Vital Records office, film F1543 |
(page 3) |
Kellyvale Jan 10, 1816
A confession of faith adopted by the Congregational Church in Kelleyvale
Art. 1st, we believe that there is one God only: an independent spirit though one in sense yet existing in thrice persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. |
Art 2nd, We believe that God created all things of nothing by the word of his power and by his providence overrules them for his own glory. |
Art 3rd, We believe that God made man in his own image upright and made him a moral agent (put) him under a positive law on the trial of his ordinance set him as real and impresentative of all his posterity. Consequence of his disobedience established himself and his posterity ( ? ) an entity with God. |
(page 6) |
Church Covenant |
In a serious and humble sense of our duty to obey the call of Christ in thy gospel when not withstanding our unworthiness to perishing state by nature mercifully invites us to partake of the benefits of the covenant of grace both in the internal and external privileges thereof as we have as we humbly hope obtained help of God we do now solemnly avouch the Lord Jehovah father, son, and Holy Ghost to be our God giving up ourselves to him in the way and on the terms of the covenant of Grace. |
We do also give up ourselves to one another in a covenant never to be forgotten promising in our place to bear testimony against all sin and inequity and by the Grace of God assisting to walk in all the ordinances of the Lord blamelefs. |
(page 7) |
We do also covenant with God and one another to use our indeavours to uphold the order and worship of God in this place subjecting ourselves to the discipline of Christ according to his word which is contained in the scriptures which we take to be the only rule of our faith and practice. |
Thus we covenant with God and ourselves. The following are the names of those who joined the church in this town and (apented) to the articles of faith and the conditions of the foregoing covenant Jan 10, 1816. |
Names of Men |
Estabrook, Hareldus |
# |
Letter |
Woods, Eben[eze]r |
- |
died |
Curtis, Abel |
- |
Names of Women |
Woods, Mary |
letter - |
Curtis, Abigail |
X |
died Nov 1821 |
Curtis, Sarah |
- |
After the above were formed into a church the following were admitted . |
(page 8) Names of Men |
Walker, Horatio |
Jan 16, 1816 |
Wood, Benja[mi]n |
Sept 5th, 1819 |
letter |
# |
Wood, Eben[eneze]r Jr. |
Sept 5th, 1819 |
= |
Buxton, Elijah |
Sept 5th, 1819 |
letter |
# |
Caldwell, James O. |
1824 |
letter |
Metcalf, Geo. S. |
____ letter March 27, 1827 |
# |
Priest, John |
Dec 23, 1827 |
= |
Darson, Jonathan W. |
March 9, 1829 |
------------------- |
X |
Lullsteaff, Moses |
March 9, 1829 |
excommunicated____________________ |
X |
Buxton, Humphrey W. |
March 9, 1829 |
# |
Wood, Samuel N. |
Letter May 8, 183(6) |
Black, Simpson S. |
14 |
Ruth, Reuben L. |
Letter 1838 |
# |
Beedle, Hiram |
Ward, Edwin |
Wood, Horace |
Letter 1838 |
Buxton, Elijah R. |
Harding, John D. |
Letter 1838 |
= |
Harding, Hiram L. |
= |
Harding, William (C.) |
= |
Names of Women |
Harding, Mary |
Jan 11, 1816 |
= |
Caldwell, Jane Charlotte |
Jan 16, 1816 |
# |
Walker, Helotia |
Jan 16, 1818 |
Towle, Elizabeth |
letter July 19, 11818 |
# |
Wood, Bethia |
Sept 5, 1819 |
# |
Wood, Phebe |
Letter 1823 |
= |
Buxton, Polly |
by letter June 22, 1823 |
# |
Caldwell, Anna |
by letter Nov 3, 1825 |
Spalding, Hannah |
by letter Oct 12, 1824 |
# |
Curtis, Abigail |
by letter March 27, 1824 |
Sanborn, Abigail |
by letter 1824 |
= |
Proctor, Irene Sarah |
Letter July 9, 1826 |
Mater, Betsey |
by letter Nov 15, 1827 |
# |
Wood, Sarah Stephens |
# |
New, Rhoda |
letter Oct 9, 1827 |
# |
Rust, Susan Pope |
letter Oct 9, 1827 |
Huy, Comfort F. |
letter Oct 9, 1827 |
= |
Shalding, Hepzibath |
Nov 17, 1827 |
# |
Rust, Mary |
Letter Sep 23, 1827 |
died June 9, 1828 |
+ |
(page 9) |
Hitchcock, Elisha |
1829 |
Hitchcock, Editha |
Recd by letter June 14, 1831 |
Metcalf, David C. |
(Sept 27) |
Dodge, Malachie F. |
by letter Feb 27 |
Dismissed by letter July 1, 1838 |
Smith, Maria |
Nov 13, 18(37) |
Burton, Fanny Jane |
Jan 29, 1832 |
# |
Pagog, John |
letter |
# |
Page, Rhoda |
letter |
# |
Richardson, Augustus |
letter |
Richardson, Olive |
letter |
Reed, Philander |
letter 1832 |
Reed, Electa |
letter |
# |
Huntly, W[illia]m N. |
August 1832 |
= |
Huntly, Priscilla |
August 1832 |
= |
Lamb, Mary |
letter July 6, 1835 |
# |
Lamb, Amanda |
Dec 7, 1832 |
# |
Amil, Seth |
1833 |
? (dis by letter July 4, 1836?) |
Herrick, Josiah A. |
Feb 22, 1835 |
Woods, Benjamin |
Feb 22, 1835 |
Chapin, Thomas |
by letter Feby 22, 1835 from St. Albans clk |
# |
Metcalf, Mrs. Betsey |
Rec by letter from the clerk of Royalton, Vt Oct 2, 1836 |
Dismissed by letter April 14, 1839 |
Powers, Relief |
Mar 29, 1829 |
Lepold, Mary A. |
# |
Brown, Mary Ann |
June 14, |
Hitchcock, Editha |
letter Oct 15, 1837 |
Woods, Rebecca H. |
letter |
# |
Metcalf, Harriet |
Feb 27, 1831 |
Badger, Jane |
Recd by letter June 14, 1831 |
Harding, John D. |
Jan 29, 1832 |
Prophit, James |
Dec 9, 1832 |
Died Sept 1834 |
Charles, Lucinda |
Feber 1835 |
Letter May 8, 1836 |
Woods, Mary A. |
Mar 3, 1835 |
Hitchcock, Mabel Fulpha |
letter March 18, 1838 |
Hitchcock, Patty |
Rust, Betsey |
by letter from Peacham, VT Feby 22, 1835 |
Dodge, Mr. & Mrs. |
Dismissed by letter July 1, 1838 |
Chapin, James |
Dismissed by letter to the church in Swanton |
# these who have received letters to join other churches |
(page 10) |
Names of the Member of the Congregational Church who reside in Lowell, VT, those who are absent on the 19, May 1837. |
Woods, Elmira |
Died |
Curtis, Abel |
Woods, Mary |
Curtis, Sarah |
Walker, Horatio |
absent many years |
# |
Woods, Ebenezer Jr. |
Rust, John |
absent |
# |
Harding, John D. |
Harding, Hiram L. |
Harding, W[illia]m C. |
recommendation by letter May 19, 1839 |
Died at Quincy, (IL) (MA?) Feb 13, 184(4) |
Harding, Mary |
recommendation by letter May 19, 1839 |
Woods, Phebe |
Sanborn, Abigail |
Rust, Susan P. |
absent |
# |
Huggins, Comfort F. |
Metcalf, David C. |
Huntley, W[illia]m H. |
absent |
# |
Huntley, Priscilla |
absent |
# |
Woods, Benjamin |
absent |
letter given Sept 10, 1843 recommend Nafhua |
(page 11) |
Chapin, Thomas |
absent |
# |
Powers, Relief |
Brown, Mary Ann |
absent |
# |
Metcalf, Harriet |
Harding, John |
Rust, Betsey |
absent |
# |
Draper, Almira H. |
by letter from Brandon, VT May 19, 1839 |
dis., recommended to the Church in Brandon Jun 15, 1839 |
# |
Woods, Horace |
Spafford, Abram |
Received by letter July 26, 1840 (Troy?) |
dismissed by letter 1847, (Troy church?) |
Spafford, Sarah |
Received by letter July 26, 1840 (Troy?) |
dismissed by letter 1847, (Troy church?) |
Spafford, Mrs. |
by letter June 8, 1840 |
Spafford, Mr. & Wife |
dismissed by letter July 21, 1843 |
Spafford, Dorcas |
by profession |
Harding, Emily C. |
by profession |
Woods, Samuel N. |
by letter |
Woods, Maryette (K.) |
by letter |
Woods, Mr. & Wife |
dismissed by letter Feby 21, 1843 (or 1845?) |
Woods, Philura K. |
by letter |
letter given to 2 Con Church Nashua 1844 |
Spaulding, Jefse |
July 5, 1840 |
died Aug 1st 1840 |
Spaulding, Zilpha |
Aug 30, 1840 |
letter to Worcester July 26, 1847 |
Spafford, Isaac |
letter |
Harding, Lorenzo Harvey |
letter |
(page 12) |
May 27, 1845 The names of those members which now live in town and belong to the Congregational Church are: |
Curtis, Abel |
Curtis, Sarah |
Harding, John |
Harding, Mary |
Harding, J. D. |
Harding, Emily C. |
Harding, H. L. |
Woods, Ebenezer |
Woods, Phebe |
Woods, Mary |
Metcalf, D. C. |
Metcalf, Harriet |
Streeter, (Elizabeth) |
by profession Oct 19, 1845 |
Parim(inter), Joseph C. |
October 4, 1846 |
Parm(inter), Irena D. |
October 4, 1846 |
Kelton, Arminda B. |
October 4, 1846 |
(page 13) |
The new Bapt of members of the church in Lowell |
Metcalf, Mrs. Betsey (W.) |
Received by letter Jany 185(9) |
Join the Presbyterian Church in (Nowalt), Ohio in letter she had received to join the church in Waitsfield was returned to this church. Letter dated Jany 1859 (_________) |
(pages 14 & 15 blank, skips to page 20 blank) |
(page 21) |
Congregational Church in Kellyvale was formed Jun 10, 1816, by the Revr. Nathaniel Rawson of Hardwick and the Revr. James Parker of Enosburgh. |
The Church met Jan 11th, 1816 and made choice of the following persons for officers. |
(viz) Revr. Nathaniel Rawson |
Moderator |
Curtis, Abel |
Clerk |
Estabrook, Hareldus |
Moderator in the absence of Revr. Nat. Rawson |
Attest: A. Curtis clerk |
June 21, 1815 the ordinance of the Lords Supper administered by Revd James Parker of Enosburgh |
Sept 5th 1819 The ordinance of the Lords Supper administered by Revd Solomon Aiken of Greensboro |
Nov 1819 Agreeable and according to a request from Chs Bailey, Del of the Church in Hardwick and (Aa)ron Farnham Del of the Church in Greensboro to the Church in Kellyvale the s[ai]d church appointed Abel Curtis to meet with other delegates to act on the subject of cons(ou)ation on the first Tuesday in October 1819. A. C. clerk |
According to request the Church met on the 29th Dec 1819. Made choice of Horatio Walker, Moderator and appointed Dea. C. Woods & Abel Curtis to meet with the delegates. at an adjourned meeting (?) |
(page 22) |
of the convention at Hardwick. |
To meet at Greensboro on the 2nd Tuesday of Jan 1820 on the subject of (consouation).
Unamiously agreed to the articles of (consouation). A. Curtis clerk |
June 4th 1821 The Church appointed Dea. Ebenz Wood & Abel Curtis as delegates to meet at Craftsbury in (consoi)ation on the 3rd Sunday in the month. A. Curtis clerk |
March 18th 1822 the ordinances of the Lord's supper administered by Rev. James Parker |
Jan 12th, 1823 the church met and chose Brother Elijah Buxton & Br. Ebenezer Woods Jr. as delegates to attend (Conseuation) at Troy on 3 Tuesday of January instant. |
Voted to invite the Revd James Parker to take the pastoral charge of this church for one year commencing this January.
A. C. Clerk |
Rev. James Parker accepting the invitation above. |
(page 23) |
March 16th 1823 the ordinance of the Lords supper administered by the Rev. James Parker Attest: Abel C. Curtis clerk |
July 27th, 1823 ordinance administered A. C. Clerk |
January 1824 voted to have a church conference or church meeting ______in 2 months to wit, on the first Monday of March, Mary, July, Sept, November & January - until other regulations are adopted for the purpose of reading the covenant ( )lude of faith in order (th____ly) that our covenant might be renewed and also if any person has a desire to give in their relation or religious experience so they may have a covenant opportunity. A. C. clerk |
April 24th, 1824 The instrument of the Lords supper administered by Rev. James Parker. |
Aug 8th, 1824, the ordinance of the Lords supper administered by Revd James Parker. |
Jany 15, 1825 Chose Elijah Buxton & Abel Curtis as delegates to attend (consou)ation at Brownington the third Tuesday of Jany inst. |
The sacraments of the Lords supper administered on Jan 1824 or 5, and in March 1825 [neglected- to be inserted at the time] |
(page 24) |
AD 1825 The sacrament of the Lord's supper administered July 17th by Rev. James Parker. |
Chose Abel Curtis & Ebenz Woods Jr. as delegates to attend con(sau)ation at Irasburgh on third Tuesday of June 1825. |
Sept 18th, 1825 The sacraments of the Lord's supper administered by Rev. James Parker A. Curtis clerk |
June ( ) 1826 chose Abel Curtis and Elijah Buxton delegates to attend con(saua)tion at Westfield on third Tuesday inst. A. C. clerk |
The ordinance of the Lords supper administered by Rev. Silas Lamb July 9th, 1826 A. C. Clerk |
The ordinance of the Lords supper administered by Rev. Silas Lamb Jany 28th, 1827 A. C. Clerk |
(page 25) |
The ordinance of the Lords supper administered by Rev. Silas Lamb J(une) 15th 1827 A. C. clerk |
Voted the first Monday in May that the Rev. Silas Lamb to be invited to act as and consider himself the moderator and that he has ___________________made one time to of the time, within _____________m_____________ May 1827 A. C. clerk |
The sacrament of the Lords supper administered. |
The sacrament of the Lords supper administered Nov 17, 1827 by Rev. S. Lamb |
The sacrament of the Lords supper administered Aug 23, 1828 by Rev. S. Lamb |
Sacraments of the Lords supper administered March 29, 1829 by Rev. S. Lamb |
(page 26) |
Sacrament of the Lords supper administered by Rev. S. Lamb June 16, 1829 |
Sacrament of the Lords supper administered by Rev. S. Lamb |
Sacrament administered Sept 26, 1830 by Rev. S. Lamb |
Sacrament administered (Feb) 27, 1831 by Rev. S. Lamb |
October 7, 1831AD To the Church of Christ in Kellyvale.
Dear bretherin in the course of events I (have) grieved with the conduct of Moses L. Metcalf. I have ( ied) the course of discipline pointed out by the Savier in Math. 18. Have gained no satisfaction, I now tell it to the church that after due examination we may be guided in the way of Christian duty. |
1. I charge Brother Moses L. Metcalf of profane swearing. |
2. Neglect of publick worship and absenting himself from the communion of the church |
(page 27) |
3. Of neglecting family prayers |
Reubin T. Rust |
Kelly Oct 7, 1831
At a meeting duly held the above charges were presented to the Church against Mr. Moses L. Metcalf. The Church voted the charges all supported voted that Mr. Moses L. Metcalf be excommunicated from the Church. Abel Curtis clerk |
Sacramental season Nov 13, 1831 administered Rev. S. Lamb |
Sacramental season Jan 29, 1832 Rev. S. Lamb administrator |
Sacramental season August 1832 Rev. S. Lamb administrator |
(page 28) |
To Brother Moses Littlecalf: Dear Brother with feelings of deep regret we now address you on the all important subject of our spiritual welfare. Your walk has been such that is has been a grief to us to dishonor to the cause of religion for a long time, we have watched over you with tender saliutude. We have reproved, admonished and warned you, we believe with Christian tenderness and prayer fed anxiety that you might see and forsake your wanderings and return to your duty and the enjoyment of religion. But all our exertions proving abortive, your case has been brought before the church agreeable to the direction of our savior and the usages of the church to which you paid no attention which gives us fearful reason to believe that you have lost all feeling on the subject of religion-- |
(page 29) |
and constrain us to take the course we have perceived though painful to the extreme.
You have been charged with profane swearing and with violating your covenant vows by neglecting to meet with the church and with neglect of family religion. All which charges were supported by satisfactory evidence and the church have withdrawn all Christian fellowship from you, and we do now admonish you and entreat you by all the tender mercies of God and the value of your immortal soul, to repent of your wickedness and return to your duty. Remember dear Brother that you must soon stand at the Bar of God and give account of your self to the Judge of all, to him who died to save you. Oh, what will you do in that solemn day - we assure you the church will be ready with open arms to receive you when evidence of your (humitonce) shall be given and we see your following the meek and lowly Saviour and now we bid you farewell -- |
(page 30) |
praying that your soul may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.
By order of the Church Silas Lamb, Moderator
Kellyvale Nov 6th, 1831 True Copy A. Curtis, Clerk
Sacramental season Dec 9th, 1832 Rev. L. Lamb, Administrator |
AD 1833 March 25th, Church met agreeably to appointment and chose Abel Curtis, Moderator and Clerk |
April 12th Church met and voted M. F. Dodge, E. Woods & J. Harding to inquire into subject of a Brothers selling (bad lasts?) voted the church meet in Monday 5th at 2 o'clock to choose deacons. |
April 14th, Sacrament administered by Rev. Phineas Barclay. A. C. Clerk |
(page 31) |
April 15th church for the purpose of choosing deacons and in order to choose Rev. P. Bayley Moderator protem
J. Page scribe protem.
James O. Caldwell |
Resolved that we will attend the monthly concert of prayer meetings in preference to worldly concerns.
Resolved that we will cautiously guard against all worldly conversations on the Sabbath, and reprove the same in others.
Abel Curtis, Clerk |
May 12, 1833 Voted a letter of recommendation to Mrs. Mary Smith |
June 29th, 1834 Sacramental season, Rev. Reuben Mason, Administrator |
(page 32) |
The sacrament of the Lords supper administered in the time of protracted meeting in Sept 1834 by Rev. Elihu Baxter |
Rev. Jonathan L(amson) ( ) his labours for half the ( ) one year in the Spring of 1834. |
The sacrament of the Lords supper administered July 22, 1835 by Rev. Twilight |
The sacrament of the Lords supper 1836 by Rev. Lyman (Case) |
The sacrament of the Lords supper 1837 by Rev. Lyman (Case) |
Sept 1837 Voted that Rev. Lyman (Case) suspend his labors after the 1st Sabbath in Oct 1837 |
Oct 15, chose Abel Curtis, E. Wood (Jr.?) and E. Hitchcock as delegates to attend the conference of Churches at Greensboro on 17 & 18 April (Edthar Rust. have Neth????) |
(page 33) |
Lowell, Vt Oct 15, 1835
I charge Brother Jonathan Powers 1st neglect of family prayer 2 intoxication 3 breach of the Sabbath
Reuben T. Rust |
I have endeavored to perform the duty ingrained on me by the Gospel by informing Brother Powers of his faith between me and him alone and afterwards to wit on the 19th day of October M(rs.) and I took Brother Dodge with me and in neither instance gained |
any satisfaction , I now call it to the church. Oct 21, 1835 Reuben F. Rust |
A church meeting was held on the 21st of Oct 1835 to act on the above complaint and voted the charges supported by competent witness and adjourned until the 24th inst. A. Curtis, Clerk |
24th Church meeting adjourned until the 30th Oct. A. C. Clerk |
(page 34) |
Oct 30 Church meeting opened and recd a communication in writing which was not fully satisfactory & the church voted to suspend Brother Jonathan W. Powers from the Church until he make certain satisfaction to the church. Abel Curtis Moderator & clerk |
March 8, 1835 Brother Jonathan W. Powers was presented with a written admonition but he heeded it not and on the 30 of Nov. 1836 a church meeting was held on to further consider the subject Brother Davis was (mostly/prosinty) ( ) but discovered no disposition to return to the church but by the request of Rev. Lyman Carr that he might have a personal interview alone with him, the meeting was adjourned to the 24th Dec in the evening. Abel Curtis clerk |
Dec 24, 1836 The Church met agreeable to appointment or adjournment and voted that Brother Jonathan W. Powers be excommunicated from the church. Abel Curtis clerk (note - See page 47) |
(page 35) |
A record of the names of persons who are Baptized in Kellyvale, by whom. |
1815 Abel Wilder, son of Harildus & Nabby Estabrook Dec 23, 1815 by Rev. Nathaniel Rawson, Hardwick |
1816 Mary the wife of John Harding and John Dana, Alpheus Franklin and Hiram Lyman the children of John & Mary Harding by Rev. James Parker of Enosburgh. |
Emily & Mark, the children of Abel & Sarah Curtis, also Nancy, Emiline, Helotia Norris and Sarah, the children of Horatio & Helotia Walker June 16, by Rev. James Parker of Enosburgh. |
John Godfrey & Horace the children of Horatio & Helotia Walker, also W[illia]m Coldwell, son of John and Mary Harding, June 18th, 1818 by Rev. James Parker |
Names of persons |
date |
by whom |
Baptized & family |
1818 |
William Caldwell child of John Harding |
Rev. James Parker |
John (Godfrey) [crossed out ] |
children of (Ha c) Walker |
Rev. James Parker |
Betsey, Sally and Zeviah, children of John Towle |
July 19th |
Rev. James Parker |
(page 35) |
Fanny Jane & Charlotte Caldwell of the family of Elijah & Polly Buxton |
Sept 5, 1819 |
Rev. Solomon Aiken |
Edwin, Horace, Mary Ann & Benjamin Taylor, of the family of Ebenz. J. & Phebe Woods |
Sept 5, 1819 |
Rev. Solomon Aiken |
Abijah son of John & Mary Harding |
June 1820 |
Rev. James Parker |
Alfred son of Horatio & Zelotia Walker |
June 1820 |
Rev. James Parker |
Royal Burns son of Elijah & Polly Buxton |
April 21, 1822 |
Rev. James Parker |
Sarah Charlotte daughter of Varnum & Hannah Spalding |
Feb 16, 1823 |
Rev. James Parker |
Lucy daughter of Ebenezer & Phebe Woods |
March 16, 1823 |
Rev. James Parker |
(page 36) |
(Don) Brigham of the family of Abel & Sarah Curtis |
July 27, 1823 |
Rev. James Parker |
William son of James O. & Anna Coldwell |
Jany 11th, 1824 |
Rev. James Parker |
James Parker son of Elij & Sally Burton |
August (1st) 1824 |
Rev. James Parker |
Charles & Augustus sons of James O. & Anna Caldwell |
August 28, 1825 |
Rev. James Parker |
Rhoda daughter of John & Mary Harding |
July 31st, 1825 |
Rev. James Parker |
Irene S. Proctor |
July 9, 1826 |
Rev. Silas Lamb |
Charles son of Abel & Sarah Curtis |
July 9, 1826 |
Rev. Silas Lamb |
(page 37) |
Jonathan Kimball son of Ebenez[er] & Phebe Woods |
July 9, 1826 |
Rev. Silas Lamb |
James Caldwell son of Oremel and L. Charlotte Farnam |
July 9th, 1826 |
Rev. Silas Lamb |
George S. Metcalf and his wife Polly |
April 15, 1827 |
Rev. Silas Lamb |
Sarah Stephens the wife of Benjamin Woods Jr. and his three children, Sarah Stephens, Charles Ingals & Moses (Hun)tly |
Oct 7th, 1827 |
Rev. S. Lamb |
Rhoda the wife of Abijah Reed |
Oct 7, 1827 |
Rev. S. Lamb |
Eunice an adopted child of Geo. S. & Betsey Metcalf |
Oct 7, 1827 |
Rev. S. Lamb |
(page 38) |
The household of Wm & Comfort Huggins |
Nov 18, 1827 |
Rev. S. Lamb |
Gardner a child of John & Mary Harding |
Dec 25, [1827] |
Rev. S. Lamb |
(Emilia) child of James O. & Anna Caldwell |
Jan 26, 1828 |
Rev. S. Lamb |
Charles S., Rebecca Harriet, Lucretia, Sally, Emily, Lydia, the household of Jonathan W. and Relief Powers |
March 29, 1829 |
Rev. S. Lamb |
(page 39) |
Benjamin Taylor son of Benj & Sally Woods |
June 7th, 1829 |
Rev. S. Lamb |
Philip Wyman son of Oramel & Charlotte Farnam |
June 7, 1829 |
Rev. S. Lamb |
Simson Stewart Black
Reuben [C?]owle Burt
Hiram A. Beedle
& Mary Ann Brown |
Baptized June 14th, 1829 |
Rev. S. Lamb |
Leonard & Silas children of Robert and Mary Ann Brown |
June 14, 1829 |
Rev. S. Lamb |
Obadiah James son of Silas and Amanda Lamb |
June 14th, 1829 |
Rev. S. Lamb |
Irene daughter of James O. and Anna Caldwell |
Nov 8, 1829 |
Rev. S. Lamb |
(page 40) |
Harriet Metcalf & Hannah Jane her daughter |
Feby 27, 1831 |
Rev. S. Lamb |
Orimel son of J. C. Farman |
Feby 27, 1831 |
Rev. S. Lamb |
Maria Smith |
Nov 13, 1831 |
Rev. S. Lamb |
John Harding |
Jany 29th, 1832 |
Rev. S. Lamb |
Fanny Jane (Buxton?) [crossed out] |
Emiline Amanda child of Malachi F. and Jane Dodge |
Decr 8th, 1832 |
Rev. S. Lamb |
Edward Dana son of John Dana and Emily C. Harding |
Apr 14, 1833 |
by Phs Bailey |
James Parker son of W. H. & Priscilla Huntley |
June 29th, 1834 |
rec by Reubin Mason |
El(ean) Burt son of Reuben T. and Editha Burt |
June 29th, 1834 |
rec by Reubin Mason |
(page 41) |
Baptized Jonah A. Herick |
July 22, 1835 |
Mrs. Lucinda, Charles, Almira, John Warren, Loisa, Otis Willard children of Pelatiah & Lucinda Charles |
Rev. Twilight |
Samuel the son of D. C. Metcalf & Harriet Metcalf |
Aug 7th, 1836 |
by Rev. Lyman Case |
Dorcas Spafford |
June 8, 1840 |
by Rev R. Mason |
Jefse Shaw Wing and his daughter Roxana Kindal |
July 5, 1840 |
by Rev. R. Mason |
Zilpha wife of (Jefse) Spaulding |
Aug 30, 1840 |
by Rev. R. Mason |
Sabra Lucy--Gilbert |
baptized May 4th, 1845 |
by Rev. E. R. Kelsy (or Kelby) |
(page 42, 43, 44, 45 & 46 blank) |
(page 47) |
Sacrament administered by Rev. ( ) in 1839 and in the winter of 1840.
Sacrament administered by Rev. Mason June 7th, 1840 |
Sacrament administered on an extra occasion at Jefse Shaw Wings he wishing to join the church and partake the sacrament and be Baptized thinking that he might not live long and the Church received him and granted his request. July 5, 1840
Rev. R. Mason |
Sacrament administered by Rev. R. Mason Aug 30th, 1840
March 1842, Sacrament administered by Mr. Mason
1844 Sacrament administered by Rev. E. R. Kelley
July 13, 1845 Sacrament administered by Rev. E. R. Kelley |
(page 48) |
Lowell Jany 12, 1845
A labour was taken up with Moses Spafford for exhibiting unchristian conduct and feeling and hard speaking toward his Father in not letting temporal affairs peaceably - and for letting different stories about a b(iekirn) claimed by J. Huston. By Abel Curtis |
The last charge was dismissed as there was no proof. After adjourning the Church meeting several times on the subject on the 14th Feby Brother Spofford voluntarily confefsed himself in the wrong and on the 20th the Church met and voted satisfied and voted to give him and his wife a letter of recommendation. Abel Curtis, scribe |
Nov 30, 1844 A like complaint was presented to the Church against Abram Spafford for unchristian conduct and hard churches against Moses & c. After many adjournments and a long protracted delay the complaint was withdrawn. Abel Curtis, scribe |
(page 49) |
on the 30 day of November 1844 the Church met together in Church Meeting and voted unanimous, excepting one individual, to adopt the articles of Faith and Covenant of Troy Church, N. York as printed in small pamphlet in A. D. 1835. In this meeting Rev. E. R. Kilby was requested to act as moderator. A. Curtis, Scribe |
I find this date November 30th, 1844 that since the organization of this Church (1816) there has been enrolled as members 89 persons. 40 males and 49 females, two within that period have been excommunicated. |
15 have died, 4 males and 11 females
14 members at the above date reside in town
6 males and 8 females |
The sacraments of the Lords supper has been administered 38 times and there has been 85 persons baptized. The names of the persons present and voting for the adoption of the new or Troy articles of Faith and Covenant are as follows - see next page. |
(page 50) |
Nov 30, 1844 |
G. List |
for 1844 & 5 |
Curtis, Abel |
23(y?) |
Woods, Mary |
Curtis, Sarah |
Woods, Eben[eze]r |
300 |
Harding, John L. |
7.70 |
Woods, Phebe |
Huggins, Comfort |
dismissed by letter Dec 30th, 184(9) |
Metcalf, Harriet |
Harding, John |
5.00 |
Harding, Emily C. |
Metcalf, David C. |
3.08 |
Harding, Mary |
Died April 27, 1848 |
Harding, H. L. |
7.32 |
(Str)eeter, Elizabeth |
Recd by ( ) 1845 |
dismissed Nov 15, 1847 |
Parminter, Joseph C. |
October 4, 1846 |
Parminter, Irena D. |
October 4, 1846 |
Kelton, Arminda B. |
October 4, 1846 |
Sacrament administered by Rev. J. D. Hills, Oct 4, 1846 |
August 5th, 1849 Church met and voted to give Rev. J. Will(iamson) a call to settle with us as our minister. A. Curtis clerk |
(page 51) |
Church met Sept 13th, 1849. Church voted to appoint Wednesday the 3rd of October next a day for the Installation of Rev. J. Wellman as Pastor over the said Church and Society should a Society be formed in connection with the Church as contemplated the Society agreeing there to. |
Said Church having first enjoyed a season of prayer for divine aid and direction and blefsing. A. Curtis, clerk |
Abel Curtis and John Harding chosen a committee to present Rev. J. Wellman a call to be come our Pastor & guide a Society being formed as contemplated about the 17th day of Oct is agreed upon for the Installation. A. Curtis, Clerk |
May 31, 1850
The Church met and made choice of Abel Curtis Agent to negotiate the business related to buying or selling out the _____ of the meeting house District. A. Curtis, Scribe |